Staff Profiles
Professor Mark Jackson
Professor of Byzantine Archaeology
- Email:
- Address: School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Newcastle University,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
NE1 7RU,
United Kingdom
Roles and Responsibilities
- Professor of Byzantine Archaeology
- Degree Programme Director Archaeology MA Programmes
- Co-curator of the Gertrude Bell Archive
External Responsibilities
- Honorary Secretary, British Institute at Ankara
Previous Positions
2020-2023 Head of Archaeology, Newcastle University
2017-2023, Senior Lecturer in Archaeology, Newcastle University
2005-2017, Lecturer in Archaeology, Newcastle University
2004-2005 Research Fellow, AHRB Centre for Byzantine Cultural History, Newcastle University
2009-2012 Member of Executive Committee Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies
2009 Feb-May Visiting Scholar, Trinity College, Cambridge
2006-2009 Member of the Council of the British Institute at Ankara
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice 2007
PhD 2001 Title: "Kilise Tepe in Byzantine Isauria"
MA 1996 Methods in Byzantine Archaeology
BA (Hons) 1995 Archaeology
Google scholar: Click here.
Research Interests
- Late Roman and Byzantine Archaeology - including settlement and housing, trade, churches and pilgrimage
- Ceramics research - especially Roman and Byzantine ceramics and ethnographic study of pottery making
- Endangered archives and digitisation
- Survey methods, landscapes and cultural heritage
Other Expertise
I have a research interest in Gertrude Bell and early archaeologists and archives. As Co-curator of the Gertrude Bell Archive, I co-authored the inscription of the Gertrude Bell Archive International Memory of the World.
Current and Recent Research Projects I am working on with colleagues from Newcastle University and beyond include:
Transforming access to Mediterranean cultural heritage science collections (PI) with partners at British School at Athens, British Institute at Ankara and British School at Rome.
Endangered Archives Project: Digitising the official documents of the Governorate of Ninawah (EAP1553), (PI).
Devastation, dislocation and (re-)settlement. Breaking/replacing the people-place connection in landscape. (Co-I); PIs: Prof Dr Thomas Meier and Prof Sam Turner.
Documenting the material knowledge systems of the last surviving traditional potters in Bosnia-Herzegovina, (PI), with Richard Carlton and Mirsad Sijaric (Zemaljski Muzej, Sarajevo)
Kato Choria, Naxos. Co-Director with Prof J.G. Crow (Edinburgh) and Dr D. Athanasoulis, Athens.
Apalirou Environs Survey, Naxos. Working particularly on the Byzantine ceramics. (see Jackson 2020 eprints)
Kilise Tepe, in the Göksu Valley, Turkey. Co-Director for Byzantine at Kilise Tepe, since 2007 with Prof. J.N. Postgate (Cambridge). (see Jackson 2015 and other papers eprints)
Previous Projects and collaborations:
Challenging Legacies: The Kingdom of Iraq and Gertrude Bell. 2023. An exhibition at the Great North Museum Hancock, Newcastle upon Tyne, with the Special Collections, Robinson Library and the Great North Museum Hancock.
Gertrude Bell Comics. A collaboration with Lydia Wysocki, comic artist John Miers, the Young Archaeologists Club and the Robinson Library resulted in our production of the Gertrude Bell comics to encourage school students into primary texts. Funded by ESRC-IAA. (see Wysocki et al. 2019 eprints)
Dr Stefania Ermidoro British Academy Visiting Fellow, 'Unfolding a Victorian Archive. The Layard Collection at Newcastle University' and 'Austen Henry Layard in Newcastle and Beyond'
Dr Mihail Mitrea Sacred Landscapes in Late Byzantium. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow
'Beyond Destruction' Collaborator (with RA Dr Niveen Kassem). Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) as part of AHRC First World War Public Engagement Centres Centre for Hidden Histories Lead Collaborator Prof. John Beckett (Nottingham)(see Kassem and Jackson 2020 eprints)
CHiLaT - 'Cultural Heritage in Landscape: Planning for Development in Turkey'. RCUK-TUBITAK Newton Project (Co-I, with PIs: Prof. Sam Turner and Prof. Engin Nurlu (Ege University, Turkey)
'Unlocking the Ionian Landscape: Historic Landscapes of Urla-Çeşme Peninsula (Izmir, Turkey)' Fellow: Dr Elif Koparal (Co-I with Prof. Sam Turner)
Bogsak Archaeological Survey directed by Dr Günder Varinlioğlu (team member in 2015, 2016).
