NuCore members
Dr Abdul Chaudhry
Senior Lecturer
- Personal Website:
- Address: Agriculture Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Dr Abdul Shakoor Chaudhry has over 30 years of working experience in the field of Nutrition and Animal Sciences at five top Universities of Newcastle, Queensland, Bristol, Cambridge and Faisalabad. He has initiated, managed and completed numerous research and training projects in collaboration with both the UK and International organisations. These projects were funded by different Biotechnology and Feed companies, National & International Governments, Charitable Trusts, Research Bodies, World (Asian) and Islamic Development Banks and Universities etc. His research has mainly focused on the role of foods in either sustaining or improving not only the welfare and performance of cattle, chickens, sheep and fish but also the quality of food they produce for human consumption. Dr Chaudhry has developed non-invasive Bio-Molecular methods to test the quality of animal foods in supplying essential nutrients to various animals at different stages of their growth and development. Dietary manipulation to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from farm animals has also been a vital area of his research. He has coordinated 2 International training programmes in Australia (1996-98) and 3 Higher Education Links here at Newcastle (2002-5 & 2007-10). Moreover, he leads British Council & HEC funded INSPIRE, TNE, DISKE and STEM projects jointly with colleagues at GCUF (2011-23). He has led and supervised the successful completion of numerous PhD and pre- or post-doctoral studies of scholars from 17 countries of most continents. He is regularly invited to co-lead international conferences, deliver invited keynotes or plenary talks or chair scientific sessions in the field of Applied Zoology and Animal or Biological or Nutritional Sciences in multiple countries. He sits on prestigious national and international committees for the advancement of teaching, research nad engagement. Recently, his research with 'spices to modify methane' has received a huge media attention. His invited interviews with CNN's Connect the World, BBC Look North, many BBC radios, New Zealand radio and many print and electronic papers are a few examples of the impact of his research. Search INTERNET for 'sheep and spices' to view 100's of news items as a reflection of the societal & sustainable relevance of his research for the UK and worldwide.
Google Scholar:
Area of Expertise
Animal Nutrition, Food Quality and The Environment (Ruminants, Poultry, Fish & Water)
Past and Present Roles and Responsibilities
Chair, Board of Studies for AFRD MSc Programmes (until 2017)
Senior Tutor, SNES MSc Taught Programmes (until 2024)
Chair, Board of Examiners AESC
Chair, Moderation Board AESC
Chair, ASSC PEC Committee
Professional Standards Advisor (UKPSF) since 2017
Academic Advisor, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (since 2022)
Personal Tutor, Undergraduate Students
Member Board of Studies & Board of Examiners for Agriculture and Animal Science Degree Programmes
Academic (T&R) member SNES EDI Committee
Postgraduate Research Selector and a Member of Postgraduate Strategy Committee
Module Leader of 3 and contributor of several UG teaching modules
Principle or Co-Investigator of numerous sponsored research projects
Lead supervisor of numerous funded PhD, Occasional PG & Postdoctoral research projects
Certified Animal Scientist (BSAS, since 2016)
Registered Animal Scientist (RSB & BSAS, until 2016)
Fellow, Cambridge Philosophical Society (UK)
Fellow, Cambridge Commonwealth Society (UK)
PhD, Animal Nutrition, University of Cambridge, UK
MSc (Hon) Poultry Nutrition & Physiology (First Class, Faisalabad)
BSc (Hon) Animal Husbandry (First Class, Faisalabad)
Previous Positions
University of Queensland (Australia)
Queensland Government (Australia)
University of Bristol (UK)
University of Cambridge (UK)
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (Pakistan)
ARBOR ACRES Poultry Breeding Ltd (70,000 Broiler Breeders) Pakistan
Fellow, Cambridge Commonwealth Society (since 1990)
Fellow & Life Member, Cambridge Philosophical Society (since 1986)
Member, British Society of Animal Science (Since 1986)
Life Member, Nutritionists Association of Pakistan (since 2003)
Member, Australian Society of Animal Production (1995-98)
Member, British Nutrition Society (1986-96)
Associate Member, Institute of Biology (1987-93)
Honours and Awards
Invited keynote speaker and Chair Plenary Session at 7th International Conference of Applied Zoology (ICAZ), 22-23 October, 2024, University of Sargodha, Pakistan.
Co-led the International Summer School on Tropical Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology at IPB, Bogor and University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, 15-26th July 2024.
Invited Speaker and Chair Plenary Session, 6th ICAZ conference at GC University Faisalabad, 18-19 December 2023.
Invited Speaker, 3rd International Conference on Research in Agricultural and Food Technologies (ICRAFT), 4-6 October 2023, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey.
Invited Speaker, 1st Int'l Symposium on "Post effects of covid-19 on activities (sport) of youth"- Role of Diet. 1st June 2022, GCUF.
Guest of Honour, Annual Dinner, Zoology Department, GCUF, 31 May 2022.
Co-PI, Resource person and invited keynote speaker, 5 days Workshop on Sustainability of Environment-Water-Energy Nexus in Circular economy, funded by British Council, 23- 28 May 2022, GCUF.
