Staff Profile
Professor Nikolaos Proukakis
Professor of Quantum Physics
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 8832
- Address: School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics
Newcastle University
Herschel Building
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
See: for more details
Selected topics of interest:
Bose-Einstein Condensation in Atomic and Polariton Superfluids
Mixtures of Atomic Gases (Bose-Bose; Bose-Fermi)
Non-Equilibrium Phenomena & Atomtronics: Applications to Josephson Junctions, Atom Chips, Atom Lasers & Atom Interferometers
Solitons & Vortices in Quantum Fluids: Quantum Turbulence
Quantum Many-Body Theories; Stochastic and Kinetic Approaches; Numerical Modelling.
Phase Transitions: Equilibrium Characterization and Dynamical Crossing, including Kibble-Zurek physics and relaxation to equilibrium
Fluent: Greek; English; Spanish; German
Basic Understanding: Dutch & French
Research Interests
Bose-Einstein Condensation in Atomic and Polariton Superfluids
Mixtures of Atomic Gases (Bose-Bose; Bose-Fermi)
Non-Equilibrium Phenomena & Atomtronics: Applications to Josephson Junctions, Atom Chips, Atom Lasers & Atom Interferometers
Solitons & Vortices in Quantum Fluids: Quantum Turbulence
Quantum Many-Body Theories; Stochastic and Kinetic Approaches; Numerical Modelling.
Phase Transitions: Equilibrium Characterization and Dynamical Crossing, including Kibble-Zurek physics and relaxation to equilibrium
Postdoctoral Supervision
Dr Stuart Cockburn
Postgraduate Supervision
Ms Joy Allen (Stage 4)
Mr Donatello Gallucci (Stage 3)
Mr Robert Pattinson (Stage 2)
Esteem Indicators
------------------------------------------------------ ORAL RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS (94): ---------------------------------------------(Ι) Invited Talks at Conferences & Workshops : 37(1) 2017 Sep Brazil Finite Systems in NonEquilibrium: From Quantum Quench to the Formation of Strong Correlations(International Institute of Physics, Natal)(2) 2017 July Greece The Onassis Foundation 2017 Lectures in Physics: Quantum Physics Frontiers explored withcold atoms, molecules and photons (Heraklion)[Personal Invitation by 2012 Nobel Laureate Prof. Serge Haroche, College de France](3) 2017 May Spain Atomtronics Workshop 2017 (Benasque Centre for Sciences)(4) 2016 Jun France New Challenges in Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Superfluids(CIRM, Marseille)(5) 2015 Dec Greece XMAS Theoretical Physics Workshop (Athens)(6) 2015 Sep Poland FINESS 2015: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Superfluid Systems (Sopot)(7) 2015 July U.K. Non-Equilibrium Quantum Dynamics in Low Dimensions (Durham)(8) 2015 May Greece Hybrid Photonics and Materials (HPM) 2015 (Santorini)(9) 2014 Sep U.K. Quantum Technology Symposium (Durham)(10) 2014 May Germany Nonlinear Physics at Nanoscale: A Cross-Fertilization on Stochastic Methods (Dresden)(11) 2013 Jul Czech Rep LPHYS’15: 22nd International Laser Physics Workshop (Prague)(12) 2013 Jul Germany Matariki Quantum Science Research Network (Tubingen)(13) 2012 Aug U.K. QFS 2012: Quantum Fluids and Solids (Lancaster)(14) 2011 Sep Germany FINESS 2011 (Heidelberg) [Last minute replacement by collaborator Dr. C. Henkel](15) 2011 July Bosnia LPHYS’11: 20th International laser Physics Workshop [Replacement by PhD student D. Gallucci](16) 2011 Apr Brazil New Trends in Quantum Matter (Sao Paolo)(17) 2010 Sep Brazil Ultracold Quantum Gases beyond Equilibrium (Brasilia)(18) 2010 June China Nonlinear Waves: Theory and Applications (Beijing)(19) 2009 Sep U.K. Annual Meeting of the UK Cold-Atom / Condensed-Matter Physics Network (Durham)(20) 2009 Sep U.K. Ultracold Matter: Simulation and Modelling (Windsor): Keynote Talk(21) 2009 Jul Spain LPHYS’09: 18th International Laser Physics Workshop (Barcelona)(22) 2008 July Portugal 2nd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity (Porto)(23) 2008 June Norway LPHYS’08: 17th International Laser Physics Workshop (Trondheim)Declined invitation due to Summer School Teaching which coincided with conference dates(24) 2007 July Germany Ruperto Carola Symposion: Ultracold Quantum Gases (Heidelberg)(25) 2007 June Denmark Non-equilibrium Behaviour in Superfluid Gases at Finite Temperature (Sandbjerg)(26) 2007 Apr U.K. UK Cold Matter Forum (Durham)(27) 2006 July Switzerland LPHYS’06: 15th International Laser Physics Workshop (Lausanne)(28) 2005 Aug Cyprus ΧΧΙ Greek Condensed Matter & Materials Science Conference (Nicosia)(29) 2005 July Japan LPHYS’05: 14th International Laser Physics Workshop (Kyoto)(30) 2005 Feb Spain SOLIBEC: Solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates (Almagro)(31) 2004 July Italy LPHYS’04: 13th International Laser Physics Workshop (Trieste)(32) 2003 Dec Germany International Workshop on Atomic Physics (Dresden)(33) 2003 Aug Germany LPHYS’03: 12th International Laser Physics Workshop (Hamburg)(34) 2003 May U.K. Semiconductor Microstructures and Atom Traps –Bose Condensation in Atomic and Solid StateSystems Institute of Physics, London (Asked to Replace Prof. C.S. Adams in his Invited Talk)(35) 2002 Sep Greece XVIII Greek Condensed Matter & Materials Science Conference (Heraklion)(36) 2002 July Slovakia LPHYS’02: 11th International Laser Physics Workshop (Bratislava)(37) 1999 May Greece ESCOLAR’99:Euroconference on Slow Collisions between Laser-manipulated Systems (Elounda)(ΙΙ) Contributed Talks at Conferences & Workshops : 20(38-39) 2017 May U.S. DAMOP 2017 (Sacramento, California) [2 talks](40-41) 2016 May U.S. DAMOP 2016 (Providence, Rhode Island) [2 talks](42) 2016 Jan U.K Condensates of Light (Chicheley Hall, Kavli Institute, Buckinghampshire)(43) 2015 Jun Germany POLATOM 2015 (Bad Honnef)(44) 2010 May U.S. DAMOP 2010 (Houston)(45) 2008 Jan Switzerland Latsis Symposium in Bose-Einstein Condensation in dilute atomic gases and in condensed matter(Lausanne – Spotlight Presentation)(46) 2007 Sep Greece XXIII Greek Condensed Matter & Materials Science Conference (Athens)(47) 2004 Oct Germany Mesoscopic Phenomena in Ultracold Matter: From Single Atoms to Coherent