Turley Planning Bursaries
In memory of Stuart Irvine
13 September 2023
The School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape, in association with Turley, is delighted to offer two Turley Planning - In Memory of Stuart Irvine bursaries for young people from under-represented backgrounds, to study Planning at Newcastle University commencing in September 2023.
The very generous scheme will see two students receive £5,000 maintenance bursary paid for Stages 1 & 2, increasing to £7,500 in Stage 3 (and Stage 4 if studying K400 Master of Planning).
Turley has provided this funding to sponsor the awards in memory of one of their colleagues, Stuart Irvine, who passed away in November 2022. Stuart was a Newcastle University alumni, who studied in the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape.
The successful students will be notified in Semester 1 of 2023 and receive the maintenance bursary towards Christmas 2023.
Stuart’s friends and colleagues at Turley remember him fondly
Stuart joined Turley in Southampton in November 2005. Stuart focused on development and infrastructure issues and strategic leadership across the South East. He worked extensively in the residential and commercial sectors, offering a range of expertise relating to the preparation of planning applications and the promotion of land.
Stuart had a passion for planning and life as well as a natural and authentic warmth for people; calm authority; and dry sense of humour. Stuart was in equal measure well-respected and well-liked. A genuine people-person, he was always selfless with his time; self-effacing in his approach; and self-deprecating with his humour.
Where he had something to add he was a willing volunteer who would bring energy, commitment and insight to any task. He brought this same commitment to team and company events. He was as eager to roll up his sleeves for a charitable cause as he was to throw himself down a water-slide at team days out. He also loved to play golf and sail when the opportunity arose, ever the gracious host and always with an eye on ensuring everyone had a good time.