Staff Profile
Emeritus Professor Mark Shucksmith OBE
Emeritus Professor of Planning
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- Address: School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape,
Newcastle University,
Henry Daysh Building,
Newcastle upon Tyne
Mark Shucksmith is Deputy Chair of the Carnegie UK Trust, Emeritus Professor of Planning at Newcastle University, where he was also Director of the Institute for Social Renewal, and Visiting Professor at Ruralis, Trondheim. His research focuses on social exclusion in rural areas, rural housing and rural development. He is the author or co-author of 18 books (including the Routledge International Handbook of Rural Studies) and over 110 learned papers, as well as coordinating several EU research projects. His latest books are, Rural Poverty Today: experiences of social exclusion in rural Britain (Policy Press, 2023) and Rethinking Rural Studies (Elgar, 2024). Mark recently served as Specialist Adviser to two House of Lords Select Committees, a role he previously performed in the Scottish Parliament. He was Chair of the Scottish Government’s Committee of Inquiry into Crofting (2007-08) and a Board member of England’s Countryside Agency and Commission for Rural Communities (2005-13), as well as directing the Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s Action in Rural Areas programme. He has also been a Board member of ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and of Rural Forum Scotland. Mark was Vice President of the International Rural Sociological Association (2004-08) and Programme Chair for the XI World Rural Sociology Congress in Trondheim, Norway in 2004. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and a Trustee of the Carnegie UK Trust and of the Macaulay Development Trust. He was awarded the honour of OBE in 2009 for services to rural development and to crofting.
Emeritus Professor, formerly Professor of Planning, Newcastle University, 2005-2023.
OBE 2009 for services to rural development and to crofting.
Deputy Chair,, Carnegie UK Trust, and Trustee since 2016.
Trustee, Macaulay Development Trust, 2022-
Trustee, Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE), 2014-2022.
Board member representing England, European Rural Community Alliance 2021-24
Keynote speaker and Guest of Honour, Dutch Royal Palace Symposium, Amsterdam, 2017
FAcSS 2010; FRSA 2015.
Specialist Advisor, House of Lords Select Committee on Rural Economy, 2018-19.
Specialist Advisor, House of Lords Select Committee on Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act, 2017-18
Director, Newcastle University Institute for Social Renewal, 2012-18.
Chair, Scottish Government's Committee of Inquiry into Crofting, 2007-08.
Commissioner, Commission for Rural Communities, 2005-2013.
Stakeholder Board, Rural England, 2013-
Visiting Professor, Ruralis/ Centre for Rural Research, Trondheim.
Vice-President, International Rural Sociology Association, 2004-08.
Chair, Scientific Committee, European Society for Rural Sociology, 2014-15.
Adviser, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 1995-2005.
Member of Affordable Rural Housing Commission (DCLG/DEFRA), 2005-06.
Executive Committee, European Society for Rural Sociology, 2009-13.
Executive Committee, International Rural Sociology Association, 2000-08 and 2012-16.
Selection Committee, Scottish Land Commission, 2016
Programme Chair, World Rural Sociology Congress, Trondheim 2004.
Expert Adviser to Scottish Parliament’s ERAD Committee, until 2004.
NE Selection Committee for LEADER 2007-13.
Roles and Responsibilities
Chair, Committee of Inquiry into Crofting, 2007-08. See
Commissioner, Commission for Rural Communities (formerly Countryside Agency), 2005-2013. See
Member, Affordable Rural Housing Commission, 2005-06.
Co-Chair, Wellbeing Roundtable, North of Tyne Combined Authority/ Carnegie UK Trust, 2021-22
Member, Inclusive Economy Board, North of Tyne Combined Authority 2020-
Chair, Borderlands Place Programme Board, 2021-
MA (Cantab.), MSc (Ncle), PhD (Ncle).
Previous Positions
Director, Newcastle University Institute for Social Renewal, 2012-18.
Director, Arkleton Centre for Rural Development Research, University of Aberdeen, 1995-2004
Professor of Land Economy, University of Aberdeen, 1993-2004. (Acting Head 2000-01)
Co-Director, Scottish Centre for Research in Social Justice (Glasgow & Aberdeen) 2001-04.
Programme Adviser, Joseph Rowntree Foundation “Action in Rural Areas”.
Formerly Vice-Chairman and Council member, Rural Forum (Scotland).
Programme Chair, World Rural Sociology Congress, Trondheim, 2004.
Coordinator of EU research project on Policies and Young People in Rural Development.
Coordinator of EU research project on the Role of Social Capital in Rural Development
Coordinator of EU ESPON project on the Territorial Impact of the CAP and RDP.
Expert Adviser to the Scottish Parliament’s Environment & Rural Development Committee.
Member of the English National Selection Committee for the EU’s LEADER .