Ensembles (Dresden)(48) 2004 Sep Greece XX Greek Condensed Matter & Materials Science Conference (Ioannina)(49) 2004 Sep U.K. Photon 04, QEP-16: Coherent Atom Manipulation (Glasgow)(50) 2004 Aug U.K. LMS Durham Symposium: Topological Solitons and their Applications (Durham)(51) 2004 Apr U.K. CMMP 04: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference (Warwick)(52) 2003 Sep U.K. QuAMP: Quantum, Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics (Milton Keynes)(53) 2003 Apr France QGLD 2003: Quantum Gases in Low Dimensions, Les Houches Ecole de Physique (Les Houches)(54) 2002 Aug Italy BEC Summer Workshop, European Centre for Theoretical Physics (Trento)(55) 2002 June Spain Physics of Ultracold Dilute Atomic Gases Workshop, Benasque Centre for Science (Benasque)(56) 2000 July Holland Bose-Einstein Condensation Workshop, Lorentz Center (Leiden)(57) 2000 May France Trapped Particles and Fundamental Physics, Les Houches Ecole de Physique (Les Houches)(III) Invited Seminars at Academic Institutions : 37(58) 2017 Apr Italy Department of Physics, Trento(59) 2017 Apr Italy European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS), Florence(60) 2017 Mar France College de France, Paris(61) 2016 July Taiwan National Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Hsinchu(62) 2016 May U.K. Department of Physics, University of Birmingham(63) 2013 May Belgium Department of Physics, University of Antwerpen(64) 2012 Sep Austria AtomInstitut, Vienna(65) 2012 Sep U.K. Centre for Cold Matter, Imperial College London(66) 2012 May U.K. Department of Physics, Nottingham University(67) 2011 July Germany Department of Physics, University of Tuebingen(68) 2011 July Germany Department of Physics, University of Freiburg(69) 2011 Mar Austria Atominstitut, Vienna University of Technology(70) 2011 Mar U.K. School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds(71) 2010 Nov U.K. School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham(72) 2010 Jul Australia School of Mathematics and Physics, The University of Queensland, Brisbane(73) 2010 May Canada Department of Physics, University of Toronto(74) 2010 Apr Canada Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy, Queen’s University, Kingston(75) 2010 Mar Greece Department of Physics, University of Athens(76) 2010 Mar Greece Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, National Technical University of Athens(77) 2010 Feb U.K. Department of Physics, University of Southampton(78) 2009 Dec Germany Joint Atomic & Condensed Matter Physics Seminar SeriesUniversities of Stuttgart, Tuebingen and Ulm (Tuebingen)(79) 2008 July U.K. Department of Physics, Nottingham University(80) 2008 Apr U.K. Department of Physics, University of Durham(81) 2008 Mar Greece COLLOQUIM: Department of Physics, University of Crete(82) 2007 Sep Greece National Technical University of Athens(83) 2007 Jan Greece Theoretical Physical & Chemistry Institute, National Hellenic Research Foundation(84) 2006 July U.K. The Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford(85) 2006 May U.K. Centre for Cold Matter, Imperial College London(86) 2006 Feb U.K. Department of Physics, University of Durham(87) 2004 Nov Greece COLLOQUIM: Department of Physics, University of Athens(88) 2004 Nov Greece Jointly organised by Institute of Materials Science & Nuclear Physics, NCSR Demokritos(89) 2004 Sep Greece Department of Physics, University of Ioannina(90) 2003 Feb U.K. The Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge(91) 2003 Jan Netherlands Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Utrecht(92) 2002 Nov U.K. The Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford(93) 2001 Dec Greece Department of Physics, University of Crete(94) 1997 Mar Greece Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser, Foundation for Research & Technology HellasINVITED VISITING PROFESSORSHIPS(1) 2013 Feb – June Belgium Department of Physics, University of Antwerpen (Visiting Professor)(2) 2011 June – July Germany Department of Physics, University of Tuebingen (Visiting Professor)(3) 2011 Mar Austria AtomInsitut, Vienna Institute of Technology (Visiting Academic/Professor)(4) 2010 Jul – Aug Australia School of Mathematics and Physics, The University of Queensland, Brisbane (Visiting Academic)(5) 2010 May – Jun Canada Department of Physics, University of Toronto (Visiting Professor)(6) 2010 Apr – May Canada Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy, Queen’s University, Kingston(Visiting Professor)
OTHER INVITED SCIENTIFIC VISITS AT ACADEMIC / RESEARCH INSTITUTES(1) 2017 Apr Italy BEC Centre, University of Trento (1-30/04/17)(2) 2017 Mar Italy College de France, Paris (13-17/03/17)(3) 2016 July Taiwan National Centre for Theoretical Studies (NCTS)(4) 2012 Sep Austria Atominstitut, Vienna University of Technology (10-14/09/12)(5) 2011 Mar Austria Atominstitut, Vienna University of Technology (14-18/03/11)(6) 2010 Mar Greece Department of Physics, University of Athens (8-26/03/10)(7) 2008 July U.K. Department of Physics, University of Nottingham (16-8/07/08)(8) 2008 July U.K. Centre for Cold Matter, Imperial College London (7-9/07/08)(9) 2008 Apr Netherlands Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University(10) 2006 July U.K. The Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University (3-6/07/06)(11) 2006 May U.K. Centre for Cold Matter, Imperial College London (22-23/05/06)(12) 2005 Apr Germany Physikalisches Institute, Heidelberg University (14-18/03/05)(13) 1997 – 2003 Netherlands Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University
Invited Visits for Collaboration: 6-15/10/97, 15-20/01/01,25-29/06/01, 22-26/10/01, 25-31/01/02, 7-16/01/03, 30/03-02/04/03, 16-18/09/03(14) 2001 Jan U.K. The Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford (22-26/01/01).(15) 1995 Nov U.S.A The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)Electron and Optical Physics Division, Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S (13-24/11/95).(16) 1993 Apr Switzerland Τhe OPAL Collaboration at CERN (Freiburg Group), Geneva (Daily Visit, 04/93).
