Staff Profile
Professor Tony Clare
Emeritus Professor of Marine Science
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5918
- Personal Website:
- Address: Ridley Building
Tony Clare is Emeritus Professor of Marine Science in the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences.
Tony is a marine chemical ecologist by training with a special interest in biology at the surface water interface. After PhD studies at Menai Bridge under the supervision of Dr Graham Walker and the late Prof Denis Crisp CBE, FRS, Tony did a short postdoc before moving to the NERC Rocky Shore Surveillance Group here at Newcastle (Director Prof Bob Clark; 1983-88). Tony worked at Duke University for 5 years (1988-93), initially as a postdoc in Prof John Costlow's lab, before joining the Faculty as Research Assistant Professor. Tony returned to the UK in 1993 for a Fellowship at the Marine Biological Association, Plymouth to pursue research on marine invertebrate larval settlement. During his time there he served as Scientific Co-ordinator for the NERC Marine Biofouling Thematic Programme. Tony was appointed to a Lectureship at Newcastle in 1998 and transferred from Plymouth in 1999. He was promoted to Reader in 2001 and to a Personal Chair in 2003.
Area of Expertise
Interfacial biology in the context of: marine biofouling/antifouling; bioadhesion/adhesives; chemical ecology; aquaculture.
Roles and Responsibilities
Newcastle University:
Previous include:
Dept. Marine Science & Coastal Management (1999-2002) - Chair Research Committee; Executive Resources Committee; Chair Postgraduate Committee; Faculty Graduate School Management Board; University Central Scientific Facilities Committee.
School of Marine Science and Technology (2002-2016) - Director of Research; Chair Laboratories and Estates Committee; School Executive Committee; School Postgraduate Selector; Faculty Research Committee; Faculty Research Strategy Group; Faculty Ethics Committee; Co-ordinator marineNewcastle; NIReS Strategy Board.
School of Natural and Environmental Sciences - Biology Health & Safety Committee.
Chair, Comité International Permanent pour la Recherche sur la Préservation des Matériaux en Milieu Marin (COIPM);
Editor-in-Chief Journal of Marine Science and Engineering ( (2013-2024).
PhD (Bangor) 1984
MSc (Bangor) 1980
BSc (Portsmouth) 1978
Institute of Biology/Royal Society of Biology (1975-2024)
Marine Biological Association (1983-)
Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (2013-2024)
Previous Positions
Research Assistant Professor, Duke University
Senior MBA Fellow, Marine Biological Association of the UK
Research Interests (see Marine Biofouling Research Laboratory for further details).
Interfacial biology in the context of: marine biofouling/antifouling; bioadhesion/adhesives; chemical ecology; aquaculture.
Member of the Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Group and the Marine Propulsion Research Laboratory.
Current Work
- US ONR "Laboratory evaluation of easy-release and non-toxic deterrent coatings for biofouling mitigation" (2023-2026);
- US ONR "Understanding the principles of solid shedding surfaces - Phase III" (2023-2026; North Dakota State University is lead institute);
- US ONR "Toward an understanding of cyprid cementation: characterization and localization of Balanus improvisus cyprid cement gland proteins" (2020-2025).
Recently Completed
- US ONR "Understanding the principles of solid shedding surfaces" (2020-2024; North Dakota State University is lead institute);
- US ONR "Laboratory assays for hypothesis testing and evaluation of candidate easy release and nontoxic deterrent surfaces" (2020-2023);
- Dstl "Novel materials for defence materials for strategic advantage" (2018-2022);
- US ONR "Laboratory-scale evaluation of candidate practical coatings for antifouling and fouling release applications" (2016-2020);
- US ONR "Studies on the settlement and adhesion of model marine biofouling organisms to inform antifouling strategies" (2016-2020);
- Dstl "Production of synthetic barnacle adhesives" (2015-2020)
- AkzoNobel - International Paint Ltd. "An investigation of the relationship between 'in-service' roughness of marine coatings, their impact on boundary layer flow performance/drag and ship operational efficiency" (2017-);
- AkzoNobel - International Paint Ltd. Superhydrophilic surfaces (2015-2019);
- US ONR "Laboratory-scale measures of barnacle settlement behaviour to facilitate the development of novel antifouling and fouling-release coatings" (2013-2017);
- US ONR "Studies on settlement and metamorphosis of model marine biofouling organisms to inform antifouling strategies" (2013-2017);
- Newcastle University Business Engagement Fund;
- Global Excellence Fund "Non-invasive fouling recognition system" (2015-2017; PI Dr Cheng Siong Chin).
Postgraduate Supervision
- Jessica Clarke (NERC ONE Planet) - Biofouling invertebrates and their larvae as vectors of antimicrobial resistance and marine pathogens (with Drs Jem Stach, Nick Aldred, Andrew Nelson and Thomas Vance);
- Ainsley Hatt (NERC IAPETUS2 DTP) - Future Biofouling (with Profs Lloyd Peck and Melody Clark, BAS; and Dr Heather Sugden)
Recently graduated
- Sakinah Al-Haddad - Sponge microbiome (with Dr Gary Caldwell);
- Paul Whitworth (PhD 2023) - Marine biofouling control by ultraviolet light: development, ecological impact and genomic assessment; (with Drs Nick Aldred and Kevin Reynolds);
- Joshua Raine (PhD 2021) - Temporary adhesion and surface selectivity in barnacle settlement (with Dr Nick Aldred, Prof Bo Liedberg and Prof Ali Miserez)
- Jan Kardela (PhD 2019) - Investigation of 'superhydrophilic' surfaces. Industry funded PhD studentship (International Paint Ltd.) (with Drs Nick Aldred and Ian Millichamp);
- David Webb (MPhil 2019) - Production of synthetic barnacle adhesives (with Dr Nick Aldred and Prof Colin Harwood)
Esteem Indicators
- Expert Evaluator, SEAS Programme, University of Bergen (2022);
- Review Board Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde (2019);
- Editorial Board Scientific Reports (2015-);
- Chair (2014-2025); Member (2025-) Comité International Permanent pour la Recherche sur la Préservation des Matériaux en Milieu Marin (COIPM);
- Visiting Professor, University of Toulon (2014);
- Editor-in-Chief Journal of Marine Science & Engineering (2013-2024);
- Review Panel for KAUST/HKUST research project "Microbial Genomics and Bioactive Compounds of the Red Sea" (2013);
- National Oceanography Centre Association Steering Board (2012-2019); Newcastle representative (2019-2023);
- A*STAR SERC (Singapore) Review Panel for 'Innovative Marine Antifouling Solutions for High Value Applications Programme' (2012);
- Panel of Advisers for Commonwealth Scholarships Commission (2008-2014);
- NERC Marine Sciences Peer Review Committee/College member (2001-2004; 2010-2012);
- Associate Editor Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2008-2011);
- Scientific Assessment Panel, MISTRA Marine Paint (Sweden) (2006);
- External Examiner Schools of Ocean Sciences and Biological Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor (2003-06);
- Editorial Boards of Biofouling; Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology; Journal of Marine Science and Engineering; Fisheries Science (1999-2003).
