Clinical Imaging and Medical Physics
We develop novel imaging methodologies and apply them to clinical research.
Our work
We’re developing novel imaging methodologies and applying them to clinical research. This is through our work with imaging technology and medical physics.
Our work centres on developing new approaches in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
We combine our expertise in the fundamental science of MRI with biomedical and clinical needs. Through this, we create new measurements and diagnostic tools for clinical research. Our overarching goal is to improve outcomes for patients and clinicians.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
The Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre has two research-dedicated high-field MRI scanners. Our team uses them to develop cutting-edge methodology and clinical research.
Our research is interdisciplinary, bringing together:
- physicists
- engineers
- bioscientists
- clinicians
Together, we’re working on the design, development and application of new MRI tools.
We strive to:
make quantitative measurements of metabolism, structure and function within the human body
track changes in physiological processes due to disease and in response to therapies
develop new MRI scanner software functionality and hardware components
match clinical needs with technical capabilities
create new types of measurements and tools for research
We make targeted, quantitative measurements of organ function and structure. This allows us to use MRI as a key outcome measure in clinical trials.
Our research portfolio covers a diverse range of body areas and diseases. We use targeted, quantitative measurements of organ function and/or structure. Example research areas are:
- developing accelerated MRI scan methods to make better measurements in clinical trials
- using inhaled MR-visible gases to image lung function and assess lung diseases
- measuring motor unit and muscle function to understand MND and its treatment
- understanding neuromuscular disease progression and developing new therapies
- improving treatments for bipolar disorder by imaging how lithium interacts with the brain