RESEARCH VISITS HOSTED(1) 2017 Mar/June Newcastle Prof. Boris Malomed (Tel Aviv) as Newcastle University Visiting Professor (1 1 months)(2) 2016 Nov Newcastle Dr I-Kang Liu (Changhua University, Taiwan) (4 months)(3) 2016 Apr Newcastle Prof. Boris Malomed (Tel Aviv) as JQC Visiting Professor (2 weeks)(4) 2016 Mar Newcastle Prof. Eugene Zaremba (Queens U, Kingston, Canada) (4 weeks)(5) 2016 May Newcastle Dr. Stuart Szigeti (Brisbane) as JQC Junior Fellow (8 weeks)(6) 2016 Apr Newcastle Mr Quentin Marolleau (ENS Cachan) Masters Internship (15 weeks)(7) 2016 Mar Newcastle Prof. Leticia Cugliandolo (ENS, Les Houches Director) (3 days)(8) 2016 Jun Newcastle Dr. Jordi Mur Petit (Oxford) (3 days)(9) 2015 Jul Newcastle Dr Piotr Deuar, Polish Academy of Sciences (22-24/07/15)(10) 2015 Jul8 Newcastle Dr Piotr Deuar, Polish Academy of Sciences (22-24/07/15)(11) 2015 Jul Newcastle Dr Piotr Deuar, Polish Academy of Sciences (22-24/07/15)(12) 2015 Jul Newcastle Dr Nir Navon, Cambridge (05-06/11/15)(13) 2015 Jul Newcastle Dr Alex Zamora, University College London (23-24/07/15)(14) 2015 Jul Newcastle Dr Piotr Deuar, Polish Academy of Sciences (22-24/07/15)(15) 2015 Jul Newcastle Dr Jacques Tempere, Antwerpen University (22-24/07/15)(16) 2015 Jul Newcastle Dr Giacomo Lamporesi, Trento (17-20/07/15)(17) 2015 May Newcastle Prof. Franco Dalfovo, Trento (6-9/05/15)(18) 2015 Mar Newcastle Dr. Carsten Henkel, Potsdam (11-13/03/15)(19) 2015 Feb Newcastle Mr Tim Sauer, Potsdam University (10/02/15-10/04/15)(20) 2014 Sep Newcastle Dr Piotr Deuar and Dr Tomasz Swislocki, Polish Academy of Sciences (1-5/09/14)(21) 2014 Sep Newcastle Dr Donatello Gallucci, Siena University (22/09/14-22/11/14)(22) 2014 Jun Newcastle Prof. Mark Edwards, Georgia Southern University, USA (25-27/06/14)(23) 2014 May Newcastle Dr. Rembert Duine, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (8-10/05/14)(24) 2014 Mar Newcastle Prof. Eugene Zaremba, Queens University, Canada (12/03-14 – 02/04/14)(25) 2013 Nov Newcastle Dr Michiel Wouters & Mr Stijn Ceuppens, Antwerpen University (11/11/13-15/11/13)(26) 2013 Jan Newcastle Mr Gary Liu (12/01/13-15/02/13)(27) 2012 Sep Newcastle Dr Gor Nikoghosyan, Ulm University (2-6/09/12)(28) 2012 Apr Newcastle Mr Nathan Welch, Nottingham University (16-27/04/12 & 16-27/01/12)(29) 2012 Jan Newcastle Mr Mike Garrett, University of Queensland (08/01/12-10/03/12)(30) 2011 Dec Newcastle Dr Natalia Berloff, DAMPT, Cambridge (6-7/12/11)(31) 2011 Dec Newcastle Dr Joanthan Keeling, St Andrew’s (6-7/12/11)(32) 2011 Sep Newcastle Dr Tod Wright, University of Queensland (22/09/11-01/10/11)(33) 2011 June Newcastle Mr Chao Feng, University of Queensland (16-21/06/11)(34) 2011 Mar Newcastle Prof. Mark Fromhold, University of Nottignham (3-4/03/11)(35) 2011 Feb Newcastle Dr. Anssi Collin, Helsinki Institute of Technology (14-18/02/11)(36) 2011 Jan Newcastle Dr. Carsten Henkel, Potsdam University (12-13/01/11)(37) 2010 Jun Newcastle Professor Mark Fromhold, Nottingham University (16-17/06/10)(38) 2010 Jun Newcastle Dr. Andy Martin, University of Melbourne, Australia (16-17/06/10)(39) 2010 Apr Newcastle Mr. Geoff Lee, University of Queensland, Australia (19-21/04/10)(40) 2009 Nov Newcastle Dr. Piotr Deuar, Polish Academy of Sciences (9-13/11/09)
RELATED TALKS / POSTERS BY COLLEAGUES: Over 100 in national/international conferences
Nature Physics, Reviews of Modern Physics, Physics Reports, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, Physical Review B, Physical Review E, Europhysics Letters, New Journal of Physics, Journal of Physics A, Journal of Physics B, Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter, Journal of Optics B; Optics Communications; European Physical Journal D; Journal of Low Temperature Physics; International Journal of Modern Physics B; Computers and Simulations in Mathematics.
(Total Number of Articles Reviewed to Date: Over 250).
EP/I019413/1: Funding Agency: EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Research Councils, U.K.)Amount Contributed by EPSRC: £338,544Title: Turbulence in Quantum Gases: Setting the FrameworkDetails: Start Date: 1st January 2012Co-Investigator (Equal 50% split with PI: Prof. Carlo Barenghi)
Royal Society – International Travel Grants 2010Amount Awarded: £1100Dates: 25 June – 1 July
2017 Sep Spain, Chair of Photon/Polariton Session, Bi-Annual Bose-Einstein Condensation Meeting
2015 Sep U.K. Chair of one of the afternoon sessionsFINESS 2015 (Sopot)(Organized by P. Deuar and co-workers)2015 July U.K. Chair of one of the afternoon sessionsNon-Equilibrium Quantum Dynamics in Low Dimensions (Durham)(Organized by C. Weiss, S.A. Gardiner, S.L. Cornish & N.G. Parker)2014 July Czech Rep Co-chair of one of the afternoon sessionsLPHYS’14: 23rd International Laser Physics Workshop (Prague)Seminar 6: ‘Physics of Cold Trapped Atoms’(Organized by L.P. Pitaevskii, V.I. Yukalov & E. Zaremba)2009 Sep U.K. Chair of the Opening Scientific Session of the FINESS Workshop(Finite Temperature Non-Equilibrium Superfluid Systems: Van Mildert College, Durham University)(Co-hosted by Dr. S.A. Gardiner, Durham and myself)2008 July Spain Co-chair of one of the afternoon sessionsLPHYS’08: 17th International Laser Physics Workshop (Barcelona)Seminar 6: ‘Physics of Cold Trapped Atoms’(Organized by L.P. Pitaevskii, V.I. Yukalov & E. Zaremba)2007 June Denmark Chair of Panel Discussion (Other Panel Members: M.J. Davis – A.M. Rey – E. Zaremba)‘Non-equilibrium Behavior in Superfluid Gases at Finite Temperature’ (Sandbjerg)(Organized by N. Nygaard, C.W. Gardiner, A. Griffin and H. Smith)2004 Oct Germany Chair of the final sessionMesoscopic Phenomena in Ultracold Matter: From Single Atoms to Coherent Ensembles (Dresden)(Organized by J. Brand, P. Schmelcher and K. Burnett)2003 Aug Germany Co-chair (with N. Davidson) of one of the afternoon sessionsLPHYS’03: 12th International Laser Physics Workshop (Hamburg)Seminar 6: ‘Physics of Cold Trapped Atoms’(Organized by L.P. Pitaevskii, V.I. Yukalov & E. Zaremba)01/03/14-28/12/17 Dr Kean Loon Lee: RA funded by EPSRC grant ...
01/03/10 – 30/07/12 Dr. S.P. Cockburn: PDRA funded by EPSRC grant EP/F055935/101/01/12 – 01/09/14 Dr A.J. Allen: PDRA funded by EPSRC grant EP/I019413/101/10/13 – 30/09/14 Dr M. Edmonds: PDRA funded by EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship15/01/15 – 15/07/15 Dr D. Gallucci: PDRA funded by EPSRC grant EP/I019413/102/03/14 – 01/03/17 Dr K.L. Lee: PDRA funded by EPSRC grant EP/K03250X/1[ I also collaborated actively with Dr Angela White, EPSRC Fellow (Newcastle University) 2011-2014 ]---------------------------------------------------- DOCTORAL STUDENT SUPERVISION -----------------------------------------------------Newcastle University (School of Mathematics and Statistics):25/09/06 – 05/03/10 S.P. Cockburn - Supervisory Contribution: 100%Thesis Title: Bose Gases in and out of Equilibrium within the Stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii EquationViva passed with only minor corrections; PhD awarded in April 2010(Funded by EPSRC DTA awarded via my School)22/09/08 – 30/12/11 A.J. Allen - Supervisory Contribution: 50% (shared with Prof. Barenghi)Thesis Title: Non-Equilibrium and Finite Temperature Trapped Bose Gases:Interactions and Decay of Macroscopic ExcitationViva passed with minor corrections; PhD awarded in April 2012(Funded by EPSRC DTA awarded via my School)01/03/09 – 15/02/13 Mr. D. Gallucci – Supervisory Contribution: 100%Thesis Title: Ab Initio Modelling of (Quasi)-One-Dimensional Bose gas Experimentsvia the Stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii Equation(Funded by EPSRC grant EP/F055935/1)27/09/10 – 05/06/14 Mr. R. Pattinson – Supervisory Contribution: 50% (shared with Dr. Parker)Thesis Title: Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensates: Equilibria and Dynamics atZero temperature and beyond.(Self-funded student)27/09/12 – 15/07/16 Mr. I.-K. Liu – Supervisory Contribution: 50% (shared with Prof. Gou, Taiwan)(funded via MOST, formerly NSC Taiwan, through the Graduate Students Abroad Program)Theoretical Studies on the Non-Equilibrium Dynamics and Unconventional Condensation of TrappedTwo-Component Bose Gases05/01/14 – Mr. P. Comaron – Supervisory Contribution: 80% (shared with Dr. Parker)(Funded by EPSRC DTA awarded via my School)27/09/14 – Mr. T. Bland – Supervisory Contribution: 20% (shared with the lead supervisor, Dr. Parker)(Funded by EPSRC DTA awarded via my School)01/11/14 – Mr F. Larcher – Supervisory Contribution: 50% (Joint PhD, shared with Prof. Dalfovo, Trento)(Funded by Italian Fellowship and School funds)01/01/16 – Miss K. Xhani – Supervisory Contribution: 100%(Funded by School of Mathematics & Statistics)Durham University (Department of Physics)
30/09/17 - Mr Andrew RIchardson Supervisory Contribution: 80% (shared with Dr. Parker) [Newcastle-SIngapore PhD studentship, jointly with colleagues at CQT and NUS Singapore)
-------------------------------------------------- CITATIONS OF PUBLISHED RESEARCH: ----------------------------------------------------Web of Knowledge [Google Scholar]Total Number of Scientific Citations: 1501 [2380]Sum of Times Cited without Self-citations: 1186Number of Journals in which citations were made: 38Hirsch Index h = 22 [29]i10 Index [47]Average Number of Citations per Published Work 23.83-------------------------------------------------------- MASTER STUDENT SUPERVISION -----------------------------------------------------Co-Supervision with International Partner10/2015 – 09/2016 T. Sauer (joitnly supervised with Dr C Henkel, University of Potsdam)04/2016 – 08/2016 Q. Marolleau (student undertaking master’s level internship from Ecole Normal Cachan, Paris)Newcastle University (School of Mathematics and Statistics): Supervision of MMath Projects:29/09/15 – 23/06/16 J. Hersey Supervisory Contribution: 100%(Thesis Title: Quantum Portraits)29/09/15 – 23/06/16 B. Wade Supervisory Contribution: 100%(Thesis Title: Analytical Studies of Bose-Einstein Condensates)1629/09/14 – 22/06/15 P. Boyle Supervisory Contribution: 100%(Thesis Title: Josephson Effects in Atomic Condensates)29/09/14 – 22/06/15 A. Griffin Supervisory Contribution: 50% (shared with Prof. Barenghi)(Thesis Title: Mathematical Analysis of Superfluids)29/09/14 – 22/06/15 J. Graham Supervisory Contribution: 100%(Thesis Title: The Gross-Pitaevskii Equation for Ultracold Atoms)29/09/10 – 22/06/11 D. Rafferty Supervisory Contribution: 100%(Thesis Title: Mathematical Analysis of Superfluids)C. Henderson Contribution: 50% (shared with Dr. Youd)(Thesis Title: Atomic Superfluids in Double-Well Traps)21/09/09 – 25/06/10 R. Pattinson Supervisory Contribution: 50% (shared with Dr. Youd))(Thesis Title: Dynamics of Coupled Atomic Superfluids)22/09/08 – 22/06/09 N. Kane Supervisory Contribution: 100%(Thesis Title: Theoretical Modelling of Atomic Superfluids )C. O’Toole Supervisory Contribution: 50% (shared with Prof. Barenghi)(Thesis Title: Controlled Shock Wave Generation in Atomic Superfluids)D. Jackson Supervisory Contribution: 50% (shared with Prof. Barenghi)(Thesis Title: Dark Soliton Dynamics in Trapped Atomic Condensates)25/09/07 – 25/06/08 J. Rowell Supervisory Contribution: 100%(Thesis Title: Dark Solitons in Atomic Superfluids)A. Lowery Supervisory Contribution: 50% (shared with Prof. Barenghi)(Thesis Title: Controlled Shock-wave Generation in Atomic SuperfluidsG. Murray Supervisory Contribution: 50% (shared with Prof. Barenghi)(Thesis Title: Topological Defects)Durham University (Department of Physics): Supervision of MSci Projects:01/10/03 – 30/09/04 H. Ashworth Supervisory Contribution: 50% (shared with Prof. C.S. Adams)(Thesis Title: Decoherence of Entangled Quantum States)S.R. Plant Supervisory Contribution: 50% (shared with Prof. C.S. Adams)(Project Title: Neutral Quantum Atom Gates)
Onassis Science Series: Frontiers of Quantum Physics with Atoms, and Photons (Heraklion, July 2017)
Department of Physics, University of Antwerpen (Belgium – March/April 2013) [Graduate Course] Department of Physics, University of Tuebingen (Germany – June/July 2011) [Advanced Undergraduate Course] Atominstitut, Vienna Institute of Technology (Austria – Mar 2011) [Postgraduate Lectures] Sao Paolo School of Advanced Science (Brazil – Apr 2011) [Postgraduate Course]-
- Proukakis NP, Rigopoulos G, Soto A. Unified description of corpuscular and fuzzy bosonic dark matter. II. Dissipation and stochastic forces. Physical Review D 2025, 111, 023505.