Survey and ceramic processing of several Late Roman D Ware (Red Slip) kiln sites from Pisidia, Turkey as part of the Pisidia Survey Project Directed by Dr Lutgarde Vandeput (BIAA) and Dr Veli Kose (Ankara University). (see Jackson et al. 2012 eprints)
Part of the Çatalhöyük Research Project working on the late cemetery in the 4040 area at Çatalhöyük and the 2013 survey around Çatalhöyük with Dr Sophie Moore. (see Jackson and Moore 2018; Moore and Jackson 2014 eprints)
Letters from Baghdad Assisted the Directors Zeva Oelbaum and Sabine Krayenbuehl in their research.
Gertrude Bell and Iraq - A Life and Legacy. Collaborated with The British Institute for the Study of Iraq for an academic conference that examined the life and legacy of Gertrude Bell, hosted at the Royal Society and the British Academy. The papers were published in the Proceedings of the British Academy in 2017. My paper considered critically Gertrude Bell's contribution to Archaeological Research in Central Asia Minor (see eprints).
Co-Curator (with Andrew Parkin) of The Extraordinary Gertrude Bell a major exhibition at the Great North Museum Hancock 30 January - 3rd May 2016 and at Kirkleatham Museum 2017 for which we edited a series of papers on the research of various colleagues on aspects of Gertrude Bell's life (see publications list).
- UKRI-AHRC RICHeS, Collections for Transforming access to Mediterranean cultural heritage science collections (2024)
- British Library Endangered Archives Project (PI) (2023)
- British Museum Endangered Material Knowledge (PI) Project (2021)
- Dumbarton Oaks, Washington D.C. for Kato Choria Excavations (PI) (2021)
- ESRC-IAA Impact Grant for 'Gertrude Bell Comics' (PI) (2018)
- AHRC for 'Beyond Destruction' via Centre for Hidden Histories (2016)
- British Academy Newton Advanced Fellowship for Dr E. Koparal (2016) (Co-I with Sam Turner)
- AHRC-TUBITAK Newton Project (2016) Co-I (with PI: Sam Turner and Engin Nurlu (Ege University, Turkey))
- Catherine Cookson Fund (PI) (2015)
- Newcastle Institute for Creative Arts Practice (CI) (2015)
- HaSS Faculty Impact Fund (PI) (2015)
- Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies (PI) (2013)
- Dumbarton Oaks Washington D.C. Fieldwork Grant, Kilise Tepe (PI) (2011)
- Newcastle University HASS Faculty Research Fund Grant (PI) (2009)
- Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies (PI) (2009)
- Dumbarton Oaks Washington D.C. Fieldwork Grant, Kilise Tepe (PI) (2009)
- Newcastle University HASS Faculty Research Fund Grant (PI) (2008)
- In 2007, a British Academy large grant was awarded for the Kilise Tepe Archaeological Excavation. Co-I (PI: Prof. J.N. Postgate, Cambridge)
Research Papers
I have spoken at:
- Diriyah Global Seminar, Saudi Arabia (Dec 2024)
- Iraq Britain Business Council, Mansion House, London (July 2024)
- Unofficial Diplomats: East Mediterranean Archaeologists and Britain's Imperial Project, Edinburgh (Dec 2023)
- Naxos Through the Ages, 7th Panhellenic Conference (Nov 2023)
- Rei Cretariae Romanae Favtores, Athens (presented by team: M. Duggan and R. Valente) (Sept 2022)
- European Archaeologists Association 2022, Budapest (Sept 2022)
- International Byzantine Congress, Plenary Speaker, Venice (Aug 2022)
- Edinburgh University Research Seminar Series (online) (Nov 2021)
- EAMENA Iconem Exhibition Launch Event, Durham (Nov 2021)
- Space, Sounds and Senses - International Workshop, Ravenna (Oct 2021)
- CRASIS Ancient World Seminar, Groningen (online) (Dec 2020)
- 39th International Mediterranean Survey Workshop, (online) (Dec 2020)
- British Institute at Ankara, Ankara (October 2019)
