Obtaining Landsat 7 images
Landsat 7 was launched successfully on 15 April 1999. More details are available on:
The following information on obtaining Landsat 7 data was recently circulated by: Serge Andrefouet, Frank Muller-Karger and Chuanmin Hu
Landsat 7 images are now available. The test period of Landsat 7 and the ETM+ sensor was completed in early July 1999. Since then, around 20,000 images have been acquired, and a significant number of scenes include coral reef areas. The useful web sites if you are interested in these images are:
Documentation on Landsat sensors:
Landsat project:
Main Landsat data gateway:
Other gateways (US and international):
Landsat 7 data ordering tutorial via main gateway:
Tool to retrieve browse products (i.e. quicklook):
Useful ordering info:
Current coverage since beginning July 1999:
Landsat software:
Image processing handbook:
If you want to browse, visualize and order Landsat 7 images, you need to do the following (sounds complicated but is not):
To visualize your file, I recommend you not to follow the instruction of the e-mail but to open a new browser at:
You just have to input the number right to the FTPDIR to see your quicklook.
We have put some quicklooks over coral reef areas at:
The quicklooks are resampled images (ratio ~1/100) and do not reflect at all the information provided by the real images. They are of variable quality (e.g. Chrismas1 and Chrismas2) and they are not optimized for reef detection. As a reminder, Landsat-7 image swath is 180 km, the spatial resolution is 30 metres for the bands in the visible and 15 metres for the panchromatic band.
A txt file, Word doc file and Endnote file (.enl) including a (non-exhaustive) bibliography on remote sensing/coral reefs and related subjects (spectrometry, optics, image processing, ...) are also posted at: http://paria.marine.usf.edu/ftp/Serge/Biblio.
The Landsat Project must be acknowledged for their effort in integrating a significant number of coral reef sites into the Landsat-7 Long-Term Acquisition Plan (LTAP). According to NASA Headquarters, 8725 reef sites (reference ReefBase) have been integrated in the LTAP, and ~7500 have been surveyed during the first months of operation. There is still a priority setting for coverage among these reefs, from two images per year (most of the reefs) to 12 images per year for very high priority reefs or for special events (hurricanes, bleaching, ...). Images are not of course entirely cloud free but the process of acquisition is well in progress.
Feel free to ask any questions or make comments to: