Wahbi Albasyouni
Project Title
Developing a Framework for Risk Assessment of Construction Projects in Egypt using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
Project Description
One of the risk assessment methods that can be effective in the construction industry is Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). This study proposed the implementation of FMEA tool as a risk assessment approach for construction projects. An Excel-based FMEA tool was created to facilitate a proficient and user-friendly risk assessment. The tool efficiently supplied all the necessary data for users to conduct the analysis with minimal time consumption. The testing and evaluation of the model were split into two groups. The initial group included two construction companies with multiple participants who carried out a comprehensive risk evaluation for a predefined project. The second group comprised independent individuals employed by diverse construction firms who assessed the model and filled out an evaluation survey. The majority of construction firms in Egypt tend to depend on their experience and existing knowledge to address risks, rather than carrying out a comprehensive risk assessment. The utilization of this tool, along with the opportunity to engage multiple parties in the process, can substantially reduce the time spent on risk assessment.

Conference Papers
Albasyouni, W, Mousa, M. “Value engineering in the construction sector in Egypt” Res. J. Engineering Sci., Volume 10, Issue (1) January 2021.
Albasyouni, W, Radwan, M. “Flexural Performance of Concrete Structures Reinforced with Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP)”, Volume 3, Issue (1) June 2022.
Albasyouni, W. “Stochastic Failure Mode Effect and Critical Analysis (SFMCEA) on Repair and Retrofitting Projects”., Volume 2, Issue (2) July 2022.
Albasyouni, W, Elbassal, A. “Identifying the Causes of Delay in the Building Sector in Egypt: A Case Study of Small and Medium-Sized Companies”, Volume 3, Issue (1) April 2023
Atef, M, Albasyouni, W. “Investigating the Optimum Tilt Angle of PV Modules in Al-Sherouk City, Cairo”., June 2023.