Staff Profile
Professor Lynn Frewer
Professor of Food & Society
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 8272
- Personal Website:
- Address: Room 3.17
3rd Floor
Agriculture Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Current Interests
Developing transdisciplinary research into agri-food systems, including interactions between the social sciences and the biological, environmental, engineering and the arts and humanities.
Understanding how to facilitate and accelerate farmer, stakeholder and end-user adoption of emerging
agrifood technologies and innovations (in the UK, resource rich and LMICs).
Developing qualitative, quantitative and digital methodologies to understand attitudes and behaviors
related to food security, including co-production methodologies.
Operationalizing scientific foresight regarding research agenda setting, policy and
- Professor, Food and Society at the Newcastle University (from January 2011).
- Professor, Food Safety and Consumer Behaviour, Wageningen University , The Netherlands
- Head , Consumer Science Group at the Institute of Food Research, UK
- Senior Research Scientist (Institute of Food Research, Reading, UK,
- Previous appointments as Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Psychiatry, London
- lecturer, University of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea,
Orcid - 0000-0002-6494-3492
Scopus ID 7004644699
Examples of Committee Membership and engagement activities
- UKRI cross council responsive mode scheme – Deputy Chair interdisciplinary evaluation panel 5A (EEB-SS), 2025.
- Chair, FORMAS, (Research council for sustainable development, Sweden) Career grants for early-career researchers, Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine panel, 2025.
- Chair, Formas (Research council for sustainable development, Sweden) Food Centres evaluation panel, 2024
- Chair, ILSI expert group on postbiotics (2025-)
- Member, FWO Review College, 2025-2027.European Science foundation evaluation panel member, interdisciplinary fellowship awards (2025)
- Chair, PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area. Horizon Europe) International Award Evaluation Committee, 2024
- Chair, Panel 6 (EEB – BIOM, environment and biomedical interface) UKRI Interdisciplinary Assessment Responsive mode (2023-2024)
- Member, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Strategy Advisory Panel, Bioscience for Sustainable Agriculture and Food (2024-2028)
- UKRI Interdisciplinary Assessment College (IAC) pool of chairs (2023-2025)
- Member, UKRI BBSRC (biotechnology and biological Sciences Research Council evaluation panel A, animal disease and welfare, (2023 ) and Panel B, Plants, Microbes, Food and Sustainability (2023, 2024), responsive mode.
- Member, UKRI AHRC Mobilising Community Assets Advisory Board, 2023-2025
- Member, DEFRA UKFSR24 TUKFS Expert Group, 2024
- Chair, Formas (Sweden) general call, Food panel, 2021, 2022, 2023
- Panel member, EU call, Advanced (nano/Bio materials for sustainable agriculture
- UKRI NERC college of reviewers, July 2023-June 2025
- Chair, Future Food Systems Challenge, National Challenge Fund, Ireland (2023)
- Evaluator, UKRI INNOVATE, calls on a. Farming innovation and b. better food for all c. Net zero living (2023)
- Evaluator, UKRI INNOVATE, calls on a. Marine sensing for the environment (2 calls. 2023)
- Chair, midterm evaluation panel, Arrell Food Research Institute, Canada (2022)
- Member/ Interdisciplinary Advisor, UoA 6,UK REF UKRI), 2018-2022
- Co-Chair, UKRI-Food Standards Agency (FSA) Citizen Science for Food, 2021
- Chair, PRIMA evaluation panel, PRIMA Agrofood. 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021,2022.
- Chair, Science Foundation Ireland Food Challenge, Science Foundation Ireland: 2020, 2021.
- Evaluator and panel member, European Commission EU-COVID-19 rapid response 2020
- Chair INCA's scientific committee - Chlordecone exposure and Cancer Risk (2020-2025)
- Member, working group on animal genomics, Nuffield Council on Bioethics (2018-2022)
- Member, MRC Collaborative Awards wider expert review panel 2018
- UK FSA Government Advisory Committee Social Science Research Committee (2011-2017)
- Member, steering committee, Swiss national programme, healthy sustainable food (2009-2021)
- Member, Scientific Advisory Board, European JPI,“Healthy diet for a healthy life” (2011-2015).
- Chair, Evaluation Committee, GM and food production, MISTRA (Sweden) 2015.
- External Science Advisory Panel, CEFIC (expert member since 2001, Chair 2009-2012)
- WHO invited expert, radiation contamination, food and risk communication (2012-2014)
- FAO invited expert, Food Safety Risk Communication working group, (2012-2014)
- FAO invited expert. Expert group on risk communication, (1996).
- PhD Applied Psychology, University of Leeds
- MSc Ergonomics, University College London, UK
- BSc Psychology, 2i, Bristol University, UK
Current Research Interests
Grants awarded
I have had extensive involvement in transdisciplinary agrifood projects, including in relation to human, environmental and animal health, and the “One Health agenda, and involving LMICs. O am particlaualey intersested in inter- and trans- disciplaianry research, where "the whole is greater than the sum of the paerts in relation to theory, methods and translational practices
Current projects
Intefgrating Finance and Biodiversity Stage 2 NERC (April 2024-July 2026). Objective. To understand effective funding mechanisms tregarding finance and biodiversity
FRIBO : Financial Rewards for Improved Biodiversity Outcomes. Stage 1 NERC research, leading . Objective. To understand effective funding mechanisms tregarding finance and biodiversity
Sushealth (BBSRC Transforming Food Systems) (1st July 2022-30th June 2025). Objective: To make food choice decision-making easier with respect to sustainability and health
Agroforestry futures (NERC treescapes) 12th August 2022 – 11th July 2024. Objective; To understand the future of agroforestry and codevelop the ecosystems and landscapes which this delivers
AgriFood4NetZero: Plausible Pathways, Practical and Open Science for Net Zero Agrifood (EPSRC Agrifoodnetwork+). 1st July 2022- 30th June 2025. Objective: to create a strong and impactful Network to support rapid, robust and trusted transformation of the agri-food sector to achieve net zero.
Holifood (Horizon Europe/UK associated partner), 1st October 2022-September 2026. WP lead (engagement, science and policy) aObjective: To codesign with stakeholders methods to identify emerging food risks.
SUPERG (Horizon Europe), 1st June 2018- 28th February 2024. WP leads 1. Securing performance 2. Ethical analysis. Value. Euro 10,000,000, Newcastle value Euro 800,000. Objectives: to co-develop sustainable permanent grassland (PG) systems and policies with farmers, citizens, food consumers and policy makers
Projects funded in the last 5 years
INEXTVIR (Horizon 2020 MC ITN), 1st February 2019 - 31st July 2023. Role: WP Lead, Societal perceptions of risks associated with the virome in agriculture. Objectives: analysis of the virome of selected agricultural crops and ecosystems across Europe.
Red Apple (BBSRC INNOVATE), 1st April 2019-31st April 2022.
Objective: Stakeholder and consumer adoption of precision agriculture technologies in China and the UK
Demeter (EFSA). 1st January, 2017- 31st December 2020.
Objective: To use data mining and data science solutions (digital technologies) to enable identification of emerging food safety issues Role: Lead WP 4, societal engagement in emerging risk identification, (citizen science, social media, expert knowledge elicitation).
Prohealth (EU FP7) 1st December 2013 – 30th November 2018. Objective: To address production diseases of pigs and poultry raised in a wide range of EU intensive systems. Role: Task leads: consumer attitudes to farm animal welfare and production diseases, including prevention and mitigation strategies
Food Integrity* (EU FP7) 1st January 2014 – 31st December 2018. Objective: To assess the integrity of European foods in relation to threat from fraud. WP lead: Consumer attitudes to Food fraud and authenticity.
Animal genomics: (Genome Canada) 1st June 2016- 30th April 2019. Objective: Gene editing of farm Animals for increasedand sustainability. Wp lead ,consumer stakeholder and farmer attitudes towards gene editing, in pigs and cattle
Other Projects which have involved interdisciplinary research Ionizing radiation exposure and risk perceptions (EU FP5, and the UK Department of Health, understanding the impacts mobile phone technology on risk perceptions in Bangladesh (Mobile phone industry), Chemical Mixtures (CEFIC), nanotechnologies (Wageningen University core funding), researcher perceptions of the European Clinical Trials Directive on medical research- Clint, EU FP6, Understanding stakeholder views on developing novel approaches to pharmaceutical funding via a global Health Impact Fund (INNOVA, FP6) and the circular bioeconomy (Wageningen University) as well as core funded research at the Institute of Food Research and EU funded collaborative actions linked to healthy eating and the circular bioeconomy,
Other examples of involvement in EU projects include Pegasus (scientific coordinator), Safefoods (Workpackage leader in Consumer Behaviour), Europrevall (theme leader, Socio-economic issues), Qualibra (workpackage leader), Go-global (workpackage leader), and BROWSE (workpackage leader). In addition, Lynn has been PI for funding from, inter alia, the DUTCH NWO and VWA, UK DEFRA and industry bodies such as the Mobile phone industry board, SUSCHEM. Whilst employed in the UK I have been awarded research grants from the UK FSA, DEFRA, DoH, and BBSRC CSG .
I teach across various courses, in particular in relation to issues and policy om food security, consumer behaviour and marketing, and agricultural transformation. I run workshops on responsible research and innovation. Please contact me if you are interested in post graduate study in these areas.
- Grigoriadis V, Livingstone D, Thomas EL, Brereton P, Woodside JV, Nugent A, Smyth B, Hutchinson G, Vlajic J, Areal F, Collins O, Sari N, Fu R, Frewer LJ. Developing the Sus-Health Index: a combined measure for describing environmental impact and nutritive value of foods and meals. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 2025. In Press.
- Garvey J, Grigoriadis V, Flannery D, Knapp E, Gold E, Hutchinson G, Frewer LJ, Brereton P, Byrne KA. Designing financial instruments for land-based ecological restoration: A review and future research Agenda. Cleaner Production letters 2025, 8. In Press.
- Tindale S, Frewer LJ, Cao Y, Jin S, Green O, Burd M, Vicario-Modroño V, Alonso N, Clingo S, Gallardo-Cobos R, Sánchez-Zamora P, Hunter E, Miskolci S, Mack G, El-Benni N, Spoerri M, Outhwaite S, Elliott J, Newell-Price P. Tipping points and farmer decision-making in European permanent grassland (PG) agricultural systems. Journal of Rural Studies 2024, 110, 103364.
- Yue M, Jin S, Tindale S, Vicario-Modroño V, Sánchez-Zamora P, Gallardo-Cobos R, Newell-Price P, Frewer LJ. Segmenting consumers of meat and dairy products from five European countries: Implications for promoting sustainable food choices. Sustainable Production and Consumption 2024, 47, 47-58.
- Quatrini S, Hunter E, Tindale S, Newell -Price P, Frewer LJ, Lieberherr E. Policy gaps and diverging perceptions of effectiveness: An assessment of sustainable permanent grassland management in Switzerland. Agronomy 2024, 14(11), 2599.
- Mack G, El Benni N, Sporri M, Huguenin-Elie O, Tindale S, Hunter E, Newell Price P, Frewer LJ. Perceived feasibility of sward management options in permanent grassland of Alpine regions and expected effects on delivery of ecosystem services. Environment, Development and Sustainability 2024, 26, 4579-4601.
- Sahlin S, Álvarez-Sánchez J, Barons M, Bolger F, Colson A, Frewer L, Hanea H, Hart A, Nane T, Nauta M, Wilson K. Online training courses on Expert Knowledge Elicitation (EKE). EFSA Supporting Publications 2024, 21(3), 8673E.
- Mu W, Kleter GA, Bouzembrak Y, Dupouy E, Frewer LJ, Radwan Al Natour FN, Marvin HJP. Making food systems more resilient to food safety risks by including artificial intelligence, big data, and internet of things into food safety early warning and emerging risk identification tools. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 2024, 23(1), 1-18.
- Teng-viel Karbo R, Frewer LJ, Areal FJ, Boaitey A, Jones G, Garrod G. Investigating Farmers’ Intention to Adopt Renewable Energy Technology for Farming: Determinants of Decision Making in Northern Ghana. Agricultural & Rural Studies 2024. In Press.
- Jin S, Cao Y, Burd M, Tindale S, Feng Z, Green O, Newell-Price P, Vicario-Modroño V, Mack G, Sánchez-Zamora P, Gallardo R, Cobos R, Spörri M, EI Benni N, Alonso N, Miskolci S, Outhwaite S, Hunter E, Frewer LJ. Farmer Identities and Permanent Grassland Management: Evidence from Five European Biogeographic Zones. People and Nature 2024, 6(6), 2228-2245.
- Jin S, Clark B, Liu Z, Frewer LJ. Drivers of Chinese public attitudes towards agri-food applications based on synthetic biology: The results of qualitative exploratory research. Journal of Risk Research 2024, 27(8), 951-968.
- Jin S, Matsuoka Y, Yue M, Jones G, Frewer LJ. Does information about environmental considerations affect Chinese and UK consumers' purchase intentions for traced foods? A path analysis. Environment, Development and Sustainability 2024, 26, 32287-32318.
- Dong J, Clark B, Li W, Jin S, Frewer L. Consumers’ attitudes towards healthy eating: A qualitative comparison between older and younger Chinese consumers. British Food Journal 2024, 126(13), 593-608.
- Ammann J, Mack G, El Benni N, Jin S, Newell-Price P, Tindale S, Hunter E, Vicario-Modrono V, Gallardo-Cobos R, Sanchez-Zamora P, Miskolci S, Frewer LJ. Consumers across five European countries prioritise animal welfare above environmental sustainability when buying meat and dairy products. Food Quality and Preference 2024, 117, 105179.
- Jin S, Yang G, Hilaire J, Ojo M, Tindale S, Areal F, Jones G, Frewer LJ. Consumer responses to plant viruses in the context of an emerging agri-food risk: A cross-country comparison . Journal of Risk Research 2024, 27(8), 901-931.
- Stewart-Knox BJ, Bunting BP, Jin S, Tindale S, Vicario-Modrono V, Miskolci S, Ojo M, Sanchez-Zamora P, Gallardo-Cobos R, Newell-Price P, Sonnovelt M, Hunter E, Frewer LJ. Citizen attitudes towards the environment and association with perceived threats to the countryside: Evidence from countries in five European biogeographic zones. PLoS ONE 2024, 19(10), e0311056.
- Stewart-Knox BJ, Poínhos R, Fischer ARH, Rankin A, Bunting BP, Oliveira BMPM, Frewer LJ. Association between nutrition self-efficacy, health locus of control and food choice motives in consumers in nine European countries. Journal of Health Psychology 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Teng-viel Karbo R, Frewer l, Areal F, Jones G, Nurudeen S. A systematic review of the efficacy of theories used to understand farmers’ technology adoption behavior in lower-to-middle-income countries. Development Studies Research 2024, 11(1), 2294696.
- Frewer LJ, Blanck M, Bronzwaer S, Martino L, Vrbos D, Devos Y. Summary of the ONE SOCIETY track > Opportunities and challenges. Journal of Risk Research 2023, 26(8), 883-894.
- Stewart-Knox BJ, Poinhos R, Fischer ARH, Chaudhrey M, Rankin A, Davison J, Bunting BP, Frewer LJ, Oliveira BMPM. Sex and age differences in attitudes and intention to adopt personalised nutrition in a UK sample. Journal of Public Health 2023, 31, 1277-1283.
- Grigoriadis V, Gold E, Hutchinson G, Frewer LJ, Brereton P, Flannery D, Byrne KA, Garvey J. How financial mechanisms can incentivize provision of ecosystem services from land restoration: A systematic review protocol. PLoS ONE 2023, 18(7), e0289120.
- Yue M, Li W, Shan J, Chen J, Chang Q, Jones G, Cao Y, Yang G, Li Z, Frewer LJ. Farmers’ precision pesticide technology adoption and its influencing factors: Evidence from apple production areas in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2023, 22(1), 292-305.
- Pakseresht A, Vidakovic A, Frewer LJ. Factors affecting consumers’ evaluation of food derived from animals fed insect meal: A systematic review. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2023, 138, 310-322.
- Jin S, Cao Y, Jones G, Li W, Frewer LJ. Consumers’ purchase intentions towards traced foods: A comparative analysis between the United Kingdom and China. Food Control 2023, 152, 109828.
- Qu Q, Chen J, Li W, Jin S, Jones GD, Frewer LJ. Consumers’ preferences for apple production attributes: results of a choice experiment. Foods 2023, 12(9), 1917.
- Jin S, Dawson IGJ, Clark B, Li L, Frewer LJ. Chinese public perceptions of food applications based on synthetic biology. Food quality and Preference 2023, 110, 104950.
- Tindale S, VicarioModrono V, GallardoCobos R, Hunter E, Miskolc S, NewellPrice P, SánchezZamora P, Sonnevelt M, Ojo M, McInnes K, Frewer LJ. Citizen perceptions and values associated with ecosystem services from European grassland landscapes. Land Use Policy 2023, 127, 106574.
- Karbo RTV, Frewer LJ, Areal F, Yu E. Using renewable energy to meet the energy needs of smallholder farmers. Are their policies to promote adoption in Ghama?. Ghanian Journal of Agricultural Science 2022, 57(1), 15-29.
- Sidiq FF, Coles D, Hubbard C, Clark B, Frewer LJ. The role of traditional diets in promoting food security in low and middle income countries: A systematic review. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Enivornmental Science 2022, 978, 012001.
- Stewart-Knox B, Rankin A, Bunting B, Frewer L, Celis-Morales C, Livingstone K, Fischer A, Poínhos R, Kuznesof S, Gibney M, Mathers JC. Self-efficacy, habit strength, health locus of control and response to the personalised nutrition Food4Me intervention study. British Food Journal 2022, 124(1), 314-330.
- Hilaire J, Tindale S, Jones G, Pingarron-Cardenas G, Bacnik K, Ojo M, Frewer LJ. Risk perception associated with an emerging agri-food risk in Europe: plant viruses in agriculture. Agriculture and Food Security 2022, 11, 21.
- Kendall H, Clark B, Li W, Jin S, Jones G, Chen J, Taylor J, Li Z, Frewer L. Precision agriculture technology adoption: a qualitative study of small-scale commercial "family farms" located in the North China Plain. Precision Agriculture 2022, 23, 319-351.
- Jin S, Li W, Cao Y, Jones G, Chen J, Li Z, Chang Q, Yang G, Frewer LJ. Identifying barriers to sustainable apple production: A stakeholder perspective. Journal of Environmental Management 2022, 302(Part B), 114082.
- Sidiq FF, Coles D, Hubbard C, Clark B, Frewer LJ. Factors influencing conumption of traditional diets. Stakeholder views regarding ago consumption among the indigenous peoples of West Papua. Agriculture and Food Security 2022, 11, 51.
- Jin S, Li W, Dawson IGJ, Clark B, Chen S, Frewer LJ. Consumer responses to genetically modified food in China: The influence of existing general attitudes, affect and perceptions of risks and benefits. Food Quality and Preference 2022, 99, 104543.
