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Regional Networks

Newcastle University China Alumni Association (NUCAA)

NUCAA aims to strengthen connections between the UK and China. As well as fostering relationships between alumni across the globe and back to the University. There are a large number of Newcastle alumni in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Fujian, Anhui, Chengdu & Chongqing, Tianjin, Shanxi and 15 other prefecture-level cities. Join NUCAA to connect with them and benefit from:

  • Career development opportunities and events
  • Alumni fellowships
  • Business communications
  • Socialising events
  • Volunteering opportunities

Connect on social media

  • WeChat Official Account: iNewcastle
  • Weibo Official Account or search in Chinese“英国纽卡斯尔大学校友会”

For further information, please contact the Chair of NUCAA, Tracey Peiyan Wu via WeChat: 15919949062 or email. 

A member of the china alumni network smiling at the camera whilst holding a teddy bear with a Newcastle University jumper on

Hong Kong Alumni Society

An alumni society based in Hong Kong that connects, empowers and inspires alumni, supporters and prospective students with high-quality networking activities.

The Newcastle University Hong Kong Alumni Society aims to:

  • Engage with the alumni network in Hong Kong to promote a sense of belonging. This includes networking, recreational events, providing mutual support and more.
  • Facilitate placements, internships and other collaborations with Hong Kong employers and other organisations.
  • Promote Newcastle University to prospective students.
  • Encourage individuals, companies and charitable entities to collaborate or provide support for education, teaching, research and scholarships at the University.
  • Raise funds to further the Society’s objectives. This includes making funding available for research or to students whether by way of scholarships or otherwise.

The Society hosts regular activities, open to all alumni based in or visiting Hong Kong. If you would like to find further information please email Laney Wang, International Alumni Officer.

Skyline in Hong Kong in the daytime on a clear sunny day.

Newcastle University India Alumni Networks

Founded in 2024, the North India Alumni Network and West India Alumni Network were formed with the aim to build a strong alumni community in India where graduates can network, forge industry connections, and support one another. The network is open to anyone who studied at Newcastle University and is currently living or working in India.

The North India Alumni Network Committee: Ranvir Puri (Director at Combine), Kinner Sacchdev (Co- Founder of Knorish), Rakhi Wadhwa (Co- Founder of Knorish) and Abhijit Kumar (Manager at PwC).

The West India Network Committee: Aditi Nargundkar Pathak (Director at The Urban Vision), Rohit Vaze  (Associate Director at Incedo Inc) and Abhijeet Patil (Associate VP at Puretech Digital).

India Network Committees.

Newcastle University Iraq Alumni Network (NUIAN)

In 2022, our global alumni community welcomed its 250,000th member. This milestone inspired a group of alumni to form a network for Iraq-based graduates. The group encourages lifelong connections with the alumni community and alma mater.

As a group, they aim to inspire future Iraqi students at Newcastle University by supporting the University's activity and creating opportunities to network and make social connections.

NUIAN is open to anyone who has graduated from Newcastle University, living and/or currently working in Iraq. Join our Facebook group to keep up to date with events and activities.

Six members of the Newcastle University Iraq Alumni Network smiling at the camera whilst sitting at a table in a restaurant.

Newcastle University Korea Alumni Network (NUKAN)

NUKAN (Newcastle University Korea Alumni Network) aims to provide opportunities to meet and communicate among different generations of students in different fields of expertise, creating extensive web networks.


  • Providing networking opportunities for graduates who are now scattered among different industries.
  • Helping young graduates and students with professional advice from alumni.
  • Creating job connections and referral opportunities among different graduate generations.
  • Seeking and helping graduates who want to work and live in South Korea, and future students who are enrolling at Newcastle University.
  • Generating positive impact on the society with volunteering.
A group of 22 members of the Newcastle University Korea Alumni Network. All dressed smartly and smiling at the camera at an alumni event.

London Alumni Network

Established in 2023, Newcastle University London Alumni Network aims to connect graduates currently living and/or working in London.