Executive Committee, International Rural Sociology Association, 2000-08 and 2012-16.
Executive Committee, European Society for Rural Sociology, 2009-2013.
Honours and Awards
OBE for services to rural development and crofting, 2009.
Newcastle University Academic Distinction Award 2023
Newcastle University Engagement and Place Award for Engagement with Policy and Practice 2023
Carnegie Fellow 2015
Fellow, Royal Society of Arts, 2015
Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences, 2010.
Macaulay Lecturer, 2008.
First Vice-President, International Rural Sociology Association, 2004-08
Programme Chair, World Congress of Rural Sociology, Trondheim, 2004.
Agricultural Economics Society Essay Prize, 1978.
Research Interests
Research interests include: poverty and social exclusion in rural areas, wellbeing, rural development, and affordable rural housing.
New book, 'Rethinking Rural Studies' with David Brown was published by Elgar in September 2024. Rethinking Rural Studies ( Rethinking Rural Studies offers a trans-disciplinary perspective on rural social science, identifying emerging issues and research avenues, and highlighting opportunities for rural studies to contribute towards greater collective wellbeing. The authors emphasize the central role that power plays in structuring vulnerabilities and opportunities, and indicate the emerging possibilities for greater rural agency. Ultimately they argue that this is a critical time to rethink rural studies, asking how and what a more hopeful rural studies can contribute towards better rural futures.
New book: Rural Poverty Today: Experiences of Social Exclusion in Rural Britain,.Policy Press | Rural Poverty Today - Experiences of Social Exclusion in Rural Britain, By Mark Shucksmith, Jayne Glass, Polly Chapman and Jane Atterton ( This derives from the Rural Lives research project, funded by the Standard Life Foundation with additional funding from RCUK, working with Polly Chapman, Jane Atterton and Jayne Glass. The project's findings have previously been summarised in the form of two short, accessible reports, published free online:
- Rural Lives: understanding financial hardship and vulnerability in rural areas
- Covid-19, lockdown and financial hardship in rural areas
Both reports may be downloaded from, and details may be found a,
Our most recent paper, is published open access in the Scottish Geographical Journal:: Full article: Rural lives during COVID-19: crisis, resilience and redistributing societal risk (
I also work with Esperanza Vera-Toscano, David Brown and Heather Brown on the dynamics of rural poverty in Britain, using longitudinal data from the BHPS and Understanding Society Survey. Our most recent papers were published in Regional Studies and the Journal of Rural Studies. Full article: The rural–urban poverty gap in England after the 2008 financial crisis: exploring the effects of budgetary cuts and welfare reforms (
Celebrating 30 years of LEADER: looking back, looking forward. Keynote address to Ireland's National Rural Network
I recently co-edited (with Josef Bernard, Sandra Contzen and Anja Decker) a special issue of Sociologia Ruralis on Poverty and Social Exclusion in Diversified Rural Contexts.
In April 2021 I co-edited Hope under Neoliberal Austerity: responses from civil society and civic universities with Mel Steer, Simin Davoudi and Liz Todd (Policy Press)
I recently co-edited the Routledge International Handbook of Rural Studies (with David L. Brown) published in May 2016
Earlier Books include:
'Rural Transformations and Rural Policies in the UK and US' (Routledge 2012); 'Comparing Rural Development - Continuity and Change in the Countryside of Western Europe' (Ashgate 2008), 'CAP and the Regions' (CABI 2005), 'Young People In Rural Europe' (Ashgate 2004), 'Housing In the European Countryside' (Routledge 2003) (all jointly edited), ‘Exclusive Countryside? Social Inclusion and Regeneration in Rural Britain’ (JRF 2000); 'Poverty and Exclusion in Rural Britain' (YPS 1998); 'Rural Scotland Today: the best of both worlds ?' (Avebury 1996) (both jointly authored); 'Housebuilding in Britain's Countryside' (Routledge 1990), and 'No Homes for Locals?' (Gower 1981)..
Research reports include:
Learning from European Rural Movements: research to inform a Scottish approach (SRUC: Jayne Glass, Jane Atterton, Mark Shucksmith, 2022) Learning from European Rural Movements: Research to inform a Scottish approach — SRUC, Scotland's Rural College
InterAction: How the third sector and academics can work together to influence policy and practice, Carnegie UK Trust, 2016.
Territorial Dimensions of Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe (TIPSE) Andrew Copus et al., 2014.
Future Directions in Rural Development, Carnegie UK Trust, Sept 2012.
How to Promote the Role of Youth in Rural Europe: report to European Parliament, Nov 2010.
European Development Opportunities for Rural Areas (EDORA) Andrew Copus et al, Sept 2010.