- Hadjigeorgiou E, Clark B, Simpson E, Coles D, Comber R, Fischer ARH, Meijer N, Marvin HJP, Frewer LJ. A systematic review into expert knowledge elicitation methods for emerging food and feed risk identification. Food Control 2022, 136, 108848.
- Jin S, Clark B, Li W, Kuznesof S, Frewer LJ. Social Dimensions of Synthetic Biology in the Agrifood Sector: The Perspective of Chinese and EU Scientists. British Food Journal 2021, 123(12), 4135-4154.
- Sidiq FF, Coles D, Hubbard C, Clark B, Frewer LJ. Sago and the indigenous peoples of Papua, Indonesia: A review. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Biology 2021, 2(2), 138-149.
- Naab FZ, Coles D, Goddard E, Frewer LJ. Public perceptions regarding genomic technologies applied to breeding farm animals: A qualitative study. BioTech 2021, 10(4), 28.
- Liang Z, Zhang L, Li W, Zhang J, Frewer L. Adoption of combinations of adaptive and mitigatory climate-smart agricul‐tural practices and its impacts on rice yield and income: Empirical evidencefrom Hubei, China. Climate Risk Manangment 2021, 33, 100314.
- Mustapa MAC, Amin L, Frewer LJ. Predictors of stakeholders' intention to adopt nutrigenomics. Genes and Nutrition 2020, 15(1), 16.
- Qu R, Wu Y, Chen J, Jones GD, Li W, Jin S, Chang Q, Cao Y, Yang G, Li Z, Frewer LJ. Effects of agricultural cooperative society on farmers' technical efficiency: Evidence from stochastic frontier analysis. Sustainability 2020, 12(19), 8194.
- Niemi JK, Bennett R, Clark B, Frewer L, Jones P, Rimmler T, Tranter R. A value chain analysis of interventions to control production diseases in the intensive pig production sector. PLoS ONE 2020, 15(4), e0231338.
- Li W, Clark B, Taylor JA, Kendall H, Jones G, Li Z, Jin S, Zhao C, Yang G, Shuai C, Xin C, Cheng J, Yang H, Frewer LJ. A hybrid modelling approach to understanding adoption of precision agriculture technologies in Chinese cropping systems. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2020, 172, 105305.
- Jin S, Clark B, Kuznesof S, Lin X, Frewer LJ. Synthetic biology applied in the agrifood sector: Public perceptions, attitudes and implications for future studies. Trends in Food Science and Technology 2019, 91, 454-466.
- Abrahams M, Frewer LJ, Bryant E, Stewart-Knox B. Personalised nutrition technologies and innovations: a cross-national survey of registered dietitians. Public Health Genomics 2019, 22(3-4), 119-131.
- Clark B, Panzone LA, Stewart GB, Kyriazakis I, Niemi JK, Latvala T, Tranter R, Jones P, Frewer LJ. Consumer attitudes towards production diseases in intensive production systems. PLOS One 2019, 14(1), e0210432.
- Kendall H, Clark B, Rhymer CM, Kuznesof S, Hajslova J, Tomaniova M, Brereton P, Frewer LJ. A systematic review of consumer perceptions of food and authenticity: A European perspective. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2019, 94, 79-90.
- El Benni N, Stolz H, Home R, Kendall H, Kuznesof S, Clark B, Dean M, Brereton P, Frewer LJ, Chan MY, Zhong Q, Stolze M. Product attributes and consumer attitudes affecting preferences for infant milk formula in China - a latent class approach. Food Quality and Preference 2018, 71, 25-33.
- Abrahams M, Frewer LJ, Bryant E, Stewart-Knox B. Perceptions and experiences of early-adopting registered dietitians in integrating nutrigenomics into practice. British Food Journal 2018, 120(4), 763-776.
- Kendall H, Naughton P, Kuznesof S, Raley M, Dean M, Clark B, Stolz H, Home R, Chan MY, Zhong Q, Brereton P, Frewer LJ. Food Fraud and the Perceived Integrity of European Food Imports into China. PLoS One 2018, 13(5), e0195817.
- Rankin A, Bunting B, Poínhos P, van der Lans IA, Fischer ARH, Kuznesof S, Almeider MV, Markovina J, Frewer LJF, Stewart-Knox BJ. Food choice motives, attitudes toward and intention to adopt personalised nutrition. Public Health Nutrition 2018, 21(14), 2606-2616.
- Kaptan G, Fischer ARH, Frewer LJ. Extrapolating understanding of food risk perceptions to emerging food safety cases. Journal of Risk Research 2018, 21(8), 996-1018.
- Kendall H, Kaptan G, Stewart G, Grainger M, Kuznesof S, Naughton P, Clark B, Hubbard C, Raley M, Marvin HJP, Frewer LJ. Drivers of existing and emerging food safety risks: Expert opinion regarding multiple impacts. Food Control 2018, 90, 440-458.
- van der Fels-Klerx HJ, van Asselt ED, Raley M, Poulsen M, Korsgaard H, Bredsdorff L, Nauta M, D'Agostino M, Coles D, Frewer LJ, Marvin HJP. Critical review of methods for risk ranking of food related hazards, based on risks for human health. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2018, 58(2), 178-193.
- Kendall H, Kuznesof S, Dean M, Chan M-Y, Clark B, Home R, Stolz H, Zhong Q, Liu C, Brereton P, Frewer L. Chinese consumer's attitudes, perceptions and behavioural responses towards food fraud. Food Control 2018, 95, 339-351.
- Macready AL, Fallaize R, Butler TL, Ellis JA, Kuznesof S, Frewer LJ, Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, Araújo-Soares V, Fischer A, Stewart-Knox B, Mathers JM, Lovegrove JA. Application of Behavior Change Techniques in a Personalized Nutrition Electronic Health Intervention Study: Protocol for the Web-Based Food4Me Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2018, 7(4), e87.
- Reed MS, Vella S, Challies E, de Vente J, Frewer L, Hohenwallner-Ries D, Huber T, Neumann RK, Oughton EA, Sidoli del Ceno J, van Delden H. A theory of participation: What makes stakeholder and public engagement in environmental management work?. Restoration Ecology 2018, 26(S1), S7-S17.
- Clark B, Jones G, Kendall H, Taylor J, Cao Y, Li W, Zhao C, Chen J, Yang G, Chen L, Li Z, Gaulton R, Frewer L. A proposed framework for accelerating technology trajectories in agriculture: a case study in China. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2018, 5(4), 485-498.
- Hanssen L, Dijkstra AM, Sleenhoff S, Frewer LJ, Gutteling JM. Revisiting Public Debate on Genetic Modification and Genetically Modified Organisms. Explanations for contemporary Dutch public attitudes. Journal of Science Communication 2018, 17(4).
- Clark B, Frewer LJ, Panzone L, Stewart G. The need for formal policy synthesis in food policy. A case study of willingness to pay. Animals 2017, 7(3), 23.
- Ellis MCB, van de Zande JC, van den Berg F, Kennedy MC, O'Sullivan CM, Jacobs CM, Fragkoulis G, Spanoghe P, Gerritsen-Ebben R, Frewer LJ, Charistou A. The BROWSE model for predicting exposures of residents and bystanders to agricultural use of plant protection products: An overview. Biosystems Engineering 2017, 154, 92-104.
- Hudson JA, Frewer LJ, Jones G, Brereton PA, Whittingham MJ, Stewart G. The Agri-food chain and Antimicrobial Resistance: a review. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2017, 69(Part A), 131-147.
- Rankin A, Kuznesof S, Frewer LJ, Orr K, Davison J, deAlmeida MDV, Stewart-Knox B. Public perceptions of personalised nutrition through the lens of Social Cognitive Theory. Journal of Health Psychology 2017, 22(10), 1233-1242.
- Poínhos P, Oliveira BMPM, van der Lans IV, Fischer ARH, Berezowska A, Rankin A, Kuznesof S, Stewart-Knox B, Frewer LJF, de Almeida MDV. Providing Personalised Nutrition: Consumers' Trust and Preferences Regarding Sources of Information, Service Providers and Regulators, and Communication Channels. Public Health Genomics 2017, 20, 218-228.
- Kendall H, Naughton P, Clark B, Taylor J, Li Z, Zhao C, Yang G, Chen J, Frewer LJ. Precision Agriculture in China: Exploring Awareness, Understanding, Attitudes and Perceptions of Agricultural Experts and End-Users in China. Advances in Animal Biosciences: Precision Agriculture (ECPA) 2017 2017, 8(2), 703-707.
- Abrahams M, Frewer L, Bryant E, Stewart-Knox B. Factors determining the integration of nutritional genomics into clinical practice by registered dieticians. Trends in Food Science and Technology 2017, 59, 139–147.
- Frewer LJ. Consumer acceptance and rejection of emerging agrifood technologies and their applications. European Review of Agricultural Economics 2017, 44(4), 683-704.
- Ong A, Frewer LJ, Chan MY. Cognitive Dissonance in Food and Nutrition – A Review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2017, 57(11), 2330-2342.
- Ong ASJ, Frewer LJ, Chan MY. Cognitive Dissonance in Food and Nutrition – A Conceptual Framework. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2017, 59, 60-69.
- Clark B, Stewart G, Panzone L, Kyriazakis I, Frewer LJ. Citizens, consumers and farm animal welfare: A meta-analysis of willingness-to-pay studies. Food Policy 2017, 68, 112-127.
- San-Cristobal R, Navas-Carretero S, Celis-Morales C, Livingstone KM, Stewart-Knox BM, Rankin A, Macready AL, Fallaize R, O'Donovan CB, Forster H, Woolhead C, Walsh MC, Lambrinou CP, Moschonis G, Manios Y, Jarosz M, Daniel H, Gibney ER, Brennan B, Gundersen T, Drevon CA, Gibney M, Marsax CFM, Saris WHM, Lovegrove JA, Frewer LJ, Mathers JC, Martinez A. Capturing health and eating status through a nutritional perception screening questionnaire (NPSQ9) in a randomised internet-based personalised nutrition intervention: the Food4Me study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2017, 14, 168.
