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Project Offices Forum

9.30am - 5.30pm Tuesday 10 September 2024
The Farrell Centre, Newcastle University

This Forum brings together Project Offices operating in UK schools of architecture, and those with an interest in setting-up an office. Project Offices connect architectural practice directly with universities. Often sideways-on to the mainstream, they test new forms of practice through their links to teaching and research. They often support live projects and can offer a full range of architectural services.

A second generation of Offices emerged in the 1990s and 2000s, this time in response to university research assessment exercises. A third, contemporary generation of Offices is now producing innovative projects engaging clients, communities, research, students, sites, and novel design processes.

This event surveys the contemporary field, and compares opportunities, challenges, business models and recent work. What do Project Offices do? What are their distinctive contributions to universities and to architectural practice? How are Project Offices currently imagined? And how might they be re-imagined? The Forum aims to lead to an edited
book surveying and celebrating the work of Project Offices in UK schools.