Join the network on LinkedIn to hear about upcoming opportunities to meet alumni working in various fields of expertise.

A member of the london alumni network at an event, sitting in a row of seats and smiling towards speaker (off camera)

Newcastle University Malaysia Alumni Network

Founded in 2024, the network was established with the following objectives:

  • To help build connections and a supportive community with Newcastle University alumni who are based in Malaysia;
  • To strengthen relationships between our UK campus and Malaysia’s NUMed campus;
  • To foster participation and collaboration amongst alumni from diverse backgrounds;
  • To drive mentorship, innovation, entrepreneurship, and to promote positive societal impact.

The network is open to anyone who has graduated from Newcastle University, both in the UK and in Malaysia, living and/or currently working in Malaysia. Join our LinkedIn group below to keep up-to-date with our future plans.

Kuala Lumpur skyline

New York Alumni Network

The Newcastle University New York Alumni Network is led by Kate Sheeran, Cinthi Pillai, Andy McDonald, Zelda Mendelowitz and Fraser Owen-Smith. Together, they aim to:

  • Build an active alumni community
  • Support current students
  • Advise US students who are going to study at Newcastle University
  • Help US students with financial hardship
New York skyline

Newcastle Alumni Network

Are you a graduate still based in Newcastle or the surrounding area? Join the Newcastle Alumni Network to reconnect with campus and your fellow alumni. The Newcastle University Newcastle Alumni Network aims to:

  • Showcase the success within our alumni community.
  • Provide networking opportunities within a trusted network.

The Network is being led by an alumni committee, comprised of:

  • Lucy Philipson, Senior Lecturer, Teeside University International Business School
  • Lyndsey Stephenson, Director and Mortgage Adviser at Co-Navigate Limited
  • Jaclyn Wright, Corporate Relations Engagement Officer at Newcastle University

Contact Jeremy Pidgeon (Alumni Programmes Manager) to become part of the Newcastle Alumni Network.

A woman holding a mic and speaking to a crowd at a Newcastle alumni network event

University of Newcastle upon Tyne Graduates Society (North of England) 

This network provides opportunities for alumni living in the north of England. It offers socialising and networking through informal and informative lectures and events. The Society is a constituted organisation managed by a small Graduates Society Committee.

It has a year-round programme of events. This includes supper lectures at the University, afternoon teas and talks and visits to local places of interest. 

Membership of the Society is open to all alumni of Newcastle University and King's College Durham. Associate membership is available to partners of members and others connected to the University. There is a small annual membership fee.

Please phone +44 191 208 7250 or email us below if you are interested in becoming a member. 

Newcastle University famous arches on a sunny day in summer

Newcastle University Singapore Alumni Network

Newcastle University has been a popular destination for Singaporean students since the 1960s. In 2022, the University reached 250,000 global alumni members and hosted a celebration event in Singapore to mark the occasion. This opportunity to reconnect inspired NUSAN to bring the Singapore alumni community together.

Open to all Newcastle University graduates living and working in Singapore. Join us on social media via the links below to keep up-to-date with our future plans. You can also contact us via email at

Five members of the Newcastle University Singapore Alumni Network smiling at the camera at a recent event.

Newcastle University Taiwan Alumni Association (NUTAA)

Newcastle University Taiwan Alumni Association promotes a sense of belonging. It supports and empowers alumni in Taiwan through high-quality networking activities and events. This includes:

  • Lifelong learning and academic research.
  • Careers advice and support.
  • Social networking and entertainment.
  • Volunteering.

NUTAA is open to graduates who are currently living and/or working in Taiwan.

14 members of the Newcastle University Taiwan Alumni Association smiling at the camera at a recent event.

New England Alumni Network

The Newcastle University New England Alumni Network is led by graduates Samantha Hullah, Siamac Vaghar, Jennifer Wills and Alexandros Zapris.

Together, they aim to build an active alumni community in the six states of the New England region, fostering connections between graduates and supporting the University. 

The network is open to anyone who has graduated from Newcastle University, living and/or currently working in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island or Vermont.