- Fischer ARH, Berezowska A, vanderLans IA, Ronteltap A, Rankin A, Kuznesof S, Poinhois R, Stewart-Knox B, Frewer LJ. Willingness to pay for personalised nutrition across Europe. European Journal of Public Health 2016, 26(4), 640-644.
- Frewer LJ, Coles D, Dijkstra AM, Kuznesof S, Kendall H, Kaptan G. Synthetic Biology Applied in the Agrifood Sector: Societal Priorities and Pitfalls. APSTRACT 2016, 10(2-3), 89-97.
- Frewer LJ, Fischer ARH, Brennan M, Banati D, Lion R, Meertens RM, Rowe G, Siegrist M, Verbeke W, Vereijken CMJL. Risk/Benefit Communication about Food - A Systematic Review of the Literature. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2016, 56(10), 1728-1745.
- Stewart Knox BJ, Markovina J, Rankin R, Bunting B, Kusnezof S, Fischer A, van der Lans I, Poinhos R, Vaz de Almeida MD, Panzone L, Gibney M, Frewer LJ. Making personalised nutrition the easy choice: creating policies to break down the barriers and reap the benefits. Food Policy 2016, 63, 134-144.
- Raley ME, Ragona M, Sijtsema SJ, Fischer ARH, Frewer LJ. Barriers to using consumer science information in food technology innovations: An exploratory study using Delphi methodology. International Journal of Food Studies 2016, 5, 39-53.
- Clark B, Stewart GB, Panzone LA, Kyriazakis I, Frewer LJ. A systematic review of public attitudes, perceptions and behaviours towards production diseases associated with farm animal welfare. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 2016, 29(3), 455-478.
- Lacey C, Clark B, Frewer L, Kuznesof S. "Reaching its limits”: Industry perspectives on salt reduction. British Food Journal 2016, 118(7), 1610-1624.
- Fischer ARH, Berezowska A, vanderLans IA, Ronteltap A, Rankin A, Kuznesof S, Poínhos R, Stewart-Knox B, Frewer LJ. Willingness to pay for personalised nutrition across Europe. 2015. Submitted.
- Fischer ARH, Berezowska A, vanderLans IV, Ronteltap A, Rankin A, Kuznesof S, Poínhos R, StewartKnox B, Frewer LJ. Willingness to pay for personalised nutrition across Europe. 2015. Submitted.
- Fallaize R, Macready AL, Butler LT, Ellis JA, Berezowska A, Fischer ARH, Walsh M, Gallagher C, Stewart-Knox BJ, Kuznesof S, Frewer LJ, Gibney M, Lovegrove JA. The perceived impact of the National Health Service on personalised nutrition service delivery among the UK public. British Journal of Nutrition 2015, 113(8), 1271-1279.
- Stewart-Knox B, Rankin A, Kuznesof S, Poínhos R, de Almeida MDV, Fischer A, Frewer LJ. Promoting healthy dietary behaviour through personalised nutrition: technology push or technology pull. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2015, 74(2), 171-176.
- Saleh-Langenberg J, Goossens NJ, Flokstra-deBlok BMJ, Kollen BJ, vanderMeulen GN, Le TM, Knulst AC, Jedrzejczak-Czechowica M, Kowalski ML, Rokicka E, Starosta P, delaHozCaballer B, Vazquez-Cortes S, Cerededo I, Barreales L, Asero R, Clausen M, DunnGalvin A, Hourihane JOB, Purohit A, Papadopoulos NG, Fernandez-Rivas M, Frewer L, Burney P, Duiverman EJ, Dubois AEJ. Predictors of health-related quality-of-life of European food-allergic patients. Allergy 2015, 70(6), 616-624.
- Remoundou K, Brennan M, Sacchettini G, Panzone L, Butler-Ellis MC, Capri E, Charistou A, Chaideftou E, Gerritsen-Ebben MG, Machera K, Spanoghe P, Glass R, Marchis K, Doanngo K, Hart A, Frewer LJ. Perceptions of pesticides exposure risks by operators, workers, residents and bystanders in Greece, Italy and the UK. Science of the Total Environment 2015, 505, 1082-1092.
- Markovina J, Stewart-Knox B, Rankin A, Gibney M, Almeida MD, Fischer A, Kuznesof S, Poinhos R, Panzone L, Frewer LJ. Food4Me study: Validity and reliability of Food Choice Questionnaire in 9 European countries. Food Quality and Preference 2015, 45, 26-32.
- Gupta N, Fischer ARH, Frewer LJ. Ethics, Risk and Benefits Associated with Different Applications of Nanotechnology: A Comparison of Expert and Consumer Perceptions of Drivers of Societal Acceptance. NanoEthics: Studies of New and Emerging Technologies 2015, 9(2), 93-108.
- Coles D, Frewer LJ, Goddard E. Ethical Issues and Potential Stakeholder Priorities Associated with the Application of Genomic Technologies Applied to Animal Production Systems. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 2015, 28(2), 231-253.
- Giles EL, Kuznesof S, Clark B, Hubbard C, Frewer LJ. Consumer acceptance of and willingness to pay for food nanotechnology: a systematic review. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2015, 17, 467.
- Emery SB, Hart A, Butler-Ellis C, Gerritsen-Ebben MG, Machera K, Spanoghe P, Frewer LJ. A Review of the Use of Pictograms for Communicating Pesticide Hazards and Safety Instructions: Implications for EU Policy. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2015, 21(4), 1062-1080.
- Home R, Stolz H, Frewer LJ, Riedl J. A research agenda for food integrity: From the perspective of European consumers. Food Quality and Preference 2015. In Press.
- Coles D, Rawcliffe A, Frewer LJ. The application of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) to agricultural and food production: A comparison between Chinese and European policy perspectives. China and the World Economy 2015. In Preparation.
- Cerecedo I, Zamora J, Fox M, Voordouw J, Plana N, Rokicka E, FernandezRivas M, VazquezCortes S, Reche M, Fiandor A, Kowalski M, Antonides G, Mugford M, Frewer LJ, Hozdela B. The Impact of Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Food Challenge (DBPCFC) on the Socioeconomic Cost of Food Allergy in Europe. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 2014, 24(6), 418-424.
- vanKleef E, Verkooijen KT, Frewer LJ. Risk Analysis: Risk Communication: Diet, Nutrition, and Health. Encyclopedia of Food Safety 2014, 138-141.
- Frewer LJ. Risk Analysis: Risk Communication. Encyclopedia of Food Safety 2014, 1, 116-121.
- Poínhos R, van der Lans IA, Rankin A, Fischer ARH, Bunting B, Kuznesof S, Stewart-Knox B, Frewer LJ. Psychological Determinants of Consumer Acceptance of Personalised Nutrition in 9 European Countries. PLoS One 2014, 9(10), e110614.
- Remoundou K, Brennan M, Hart A, Frewer LJ. Pesticide Risk Perceptions, Knowledge, and Attitudes of Operators, Workers, and Residents: A Review of the Literature. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 2014, 20(4), 1113-1138.
- Emery SB, Mulder HAJ, Frewer LJ. Maximizing the policy impacts of public engagement: a European study. Science, Technology, & Human Values 2014, 40(3), 421-444.
- Goossens NJ, Flokstra-deBlok BM, vanderMeulen GN, Arnlind MH, Asero R, Barreales L, Burney P, Cerecedo I, Clausen M, Fernandez-Rivas M, Frewer L, delaHozCaballer B, Jansson SA, Jedrzejczak-Czechowica M, Knulst AC, Kowalski ML, Papadopoulos NG, Purohit A, Rokicka E, Starosta P, Vazquez-Cortes S, Duiverman EJ, Dubois EA. Health-related quality of life in food-allergic adults from eight European countries. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 2014, 113(1), 63-68.
- Frewer LJ, Gupta N, George S, Fischer ARH, Giles EL, Coles D. Consumer attitudes towards nanotechnologies applied to food production. Trends in Food Science and Technology 2014, 40(2), 211-225.
- George S, Kaptan G, Lee J, Frewer L. Awareness on adverse effects of nanotechnology increases negative perception among public: survey study from Singapore. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2014, 16(12), 1-11.
- Frewer LJ, Coles D, Houdebine LM, Kleter GA. Attitudes towards genetically modified animals in food production. British Food Journal 2014, 116(8), 1291-1313.
- Clark B, Stewart GB, Panzone LA, Frewer LJ. A protocol for a systematic review into consumers' attitudes, beliefs and perceived ethical obligations towards farm animal welfare. PeerJ 2014.
- Clark B, Stewart GB, Panzone LA, Frewer LJ. A Protocol for a meta-analysis of consumers' and citizens willingness-to-pay for farm animal welfare and disease prevention. PeerJ PrePrints 2014.
- Coles D, Ruto E, Frewer LJ. Stakeholder views regarding a health impact fund (HIF), to incentivise pharmaceutical innovation relevant to diseases of poverty. Global Health Governance 2013, VI(2).
- Hendrick TAM, Fischer ARH, Tobi H, Frewer LJ. Self-reported attitude scales: current practice in adequate assessment of reliability, validity, and dimensionality. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 2013, 43(7), 1538-1552.
- Frewer LJ, vanderLans IA, Fischer ARH, Reinders MJ, Menozzi D, Zhang X, vedenBerg I, Zimmerman KL. Public perceptions of agri-food applications of genetic modification - A systematic review and meta-analysis. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2013, 30(2), 142-145.
