Staff Profile
Dr Stephen Parnell
Senior Lecturer
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 20 86802
- Address: School of Architecture Planning and Landscape
2nd Floor, Building Science, The Quadrangle
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I'm a qualified architect and PassivHaus designer, an architecture critic, accidental historian of post-war architecture.
I am interested in the sociology of the architectural profession and particularly the role that the media play in it. My research is on, teaching is through, and practice is in the architectural media: I have written over 130 articles for the professional architectural press over the past 17 years and was shortlisted for the IBP's Architecture Writer of the Year in 2011 and 2012.
My PhD, 'Architectural Design 1954-1972: the contribution of the architectural magazine to the writing of architectural history', completed under Peter Blundell-Jones (Architecture) and Martin Conboy (Journalism) at Sheffield University, won the 2012 RIBA President's Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis. That year I also exhibited 'Architecture Magazines: Playgrounds and Battlegrounds' in the Padiglione Centrale of the Venice Biennale. This featured AD, AR, Casabella, and Domus magazines from the 1940s to the 1970s and an 11 x 3m wallchart showing the network of relationships of key individuals and institutions related to these London and Milanese magazines.
Thanks to a RIBA Research Trust Award, I extended this PhD research to the Post-Modern years of Andreas Papadakis's Academy, and I have since also stretched it back to AD's origin in 1930. The Paul Mellon Centre has supported me with a Research Grant and Mid-Career Fellowship, enabling me to prepare a full critical history of AD magazine from 1930 to 1992 and its relationship to architectural culture, history, and practice which will be published by Harvard Design Press in 2026.
I am also currently preparing a book on Theo Crosby with Juliana Kei and Alan Powers for Lund Humphries and writing a book on Concrete for Bloomsbury's Object Lessons series (both due 2026).
I am a former Editor-in-Chief of the RIBA's Journal of Architecture (2020-2021) and joint Editor-in-Chief of the ARENA Journal of Architectural Research (2022-2024).
In a previous career, I designed and brough to market the VR design review software Navisworks (now owned by autodesk).
My research focuses on architecture and the media. In particular, I am writing a biography of AD magazine, to be published with Harvard Design Press (2026).
I also specialise in postwar British architecture, especially Brutalism and am interested in the back-stories of how architecture is produced - in particular the life stories of architects and their personal/professional entanglements. I am currently working on a monograph of Theo Crosby (with Alan Powers and Juliana Kei) and a sole-authored history of AD magazine from 1930 to 1992.
I contribute to and sit on the committee of the SAHGB Oral History of Architectural Historians project.
Current PhD students:
- Ivan Márquez Muñoz, who is researching the work of Miguel Fisac through creative practice;
- Ray Verrall, ‘Re-Positioning the Profession: The 1958 Oxford Conference and its Impact on Architectural Education’ (second supervisor with Adam Sharr)
- Difei Shan, ‘Exhibiting China Around the World’ (second supervisor with Prof. Jianfei Zhu)
- Lingfei Kong, ‘Towards Autonomy: The Discursive Space in Jianzhu Xuebao in China (1973-1984)’ (second supervisor with Prof. Jianfei Zhu)
Completed PhDs:
- Alex Blanchard, ‘A glitch in the architect’s blue veil: writing a non-computational model of site’ (completed with minor corrections, 2023)
- Ruth Lang, 'Towards an Architecture of Ingenuity: The Schools Division of the London County Council Architect’s Department, 1943-65' (completed with no corrections, January 2019)
- Guanghui Ding, 'Constructing a place of critical architecture in China : a case study of the journal "Time Architecture"'. (Completed with minor corrections, 2013 at University of Nottingham, supervised with Jonathan Hale)
I'd be particularly interested in supervising PhD students in the following areas:
- The architectural media, both printed and digital;
- Brutalist architecture;
I teach across all stages into a variety of modules, but mostly architecture history and design and am currently leading ARC1015 (Introduction to Architecture) and ARC1018 (Architectural Representation 2).
Example design studios: 'Lost Futures' (adaptive reuse of Sunderland Civic Centre in BA stage 3), 'Early Days of a Better Nation' (on transhumanism in Rotterdam, with science fiction author Ken MacLeod)
I supervise BA and MArch dissertations, currently leading a BA group on 'Myth & Media'.
Linked Research, where MArch students work alongside research staff as associates, is unique to Newcastle and I have supervised projects on:
- International Brutalisms (students went to USA, Brazil, Germany and India to understand the characteristics of Brutalism in those countries). Raphael Selby, in particular, has continued this research into his professional practice (;
- Theo Crosby's house (students researched this house in Hammersmith and constructed 1:20 models of its iterations from its initial conversion in 1955 to its extensions in 1960, 1967 and 1987, through an understanding of the New Brutalist principles). Read about it in this paper.
- Architecture through magazines: The Civilia Project (with Koldo Lus Arana, Zaragoza University)
- Parnell S. Slow Media: architecture histories of, from, and through architecture magazines. Charrette 2023, 9(2), 7-30.
