Global Urban Planning Education workshop
APL hosted a one-day workshop to discuss the contribution of transnational courses in urban planning programmes
15 June 2023
On Monday 5th June, APL hosted a one-day workshop to discuss the contribution of transnational courses in urban planning programmes. The event was a follow up to a recent two-day workshop held at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) supported by the British Council through the Going Global Partnerships fund. It was an opportunity for scholars and students to discuss the experience of a pilot module delivered collaboratively between Newcastle University, IITR and the School of Planning and Architecture Delhi (SPA) to postgraduate students across the three institutions. as well as to learn from other initiatives and programmes. Led by Cat Button, Gabriel Silvestre and William Otchere-Darko, the module was designed as a hybrid course combining face to face lectures and activities with synchronous online learning with the partner institutions. Apart from participants from Newcastle, IITR and SPA, the event also had the contribution of planning scholars from Anglia Ruskin University, University College London, University of Liverpool and University of Sheffield.