- Indjin M, Liu I-K, Proukakis NP, Rigopoulos G. Virialized profiles and oscillations of self-interacting fuzzy dark matter solitons. Physical Review D 2024, 109, 103518.
- Proukakis NP, Rigopoulos G, Soto A. Hybrid model of condensate and particle dark matter: Linear perturbations in the hydrodynamic limit. Physical Review D 2024, 110(2), 023504.
- Proukakis NP, Rigopoulos G, Soto A. Unified description of corpuscular and fuzzy bosonic dark matter. Physical Review D 2023, 108(8), 083513.
- Liu IK, Proukakis NP, Rigopoulos G. Coherent and incoherent structures in fuzzy dakr matter haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2023, 521(3), 3625–3647.
- Keepfer NA, Liu I-K, Dalfovo F, Proukakis NP. Phase transition dimensionality crossover from two to three dimensions in a trapped ultracold atomic Bose gas. Physical Review Research 2022, 4(3), 033130.
- Bland T, Yatsuta IV, Edwards M, Nikolaieva YO, Oliinyk AO, Yakimenko AI, Proukakis NP. Persistent current oscillations in a double-ring quantum gas. Physical Review Research 2022, 4(4), 043171.
- Xhani K, Proukakis NP. Dissipation in a finite-temperature atomic Josephson junction. Physical Review Research 2022, 4(3), 033205.
- Amico L, Boshier M, Birkl G, Minguzzi A, Miniatura C, Kwek LC, Aghamalyan D, Ahufinger V, Anderson D, Andrei N, Arnold AS, Baker M, Bell TA, Bland T, Brantut JP, Cassettari D, Chetcuti WJ, Chevy F, Citro R, De Palo S, Dumke R, Edwards M, Folman R, Fortagh J, Gardiner SA, Garraway BM, Gauthier G, Gunther A, Haug T, Hufnagel C, Keil M, Ireland P, Lebrat M, Li W, Longchambon L, Mompart J, Morsch O, Naldesi P, Neely TW, Olshanii M, Orignac E, Pandey S, Perez-Obiol A, Perrin H, Piroli L, Polo J, Pritchard AL, Proukakis NP, Rylands C, Rubinsztein-Dunlop H, Scazza F, Stringari S, Tosto F, Trombettoni A, VictoriN N, vonKlitzing W, Wilkowski D, Xhani K, Yakimenko A. Roadmap on Atomtronics: State of the art and perspective. AVS Quantum Science 2021, 3(3), 039201.
- Brown K, Bland T, Comaron P, Proukakis NP. Periodic quenches across the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition. Physical Review Research 2021, 3(1), 013097.
- Comaron P, Carusotto I, Szymanska MH, Proukakis NP. Non-equilibrium Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in driven-dissipative condensates. Europhysics Letters 2021, 133(1), 17002.
- Wilson KE, Guttridge A, Liu I-Kang, Segal J, Billam TP, Parker NG, Proukakis NP, Cornish SL. Dynamics of a degenerate Cs-Yb mixture with attractive interspecies interactions. Physical Review Research 2021, 3(3), 033096.
- Groszek AJ, Comaron P, Proukakis NP, Billam TP. Crossover in the dynamical critical exponent of a quenched two-dimensional Bose gas. Physical Review Research 2021, 3(1), 013212.
- Bland T, Marolleau Q, Comaron P, Malomed BA, Proukakis NP. Persistent current formation in double-ring geometries. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2020, 53(11), 115301.
- Zamora A, Dagvadorj G, Comaron P, Carusotto I, Proukakis NP, Szymanska MH. Kibble-Zurek Mechanism in Driven Dissipative Systems Crossing a Nonequilibrium Phase Transition. Physical Review Letters 2020, 125, 095301.
- Liu I-K, Dziarmaga J, Gou S-C, Dalfovo F, Proukakis NP. Kibble-Zurek dynamics in a trapped ultracold Bose gas. Physical Review Research 2020, 2(3), 033183.
- Xhani K, Galantucci L, Barenghi CF, Roati G, Trombettoni A, Proukakis NP. Dynamical phase diagram of ultracold Josephson junctions. New Journal of Physics 2020, 22(12), 123006.
- Xhani K, Neri E, Galantucci L, Scazza F, Burchianti A, Lee KL, Barenghi CF, Trombettoni A, Inguscio M, Zaccanti M, Roati G, Proukakis NP. Critical transport and vortex dynamics in a thin atomic Josephson junction. Physical Review Letters 2020, 124(4), 045301.
- Comaron P, Larcher F, Dalfovo F, Proukakis NP. Quench dynamics of an ultracold two-dimensional Bose gas. Physical Review A 2019, 100(3), 033618.
- Chen Z, Li Y, Proukakis NP, Malomed BA. Immiscible and miscible states in binary condensates in the ring geometry. New Journal of Physics 2019, 21, 073058.
