Staff Profile
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Emeritus Professor of Economics of the Environment
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 7807
- Address: School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
Claremont Tower
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Roles and Responsibilities
Director: Centre for Research in Environmental Appraisal & Management
Editor: Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
BSc (Econ) (London)
PhD (Newcastle)
Research Interests
environmental economics; welfare economics; consumer demand theory and customer preferences; environmental valuation (production function, travel-cost, hedonic price, contingent valuation, and attribute based stated choice experiments to value 'public goods' and environmental externalities); cost-benefit analysis (CBA).
Other Expertise
Expertise in economic analysis of: water supply, water quality, and waste water disposal; forestry; agri-environmental schemes; public preferences in planning in relation to landfill site, quarries and opencast mines; cultural goods: public parks, museums, festivals, historic buildings, etc.
Postgraduate Teaching
Supervising PhD students
- Radmehr M, Willis K, Metcalf H. A mechanism to derive more truthful willingness to accept values for renewable energy systems. Heliyon 2018, 4(1), e00503.
- Ardeshiri A, Willis K, Ardeshiri M. Exploring preference homogeneity and heterogeneity for proximity to urban public services. Cities 2018, 81, 190-202.
- Whitby MC, Willis KG. Rural Resource Development: an Economic Approach. London: Routledge, 2018.
- Grisolia JM, Willis KG. Consumer choice of theatrical productions: a combined revealed preference-stated preference approach. Empirical Economics 2016, 50(3), 933-957.
- Willis KG, Crabtree B, Osman LM, Cathrine K. Green space and health benefits: a QALY and CEA of a mental health programme. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 2016, 5(2), 163-180.
- Willis K. Improved visibility of the night sky: an economic analysis. In: Meier, J; Hasenohrl, U; Krause, K; Pottharst M, ed. Urban Lighting, Light Pollution and Society. New York, USA: Routledge, 2015, pp.249-266.
- Willis KG. Private Sector Protection of Cultural Heritage. In: Bennett, J, ed. Protecting the Environment Privately. Singapore, Southeast Asia: World Scientific, 2015, pp.131-151.
- Radmehr M, Willis K, Kenechi UE. A framework for evaluating WTP for BIPV in residential housing design in developing countries: A case study of North Cyprus. Energy Policy 2014, 70, 207-216.
- Garrod GD, Ruto ESK, Willis KG, Powe NA. Investigating Preferences for the Local Delivery of Agri-environment Benefits. Journal of Agricultural Economics 2014, 67(1), 177-190.
- Willis KG. The Use of Stated Preference Methods to Value Cultural Heritage. In: Ginsburgh, VA; Throsby D, ed. Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, 2014, pp.145-181.
- Willis KG, Snowball JD, Wymer C, Grisolia J. A count data travel cost model of theatre demand using aggregate theatre booking data. Journal of Cultural Economics 2012, 36(2), 91-122.
- Grisolia JM, Willis KG. A latent class model of theatre demand. Journal of Cultural Economics 2012, 36(2), 113-139.
- Garrod GD, Ruto E, Willis KG, Powe NA. Heterogeneity of preferences for the benefits of Environmental Stewardship: A latent-class approach. Ecological Economics 2012, 76, 104-111.
- Willis KG, Garrod G, ed. Valuing Environment and Natural Resources. Volume 1. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012.
- Willis KG, Garrod G, ed. Valuing Environment and Natural Resources. Volume 2. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012.
- Grisolia JM, Willis KG. An evening at the theatre: using choice experiments to model preferences for theatres and theatrical productions. Applied Economics 2011, 43(27), 3987-3998.
- Grisolia JM, Willis K. Heterogeneity in willingness-to-pay for theatre productions: Individual specific willingness-to-pay estimates for theatres, shows and their attributes. Scottish Journal of Political Economy 2011, 58(3), 378-395.
- Snowball JD, Willis KG. Interview versus self-completion questionnaires in discrete choice experiments. Applied Economics Letters 2011, iFirst.
- Willis K, Scarpa R, Gilroy R, Hamza N. Renewable energy adoption in an ageing population: Heterogeneity in preferences for micro-generation technology adoption. Energy Policy 2011, 39(10), 6021-6029.
- Snowball JD, Jamal M, Willis KG. Cultural Consumption Patterns in South Africa: An Investigation of the Theory of Cultural Omnivores. Social Indicators Research 2010, 97(3), 467-483.
- Lanz B, Provins A, Bateman IJ, Scarpa R, Willis KG, Ozdemiroglu E. Investigating willingness to pay - willingness to accept asymmetry in choice experiments. In: Hess, S; and Daly, A, ed. Choice Modelling: the state-of-the-art and the state-of-practice. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, 2010, pp.517-541.