Invited Keynote and Co-organizer, 4th Applied Zoological Conference, Quid-e-Azam University, Islamabad (24-25 Nov 2021)
Invited Plenary Speaker, 2nd International Congress on Livestock Studies, Antalya, Turkey (27-31 October 2021)
Invited Keynote Speaker Award (International Fisheries & Aquaculture Conference, 2019)
Plenary Lecture Award (37th Pakistan Congress of Zoology, 2017)
Adjunct Professor, GCUF (2017-)
Dr. M. Ali Award, GCUF (2017)
International Speaker Award under BC-HEC funded project, GCUF (2016)
Registered Animal Scientist (BSAS & Royal Society of Biology, 2012)
Professor M. Faisal Award (Cairo, Egypt, 2011)
Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture Travel Award (Banff, Canada, 2010)
Invited Speaker Award at International Conference "Future Prospectus of Dairy Production in Pakistan" (2008)
Fellow of Higher Education Academy (UK, 2007-)
UQ Fellowship (Australia, 1995-98)
Jerry Hughes Memorial Scholarship Awarded by BSAS & Altech (USA, 1993)
World Congress of Animal Production Travel Fellowship (Alberta, Canada, 1993)
Fellow, Cambridge Philosophical Society, (UK, 1991)
A J Keith Fund Award (Cambridge, 1989)
ORS Award (UK, 1985-89)
Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Award (UK, 1985-89)
Allama Iqbal Trust Award (1985-89)
English, Urdu and Punjabi
Informal Interests
Current Affairs, Gardening & Exotic Foods
Research Interests
Animal nutrition, feeding systems and welfare
Reducing methane and nutrient wastage from ruminants
In vitro studies and Bio-Molecular techniques
Rumen fungi, Enzymes and Food utilisation
Water Pollution & Aquatic Life
Novel foods and anti-nutrients
Equine, Poultry and Fish Studies
Other Expertise
Computerised data manipulation & management; Science training and education in developing countries; Coordination of International projects and training programmes;
Current Work
"Garlic and Shallots to improve Silage Quality" Funded by Indonesian Government
"Herbs and Spices for Ruminants" Funded by Iraqi Government
"Probiotics for Broilers" Funded by Iraqi Government
"Using palm dates as an additive to enhance silage quality" Funded by Saudi Government
"UV light & vit. D for broilers" funded by Nigerian Govt & TETS Fund
"Ethnobotanical and Nutritional evaluation of indigenous plants for ruminants"
"Fungal use for ruminant feeds" funded by TESTS Fund & Nigerian Govt.
"Water Hygiene for Broilers" funded by Antec /DuPont
"Saffmannans for weaned lambs" Funded by Caltech & Scotmin
"Transnational Education Partnership between Newcastle & GCUF"
(TNE304: (TNE304; )
"Green & Black Tea by-products for ruminants" funded by Indonesian Govt
" Distillers dark grains with solubles & Enzymes for broilers" funded by McArthur Foundation, Kano State & Nigerian Govt.
"Coccidiosis in Poultry" funded by Libyan Government
Completed Work Since 2005
"Fish as a bio-indicator of freshwater pollution" British Council funded INSPIRE Strategic Partnership with GC University Faisalabad (INSPIRE SP174
"Nutritional enhancement of Chinese forages and crop residues" funded by China Scholarship Council (2015)
"Probiotics and Mycotoxins in Animal Feeds" funded by Iraqi Government (2014)
"BioNutritional enrichment of fibrous feeds" funded by HEC (2013)
"Microbial Supplements for Dairy Cattle" funded by Donaghy's of Newzealand (2012)
"Sheep for meat Production" funded by HEC (completed in 2011)
"Capacity building in molecular biology for fish production" British Council/HEC funded JHELP with GCUF (completed in 2010)
"Capacity building in molecular genetics" BC/HEC funded JHELP with UAF (completed in 2010)
"Spices as Novel foods for ruminants" funded by Perry Foundation, NIPS and ORS (completed in 2011)
"Sustainable methods of moulting in laying hens" funded by HEC and Yorkshire Agricultural Society (completed in 2008)
"Herbal supplements for chickens" funded by a Global Industry (completed in 2010)
"Broiler Production" funded by HEC (completed in 2009)
"Biomolecular aspects of metal toxicity in Rats" funded by IDB (completed in 2010)
"Fish Quality & Production" funded by HEC (completed in 2009)
"Nutritional evaluation of Wild Shrubs" funded by Brazilian Govt (2007-10)
"Alternative proteins for Fish production" funded by HEC (completed in 2008)
"Development of in vitro methods to characterise animal feeds"(completed in 2006)
"Feed blocks for forage fed ruminants" funded by Caltech (completed in 2006)
"Evaluation of non edible legume residues as chicken feeds" KTP funded (completed in 2009)
"Improving feed utilisation" funded by Libyan Government (completed in 2009)
Research Roles
Lead, Advise and Supervise funded research and student projects.
Postgraduate Supervision
Current PhD students
Rima Martin, "Exploring Garlic and Shallots to improve silage Quality" (2024-)
Abdullah Alarfaj, "Water Pollution and Aquatic Life around the North East Coast of Newcastle" (2022-)
Kawa Y Merkhan "Herbs and Spices for Ruminants" (2022-)
Mostafa Waleed Taha "Probiotics, Gut Health & Behaviour of poultry birds" (2022-)
Abdullah A. Alrumaih "Using dates as an additive to improve silage quality* (2019-)
Mrs. Amarachi Ogbonna "Diets and UV light as sources of vit D3 for broilers' (2019-)
PhD awards since 2005 (Newcastle University and Overseas Universities)
- Dr. Amarachi Ogbonna, PhD Award, December 2023 "Vit D3 and UV light for broilers" TETS Fundand Nigerian Government
- Dr. Mathias Ottosen, PhD Award, July 2021 " Integrative Life Cycle Assessment with Genetic Selection to reduce Environmental impacts of Pig Production" funded by ERA-Net SusPig /DEFRA
- Dr. Toluwalase Anthony Aiyelari, PhD Award, July 2020 " Rapeseed Meal as an Alternative Protein source for Zebra fish" (Nigerian Government & TETSFUND)
- Dr. Oluwaseun Janet Bolaji, PhD Award, July 2019, "Fungal Treatments to improve the Nutritional value of Tropical Forages for Ruminants" (Nigerian Government & TETSFUND)
- Dr. Nidaa, PhD Award January 2019 "Ethnobotanical Evaluation of Fodder Grasses in Central Punjab Pakistan for Ruminants" (LCWU, Lahore Pakistan).
- Dr. Fazhana Binte Ismail PhD 2019, "Oregano and Mannan Oligosaccharides for Broiler"
- Dr. Khurram Shahzad, PhD award 2018 "Metal Nano Particles & Fish" (Punjab University, Lahore)
- Dr. M Sohail, PhD award 2017, "Metal Nanoparticles for fish & mussels" funded by HEC (Punjab Uni Lahore)
- Dr Faisal Shehzad, PhD award Nov 2015 "Bio-nutritional enrichment of Forages" (Uni Vet & Animal Sci Lahore)
- Dr. Nuhu Bello Rano PhD award 2015 "Distillers grains and Enzymes for Broilers"
- Mr. A.M.A. Moftah, funded PhD "Coccidiosis in Poultry" (2010-15)
- Dr. D Ramdani, PhD Award 2014 "Green & Black tea by-products for Ruminants "
- Dr. M Wasim Sajid, PhD award 2014 "Milk Quality" (University of Agriculture, Faisalabad)
- Dr. M Abdullah Shakir, PhD award 2013 "Fresh water pollution & Fish Quality in river Ravi" (Punjab Uni, Lahore)
- Dr. H L Neto, PhD award 2013 "Brazilian Wild Shrubs"
- Dr. M M H Khan, PhD Award 2010 "Spices for ruminants"
- Dr. A F M Shirif, PhD Award 2009 "Improving forage nutritive value"
- Dr.MA Khan PhD Award 2006 "Rumen Degradation of Feeds"
- Dr. M. Kinston, PhD award 2006 "Forage Diversity for sheep"
- Dr. R Mohamed, PhD Award 2005 "In vitro methods for protein digestion"
Pre- & Post doctoral Fellows Plus Occasional PG:
Talha Zulfiqar, HEC-IRSIP funded PG "Nutritional value of commercial and self-made fish feeds" (2022)
Nidaa, funded Occasional PG "Nutritional evaluation of wild plants for ruminants" (2017)
Khurram Shahzad, funded Occasional PG "Nanoparticles for Tilapia" (2016)
M Sohail, funded Occasional PGR "Metal toxicity in Mussles" (2015)
Akeel Abd Al Mujbel, funded Occasional PGR "Probiotics to check Feed Mycotoxins" (2014)
M Wasim Sajid HEC funded "Milk Processing & Quality" (2013-14)
Dr. Sujiang Zhang, China Scholarship Commission Funded post-doc (2013-14)
F Shahzad, HEC funded 'BioNutritional enrichment of fibrous feeds' (2012)
Dr. M A Shabbir, NIFSAT funded 'Vegetable sources of fatty acids' (2012)
Dr. M Boga, Turkish Govt /ADANA Uni funded 'Forages for ruminants' (2012)
Dr B Sidhu, DIKTI funded 'Copra meal for Poultry' (2011)
Abdullah Shakir, HEC funded Pre-doc Scholar for 'Metals & Freshwater Fish' (2011)
Dr. M.I. Mustafa, HEC funded Post-doc 'Sheep for meat production' (2011)
Dr. F Jabeen, ISDB Funded Post-doc 'Using rats for metal toxicity' (2009-10)
Dr. M.R. Virk, Funded Post-doc 'Novel Tropical Feeds for ruminants' (2009-10)
Dr. M.S. Anjum, Funded Post-doc on 'Enzymes for chickens' (2008-9)
Dr. F. Jabeen, HEC funded Post-doc on 'Fish Quality & Production' (2007-8)
Dr. S. Sultana, HEC funded Post-doc on 'Fish Nutrition' (2007-8)
Dr. M Yousaf, HEC funded Post-doc on 'Moulting in Poultry' (2006-7)
Dr. M Rezaeian, funded fellowhip from Iran on Rumen Function (2004-5)
Mr. Thomas Pecqueur, ENSA (France) funded research in Animal Nutrition techniques
Esteem Indicators
- Invited Speaker, 1st Int'l Symposium on "Post effects of covid-19 on activities (sport) of youth"- Role of Diet. 1st June 2022, GCUF.
