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Annual Meeting of Convocation

Convocation is the formal name of our 270,000 strong alumni community. Attend a meeting and see how as a graduate you can continue to play a vital role in the future of your university.

As a graduate you can continue to play a vital role in the future of your university

The annual Meeting of Convocation gives an opportunity for alumni to join discussions with the Vice-Chancellor and President about the latest developments at the University and helps to shape future plans. You can also have your say on who is elected as our Chancellor and nominate people for an honorary degree from Newcastle University.

There’s nothing you need to do to join Convocation. You just need to be a member of our alumni community by meeting one or more of the below criteria:

  • I hold a degree or other award from Newcastle University.
  • I am an alumnus of the University of Durham who was registered at the Newcastle Division of the University during my course.
  • I am an alumnus of the University of Durham who was a matriculated student at Sunderland Technical College during my course.
  • I completed one term at Newcastle University or the Newcastle Division of the University of Durham (before 1963) but didn’t take an award.
  • I am a current or retired member of academic and academic-related staff of Newcastle University.
  • I hold an Honorary Degree or Honorary Fellowship of the University.
  • I am a Life Member of the Union Society.


The Meeting of Convocation 2024 was held on Saturday 13 July and included the opportunity to hear reports from the University and Chair of Convocation. Click the following link to view the Agenda - Meeting of Convocation 13 July 2024. Meeting minutes will be shared in due course.