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Ageless Citizen: Creative Digital Citizenship

A project addressing the emerging challenges of digital citizenship.

About the research project

Age may be a number, but when we look deeper we find that many ideas about age have been influenced by:

  • cultural stereotypes
  • associations with particular notions of self and identity
Ageless Citizen challenge area

As an area within the Centre for Digital Citizens, the Ageless Citizen challenge area addresses the emerging challenges of digital citizenship. This is addressed through an ageless lens.

Through a diverse programme of work, Ageless Citizen researchers are unpacking and challenging existing biases in digital technologies and systems. Researchers are also reframing opportunities for non-stereotypical understandings of:

  • age
  • learning
  • ability

Projects consider how:

  • people are more, or less advantaged at particular points in their life course
  • an ‘ageless’ approach can hinder inequality and promote equality

Further Information:
Twitter: @digi_citizens

Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Resarch Council (EPSRC)

Duration: 60 months (1 November 2020 – 31 October 2025)

Centre for Digital Citizens PI: Prof Dave Kirk, Newcastle University

Ageless Citizen team


  • Prof Jayne Wallace
  • Dr Ahmed Kharrufa
  • Prof Thomas Scharf
  • Prof Jon Rogers
  • Prof Liz Todd
  • Prof Caroline Walker-Gleaves
  • Dr Dan Lambton-Howard
  • Dr Jennifer Liddle
  • Henry Collingham