- Pery ARR, Schuurmann G, Ciffroy P, Faust M, Backhaus T, Aicher L, Mombelli E, Tebby C, Cronin MTD, Tissot S, Andres S, Brignon JM, Frewer L, Georgiou S, Mattas K, Vergnaud JC, Peijnenburg W, Capri E, Marchis A, Wilks MF. Perspectives for integrating human and environmental risk assessment and synergies with socio-economic analysis. Science of Total Environment 2013, 456-457, 307-316.
- Gilissen LJWJ, Frewer LJ, Gao Z-S. Multidisciplinary approaches to allergies. Food Science and Technology (London) 2013, 27(2), 27-30.
- Fox M, Mugford M, Voordouw J, Nornelisse-Vermaat J, Antonides G, deLaHozCaballer B, Cerecedo I, Zamora J, Rokicka E, Jewczak M, Clark AB, Kowalski ML, Papadopoulos N, Knulst AC, Seneviratne S, Belohlavkova S, Asero R, deBlay F, Purohit A, Clausen M, FlokstradeBlok B, Dubois AE, Fernandez-Rivas M, Burney P, Frewer LJ, Mills CEN. Health sector costs of self-reported food allergy in Europe: a patient-based cost of illness study. European Journal of Public Health 2013, 23(5), 757-762.
- Frewer LJ, Kleter GA, Brennan M, Coles D, Fischer ARH, Houdebine LM, Mora C, Millar K, Salter B. Genetically Modified Animals from Life-Science, Socio-Economic and Ethical Perspectives: Examining issues in an EU policy context. New Biotechnology 2013, 30(5), 447-460.
- Rankin A, Stewart-Knox B, Duffy M, Kuznesof S, Fischer A, deAlmeida M, Davison J, Orr K, Macready A, Walsh M, Gibney M, Frewer L. Food4Me Personalised Nutrition: What does the consumer want. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 2013, 63(S1), 345-346.
- Stewart-Knox B, Kuznesof S, Robinson J, Rankin A, Orr K, Duffy M, Poínhos R, de Almeida MD, Macready A, Gallagher C, Berezowska A, Fischer ARH, Navas-Carretero S, Riemer M, Traczyk I, Gjelstad IMF, Mavrogianni C, Frewer LJ. Factors influencing European consumer uptake of personalised nutrition: Results of a qualitative analysis. Appetite 2013, 66, 67-74.
- Gupta N, Fischer ARH, George S, Frewer LJ. Expert views on societal responses to different applications of nanotechnology: a comparative analysis of experts in countries with different economic and regulatory environments. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2013, 15(8), 1838.
- Kher S, de Jonge J, Wentholt M, Deliza R, Cunhade Andrade J, Cnossen H, Lucas Luijckx NB, Frewer LJ. Consumer perceptions of risks of chemical and microbiological contaminants associated with food chains: A cross-national study. International Journal of Consumer Studies 2013, 37(1), 73-83.
- CunhadeAndrade J, Deliza R, Yamada EA, Galvao MTEL, Frewer LJ, Beraquet NJ. Consumer perception of risks associated with food, safety and traceability. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology 2013, 16(3), 184-191.
- Fischer ARH, van Dijk H, de Jonge J, Frewer LJ. Attitudes and attitudinal ambivalence change towards nanotechnology applied to food production. Public Understanding of Science 2013, 22(7), 817-831.
- Goossens N, FlokstradeBlok B, vdMeulen G, Jedrzejczak-Czechowicz M, Kowalski ML, Rokicka E, Starosta P, Barreales L, Cerecedo I, Fernandez-Rivas M, delaHozCaballer B, Vasquez-Cortes M, DunnGalvin A, Hourihane JOB, Le T, Knulst AC, Frewer L, Burney P, Duiverman EJ, Dubois AEJ. Validation and cross-cultural comparison of the 'Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire - child form' in European countries. Allergy 2012, 67, 594.
- van Dijk H, Fischer ARH, de Jonge J, Rowe G, Frewer LJ. The Impact of Balanced Risk-Benefit Information and Initial Attitudes on Post-Information Attitudes. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 2012, 42(8), 1958-1983.
- Voordouw J, Antonides G, Fox M, Cerecedo I, Zamora J, Caballer BD, Rokicka E, Cornelisse-Vermaat J, Jewczak M, Starosta P, Kowalska ML, Jedrzejczak-Czechowicz M, Vazquez-Cortes S, Escudero C, de Blok BF, Dubois A, Mugford M, Frewer LJ. Subjective Welfare, Well-Being, and Self-Reported Food Hypersensitivity in Four European Countries: Implications for European Policy. Social Indicators Research 2012, 107(3), 465-482.
- Gupta N, Fischer ARH, Frewer LJ. Socio-psychological determinants of public acceptance of technologies: A review. Public Understanding of Science 2012, 21(7), 782-795.
- Frewer LJ, Voordouw J, Schenk MF, vanPutten MC, Bremmen B, Antonides G, ConrelisseVermaat J. Socio-Economic Issues Associated with Food Allergy. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Allergies 2012, 449-459.
- Voordouw J, Antonides G, Cornelisse-Vermaat JR, Pfaff S, Niemietz D, Frewer LJ. Optimising the delivery of food allergy information. An assessment of food allergic consumer preferences for different information delivery formats. Food Quality and Preference 2012, 23(1), 71-78.
- Gupta N, Fischer ARH, van der Lans IA, Frewer LJ. Factors influencing societal response of nanotechnology: an expert stakeholder analysis. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2012, 14(5), 857.
- Wentholt MTA, Cardoen S, Imberechts H, Van Huffel X, Ooms BW, Frewer LJ. Defining European preparedness and research needs regarding emerging infectious animal diseases: Results from a Delphi expert consultation. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2012, 103(2-3), 81-92.
- Van Dijk H, Van Kleef E, Owen H, Frewer L. Consumer preferences regarding food-related risk-benefit messages. British Food Journal 2012, 114(3), 387-400.
- vanderMeer IM, Schenk MF, Fischer ARH, Frewer LJ, vanderMaas MP, Smulders MJM, Gilissen LJWJ. Acceptance of Natural and Genetically Modified Hypoallergenic Apples by Consumers with an Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS). Multidisplinary Approaches to Allergies 2012, 401-408.
- Frewer LJ, Fischer ARH, Wentholt MTA, Marvin HJP, Ooms BW, Coles D, Rowe G. The use of Delphi methodology in agrifood policy development: Some lessons learned. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2011, 78(9), 1514-1525.
- Koenig A, Kuiper HA, Marvin HJ, Boon PE, Busk L, Cnudde FC, Cope C, Davies HV, Dreyer M, Frewer LJ, Kaiser M, Kleter GA, Knudsen I, Pascal G, Prandini A, Renn O, Smith M, Traill B, VanDerVoet H, vanTrijp H, Vos E, Wentholt MT. The SAFE FOODS framework for improved risk analysis of foods. Food Control 2011, 21(12), 1566-1587.
- Walls J, Rowe G, Frewer LJ. Stakeholder engagement in food risk management: Evaluation of an iterated workshop approach. Public Understanding of Science 2011, 20(2), 241-260.
- McCarthy M, Aitsi-Selmi A, Banati D, Frewer L, Hirani V, Lobstein T, McKenna B, Mulla Z, Rabozzi G, Sfetcu R, Newton R. Research for food and health in Europe: themes, needs and proposals. Health Research Policy and Systems 2011, 9, 37.
- Voordouw J, Cornelisse-Vermaat J, Antonides J, Niemietz D, Kehagia O, Lindarkis M, Frewer LJ. Preferred information strategies for food allergic consumers. A study in Germany, Greece, and The Netherlands. Food Quality and Preference 2011, 22(4), 384–390.
- Voordouw J, Cornelisse-Vermaat JR, Pfaff S, Antonides G, Niemietz D, Linardakis M, Kehagia O, Frewer LJ. Preferred information strategies for food allergic consumers. A study in Germany, Greece, and The Netherlands. Food Quality and Preference 2011, 22(4), 384-390.
- Putten MC, Klejter GA, Gilissen LJWJ, Gremmen B, Wichers H, Frewer LJ. Novel foods and allergy: Regulations and risk-benefit assessment. Food Control 2011, 22(2), 143-157.
- Frewer LJ, Coles D, van der Lans IA, Schroeder D, Champion K, Apperley J. Impact of the European Clinical Trials Directive on prospective academic clinical trials associated with bone marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2011, 46, 443-447.
- Fox M, Mugford M, Frewer LJ, Voordouw J, Hourihane JOB, DunnGalvin A. Gender Differences in the Direct, Indirect, and Socio-Emotional Costs of Living and Seeking Healthcare for Adults with and without Food-Sensitivity. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Ummunology 2011, 127(2), 186.
- Van Dijk H, Fischer ARH, Frewer L. Consumer responses to integrated risk-benefit information associated with the consumption of food. Risk Analysis 2011, 31(3), 429-439.
- Van Rijswijk W, Frewer LJ. Consumer needs and requirements for food and ingredient traceability information. International Journal of Consumer Studies 2011, 36(3), 282-290.
- Schenk MF, van der Maas MP, Smulders MJM, Gilissen LJWJ, Fischer ARH, van der Lans IA, Frewer LJ. Consumer attitudes towards hypoallergenic apples that alleviate mild apple allergy. Food Quality and Preference 2011, 22(1), 83-91.
- Hendrik MJ, Frewer LJ, van der Mulen BMJ. Allergens in law; European legislation assessed against the preferences of food allergic consumers. European Food and Feed Law Review 2011, 2, 74-87.
