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Yan Cheng

About Me

Forever filled with enthusiasm and curiosity for what lies ahead.

Personal Interest

A comprehensive understanding of the historical and contemporary significance of London's underground spaces. Identification of conditions necessitating the development of urban undergound spaces. Proposals for rational and sustainable use of underground areas, supported by planning regulations.

Project Title

Unveiling the Depths: a comprehensive exploration of London's subterranean architecture

Project Description

As urban development driven by capital appreciation processes intensifies, the scarcity of urban land poses a significant challenge, particularly in the context of the compact city concept. Anticipating a third Z-axis becomes imperative in urban planning. London, as the most land-scarce city in the UK, has a rich history of subterranean development spanning 150 years, plunging the chaos underground to unprecedented depths. This study endeavors to unravel the historical evolution and current state of London's underground spaces. Simultaneously, it scrutinizes the multifaceted impact of subterranean environments on society and the environment. A key focus is to discern the conditions under which urban underground spaces transform from mere conveniences to necessities. This investigation prompted further exploration into the rational utilization of subterranean areas, necessitating the formulation of a meticulous set of planning regulations to address the raised concerns of rational skepticism.


Steve Graham

Christos Kakalis


BSc in Architecture of Tianjin Chengjian University, China

MArch in Architecture of Newcastle University, UK

Chinese Class 1 Registered Architect