Invited conference presentations/organisation
- Keynote speaker: 11th International Symposium on Marine Engineering. Odaiba, Tokyo, 15-19 October 2017;
- Keynote speaker: Adhesion Biology Society of Japan. Tokyo University of Marine Science & Technology, Shirataka, 21-22 October 2017;
- Keynote speaker: Workshop on "Bridging the gap between academia and industry - a collaborative enterprise". 18th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Biofouling, Toulon, 24 June 2016;
- Invited speaker: Workshop on Biofouling and Antifouling, University of Toulon, 16 April 2014;
- Invited speaker: ANZPAK Workshop on Biofouling Management for Sustainable Shipping, Melbourne, Australia, 5-9 May 2013;
- Keynote speaker: Materials in the Marine Environment: Solutions for Preserving Performance, Singapore, 15 October 2012;
- Plenary speaker: 16th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Seattle, 24-28 June 2012;
- Invited speaker: AVS International Symposium and Exhibition, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 17-22 October 2010;
- Convener of 15th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, NewcastleGateshead, 25-29 July 2010;
- Invited speaker: 2009 International Association of Drilling Contractors Environmental Conference & Exhibition, Stavanger, 12-13 May 2009;
- Invited speaker: 14th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Satellite Symposium, Kobe, 1 August 2008;
- Session Chair: "Challenges at the Biology/Technology Interface",Oceans 07 IEEE, Aberdeen, 18-21 June 2007;
- Mini-symposium organiser and invited speaker: 13th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Rio, 24-28 July 2006;
- Keynote speaker: International Marine Biotechnology Conference, St John's Newfoundland, 7-12 June 2005;
- Plenary address: 12th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Biofouling, University of Southampton, 27-30 July 2004;
- Invited speaker: Darwin and the barnacle 150 years on. The Linnean Society, 12 February 2004;
- Keynote speaker: Symposium on Marine Natural Products, 21-26 September 2003, Phytochemical Society of Europe, Monastery of the Orthodox Academy of Crete;
- Keynote speaker: Vth Larval Biology Meeting, 15-19 September 2002, University of Vigo, Spain.
- Al-Haddad S, Caldwell GS, Clare AS. The effect of environmental and anthropogenic factors on the microbiome of the sponge, Halichondria panicea, at three coastal sites with different bathing water quality in North East England. Aquatic Sciences 2025, 87, 6.
- Dahlgren J, Stafslien S, Vanderwal L, Bahr J, Allen P, Finlay J, Clare AS, Webster D. Investigation of amphiphilic PDMS-hyperbranched polyglycerol copolymers to tune the fouling-release properties in a moisture curable coating system. Langmuir 2025, 41(5), 3377-3391.
- Whitworth P, Aldred N, Finlay JA, Reynolds KJ, Plummer J, Clare AS. UV-C LED-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer formation, lesion repair and mutagenesis in the biofilm-forming diatom, Navicula incerta. Biofouling 2024, 40(1), 76-87.
- Gnanasampanthan T, Koschitzki F, Özcan O, Höppner A, Wanka R, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Rosenhahn A. Testing of marine fouling-inhibiting enzymes in a water-based methacrylate polymer matrix. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Medhi R, Handlinb AD, Leonardi AK, Galli G, Guazzelli E, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Olivae M, Prettie C, Martinelli E, Ober CK. Interrupting marine fouling with active buffered coatings. Biofouling 2024, 40(7), 377-389.
- Mengel SD, Guo W, Wu G, Finlay JA, Allen P, Clare AS, Riddhiman M, Chen Z, Ober CK, Segalman RA. Diffusely Charged Polymeric Zwitterions as Loosely Hydrated Marine Antifouling Coatings. Langmuir 2024, 40(1), 282-290.
- Rahimi A, Dahlren J, Faiyaz K, Stafslien S, VanderWal L, Bahr J, Safaripour M, Finlay J, Clare AS, Webster D. Amphiphilic balance: Effect of hydrophilic-hydrophobic ratio on fouling-release surfaces. Langmuir 2024, 40(1), 1117-1129.
- Manderfeld E, Balasubramaniam A, Ozcan O, Anderson C, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Hunsucker K, Swain GW, Rosenhahn A. Visible light-induced surface grafting polymerization of perfluoropolyether brushes as marine low fouling materials. Polymer Chemistry 2023, 14(15), 1791-1800.
- Medhi R, Cintora A, Guazzelli E, Narayan N, Leonardi AK, Galli G, Oliva M, Pretti C, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Martenelli E, Ober CK. Nitroxide-containing amphiphilic random terpolymers for marine antifouling and fouling-release coatings. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023, 15(8), 11150-11162.
- Whitworth P, Clare AS, Finlay JA, Piola RF, Plummer J, Aldred N. Long-Term Ultraviolet Treatment for Macrofouling Control in Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2023, 11(12), 2211.
- Benda J, Narikiyo H, Stafslien SJ, VanderWal LJ, Finlay JA, Aldred N, Clare AS, Webster DC. Studying the effect of pre-polymer composition and incorporation of surface modifying amphiphilic additives on the fouling-release performance of amphiphilic siloxane-polyurethane coatings. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022, 14(32), 37229-37247.
- Karthäuser JF, Koc J, Schönemann E, Wanka R, Aldred N, Clare AS, Rosenhahn A, Laschewsky A. Optimizing fouling resistance of poly(sulfabetaine)s through backbone and charge separation. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2022, 9(33), 2200677.
- Schardt L, Guajardo AM, Koc J, Clarke JL, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Gardner H, Swain GW, Hunsucker K, Laschewsky A, Rosenhahn A. Low Fouling Polysulfobetaines with Variable Hydrophobic Content. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2022, 43(12), 2100589.
- Leonardi AK, Mehdi R, Zhang A, Düzen N, Finlay JA, Clarke JL, Clare AS, Ober CK. Investigation of N-substituted morpholine structures in an amphiphilic PDMS-based antifouling and fouling-release coating. Biomacromolecules 2022, 23, 2697-2712.
- Whitworth P, Aldred N, Reynolds KJ, Plummer J, Duke P, Clare AS. Importance of Duration, Duty-Cycling and Thresholds for the Implementation of Ultraviolet C in Marine Biofouling Control. Frontiers in Marine Science 2022, 8, 809011.
- Zhang S, Crisci R, Finlay JA, Cai H, Clare AS, Chen Z, Silberstein MN. Enabling tunable water-responsive surface adaptation of PDMS via metal-ligand coordinated dynamic networks. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2022, 9(15), 2200430.
- Rahimi A, Murphy M, Faiyaz K, Stafslien SJ, Vanderwal L, Pade M, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Webster DC. Amphiphilic marine coating systems of self-stratified PDMS-PEG surfaces with an epoxy-polyurethane matrix. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 2022, 19, 795–812.
- Benda J, Stafslien S, Vanderwal L, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Webster DC. Surface modifying amphiphilic additives and their effect on fouling-release performance in siloxane-polyurethane coatings. Biofouling 2021, 37(3), 309-326.
- Yu W, Wang Y, Gnutt P, Wanka R, Krauze LMK, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Rosenhahn A. Layer-by-Layer Deposited Hybrid Polymer Coatings Based on Polysaccharides and Zwitterionic Silanes with Marine Antifouling Properties. ACS Applied Bio Materials 2021, 4(3), 2385-2397.
- Cleverley RM, Webb D, Middlemiss S, Clare AS, Okano K, Harwood CR, Aldred N. In vitro oxidative crosslinking of recombinant barnacle cyprid cement gland proteins. Marine Biotechnology 2021, 23, 928-942.