- Keynote address "Changing profiles of Sustainable Fish Production" 4th ICAZ Conference, Quid e Azam University, Islamabad, 24-25 Nov 2021 (Virtual)
- CoI, Resource person and invited keynote speaker, 5 days Workshop on Sustainability of Environment-Water-Energy Nexus in Circular economy, funded by British Council, 23- 28 May 2022, GCUF.
- Guest of Honour, Annual Dinner, Zoology Department, GCUF, 31 May 2022.
Plenary Speaker "Sustainable Livestock Production and Food Security" International Livestock Studies Congress, Antalys, 27-31 October, 2021. Turkish Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry, Ankara.
Keynote Address "Herbs and Plants for Food & Health" Multidisciplinary Conference, Okara University, 10 December 2020 (Virtual- Zoom)
Co-organised 3rd Int'l Conference on Applied Zoology, Quid-e-Azam University Islamabad 7th December 2020.(Virtual- Zoom).
Keynote Speaker "Sustainable Animal Production and Food Security" Int'l Conference on Research and Post-Pandemic Impacts, Virtual University Pakistan, 7th October 2020 (Online
Keynote Speaker "Diets to Modify Methane in Ruminants" Int'l Congress on Domestic Animal Breeding, Genetics and Husbandry (ICABGEH) IZMIR, Turkey (Virtual- zoom, August 2020)
Invited Speaker, Sustainable Livestock Production and Developing Countries Perspective" UKRI-UPSIGN invited Workshop, Marriott Hotel, Islamabad. 9-13 March 2020.
Keynote Speaker "Dietary means to manipulate Methane Emission from Ruminants" 2nd In'l Conference Applied Zoology (ICAZ 2019), 20-22 December 2019. GCUF.
Plenary Address "Food & Nutrition for Health and Sport" 1st Int'l conference on Physical Activity, Sports and Recreation (ICPASR), Allama Iqbal Auditorium, GCUF.17-18 Dec 2019, .
Keynote Address "Novel Additives to Replace Antibiotics for Sustainable Animal Production" 1st Int'l Livestock Conference, Antalya, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Turkey 30Oct-2 Nov 2019.
Keynote Speaker "Dietary Manipulation of Methane Production from Ruminants" 5th Int'l Agricultural Congress, Istanbul, 20-25 August 2019.
Keynote Address "Sustainable Fish Production and Challenges" International Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference and Expo (IFACE2019), Flatties Hotel, Lahore, January 2019.
Plenary Address "Sustainable Poultry Production" at 1st Int'l Conference on Applied Zoology (ICAZ 2018) Faisalabad
Two part-sponsored Posters "International Connections for sustainable Education" Going Global Conference Kuala Lumper Malaysia 2-4 May 18.
Chaired Oral presentation session "Monogastrics-Innovation, Raw Materials & Enzymes II' BSAS conference Dublin, Ireland 9 April 2018
Chaired Digital Poster Session on "Multiple Animal Science Topics" at BSAS Conference Dublin, Ireland 10 April 2018
Plenary talk "Challenges & Opportunities in Animal Feed Industry" Int'l Seminar GCUF 20 Dec 2017
Invited Presenter at Going Global 2017 conference at Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London (22-24 May 2017)
Chaired BSAS-Academia Association Breakfast at BSAS/WPSA conference at Chester on 26-27 April 2017
Plenary Speaker at 37th Pakistan Zoology Congress (28 Feb -2 March 2017)
Invited seminar and multiple visits plus convocation at GCUF (12-24 December 2016)
Invited series of seminars, visits and consultations at Tarim University and Xinjiang Province of China (September 2016)
Chaired "Rumen Function In vitro" session BSAS/WPSA/AHDB at University of Chester on 6-7 April 2016
Invited Seminars, Workshops and Round Table discussions at GC University Faisalabad, Punjab Fisheries Department, Government Boys and Girls Colleges in Issa Khel, Chashma and Mianwali in 12-27 December 2015
Invited participation at the Animal Health and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Network in Reading in June 2015
Invited attendance at the 'Feed' Workshop at Reading University in June 2015
Invited round table discussion via skype at the BC funded knowledge sharing session at GCU Lahore in May 2015
Chaired "Rumen Fermentation In vitro " session at BSAS /AVTWR conference at Chester on 14-15 April 2015
Invited address at International seminar on "The role of Allied health professionals" at GCUF on 16 Oct 2014
Invited panel for the "sustainable ruminant protein feeds" at University of Edinburgh in May 2014
Invited stakeholder for the BC funded South Asia Education Dialogue at Avari Lahore 6-9 May 14
Chaired "Ruminant Science" session at BSAS /AVTWR conference in Nottingham, 28-30 April 14
Invited panel for the BC funded "INSPIRE Project Managers Forum' in Leicester University, 27-28 Feb 2014
Chaired the 'Animal Science Issues' session at BSAS & AVTWR in April 2013
