Staff Profile
Dr Carlos Calderon
Senior Lecturer; Degree Programme Director of MRes in Urban Energy, Technology and Policy; Senior Tutor (Architecture)
- Address: School of Architecture Planning and Landscape
The Quadrangle
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a senior lecturer (associate professor in North America) in the School of Architecture at Newcastle University. I am a qualified Civil engineer with a PhD in applied computer science.
My research interests lie at the intersection of the built environment and computation around three main areas: energy and carbon modelling in buildings, communities and cities; smart materials and environments; and intelligent systems and digital design.
I am actively working with local authorities, policy makers, modellers and technologists on transitioning cities building stock and communities towards a secure, clean, and affordable energy future. I have done extensive work in Newcastle upon Tyne.
A full C.V. can be found in ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) and LinkedIn profile
Completed Certificate of Academic Practice at Newcastle University (UK)
PhD in applied computing at Teesside University (UK)
Civil/Structural Engineering at Madrid University (Spain)
Previous Positions
Present-Aug 03 Lecturer. Newcastle University. School of Architecture. –UK
March 07-Sep07 Visiting Scholar. Harvard University. Graduate School of design -USA
Jan04 Visiting Lecturer. Hong Kong City University, School of Computing. –Hong Kong-
Jul 03-Oct 01 Lecturer. Teesside University. School of Computing. –UK-
Jul 03-Jul 02 Scientist and deputy project coordinator of ALTERNE project (IST-38575) Teesside University. School of Computing. –UK-
Oct01-Oct 98 Research Engineer. Teesside University. School of Science and Technology. –UK-
May02 Visiting Investigator. University of Paris 1. –France-
April 01-Oct 00 Visiting Investigator. Virtual System Laboratory, Gifu University.–Japan-
Sep 98-Jul 98 Graduate Engineer. Cheshire Engineering Consultancy. –UK-
Specialised Translator. Baker Wilkins & Smith (BWS).–UK-.
Oct 97-May 97 Junior Engineer, N.E.C.S.O Entrecanales y Cubiertas.–Spain-
May 97-Jun 96 Assistant manager, FE Y ALEGRIA (South American Non-profit Organisation).–Spain-
Member of the Spanish Institute of Civil Engineers. Number: 14004.
Senior Fellow of the Higher Eduction Academy.
I do welcome PhD applications in areas related to my research projects and interests.
Examples of past research projects:
- Modelling the effects of household practices on heating energy consumption in social housing. PhD student: Macarena Rodriguez. It is a collaborative project with Your Homes Newcastle (YHN) and Newcastle City Council.
- Spatial energy infrastructure planning for cities's sustained development. PhD student: Javier Urquizo. It is a collaborative project with Newcastle City Council
- Decentralised energy: willingness to opt-in. Paul Hunt, Adam Price, Andrew Hird
- Thermo-Electric (TE) air conditioning module as a reversible space heating and cooling system for buildings. PhD student: Cheng Wang
- Energy Path Network, Newcastle City Council's output verification. Prof Chris Underwood and Dr Jialiang Yi
Research Interests:
Energy and Carbon in Cities, Communities, and Buildings
- Artificial Intelligence for domestic decarbonisation
- Modelling domestic heat electrification
- Causal Modelling used to describe / predict relationships in physical systems
- Modelling and Simulations: What-if scenarios
- Modelling and Model development as to understand retrofit of infrastructure in cities
Smart Materials and Environments
- Design methods and techniques to enable the application of smart materials and environments in architectural and urban settings.
- Design conceptualisation ICTs for requirement engineering & ideation .
- Human factors Engineering ICTs to gather and model data describing the behaviour of end users/energy consumers
Intelligent systems and Digital Design
- Visual / spatial design ICTs
- Application of Artificial Intelligence techniques to the resolution of complex spatial problems
- Navigational methods in 3D synthetic spatial environment
Esteem indicators:
MEP-Scientist pairing scheme 2015 European Parliament (Brussels, Belgium)
Research Fellowships:
University of Paris (France)
Virtual Systems Laboratory (Japan)
Graduate School of Design at Harvard University (USA)
Visiting Lecturer at Hong Kong City University, School of Computing (China)
Selected for the EPRSC Design in the Built Environment network
Book reviewer:
Routledge/EarthScan (
Blackwell publishers ( ).
Journal Reviewer:
Energy Research and Social Science
Climate Change
Sustainable Cities and Society
Presence, MIT Press.
Architecture Research Quaterly
ITCom journal
Interacting with Computers
Journal Editorial Board:
Informes de la construccion.
External PhD examiner:
Mr Arash Jalalian for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Newcastle University Australia, August 2012
Grant Reviewer
- European Commission. DG Connect.
Research call evaluator and grant panel member for FP7 (ICT 2013-10. Objective 8.1. 32 Million Euro. Minimum 40% IPs and 30 % Streps) and Horizon 2020 (ICT Horizon 2020 2014-1. ICT18. 14 Million Euro.) (ICT Horizon 2020 ICT19a) calls .
Reviewer and panel member. Energy management in non-domestic buildings (3 Million Pounds).
- The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Netherlands Research Council.
Reviewer. Uncertainty Reduction in Smart Energy Systems. 6.5 Million Euro.
Reviewer. Future Research Leaders.
- National Research Promotion Foundation
- American University in Dubai
Project reviewer for FP7:
Monitor implementation actions:
-IdeaGarden. ICT-2013. Objective 8.1: Technologies and scientific foundations in the field of creativity
-Creatif. ICT-2013. Objective 8.1: Technologies and scientific foundations in the field of creativity
Conference Reviewer:
CAAD futures
Funded research:
£48850.72 Evaluation of EnergyPath Network Outputs in Newcastle upon Tyne. Energy Technology Institute, UK (Loughborough, United Kingdom) 2018-07 to 2019-101 | Contract Ref: ESC/17/3
CityKeys European Commission (Brussels, Belgium2015-02 to 2017-01
£47,595 PhD studentship on spatial urban energy modelling (2012). In kind contributions from Cambridge Architecture Research and Your Homes Newcastle.
£9,281 EPSRC (2007). Advanced Computing Techniques in the areas of: interactive spatial environments; biomimetic generative methods and motion graphics.
£500 Royal Academy of Engineering (2007). Visit to Harvard University, Graduate School of Design.
Undergraduate Teaching
ARC3019 Dissertation Studies
ARC 3020 Introduction to Architecture (part of stage 3 in Civil and Structural Engineering)
Postgraduate Teaching
ARC 8051 Tools for Thinking about Architecture
- Calderon C, Aguilar Cardenas M, Aoun J. Quantifying Peak Heat Demand in Neighbourhoods: A UBEM Approach and Its Implications for Residential Heating Electrification in the UK—A Case Study of Newcastle upon Tyne. Energy and Buildings 2024, 321, 114609.
- Apostolopoulou A, Wilson A, Boyd A, Calderon C, Cavazzi S, Jimenez-Bescos C. Estimation of Urban Surroundings Impact on Urban Building Energy Modelling: A Case Study for the Residential Stock in Nottingham, UK. Energy Reports 2024. Submitted.
- Zhu Mingy, Calderon Carlos, Ford Alistair, Robson Craig. Digital Twin for Resilience and Sustainability Assessment of Port Facility. Advanced Engineering Informatics 2024. Submitted.
- Urquizo J, Calderon C, James P. Modelling the spatial energy diversity in sub-city areas using remote sensors. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 2019, 22, 61-80.
- Calderon C, Underwood C, Yi J, Mcloughlin A, Williams B. An area-based modelling approach for planning heating electrification. Energy Policy 2019, 131, 262-280.
- Urquizo J, Calderón C, James P. Understanding the complexities of domestic energy reductions in cities: Integrating data sets generally available in the United Kingdom's local authorities. Cities 2018, 74, 292-309.
- Urquizo J, Calderon C, James P. Modelling household spatial energy intensity consumption patters for building envelopes, heating systems and temperature controls in cities. Applied Energy 2018, 226, 670-681.
- Calderon C, Rodriguez M. Effects of fabric retrofit insulation in a UK high-rise social housing building on temperature take-back. Energy and Buildings 2018, 173, 470-488.