- Hendriks MJ, Frewer LJ, vanderMeulen BMJ. Allergens in law - European legislation assessed against the preferences of food allergic consumers. European Food and Feed Law Review 2011, 2, 74-87.
- Kher S, DeJonge J, Wentholt M, Howell-Davies O, Cnossen H, Frewer LJ. Views of food chain actors regarding the implementation of traceabiltiy systems in Europe. British Food Journal 2010, 112(3), 261-275.
- Voordouw J, Cornelisse-Vermaat J, Antonides J, Mugford M, Fox M, Frewer LJ. The costs of food allergy. Results of an exploratory study pilot study. British Food Journal 2010, 112(11), 1205-1215.
- vanPutten M, Frewer LJ, Gilissen L, Bart G, Peijnenburg A, Wichers H. Stakeholder and consumer views regarding novel hypoallergenic foods. British Food Journal 2010, 112(9), 949-961.
- VanKleef E, Fischer ARH, Khan M, Frewer LJ. Risk and Benefit Perceptions of Mobile Phone and Base Station Technology in Bangladesh. Risk Analysis 2010, 30(6), 1002-1015.
- Cope S, Frewer LJ, Dreyer M, Renn O. Potential methods and approaches to assess social impacts associated with food safety issues. Food Control 2010, 21(12), 1629-1637.
- Van Dijk H, Fischer ARH, Honkanen P, Frewer L. Perceptions of health risks and benefits associated with fish consumption among Russian consumers. Appetite 2010, 56(2), 227-234.
- Voordouw J, Fox M, Cornelisse-Vermaat J, Antonides G, Mugford M, Frewer LJ. Household costs associated with food allergy: an exploratory study. British Food Journal 2010, 112(11), 1205-1215.
- Frewer LJ, Coles D, Champion K, Demotes-Mainard J, Goetbuget N, Ihrig KI, Klingmann I, Kubiak C, Lejeun SA, McDonald F, Apperley J. Has the European Clinical Trials Directive been a success?. British Medical Journal 2010, 340, 1862.
- Van Putten MC, Gilissen LJWJ, Gremmen B, Peijnenburg AACM, Wichers HJ, Frewer LJ. Food allergy and novel foods; can novel foods mitigate food allergy problems?. British Food Journal 2010, 112(9), 950-961.
- Dreyer M, Renn O, Cope S, Frewer LJ. Exploring the Social Impact of Food Safety Issues: Including Social Impact Assessment in Food Safety Governance. Food Control 2010, 21(12), 1620-1628.
- Kher SV, Frewer LJ, deJonge J, Wentholt M, Davies OH, Luijcks NBL, Cnossen HJ. Experts' perspectives on the implementation of traceability in Europe. 10.1108/00070701011029138 2010, 112(3), 261-274.
- Wentholt MTA, Fischer ARH, Rowe G, Marvin HJP, Frewer LJ. Effective identification and management of emerging food risks: results of an international Delphi survey. Food Control 2010, 21(12), 1731-1738.
- Behrens JH, Barcellos MN, Frewer LJ, Nunes TP, Franco BDGM, Destro MT, Landgraf M. Consumer purchase habits and views on food safety: A Brazilian study. Food Control 2010, 21(7), 963-969.
- Cope S, Frewer LJ, Houghton J, Rowe G, Fischer ARH, de Jonge J. Consumer perceptions of best practice in food risk communication and management: Implications for risk analysis policy. Food Policy 2010, 35(4), 349-357.
- Popova K, Frewer LJ, DeJonge J, Fischer ARH, VanKleef E. Consumer evaluations of food risk management in Russia. British Food Journal 2010, 112(9), 934.
- De Jonge J, van Trijip H, Renes RJ, Frewer LJ. Consumer Confidence in the Safety of Food and Newspaper Coverage of Food Safety Issues: A Longitudinal Perspective. Risk Analysis 2010, 30(1), 125-143.
- Van Dam YK, Frewer LJ, Marier E, Armstrong D, Cook AJC. Barriers to adoption of measures to control Salmonella in pigs in the UK; A stakeholder analysis. The Pig Journal 2010, 63, 50-56.
- Wentholt M, Rowe G, Konig A, Marvin H, Frewer L. The views of key stakeholders on an evolving food risk governance framework: Results from a Delphi study. Food Policy 2009, 34(6), 539-548.
- Fox M, Mugford M, Voordow J, Cornelisse J, Antonides G, Frewer LJ. Social and economic costs of food allergies in Europe: the development of socioeconomic impact questionnaire. Health Services Research 2009, 44(5 (Part 1)), 1662-1678.
- Honkanen P, Frewer LJ. Russian consumers' motives for food choice. Appetite 2009, 62(2), 363-371.
- Fischer ARH, Frewer LJ. Reliability of the Rasch Food Safety Practices scale. Appetite 2009, 53(2), 241-244.
- Van Kleef E, Ueland O, Theodoridis G, Rowe G, Pfenning U, Houghton J, van Dijk J, Chryssochoidis G, Frewer LJ. Food risk management quality:consumer evaluation of past and emerging food safety incidents. Health, Risk and Society 2009, 11(2), 137-163.
- Voordouw J, Cornelisse Vermaat J, Yiakoumaki V, Theodoridis G, Frewer LJ. Food allergy consumers' preferences for labelling practices; a qualitative study in a real shopping environment. International Journal of Consumer Studies 2009, 33(1), 94-102.
- Fischer A, Frewer LJ. Consumer familiarity with foods and the perception of risks and benefits. Food Quality and Preference 2009, 20(8), 576-585.
- Behrens JH, Frewer LJ, Nunes TP, Landgraf M. Brazillian consumer views on food irradiation. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 2009, 10(3), 383-389.
- Marvin HJP, Kleter GA, Frewer L, Cope S, Wentholt M, Rowe G. A working procedure for identifying emerging risk at an early stage. Food Control 2009, 20(4), 345-356.
- Houghton JR, VanKleef E, Frewer LJ, Chryssochoidis G, Korzen-Bohr S, Krystallis T, Lassen J, Pfenning U, Rowe G, Strada A. The Quality of Food Risk Management in Europe: Perspectives and Priorities. Food Policy 2008, 33(1), 13-26.
- Cornelisse-Vermaat RA, Pfaff S, Frewer LJ, Voordouw J, Theodoridis G, Chryssochoidis G, Woestman L. The information needs and labelling preferences of food allergic consumers: the views of stakeholders regarding information scenarios. Trends in Food Science and Technology 2008, 19(12), 669-676.
- Schenk M, Fischer A, Jacobsen E, Frewer LJ. The influence of perceived benefits on acceptance of GM applications for allergy prevention. Health, Risk & Society 2008, 10(3), 263-282.
- Frewer LJ, Fischer RH, vandenBrink PJ, Byrne P, Brock T, Brown C, Crocker J, Goerlitz G, Hart A, Scholderer J, Solomon K. Potential for the Adoption of Probabilistic Risk Assessments by End-Users and Decision-Makers. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2008, 14(1), 166-178.
- De Jonge J, Van Trijp JCM, van der Lans IA, Renes RJ, Frewer LJ. How trust in institutions and organizations builds general consumer confidence in the safety of food: A decomposition of effects. Appetite 2008, 51(2), 311-317.
- Fischer ARH, Frewer LJ. Food-safety practices in the domestic kitchen: Demographic, Personality and Experiential Determinants. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 2008, 38(11), 2859-2884.
- Cornelisse-Vermaat JR, Voordouw J, Theodoridis G, Yiakoumaki V, Frewer LJ. Food-allergic consumers’ labelling preferences: a cross-cultural comparison. European Journal of Public Health 2008, 18(2), 115-120.
- Natua MJ, Fischer ARH, van Asselt ED, de Jong AEI, Frewer LJ, de Jonge R. Food Safety in the Domestic Environment: The Effect of Consumer Risk Information on Human Disease Risks. Risk Analysis 2008, 28(1), 179-192.
- Frewer LJ, Davies OH, VanRijswijk W, Luijckx NK, Ward S. Emerging applications for traceability systems and implications for consumers. Food Science and Technology 2008, 22(2), 41-43.
- Van Dijk H, Houghton J, van Kleef E, van der Lans I, Rowe G, Frewer LJ. Consumer responses to communication about food risk management. Appetite 2008, 50(2-3), 340-352.
- Van Rijswijk W, Frewer LJ, Menozzi D, Fiaoli G. Consumer perceptions of traceability: A cross national comparison of associated benefits. Food Quality and Preference 2008, 19(5), 452-464.
- Van Rijswijk W, Frewer LJ. Consumer perceptions of quality and safety and their relation to traceability. British Food Journal 2008, 110(10), 1034-1046.
- De Jonge J, van Trijp HV, Goddard E, Frewer LJ. Consumer confidence in the safety of food in Canada and the Netherlands: The validation of a generic framework. Food Quality and Preference 2008, 19(5), 439-451.
- Verbeke W, Vanhonacker F, Frewer LJ, Sioen I, DeHenauw S, VanCamp J. Communicating Risks and Benefits from Fish Consumption: Impact on Belgian Consumers' Perception and Intention to Eat Fish. Risk Analysis 2008, 28(4), 951-967.
- Verbeke W, Frewer LJ, Scholderer J, DeBrabander HF. Why consumers behave as they do with respect to food safety and risk information. Analytica Chimica Acta 2007, 586(1-2), 2-7.
- DeJonge J, vanTrijp H, JanRenes R, Frewer L. Understanding Consumer Confidence in the Safety of Food: Its Two-Dimensional Structure and Determinants. Risk Analysis 2007, 27(3), 729-740.
