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About the programme

We wanted to help tackle the enormous skills shortage in data analytics in the UK.

Tackling the skills shortage

  • 90% of decision makers in industry believe that Big Data is important to their sector.

  • Two-thirds of decision makers say that a lack of skills prevent them from extracting value from data even though they are drowning in it.

Data science is an exciting new inter-disciplinary field in which to work and do research. It is driving almost every area of science, engineering and commerce. We offer our students the opportunity to develop deep technical expertise, and then apply their knowledge to problems in application areas for which they have a passion.

One of the major problems we face is the lack of available talent in Cloud and Big Data - the 'data skills gap' is a well understood problem in the UK and internationally

Red Hat

Our programme will produce future leaders in data analytics. This requires more than technical knowledge. We also foster the skills to generate new business opportunities, through start-ups or in existing companies. The development of such skills is not common in universities. Our CDT gave us the flexibility to incorporate this as a key part of the programme.

Through our industrial partners we identify real world challenges. Our students address these challenges through industrial placements and applied academic collaboration.

We combine knowledge from Computing Science and Maths and Statistics to offer a unique student experience. We develop graduates capable of innovating across many disciplines to maximise impact.

Programme structure

Year 1

  • Statistics for Big Data
  • Programming for Big Data
  • Cloud Computing
  • Machine Learning
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Time Series Analysis

The first year will provide advanced Master's level training in cloud computing and data analytics. Training will begin with a short crash course in either Computing Science for mathematicians, or Statistics for computing scientists.

Further information on module content can be found here. 

Focused training in a cohort is designed to benefit from peer-to-peer learning. Students are able to work together and learn from their experiences.

The taught component will finish with a large group project. Students from different backgrounds will work on a practical industry-focused challenge.

Years 2-4

All students who satisfactorily complete the taught component will be transferred off the MRes programme and onto the PhD programme in June of Year 1, and are awarded a Postgraduate Diploma for completion of the taught component.

Students will carry out PhD research, guided by PhD supervisors from within the centre, and extra advisors from industry.

The CDT is co-located with researchers and state-of-the art facilities in the award-winning Urban Sciences Building.