European Quality of Life Survey: Rural-Urban Differences (European Foundation 2007)
Homes For Rural Communities (JRF 2006)
The Territorial Impact of the CAP (EU ESPON 2004),
The Role of Social Capital in Rural Development (EU 2004),
Social Exclusion in Rural Areas (Scottish Executive 2000), Disadvantage in Rural Areas (Rural Development Commission 1997), Review of Scottish Homes’ Rural Policy (Scottish Homes 1996), and Classification of Rural Housing Markets in England & Wales (HMSO 1995).
Recent articles have appeared in Contemporary Social Science, Journal of Rural Studies, Sociologia Ruralis, Local Economy, Regional Studies, European Planning Studies, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Social Policy and Administration, Community Development Journal, Studies in Agricultural Economics, and Belgeo.
Edited and coordinated The Rural Audit (June 1999) for the rural group of Labour MPs.
Other Expertise
Chair of the Committee of Inquiry into Crofting, established by Ministers on 12 December 2006. See and the Government's response announced on 1st October 2008:
Secretary to Joseph Rowntree Foundation's Rural Housing Policy Forum, and author of its report 'Homes For Rural Communities'. See
Adviser to JRF on rural issues since 1995 and Programme Director for their "Action in Rural Areas" programme.
Expert in the OECD rural policy review of Finland; and in the OECD's Rurban project.
Current and Recent Work
Partner in the RELOCAL H2020 Project (Resituating the Local in Cohesion and Territorial Development) 2016-2020
Partner in the ACCOMPLISSH H2020 Project (Accelerate co-creation by setting up a multi-actor platform for impact from social sciences and humanities) 2016-2019.
Partner in the ESPON TIPSE project (Territorial Impact of Poverty and Social Exclusion), 2012-14.
Recently chaired Committee of Inquiry into Crofting for the Scottish Government. The Committee's report was the basis for the Crofting Reform Act 2010 and for various other changes to policy. (Now translated into Japanese)
Recent coordinator of 4 EU projects involving ten countries studying the Territorial Impact of the Common Agricultural Policy and rural development policy (460,000 euros, 2002-4); the role of social capital in rural development (1.2m euros, 2001-4); young people in rural development (580,000 euros, 1999-2001); and rural development in the northern periphery of Europe (191,000 euros, 1999-2001). Recently reviewed rural policy in Finland for OECD; and the role of youth in rural Europe for the European Parliament.
Two other recently completed research projects are:
- European Development Opportunities in Rural Areas (EDORA), funded by ESPON for 2 years. This project will develop a typology of rural areas across the EU and outline appropriate policies for each type.
- Territorial Impact of Transport and Agricultural Policies (TIPTAP), funded by ESPON for 1 year. This project will develop a methodology for EU territorial impact assessment, and will apply this to the EU's transport and agricultural policies
Latest Research
Rural Policy after Brexit, Contemporary Social Science, 2019.
Social Inequalities in Rural England: Impacts on Young People Post-2008, Journal of Rural Studies, 2019. (with Niki Black and Karen Scott)
Reconsidering territorial governance to account for enhanced rural-urban interdependence in America, Annals of the American Association for Political and Social Science, 672, 1, 282-301. July 2017 (with David Brown).
Re-imagining the rural: from rural idyll to Good Countryside, Journal of Rural Studies, 2016.
Routledge International Handbook of Rural Studies, 2016 (edited with David Brown, 698pp)
InterAction: How the third sector and academics can work together to influence policy and practice, 2016.
Class, Power and Inequality in Rural Areas: Beyond Social Exclusion, Sociologia Ruralis, 2012.
Rural Transformations and Rural Policies in the US and UK, Routledge, New York, 2012. (edited jointly with David Brown, Sally Shortall, Jo Vergunst and Mildred Warner)
Future Directions in Rural Development, Carnegie UK Trust, 2012.
The Uplands after Neo-Liberalism? The role of small farms in rural sustainability, Journal of Rural Studies, 2011 (with Katrina Ronningen).
Planning for housing in rural England: Discursive power and spatial exclusion. Town Planning Review 2011, (with John Sturzaker)
How to promote the role of youth in rural areas of Europe? European Parliament PE 438.620, Nov 2010.
Research Roles
former Director of Newcastle University Institute for Social Renewal, 2012-18.
former Director of Research, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University.
Co-ordinated ESRC Seminar Series on New Rural Economies, with six meetings during 2005-06 in London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Newcastle.
former Co-Director of the Arkleton Centre for Rural Development Research, University of Aberdeen, 1995-2004. Publications and other material may still be available at
former Co-Director of the Scottish Centre for Research on Social Justice. More information 2001-04
Postgraduate Supervision
I have successfully supervised more than 15 PhDs.
Current PhD students: Catherine Corcoran, Hannah Budge.
Esteem Indicators
OBE 2009 for services to rural development and to crofting.