- Lee KL, Jørgensen NB, Wacker LJ, Skou MG, Skalmstang KT, Arlt JJ, Proukakis NP. Time-of-flight expansion of binary Bose-Einstein condensates at finite temperature. New Journal of Physics 2018, 20, 053004.
- Bland T, Parker NG, Proukakis NP, Malomed BA. Probing quasi-integrability of the Gross–Pitaevskii equation in a harmonic-oscillator potential. Journal of Physics B 2018, 51, 205303.
- Liu IK, Donadello S, Lamporesi G, Ferrari G, Gou SC, Dalfovo F, Proukakis NP. Dynamical Equilibration Across a Quenched Phase Transition in a Trapped Quantum Gas. Communications Physics 2018, 1, 24.
- Comaron P, Dagvadorj G, Zamora A, Carusotto I, Proukakis NP, Szymanska MH. Dynamical critical exponents in driven-dissipative quantum systems. Physical Review Letters 2018, 121, 095302.
- Ota M, Larcher F, Dalfovo F, Pitaevskii L, Proukakis NP, Stringari S. Collisionless sound in a uniform two-dimensional Bose gas. Physical Review Letters 2018, 121(14), 145302.
- Griffin A, Stagg GW, Proukakis NP, Barenghi CF. Vortex scattering by impurities in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Journal of Physics B 2017, 50, 115003.
- Su SW, Liu IK, Gou SG, Liao R, Fialko O, Brand J. Hidden long-range order in a spin-orbit-coupled two-dimensional Bose gas. Physical Review A 2017, 95, 053629.
- Henkel C, Sauer T-O, Proukakis NP. Cross-over to quasi-condensation: mean-field theories and beyond. Journal of Physics B 2017, 50(11), 114002.
- Liu IK, Pattinson RW, Billam TP, Gardiner SA, Cornish SL, Huang TM, Lin WW, Gou SC, Parker NG, Proukakis NP. Stochastic Growth Dynamics and Composite Defects in Quenched Immiscible Binary Condensates. Physical Review A 2016, 93, 023628.
- Rooney SJ, Allen AJ, Zulicke U, Proukakis NP, Bradley AS. Reservoir interactions of a vortex in a trapped three-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate. Physical Review A 2016, 93(6).
- Lee KL, Jørgensen NB, Liu I-K, Wacker L, Arlt JJ, Proukakis NP. Phase separation and dynamics of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A 2016, 94(1), 013602.
- Lee KL, Proukakis NP. Non-equilibrium atomic condensates and mixtures: collective modes, condensate growth and thermalisation . Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2016, 49, 214003.
- Gallucci D, Proukakis N. Engineering Dark Solitary Waves in Ring-Trap Bose-Einstein Condensates. New Journal of Physics 2016, 18, 025004.
- Edmonds MJ, Lee KL, Proukakis NP. Nonequilibrium kinetic theory for trapped binary condensates. Physical Review A 2015, 92(6), 063607.
- Edmonds MJ, Lee KL, Proukakis NP. Kinetic model of trapped finite-temperature binary condensates. Physical Review A 2015, 91, 011602(R).
- Bland T, Edmonds MJ, Proukakis NP, Martin AM, O'Dell DHJ, Parker NG. Controllable nonlocal interactions between dark solitons in dipolar condensates. Physical Review A 2015, 92, 063601.
- Allen AJ, Zuccher S, Caliari M, Proukakis NP, Parker NG, Barenghi CF. Vortex reconnections in atomic condensates at finite temperature. Physical Review A 2014, 90(1), 013601.
- Allen AJ, Zuccher S, Caliari M, Proukakis NP, Parker NG, Barenghi CF. Vortex reconnections in atomic condensates at finite temperature. Physical Review A 2014, 90(1), 013601.
- Berloff NG, Brachet M, Proukakis NP. Modeling quantum fluid dynamics at nonzero temperatures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2014, 111(Supplement 1), 4675-4682.
- Allen AJ, Parker NG, Proukakis NP, Barenghi CF. Isotropic vortex tangles in trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensates via laser stirring. Physical Review A 2014, 89, 025602.
- Yan D, Carretero-Gonzalez R, Frantzeskakis DJ, Kevrekidis PG, Proukakis NP, Spirn D. Exploring vortex dynamics in the presence of dissipation: Analytical and numerical results. Physical Review A 2014, 89(4), 043613.
- Markle J, Allen AJ, Federsel P, Jetter B, Gunther A, Fortagh J, Proukakis NP, Judd TE. Evaporative cooling of cold atoms at surfaces. Physical Review A 2014, 90(2), 023614.
- Pattinson RW, Proukakis NP, Parker NG. Equilibration of a finite-temperature binary Bose gas formed by population transfer. Physical Review A 2014, 90(3), 033625-1-033625-8.
- Allen AJ, Zaremba E, Barenghi CF, Proukakis NP. Observable vortex properties in finite-temperature Bose gases. Physical Review A 2013, 87(1), 013630.
- Pattinson RW, Billam TP, Gardiner SA, McCarron DJ, Cho HW, Cornish SL, Parker NG, Proukakis NP. Equilibrium solutions for immiscible two-species Bose-Einstein condensates in perturbed harmonic traps. Physical Review A 2013, 87(1), 013625.
- Gallucci D, Cockburn SP, Proukakis NP. Phase coherence in quasicondensate experiments: An ab initio analysis via the stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Physical Review A 2012, 86(1), 013627.
- White AC, Barenghi CF, Proukakis NP. Creation and characterization of vortex clusters in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A 2012, 86(1), 013635.
- Parker NG, Allen AJ, Barenghi CF, Proukakis NP. Coherent cross talk and parametric driving of matter-wave vortices. Physical Review A 2012, 86(1), 013631.
- Cockburn SP, Proukakis NP. Ab initio methods for finite-temperature two-dimensional Bose gases. Physical Review A 2012, 86(3), 033610.
- Cockburn SP, Gallucci D, Proukakis NP. Quantitative study of quasi-one-dimensional Bose gas experiments via the stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Physical Review A 2011, 84(2), 023613.
- Wright TM, Proukakis NP, Davis MJ. Many-body physics in the classical-field description of a degenerate Bose gas. Physical Review A 2011, 84(2), 023608.
- Allen AJ, Jackson DP, Barenghi CF, Proukakis NP. Long-range sound-mediated dark-soliton interactions in trapped atomic condensates. Physical Review A 2011, 83(1), 013613.
- Cockburn SP, Nistazakis HE, Horikis TP, Kevrekidis PG, Proukakis NP, Frantzeskakis DJ. Fluctuating and dissipative dynamics of dark solitons in quasicondensates. Physical Review A 2011, 84(4), 043640.