Invited paper at Going Global 2013 in UAE in March 2013
Chaired a session on 'Food Processing & Preservation' at Int'l Nutrition Conference, GCUF in Dec 2012
- Invited address on 'Global Fish Industry' at GCUF conference in July 2012
- Chaired 'Poultry Nutrition and Production' session at BSAS Nottingham in April 2012
- Inaugural address for the INSPIRE project at GCUF in November 2011
- Elected Council & Programme Committee Member, British Society of Animal Science (since April 2011)
- Chaired a Feed Science Forum session at the NEC dairy event on 6th August 2011
- Joint Partner, for BC funded Knowledge Exchange partnership, SPEKE, with GCUF (2012-14)
- Lead Partner for the BC funded Strategic partnership for Research & Education (2011-14)
- Dr Chaudhry's research 'spices to reduce methane' has been broadcasted by CNN's Becky Anderson, BBC Look North, BBC radio 4, BBC 5 Live, BBC radio Gloucestershire, New Zealand radio and most major print & electronic papers of the UK with millions of potentials viewers, listeners and readers worldwide. Search INTERNET for 'sheep & spices' to read 100's of news items with 1000's of hits.
- Invited paper at Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture, Canada in October 2010
- Invited to Jointly conduct the BC/HEC funded JHELP workshop at GCUF on 8-19 Jan 2010
- Guest of Honour & Co-Chair, Dairy Nutrition session for International Dairy Conference at Faisalabad on 3-4 November 2008
- Co-organised Second workshop on "Genetic Resources and Molecular Techniques in Animal Production' at UAF in October 2008
- Invited review & facilitation of Second workshop on 'Molecular techniques to assess fish meat quality' at GC University Faisalabad in August 2008.
- Invited plenary speaker at 45 Annual meeting of Brazilian Society of Animal Science in LAVRAS, BRAZIL (2008)
- Delivered an Inaugural Speech & a series of Technical Lectures at the First workshop on "Techniques for Molecular Genetics animal Production' at UAF in March 2008
- Inaugural address at the First BC/HEC funded Workshop on " Techniques to estimate the quality of Animal Foods by using Bio-molecular methods" at the GCUF, Pakistan on 6 August 2007.
- Organised a Workshop "Techniques to estimate the quality of Animal Foods by using Bio-molecular methods" at the GCUF Pakistan on 6-8 August 2007.
- Invited review of the BC/HEC funded JHELP project on "Capacity building of the GCUF staff in the field of molecular biology to enhance fish production" from 1-15 August 2007.
- UK Link Coordinator 1, BC & HEC funded Joint Higher Education Link Programme (JHELP) with GC University Faisalabad (2006-9)
- UK Link Coordinator 2, BC/HEC funded JHELP with UAF (2007-9)
- Consultant /Coordinator DFID/BC funded Higher Education Link (2002-5)
- Keynote address at the BC/DFID funded workshop on 'Impact assessment of field studies' at Faisalabad, Pakistan (20th March 2004)
External PhD and Internal MSc or UG Examiner
Examined numerous UK and International PhD, Masters and UG students as an Internal and External examiner
Editorial Roles
Ruminants (Since 2021)
Animals (sine 2019)
Journal of Molecular Bio-markers & Diagnostics (since 2010)
The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences (since 2003)
Journal of Agricultural Science & Technology (since 2006)
Peer Review for Scientific Journals and Funding Bodies
Animal Feed Science & Technology
Animal Production Science
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Journal of Agricultural Science
Journal of Animal Science
Journal of Dairy Science
Journal of the Science of Food & Agriculture
Livestock Research for Rural Development
Pakistan Journal of Zoology
Sarhad Journal of Agriculture
Toxicology and Industrial Health
Reviewer DEFRA funded research 'Sustainable Livestock Farming' (since 2008)
Invited Reviewer, Grant Applications for NC3RS (since 2004)
Member Review Panel for BBSRC grant applications(since 2006)
Member, Review Panel Romanian Funding Council (since December 2011)
Feed Industry, Yorkshire Agricultural Society, Islamic Development Bank, Pakistan Higher Education Commission, KTP, Perry Foundation, British Council, International Governments (e.g. Chinese, French, Libyan, Brazilian, Bangladeshi, Nigerian, Indonesian, Iraqi, Irani, Malaysian & Turkish Governments), Newcastle University, Dairy Research & Development Corporation of Australia
Industrial Relevance
Most of Dr Chaudhry's research is related to the Animal & Feed industry and methane as one of the Green House Gases. The research is relevant to Livestock Production with a focus on Society & Sustainable Environment.
