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Study Ageing and Inequalities

Find out about some of the options available at Newcastle University.

Our commitment to research-led teaching

The Centre for Ageing and Inequalities is committed to developing and delivering research-led teaching on diverse aspects of ageing.

The Centre gives graduates the knowledge and skill sets needed to work in age-friendly communities.

Exposure to real life situations

We prepare our graduates to address the inequalities that characterise an ageing society.

Our multi-disciplinary education:

  • exposes students to the realities of ageing
  • sensitises students to the subtleties and welfare implications of ageing
  • engages them in inter-generational learning activities

Modules at Newcastle University

MCH3080: Feminist Approaches to Media Analysis

This module explores:

  • the ways in which gender and age work together as a double discrimination in relation to media representation
  • some less stereotypical examples of mediated gendered ageing
MMB8004: Ageing & Health


More information on this module:

  • The module introduces students to current issues and research in the field of ageing and health. Topics include:
    • epidemiology of ageing and age-associated impairment
    • mental health
    • physical health


This module explores:

  • interactions of chronic diseases, ageing and health, including from an international perspective
  • innovative solutions to impairment, including rehabilitation and the use of assistive technologies
NBS8286: People Management in Global Context

This module explores:

  • the context of Human Resource Management, including the unequal treatment, management and stereotyping of older workers
SEL3395: The Victorian Novel
  • SEL3395: The Victorian Novel
    • taught by Dr Jacob Jewusiak
    • at the school of English Language, Literature and Linguistics
    • faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

This module explores:

  • how the representation of the human lifespan changed in response to the burgeoning modernity of the nineteenth century
TCP8024: Consultancy Project

      o led by Dr SC Gunn

      o in the School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape

      o faculty of Science, Agriculture & Engineering


This module explores:

  • students work on consultancy projects, including ones commissioned by the Elders Council to support age-friendly Newcastle
SEL3413: Language and Ageing

o led by Dr Heike Pichler

o in the School of English Language, Literature and Linguistics

o faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


This module explores:

  • using authentic language data collected in Tyneside
  • examines the language used by, with and about older adults