- Gnanasampanthan T, Beyer CD, Yu W, Karthäuser JF, Wanka R, Spöllmann S, Becker H-W, Aldred N, Clare AS, Rosenhahn A. Effect of multilayer termination on nonspecific protein adsorption and antifouling performance of alginate-based layer-by-layer coatings. Langmuir 2021, 37(19), 5950-5963.
- Rahimi A, Stafslien SJ, Vanderwal L, Bahr J, Safaripour M, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Webster DC. Critical Amphiphilic Concentration: Effect of the Extent of Amphiphilicity on Marine Fouling-Release Performance. Langmuir 2021, 37(8), 2728–2739.
- Kuliasha CA, Fedderwitz RL, Stafslien SJ, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Brennan AB. Anti-biofouling properties of poly(dimethyl siloxane) with RAFT photopolymerized acrylate/methacrylate surface grafts against model marine organisms. Biofouling 2021, 37(1), 78-95.
- Leonardi A, Zhang AC, Düzen N, Aldred N, Finlay JA, Clarke JL, Clare AS, Segalman RA, Ober CK. Amphiphilic nitroxide-bearing siloxane-based copolymer coatings for enhanced marine fouling release. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13(24), 28790-28801.
- Beyer CD, Reback ML, Gopal S, Nolte KA, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Schäfer L, Metzler-Nolte N, Rosenhahn A. α-Aminoisobutyric acid stabilized peptide SAMs with low nonspecific protein absorption and resistance against marine biofouling. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020, 8(7), 2665-2671.
- Schönemann E, Koc J, Aldred N, Clare AS, Laschewsky A, Rosenhahn A, Wischerhoff E. Synthesis of novel sulfobetaine polymers with differing dipole orientations in their side chains, and their effects on the antifouling properties. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2020, 41(1), 1900447.
- Wanka R, Koc J, Clarke J, Hunsucker KZ, Swain GW, Aldred N, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Rosenhahn A. Sol-gel-based hybrid materials as antifouling and fouling-release coatings for marine applications. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12(47), 53286-53296.
- Ruiz-Sanchez AJ, Guerin AJ, El-Zubir O, Dura G, Ventura C, Dixon LI, Houlton A, Horrocks BR, Jakubovics NS, Guarda P-A, Simeone G, Clare AS, Fulton DA. Preparation and evaluation of fouling-release properties of amphiphilic perfluoropolyether-zwitterion cross-linked polymer films. Progress in Organic Coatings 2020, 140, 105524.
- Turkmen S, Atlar M, Yeginbayeva I, Benson S, Finlay JA, Clare AS. Frictional drag measurements of large-scale plates in an enhanced, plane channel, flowcell. Biofouling 2020, 36(2), 169-182.
- Kuliasha CA, Fedderwitz RL, Finlay JA, Franco SC, Clare AS, Brennan AB. Engineered chemical nanotopographies: reversible addition-fragmentation chain-transfer mediated grafting of anisotropic poly(acrylamide) patterns on poly(dimethylsiloxane) to modulate marine biofouling. Langmuir 2020, 36(1), 379-387.
- Koc J, Schönemann E, Wanka R, Aldred N, Clare AS, Gardner H, Swain GW, Hunsucker K, Laschewsky A, Rosenhahn A. Effects of crosslink density in zwitterionic hydrogel coatings on their antifouling performance and susceptibility to silt uptake. Biofouling 2020, 36(6), 646-659.
- Koc J, Schardt L, Nolte K, Beyer C, Eckhard T, Schwiderowski P, Clarke JL, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Muhler M, Laschewsky A, Rosenhahn A. Effect of dipole orientation in mixed, charge-equilibrated self-assembled monolayers on protein adsorption and marine biofouling. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12(45), 50953-50961.
- Yu W, Wanka R, Finlay JA, Clarke JL, Clare AS, Rosenhahn A. Degradable hyaluronic acid/chitosan polyelectrolyte multilayers with marine fouling-release properties. Biofouling 2020, 36(9), 1049-1064.
- Aldred N, Chan VBS, Emami K, Okano K, Clare AS, Mount AS. Chitin is a functional component of the larval adhesive of barnacles. Communications Biology 2020, 3, 31.
- Raine JJ, Aldred N, Clare AS. Anatomy and Ultrastructure of the Cyprid Temporary Adhesive System in Two Species of Acorn Barnacle. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2020, 8(12), 968.
- Rahimi A, Stafslien SJ, Vanderwal L, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Webster DC. Amphiphilic zwitterionic-PDMS-based surface-modifying additives to tune fouling-release of siloxane-polyurethane marine coatings. Progress in Organic Coatings 2020, 149, 105931.
- Barry ME, Davidson EC, Zhang C, Patterson AL, Yu B, Leonardi AK, Duzen N, Malaviya K, Clarke JL, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Chen Z, Ober CK, Segalman RA. The role of hydrogen bonding in peptoid-based marine antifouling coatings. Macromolecules 2019, 52(3), 1287-1295.
- McGowan V, Wistow J, Lewis S, Popay J, Bambra C. Pathways to mental health improvement in a community-led area-based empowerment initiative: Evidence from the Big Local ‘Communities in Control’ study, England. Journal of Public Health 2019, 41(4), 850-857.
- Kardela JH, Millichamp IS, Ferguson J, Parry AL, Reynolds KJ, Aldred N, Clare AS. Nonfreezable Water and Polymer Swelling Control the Marine Antifouling Performance of Polymers with Limited Hydrophilic Content. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11(33), 29477-29489.
- Koc J, Schönemann E, Amuthalingam A, Clarke J, Finlay JA, Clare AS, Laschewsky A, Rosenhahn A. Low-Fouling Thin Hydrogel Coatings Made of Photo-Cross-Linked Polyzwitterions. Langmuir 2019, 35(5), 1552-1562.
- Yu W, Koc J, Finlay JA, Clarke JL, Clare AS, Rosenhahn A. Layer-by-layer constructed hyaluronic acid/chitosan multilayers as antifouling and fouling-release coatings. Biointerphases 2019, 14(5), 051002.
- Aldred N, Gatley-Montross CM, Lang M, Detty MR, Clare AS. Correlative assays of barnacle cyprid behaviour for the laboratory evaluation of antifouling coatings: A study of surface energy components. Biofouling 2019, 35(2), 159-172.
- Wanka R, Aldred N, Finlay JA, Amuthalingam A, Clarke JL, Clare AS, Rosenhahn A. Antifouling Properties of Dendritic Polyglycerols against Marine Macrofouling Organisms. Langmuir 2019, 35(50), 16568-16575.
- Kommeren S, Guerin AJ, Dale ML, Ferguson J, Lyall G, Reynolds KJ, Clare AS, Bastiaansen CWM, Sullivan TE. Antifouling and Fouling-Release Performance of Photo-Embossed Fluorogel Elastomers. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2019, 7(11), 419.
- Aldred N, Alsaab A, Clare AS. Quantitative analysis of the complete larval settlement process confirms Crisp's model of surface selectivity by barnacles. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 2018, 285(1872), 20171957.
- Guerin AJ, Clare AS. Mini-review: effect sizes and meta-analysis for antifouling research. Biofouling 2018, 34(10), 1185-1199.
- Wanka R, Finlay JA, Nolte KA, Koc J, Jakobi V, Anderson C, Clare AS, Gardner H, Hunsucker KZ, Swain GW, Rosenhahn A. Fouling-Release Properties of Dendritic Polyglycerols against Marine Diatoms. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10(41), 34965–34973.