Undergraduate Teaching (current)
NES1003 (Animal Health, Module Leader))
NES2004 (Animal Feed Science and Technology, Module Leader)
NES3010 (applied Animal Nutrition, Module Leader)
NES1200 (Academic and Professional Skills, Contributor)
NES2200 (Dissertation Preparation, Contributor)
NES2008 Sustainable Animal Production Systems, Contributor)
NES3108 (Dissertation, Contributor)
Past UG Teaching
ACE1021 Animal Health (ML)
ACE1042 Animal Health (Module Leader)
ACE1044 Introduction to Animal Physiology
ACE2028 Animal Feed Science and Technology (Module Leader)
ACE2030 Data Analysis & Interpretation (Module Leader)
ACE2033 Equine Studies (Module Leader)
ACE2035 Companion Animals
ACE2043 Non Ruminant Livestock (Fish Production)
ACE2064 Sustainable Livestock Systems (Poultry Production)
ACE3204 Applied Animal Nutrition (Module Leader)
ACE3096/3097 Animal Science Research Project
ACE2098 Animal Production Science Dissertation
- Martin RSH, Chaudhry AS. The effects of garlic as a feed additive on ruminal fermentability and ruminant performance: A meta-analysis. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 2024, 18, 101531.
- Jabeen S, Arshad F, Harun N, Waheed M, Alamri S, Haq SM, Vitasovic-Kosic I, Fatima K, Chaudhry AS, Bussmann RW. Folk Knowledge and Perceptions about the Use of Wild Fruits and Vegetables–Cross-Cultural Knowledge in the Pipli Pahar Reserved Forest of Okara, Pakistan. Plants 2024, 13(6), 832.
- Zhang S, Wang J, Lu S, Chaudhry AS, Tarla D, Khanaki H, Raja IH, Shan A. Effects of Sweet and Forge Sorghum Silages Compared to Maize Silage without Additional Grain Supplement on Lactation Performance and Digestibility of Lactating Dairy Cows. Animals 2024, 14(11), 1702.
- Ogbonna AC, Mabelebele M, Asher L, Chaudhry A. Does sex influence the impact of dietary vitD3 and UVB light on performance parameters and welfare indicators of broilers?. Open Agriculture 2024, 9(1), 20220363.
- Fatima H, Jabeen F, Raza T, Raza MH, Zafar S, Chaudhry ASh. Copper nanoparticles induced oxidative stress and tissue integrity in gills and brain of Cyprinus carpio. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Environmental Studies 2024, 4(2), 53-68.
- Chen F, Wang J, Zhang S, Chaudhry AS, Khanaki H. Assessing Fermentation Quality, Aerobic Stability, In Vitro Digestibility, and Rumen Degradation Characteristics of Silages Mixed with Sweet Sorghum and Aerial Parts of Licorice. Agriculture 2024, 14(2), 212.
- Ramdani D, Yuniarti E, Jayanegara A, Chaudhry AS. Roles of Essential Oils, Polyphenols, and Saponins of Medicinal Plants as Natural Additives and Anthelmintics in Ruminant Diets: A Systematic Review. Animals 2023, 13, 767.
- Zulfiqar T, Sarwar MS, Chaudhry AS, Hafeez-Ur-Rehman M, El Basuini MF, Khalil HS. Effects of Different Aquafeed Sources on Growth Performance, Oxidative Capacity, and Fatty Acid Profile of Three Carps Reared in the Semi-Intensive Composite Culture System. Aquaculture Nutrition 2023, 2023, 3436607.
- Ogbonna AC, Chaudhry AS, Asher L. Effect of dietary vitamin D3 and ultraviolet-B light on the behaviour and growth of broilers challenged with social isolation stress. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2023, 268, 106083.
- Alrumaih A, Chaudhry AS, Standen J. The effect of adding palm dates during ensiling on the nutrient features and fermentation of ryegrass and brassica based silages. Animal-Science Proceedings 2022, 13(1), 117-117.
- Shahzad K, Khan MN, Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS, Khan MKA, Ara C, Khan MS. Study of Some Toxicological Aspects of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Through Oxidative Stress, Genotoxicity, and Histopathology in Tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus. BioNanoScience 2022, 12, 1116-1124.
- Wang J, Cheng L, Chaudhry AS, Khanaki H, Abbasi IHR, Ma Y, Abbasi F, Guo X, Zhang S. Silage Mixtures of Alfalfa with Sweet Sorghum Alter Blood and Rumen Physiological Status and Rumen Microbiota of Karakul Lambs. Animals 2022, 12(19), 2591.
- Ogbonna A, Chaudhry AS, Asher L. Effect of dietary vitamin D3 and UVB light on growth performance and corticosterone levels in broiler chickens challenged with stress. Animal - Science Proceedings 2022, 13(1), 21-22.
