Your Skills
A programme of events designed to give you the skills you need to develop your academic practice.
The Your Skills programme brings together a holistic and wide-ranging series of workshops and resources, co-taught and co-created by teams from across the Library and wider University.
Sessions cover the full range of academic skills, exploring everything from planning to feedback, and finding information to referencing, including events tailored to the specific skills needed to ‘step up’ from one stage of study to the next. Open to students from all taught stages and all faculties, we encourage you to join us for any sessions that will help you develop the skills you need for where you are in your student journey right now.
On this page you’ll find a calendar of events alongside our collection of Your Skills resources, including session slides and recordings.
Your Skills events
Your Skills sessions run throughout the academic year; topics vary by semester but our most popular events are repeated during the term. Sessions are a mixture of synchronous online and in-person workshops, giving you the option to attend and learn in a way that works best for you.
You can also join our regular writers' group, Write Here, Write Now, where you can bring along the piece you're currently working on and make some progress. The sessions provide you with the time and space to write, some extra motivation, and some top tips to help you develop a productive, effective writing routine.
Click on the title of an event to sign up or visit the events calendar to see all the events running this month. You can also subscribe to the Library events calendar so you don’t miss out.