Keynote Speaker and Guest of Honour, Dutch Royal Palace Symposium, Amsterdam, 2017, hosted by King Wilem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands
Who's Who: 2007 onwards.
Debrett's People of Today: 2007 onwards.
Who's Who in Scotland: 1998 onwards.
Specialist Advisor to two House of Lords Select Committees: Rural Economy (2018-19); NERC Act (2017-18)
Carnegie Fellow 2015-16
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, 2015
Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences, 2010.
32nd T.B.Macaulay Lecture, 2008.
Royal Society of Edinburgh, Peter Wilson Memorial Lecture, 2006,
First Vice President, International Rural Sociology Association, 2004-08.
Chair, Committee of Inquiry into Crofting, 2006-08.
Commissioner, Commission for Rural Communities, 2005-12.
Visiting Professor, Centre for Rural Research, Trondheim, 2005-08.
Adviser, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, since 1995.
Visiting Fellow (invited) to Polson Institute for Global Development, Cornell University, 2002, and Waseda University, Tokyo, 2005.
Member, DEFRA/DCLG Affordable Rural Housing Commission, 2005/06.
Specialist Adviser to RAE2008 Sub-Panel for Town & Country Planning.
European Commission's Expert Panel on Territorial Cohesion, 2008.
Refereeing articles for a large number of learned journals.
Assessor for professorial posts at universities in UK, US and EU.
Referee for research councils and funding bodies in several countries.
External examiner at numerous Universities in UK and Ireland.
Invited keynote speaker at many international conferences.
Appeared before Canadian Senate Inquiry into Rural Poverty, 2008.
1997-2005 Joseph Rowntree Foundation : programme adviser, Action In Rural Areas. See press release and links to publications at and
1998-2001 EU FAIR (Coordinator): Policies and Young People in Rural Development - PAYPIRD (582,000 euros, ie £ 407k). More information about this project, publications and other outputs may be found and downloaded from
1998 Scottish Office Education Department: Pre-School Education in Rural Areas (£ 45k) (with Janet Shucksmith, Joyce Watt and Andrew Copus)
1999-2001 EU Northern Periphery Programme (Coordinator): Rural Development in the Northern Peripheries of Scotland and Scandinavia (191,000 euros, ie £ 134k). More information is available from
1999 Scottish Executive : Social Exclusion in Rural Areas, (£10k)
1999 Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors: The Future of the Countryside (£ 10k)
2000 Scottish Parliament: Adviser and Research Support to the Rural Affairs Committee’s Inquiry into the Impact of Employment Change on Rural Scotland (£15k) (with colleagues at Aberdeen)
2001-04 EU FAIR (Coordinator) : Restructuring in Marginal Rural Areas: The Role of Social Capital in Rural Development - RESTRIM (1.2m euros, ie £ 756k). More information in savailable at
2001-04 SHEFC: Co-Director, Scottish Centre for Research in Social Justice (£783k, jointly with the Department of Urban Studies, University of Glasgow). See
2002-04 EU ESPON: (Coordinator) : The Teritorial Impact of the Common Agricultural Policy and Rural Development Policy. (460,000 euros, ie. £290k.) See
2002-04 Scottish Parliament: Expert Adviser on the Budget Scrutiny.
2002-06 ESRC Seminar Series: A Research Agenda for the New Rural Economies: Building Researcher- User Alliances across the Devolved Administrations (£22k), with Philip Lowe and Terry Marsden.
2003 Countryside Agency/ DEFRA/ ESRC: A Review of Recent Research on Social Exclusion In Rural England (£6k). See
2004-6 EU Commission FP6: A Cognitive Approach to Rural Sustainable Development - the dynamics of expert and lay knowledges (CORASON), (€90,600, ie. £61k)
2005-06 European Foundation: Quality of Life in Rural Europe (€45,000) See
2007-09 Academy of Finland: New Rural Governance in Diffused Power Contexts (€220,000, with Torsti Hyyrylainen and others)
2008-10 ESPON: European Development Opportunities in Rural Areas (EDORA), Policy Research Coordinator. (Coordinated by Andrew Copus)
2008-09 ESPON: Territorial Impact of Transport and Agricultural Policies (TIPTAP), with Guy Garrod. (Coordinated by Roberto Camagni)
2012-14 ESPON: Territorial Impact of Poverty and Social Exclusion (TIPSE). (Coordinated by Petri Kahila and Andrew Copus).
2016-19 H2020 ACCOMPLISSH: Accelerating co-creation by setting up a multi-actor platform for impact from social sciences and humanities. (Co-ordinated by Sharon Smit, Groningen University)
2016-2020 H2020 RELOCAL: Resituating the Local in Cohesion and Territorial Development (Coordinated by James Scott, Finland)
2019-2021 Standard Life Foundation: On The Margins: an evidence base for tackling financial hardship in rural areas
2020-21 RCUK QR-SPF: On The Margins: informing evidence-based policy on rural poverty in post-Covid Britain
Industrial Relevance
Chair of the Committee on the Future of Crofting, which was asked to advise Ministers on any necessary changes in laws, regulations, grants or administration which will allow crofting to contribute most effectively to sustainable rural development in the future.
