Project Items
North Cumbria Community Genetics Project
- Project Dates: 2001-2003
- Project Leader: Erica Haimes
- Staff: Michael Barr
- Sponsors: Wellcome Trust
The North Cumbria Community Genetics Project (NCCGP) was a research collaboration between Westlakes Research Institute (now UCLan Westlakes) and Newcastle University and was based primarily in Whitehaven.
The team collected blood and tissue samples from the umbilical cord of newborn babies and information about health and lifestyles via questionnaires completed by mothers. The aim of the NCCGP is to assist the identification of gene-disease associations, and the impact of environmental factors on those associations.
Our study sought to compare and contrast the perceptions and attitudes of those who agreed to donate samples to the NCCGP with those who declined. It was based on the premise that we know little about the views of those who have actually been asked to donate to a genetic database.
We have successfully submitted our Final Report for this project and have presented and published our results. Find out more about the project (PDF: 20 KB).
Please contact Erica Haimes for more information.