Staff Profile
Dr Jane Nolan
Senior Lecturer in Music Enterprise
- Telephone: 0191 208 3844
- Address: Room G40C
Armstrong Building
Newcastle University,
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a Senior Lecturer in Music Enterprise with ICMuS and Module Leader for Professional Practice for Music MUS2195 (previously Music Enterprise; previously MUS3095) and Music and the Creative Industries Placement MUS3197, teaching enterprise and entrepreneurship within a music and creative industries context. I am the Academic Lead for Employability and Enterprise for ICMuS. I have been recognised as a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
I was a member of the organising team and a lead facilitator on the inaugural RENKEI researcher development School, a collaborative project which involved 11 UK and Japanese Universities, supported by the British Council in Japan. RENKEI is a cross cultural, interdisciplinary researcher development programme.
I organise extra-curricular events and conferences for students, which focus on careers in music and the creative sector. I continue to be proactive in developing new projects which create an impact for students and enhance their experience, including projects which provide new opportunities for creativity across disciplinary boundaries. I was one of three project leads for a Co-creativity project for Biomedical Sciences, Fine Art and Music Students (2021-22), which was funded by the FMS Educational Development Research and Practice Network Fund. Recent projects include the Choral Excellence project (2023), and the Futures in Music Conference for High School Students (2023 and 2024). In May 2024 I was a member of the winning team in the University Engagement and Place awards in the Inclusive Education, Lifelong Learning and CPD category, recognising our work with the Music Education Hubs, the Newcastle Sings Youth Choir and the Futures in Music conferences.
In June 2024 I was awarded the Vice Chancellor's Education Excellence award for my contribution to the educational experience at Newcastle University.
MBA, Open University
BA(Hons) English Language and Literature, Newcastle University
MA English Literature, Newcastle University
European Enterprise Educators Programme Fellow
Postgraduate Certificate in Research Training, Newcastle University
ITLHE-B: Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Honours, Awards and Grants
2000 MBE for services to UK exports
2006 UKTI Individual Achievement in Export Award
2006 NE Rural Woman Entrepreneur of the Year
2012 Newcastle University ULTSEC Innovation Award
2012 Open University Business School Alumni Achievement Awards, Outstanding Contribution to an organisation or society - Highly Commended
2013 AHRC Collaborative Skills award for a PGR student led project, working as part of a small team, developing the skills to support sustainable creative enterprises for Music and English PGRs at Newcastle, Durham and Queen’s Belfast Universities.
2016 Newcastle University ULTSEC Innovation Award
2016 Newcastle University PGR Innovation Funding for new PGR Conference
2017 Learning and Teaching Conference Poster Competition Winner
2021 Pioneer Research, Engagement and Networking Award - supporting the Forward NE network
2021 FMS Educational Development Research and Practice Network Development funding for Co-creativity project, Biomedical Sciences, Fine Art and Music
2024 Engagement and Place Award - Member of the winning team in the Inclusive Education, Lifelong Learning and CPD category for our work with the Music Education Hubs, the Newcastle Sings Youth Choir and the Futures in Music Conference
2024 Vice Chancellor's Education Excellence Award
Fellowships and Memberships
European Enterprise Educators 3EP Fellow
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Member of AGCAS
Member of the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs
Informal Interests
Current Research, Research Interests and Conference Presentations
My research interests include the realisation of value and meaning-making through enterprise and entrepreneurial approaches in the Arts, Humanities and cultural sector including the problematic issues of using the language and concepts of business. These interests led to the AHRC funded project (in collaboration with Dr Dawn Weatherston) “Speaking the same language” and the concept of BaFL, Business as a Foreign Language which involved PGRs from Music and English from Newcastle, Durham and Queen’s Belfast Universities in co-designing a workshop which explored the creation and realisation of value from their creativity, and which was congruent with their needs and expectations. I am also interested in experiential learning and communities of practice.
I was awarded my PhD following more than 7 years of part-time research. My longitudinal study was focused on employability in the discipline of English. I also carry out practitioner research.
My latest publication is: How discipline shapes the meaning of value creation in higher education: implications for enterprise, entrepreneurship and employability, written with Dr Lucy Hatt and Dr Carys Watts, and published in January 2024.
Conference presentations (most recent at the top):
Engaging Music Students with the 3Es – developing professional skills for careers in Music and the Creative Sector, Advance HE Employability Symposium, 25th April 2024, Leeds
Co-creativity through student-led fusion of the arts and sciences with Dr Carys Watts, David Butler and Damiana Arvayova, (presentation and Vlog) Advance HE Symposium - Students as Co-creators, 31st January 2024
Sharing Scholarship: how discipline shapes the meaning of value creation in higher education; implications for enterprise, entrepreneurship and employability, at the Sharing Scholarship Mini-conference, Newcastle University, 23rd January 2024, with Dr Lucy Hatt and Dr Carys Watts
How Discipline Shapes the Meaning of Value Creation in Higher Education, at the Reimagining Value Symposium, Newcastle University, 26th May 2023, with Dr Lucy Hatt and Dr Carys Watts
SACS Futures, presentation at Newcastle University Learning and Teaching Conference, 30th March 2023, with Dr Barbara Henderson and Francesca Arlett
Co-creativity, student-led fusion of the Arts and Sciences; what we have learned from walking in each other's shoes, presentation at Newcastle University Learning and Teaching Conference, 31st March 2022, with David Butler and Dr Carys Watts
Conference presentation at the Royal Musical Association Conference, September 2021, Meaningful participation and engagement with the Creative Economy through pedagogy and practice as part of a panel session on Music and the Creative Economy.
English Association, Northumbria University, September 2019, Action on Employability: a national Shared Futures satellite event. Presentation on my PhD research and participation in round table discussion.