The Government's response was announced in the Scottish Parliament on 1st October 2008: This formed the basis for the Crofting Reform Act 2010, and for various reforms to policies, grant schemes and administrations.
Chair, North of Tyne Combined Authority Wellbeing Roundtable, 2021.
Board member, North of Tyne Combined Authority Inclusive Economy Board, 2020-
Advice and support to Matthew Taylor Review of rural economy and affordable housing, "Living Working Countryside", 2008.
Briefing paper on Rural Economy to the Adonis Review (Independent Economic Review of NE England).
Specialist Advisor to House of Lords Select Committee on Rural Economy.
Now retired, but continuing to co-supervise PhD students.
- Vera-Toscano E, Shucksmith M, Brown D, Brown H. The rural-urban poverty gap in England after the 2008 financial crisis: Exploring the effects of budgetary cuts and welfare reforms. Regional Studies 2024, 58(6), 1264-1281.
- Glass J, Shucksmith M, Chapman P, Atterton J. Rural lives during COVID-19: crisis, resilience and redistributing societal risk. Scottish Geographical Journal 2024, 140(1-2), 49-69.
- Shucksmith M. The Exclusive Countryside Post-Pandemic. Geographical Journal 2023, Epub ahead of print.
- Steiner A, Calo F, Shucksmith M. Rurality and social innovation processes and outcomes: a realist evaluation of rural social enterprise activities. Journal of Rural Studies 2023, 99, 284-292.
- Madanipour A, Shucksmith M, Brooks E. The concept of spatial justice and the European Union’s territorial cohesion. European Planning Studies 2022, 30(5), 807-824.
- Shucksmith M, Brooks E, Madanipour A. LEADER and Spatial Justice. Sociologia Ruralis 2021, 61(2), 322-343.
- Bjarnason T, Stockdale A, Shuttleworth I, Eimerman M, Shucksmith M. At the intersection of urbanisation and counterurbanisation in rural space: microurbanisation in northern Iceland. Journal of Rural Studies 2021, 87, 404-414.
- Phillipson J, Gorton M, Turner R, Shucksmith M, Aitken-McDermott K, Areal F, Cowie P, Hubbard C, Maioli S, McAreavey R, Souza-Monteiro D, Newbery R, Panzone L, Rowe F, Shortall S. The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Implications for Rural Economies. Sustainability 2020, 12(10), 3973.
- Vera-Toscano V, Shucksmith M, Brown D. Poverty Dynamics in Rural Britain 1991-2008: Did Labour's Social Policy Reforms Make a Difference?. Journal of Rural Studies 2020, 75, 216-228.
- Frank KI, Hibbard M, Shucksmith M, Tonts M, Long H, Zhang Y, Dandekar HC. Comparative Rural Planning Cultures Introduction to the Interface. Planning Theory and Practice 2020, 21(5), 769-795.
- Black N, Scott K, Shucksmith M. Social inequalities in rural England: Impacts on young people post-2008. Journal of Rural Studies 2019, 68, 264-275.
- Bernard J, Contzen S, Decker A, Shucksmith M. Rural Poverty: do we need a sociological perspective?. Sociology Lens 2019.
- Shucksmith M. Rural policy after Brexit. Contemporary Social Science 2019, 14(2), 312-326.
- Bernard J, Conzen S, Decker A, Shucksmith M. Poverty and Social Exclusion in Diversified Rural Contexts. Sociologia Ruralis 2019, 59(3), 353-368.
- Shucksmith M. Re-imagining the rural: from rural idyll to good countryside. Journal of Rural Studies 2018, 59, 163-172.
- Brown DL, Shucksmith M. Reconsidering Territorial Governance to Account for Enhanced Rural-Urban Interdependence in America. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 2017, 672(1), 282-301.
- Gkartzios M, Shucksmith M. 'Spatial anarchy' versus 'spatial apartheid': rural housing ironies in Ireland and England. Town Planning Review 2015, 86(1), 53-72.
- Talbot H, Shucksmith M, Madanipour A. Concluding article: Policy implications. Local Economy 2015, 30(7), 857-864.
- Madanipour A, Shucksmith M, Talbot H. Concepts of poverty and social exclusion in Europe. Local Economy 2015, 30(7), 721-741.
- Cheshire L, Esparcia J, Shucksmith M. Community resilience, social capital and territorial governance. Ager: revista de estudios sobre despoblacion y desarrollo rural 2015, 18, 7-38.