- Urquizo J, Calderón C, James P. Using a Local Framework Combining Principal Component Regression and Monte Carlo Simulation for Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of a Domestic Energy Model in Sub-City Areas. Energies 2017, 10(12), 1986.
- Urquizo J, Calderon C, James P. Metrics of urban morphology and their impact on energy consumption: A case study in the United Kingdom. Energy Research & Social Science 2017, 32, 193-206.
- Wang C, Calderon C, Wang Y. An experimental study of a thermoelectric heat exchange module for domestic space heating. Energy and Buildings 2017, 145, 1-21.
- Calderon C, James P, Urquizo J, McLoughlin A. A GIS domestic building framework to estimate energy end-use demand in UK sub-city areas. Energy and Buildings 2015, 96, 236-250.
- Calderon C, Rodriguez M. Modelling Approaches for Retrofitting Energy Systems in Cities: Current Practice and Future Challenges in Newcastle upon Tyne. Urban Planning International = Guoji chengshi guihua 2014, 29(2), 13-21.
- Rodriguez M, Calderon C. Modelling approaches for retrofitting energy systems in cities: current practice and future challenges in Newcastle upon Tyne. disP: the Planning Review 2014, 50(3), 76-89.
- Calderon C, Keirstead J. Modelling frameworks for delivering low carbon cities: advocating a normalised practice. Building Research and Information 2012, 40(4), 504-517.
- Keirstead J, Calderon C. Capturing spatial effects, technology interactions, and uncertainty in urban energy and carbon models: Retrofitting Newcastle as a case-study. Energy Policy 2012, 46, 253-267.
- Calderon C. Extending Interactive 3D Graphics Technologies. Journal of Kyoryo and Toshi Project 2008, 44(1).
- Calderon C, Nyman K, Worley N. The Architectural Cinematographer: creating architectural experiences in 3D real-time environments. International Journal of Architectural Computing 2006, 4(4), 71-90.
- Calderon C, Worley N, Nyman K. Spatial cinematic mediation in real-time architectural walkthroughs. Journal of Information Technology in Construction 2006, 11, 343-360.
- Calderon C, Cavazza M, Diaz D. CLP a technology for the interactive resolution of spatial configuration tasks in a virtual environment. Journal of Information Technology in Construction 2006, 11, 325-341.
- Lozano M, Calderon C. Virtual classic and intelligent three dimensional environments: Toward a new framework of simulation for three dimensional graphical interactive applications. Inteligencia Artificial 2004, 8(23), 85-3.
- Lozano M, Calderon C. Entornos virtuales 3D clásicos e inteligentes: hacia un nuevo marco de simulación para aplicaciones gráficas 3D interactivas. Inteligencia Artificial 2004, 8(23), 85-94.
- Flynn D, van Schaik P, Blackman T, Fencott PC, Hobbs B, Calderon C. Developing a Virtual Reality–Based Methodology for People with Dementia: A Feasibility Study. Journal of CyberPsychology and Behavior 2003, 6(6), 591-611.
Authored Books
- Calderon C. Interactive Architecture Design. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University, 2009.
- Calderon C. Intelligent Virtual Environments: a new approach to interactively solve spatial configuration tasks [PhD Thesis]. School of Science and Technology, University of Teesside, 2002.
Book Chapter
- Calderon C. A Methodology for Interactive Architecture. In: Gu, N., Wang, X, ed. Computational Design Methods and Technologies: Applications in CAD, CAM and CAE Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2012, pp.274-298.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Apostolopoulou A, Wilson R, Boyd D, Calderon C, Cavazzi S, Jimenez-Bescos C. Impact of Terrain on Urban Building Energy Modelling: A Case Study in Nottingham, UK . In: 19th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES). 2024, Rome, Italy.
- Apostolopoulou A, Jimenez-Bescos C, Calderon C, Wilson R, Boyd D, Cavazzi S. Assessing Urban Building Energy Demand in Future Climate Scenarios: A Case Study in Nottingham,UK. In: 21st International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET 2024). 2024, Shanghai, China.
