News & Events
All the latest news and events from the Centre for Ageing and Inequalities
The Centre for Ageing and Inequalities are pleased to announce a series of online seminars for 2023
Friday 3rd November 12noon-1pm
Bruce Davenport presents "Cessation of volunteering in cultural heritage organisations due to age-related health conditions: personal impact and management challenge"
Friday 17th November 12noon-1pm
Emma Longmuir presents "Mothers, daughters and their daughters too...Rethinking female ageing and motherhood in Annie Lennox's lockdown videos"
Andy Clark presents "Ageing in deindustrialising communities: the role of historic socio-economic rupture in later life"
Friday 1st December 12noon-1pm
Jacob Jewusiak presents "Growing older and heating up: Climate change and the science fiction of ageing"
Friday 15th December 12noon-1pm
Vanessa Davey presents "Exploring the feasibility of developing a minimum dataset for homecare"
Seminars for 2024
Friday 26th January 12noon
Tash Fothergill-Misbah "Shaking hands with the devil" - Film
Friday 9th February 12noon
Andrew Newman "Care" - Film
Friday 23rd February 12noon
Kelly Brotherhood "Analysis of routinely collected social care data to support local authorities with long-term care planning"
Friday 1st March 12noon
talk "Language and cognition in age-related hearing loss"
Margreet is a Lecturer in Psychology at Newcastle University. She is interested in age-related hearling loss and how this influences both cognitive abilities and language abilities. In her talk she presented a series of experimental studies investigating complex speech processing in hearing loss using behavioural and fMRI measures. Anyone interested in collaborating or looking for more information can contact her on
Centre for Ageing and Inequalities Event - 14th February 2024
One of our long-term aims is to develop a funded centre that is distinctive because of its multi-disciplinary focus on ageing and inequalities, bringing together researchers from the social and medical sciences alongside the arts and humanities.
But what does inequality have to do with ageing, and how can we work together to make this an even greater focus of our research and activites?
These questions were explored through presentations and group discussions at the event.
British Society of Gerontology Conference 2024
Newcastle University has been successful in applying to host the British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference in 2014. The event will take place from the 3rd to the 5th July 2024.
The British Society of Gerontology is the leading academic and professional organisation representing gerontologists in the UK. The Society's annual conference typically attracts around 400 delegates from around the world, made up of academics and practitioners interested in a wide range of issues related to ageing.
Newcastle University has a longstanding commitment to interdisciplinary research on ageing. The conference will be organised by the Centre for Ageing and Inequalities, which brings together gerontologists from across the University working in the social and health sciences, digital technologies, and the arts and humanities.
The conference will be held in the Newcastle Helix, a global centre for urban innovation in the heart of the city that brings together academia, the public sector, communities, and business. Much of the conference will be housed in a dedicated conference facility, the Frederick Douglass Centre.
David Lain, who is one of the organisers of the conference, said: 'We are delighted to be given the opportunity to host the British Society of Gerontology Conference in 2024. We look forward to welcoming delegates for what will be an exciting programme of conference activities'.
For further information please contact Dr David Lain (
Cultures of Ageing and Care
A new book series is inviting proposals for exciting book projects that explore questions of ageing and care across disciplines and cultures. Co-edited by Shirley Jordan (Newcastle University), Norah Keating (University of Alberta, Canada; Stirling University; North-West University, South Africa) and Siobhan McIlvanney (King's College London) and published by De Gruyter, the book series seeks to address a wide range of issues concerning ageing and care, exploring these in a variety of genres and forms, and from diverse cultural and disciplinary standpoints).
Older Workers in Transition
The Centre for Ageing and Inequalities at Newcastle University was delighted to host the online book launch for 'Older Workers in Transition: European Experiences in a Neoliberal Era'. It was held on 3rd November 2022, and it celebrated the recent publication of this new edited volume from Bristol University Press.
Book editor David Lain from Newcastle University welcomed participants. Co-editor Sarah Vickerstaff then explained the background to the publication. The book explores older workers' experiences of different types of transitions, including redeployment within the firm, temporary employment, and attempts to leave unemployment. It was argued that such transitions are increasingly important in the context of pressures to extend working lives in Europe and elsewhere.
Chris Phillipson discussed how job transitions in older age have been influenced historically by different pressures. He plotted the development of retirement in the 1950s and 1960s, and the move towards extended working lives since the 1990s. This move to extended working lives, it was argued, coincided with the rise of more precarious forms of employment. Chris Phillipson suggested that these changes were often presented as offering people more choice, but in reality they resulted in greater degrees of risk.
Following on from this, David Lain gave an overview of the book, focusing on the empirical chapters. These were written by leading scholars, who drew on the qualitative research to explore the lived experiences of older workers. It was argued that see a consistent influence of 'neoliberal responsibilisation' across the diverse range of countries covered. This a political trend shifts responsibility onto the older person to choose to take whatever job opportunities are available to them, while providing limited support to help them make such transitions.
Aine Ni Leime gave the final presentation, discussing her chapter on older care workers and teachers in Ireland. It was argued that care workers in her research expected to work significantly longer than teachers, due to the financial consequences of low-paid work over the life course. This highlights inequalities that are likely to occur as a result of extended working lives.
Older Workers in Transition if the first book in 'Rethinking Work and Retirement' book series. Co-editor Mariska van der Horst closed the session by discussing forthcoming books from the series, and opportunities to write for it.
