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Support our Research

Our researchers are solving some of the most pressing problems facing the world today and involving students in ground-breaking research as part of their educational experience.

How donations support research

From theory to practice, our research community develops solutions to societal challenges. Solutions that control and cure disease, enrich our cultural world, protect and enhance the environment. 

Creating a high-performing culture for research is about investing in the best people, the best facilities and the best projects. Donations create bold new possibilities. They inspire confidence and act as a catalyst for accelerated growth and as a magnet for additional investment.

To learn more about how to support research and innovation at Newcastle University, contact Alexa Charlton at

Newcastle University Research and Discovery Fund

Newcastle University is well known for attracting and nurturing ambitious and creative researchers. With your support, we can offer even more opportunities for the most talented researchers. 

Our priorities include:

  • investing in PhD studentships as the cornerstone of a flourishing research community dedicated to the discovery of new knowledge for the benefit of humanity.
  • finding and developing the best academic and clinical research leaders of the future.
  • ensuring that our world-leading academic teams have access to state-of-the-art facilities for the most ambitious research programmes of the future.


You can contribute to any of the above by donating to the Research and Discovery Fund. To learn more about how to support specific areas of research and innovation at Newcastle University, contact Alexa Charlton at 

Donate today

Our donors and supporters are vital to the continuation of world-class research at Newcastle University. And together their impact is huge.

The Discovery Fund enables you to support our researchers directly, with 100% of your donation used for research activity.

Make a donation