- Parnell S. Manifesto for the Planet. Architectural Review 2023, (1500), 24-31.
- Lus-Arana LM, Parnell S, Martínez-Marco G. Brutalism, Film, and Dystopia: The Many (Cinematic) Lives of John Andrews’s Scarborough College. RA. Revista de Arquitecture 2023, (25), 118-137.
- Parnell S. School of Rock. The Architectural Review 2022, (1490), 58-68.
- Lus Arana LM, Parnell S. Civilia: Utopia in the Age of Photomechanical Reproduction. Architectural (Photo)copy as (Re)invention. Ra. Revista de Arquitectura 2022, 24, 154-171.
- Parnell S. The Birth and Rebirth of a Movement: Charles Jencks's Postmodern Odyssey in AD. Architectural Design 2021, 91(1), 48-55.
- Parnell S, Sawyer M. In Search of Architectural Magazines. arq: Architecture Research Quarterly 2021, 25(1), 43-54.
- Parnell S. A Semi-Social Magazine: Love, Life, and Architectural Design. Histories of Postwar Architecture 2021, 4(7), 75-103.
- Parnell S. A Hotchpotch Series of Ad Hoc Solutions: Theo Crosby’s Hammersmith house. Architectural Histories 2021, 9(1), 16-16.
- Parnell S. Letter to a young architect (Dear Twenty-Something Steve). Architectural Review 2020, (1474), 17-18.
- Lus Arana LM, Parnell S. Learning from Civilia. Heterodoxias Críticas, Historiografía y Proyecto Urbano [Learning from Civilia: Critical Heterodoxies, Histogriography and Urban Design]. Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura 2020, (22), 36-53.
- Parnell S. Rainy nights at Strand-on-the-Green with Cheerful Friends: Rediscovering Theo Crosby's Original New Brutalist House. Architecture and Culture 2019, 7(2), 291-316.
- Parnell S. Architecture’s Expanding Field: AD Magazine and the Post-Modernisation of Architecture. ARQ: Architectural Research Quarterly 2018, 22(1), 55-68.
- Parnell S. Acroshaw: Forgotten, but not Forgiven. Architecture and Culture 2018, 6(1), 37-59.
- Parnell S. The Brutal Myth. Thresholds 2017, 45, 151-158.
- Parnell S. Post-Truth Architecture. Architectural Review 2017, 6-11.
- Parnell S. The Meanings of Concrete: Introduction. The Journal of Architecture 2015, 20(3), 371-375.
- Ding G, Hale J, Parnell S. Constructing a Place for Critical Practice in China: The history and outlook of the journal Time + Architecture. arq: Architecture Research Quarterly 2013, 17(3/4), 237-252.
- Parnell S. AR's and AD's editorial policies: the making of modern architecture in Britain. The Journal of Architecture 2012, 17(5), 763-775.
- Parnell S. Ethics and Aesthetics in Architectural Design, 1965-72. FIELD 2011, (3), 49-54.
Authored Book
- Parnell S. Concrete. London: Bloomsbury, 2025. In Press.
Book Chapters
- Parnell S. A Line in the Sand: Neom's Mediatic Placemaking. In: Woudstra, J; Ren, X, ed. The Case Study Method in Architecture and Landscape: Expanding the Legacy of Peter Blundell Jones. London: Routledge, 2026. In Preparation.
- Parnell S. Order from Disorder: a reflection on autism in architecture. In: Choi, G; Durham, H, ed. Inclusion Emergency: Diversity in architecture. London, UK: RIBA Publishing, 2024, pp.194-201.
- Parnell S. Introduction. In: Ward P, ed. Frustration. Image & Reality, 2023. In Press.
- Parnell S. Concrete: A Paradox of Value. In: Kara H; Scott P, ed. Matters of Engineering Design. Berlin: ArchiTangle, 2022, pp.137-141.
- Parnell S. Charles & Ray Eames, the proto-Brutalists. In: Ince, C, ed. World of Charles and Ray Eames. London, UK: Thames & Hudson, 2015, pp.98-103.
- Parnell S. From Behind Enemy Lines. In: Michael Abrahamson, ed. CLOG: Brutalism. New York, NY, USA, 2013, pp.22-23.
- Parnell S. The Collision of Scarcity and Expendability in Architectural Culture of the 1960s and 1970s. In: Goodbun, J; Iossifova, D; Till, J, ed. Scarcity: Architecture in an Age of Depleting Resources. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2012, pp.130-135.
- Parnell S. Architecture Magazines: Playgrounds and Battlegrounds. In: Long, K; Bose, S, ed. Common Ground Critical Reader. Venice: Marsilio, 2012, pp.305-308.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- Parnell S. AD and Post-Modern Architecture. In: The 2nd International Conference of the European Architectural History Network. 2012, Brussels: Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten.
- Parnell S. Architecture Magazines: Playgrounds and Battlegrounds. 2012. Padiglione Centrale, Venice: 13th International Architecture Exhibition, Biennale di Venezia.