Professor Maggie Roe and Dr Niki Black contribute to the Net Zero Pathway in Calcutta, Bengal
The decarbonisation policy has used case studies from the UK and India to inform its contents
21 March 2023
Maggie Roe and Niki Black attended the Net Zero Pathway event in Calcutta which was organised by the Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the British deputy high commission. The workshop was organised under the Accelerating Smart Power and Renewable Energy in India (ASPIRE) programme, implemented by the governments of UK and India.
Image below left to right: Professor Maggie Roe, Professor of Landscape and Co-Director of the Centre for Landscape, Newcastle University, UK; Dr. Niki Black, Senior Research Associate, School of Architecture, Landscape and Planning, Newcastle University, UK; Mr. Deb A Mukherjee, Past President, The Bengal Chamber and Managing Director, Cenergist Energy Private Limited; Dr. Sagar Mody, Technical Consultant, Infrastructure Strategy, Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cell Technologies (Cenex); Mr Sourav Daspatnaik, Managing Director, Swach Environment Pvt Ltd; Mr. Surajit Majumdar, Senior General Manager and EA to MD & CEO II CORPORATE, Exide Industries Limited; Shri Pankaj Kumar Gupta, General Manager in Engineering Division, NTPC. On Screen left to right: Ms. Angana Guha Roy Chowdhury, Assistant Director General, The Bengal Chamber; Mr. Anirban Ghosh, Head, Centre for Sustainability, Mahindra University (Virtual); Audience