- Apostolopoulou A, Boyd D, Calderon C, Cavazzi S, Jimenez-Bescos C, Wilson R. Evaluating the Influence of Program Type Building Parameters on UBEM: A Case Study for the Residential Stock in Nottingham, UK. In: 2023 ASHRAE Annual Conference. 2023, Tampa, Florida: ASHRAE.
- Urquizo J, Calderon C, James P. Challenges of working with a large building energy database. Combining data sets from different scales . In: Ecos 2021 - The 34th International Conference On Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. 2021, Taormina, Sicily (Italy): ECOS 2021 Organizing Committee.
- Urquizo J, Calderon C, James P. Random-effect energy regression models for clustered sub-city area fuel poverty data. In: 33rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2020). 2020, OSAKA, JAPAN: ECOS 2020 Organizing Committee.
- Aoun J, Calderon C. Modelling Domestic Heat Electrification. In: uSIM2020 - 2nd IBPSA-Scotland uSIM conference. 2020, Online: Urban Energy Research Group, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.
- Aoun J, Calderon C. Data-Driven Local Area Energy Framework for Modelling Domestic Heat Electrification. In: 2020 Building Performance Modeling Conference and SimBuild. 2020, Chicago, IL (Virtual Conference): ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA.
- Urquizo J, Calderon C, James P. A Framework For Delivering Energy Efficiency And Decentralised Energy Generation Projects To Tackle Fuel Poverty, Energy Resilience And CO2 Emissions In Cities. In: 2020 Building Performance Analysis Conference & SimBuild. 2020, Chicago, IL (Online).
- Urquizo J, Calderon C, James P. Technical options for retrofitting the building stock. A case study from the United Kingdom. In: 32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. ECOS 2019. 2019, Wrocław, Poland: Silesian University of Technology.
- Urquizo J, Calderon C, James P. Making a case for local Combined Heat and Power and District Heating infrastructures within the United Kingdom policy landscape. In: 2019 The 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Green Energy. 2019, Rome, Italy.
- Urquizo J, Calderon C, James P. Making a case for local combined head and power and district heating infrastructures within the United Kingdom policy landscape. In: E3S Web of Conferences. 2019, Rome, Italy: EDP Sciences.
- Urquizo J, Calderon C, James P. Engineering Modelling of Building Energy Consumption in Cities: Identifying Key Variables and Their Interactions with the Built Environment. In: Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2019). 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Springer.
- Urquizo J, Calderon C, James P. A Taxonomy of key uncertainties using high level frameworks for energy modelling. In: 17th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology “Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure for sustainable cities and communities”. 2019, Convention Center, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
- Urquizo J, Calderon C, James P. Modelling the spatial energy diversity in sub-city areas using remote sensors. In: 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy System (ECOS 2018). 2018, Guimaraes, Portugal.
- Rodriguez M, Calderon C. Effects of Fabric Retrofit Insulation on Temperature Take-Back. In: Retrofit Europe. 2018, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
- Urquizo J, Calderon C, James P. Modelling household spatial energy intensity consumption patterns for building envelopes, heating systems and temperature controls in cities. In: 30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2017). 2017, San Diego, CA, USA: International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO).
- Urquizo J, Calderón C, James P. A spatial perspective of the domestic energy consumption intensity patterns in sub-city areas. A case study from the United Kingdom. In: Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM 2016). 2016, Guayaquil, Ecuador: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
- Calderon C, James P, McCloughlin A, Urquizo J. An area-based GIS energy model for cities and neighbourhoods. In: 21st GIS Research UK conference (GISRUK). 2013, Liverpool.
- Calderon C, James P, Alderson D, McLoughlin A, Wagner T. Data availability and repeatability for urban carbon modelling: a CarbonRouteMap for Newcastle upon Tyne. In: Retrofit2012. 2012, Salford, UK.
- Kobayashi Y, Calderon C, Jemtrud M, Labarca C, Hawker R, Terzidis K, Fukuda T, Abdelhameed W, Narahara T. World 8: International Working Group for New Virtual Reality Applications in Architecture. In: CAAD Futures, Biannual Conference. 2009, Montreal, Cananda.
