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Annual Postgraduate Forum Conference 23.05.2024

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Disobedience, Rebellion and Mischief


Panel 1: Early Modern Mischief

9:00 - 10:00

- Harriet Palin, Newcastle University, “Parents groans over their wicked children” or How to drive your Parents Mad and Suffer the Consequences in Early Modern England.

- Chantal Berry, University of York, Soundscapes of Disorder in Earls Colne, Essex 1570-1680.

- Scarlet Stevens, University of York, Reading "Bookes Of Love": Romances And Seventeenth Century Women's Reading Pleasure.


Break 10:00-10:15


Panel 2: Reconstructing Remarkable Women

10:15 - 11:15

- Meghmala Bhattacharya, Northumbria University, Betrayal, Hoodwink and Deception: The Friendships of Bengali Women Revolutionaries (1928-1934).

- Abby Hammond, Northumbria University, A Lady of the Most Exemplary Life’: The Life, Death, and Memorialisation of Dame Jane Clavering.

- Holly Boyd-Gill, University of Edinburgh, Celebrity Biopics as Adaptations: The Memorialised Cultural Gesture of Marilyn Monroe.


Break 11:15-11:30


Panel 3: Voices Against the Authority


- Ally Keane, Newcastle University, ‘It became a symbol of my incapacity and I hated it’: User Resistance of High-Technology Augmentative and Alternative Communication, c.1970-present.

- Bernardo Carvalho de Mello, Newcastle University, Voices of Defiance: Global South Narratives of Rebellion in International Human Rights Law.

- Ceren Senturk, Newcastle University, Collage as a Catalyst for Dialogue in Contested Spaces.


Lunch Break 12:30-14:30

+ Poster Competition


Panel 4: Deciphering Diverging Legacies


- Lewis Kimberley, Northumbria University, White Supremacist, Klansman, Martyr?: Jim Hadnot in Fact and Fabrication.

- Steve Kendall, Newcastle University, The Franks Casket: talking to a whalebone box about poetry.

- Roberto Di Tuccio, Durham University, “We Want Sex”: Rebel Hetairai in Lucian’s Dialogues of the Courtesans.


Post-conference discussion 15:30-17:00

+ Light refreshments


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