- Mills ENC, Mackie AR, Burney P, Beyer K, Frewer L, Madsen C, Botjes E, Crevel RWR, van Ree R. The Prevalence, Cost and Basis of Food Allergy Across Europe. Allergy 2007, 62(7), 717-722.
- Cornelisse-Vermaat JR, Botjes E, Frewer LJ, Voordouw J. The importance of accurate and understandable food allergen labelling for food-allergic consumers. Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech 2007, 18(5), 25-27.
- Pfaff S, Frewer LJ, Cornelisse-Vermaat JR. Innovative information delivery for food allergic consumers. Food Science and Technology 2007, 21(4), 24-26.
- Fischer ARH, De Jong AEI, Van Asselt ED, De Jonge R, Frewer LJ, Nauta MJ. Food safety in the domestic environment: An interdisciplinary investigation of microbial hazards during food preparation. Risk Analysis 2007, 27(4), 1065-1082.
- Kornelis M, De Jonge J, Frewer LJ, Dagevos H. Consumer Selection of Food-Safety Information Sources. Risk Analysis 2007, 27(2), 327-335.
- Van Kleef E, Houghton JR, Krystallis A, Pfenning U , Rowe G, Van Dijk H, Van der Lans IA, Frewer LJ. Consumer evaluations of food risk management quality in Europe. Risk Analysis 2007, 27(6), 1565-1580.
- Krystallis T, Frewer LJ, Rowe G, Houghton J, Kehagia O, Perrea T. A perceptual divide? Consumer and expert attitudes to food risk management in Europe. Health, Risk and Society 2007, 9(4), 407-424.
- De Blok BMJ, Vlieg-Boerstra BJ, Oude Elberink JNG, Duiverman EJ, DunnGalvin A, Hourihane JOB, Cornelisse-Vermaat JR, Frewer L, Mills C, Dubois AEJ. A framework for measuring the social impact of food allergy across Europe: a EuroPrevall state of the art paper. Allergy 2007, 62(7), 733-737.
- Fischer ARH, Frewer LJ, Nauta MJ. Toward Improving Food Safety in the Domestic Environment: A Multi-Item Rasch Scale for the Measurement of the Safety Efficacy of Domestic Food-Handling Practices. Risk Analysis 2006, 26(5), 1323-1338.
- VanKleef E, Frewer LJ, Chryssochoidis G, Houghton JR, Korzen-Bohr S, Krystallis T, Lassen J, Pfenning U, Rowe G. Perceptions of food risk management among key stakeholders: results from a cross-European study. Appetite 2006, 47(1), 46-63.
- Dunn-Galvin A, Hourihane JOB, Frewer L, Klinge I. Incorporating a gender dimension in food allergy research: a review. Allergy 2006, 61(11), 1336-1343.
- Mills EN, Jenkins JA, Sancho AI, Miles S, Madsen C, Valovirta E, Frewer L. Food allergy information resources for consumers, industry and regulators. Arb Paul Ehrlich Inst Bundesamt Sera Impfstoffe Frankfurt AM 2006, 95, 17-25.
- Fischer ARH, De Jong AEI, De Jonge R, Frewer LJ, Nauta MJ. Improving Food Safety in the Domestic Environment: The Need for a Transdisciplinary Approach. Risk Analysis 2005, 25(3), 503-517.
- Rowe G, Frewer LJ. A typology of public engagement mechanisms. Science, Technology and Human Values 2005, 30(2), 251-290.
- Frewer LJ, Lassen J, Kettlitz B, Scholderer J, Beekman V, Berdal KG. Societal aspects of genetically modified foods. Foods and Chemical Toxicology (special issue EUROTRANSFOOD) 2004, 42(7), 1181-1193.
- Mills ENC, Valorvirta E, Madsen C, Taylor SL, Vieths L, Anklma E, Baumgartner S, Koch P, Crevel RWR, Frewer L. Information provision for allergic consumers – where are we going with food allergen labelling?. Allergy 2004, 59(12), 1262-1269.
- Rowe G, Frewer LJ. Evaluating public participation exercises: A research agenda. Science, Technology and Human Values 2004, 29(4), 512-556.
- Frewer LJ, Hunt S, Brennan M, Kuznesof S, Ness M, Ritson C. The views of scientific experts on how the public conceptualize uncertainty. Journal of Risk Research 2003, 6(1), 75-85.
- Frewer LJ, Miles S. Temporal stability of the psychological determinants of trust: implications for communcation about food risks. Health, Risk and Society 2003, 5(3), 259-271.
- Frewer LJ. Societal issues and public attitudes towards genetically modified foods in human health and nutrition. Trends in Food Science and Technology 2003, 14(5-8), 319-332.
- Dibsdall LA, Lambert N, Bobbin RF, Frewer LJ. Low income consumers' attitudes and behaviour towards access, availability and motivation to eat fruit and vegetables. Public Health Nutrition 2003, 6(2), 159-168.
- Frewer LJ, Scholderer J, Bredahl L. Communicating about the risks and benefits of genetically modified foods: The mediating role of trust. Risk Analysis 2003, 23(6), 1117-1133.
- Hansen J, Holm L, Frewer L, Sandoe P. Beyond the knowledge deficity: Recent reseach into lay and expert attitudes to food risks. Appetite 2003, 41(2), 111-121.
- Dibsdall L, Lambert N, Frewer LJ. Using interpretative phenomenology to understand the food related experiences and beliefs of a select group of low-income UK women. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 2002, 34(6), 298-309.
- Eiser JR, Miles S, Frewer LJ. Trust, perceived risk and attitudes toward food technologies. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 2002, 32(11), 2423-2433.
- Frewer LJ, Miles S, Marsh R. The media and genetically modified foods: evidence in support of social amplification of risk. Risk Analysis 2002, 22(4), 701-711.
- Frewer LJ, Miles S, Brennan M, Kuznesof S, Ness M, Ritson C. Public preferences for informed choice under conditions of risk uncertainty. Public Understanding of Science 2002, 11(4), 363-372.
- da Costa MC, Deliza R, Rosenthal A, Hedderley D, Frewer LJ. Non-conventional technologies and impact on consumer behaviour. Trends in Food Science and Technology 2001, 11(4-5), 188-193.
- Miles S, Frewer LJ. Investigating specific concerns about different food hazards - higher and lower order attributes. Food Quality and Preference 2001, 12(1), 47-61.
- Rowe G, Frewer LJ. Public participation methods: A framework for evaluation. Science, Technology and Human Values 2000, 25(1), 3-29.
- Rowe G, Frewer LJ, Sjoberg L. Newspaper reporting of hazards in the UK and Sweden. Public Understanding of Science 2000, 9(1), 59-78.
- Frewer LJ, Howard C, Shepherd R. Understanding public attitudes to technology. Journal of Risk Research 1998, 1(3), 221-235.
- Frewer LJ, Howard C, Shepherd R. The influence of initial attitudes on responses to communication about genetic engineering in food production. Agriculture and Human Values 1998, 15(1), 15-30.
- Frewer LJ, Howard C, Hedderley D, Shepherd R. Methodological approaches to assessing risk perceptions associated with food related hazzards. Risk Analysis 1998, 18(1), 95-102.
- Monteleone E, Frewer LJ, Wakeling I, Mela DJ. Individual differences in starchy food consumption: The application of preference mapping. Food Quality and Preference 1998, 9(4), 211-219.
- Frewer LJ, Howard C, Hedderley D, Shepherd R. The elaboration likelihood model and communication about food risks. Risk Analysis 1997, 17(6), 759-770.
- Frewer LJ, Howard C, Shepherd R. Public concerns about general and specific applications of genetic engineering: Risk, benefit and ethics. Science, Technology and Human Values 1997, 22(1), 98-124.
- Frewer LJ, Howard C, Hedderley D, Shepherd R. Consumer attitudes towards different food-processing technologies used in cheese production: the influence of consumer benefit. Food Quality and Preference 1997, 8(4), 271-280.
- Frewer LJ, Hedderley D, Howard C, Shepherd R. "Objection" mapping in determining group and individual concerns regarding genetic engineering. Agriculture and Human Values 1997, 14(1), 67-79.
- Frewer LJ, Howard C, Hedderley D, Shepherd R. What determines trust in information about food-related risks? Underlying psychological constructs. Risk Analysis 1996, 16(4), 473-486.
- Frewer LJ, Howard C, Shepherd R. The influence of realistic product exposure on attitudes twards genetic engineering of foodstuffs. Food Quality and Preference 1996, 7(1), 61-67.
- Frewer LJ, Howard C, Shepherd R. Genetic engineering and food: What determines consumer acceptance. British Food Journal 1995, 97(8), 31-36.
- Frewer LJ, Shepherd R. Ethical concerns and risk perceptions associated with different applications of genetic engineering: Interrelationships with the perceived need for regulation of the technology. Agriculture and Human Values 1995, 12(1), 48-57.
- Sparks P, Shepherd R, Frewer LJ. Assessing and structuring attitudes towards the use of gene technology in food production: The role of perceived ethical obligation. Basic and Applied Social Psychology 1995, 16(3), 267-285.
- Frewer LJ, Shepherd R, Sparks P. The interrelationship between perceived knowledge, control and risk associated with a range of food erlated hazards targeted at the self, other people and society. Journal of Food Safety 1994, 14(1), 19-40.
- Sparks P, Shepherd R, Frewer LJ. Gene technology, food production and public opinion: A UK study. Agriculture and Human Values 1994, 11(1), 19-28.
- Frewer LJ, Shepherd R. Attributing information to different sources: Effects on the perceived qualities of information, on the perceived relevance of information and effects on attitude formation. Public Understanding of Science 1994, 3(4), 385-401.
