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Leave a Legacy

Help shape the future of research and learning by leaving a gift in your Will today. From You. For the Future.

Your lasting legacy

By committing a legacy donation to Newcastle University you can make a lasting difference. As a charitable organisation, we rely on the generosity of donations to support future students, future research and a future of positive change in our city and around the world.

By leaving a gift in your Will, you have the power to shape the future in ways you may not have thought possible. Your legacy will extend far beyond your lifetime, becoming a beacon of hope and change for generations to come.

Impact of your legacy

We're proud to think we're making a contribution that is both supportive and meaningful, and the idea of giving someone an opportunity that otherwise wouldn't have been possible is incredibly gratifying.

Rob and Kim Taylor, Legacy donors

Being a dementia research scientist has given my life a lot of meaning, and knowing that my work may help people with dementia is a fantastic feeling. I would like to thank all those who have left legacies or are planning to do so for making it possible.

Daniel Erskine, supported by the legacy of Yvonne Mairy

Contact us

We know that considering a legacy donation is an important and personal decision. If you would like to discuss your intentions or ask any questions, please email:

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