- Leymarie F, Lathm W, Todd S, Derix C, Miranda P, Coates P, Calderon C, Graves F. Medial representations for 3D modelling of large urban cities. In: International Architecture Conference. 2008, Barcelona: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya School of Architecture (EsArq).
- Abdellatif R, Calderon C. Second life: a computer mediated-tool for distance learning in architecture?. In: ASCAAD 2007: Embodying Virtual Architecture. 2007, Alexandria, Egypt.
- Gillespie D, Calderon C. A framework towards designing responsive public information systems. In: ASCAAD 2007: Embodying Virtual Architecture. 2007, Alexandria, Egypt.
- Calderon C. New ways of navigating virtual worlds to communicate architecture. In: Architectural Schools Computing Association (ASCA). 2005, Edinburgh, UK.
- Calderon C, Noble R. Beyond modelling: Avant-garde Computer Techniques in Residential Buildings. In: I Jornadas de Investigacion en Construccion. 2005, Madrid, Spain.
- Calderon C, Worley N, Nyman K. Architectural cinematographer: An initial approach to experiential design in virtual worlds. In: 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures. 2005, Vienna, Austria: Springer.
- Calderon C, Worley N, Nyman K. A cinematic camera control engine for architectural visualisations in virtual worlds. In: Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality. 2005, Durham, UK.
- Calderon C, Worley N. An automatic real-time camera control engine for the exploration of architectural designs. In: SIGRADI VIII Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphic. 2004, Sao Leopoldo, Brazil.
- Calderon C, Cavazza M, Diaz D. Interactive problem Solving in an Intelligent Virtual Environment (demo short paper). In: ACM Intelligent User Interfaces. 2003, Miami, Florida, USA: ACM Press.
- Cavazza M, Chavaroche J, Calderon C. Alternative Realities: Using Networked Game Engines for Digital Art. In: Second Conference on the Applications and Development of Computer Games. 2003, City University of Hong Kong.
- Cavazza M, Chavaroche J, Calderon C. Alternative Realities: a New Approach to VR Art. In: 6th EVA: Electronic Imaging and Visual Art. 2003, Florence, Italy.
- Calderon C, Cavazza M, Diaz D. A new approach to virtual design for spatial configuration problems. In: 7th IEEE International Information Visualisation Conference. 2003, London, UK: IEEE.
- Calderon C, Cavazza M, Diaz D. A new approach to the Interactive Resolution of Configuration Problems in Virtual Environments. In: 3rd International Symposium on Smart Graphics. 2003, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
- Calderon C, Cavazza M. Using Games Engines to implement Intelligent Virtual Environments. In: Game-On. 2001, London, UK.
- Calderon C, Cavazza M. Reactive Virtual Environments in Building Design. Proceedings. In: SCI 2001, The Fifth Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. 2001, Orlando, Florida.
- Calderon C, Cavazza M. Intelligent Virtual Environments to interactively Solve Spatial Configuration Tasks. In: Proceeding VSMM '01 Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM'01). 2001, Berkeley, California, USA: Institution of Electronic and Electrical Engineers.
- Calderon C, Cavazza M. Intelligent Virtual Environment for Spatial Configuration Tasks. In: Proceeding VSMM '01 Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM'01). 2001, Berkeley, California, USA: Institution of Electronic and Electrical Engineers.
- Calderon C, van Schaik P, Hobbs B. VR in the design process. In: 1st Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2000). 2000, Teesside, UK.
- Calderon C, Schaik vanP, Hobbs B. Is VR an effective communication medium for building design?. In: Proceedings. Virtual Reality International Conferences. 2000, Laval, France.
- Calderon C, Schaik vanP, Hobbs B. How to evaluate VR applications. In: VSMM 2000: 6th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia. 2000, Gifu, Japan: IOS Press.
- Keirstead J, Calderon C. Capturing spatial effects, technology interactions, and uncertainty in urban energy and carbon models: Retrofitting Newcastle as a case-study [Energy Policy 46 (2012), 253-267]. Energy Policy 2014, 74, 714-714.
- Calderon C. Building for a changing climate: the challenge for construction, planning and energy. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 2011, 38(3), 564-574.