You can see a recording of the event here.
Prestigious Hunterian Professorship awarded to surgeon scientist
Tom Andrew’s pioneering work on surgical care using AI has been recognised with the Hunterian Professorship for 2025 by the Royal College of Surgeons.
Using AI to predict the outcome of aggressive skin cancers
Researchers have developed AI, called DeepMerkel, which can determine the course and severity of aggressive skin cancers enabling medics to personalise treatment.
New scan method unveils lung function secrets
A new scan method has enabled our team to see how air moves in and out of the lungs as people take a breath in patients with asthma, COPD and those who've had a lung transplant.
Funding to tackle inequalities in maternity care and outcomes
Experts at Newcastle University are co-leading a consortium to help tackle inequalities in maternity care and outcomes.
Newcastle professor delivers prestigious Harveian Oration
The Royal College of Physicians welcomed fellows, members and guests to its prestigious 2024 Harveian Oration, given by Newcastle University Professor Avan Aihie Sayer.
Newcastle University announces Global Scholarships launch for 2025
Over 700 Scholarships Available for International and EU Students.
Human skin map gives 'recipe' to build skin and could prevent scarring
For the first time, researchers have created a single cell atlas of prenatal human skin to understand how skin forms, and what goes wrong in disease.
Women missing out on treatment for their number one killer
Women are missing out on vital treatment for their biggest killer, cardiovascular disease, despite progress in the medical management of heart disease and stroke, experts conclude.
Researcher among first Royal Society Career Development Fellows
An outstanding Newcastle University researcher is among the first eight awarded a Royal Society Career Development Fellowship, aimed at developing underrepresentation in UK STEM academia.
Improving oral health in children
A new report involving Newcastle University academics makes a series of proposals to tackle the children’s oral health crisis in England which is seeing millions of them suffering from tooth decay.
Unaffordable food putting mums-to-be at risk
Pregnant women who have limited access to affordable, nutritious, and healthy foods have a higher chance of developing both physical and mental health problems.
AMBLor prognostic melanoma biomarker receives UK product safety mark
A revolutionary test for low-risk skin cancer has received a UKCA product mark, paving the way for its introduction to the NHS.
Invasive treatment could reduce heart attacks in older patients
New research has found that an invasive treatment approach is a safe option to help reduce risk of subsequent heart attacks in older patients.
Funding to support dementia care research
More than £500,000 has been awarded to Newcastle University to develop the next generation of research leaders in dementia.
Masterplan for Health Innovation Neighbourhood given go-ahead
Planning consent has been secured for the detailed masterplan of Newcastle University’s multi-million pound Health Innovation Neighbourhood which will promote longer, healthier lives.
Reducing stigma of poverty in schools improves maths and reading
Researchers from Newcastle University have identified a link between reducing the stigma of poverty in schools and the reading and maths attainment of pupils.
£30M study paves the way for new treatments for people with cirrhosis
The most extensive clinical study into liver cirrhosis ever conducted worldwide has been announced.
2024 Rank Prize for Nutrition awarded to Professor Roy Taylor
The Rank Prize for Nutrition has been awarded to Prof Roy Taylor for the groundbreaking work on dietary approaches to type 2 diabetes remission, transforming the lives of thousands.
Schools funding imbalance risks widening regional inequalities
Experts call for urgent action to prioritise children’s health and education as new analysis finds schools funding imbalance risks widening regional childhood inequalities.
Robots have potential to promote healthy ageing
Newcastle University research has shown that human-following robots can support the mobility and wellbeing of older people.
Northern regions relegated to bottom of child health league table
A league table ranking child health by football team area has further shown the dramatic health divide between the North and the South.
Flipping the script on narrative of older adults
An art installation from the UK’s National Innovation Centre (NICA), "Flip The Script," has been awarded a prestigious People's Award at London's Design Biennale 2023.
Why essential medicines have limited availability in East Africa
The lack of registration of medicines in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda is limiting access to safe, effective, and affordable essential medicines.
Covid inquiry evidence from Newcastle University expert
A world-leading expert on health inequalities has presented a report and evidence to the independent public inquiry into the Covid pandemic.
Covid inquiry evidence by Newcastle University academic
A world-leading expert on health inequalities will be presenting a report and evidence to the independent public inquiry into the Covid pandemic today.
Unlocking the secrets of long Covid
New research sheds light on the causes of fatigue after Covid 19.
Weight loss puts type 2 diabetes into remission for five years
New findings have revealed that nearly a quarter (23%) of participants who were in remission from type 2 diabetes at two years in a clinical trial remained in remission at five years.
Growing divide in regional health inequalities exposed
A new report has found a worrying pattern of lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality and worse health and wellbeing in the North of England.
Mediterranean diet associated with decreased risk of dementia
Eating a traditional Mediterranean-type diet – rich in foods such as seafood, fruit, and nuts – may help reduce the risk of dementia by almost a quarter, a new study has revealed.
Promoting safer sleeping for babies in England– new report
Change is needed to the way safer sleep information is communicated, if risks to babies from unsafe sleeping practices are to be reduced, according to a new report.
Launch of a new animation about health inequalities
Today, members of the public alongside researchers at Newcastle University launch a new animation and blog about public views of health inequalities