- Ogbonna AC, Chaudhry AS, Asher L. Effect of Dietary Vitamin D3 and Ultraviolet B Light on Growth Performance, Blood Serum Parameters, Gut Histology, and Welfare Indicators of Broilers. Frontiers in Animal Science 2022, 2, 806967.
- Ogbonna A, Chaudhry AS, Asher L. Does dietary vitamin D3 or UVB wavelength improve the welfare indicators of broiler chickens challenged with social isolation stress?. Animal- Science Proceedings 2022, 13(1), 102-103.
- Harun N, Chaudhry AS, Shaheen S, Ahmad M, Sahan Z, Bashir H. Connecting nutritional facts with the traditional ranking of ethnobotanically used fodder grasses by local farmers in Central Punjab of Pakistan. Scientific Reports 2022, 12(1), 12999.
- Idowu OJ, Chaudhry AS, Tanimowo RO, Adelusi OO, Ojo VOA, Akinyemi SB, Agboola FO, Ogunsiji RT. Blood Profile of West African Dwarf Growing Bucks Fed Fungal Treated Megathyrsus Maximus and Brachiaria Decumbens Based Diets. Research Square 2022. In Press.
- Ramdani D, Jayanegara A, Chaudhry AS. Biochemical Properties of Black and Green Teas and Their Insoluble Residues as Natural Dietary Additives to Optimize In Vitro Rumen Degradability and Fermentation but Reduce Methane in Sheep. Animals 2022, 12(3), 305.
- Wang J, Yang BY, Zhang SJ, Amar A, Chaudhry AS, Cheng L, Abbasi IHR, Al-Mamun M, Guo XF, Shan AS. Using mixed silages of sweet sorghum and alfalfa in total mixed rations to improve growth performance, nutrient digestibility, carcass traits and meat quality of sheep. Animal 2021, 15(7), 100246.
- Iqbal S, Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS, Shah MJ, Batiha GES. Toxicity assessment of nickel nanoparticles in different biological systems: an interplay of reactive oxygen species, oxidative stress and apoptosis. Toxicology and Industrial Health 2021, 37(10), 635-651.
- Noureen A, Jabeen F, Tabish TA, Ali M, Iqbal R, Yaqub S, Chaudhry AS. Histopathological changes and antioxidant responses in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) exposed to copper nanoparticles. Drug and Chemical Toxicology 2021, 44(4), 372-379.
- Khan MMH, Chaudhry AS. Comparing Rumen Fluid to Buffer Ratios to Estimate in vitro Degradability, Fermentation, and Methane Profiles of Seven Forages at Two Incubation Times. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 2021, 11(3), 431-441.
- Iqbal S, Jabeen F, Peng C, Ijaz MU, Chaudhry AS. Cinnamomum cassia ameliorates Ni-NPs-induced liver and kidney damage in male Sprague Dawley rats. Human and Experimental Toxicology 2020, 39(11), 1565-1581.
- Rano NB, Chaudhry AS. Nutritional evaluation of wheat distillers dried grain based diets supplemented with avizyme for broiler chickens. Dutse Journal of Agriculture and Food Security 2019, 6, 156-165.
- Shakeel M, Jabeen F, Iqbal R, Chaudhry AS, Zafar S, Ali M, Khan MS, Khalid A, Shabbir S, Asghar MS. Retracted article: Assessment of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles (TiO2-NPs) Induced Hepatotoxicity and Ameliorative Effects of Cinnamomum cassia in Sprague-Dawley Rats. Biological Trace Element Research 2018, 182(1), 57-69.
- Noureen A, Jabeen F, Tabish TA, Yaqub S, Ali M, Chaudhry AS. Assessment of copper nanoparticles (Cu-NPs) and copper (II) oxide (CuO) induced hemato- and hepatotoxicity in Cyprinus carpio. Nanotechnology 2018, 29, 144003.
- Asghar MS, Qureshi NA, Jabeen F, Khan MS, Shakeel M, Chaudhry AS. Ameliorative Effects of Selenium in ZnO NP-Induced Oxidative Stress and Hematological Alterations in Catla catla. Biological Trace Element Research 2018, 186(1), 279-287.
- Sohail M, Khan MN, Qureshi NA, Chaudhry AS. Monitoring DNA Damage in Gills of Freshwater Mussels (Anodonta anatina) Exposed to Heavy Metals. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 2017, 49(1), 321-328.
- Harun N, Chaudhry AS, Shaheen S, Ullah K, Khan F. Ethnobotanical studies of fodder grass resources for ruminant animals, based on the traditional knowledge of indigenous communities in Central Punjab Pakistan. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2017, 13, 56.
- Shahzad F, Abdullah M, Chaudhry AS, Hashmi AS, Bhatti JA, Jabbar MA, Ali HM, Rehman TU, Ali F, Sattar MMS, Ahmed F, Irshad I. Addition of molasses, corn steep liquor, and rice polish as economical sources to enhance the fungal biomass production of wheat straw by Arachniotus sp. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 2017, 41(3), 332-336.