- Mapping the Sacred in Byzantium, (September 2019)
- Cultural heritage in landscape: Planning development in Turkey, Izmir (September 2019)
- Abandonment and Loss: Changing Landscapes and Societies, Mimar Sinan, Istanbul (May 2019)
- T.E. Lawrence Society Symposium, Oxford (Sept. 2018)
- Mind the Gap! Ceramic Studies and Discontinuities in the Archaeological Record. Copenhagen (July 2018)
- Travellers to the Near East and the Great War, Royal Geographical Society London, London (March 2018)
- Workshop on Archaeological and Cultural Landscape Studies in Rough Cilicia, Mersin University, Turkey (November 2017)
- Byzantine Archaeology Graduate Seminar, Edinburgh (Oct 2017)
- The 8th Century, Patterns of Transition in Economy and Trade throughout the Late Antique, Early Medieval and Islamicate Mediterranean, Berlin (October 2017)
- Historical Landscapes: Character, Assessment and Visualization, Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey (2-3 June 2017)
- Levantine Ceramics Project, Athens (May 2017)
- Gertrude Bell and Iraq A Life and Legacy Panel Discussion, British Academy, London (April 2017)
- Roman Archaeology Off Limits, British Museum, London (November 2016)
- New Approaches to Historic Landscapes, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul (Feb 2016)
- Death in Byzantium, Newcastle (30 May 2015)
- Panel member, “If I could sink my teeth into the whole earth” Chaired debate Fine Art, Newcastle University (17 April 2015)
- Roman Research Discussion Group, Oxford (January 2015)
- Ancient Near Eastern Seminar, Cambridge (November 2014)
- Newcastle Interdisciplinary Seminar (October 2014)
- Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology Seminar, Oxford (October 2013)
- Gertrude Bell and Iraq: A life and Legacy, British Academy (Sept 2013)
- Research Seminar Series, Edinburgh (March 2013)
- Literary and Philosophical Society, Newcastle (October 2012)
- Byzantine Ceramics, Kings College London (February 2012)
- Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology Seminar, Oxford (May 2011)
- McDonald Institute Research Seminar, Cambridge (May 2009)
- Symposium of Excavations, Surveys and Archaeometry, Ankara (May/June 2008)
- Archaeology of the Countryside in Medieval Anatolia, Leiden (Feb 2008)
- The archaeologies of Byzantium, Edinburgh (2008)
- International Conference on Rough Cilicia, Nebraska (Oct 2007)
- Recent Research on Byzantine Pottery, London (June 2007)
- Byzantine Congress, London (August 2006)
- Concealed Communities, Newcastle (Dec 2005)
- Byzantine Symposium on Performance, Belfast (April 2005)
- IIe Congrès International sur la céramique commune, La céramique culinaire et les amphores de l’antiquité Tardive en Méditerranée: Archéologie et Archaéométrie (April 2005) (with R.S. Gabrieli and A. Kaldelis)
- Byzantine Symposium on Trade, Oxford (March 2004)
Conferences organised at Newcastle
'Gertrude Bell Symposium', Co-hosted with Dr Emma Short 19 April 2017
'Experiencing Death in Byzantium' Co-hosted with Dr Sophie Moore and Dr Niamh Bhalla 29 May 2015.
'Ceramics and Atlantic Connections', Co-hosted with Maria Duggan and Prof Sam Turner, Newcastle University26-27 March 2014.
'Experiencing Byzantium'. 44th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies hosted in Newcastle upon Tyne 8th - 10th April 2011 with Dr Claire Nesbitt (Durham) published by Ashgate in autumn 2013. The interdisciplinary theme, 'Experiencing Byzantium', embraced all aspects of Byzantine studies and brought together historians, art historians, archaeologists and palaeographers.