- Walsh K, O'Shea E, Scharf T, Shucksmith M. Exploring the Impact of Informal Practices on Social Exclusion and Age-Friendliness for Older People in Rural Communities. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 2014, 24(1), 37-49.
- Shucksmith M. Class, power and inequality in rural areas: beyond social exclusion?. Sociologia Ruralis 2012, 52(4), 377-397.
- Shucksmith M, Rottingen K. The Uplands after neoliberalism? - The role of the small farm in rural sustainability. Journal of Rural Studies 2011, 27(3), 275-287.
- Sturzaker J, Shucksmith M. Planning for housing in rural England: Discursive power and spatial exclusion. Town Planning Review 2011, 82(2), 169-104.
- Shucksmith M. Exclusive Rurality: Planners as Agents of Gentrification. Planning Theory and Practice 2011, 12(4), 605-611.
- Copus A, Shucksmith M, Dax T, Meredith D. Cohesion Policy for rural areas after 2013: A rationale derived from the EDORA project (European Development Opportunities in Rural Areas). Studies in Agricultural Economics 2011, 113(2), 121-132.
- Shucksmith M. Disintegrated Rural Development? Neo-endogenous Rural Development, Planning and Place-Shaping in Diffused Power Contexts. Sociologia Ruralis 2010, 50(1), 1-14.
- Shucksmith M, Cameron S, Merridew T, Pilcher F. Urban-Rural Differences in Quality of Life across the European Union. Regional Studies 2009, 43(10), 1275-1289.
- Dargan L, Shucksmith M. LEADER and innovation. Sociologia Ruralis 2008, 48(3), 274-291.
- Shucksmith M. Empowering communities is the key. FST Journal 2008, 19(8), 4-4.
- Lee J, Arnason A, Macintyre R, Nightingale A, Shucksmith M. Person, Community and Development on Skye, Scotland. Cuadernos de Geografia 2007, (78), 237-254.
- Shucksmith M. Housing, the Countryside and Social Justice. Crucible 2007, 46(4), 5-12.
- Shucksmith M, Shucksmith J, Watt J. Rurality and social inclusion: A case of preschool education. Social Policy and Administration 2006, 40(6), 678-691.
- Midgley JL, Shucksmith DM, Birnie RV, Geddes A, Bayfield N, Elston D. Rural development policy and community data needs in Scotland. Land Use Policy 2005, 22(2), 163-174.
- Lee J, Arnason A, Nightingale A, Shucksmith M. Networking: Social capital and identities in European rural development. Sociologia Ruralis 2005, 45(4), 269-283.
- Shucksmith M. Young People and Social Exclusion in Rural Areas. Sociologia Ruralis 2004, 44(1), 43-59.
- Phillip LJ, Shucksmith DM. Conceptualizing social exclusion in rural Britain. European Planning Studies 2003, 11(4), 461-480.
- Shucksmith M. Social Exclusion and Poverty in Rural Areas. The Belgian Journal of Geography 2002, 2001(3), 165-184.
- Shucksmith DM, Herrmann V. Future changes in British agriculture: projecting divergent farm household behaviour. Journal of Agricultural Economics 2002, 53(1), 37-50.
- Shortall S, Shucksmith M. Rural Development in Practice: Issues Arising in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Community Development Journal 2001, 36(2), 122-133.
- Shucksmith M. Endogenous Development, Social Capital and Social Inclusion: Perspectives from LEADER in the UK. Sociologia Ruralis 2000, 40(2), 208-218.
- Shucksmith M. The Demand for Angling at the Derwent Reservoir 1970-76. Journal of Agricultural Economics 1979, XXX(1), 25-39.
Authored Books
- Shucksmith M, Glass J, Chapman P, Atterton J. Rural Poverty Today: Experiences of Social Exclusion in Rural Britain. Bristol: Policy Press, 2023.
- Shucksmith M. InterAction: How can academics and the third sector work together to influence policy and practice?. Dunfermline, UK: Carnegie UK Trust, 2016.
- Shucksmith M, Cameron S, Merridew T, Pichler F. First European Quality of Life Survey: Urban-rural differences. Luxembourg: Offive for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2006.
- Shucksmith M, Thomson K, Roberts D. CAP and the Regions: the Territorial Impact of the Common Agricultural Policy. Wallingford, Connecticut, USA: CAB International, 2005.
- Jentsch B, Shucksmith M. Policies and Young People in Rural Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004.
- Gallent N, Shucksmith M, Tewdwr-Jones M. Housing in the European Countryside: Rural Policy and Pressure In Western Europe. London, UK: Routledge, 2003.
- Shucksmith M. Exclusive Countryside? Social inclusion and regeneration in rural Britain. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2000.
- Shucksmith M. Rural Scotland Today: the Best of Both Worlds?. Aldershot: Avebury, 1996.
