Rate your landlord
Recent graduates are invited to share their experience of renting whilst a student to help future students make informed choices.
What is rate your landlord?
Rate Your Landlord is a review and ratings website that allows student tenants to leave feedback about their personal renting experiences and for others to learn from them, becoming savvy, safe and happy renters.
Many students are brand new to the world of private renting, so other people's opinions can be a useful tool.
Rate Your Landlord provides an open, fair and balanced forum for tenants to have their say, for landlords to respond, and for students to learn what's what in the world of renting. We want students to share both good and bad experiences.
How do I share a review?
To register your interest in sharing a review, please click the button below to complete our volunteering form. We will then send you a link to a dedicated web page to review rental properties in Newcastle