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Make a one-off donation

Your donation will make a life-changing impact to students at Newcastle University.

Make a regular donation

If you would prefer to make a regular donation to Newcastle University, please complete our Direct Debit form.

Make a donation by bank transfer

To make your donation by bank transfer, the details you will need are:

Newcastle University

Sort Code: 20-59-42

Account number: 80512516

Complete a Gift Aid declaration form so we can claim the tax back on your donation. Your donation could be worth at least 25% more, at no extra cost to you by choosing to Gift Aid it.

Make a donation by cheque or cash

Please return all donations to:

Newcastle University, Advancement Office, Level 5, Kings Gate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU

Complete a Gift Aid declaration form so we can claim the tax back on your donation. Your donation could be worth at least 25% more, at no extra cost to you by choosing to Gift Aid it.

Donate internationally

Find out more about how to give to Newcastle University from overseas.

Support another cause

Donations from this form will be directed toward the cost-of-living winter appeal for the Newcastle Student Fund. If you would like to donate to a different fund, please visit the donation page found at this link.

Data Protection Statement

Newcastle University is the data controller for this information. Your details will be stored on the University's Advancement Office database. If you have indicated you are happy for us to do so, we will use your details to send you news and information about our academic and alumni activities, and offer opportunities for you to be involved with the University through attending events and volunteering. We will also update your record with the information you have provided to keep our systems accurate. If you have provided your consent to receive fundraising communications, we will send you information about how you can get involved with our various fundraising initiatives, such as medical research and student support. Where possible, we will communicate these opportunities through email and phone to save resources.

 You can find out more about our retention and data handling policies by reading our Privacy Policy here: 

 You can tailor your communications preferences and opt out of unwanted communications at any time. You can either contact us at or complete this form to update your preferences. Details of the University’s Data Protection team can be found here: