Staff Profile
Dr Gabriel Silvestre
Senior Lecturer in Urban Planning, Degree Programme Director MSc Urban Planning
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5831
- Personal Website:
- Address: School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
Newcastle University
Henry Daysh Building
Room 7.12
Claremont Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
I joined the school in 2021 having previously taught at University of Sheffield, University College London and University of Westminster.
My interdisciplinary background reflects my interests at the interface of urban studies and policy analysis. I have a BA in Management Studies (Mackenzie University, Brazil), a MA in Tourism Management (University of Westminster) and a PhD in Planning Studies (Bartlett School of Planning, UCL). I also had experience working in the public sector for organisations such as Visit Britain and the City of London Corporation.
At APL I am responsible for the MSc Urban Planning programme, a deputy director for internationalisation and a member of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committee. Elsewhere, I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a founding member of the Latin American Geographies Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society, and executive editor of the journal International Planning Studies.
My interests have developed around the core themes of urban governance, policy making and social justice. In particular, I am interested in examining the role of knowledge and ideas shaping the policy process through a relational and comparative approach. This is attentive to the (postcolonial) development history of cities in the Global South and to the contemporary dynamics in localising global city ideas. This work has recently been developed around two main thematic areas:
Expertise, policy mobilities and urban change
Ideas are the very stuff of politics and can provide a strategic entry point to examine how structural forces are mediated through agency. My research examines how groups and individuals (elected officials, planners, private interests and activists) rally behind ideas to shape policy discussion and promote urban change. This often relies in the mobilisation of expert networks and circulating ‘best practices’ to attain legitimacy to favoured actions. I have focused on how the localisation of policy templates such as strategic planning, waterfront redevelopment or smart city have facilitated certain groups that were not necessarily aligned to come together while marginalising others. My current research examines how activist groups draw on networks of expertise and new communication practices to contest revanchist urban policies and change the political debate.
Current funded research project: I am a member of the research team in the EU-funded Horizon 2020 MSCA-RISE Contested Territories From Contested Territories to alternatives of development: Learning from Latin America
Governing mega-projects and mega-events
Large scale development projects and the hosting of mega-events (Olympic, World Cups, Expos) are now recurrent practices to accelerate urban development. They also lead to significant changes in governance arrangements and democratic accountability. Rather than simply lavish image projects they can steer cities into development trajectories with long-lasting impacts. Building on a previous research examining the urban transformation of Rio de Janeiro through the hosting of the Olympic Games, I am interested in the comparative analysis of experiences in the Global South and how these projects ‘capture’ national and local urban agendas.
PhD supervision
I am keen to discuss postgraduate research proposals with applicants interested in the following topics: urban governance, participation and contestation; right to the city and social movements; megaprojects and mega-events; postcolonial planning theory and urban Latin America.
Areas of expertise
Globalisation and urban change; postcolonial urban theory; planning theory; urban development in the Global South; governance, participation and contestation; right to the city and social movements; qualitative research methods.
Undergraduate teaching
APL2035 Participation: Theories & Practice
TCP2027 Research Skills
TCP2028 Understanding Cities
TCP2030 Urban Poverty: A Global Perspective
Postgraduate teaching
TCP8025 Linked Research Project
TCP8920 Globalisation and Social Justice Project
TCP8921 Globalisation and Social Justice
TCP8929 Planning, Power and People
- Jajamovich GP, Silvestre G, Duque Franco I. The symbolic dimensions of waterfront regeneration projects: inter-referencing, legitimating strategies and circulating practices in three Latin American megaprojects. Cambridge Journal Of Regions, Economy And Society 2025, (ePub ahead of Print).
- Silvestre G, Gogishvili D, Wolfe SD, Müller M. Have the Olympics outgrown cities? A longitudinal comparative analysis of the growth and planning of the Olympics and former host cities. Planning Perspectives 2024, 39, 615-636.
- Silvestre G, Jajamovich G. The dialogic constitution of model cities: the circulation, encounters and critiques of the Barcelona model in Latin America. Planning Perspectives 2023, 38(2), 305-327.
- Silvestre G, Jajamovich G. The afterlives of urban megaprojects: Grounding policy models and recirculating knowledge through domestic networks. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 2022, 40(7), 1455-1472.
- Silvestre G. Replicated or homegrown planning model? The mutual constitution of ideas, interests and institutions in the delivery of a megaproject in Rio de Janeiro. International Planning Studies 2022, 27(2), 107-119.
- Silvestre G, Jajamovich G. The role of mobile policies in coalition building: the Barcelona model as coalition magnet in Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro (1989-1996). Urban Studies 2021, 58(11), 2310-2328.
- Silvestre G. Planning models and the Olympic Games: the influence of Barcelona in Rio de Janeiro’s mega-event strategy (1995-2016). Iberoamericana. América Latina - España - Portugal 2020, 20(74), 125-147.
- Silvestre G. The non-legacy and the Games that never were: Rio de Janeiro’s first Olympic candidature and the imaginary of urban legacy for the city. Arquitextos 2017.
- Silvestre G. The rhetoric of social legacy in mega-events: London and the 2012 Olympic Games. Advir 2016, (35), 42-53.