- Willis KG. Is all sustainable development sustainable? A cost-benefit analysis of some procurement policies. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 2010, 12(3), 311-331.
- Willis KG, Crabtree B. Measuring Health Benefits of Green Space in Economic Terms. In: Nilsson, K; Sangster, M; Gallis, C; Hartig, T; de Vries, S; Seeland, K; Schipperijn, J, ed. Forests, Trees and Human Health. New York: Springer, 2010, pp.375-402.
- Snowball JD, Willis KG. Building cultural capital: Transforming the South African National Arts Festival. South African Journal of Economics 2006, 74(1), 20-33.
- Powe NA, Willis KG, Garrod GD. Difficulties in valuing street light improvement: Trust, surprise and bound effects. Applied Economics 2006, 38(4), 371-381.
- Scarpa R, Willis KG. Distribution of willingness-to-pay for speed reduction with non-positive bidders: Is choice modelling consistent with contingent valuation?. Transport Reviews 2006, 26(4), 451-469.
- Snowball JD, Willis KG. Estimating the marginal utility of different sections of an arts festival: The case of visitors to the South African National Arts Festival. Leisure Studies 2006, 25(1), 43-56.
- Willis KG, Scarpa R, Acutt M. Assessing water company customer preferences and willingness to pay for service improvements: A stated choice analysis. Water Resources Research 2005, 41(2), 1-11.
- Willis KG, Powe NA, Garrod GD. Estimating the value of improved street lighting: A factor analytical discrete choice approach. Urban Studies 2005, 42(12), 2289-2303.
- Powe NA, Willis KG. Mortality and morbidity benefits of air pollution (SO2 and PM10) absorption attributable to woodland in Britain. Journal of Environmental Management 2004, 70(2), 119-128.
- Strazzera E, Scarpa R, Calia P, Garrod GD, Willis KG. Modelling zero values and protest responses in contingent valuation surveys. Applied Economics 2003, 35(2), 133-138.
- Willis KG. Pricing public parks. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 2003, 46(1), 3-17.
- Florax RJGM, Nijkamp P, Willis KG, ed. Comparative Environmental Economic Assessment. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002.
- Riganti P, Willis KG. Component and temporal value reliability in cultural goods: the case of Roman Imperial remains near Naples. In: Navrud, S, and Ready, RC, ed. Valuing Cultural Heritage: applying environmental valuation techniques to historic buildings, monuments and artifacts. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002, pp.142-158.
- Garrod GD, Scarpa R, Willis KG. Estimating the Benefits of Traffic Calming on Through Routes: A Choice Experiment Approach. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 2002, 36(2), 211-231.
- Willis KG. Iterative bid design in contingent valuation and the estimation of the revenue maximising price for a cultural good. Journal of Cultural Economics 2002, 26(4), 307-324.
- Brunsdon C, Willis KG. Meta-analysis: a Bayesian perspective. In: Florax, RJGM, Nijkamp, P, and Willis, KG, ed. Comparative Environmental Economic Assessment. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002, pp.208-234.
- Garrod GD, Willis KG. Northumbria: castles, cathedrals and towns. In: Navrud, S, and Ready, RC, ed. Valuing Cultural Heritage: applying environmental valuation techniques to historic buildings, monuments and artifacts. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002, pp.40-52.
- Willis KG. Stated preference and the estimation of environmental values. International Journal of Environmental Studies 2002, 59(6), 635-646.
- Willis KG, McMahon PL, Garrod GD, Powe NA. Water companies' service performance and environmental trade-offs. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 2002, 45(3), 363-379.
- Willis KG, Garrod GD. Energy Efficiency: economic constraints to environmental quality. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 2001, 1(3), 334-337.
- Scarpa R, Willis KG, Garrod GD. Estimating Benefits for Effective Enforcement of Speed Reduction from Dichotomous-Choice CV : The Case of Rural Trunk Roads. Environmental and Resource Economics 2001, 20(4), 281-304.
- Garrod GD, Willis KG. Estimating lost amenity due to landfill waste disposal. In: Turner, RK, Bateman, IJ, and Powell, J, ed. Waste Management and Planning. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2001.
- Garrod GD, Willis KG. Economic approaches to valuing the environmental costs and benefits of mineral and aggregate extraction. Minerals and Energy 2000, 15(4), 12-20.
- Garrod GD, Willis KG. Economic Valuation of the Environment: Methods and Case Studies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1999.
- Garrod GD, Willis KG. Economic Valuation of the Environment: Methods and Case Studies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1999.