Staff Profiles
Dr Clare Butler
Senior Lecturer in Work and Employment
- Address: Newcastle University Business School
Room 8.08.09
5 Barrack Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Clare is Senior Lecturer in Work and Employment at Newcastle University Business School.
Her research considers the intersection between disability or impairment, philosophy and work.
She has published articles in a range of journals, including Work, Employment and Society, Accounting Education, International Journal of Educational Research, Sociology of Health and Illness, New Technology, Work and Employment and Social Science & Medicine.
Clare is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), member of the British Sociological Association (BSA) and is Editor of the journal Work, Employment and Society (WES).
Research Interests
Clare's research considers the intersection between disability or impairment, philosophy and work.
Recent and ongoing studies consider the:
- experiences of people who stammer,
- work that surrounds dementia, and
- working lives of people going through the menopause.
These studies take a hermeneutic phenomenological approach with the aim of furthering our understanding of disruptions to ordinary everydayness, and the impact for work and workers.
Research Funding
Dominic Barker Trust - Feb 2020 to Jan 2022 - Principal Investigator, 'Stammering, women and work'
ESRC - Festival of Social Science 2019 - Menopause and the workplace
Dominic Barker Trust - Apr 2014 to Mar 2015 - Principal Investigator, 'The work of speech and language therapists'.
Higher Education Academy (HEA) Teaching Development Grant - Aug 2012 to Jul 2013 - Principal Investigator, 'The Probabilities of Communication' - see HEA blog
Dominic Barker Trust - Jan 2012 to Sep 2012 - Principal Investigator, 'Stammering and the Workplace'
Research Engagement
Jan 2021 and ongoing - Editor Work, Employment and Society journal
Jan 2015 to Dec 2020 - Editorial Board Member of the journal Work, Employment and Society
Nominated for 2015 SAGE prize for Innovation/Excellence for paper: 'Wanted - straight talkers: stammering and aesthetic labour'
Reviewer for British Journal of Management, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Policy & Politics, Local Government Studies, Studies in Higher Education, Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, Academy of Management, Employee Relations, British Journal of Sociology, European Management Journal, Public Management Review, Organization, Gender, Work & Organization, Public Administration, Human Relations
The British Sociological Association reported on Clare's work - 'employer's routinely discriminate against people who stammer' - click to download pdf
Clare's research highlighting the challenges for people who stammer, both in the educational environment and at the workplace, has featured in The Guardian, The Independent and on BBC radio.
BUS2000, BUS2027 and BUS2028 - Human Resource Management (UG) - Module leader
BUS3066 - Critical Issues Human Resource Management: Pragmatic Dilemmas in Managing the Workplace of the Future (UG)
NBS8289 - Research Methods (PG) - Module leader
NBS8327 - Research Methods for International Business Management (PG) - Module leader
NBS8554 - Research Designs in Management and Business Studies (PG Research)
- Butler C. Managing the menopause through 'abjection work': when boobs can become embarrassingly useful, again. Work, Employment and Society 2020, 34(4), 696-712.
- Butler C. Working the 'wise’ in speech and language therapy: Evidence-based practice, biopolitics and ‘pastoral labour’. Social Science & Medicine 2019, 230, 1-8.
- Butler C, Haynes K. ‘Passionate and professional’: reconciling logics in public service accounting. Public Money & Management 2018, 38(2), 121-131.
- Butler C. The probability evaluation game: an instrument to highlight the skill of reflexive listening. Accounting Education 2016, 25(2), 107-123.
- Butler C. Being appropriately professional: the interaction between professionalism, ICT and knowledge transfer. New Technology, Work and Employment 2016, 31(2), 132-145.
- Butler C, Harris J. Pills, ills and the ugly face of aesthetic labour: 'They should've discriminated against me'. Work, Employment and Society 2015, 29(3), 508-516.
- Butler C. Making interview transcripts real: the reader's response. Work, Employment and Society 2015, 29(1), 166-176.
- Butler C, Doherty AM, Finniear J, Hill S. Alone in the back-office: the isolation of those who care to support public services. Work, Employment and Society 2015, 29(4), 624-640.
- Butler C. Wanted – straight talkers: stammering and aesthetic labour. Work, Employment and Society 2014, 28(5), 718-734.
- Butler C, Finniear J, Doherty AM, Hill S. Exploring identity: a figurative character image-elicitation approach. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management 2014, 9(2), 151-168.
- Butler C. 'University?... hell no!': Stammering through education. International Journal of Educational Research 2013, 59, 57-65.
- Butler C. Identity and stammering: negotiating hesitation, side-stepping repetition, and sometimes avoiding deviation. Sociology of Health & Illness 2013, 35(8), 1113-1127.
- Butler C, Finniear J, Hill S. How do we do public service? The socio-psychological status of public servants. Public Money & Management 2011, 31(6), 395-402.
Book Chapter
- Butler C. Emotional labour. In: Wilkinson, A. and Johnstone, S, ed. Encyclopaedia of Human Resource Management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2015.
Digital or Visual Media
- Butler C. 'The work of speech and language therapists'. Video abstract available via ->:, 2019.