'Light: a Christmas Symposium' 11 December 2009 (with Dr Sam Turner, Newcastle University)
'Art, Archaeology and Text in Byzantium', 10 December 2004 (Organiser)
Postgraduate Supervision
I am currently supervising:
Jen Makovics (with Louise Rayne and Sam Turner)
I have supervised the following research students:
Dr Gianluca Foschi "The Role of Musical Proportions in Early Christian Buildings" (Co-supervised with Dr David Creese, Prof Sam Turner and Prof Magnus Williamson), now Research Associate Rome Transformed.
Dr Maria Duggan "Links to late antiquity : ceramic exchange and contacts on the Atlantic seaboard in the 5th to 7th centuries AD" (co-supervised with Prof Sam Turner and Dr James Gerrard) Awarded PhD 2015; British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Newcastle University.
Dr Vasiliki Manolopoulou "Processing Constantinople : understanding the role of lite in creating the sacred character of the landscape"(PhD student, co-supervised with Prof Sam Turner) Awarded PhD 2016 (formerly Lecturer in Byzantine History, Northumbria University (2017); Lecturer in Byzantine History, King's College London, 2018-19; Hannah Seeger Davis Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Princeton University; Lecturer in History 300-1000, Durham University, now Postdoctoral Fellow, Ca Foscari University of Venice.
Dr Sophie Moore “A Relational Approach to Mortuary Practices within Medieval Byzantine Anatolia”. (co-supervised with Dr Chris Fowler) Awarded PhD 2013 (formerly Postdoctoral Research Fellow British Institute at Ankara, Postdoctoral Fellow in Archaeology and the Ancient World (2016-2018), now Lecturer in Medieval Archaeology Newcastle University
Dr Katie Green “Rural Byzantine Landscapes and Societies: New Approaches to Characterization and Analysis” Awarded PhD 2013 (co-supervised with Prof Sam Turner)
Prof Fawzi Abudanh "Settlement patterns and military organisation in the region of Udhruh (Southern Jordan) in the Roman and Byzantine periods". 2006 (co-supervised with Prof Jim Crow). Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan.
Dr Nigel Porter "Assessing the social and political significance of Athenian painted pottery through examination of changes in scenes of warriors departing on Attic pottery between 600 BC and 400 BC" (Co-supervised with Dr Sally Waite and Dr Joseph Skinner)
Eniko Hudak (MLitt student, co-supervised with Dr James Gerrard)
Undergraduate Teaching 2024-2025
ARA2101 Artefacts (Module Leader)
ARA2091 Archaeologies of the Roman Empire (Module Leader)
ARA3200, ARA3201, ARA3202, ARA3203 Dissertation (Contributor)
HCA1007 Stuff (Contributor)
HCA1003 Global Middle Ages (Contributor)
Postgraduate Teaching 2024-2025
ARA8107 Independent Study Project in Archaeology (Module Leader)
ARA8107 Independent Study Project in Archaeology (Module Leader)
ARA8025 Graduate Seminar in Roman and Early Medieval Finds Analysis (Contributor)
ARA8394 Past Bodies (Contributor)
Mark Jackson - Office hours 2024-2025
Office: 2nd Floor, Armstrong Building - ArmB 2.40
Mondays 4-5pm
Wednesdays 10-11am
Thursdays 3-4pm
- Valente R, Jackson M, Crow J, Turner S, Athanasoulis D. Tracing interconnected lifeways in the rural Aegean (7th-9th centuries AD): the case of the utilitarian artefacts of the Apalirou Environs Survey Project (Naxos – Greece). European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies 2023, 13, 205-226.
- Kassem N, Jackson M, Atkinson-Phillips A. Mobilizing the past, negotiating the present: Iraqi Christians in England. Historic Environment 2023, 33(3).
- Jackson MPC. 'Mr. Churchill Was Admirable' Gertrude Bell as Advisor to Winston Churchill in Cairo 1921. Finest Hour 2022, 196, 22-26.
- Turner S, Kinnaird T, Varinlioglu G, Serifoglu TE, Koparal E, Demirciler V, Athanasoulis D, Odegard K, Crow J, Jackson M, Bolos J, Sanchez-Pardo JC, Carrer F, Turner A, Sanderson D. Agricultural terraces in the Mediterranean: intensive construction during the later Middle Ages revealed by landscape analysis with OSL profiling and dating. Antiquity 2021, 95(381), 773-790.
- Erdogan N, Carrer F, Ersoy Tonyaloglu E, Cavdar B, Varinlioglu G, Serifoglu TE, Jackson M, Kurtsan K, Nurlu E, Turner S. Simulating change in cultural landscapes: the integration of Historic Landscape Characterisation and computer modelling. Landscapes 2020, 21(2), 168-182.
- Wysocki L, Jackson M, Miers J, Webster J, Coxon B. Making the invisible visible: hyperlinked webcomics as alternative points of entry to the digitised Gertrude Bell archive. International Journal of Heritage Studies 2020, 26(5), 480-497.
- Jackson M. Historiographical and methodological implications for understanding gaps: A case study in preparing for the Apalirou Environs Project, Naxos. HEROM Journal on Hellenistic and Roman Material Culture 2020, 9, 261-290.
- Kassem N, Jackson M. Cultural trauma and its impact on the Iraqi Assyrian experience of identity. Social Identities 2020, 26(3), 388-402.
- Jackson MPC, Moore SV. Taphonomies of landscape: investigating the immediate environs of Çatalhöyük from prehistory to the present. Anatolian Studies 2018, 68, 177-207.
- Neri E, Jackson M, O'Hea M, Gregory T, Blet-Lemarquand M, Schibille N. Analyses of glass tesserae from Kilise Tepe: New insights into an early Byzantine production technology. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2017, 11, 600-612.
- Jackson M. 2007–2011 Excavations at Kilise Tepe: A Byzantine Rural Settlement in Isauria. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 2015, 69, 355-380.
- Jackson MPC, Postgate JN, Serifoglu TE. Kilise Tepe 2011 Yili Kazιlarι. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 2013, 34(2), 5-24.
- Jackson M, Zelle M, Vandeput L, Köse V. Primary evidence for Late Roman D Ware production in southern Asia Minor: a challenge to 'Cypriot Red Slip Ware'. Anatolian Studies 2012, 62, 89-114.
- Vandeput L, Kose V, Jackson M. Pisidia Survey Project 2009: Research in the Territory of Pednelissos. Arıştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 2011, 28(3), 75-90.
- Jackson M, Postgate N. Kilise Tepe 2007. Anatolian Archaeology 2010, 13, 28, & cover.
- Jackson M, Postgate N. Excavations at Kilise Tepe 2009. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 2010, 32(3), 424-446.
- Elton H, Jackson M, Mietke G, Newhard J, Ozgenel L, Twigger E. Türkiye, Alahan'da bir Roma Kentinin Keşfi. Olba 2009, 17, 83-116.
- Vandeput L, Kose V, Jackson M. Pisidia Survey Project 2009: pottery and more in the territory of Pednelissos. Anatolian Archaeology 2009, 15, 31-32.
- Jackson M, Postgate N. Kilise Tepe 2009. Anatolian Archaeology 2009, 15, 21-23.
- Collon D, Jackson M, Postgate N. Excavations at Kilise Tepe 2008. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 2009, 31(1), 159-184.
- Jackson M, Postgate N. Excavations at Kilise Tepe 2007. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 2009, 30(3), 207-232.
- Jackson M, Postgate N. Kilise Tepe 2008. Anatolian Archaeology 2008, 14, 23-25.
- Jackson M. Byzantine Ceramics From The Excavations at Kilise Tepe 2007 And Recent Research On Pottery From Alahan. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 2008, 26(2), 159-174.
- Elton H, Jackson MPC, Mietke G, Newhard J, Ozgenel L, Twigger E. A new Late-Roman urban centre in Isauria. Journal of Roman Archaeology 2006, 19(1), 300-311.
- Carlton R, Jackson MPC, Johnston B. Archaeological Fieldwork at Littlethorpe Potteries 2000-2002. Archaeological Reports 2003, 24, 63-69.
Book Chapters
- Kassem N, Al-Saka V, Qasha R, Jackson M. The Interplay of Memory and Landscape: Cultural Landscapes of Iraqi Syriacs and Chaldeans. In: Meier T; Turner, S, ed. Devastation. Heidelberg University Press, 2025. Submitted.
- Jackson M. Devastating Cilician settlements in Byzantine times. In: Meier T; Turner, S, ed. Devastation. Heidelberg University Press, 2025. Submitted.
