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Getting Started with Prompts

Learn about how to direct Generative AI to create the output you need using prompting techniques.

Prompt engineering plays a crucial role in maximising the potential of Generative AI, particularly where Large Language Models such as ChatGPT, Copilot and Gemini are concerned. In the context of Generative AI tools, prompts are the instructions or discussion topics that you enter into AI to generate a response. Prompts usually take the form of a question, statement, or a stimulus that you enter in natural language. Prompt engineering is a skilful art, and to be highly effective and achieve the outputs you are looking for, you will need to think before you type. 

What makes a good prompt?

When using Generative AI, the better the prompts you enter, the better the results you'll get. The precision and clarity of the questions, statements and requests that you enter into AI are a big influence on the quality of outputs you receive. An effective prompt not only sets the subject the AI should respond to, but also provides clear instructions on how to guide the AI. Creating effective prompts can be a challenging task. Prompt engineering is a blend of critical analysis, creativity, and technical understanding, as it does require you to know a little about how the tool works.

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Prompting tips to help you get started

There are three basic principles to remember when aiming to create effective prompts:

  1. Develop clear, precise and unambiguous instructions.
  2. Establish the context, giving the tool relevant information or examples to start the conversation. 
  3. If available, use the conversational interface to refine the outputs through a dialogue.

Be specific

When crafting a prompt, it's crucial to be specific and clear about the information you want to be generated. Aim for clear and unambiguous instructions that will help the AI generate accurate and relevant responses. The AI tool will make an assumption on any points you don’t clearly explain, so before you start, think about what it is you are trying to achieve. 

Instead of: Tell me about AI

Use: Explain the difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning for a non-expert audience.

Set a format

Defining the format you want the output in can help AI deliver a more useful response. Specify whether you want a list, paragraph, bullet points, or any other format.

List 5 key differences between AI and machine learning.

Prompting as a process

It might be useful to think of creating an effective prompt as a process, with some planning and review stages to follow. It's not too disimilar to how you would plan an effective literature search.

Diagram showing the process from drafting to refining a prompt for generative AI

Prompting Styles

There are many different approaches you can take to creating a prompt. Here are a few examples of different prompting styles you may like to try and we've included lots of examples of how the styles can be applied in practice in the AI for Learning Canvas course.