- Gao G, Clare AS, Chatzidimitriou E, Rose C, Caldwell GS. Effects of ocean warming and acidification, combined with nutrient enrichment, on chemical composition and functional properties of Ulva rigida. Food Chemistry 2018, 258, 71-78.
- Benschop HOG, Guerin AJ, Brinkmann A, Dale ML, Finnie AA, Breugem W-P, Clare AS, Stübing D, Price C, Reynolds KJ. Drag-reducing riblets with fouling-release properties: development and testing. Biofouling 2018, 34(5), 532-544.
- Clare AS. Approaches to next-generation marine antifouling control. Journal of the Japan Institute of Marine Engineering 2018, 53(3), 297-298.
- Clare AS. Announcing the 2018 JMSE travel awards for postdoctoral researchers and Ph.D. students. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2018, 6, 57.
- Jacobi V, Schwarze J, Finlay JA, Nolte KA, Spöllman S, Becker H-W, Clare AS, Rosenhahn A. Amphiphilic Alginates for Marine Antifouling Applications. Biomacromolecules 2018, 19(2), 402-408.
- Gao G, Clare AS, Rose C, Caldwell G. Ulva rigida in the future ocean: potential for carbon capture, bioremediation, and biomethane production. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 2018, 10(1), 39-51.
- Shortall S. . 2018.
- Mancuso E, Alharbi N, Bretcanu OA, Marshall M, Birch MA, McCaskie AM, Dalgarno KW. Three-dimentional printing of porous load bearing bioceramic scaffolds. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2017, 231(6), 575-585.
- Patterson AL, Wenning B, Rizis G, Calabrese DR, Finlay J, Franco SC, Clare AS, Ober CK, Segalman RA. Role of backbone chemistry and monomer sequence in amphiphilic oligopeptide- and oligopeptoid-functionalized PDMS- and PEO-based block copolymers for marine antifouling and fouling release coatings. Macromolecules 2017, 50(7), 2656-2667.
- Gao G, Clare AS, Rose C, Caldwell GS. Reproductive sterility increases the capacity to exploit the green seaweed Ulva rigida for commercial applications. Algal Research 2017, 24(Part A), 64-71.
- Galhenage TP, Webster DC, Moreira AMS, Burgett RJ, Stafslien SJ, Vanderwal L, Finlay JA, Franco SC, Clare AS. Poly(ethylene) glycol-modified, amphiphilic, siloxane–polyurethane coatings and their performance as fouling-release surfaces. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 2017, 14(2), 307-322.
- Calabrese DR, Wenning BM, Buss H, Finlay JA, Fischer D, Clare AS, Segalman RA, Ober CK. Oligopeptide-modified hydrophobic and hydrophilic polymers as antifouling coatings. Green Materials 2017, 5(1), 31-43.
- Gao G, Clare AS, Rose C, Caldwell GS. Non-cryogenic preservation of thalli, germlings, and gametes of the green seaweed Ulva rigida. Aquaculture 2017, 473, 246-250.
- Gatley-Montross CM, Finlay JA, Aldred N, Cassady H, Destino JF, Orihuela B, Hickner MA, Clare AS, Rittschof D, Holm ER, Detty MR. Multivariate analysis of attachment of biofouling organisms in response to material surface characteristics. Biointerphases 2017, 12(5), 051003.
- Ventura C, Guerin AJ, El-Zubir O, Ruiz-Sanchez AJ, Dixon LI, Reynolds KJ, Dale ML, Ferguson J, Houlton A, Horrocks BR, Clare AS, Fulton DF. Marine antifouling performance of polymer coatings incorporating zwitterions. Biofouling 2017, 33(10), 892-903.
- Kuliasha CA, Finlay JA, Franco SC, Clare AS, Stafslien SJ, Brennan AB. Marine anti-biofouling efficacy of amphiphilic poly(coacrylate) grafted PDMSe: effect of graft molecular weight. Biofouling 2017, 33(3), 252-267.
- Gao G, Clare AS, Rose C, Caldwell GS. Intrinsic and extrinsic control of reproduction in the green tide-forming alga, Ulva rigida. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2017, 139, 14–22.
- Chin C, Si JT, Clare AS, Ma MD. Intelligent Image Recognition System for Marine Fouling using Softmax Transfer Learning and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Complexity 2017, 2017, 5730419.
- Gao G, Clare AS, Rose C, Caldwell GS. Eutrophication and warming-driven green tides (Ulva rigida) are predicted to increase under future climate change scenarios. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2017, 114(1), 439-447.
- Franco SC, Aldred N, Cruz T, Clare AS. Effects of culture conditions on larval growth and survival of stalked barnacles (Pollicipes pollicipes). Aquaculture Research 2017, 48(6), 2920-2933.
- Alsaab A, Aldred N, Clare AS. Automated tracking and classification of the settlement behaviour of barnacle cyprids. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 2017, 14(128), 20160957.
- Witham CL. . 2017.
- Damon CA, Gatley CM, Beres JJ, Finlay JA, Franco SC, Clare AS, Detty MR. The performance of hybrid titania/silica-derived xerogels as active antifouling/fouling-release surfaces against the marine alga Ulva linza: in situ generation of hypohalous acids. Biofouling 2016, 32(8), 883-896.
- Graham H, Rastrick SPS, Findlay HS, Bentley MG, Widdicombe S, Clare AS, Caldwell G. Sperm motility and fertilisation success in an acidified and hypoxic environment. ICES Journal of Marine Science 2016, 73(3), 783-790.
- Bauer S, Alles M, Arpa-Sancet MP, Ralston E, Swain GW, Aldred N, Clare AS, Finlay JA, Callow ME, Callow JA, Rosenhahn A. Resistance of amphiphilic polysaccharides against marine fouling organisms. Biomacromolecules 2016, 17(3), 897–904.
- Franco SC, Aldred N, Cruz T, Clare AS. Modulation of gregarious settlement of the stalked barnacle, Pollicipes pollicipes: a laboratory study. Scientia Marina 2016, 80(2), 217-228.
- Senkbeil T, Mohamed T, Simon R, Batchelor D, Di Fino A, Aldred N, Clare AS, Rosenhahn A. In vivo and in situ synchotron radiation based µ-XRF reveals elemental distributions during the early attachment phase of barnacle larvae and juvenile barnacles. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2016, 408(5), 1487-1496.
- Maleshlijski S, Sendra GH, Aldred N, Clare AS, Liedberg B, Grunze M, Ederth T, Rosenhahn A. Imaging SPR combined with stereoscopic 3D tracking to study barnacle cyprid-surface interactions. Surface Science 2016, 643, 172-177.
- Galhenage TP, Hoffman D, Silbert SD, Stafslien SJ, Daniels J, Miljkovic T, Finlay JA, Franco SC, Clare AS, Nedved BT, Hadfield MG, Wendt DE, Waltz G, Brewer L, Teo SLM, Lim C-S, Webster DC. Fouling-Release Performance of Silicone Oil-Modified Siloxane-Polyurethane Coatings. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8(42), 29025-29036.
- Martinelli E, Gunes D, Wenning BM, Ober CK, Finlay JA, Callow ME, Callow JA, DiFino A, Clare AS, Galli G. Effects of surface-active block copolymers with oxyethylene and fluoroalkyl side chains on the antifouling performance of silicone-based films. Biofouling 2016, 32(1), 81-93.
