History pin
Contribute your photos, stories and memories from your university days to our digital scrapbook.
What is History Pin?
History Pin is a global platform where communities come together to share their history to create a digital scrapbook. We have our very own ‘Memories of Newcastle University Collection’ where you can help to bring the history of our university to life.
What can I 'pin'?
Our History Pin collection is all about celebrating your special moments at university. You can submit photos and share stories of your favourite memories from your student days.
Some suggested topics include:
- Campus images
- Halls of residence
- Societies and sport teams
- Gigs at the Students’ Union
- Freshers week
- Graduation
- City life
Where possible, please include dates alongside any images.
How do I get involved?
To register your interest in contributing to our digital scrapbook, please click the button below to complete our volunteering form. We will then send you a link to a dedicated Newcastle University History Pin web page where you can share your memories and photos.