- Silvestre G, de Oliveira NG. The revanchist logic of mega-events : community displacement in Rio de Janeiro's West End. Visual Studies 2012, 27(2), 204-210.
- Silvestre G. The Social Impacts of Mega-Events: Towards a Framework. Esporte e Sociedade 2008, 4(10).
Book Chapters
- Silvestre G, Omena de Melo E. Rio de Janeiro 2016. In: Gold, JR; Gold, MM, ed. Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning, and the World’s Games, 1896 – 2032. Abingdon: Routledge, 2024, pp.419-441.
- Silvestre G. Participatory planning and the insurgent city: the challenges of the right to the city in Belo Horizonte. In: Rocco R; Silvestre G, ed. Insurgent Planning Practice. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 2024, pp.155-174.
- Rocco R, Silvestre G. How do you employ an insurgent planner?. In: Rocco R; Silvestre G, ed. Insurgent Planning Practice. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 2024, pp.1-16.
- Rocco R, Silvestre G. Conclusion: Insurgent Planning Practice in Comparative Perspective. In: Rocco R; Silvestre G, ed. Insurgent Planning Practice. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 2024, pp.227-234.
- Jajamovich G, Silvestre G. Movilidad de políticas urbanas. In: Zunino Singh,D; Jirón,P; Giucci,G, ed. Nuevos términos clave para los estudios de movilidad en América Latina. Buenos Aires: Teseo, 2023, pp.195-206.
- Silvestre G. Zona Portuária do Rio de Janeiro: entre modelos urbanos e paradigma de requalificação. In: Gianella, L; Monteiro, J C, ed. Zona Portuária do Rio de Janeiro: múltiplos olhares sobre um espaço em mutação. Rio de Janeiro: Consequência, 2022, pp.35-64.
- Jajamovich G, Saraiva C, Silvestre G. Circulación de ideas de planificación urbana y de políticas urbanas en América Latina. In: Pírez, P; Rodríguez, MC, ed. Las Políticas Neoliberales y la Ciudad en América Latina. Desafíos teóricos y políticos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, 2022, pp.331-357.
- Jajamovich G, Sosa López O, Silvestre G. Latin American Cities and Regions. In: Orum, A O; Ruiz-Tagle, J; Haddock, S V, ed. Companion to Urban and Regional Studies. Wiley-Blackwell, 2021, pp.43-63.
- Saraiva C, Jajamovich G, Silvestre G. Circulations of planning ideas and urban policy mobilities in Latin America. In: Porto de Oliveira, O, ed. Handbook of Policy Transfer, Diffusion and Circulation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2021, pp.278-297.
- Silvestre G. O modelo Barcelona de desenvolvimento urbano e sua mobilização no Rio de Janeiro. In: Porto de Oliveira, O; Leite, CKS; Montero, S; Gonnet, CO, ed. Difusão de políticas na América Latina da importação à exportação. Sao Paulo: Hucitec, 2020, pp.225-255.
- Silvestre G. Rio de Janeiro. In: Orum, AM, ed. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2019, pp.1712-1720.
- Silvestre G. Rio de Janeiro 2016. In: Gold, J R; Gold, M M, ed. Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning and the World's Games, 1896-2020. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016, pp.400-423.
- Horne J, Silvestre G. Brazil, Politics, the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup. In: Bairner, A; Kelly, J; Lee J W, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Sport and Politics. London. London: Routledge, 2016, pp.483-495.
Edited Book
- Rocco R, Silvestre G, ed. Insurgent Planning Practice. Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 2024.
Online Publications
- Silvestre G, López Fittipaldi M. O novo municipalismo e a esquerda latino-americana. London: Open Democracy, 2023. Available at:
- Silvestre G, López Fittipaldi M. New municipalism and the Latin American left. London: Latin American Geographies Research Group blog, 2023. Available at:
- Silvestre G, López Fittipaldi M. ¿Existe una ola de municipalismo latinoamericano?. London: Open Democracy, 2023. Available at:
- Silvestre G. An Olympic City in the Making: Rio de Janeiro mega-event strategy 1993-2016. Lausanne: Olympic Studies Centre, 2012. Postgraduate Research Grant Programme 2012.
- Silvestre G. The Games Urban Elites Play. City 2025, Epub ahead of print.
- Silvestre G. Putin’s Olympics. The Sochi Games and the evolution of twenty-first century Russia by Robert W. Orttung and Sufian N. Zhemukhov. Eurasian Geography and Economics 2022, 63(3), 449-450.
- Silvestre G. Puerto Madero en movimiento: un abordaje a partir de la circulación de la Corporación Antiguo Puerto Madero (1989–2017) by Guillermo Jajamovich [Book review]. Planning Perspectives 2019, 34(6), 1059-1060.
- Silvestre G. Review of: Mega-Events and Globalization: Capital and Spectacle in a Changing World Order. The UGRG Book Review Series 2016, 8.
Working Paper
- Kanai M, Marcos MF, Gonzalez Redondo M, Silvestre G, Lukas M, Giannotti E. Developing a comparative Critical Policy Analysis about territorial accumulation. 2023, CONTESTED_TERRITORY – D3.2 EU H2020 RISE-MSC 873082.