- Yandi W, Mieszkin S, DiFino A, Martin-Tanchereau P, Callow ME, Callow JA, Tyson L, Clare AS, Ederth T. Charged hydrophilic polymer brushes and their relevance for understanding marine biofouling. Biofouling 2016, 32(6), 609-625.
- Bauer A, Finlay JA, Thome I, Nolte K, Franco SC, Ralston E, Swain GE, Clare AS, Rosenhahn A. Attachment of algal cells to zwitterionic self-assembled monolayers comprised of different anionic compounds. Langmuir 2016, 32(22), 5663-5671.
- Clare AS. . 2016.
- Franco SC, Aldred N, Sykes AV, Cruz T, Clare AS. The effects of rearing temperature on reproductive conditioning of stalked barnacles (Pollicipes pollicipes). Aquaculture 2015, 448, 410-417.
- Franco SC, Aldred N, Clare AS. Stalked Barnacles Hold Aquaculture Potential, But Face Bottlenecks. Global Aquaculture Advocate 2015, 18(4), 44-46.
- Maleschlijski S, Bauer S, Aldred N, Clare AS, Rosenhahn A. Classification of the pre-settlement behaviour of barnacle cyprids. Interface 2015, 12(102), 20141104.
- Petrone L, Aldred N, Emami K, Enander K, Ederth T, Clare AS. Chemistry-specific surface adsorption of the barnacle settlement-inducing protein complex. Interface Focus 2015, 5(1), 20140047.
- Gohad N, Aldred N, Hartshorn C, Lee YJ, Cicerone M, Orihuela B, Clare AS, Rittschof D, Mount AS. Synergistic roles for lipids and proteins in the permanent adhesive of barnacle larvae. Nature Communications 2014, 5, 4414.
- Aldred N, Clare AS. Mini-review: Impact and dynamics of surface fouling by solitary and compound ascidians. Biofouling 2014, 30(3), 259-270.
- Reinsel KA, Pagel K, Kissel M, Foran E, Clare AS, Rittschof D. Egg mass ventilation by caridean shrimp: similarities to other decapods and insight into pheromone receptor location. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2014, 94(5), 1009-1017.
- Di Fino A, Petrone L, Aldred N, Ederth T, Liedberg B, Clare AS. Correlation between surface chemistry and settlement behaviour in barnacle cyprids (Balanus improvisus). Biofouling 2014, 30(2), 143-152.
- Maleschijski S, Bauer S, DiFino A, Sendra H, Clare AS, Rosenhahn A. Barnacle cyprid motility and distribution in the water column as an indicator of the settlement-inhibiting potential of nontoxic antifouling chemistries. Biofouling 2014, 30(9), 1055-1065.
- Xiao L, Li J, Mieszkin S, DiFino A, Clare AS, Callow ME, Callow JA, Grunze M, Rosenhahn A, Levkin P. Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces Showing Marine Antibiofouling Properties. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013, 5(20), 10074-10080.
- Fitzer SC, Caldwell GS, Clare AS, Upstill-Goddard RC, Bentley MG. Response of copepods to elevated pCO2 and environmental copper as co-stressors – a multigenerational study. PLoS One 2013, 8(8), e71257.
- Schön P, Kutnyanszky E, ten Donkelaar B, Santonicola MG, Tecim T, Aldred N, Clare AS, Vancso GJ. Probing biofouling resistant polymer brush surfaces by atomic force microscopy based force microscopy. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2013, 102, 923-930.
- Gabilondo R, Graham H, Caldwell GS, Clare AS. Laboratory culture and evaluation of the tubeworm Ficopomatus enigmaticus for biofouling studies. Biofouling 2013, 29(7), 869-878.
- Aldred N, Gohad NV, Petrone L, Orihuela B, Liedberg B, Ederth T, Mount A, Rittschof D, Clare AS. Confocal microscopy-based goniometry of barnacle cyprid permanent adhesive. Journal of Experimental Biology 2013, 216, 1969-1972.
- Aldred N, Høeg JT, Maruzzo D, Clare AS. Analysis of the behaviours mediating barnacle cyprid reversible adhesion. PLoS One 2013, 8(7), e68085.
- Clare AS. A new open access Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2013, 1(1), 1-2.
- Fitzer SC, Bishop JDD, Caldwell GS, Clare AS, Upstill-Goddard RC, Bentley MG. Visualisation of the copepod female reproductive system using confocal laser scanning microscopy and two-photon microscopy. Journal of Crustacean Biology 2012, 32(5), 685-692.
- Maleschlijski S, Sendra GH, Di Fino A, Leal-Taixé L, Thome I, Terfort A, Aldred N, Grunze M, Clare AS, Rosenhahn B, Rosenhahn A. Three dimensional tracking of exploratory behavior of barnacle cyprids using stereoscopy. Biointerphases 2012, 7, 50.
- Imbesi PM, Finlay JA, Aldred N, Eller MJ, Felder SE, Pollack KA, Lonnecker AT, Raymond JE, Mackay ME, Schweikert EA, Clare AS, Callow JA, Callow ME, Wooley KL. Targeted surface nanocomplexity: Two-dimensional control over the composition, physical properties and anti-biofouling performance of hyperbranched fluoropolymer - poly(ethylene glycol) amphiphilic crosslinked networks. Polymer Chemistry 2012, 3(11), 3121-3131.
- Pagett HE, Abrahams JL, Bones J, O'Donoghue N, Marles-Wright J, Lewis RJ, Harris JR, Caldwell GS, Rudd PM, Clare AS. Structural characterisation of the N-glycan moiety of the barnacle settlement-inducing protein complex (SIPC). Journal of Experimental Biology 2012, 215(7), 1192-1198.
- Wright S, Caldwell GS, Clare AS. Sperm activation in acorn barnacles by elevation of seawater pH. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 2012, 56(1), 79-85.
- Martinelli E, Sarvothaman MK, Galli G, Pettitt ME, Callow ME, Callow JA, Conlan SL, Clare AS, Sugiharto AB, Davies C, Williams D. Poly(dimethyl siloxane) network blends of amphiphilic acrylic copolymers with poly(ethylene glycol)-fluoroalkyl side chains for fouling-release coatings. II. Laboratory assays and field immersion trials. Biofouling 2012, 28(6), 571-582.
- Fitzer S, Caldwell GS, Close AJ, Clare AS, Upstill-Goddard RC, Bentley MG. Ocean acidification induces multi-generational decline in copepod naupliar production with possible conflict for reproductive resource allocation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2012, 418-419, 30-36.
- Gohad NV, Aldred N, Orihuela B, Clare AS, Rittschof D, Mount AS. Observations on the settlement and cementation of barnacle (Balanus amphitrite) cyprid larvae after artificial exposure to noradrenaline and the locations of adrenergic-like receptors. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2012, 416-417, 153-161.
- Maruzzo D, Aldred N, Clare AS, Høeg JT. Metamorphosis in the cirripede crustacean Balanus amphitrite. PLoS One 2012, 7(5), e37408.
- Bacchetti De Gregoris T, Khandeparker L, Anil AC, Mesbahi E, Burgess JG, Clare AS. Characterisation of the bacteria associated with barnacle, Balanus amphitrite, shell and their role in gregarious settlement of cypris larvae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2012, 413, 7-12.
