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Applying for Architecture

Discover everything you need to know about applying for our Architecture course.

Writing your personal statement

Our top tips for writing your Architecture personal statement: 

  • Explain why you want to be an architect
  • Tell us about an architect you admire and why you like their work
  • Detail any relevant work experience you might have had and what you enjoyed about it
  • Use simple and clear language


You may be asked to submit a portfolio as part of your application to study Architecture at Newcastle. Here are some tips about the content and format your portfolio should take.

Content and Format

Portfolios should be sent as one single PDF file, containing no more than 6-8 pieces of artwork in total (usually 1 piece of artwork per page/slide) and of no greater size than 30mb.

The portfolio may include examples of the following:

  • Artwork
  • Evidence of architectural awareness
  • CAD work
  • Model making
  • Line drawings
  • Life drawings
  • Demonstration of colour awareness
  • Sculpture or any other artefact that demonstrates creativity

(NB: This is not a list of what you have to include, but a suggestion as to the type of work you may wish to include in your portfolio).

Please try to make your portfolio personal, varied and interesting. Try to show a range of media and styles, utilising as many from the list above as possible. Architectural awareness is important, this does not necessarily mean drawings of buildings (although that’s fine) but use of architectural imagery and a clear understanding of form is useful.

Take care when you put together your portfolio, it is better to send us a smaller portfolio of your very best work and try not to rely too heavily on only school work (for example GCSE/AS coursework).

‘6-8 pieces of artwork’ means just that – ideally each piece of artwork should be represented by 1 image. The exceptions to this are:

  • 3d (sculpture/model) – up to 3 images on one slide can be used to show the work from different angles.
  • Showing development of a work from idea to finished piece – again, up to 3 images on one slide can be used to show the progress of the work.

Do not forget the value of annotation/explanatory notes within your portfolio. There is a large difference between being presented with a series of images, and being presented with a well laid out presentation of images, with notes explaining why these particular images have been included.

In a sense, the overall design of your portfolio is as much a reflection of your artistic and design abilities as the actual artwork contained within the portfolio.

Submitting your portfolio

You should send your portfolio as a single PDF file, no larger than 30mb in size.

Step 1. Register to access the Apply to Newcastle portal
Step 2. Click on Upload Documents next to your application to the relevant degree
Step 3. Click Upload Document
Step 4. In the Document type drop down menu, choose Portfolio. Your course should automatically populate, but if you are applying to more than one degree, please choose the relevant course in the Your course (Choice) drop down menu
Step 5. Click Choose Files and attach your file
Step 6. Click Save & Close

Your portfolio will display in the Documents Uploaded section. You can view the document by clicking View. Please note the Portfolio will take 15 minutes to disappear from the Documents Required section. Your status will then change to Awaiting Decision.

Please note that we will NOT assess portfolios not sent as one single PDF file.

What happens next

If your application is successful, an offer will be sent to UCAS which will also include appropriate Academic and English Language requirements. If your application is unsatisfactory, an unsuccessful decision will be sent to UCAS.

If you have applied for entry to Stage 2 of the course, but your application does not quite meet our requirements, an offer may be made for Stage 1 only. This will be made clear in the body of any offer sent to UCAS.