- Cockburn SP, Negretti A, Proukakis NP, Henkel C. Comparison between microscopic methods for finite-temperature Bose gases. Physical Review A 2011, 83(4), 043619.
- White AC, Barenghi CF, Proukakis NP, Youd AJ, Wacks DH. Nonclassical Velocity Statistics in a Turbulent Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensate. Physical Review Letters 2010, 104(7), 075301.
- Cockburn SP, Nistazakis HE, Horikis TP, Kevrekidis PG, Proukakis NP, Frantzeskakis DJ. Matter-Wave Dark Solitons: Stochastic versus Analytical Results. Physical Review Letters 2010, 104(17), 174101.
- Parker N, Proukakis N, Adams C. Dark soliton decay due to trap anharmonicity in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A 2010, 81(3), 033606.
- Cockburn SP, Proukakis NP. The stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation and some applications. Laser Physics 2009, 19(4), 558-570.
- Jackson B, Proukakis N, Barenghi C, Zaremba E. Finite-temperature vortex dynamics in Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A 2009, 79(5), 053615.
- Jackson B, Proukakis NP, Barenghi CF. Dark-soliton dynamics in Bose-Einstein condensates at finite temperature. Physical Review A 2007, 75(5), 051601.
- Frantzeskakis DJ, Kevrekidis PG, Proukakis NP. Crossover dark soliton dynamics in ultracold one-dimensional Bose gases. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics 2007, 364(2), 129-134.
- Frantzeskakis DJ, Kevrekidis PG, Proukakis NP. Crossover dark soliton dynamics in ultracold one-dimensional Bose gases. Physics Letters A 2007, 364(2), 129-134.
- Proukakis NP. Spatial correlation functions of one-dimensional Bose gases at equilibrium. Physical Review A 2006, 74(5), 053617.
- Proukakis NP. Spatial correlation functions of one-dimensional Bose gases at equilibrium. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2006, 74(5), 053617.
- Proukakis NP, Schmiedmayer J, Stoof HTC. Quasicondensate growth on an atom chip. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2006, 73(5), 053603.
- Proukakis NP. Interplay of density and phase fluctuations in ultracold one-dimensional Bose gases. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2006, 73(2), 023605.
- Barenghi CF, Parker NG, Proukakis NP, Adams CS. Decay of quantised vorticity by sound emission. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 2005, 138(3-4), 629-634.
- Sakellari E, Proukakis NP, Adams CS. Tunnelling-induced Collapse of an Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Double-well Potential. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2004, 37(18), 3681.
- Parker NG, Proukakis NP, Barenghi CF, Adams CS. Parametric Driving of Dark Solitons in Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates. Physical Review Letters 2004, 93(13), 130408.
- Sakellari E, Proukakis NP, Leadbeater M, Adams CS. Josephson Tunnelling of a Phase-imprinted Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Time-dependent Double-Well Potential. New Journal of Physics 2004, 6(42), 1-11.
- Frantzeskakis DJ, Proukakis NP, Kevrekidis PG. Dynamics of Shallow Dark Solitons in a Trapped Gas of Impenetrable Bosons. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2004, 70(1), 015601.
- Proukakis NP, Parker NG, Barenghi CF, Adams CS. Coupling between Topological Excitations and the Background Sound Field in Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates. Laser Physics 2004, 14(2), 284-290.
- Parker NG, Proukakis NP, Barenghi CF, Adams CS. Controlled vortex-sound interactions in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review Letters 2004, 92(16), 160403-1.
- Proukakis NP, Parker DJ, Frantzeskakis NG, Adams CS. Analogies Between Dark Solitons in Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates and Optical Systems. Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 2004, 6(5), S380.
- Parker NG, Proukakis NP, Leadbeater M, Adams CS. Soliton-Sound Interactions in Quasi-One-Dimensional Bose-Einstein Condensates. Physical Review Letters 2003, 90(22), 220401.
- Nikolopoulos GM, Lambropoulos P, Proukakis NP. Effects of interatomic collisions on atom-laser outcoupling. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2003, 36(13), 2797-2816.
- Khawaja UAl, Proukakis NP, Andersen JO, Romans MWJ, Stoof HTC. Dimensional and Temperature Crossover in Trapped Bose Gases. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2003, 68(4), 043603.
- Parker NG, Proukakis NP, Leadbeater M, Adams CS. Deformation of Dark Solitons in Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein Condensates. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2003, 36(13), 2891-2910.
- Proukakis NP. Coherence of Trapped One-Dimensional (Quasi-)Condensates and Continuous Atom Lasers in Waveguides. Laser Physics 2003, 13(4), 527-536.
- Al Khawaja U, Andersen JO, Proukakis NP, Stoof HTC. Low dimensional Bose gases. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2002, 66(1), 013615.
- Proukakis NP, Lambropoulos P. Basis-dependent Dynamics of Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates and Analogies with Semi-classical Laser Theory. European Physical Journal D: Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physi 2002, 19(3), 335-370.
- Proukakis NP. Self-consistent Quantum Kinetics of Condensate and Non-condensate via a Coupled Equations of Motion Formalism. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2001, 34(23), 4737-4755.
- Hutchinson DAW, Burnett K, Dodd RJ, Morgan SA, Rusch M, Zaremba E, Proukakis NP, Edwards M, Clark CW. Gapless mean-field theory of Bose-Einstein Condensates. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2000, 33(19), 3825-3846.
- Proukakis NP, Burnett K, Stoof HTC. Microscopic treatment of binary interactions in the nonequilibrium dynamics of partially Bose-condensed trapped gases. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 1998, 57(2), 1230-1247.
- Proukakis NP, Morgan SA, Choi S, Burnett K. Comparison of gapless mean field theories for trapped Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 1998, 58(3), 2435-2445.
- Proukakis NP, Burnett K. Theory of Bose-Einstein Condensation for Trapped Atoms. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1997, 355(1733), 2235-2245.
- Proukakis NP, Burnett K. Generalized mean fields for trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. Journal of Research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology 1996, 101(4), 457-469.
- Proukakis NP, Burnett K, Edwards M, Dodd RJ, Clark CW. Theory of Bose-Einstein condensed trapped atoms. Trends in Optics and Photonics Series 1995, 7.
Book Chapters
- Snoke DW, Proukakis NP, Giamarchi T, Littlewood PB. Universality and Bose-Einstein condensation: Perspectives on recent work. In: Proukakis, NP; Snoke, DW; Littlewood, PB, ed. Universal Themes of Bose-Einstein Condensation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp.3-21.