University English Senate House, London December 2018, Narrating Employability from English Studies, invited to provide plenary presentation on my PhD research and participation in a panel discussion.
REDS conference, Leeds University October 2017 - New Outlooks on the Development of Researchers in a changed landscape - pedagogy and theory. Presentation on Joining the Dots: telling the story of skills. Co-authors: Jane Nolan, Dr Gail de Blaquiere and Katie Wray.
Newcastle University Employability and Enterprise Symposium, 4th July 2017, Presentation of case studies of good practice at Newcastle University: Embedding Enterprise and Employability in Music, Jane Nolan.
Newcastle University Learning and Teaching Conference, March 2017, Poster Presentation, ICMuS Community Arts Project funded by the ULTSEC Innovation Award, Jane Nolan
Newcastle University Learning and Teaching Conference, poster presentation, March 2017, “Joining the dots: telling the story of skills; how can students in HE be supported to better understand and articulate their transferable and soft skills, to help them create coherent narratives of employability?” Co-authors: Jane Nolan, Dr Gail de Blaquiere and Katie Wray.
HEA Inspire- Sharing great practice in Arts and Humanities Teaching and Learning conference, Brighton, March 2016, Creative Futures: embedding enterprise in Music, one hour interactive workshop, Jane Nolan.
Vitae Researcher Development International Conference, Manchester, Sept 2015, BAFL: Business as a Foreign Language; How should we speak to PGRs from the Arts and Humanities in order to encourage engagement with enterprise and entrepreneurship education? Co-authors: Jane Nolan and Dr Dawn Weatherston
Three Rivers Conference, Sunderland, 27 March 2015: Preparing Students for their futures: Music Enterprise at Newcastle University, Jane Nolan and Isobel Galvin (UG Stage 3)
Vitae Researcher Development International Conference, Manchester, Sept 2014: RENKEI: Developing future leaders who can effectively work across boundaries of disciplines, cultures and domains. Co-authors: Jane Nolan and Dr Robin Humphrey, Newcastle University, Dr Alison Leggett, Bristol University, Prof Tetsuo Sawaragi, Kyoto University
International Enterprise Educators Conference, Newcastle, Sept 2014: RENKEI: An innovative approach to Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Researcher Development through Collaborating across Cultures. Co-authors: Jane Nolan and Dr Robin Humphrey, Newcastle University, Dr Alison Leggett, Bristol University, Prof Tetsuo Sawaragi, Kyoto University
International Enterprise Educators Conference, Newcastle, Sept 2014: BAFL or ‘Business as a Foreign Language’: how should we speak to PGRs from the Arts and Humanities in order to encourage engagement with enterprise and entrepreneurship education and training? Co- authors: Jane Nolan and Dr Dawn Weatherston, Newcastle University
Higher Education Academy (HEA) National Conference, Birmingham, July 2014: ‘Preparing for learning futures: the next ten years’. RENKEI - Collaborating across cultures; preparing for uncertain futures in a continuously changing global world. Co-authors: Jane Nolan and Dr Robin Humphrey, Newcastle University, Dr Alison Leggett, Bristol University, Prof Tetsuo Sawaragi, Kyoto University
Invited to address International Design Symposium in Kyoto, March 15-16th 2013: “Researcher development through working on solutions to Grand Societal Challenges.”
Invited to address Newcastle University symposium: Societal Challenge Themes in Teaching and Learning, March 2012: “Exploring enterprise and entrepreneurship and enhancing employability through addressing societal challenges.”
I am Module Leader of Professional Practice for Music MUS2195 (previously Music Enterprise; previously MUS3095) and Music and the Creative Industries Placement MUS3197. I also supervise Undergraduate dissertations and projects.
I am a member of the supervisory team for two Northern Bridge PhD projects.
I have been recognised as a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
I have significant teaching and curriculum development experience, working with both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
I led the development of NCL2100 Exploring Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Employability and have contributed to teaching the module.
I have contributed to SEL3324 and 3325, the Cultural Industries module and CME8521, Innovation, IPR and Patents.
I have been a lead facilitator and curriculum developer on the RENKEI researcher development programme, an innovative programme developed for 6 UK and 5 Japanese universities.
I was a facilitator on the Newcastle University ACTION enterprise competition and post graduate researcher development programme from its inception in 2011.
I also worked as a facilitator on the Cambridge University Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning Enterprisers researcher development programme from 2010 until it concluded in 2015.
- Hatt L, Nolan J, Watts C. How discipline shapes the meaning of value creation in higher education; implications for enterprise, entrepreneurship and employability. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability 2024, 15(1), 1-20.
- de Blaquiere G, Nolan J, and Wray K. Joining up the dots: telling the story of skills. How can students in Higher Education be supported to better understand and articulate their employability?. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability 2019, 10(2), 15-35.
- Berry H, Hartley F, Nolan J, Peligra C. Engaging PGRs with careers support services: a collaborative approach. Phoenix 2017, (151), 14-15.
- Nolan J, Weatherston D. BaFL: Business as a Foreign Language: How should we speak to PGRs from the Arts and Humanities in order to encourage engagement with enterprise and entrepreneurship education and training?. VITAE Occasional Papers 2016, 3, D2.
- Humphrey R, Leggett A, Nolan J, Orpen G, Ritchie E, Sawaragi T. The RENKEI Researcher Development School: An example of how to stimulate international academic collaborations, European Universities Association -Doctoral Education Bulletin. Doctoral Education Bulletin 2014, (4).
Online Publication
- Nolan Jane. Engaging Music Students with the 3Es – developing professional practice for careers in Music and the Creative Sector. In: Norton, Stuart; Short, Fay; Dalrymple, Roger, ed. Strengthening the student experience: Distilling the 3Es. York: Advance HE, 2025, pp.125-130.