- Turner S, Nurlu E, Ersoy Tonyaloglu E, Erdogan N, Jackson M, Varinlioglu G, Serifoglu TE, Carrer F, Cavdar B, Kurtsan K, Pinar Tunali S. Cultural heritage in landscape: planning for development in Turkey. In: Bülent Arıkan, Linda Olsvig-Whittaker, ed. Landscape Archaeology in the Near East: Approaches, Methods and Case Studies. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2023, pp.96-109.
- Manolopoulou V, Lekakis S, Jackson M, Turner S. Microcosm to landscape: the church called Theoskepasti and the environs of Apalirou. In: J. Crow and D. Hill, ed. Naxos and the Byzantine Aegean: Insular Responses to Regional Change. Athens, Greece: Norwegian Institute at Athens, 2018, pp.239-254.
- Jackson M. Building on the Past: Gertrude Bell and the Transformation of Space in the Karadağ. In: Heffron, Y; Stone, A; Worthington, M, ed. At the Dawn of History: Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of J. N. Postgate. Eisenbrauns, 2017, pp.239-254.
- Jackson M. Binbirkilise. In: Niewöhner P, ed. The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia. From the End of Late Antiquity to the Coming of the Turks. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2017, pp.312-320.
- Jackson MPC. A critical examination of Gertrude Bell’s contribution to archaeological research in central Asia Minor. In: Collins P; Tripp C, ed. Gertrude Bell and Iraq: A Life and Legacy. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 2017, pp.47-76.
- Jackson MPC, Serifoglu TE. A British Archaeologist at the First World War Middle East Front: Gertrude Bell. In: Ozden, N; Sofuoglu, A, ed. Uluslararasi Birinci Dunya Savasi'nin 100. Yili Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabi. Ankara: Bitlis Eren Universitesi; Turk Tarih Kurumu, 2017, pp.463-474.
- Jackson MPC, Postgate JN, Serifoglu TE. Kilise Tepe Kazıları (1994-2012). In: Aydinoglu, U, ed. Mersin Arkeolojik Kazıları ve Araştırmaları. Mersin: Mersin Valiliği il Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü, 2015, pp.59-71.
- Moore S, Jackson M. Late Burials from the 4040 Area of the East Mound. In: Hodder,I, ed. Çatalhöyük excavations: the 2000-2008 seasons, volume 7. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press in association with the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, 2014, pp.603-620.
- Jackson MPC, Postgate JN, Serifoglu TE. Kilise Tepe Kazıları (1994-2012). In: Ü. Aydınoğlu, ed. Mersin Arkeolojik Kazı ve Araştırmaları. Mersin: Mersin Valiliği, 2013, pp.59-71.
- Jackson M. Byzantine Settlement at Kilise Tepe in the Göksu Valley. In: Hoff, M., Townsend, R, ed. Rough Cilicia: New Historical and Archaeological Approaches. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2013, pp.219-232.
- Jackson M. Medieval Rural Settlement at Kilise Tepe in the Göksu Valley. In: Vorderstrasse, T., Roodenberg, J.J, ed. Archaeology of the Countryside in Medieval Anatolia. Leiden, Netherlands: Netherlands Institute for the Near East, 2009, pp.71-83.
- Jackson MPC. Local Painted Pottery Trade in early Byzantine Isauria. In: Mango, M.M, ed. Byzantine Trade, 4th-12th Centuries: The Archaeology of Local, Regional and International Exchange. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2009, pp.137-144.
- Jackson M, Greene K. Ceramic Production. In: Oleson, J.P, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Engineering and Technology in the Classical World. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2008, pp.496-519.
- Jackson MPC. The Kilise Tepe Area in the Byzantine Era. In: Postgate, JN; Thomas, DC, ed. Excavations at Kilise Tepe, 1994-98: From Bronze Age to Byzantine in Western Cilicia. University of Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 2007, pp.19-29.
- Jackson MPC. The Church; The Northwest Corner; The Northeast Corner Sub-surface Clearance. In: Postgate, JN; Thomas, DC, ed. Excavations at Kilise Tepe, 1994-98: From Bronze Age to Byzantine in Western Cilicia. University of Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 2007, pp.185-214.