- Shucksmith M, Chapman P, Clark G. Disadvantage in Rural Scotland: How is it experienced and how can it be tackled?. Perth: Rural Forum Scotland, 1994.
- Shucksmith M. Housebuilding in Britain's Countryside. London: Routledge, 1990.
- Shucksmith M. No Homes for Locals?. Aldershot: Gower, 1981.
Book Chapters
- Madanipour A, Brooks E, Shucksmith M. PLACE/Ladywell housing project, London: A temporary local project with Metropolitan impacts. In: Fritsch M; Kahila P; Nemeth S; Scott JW, ed. Spatial Justice and Cohesion: The Role of Place-Based Action in Community Development. London and New York: Routledge, 2024, pp.160-182.
- Madanipour A, Brooks E, Shucksmith M, Talbot H. Spatial justice and locality: the conceptual framework and application. In: Fritsch, M; Kahila, P; Nemeth, S; Scott, J, ed. Spatial Justice and Cohesion: The Role of Place-based Action in Community Development. London and New York: Routledge, 2023, pp.33-45.
- Kovacs K, Brooks E, Zamfir GJ, Shucksmith M, Nemes G. Autonomy and LEADER: a comparative study of three local action groups. In: Fritsch, M; Kahila, P; Nemeth, S; Scott, JW, ed. Spatial Justice and Cohesion: The Role of Place-Based Action in Community Development. London and New York: Routledge, 2023, pp.247-269.
- Davoudi S, Steer M, Shucksmith M, Todd L. Islands of hope in a sea of despair. In: Steer M., Davoudi, S., Shucksmith, M. and Todd, L, ed. Hope under Neoliberal Austerity; responses from civil society and civic universities. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press, 2021, pp.1-19.
- Shucksmith M, Davoudi S, Steer M, Todd L. Conclusion: Hope in an Age of Austerity and a Time of Anxiety. In: Steer, M; Davoudi, S; Shucksmith, M; Todd, L, ed. Hope Under Neoliberal Austerity: Responses from Civil Society and Civic Universities. Bristol: Policy Press, 2021, pp.257-274.
- Shucksmith M, Atterton J. Scotland's Rural Economies. In: Gibb,K; Maclennan,D; McNulty,D; Comerford,M, ed. The Scottish Economy: A Living Book. Routledge, 2018, pp.338.
- Shucksmith M. Social Exclusion in Rural Places. In: Shucksmith, M; Brown, DL, ed. Routledge International Handbook of Rural Studies. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2016, pp.433-449.
- Shucksmith M, Brown DL. Rural Studies: The Challenges Ahead. In: Shucksmith,M; Brown,DL, ed. Routledge International Handbook of Rural Studies. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2016, pp.663-675.
- Shucksmith M, Brown DL. Framing Rural Studies in the Global North. In: Shucksmith, M; Brown, DL, ed. Routledge International Handbook of Rural Studies. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016, pp.1-26.
- Shortall S. Changing configurations of gender and rural society: future directions for research. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Rural Studies. London and New York: Routledge/Falmer, 2016, pp.349-356.
- Scharf T, Walsh K, O'Shea E. Ageing in Rural Places. In: Shucksmith, M; Brown, DL, ed. Routledge International Handbook of Rural Studies. London: Routledge, 2016, pp.50-61.
- Shucksmith M, Talbot H. Localism and Rural Development. In: Davoudi, S; Madanipour, A, ed. Reconsidering Localism. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2015, pp.255-274.
- Bock B, Kovacs K, Shucksmith M. Changing Social Characteristics, Patterns of Inequality and Exclusion. In: Copus,A; De Lima,P, ed. Territorial Cohesion in Rural Europe: The Relational Turn in Rural Development. Abingdon: Routledge, 2015, pp.193-211.
- Shucksmith M, Schafft K. Rural Poverty and Social Exclusion in the United States and the United Kingdom. In: Shucksmith, M., Brown, D., Shortall, S., Vergunst, J., Warner, M, ed. Rural Transformations and Rural Policies in the US and UK. New York: Routledge, 2012, pp.100-116.
- Shucksmith M, Sturzaker J. Rural Housing. In: Smith, S.J., Elsinga, M., Fox-O’Mahony, L., Ong, S.E., Wachter, S, ed. The International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. Elsevier Science, 2012. In Press.
- Shucksmith M, Thompson N. Rural Communities. In: Smith, S.J., Elsinga, M., Fox-O’Mahony, L., Ong, S.E., Wachter, S, ed. The International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. Elsevier Science, 2012. In Press.
- Shucksmith M, Brown D, Vergunst J. Constructing the Rural-Urban Interface: Place Still Matters in a Highly Mobile Society. In: Shucksmith, M., Brown, D., Shortall, S., Vergunst, J., Warner, M, ed. Rural Transformations and Rural Policies in the US and UK. New York: Routledge, 2012, pp.287-303.
