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Financial Information

Our finance office provides accounting, procurement and contracting services, helping to make best use of the University's resources and fulfilling its statutory responsibilities.

Information that may damage the University’s commercial interests will be excluded from publication.

Here you can read about our:

University Endowment Investments

 The University’s Endowment Investment Policy, includes details of the University’s ethical investment criteria and requires the University to publish its endowment investment portfolio annually to allow scrutiny by the University community. 

 The University’s ethical investment criteria is included here.

 The University publishes its endowment investment portfolio annually to allow scrutiny by the University community. In addition, a quarterly sectoral breakdown of investment data is published. The individual stock holdings is subject to a 3 month delay due to commercial sensitivities. However, information on the sector breakdown is published quarterly. These breakdowns can be found below. 

The University’s Climate Action Plan contains information on the carbon emissions associated with the University’s investments. It also includes details of actions underway to reduce these. 

In November 2021, Newcastle University became one of the founding signatories of the COP26 Asset Owner Climate Expectations Declaration. The University engages with its fund managers to progress the aims of the expectations in order to drive change in the sector.

Details of the funds that the University’s endowments are invested currently are as follows:

Financial statements

Find out more information about our financial statements per year below:


‌The details of the total sums claimed in expenses by the members of Executive Board (EB) are available to download as pdf documents below. The information is extracted from the University’s electronic expenses system. For each claim made by individuals the total expenses by category is given along with the total expenses claimed over the period. Some of the claims are for multiple journeys and this is highlighted on the pdf documents.

It is important to note that some of the travel expenses claimed by the members of Executive Board may be externally funded by third party organisations and the costs of the trips are reimbursed by them after the event.

The purpose of the electronic expenses system is a financial one. It is:

  • to monitor/report on levels of expenditure for various categories of expenses, not their details

The electronic expenses system does not record the full details associated with each claim. For example:

  • whether the mode of transport was first or standard class
  • the reason for the journey or the name of the hotel, is not recorded on the system

In addition to their core role, each member of Executive Board has a different portfolio of recurrent and project responsibilities. Some members of Executive Board have to travel more extensively than others, this is due to:

  • the nature of the core role
  • the portfolio and external responsibilities

Purchasing card spend

The details of the purchasing card transactions made by the members of Executive Board (EB) are available to download as pdf documents below. The information is extracted from the Barclaycard system. Each purchase made by individuals is detailed by date and merchant. The Barclaycard system does not record the full details associated with each transaction. For example:

  • the reason for the journey
  • the number of attendees dining at a restaurant
  • exact purchases made in a shop

It is important to note that some of the expenditure incurred by the members of Executive Board may be externally funded by third party organisations and the costs are reimbursed by them after the event.

In addition to their core role, each member of Executive Board has a different portfolio of recurrent and project responsibilities. The nature of the core role combined with the Executive Board portfolio and external responsibilities means that some members of Executive Board incur greater expenditure than others.

Our banking details

The University places cash deposits with a number of banks in line with its counterparty policy, the list as at 31 July 2020 is available here:

We have no bank branches or cash machines in any property owned or managed by the University.