- Gabrieli RS, Jackson MPC, Kaldelis A. Stumbling into the Darkness: Trade and Life in Post-Roman Cyprus. In: Bonifay, M; Tréglia, J-C, ed. Lrcw 2: Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2007, pp.791-802.
- Jackson MPC. Pottery from Level I. In: Postgate, JN; Thomas, DC, ed. Excavations at Kilise Tepe, 1994-98: From Bronze Age to Byzantine in Western Cilicia. University of Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 2007, pp.387-427.
- Nevett L, Jackson MPC. Hellenistic Ceramics and Lamps. In: Postgate, JN; Thomas, DC, ed. Excavations at Kilise Tepe, 1994-98: From Bronze Age to Byzantine in Western Cilicia. University of Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 2007, pp.279-386.
- Jackson MPC, Collon D. Architectural Fragments. In: Postgate, JN; Thomas, DC, ed. Excavations at Kilise Tepe, 1994-98: From Bronze Age to Byzantine in Western Cilicia. University of Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 2007, pp.215-230.
- Jackson M. A Pilgrimage Experience at Sacred Sites in Late Antique Anatolia. In: Baker,P;Forcey,C;Jundi,S;Witcher,R, ed. TRAC 98: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Leicester 1998. Oxford: Oxbow, 1999, pp.72-85.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Jackson M. Understanding Societal Transformation through Ceramic Production and Use in Pisidia and Isauria. In: Proceedings of the Plenary Sessions of the 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies. 2022, Venice and Padua: Venice University Press.
- Jackson MPC. Performing Pilgrimage in Byzantium. In: Performing Byzantium: XXXIX Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies. 2005, Queen's University Belfast: The Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies.
Edited Books
- Duggan M, Turner S, Jackson M, ed. Ceramics and Atlantic Connections: Late Roman and Early Medieval Imported Pottery on the Atlantic Seaboard. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2020.
- Jackson M, Parkin A, ed. The Extraordinary Gertrude Bell. Newcastle upon Tyne: Tyne Bridge Publishing, 2016.
- Nesbitt C, Jackson M, ed. Experiencing Byzantium: Papers from the 44th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Newcastle and Durham, April 2011. Farnham: Ashgate, 2013.
- Ousterhout RG, Jackson MPC, ed. Ramsay, W.M., And Gertrude L. Bell, The Thousand and One Churches, with newly digitized original images from Newcastle University and University of Pennsylvania Museum Archives. first published 1909.. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2008.
- Jackson MPC. The Canadian Excavations at Anemurium in Cilicia. By James Russell, with contributions from C.W.J. Eliot, Hector Williams, Sheila Campbell, Nigel Kennell, and Thomas Boyd (Archéologie et Histoire Romaine 45). American Journal of Archaeology 2022, 126(3), E104-E105.
- Jackson MPC. Review of Rinse Willet, The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor. pp. xvii + 398, col. ills. Sheffield: Equinox, 2020. ISBN 978- 1-78179-843-0, hardback £100; ISBN 978- 1-78179-844-7, E-book £100. Journal of Greek Archaeology 2021, 6, 425-431.
- Jackson MPC. Review of John Haldon, Hugh Elton & James Newhard (ed.). 2018. Archaeology and Urban Settlement in Late Antique and Byzantine Anatolia: Euchaïta-Avkat-Beyözü and its Environment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 978-0-10874-1152 £90. Antiquity 2019, 93(370), 1106-1107.
- Jackson MPC. In Search of Kings and ConquerorsBy Lisa Cooper . Archaeological Review from Cambridge 2016, 31(1). Submitted.
- Jackson M. Constantinople: Archaeology of a Byzantine Megapolis. Final Report on the Istanbul Rescue Archaeology Project 1998-2004. Medieval Archaeology 2015, 59(1), 399-399.
- Jackson M, Greene K. Roman Pottery in the Archaeological Record. Peña, JT. Cambridge. Antiquity 2008, 82(316), 517-518.
- Jackson M. Book review: Dominique Pieri. Le commerce du vin oriental à lépoque Byzantine (Vè-VIIè siècles): le témoignage des amphores en Gaule (Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique 174). Antiquity 2008, 82(315), 229–230.