Book Chapters
- Pakseresht A, Frewer LJ. Understanding and changing attitudes towards eating protein derived from insects. In: Adriana Casillas, ed. Insects as alternative sources of protein for food and feed. Cambridge, UK: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 2024.
- Kuznesof S, Kendall H, Chatzopoulou E, Gorton M, Frewer L. Food authenticity. In: Encyclopaedia of Consumer Sciences. Elsevier, 2018.
- Frewer LJ, Fischer ARH, Kaptan G. Consumer Perceptions of Risks From Food. In: Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry: Second Edition. Cambridge: Elsevier Inc, 2016, pp.15-23.
- Frewer LJ, Fischer ARH, Rowe G. Public Engagement with Emerging Issues in Agri-Food Nanotechnology. In: Frewer, LJ, Norde, W, Fischer, A, Kampers, F, ed. Nanotechnology in the Agri-Food Sector, Implications for the Future. Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, 2011, pp.Ch. 15.
- Marvin HJP, Bouwmeester H, Kleter GA, Frewer LJ, Wentholt MTA. Evolving Best Practice in Governance Policy - Developing Consumer Confidences in Risk Analysis Applied to Emerging Technologies. In: Frewer, LJ, Norde, W, Fischer, A, Kampers, F, ed. Nanotechnology in the Agri-Food Sector, Implications for the Future. Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, 2011, 17.
- Frewer LJ, Fischer ARH, vanTrijp JHCM. Communication of Risks and Benefits of Nanotechnology: the Issue of Societal Acceptance of Emerging Technologies. In: Frewer, LJ, Norde, W, Fischer, A, Kampers, F, ed. Nanotechnology in the Agri-Food Sector, Implications for the Future. Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, 2011, pp.243-256.
- Oskam A, Backus G, Kinsey J, Frewer LJ. The New Food Economy. In: Oskam, A., Meester, G., Silvis H, ed. EU Policy for Agriculture, Food and Rural Areas. Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2010, pp.297-306.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Livingstone J, Brereton P, Smyth B, Grigoriadis V, Nugent A, Hutchinson WG, Vlajic J, Areal F, Collins O, Sari N, Fu R, Frewer L. Calculating the environmental impact of meals. In: 37th EFFoST International Conference 2023: Sustainable Food and Industry 4.0: Towards the 2030 Agenda. 2023. In Preparation.
- Vicario-Modroñoa V, Sánchez-Zamora P, Gallardo-Cobosa R, Fernández-Rebollo P, Fernández-Habasb J, Vanwalleghem T, Zanatti R, Tindale S, Newell-Price P, Frewer LJ. Assessing the feasibility of multiple grassland-related management options and their potential to deliver ecosystem services in Mediterranean Dehesa/Montado Systems from stakeholders’ perspective: scientific experts and farmers. In: XIV Spanish Agri-Food Economics Congress. 2023, Zaragoza, Spain: AEEA.
- Grigoriadis v, Livingstone J, Brereton P, Woodside J, Nugent A, Smyth B, Hutchinson G, Vlajic J, Areal F, Collins O, Sari N, Fu R, Frewer L. A comparison of a range of nutrient profiling models as applied to cooked meals. In: 37th EFFoST International Conference 2023: Sustainable Food and Industry 4.0: Towards the 2030 Agenda. 2023. In Preparation.
- Markovina J, Stewart-Knox B, Frewer LJ, Gibney M, Almeida MD, Rankin A, Kuznesof S, Poinhos R, Fischer ARH. Perceived barriers to the uptake of personalised nutrition: a comparison between European countries. In: 11th NuGOweek 2014 conference “Nutrigenomics of Foods”. 2014, Naples, Italy: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- Rankin A, Frewer LJ. Food4Me: Food choice motives and intention to adopt personalised nutrition. In: 11th NuGOweek 2014 conference “Nutrigenomics of Foods”. 2014, Naples, Italy: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- Rankin A, Frewer LJ, Stewart-Knox B. Food choice motives and intention to adopt personalised nutrition. In: The Nutrition Society Irish Section Meeting: Changing Dietary Behaviour: Physiology Through to Practice. 2014, University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Mora C, Menozzi D, Sogari G, Brennan M, Raley M, Frewer LJ. Biotechnology and Public opinion: The results of a citizens' jury case study. In: 2nd AIEAA Conference 'Between Crisis and Development: which Role for the Bio-Economy". 2013, Parma, Italy.
- Ragona M, Raley M, Sijtsema SJ, Frewer L. Better communication for successful food technology development: A Delphi study. In: 2nd AIEAA Conference 'Between Crisis and Development: which Role for the Bio-Economy". 2013, Parma, Italy.
- Frewer LJ. Risk Perception, Communication and Food Safety. In: Strategies for Achieving Food Security in Central Asia. 2012, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: Springer.
- Ballantine A, Stewart-Knox B, Orr K, Robinson J, Duffy M, Kuznesof S, Frewer L. Consumer attitudes towards personalised nutrition: What do consumers want?. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2012.
- Gupta N, Fischer ARH, vanderLans IA, Frewer LJ. Determinants influencing societal uptake of nanotechnology: An expert stakeholder analysis. In: EuroNanoForum 2011. 2011, Budapest, Hungary.
- VanDijk H, Fischer ARH, Jonge J, Rowe GR, Frewer LJ. The impact of existing attitudes and information on perception of risks and benefits associated with food technologies. In: International Peak Oil Conference (ASPO). 2009, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Edited Books
- Gao ZS, Shen HH, Zheng M, Frewer LJ, Gilissen LJWJ, ed. Multidisciplinary approaches to allergies. 2012.
- Frewer LJ, Norde W, Fischer A, Kampers F, ed. Nanotechnology in the Agri-Food SectorImplications for the Future. Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, 2011.
- Hunter E, Quatrini S, Lieberher E, Tindale S, Sanchez Zamora P, Gallardo Cobos R, Miskolci S, Johansson C, Nybom J, Cano Vergara B, Elliot J, Newell Price P, Frewer L. The effectiveness of policies promoting sustainable permanent grasslands across five European countries (representing five biogeographic regions): Mapping, understanding, and key stakeholder perceptions. Newcastle University, 2020. WP4, Deliverable 4.1c, SUPER-G (Sustainable Permanent Grassland Systems and Policies), EC Project Number 774124-2.
- Tindale S, Hunter E, Sanchez Zamora P, Gallardo R, Cano Vergara B, Newell-Price P, Elings M, Elliot J, Miskolci S, Frewer L. Review of facilitators of, and barriers to, adoption and choice of permanent grassland management options to deliver ecosystem services. Newcastle University. WP4, Deliverable 4.1a, SUPER-G (Sustainable Permanent Grassland Systems and Policies), EC Project Number 774124-2, 2019.
- van der Fels-Klerx HJ, van Asselt ED, Raley M, Poulsen M, Korsgaard L, Bredsdorff NM, Flari V, dAugostino M, Coles D, Frewer L. Critical Review of Methodology and Application of Risk Ranking for Prioritisation of Food and Feed Related Issues, on the Basis of the Size of Anticipated Health Impact. Parma, Italy: European Food Safety Authority, 2015.
- Raley M, Ragona M, Sijtsema SJ, Frewer LJ. The Connect4Action Delphi study: report of the round 1 outcomes (Deliverable 3.1). 2013.
- Raley M, Ragona M, Sijtsema SJ, Frewer LJ, Fischer ARH. Connect4Action Round 2 of the Delphi study: Conduct and outcomes (deliverable 3.2). 2012.
- Wentholt M, Frewer LJ. Expert Views on European Research Needs Regarding Emerging Infectious Animal Diseases: Results of a Delphi Study. 2010.
- Frewer LJ, Hunt S, Miles S, Brennan M, Kuznesof S, Ness M, Ritson C. Communicating risk uncertainty with the public. London: Food Standards Agency, 2001. Final Report and Technical Annex.
- Garvey J, Grigoriadis V, Flannery D, Knapp E, Gold E, Hutchinson G, Frewer LJ, Brereton P, Byrne KA. Designing financial instruments for land-based ecological restoration: A review and future research Agenda. Cleaner Production Letters 2025, 8, 100089.
- Elliott J, Tindale S, Outhwaite S, Nicholson F, Newell-Price P, Sari NH, Hunter E, Sanchez-Zamora P, Jin S, Gallardo-Cobos R, Miskolci S, Frewer LJ. European Permanent Grasslands: A Systematic Review of Economic Drivers of Change, Including a Detailed Analysis of the Czech Republic, Spain, Sweden, and UK. Land 2024, 13(1), 116.
- Li Z, Taylor J, Frewer L, Zhao C, Yang G, Li Z, Liu Z, Gaulton R, Wicks D, Mortimer H, Cheng X, Yu C, Sun Z. A comparative review on the state and advancement of Site-Specific Crop Management in the UK and China. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2019, 6(2), 116-136.
- Fischer ARH, Wentholt MTA, Rowe G, Frewer LJ. Expert involvement in policy development: A systematic review of current practice. Science and Public Policy 2014, 41(3), 332-343.
- Coles D, Frewer LJ. Nanotechnology applied to European food production - A review of ethical and regulatory issues. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2013, 34(1), 32-43.
- Frewer LJ, Bergmann K, Brennan M, Lion R, Meertens R, Rowe G, Siegrist M, Vereijken C. Consumer response to novel agri-food technologies: Implications for predicting consumer acceptance of emerging food technologies. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2011, 22(8), 442-456.
- Ronteltap A, van Trijp JCM, Renes RJ, Frewer LJ. Consumer acceptance of new food technologies: Lessons for the future of nutrigenomics. Appetite 2007, 49(1), 1-17.