- Tasso M, Conlan SL, Clare AS, Werner C. Active enzyme nanocoatings affect settlement of Balanus amphitrite barnacle cyprids. Advanced Functional Materials 2012, 22(1), 39-47.
- Maruzzo D, Conlan S, Aldred N, Clare AS, Hoeg JT. Video observation of surface exploration in cyprids of Balanus amphitrite: the movements of antennular sensory setae. Biofouling 2011, 27(2), 225-239.
- Fyrner T, Lee H-H, Mangone A, Ekblad T, Petitt M, Callow M, Callow J, Conlan S, Mutton R, Clare AS, Konradsson P, Liedberg B, Ederth T. Saccharide-functionalized alkanethiols for fouling-resistant self-assembled monolayers: Synthesis, monolayer properties and anti-fouling behaviour. Langmuir 2011, 27(24), 15034-15047.
- Ederth T, Ekblad T, Petitt M, Conlan SL, Du CX, Callow ME, Callow JA, Mutton R, Clare AS, DSouza F, Donnelly G, Bruin A, Willemsen P, Su X, Wang S, Zhao Q, Hederos M, Konradsson P, Liedberg B. Resistance of galactoside-terminated alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers to marine fouling organisms. Applied Materials & Interfaces 2011, 3(10), 3890-3901.
- Aldred N, Ekblad T, Andersson O, Liedberg B, Clare AS. Real-Time Quantification of Microscale Bioadhesion Events In situ Using Imaging Surface Plasmon Resonance (iSPR). Applied Materials and Interfaces 2011, 3(6), 2085-2091.
- Bacchetti De Gregoris T, Aldred N, Clare AS, Burgess JG. Improvement of phylum- and class-specific primers for real-time PCR of bacterial taxa. Journal of Microbiological Methods 2011, 86(3), 351-356.
- Petrone L, DiFino A, Aldred N, Sukkaew P, Ederth T, Clare AS, Liedberg B. Effects of surface charge and Gibbs surface energy on the settlement behaviour of barnacle cyprids (Balanus amphitrite). Biofouling 2011, 27(9), 1043-1055.
- Bacchetti De Gregoris T, Rupp O, Klages S, Knaust F, Bekel T, Kube M, Burgess JG, Arnone MI, Goesmann A, Reinhardt R, Clare AS. Deep sequencing of naupliar-, cyprid- and adult-specific normalised Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) libraries of the acorn barnacle Balanus amphitrite. Biofouling 2011, 27(4), 367-374.
- Aldred N, Li GZ, Gao Y, Clare AS, Jiang SY. Modulation of barnacle (Balanus amphitrite Darwin) cyprid settlement behavior by sulfobetaine and carboxybetaine methacrylate polymer coatings. Biofouling 2010, 26(6), 673-683.
- Elbourne PD, Clare AS. Ecological relevance of a conspecific, waterborne settlement cue in Balanus amphitrite (Cirripedia). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2010, 392, 1-2(1-2), 99-106.
- Aldred N, Scardino A, Cavaco A, de Nys R, Clare AS. Attachment strength is a key factor in the selection of surfaces by barnacle cyprids (Balanus amphitrite) during settlement. Biofouling 2010, 26(3), 287-299.
- Phang IY, Aldred N, Ling XY, Huskens J, Clare AS, Vancso GJ. Atomic force microscopy of the morphology and mechanical behaviour of barnacle cyprid footprint proteins at the nanoscale. Journal of the Royal Society: Interface 2010, 7(43), 285-296.
- Cao XY, Pettit ME, Conlan SL, Wagner W, Ho AD, Clare AS, Callow JA, Callow ME, Grunze M, Rosenhahn A. Resistance of Polysaccharide Coatings to Proteins, Hematopoietic Cells, and Marine Organisms. Biomacromolecules 2009, 10(4), 907-915.
- Andersson O, Ekblad T, Aldred N, Clare AS, Liedberg B. Novel application of imaging surface plasmon resonance for in situ studies of the surface exploration of marine organisms. Biointerphases 2009, 4(4), 65-68.
- Marabotti I, Morelli A, Orsini LM, Martinelli E, Galli G, Chiellini E, Lien EM, Pettitt ME, Callow ME, Callow JA, Conlan SL, Mutton RJ, Clare AS, Kocijan A, Donik C, Jenko M. Fluorinated/siloxane copolymer blends for fouling release: chemical characterisation and biological evaluation with algae and barnacles. Biofouling 2009, 25(6), 481-493.
- De Gregoris TB, Borra M, Biffali E, Bekel T, Burgess JG, Kirby RR, Clare AS. Construction of an adult barnacle (Balanus amphitrite) cDNA library and selection of reference genes for quantitative RT-PCR studies. BMC Molecular Biology 2009, 10(1), 62.
- Zomer S, Dixon SJ, Xu Y, Jensen SP, Wang H, Lanyon CV, O'Donnell AG, Clare AS, Gosling LM, Penn DJ, Brereton RG. Consensus Multivariate methods in Gas Chromatographic Mass Spectrometry and Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis: MHC-congenic and other strains of mice can be classified according to the profiles of volatiles and microflora in their scent-marks. The Analyst 2009, 134(1), 114-123.
- Phang IY, Aldred N, Ling XY, Tomczak N, Huskens J, Clare AS, Vancso GJ. Chemistry-Specific Interfacial Forces Between Barnacle (Semibalanus balanoides) Cyprid Footprint Proteins and Chemically Functionalised AFM Tips. Journal of Adhesion 2009, 85(9), 616-630.
- Schmidt M, Cavaco A, Gierlinger N, Aldred N, Fratzl P, Grunze M, Clare AS. In Situ Imaging of Barnacle (Balanus amphitrite) Cyprid Cement Using Confocal Raman Microscopy. Journal of Adhesion 2009, 85(2-3), 139-151.
- Phang I, Aldred N, Clare AS, Vancso G. Towards a nanomechanical basis for temporary adhesion in barnacle cyprids (Semibalanus balanoides). Journal of the Royal Society: Interface 2008, 5(21), 397-402.
- Aldred N, Phang IY, Conlan SL, Clare AS, Vancso GJ. The effects of a serine protease, Alcalase (R), on the adhesives of barnacle cyprids (Balanus amphitrite). Biofouling 2008, 24(2), 97-107.
- Aldred N, Clare AS. The adhesive strategies of cyprids and development of barnacle-resistant marine coatings. Biofouling 2008, 24(5), 351-363.
- Beigbeder A, Degee P, Conlan SL, Mutton RJ, Clare AS, Pettitt ME, Callow ME, Callow JA, Dubois P. Preparation and characterisation of silicone-based coatings filled with carbon nanotubes and natural sepiolite and their application as marine fouling-release coatings. Biofouling 2008, 24(4), 291-302.
- Ekblad T, Bergstroem G, Ederth T, Conlan SL, Mutton RJ, Clare AS, Wang S, Liu YL, Zhao Q, D'Souza F, Donnelly GT, Willemsen PR, Pettitt ME, Callow ME, Callow JA, Liedberg B. Poly(ethylene glycol)-Containing Hydrogel Surfaces for Antifouling Applications in Marine and Freshwater Environments. Biomacromolecules 2008, 9(10), 2775-2783.
- Pope EC, Ali A, Conlan SL, Bowen ID, Clare AS, Rowley AF. Myrrh-derived terpenoids as inhibitors of marine biofouling. Aquatic Biology 2008, 4(2), 175-185.
