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Trust and Foundation Giving

Grants from trusts and foundations are making a life-changing impact at Newcastle University.

Trusts and foundations are empowering students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Enabling them to enjoy the full university experience. They are creating opportunities for our brightest minds to discover the next innovations. Be that in health or technology research.

We work with trusts and foundations to develop personalised projects and support packages. Ones that align with individual charitable goals. Goals that make a difference from Newcastle, for the world.

Contact us

If your Trust or Foundation would like to know more about partnering with us and how we can help you achieve your charitable objectives, please email

Newcastle University Development Trust

Established in 1972, the Newcastle University Development Trust is an independent charity (no. 528066). It receives and invests funds from private donors on behalf of the University.

Recent donations have helped to fund:

  • PhDs in cancer research
  • Senior academic posts in congenital heart disease, liver cancer and cancer trials. Particularly in older people
  • Vacation scholarships and research expeditions

To find out more about the Newcastle University Development Trust, please email

Make a donation