- Shucksmith M. New Labour's Countryside in International Perspective. In: Michael Woods, ed. New Labour's Countryside: Rural Policy in Britain since 1997. Bristol: The Policy Press, 2008, pp.57-76.
- Shucksmith M. Desintegrert bygdeutvikling? Utvikling nedanfrå i ei usikker verd (Disintegrated Rural Development). In: Reidar Almås, Marit S. Haagen, Johan Fredrik Rye and Mariann Villa, ed. Den nye bygda. Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag, 2008, pp.391-408.
- Cameron S, Shucksmith M. Market towns, housing and social inclusion. In: Powe, N; Hart, T; Shaw, T, ed. Market Towns: Roles, challenges and prospects. London: Routledge, 2007, pp.81-92.
- Gilbert A, Philip L, Shucksmith M. Rich and Poor in the Countryside. In: Lowe, P., Speakman, L, ed. The Ageing Countryside: the Growing Older Population of Rural England. London, UK: Age Concern Books, 2006, pp.69-93.
- Shucksmith M. Housing In Rural Communities. In: Sim, D, ed. Housing and Public Policy In Post-Devolution Scotland, Chartered Institute of Housing. Coventry, UK: Chartered Institute of Housing, 2004, pp.94-105.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- Shucksmith M. Sustainable Rural Communities: constructing sustainable places beyond cities. In: XXIII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress: Reinventing the Rural: Between the Social and the Natural. 2009, Vaasa, Finland: University of Vaasa/Abo Akademi University/ESRS.
Edited Books
- Steer M, Davoudi S, Shucksmith M, Todd L, ed. Hope under Neoliberal Austerity: responses from civil society and civic universities. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2021.
- Shucksmith M, Brown DL, ed. Routledge International Handbook of Rural Studies. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2016.
- Shucksmith M, Brown D, Shortall S, Vergunst J, Warner M, ed. Rural Transformations and Rural Policies in the US and UK. New York: Routledge, 2012.
- Bonnano A, Bakker H, Jussaume R, Kawamura Y, Shucksmith M, ed. From Community to Consumption: New and Classical Themes in Rural Sociological Research. Bradford, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2011.
- Arnason A, Shucksmith M, Vergunst J, ed. Comparing Rural Development: Continuity and Change in the Countryside of Western Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009.
- MacGregor B, Robertson D, Shucksmith M, ed. Rural Housing in Scotland: Recent Research and Policy. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, 1987.
- Glass J, Atterton J, Shucksmith M. Learning from European Rural Movements: research to inform a Scottish approach. Edinburgh: Rural Policy Centre, Scotland's Rural College (SRUC), 2022.
- Shucksmith M, Chapman P, Glass J, Atterton J. Rural Lives: understanding financial hardship and vulnerability in rural areas. Rural Lives, 2021.
- Atterton J, Copus A, Glass J, Liddon A, de Lima P, McCracken D, Moxey A, Philip L, Shortall S, Shucksmith M. After Brexit: 10 key questions for rural policy in Scotland. Centre for Rural Economy, Newcastle University/SRUC, 2017.
- Creamer C, Garod G, Jack C, Liddon A, McAreavey R, Meredith D, Sherry E, Shortall S, Shuttleworth I, Wallace M. After Brexit: 10 key questions for rural policy in Northern Ireland. Centre for Rural Economy, Newcastle University, 2017.
- Shucksmith M. Future Directions in Rural Development - Executive Summary. Dunfermline: Carnegie UK Trust, 2012.
- Shucksmith M. Future Directions in Rural Development. Dunfermline: Carnegie UK Trust, 2012.
- Phillipson J, Shucksmith M, Turner R, Garrod G, Lowe P, Harvey D, Talbot H, Scott K, Carroll T, Gkartzios M, Hubbard C, Ruto E, Woods A. Rural economies: incubators and catalysts for sustainable growth. Newcastle upon Tyne: Centre for Rural Economy, Newcastle University, 2011.
- Shucksmith M. How to Promote the Role of Youth in Rural Areas of Europe. Brussels: European Parliament, 2010. PE 438.620.
- Shucksmith M, Best R. Homes for Rural Communities: Report of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation Rural Housing Policy Forum. York, UK: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2006. ISBN: 9781859353.
- Bailey N, Spratt J, Pickering J, Goodlad R, Shucksmith M. Deprivation and Social Exclusion in Argyll and Bute. Glasgow, UK: Scottish Centre for Research on Social Justice, 2004.
- Shucksmith M. Social Exclusion in Rural Areas: A Review of Recent Research. University of Aberdeen, UK: Arkleton Centre for Rural Development Research, 2003. Report to DEFRA, Countryside Agency and ESRC.