- Elbourne PD, Veater RA, Clare AS. Interaction of conspecific cues in Balanus amphitrite Darwin (Cirripedia) settlement assays: Continued argument for the single-larva assay. Biofouling 2008, 24(2), 87-96.
- Savelev SC, Antony-Babu S, Roberts S, Wang H, Clare AS, Gosling LM, Petrie M, Goodfellow M, O'Donnell A, Ward A. Individual variation in 3-methylbutanal: A putative link between human leukocyte antigen and skin microflora. Journal of Chemical Ecology 2008, 34(9), 1253-1257.
- Conlan SL, Mutton RJ, Aldred N, Clare AS. Evaluation of a fully automated method to measure the critical removal stress of adult barnacles. Biofouling 2008, 24(6), 471-481.
- Gerald Culioli A, Valls R, Hellio C, Clare AS, Piovetti L. Antifouling activity of meroditerpenoids from the marine brown alga halidrys siliquosa. Journal of Natural Products 2008, 71(7), 1121-1126.
- Clare AS, Hoeg JT. Balanus amphitrite or Amphibalanus amphitrite? A note on barnacle nomenclature. Biofouling 2008, 24(1), 55-57.
- Aldred N, Wills T, Williams DN, Clare AS. Tensile and dynamic mechanical analysis of the distal portion of mussel (Mytilus edulis) byssal threads. Journal of the Royal Society: Interface 2007, 4(17), 1159-1167.
- Schumacher JF, Aldred N, Callow ME, Finlay JA, Callow JA, Clare AS, Brennan AB. Species-specific engineered antifouling topographies: correlations between the settlement of algal zoospores and barnacle cyprids. Biofouling 2007, 23(5), 307-317.
- Dreanno C, Kirby RR, Clare AS. Involvement of the barnacle settlement-inducing protein complex (SIPC) in species recognition at settlement. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2007, 351(1-2), 276-282.
- Tsoukatou M, Marechal JP, Hellio C, Novakovic I, Tufegdzie S, Sladic D, Gasic MJ, Clare AS, Vagias C, Roussis V. Evaluation of the activity of the sponge metabolites avarol and avarone and their synthetic derivatives against fouling micro- and macroorganisms. Molecules 2007, 12(5), 1022-1034.
- Phang IY, Aldred N, Clare AS, Vancso GJ. Effective marine antifouling coatings – studying barnacle cyprid adhesion with atomic force microscopy. NanoS 2007, 1(7), 34-39.
- Dreanno C, Kirby R, Clare A. Smelly feet are not always a bad thing: The relationship between cyprid footprint protein and the barnacle settlement pheromone. Biology Letters 2006, 2(3), 423-425.
- Aldred N, Ista LK, Callow ME, Callow JA, Lopez GP, Clare AS. Mussel (Mytilus edulis) byssus deposition in response to variations in surface wettability. Journal of the Royal Society: Interface 2006, 3(6), 37-43.
- Herborg LM, Bentley MG, Clare AS, Last KS. Mating behaviour and chemical communication in the invasive Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2006, 329(1), 1-10.
- Dreanno C, Kirby R, Clare AS. Locating the barnacle settlement pheromone: Spatial and ontogenetic expression of the settlement-inducing protein complex of Balanus amphitrite. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2006, 273(1602), 2721-2728.
- Dreanno C, Matsumura K, Dohmae N, Takio K, Hirota H, Kirby RR, Clare AS. An α2-macroglobulin-like protein is the cue to gregarious settlement of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2006, 103(39), 14396-14401.
- Phang IY, Aldred N, Clare AS, Callow JA, Vancso GJ. An in situ study of the nanomechanical properties of barnacle (Balanus amphitrite) cyprid cement using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Biofouling 2006, 22(4), 245-250.
- Herborg LM, Rushton SP, Clare AS, Bentley MG. The invasion of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) in the United Kingdom and its comparison to continental Europe. Biological Invasions 2005, 7(6), 959-968.
- Sanders MB, Billinghurst Z, Depledge MH, Clare AS. Larval development and vitellin-like protein expression in Palaemon elegans larvae following xeno-oestrogen exposure. Integrative & Comparative Biology 2005, 45(1), 51-60.
- Hellio C, Tsoukatou M, Maréchal J, Aldred N, Beaupoil C, Clare AS, Vagias C, Roussis V. Inhibitory effects of Mediterranean sponge extracts and metabolites on larval settlement of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite. Marine Biotechnology 2005, 7(4), 297-305.
- Lye C, Bentley MG, Clare AS, Sefton E. Endocrine disruption in the shore crab Carcinus maenas - A biomarker for benthic marine invertebrates?. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2005, 288, 221-232.
- Marechal J, Hellio C, Sebire M, Clare AS. Settlement behaviour of marine invertebrate larvae measured by EthoVision 3.0. Biofouling 2004, 20(4-5), 211-217.
- Hellio C, Marechal J, Véron B, Bremer G, Clare A, Le Gal Y. Seasonal variation of antifouling activities of marine algae from the Brittany Coast (France). Marine Biotechnology 2004, 6(1), 67-82.
- Marechal JP, Culioli G, Hellio C, Thomas-Guyon H, Callow ME, Clare AS, Ortalo-Magne A. Seasonal variation in antifouling activity of crude extracts of the brown alga Bifurcaria bifurcata (Cystoseiraceae) against cyprids of Balanus amphitrite and the marine bacteria Cobetia marina and Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2004, 313(1), 47-62.
- Hellio C, Simon-Colin C, Clare AS, Deslandes E. Isethionic acid and floridoside isolated from the red alga, Grateloupia turuturu, inhibit settlement of Balanus amphitrite cyprid larvae. Biofouling 2004, 20(3), 139-145.
- Pettitt ME, Henry SL, Callow ME, Callow JA, Clare AS. Activity of commercial enzymes on settlement and adhesion of cypris larvae of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite, spores of the green alga Ulva linza, and the diatom Navicula perminuta. Biofouling 2004, 20(6), 299-311.
- Sanders MB, Billinghurst Z, Depledge MH, Clare AS. Vitellin-like proteins in larval crustacea: Potential biomarkers of xeno-oestrogen exposure. Integrative & Comparative Biology 2003, 43(6), 896.
- Herborg L-M, Bentley MG, Clare AS, Rushton SP. The spread of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) in Europe; the predictive value of an historical data set. Hydrobiologia 2003, 503(1-3), 21-28.
- Herborg LM, Rushton SP, Clare AS, Bentley MG. Spread of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards) in Continental Europe: analysis of a historical data set. Hydrobiologia 2003, 503(1-3), 21-28.
- Callow ME, Callow JA, Clare AS. Some new insights into marine biofouling. World Super Yacht 2003, (1), 34-39.
- Vogan C, Maskrey B, Taylor G, Henry S, Pace-Asciak C, Clare A, Rowley A. Hepoxilins and trioxilins in barnacles: An analysis of their potential roles in egg hatching and larval settlement. Journal of Experimental Biology 2003, 206(18), 3219-3226.
- Sneddon L, Huntingford F, Taylor A, Clare AS. Female sex pheromone-mediated effects on behavior and consequences of male competition in the shore crab (Carcinus maenas). Journal of Chemical Ecology 2003, 29(1), 55-70.