- Parker N, Allen AJ, Barenghi C, Proukakis NP. Quantum Turbulence in Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates. In: N. Proukakis, D. Snoke and P Littlewood, ed. Universal Themes of Bose-Einstein Condensation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp.348-370.
- Proukakis NP, Snoke DW, Littlewood PB. Preface. In: Proukakis NP; Snoke DW; Littlewood PB, ed. Universal Themes of Bose-Einstein Condensation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp.xi-xii.
- Davis MJ, Wright TM, Gasenzer T, Gardiner SA, Proukakis NP. Formation of Bose-Einstein condensates. In: N. Proukakis, D. Snoke and P. Littlewood, ed. Universal Themes of Bose-Einstein Condensation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp.117-150.
- Cockburn SP, Proukakis NP. The Stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii Methodology. In: Proukakis, NP; Gardiner, SA; Davis, MJ; Szymanska, MH, ed. Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics. London; Singapore: Imperial College Press (World Scientific), 2013, pp.177-189.
- Proukakis NP, David MJ, Gardiner SA. Selected Theoretical Comparisons for Bosons. In: Proukakis, NP; Gardiner, SA; Davis, MJ; Szymanska, MH, ed. Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics. London; Singapore: Imperial College Press (World Scientific), 2013, pp.261-286.
- Wright TM, Davis MJ, Proukakis NP. Reconciling the classical-field method with the Beliaev broken-symmetry approach. In: Proukakis, NP; Gardiner, SA; Davis, MJ; Szymanska, MH, ed. Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics. London (Singapore): Imperial College Press (World Scientific), 2013, pp.299-312.
- Proukakis NP, Burnett K. Quantum Gases: Setting the Scene. In: Proukakis, NP; Gardiner, SA; Davis, MJ; Szymanska, MH, ed. Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics. London; Singapore: Imperial College Press (World Scientific), 2013, pp.7-24.
- Davis MJ, Gardiner SA, Hanna TM, Nygaard N, Proukakis NP, Szymanska MH. Introduction to Theoretical Modelling. In: Proukakis, NP; Gardiner, SA; Davis, MJ; Szymanska, MH, ed. Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics. London (Singapore): Imperial College Press (World Scientific), 2013, pp.63-83.
- Allen AJ, Barenghi CF, Proukakis NP, Zaremba E. A Dynamical Self-Consistent Finite Temperature Kinetic Theory: The ZNG Scheme. In: Proukakis, N.P., Gardiner, S.A., Davis, M.J., Szymanska, M.H, ed. Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics. London: Imperial College Press, 2013, pp.93-105.
- Parker NG, Proukakis NP, Adams CS. Dark Soliton Dynamics in Confined Bose-Einstein Condensates. In: Chen, L.V, ed. Focus on Soliton Research. New York: Nova Publishing, 2007, pp.1-49.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Allen AJ, Parker NG, Proukakis NP, Barenghi CF. Quantum turbulence in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2014, Edinburgh, UK: Institute of Physics Publishing.
- Pattinson RW, Parker NG, Proukakis NP. A Phenomenological Model of the Growth of Two-Species Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates. In: 22nd Annual International Laser Physics Workshop. 2014, Prague, Czech Republic: Institute of Physics Publishing.
- White A, Proukakis NP, Barenghi CF. Topological stirring of two-dimensional atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. In: Isaac Newton Institute TOD conference "Knotted, Linked and Tangled Flux in Quantum and Classical Systems". 2013, Cambridge (Isaac Newton Institute): Institute of Physics. Submitted.
- Allen AJ, Parker NG, Proukakis NP, Barenghi CF. Quantum turbulence in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. In: Isaac Newton Institute TOD conference "Knotted, Linked and Tangled Flux in Quantum and Classical Systems". 2013, Cambridge (Isaac Newton Institute): Institute of Physics. Submitted.
- White AC, Proukakis NP, Barenghi CF. Topological stirring of two-dimensional atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. In: Quantised Flux in Tightly Knotted and Linked Systems. 2012, Cambridge, UK: Institute of Physics Publishing.
- White AC, Proukakis NP, Youd AJ, Baggaley AW, Barenghi CF. Turbulence in a Bose-Einstein condensate. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, European Turbulence Conference ETC13. 2011, Warsaw, Poland: Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd.
- White AC, Proukakis NP, Youd AJ, Wacks DH, Baggaley AW, Barenghi CF. Turbulence in a Bose-Einstein condensate. In: 3th European Turbulence Conference (ETC): Vorticity Dynamics. 2011, Warsaw, Poland: Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd.
- Jackson B, Barenghi CF, Proukakis NP. Matter wave solitons at finite temperatures. In: Journal of Low Temperature Physics: Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids. 2007, Kyoto University, Japan: Springer New York LLC.
- Barenghi CF, Parker NG, Proukakis NP, Adams CS. Decay of quantised vorticity by sound emission. In: Journal of Low Temperature Physics: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids (QFS). 2005, University of Trento, Povo, Italy: Springer New York LLC.
- Parker NG, Proukakis NP, Barenghi CF, Adams CS. Dynamical instability of a dark soliton in a quasi-one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate perturbed by an optical lattice. In: Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. International Workshop on Theory of Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherence. 2004, Levico, Italy: Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd.
- Proukakis NP, Parker NG, Barenghi CF, Adams CS. Coupling between topological excitations and the background sound field in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. In: Laser Physics: 12th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop. 2004, Hamburg, Germany: MAIK Nauka - Interperiodica.
- Parker NG, Proukakis NP, Barenghi CF, Adams CS. Dynamical instability of a dark soliton in a quasi-one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate perturbed by an optical lattice. In: Theory of Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherence: The Levico BEC Workshop. 2003, Levico, Italy: Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics: Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd.
- Hutchinson DAW, Dodd RJ, Proukakis NP, Morgan SA, Choi S, Rusch M, Burnett K. Interactions in Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates. In: AIP Conference Proceedings: Sixteenth International Conference on Atomic Physics. 1998.
Edited Books
- Proukakis NP, Snoke DW, Littlewood PB, ed. Universal themes of Bose-Einstein condensation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
- Proukakis NP, Gardiner SA, Davis MJ, Szymanska MH, ed. Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics. London and Singapore: Imperial College Press, 2013.
- Wlazlowski G, Xhani K, Tylutki M, Proukakis NP, Magierski P. Dissipation Mechanisms in Fermionic Josephson Junction. Physical Review Letters 2023, 130, 023003.
- Proukakis NP, Jackson B. Finite-temperature models of Bose-Einstein condensation. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2008, 41(20), 203002.