- Vogan CL, Taylor GW, Knight J, Clare AS, Rowley AS. The role of eicosanoids in larval settlement in the barnacle, Balanus amphitrite. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 2002, 132A, S64.
- Hardege JD, Jennings A, Hayden D, Müller CT, Pascoe D, Bentley MG, Clare AS. Novel behavioural assay and partial purification of a female-derived sex pheromone in Carcinus maenas. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2002, 244, 179-189.
- Bentley MG, Clare AS. Invasion of the Chinese mitten crab. Biological Sciences Review 2002, 15, 6-8.
- Herborg LM, Bentley MG, Clare AS. First confirmed record of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) from the River Tyne, United Kingdom. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2002, 82(5), 921-922.
- Billinghurst Z, Clare A, Depledge M. Effects of 4-n-nonylphenol and 17β-oestradiol on early development of the barnacle Elminius modestus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2001, 257(2), 255-268.
- Bentley MG, Clare AS. Chemical signals in marine invertebrates. Biological Sciences Review 2001, 13(5), 7-9.
- Clare AS, Evans LV. Marine biofouling: Introduction. Biofouling 2000, 16(2-4), 81-82.
- Billinghurst Z, Clare AS, Matsumura K, Depledge MH. Induction of cypris major protein in barnacle larvae by exposure to 4-n-nonylphenol and 17ß -oestradiol. Aquatic Toxicology 2000, 47(3-4), 203-212.
- Clare AS, Yamazaki M. Inactivity of glycyl-glycyl-arginine and two putative (QSAR) peptide analogues of barnacle waterborne settlement pheromone. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2000, 80(5), 945-946.
- Smith PA, Clare AS, Rees HH, Prescott MC, Wainwright G, Thorndyke MC. Identificaiton of methyl farnesoate in the cypris larva of the barnacle, Balanus amphitrite, and its role as a juvenile hormone. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2000, 30(8-9), 885-890.
- Knight J, Rowley AF, Yamazaki M, Clare AS. Eicosanoids are modulators of larval settlement in the barnacle, Balanus amphitrite. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 2000, 80(1), 113-117.
- Matsumura K, Hills JM, Thomason PO, Thomason JC, Clare AS. Discrimination at settlement in barnacles: laboratory and field experiments on settlement behaviour in response to settlement-inducing protein complexes. Biofouling 2000, 16(2-4), 181-190.
- Knight J, Rowley AF, Clare AS. Sea-NineTM 211(4,5-dichloro-2-(n-octyl)-3(2H)-isothiazolone) is a potent stimulator of eicosanoid biosynthesis in the sea squirt, Ciona intestinalis (L.). Biofouling 1999, 14(3), 213-217.
- Clare AS, Knight J, Taylor GW, Wright P. Eicosanoid biosynthesis in an advanced deuterostomate invertebrate, the sea squirt (Ciona intestinalis). Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1999, 1436(3), 467-478.
- Clare AS, Rittschof D, Gerhart DJ, Hooper IR, Bonaventura J. Antisettlement and narcotic action of analogues of diterpene marine natural product antifoulants from octocorals. Marine Biotechnology 1999, 1(5), 427-436.
- Thomason JC, Hills JM, Clare AS, Neville A, Richardson M. Hydrodynamic consequences of barnacle colonization. Hydrobiologia 1998, 375-376, 191-201.
Authored Books
- McCorristine S. The Spectral Arctic: A History of Dreams and Ghosts in Polar Exploration. London: UCL Press, 2018.
- Fusetani N, Clare AS. Antifouling Compounds. Berlin: Springer, 2006.
Book Chapters
- Chin CS, Si J, Clare AS, Ma M. Intelligent fouling detection system using Haar-like cascade classifier with neural networks. In: Bhatia, SK; Tiwari, S; Mishra, KK; Trivdes, MC, ed. Advances in Computer Communication and Computational Sciences. Singapore: Springer, 2019, pp.393-406.
- Callow ME, Callow JA, Conlan S, Clare AS, Stafslien S. Efficacy testing of nonbiocidal and fouling-release coatings. In: Dobretsov, S; Williams, DN; Thomason, J, ed. Biofouling Methods. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014, pp.291-316.
- Clare AS. Toward a characterization of the chemical cue to barnacle gregariousness. In: Breithaupt, T., Thiel, M, ed. Chemical Communication in Crustaceans. New York: Springer, 2011, pp.431-450.
- Clare AS, Aldred N. Surface colonisation by marine organisms and its impact on antifouling research. In: Hellio C; Yebra D, ed. Advances in Marine Antifouling Coatings and Technologies. Oxford: Woodhead Publishing, 2009, pp.46-79.
- Maréchal J-P, da Gama BAP, Pereira RC, Clare AS, Hellio C. Natural marine products with antifouling activities. In: Hellio, C., Yebra, D, ed. Advances in Marine Antifouling Coatings and Technologies. Oxford: Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 2009, pp.572–622.
- Aldred N, Clare AS. Mechanisms and principles underlying temporary adhesion, surface exploration and settlement site selection by barnacle cyprids: A short review. In: Gorb, SN, ed. Functional Surfaces in Biology. Berlin: Springer, 2009, pp.43-65.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Chin C, Si JT, Clare AS, Ma MD. Intelligent Fouling Detection System using Haar-like Cascade Classifier with Neural Networks. In: The International Conference on Computational Sciences, Advanced Database and Computing (CSADC2017). 2017, Phuket, Thailand.
- Guo JY, Chin CS, Ma Maode, Clare AS. Interactive Vision-based Intelligent System for Active Macfouling and Microfouling Detection on Hull. In: OCEANS 16. 2016, Shanghai, China: IEEE.
- Franco SC, Aldred N, Sykes AV, Cruz T, Clare AS. Larval release of stalked barnacles (Pollicipes pollicipes) in culture: diel release times and the effect of conditioning. In: Aquaculture Europe 2014. 2014, Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain): European Aquaculture Society.
- Clare AS, Matsumura K. Nature and perception of barnacle settlement pheromones. In: 10th International Conference on Marine Corrosion and Fouling. 1999, University of Melbourne: Biofouling: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
- Clare AS. Announcing the 2020 JMSE travel awards for postdoctoral researchers and Ph.D. students. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2020, 8(9), 639.
- Clare AS. Announcing the 2019 JMSE travel awards for postdoctoral researchers and Ph.D students. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2019, 7(4), 91-91.
- Cleverley R, Webb D, Middlemiss S, Duke P, Clare A, Okano K, Harwood C, Aldred N. Correction to: In Vitro Oxidative Crosslinking of Recombinant Barnacle Cyprid Cement Gland Proteins (Marine Biotechnology, (2021), 23, 6, (928-942), 10.1007/s10126-021-10076-x). Marine Biotechnology 2022, 24, 430.
- Savelev SU, Wang H, Clare AS, Gosling ML. Device for direct sampling of dermal headspace. Patent no. GB0507950.4. 2005.
- Clare AS, Bentley MG, Ladle RJ. Multilevel analyses of endocrine disruption in shore crabs from UK estuarine and coastal marine environments (Report to Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, contract no. CDEP/84/5/309). Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: School of Marine Science & Technology, Newcastle University, 2003.
- Rowley AF, Vogan CL, Taylor GW, Clare AS. Prostaglandins in non-insectan invertebrates: recent insights and unsolved problems. The Journal of Experimental Biology 2005, 208(1), 3-14.