- Sajid MW, Shamoon M, Randhawa MA, Asim M, Chaudhry AS. The impact of seasonal variation on organochlorine pesticide residues in buffalo and cow milk of selected dairy farms from Faisalabad region. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2016, 188(10), 589.
- Sohail M, Khan MN, Chaudhry AS, Shahzad K. Proximate composition and elemental analysis in soft tissues of freshwater mussels (Adnodonta anatine) from the Chashma Lake, River Indus Pakistan. Frontiers in Biology 2016, 11(4), 331-337.
- Randhawa MA, Abid QUZ, Anjum FM, Chaudhary AS, Sajid MW, Khalil AA. Organo-Chlorine Pesticide Residues in Okra and Brinjal Collected from Peri-Urban Areas of Big Cities of Punjab-Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2016, 53(2), 425-430.
- Shahzad F, Abdulah M, Chaudhry AS, Javed K, Bhatti JA, Jabbar MA, Kamran Z, Ahmed F, Ahmed S, Ali A, Irshad I, Ahmad N. Optimization of Solid State Fermentation Conditions Using Arachniotusspecies for Production of Fungal Treated Wheat Straw. Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences 2016, 26(2), 309-314.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Nutritional composition of seven commercially important freshwater fish species and the use of cluster analysis as a tool for their classification. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 2016, 26(1), 282-290.
- Khan MMH, Chaudhry AS. Influence of different types and amounts of spices on their in vitro degradability, fermentation, gas and methane production. Journal of the Sylhet Agricultural University 2016, 3(1), 129-138.
- Shahzad F, Abdullah M, Chaudhry AS, Bhatti JA, Jabbar MA, Ahmed F, Mehmood T, Asim M, Ahmed S, Kamran Z, Irshad I, Tahir MN. Effects of Varying Levels of Fungal (Arachniotus sp.) Treated Wheat Straw as an Ingredient of Total Mixed Ration on Growth Performance and Nutrient Digestibility in Nili Ravi Buffalo Calves. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2016, 29(3), 359-364.
- Zhang SJ, Chaudhry AS, Ramdani D, Osman A, Guo XF, Edwards GR, Cheng L. Chemical composition and in vitro fermentation characteristics of high sugar forage sorghum as an alternative to forage maize for silage making in Tarim Basin, China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2016, 15(1), 175-182.
- Riaz M, Chaudhry AS. Chemical characterisation of shrubs browses from salt affected soils and Pothohar areas in Pakistan for their nutritional and anti-nutritional compounds. Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2016, 5(11), 399-404.
- Sohail M, Khan MN, Chaudhry AS, Qureshi NA. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals and analysis of mineral element alongside proximate composition in foot, gills and mantle of freshwater mussels (Anodonta anatina). Rendiconti Lincei 2016, 27(4), 687-696.
- Shakir HA, Qazi JI, Chaudhry AS, Ali S. Metal bioaccumulation levels in different organs of three edible fish species from the river Ravi, Pakistan. International Journal of Aquatic Biology 2015, 3(3), 135-148.
- Nasir M, Jabeen F, Hussain SM, Shaheen T, Samiullah K, Chaudhry AS. Impact of Consanguinity, Environment, Socio-Economic and Other Risk Factors on Epidemiology of Leukemia. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 2015, 47(4), 1117-1124.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS, Manzoor S, Shaheen T. Examining pyrethroids, carbamates and neonicotenoids in fish, water and sediments from the Indus River for potential health risks. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2015, 187(2), 29.
- Jabeen F, Noureen A, Hussain SM, Chaudhry AS, Irfan M, Shakeel M, Shabbir S, Yaqub S, Ahmad S, Shaheen T. Chemical and mineral composition of Cyprinus carpio, Labeo rohita and Wallago attu inhabiting river indus in Mianwali district. International Journal of Biosciences 2015, 6(5), 332-342.
- Zhang SJ, Chaudhry AS, Osman A, Shi CQ, Edwards GR, Dewhurst RJ, Cheng L. Associative effects of ensiling mixtures of sweet sorghum and alfalfa on nutritive value, fermentation and methane characteristics. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2015, 206, 29-38.
- Shakir HA, Qazi JI, Chaudhry AS. Assessing Human Health Risk of Metal Accumulations in a wild carp fish from Selected Sites of a River Loaded with Municipal and Industrial Wastes. International Journal of Environmental Research 2015, 9(2), 545-552.
- Shakir HA, Qazi JI, Chaudhry AS, Ali S. Metal accumulation patterns in livers of major carps from anthropogenically affected segment of the river Ravi, Pakistan. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences 2014, 1(6), 261-268.
- Shakir HA, Qazi JI, Chaudhry AS. Examining muscles of Cirrhinus mrigala for biochemical parameters as a bio-indicator of water pollution by municipal and industrial effluents into River Ravi, Pakistan. International Aquatic Research 2014, 6(4), 221-228.
- Kumar S, Garg R, Moftah A, Clark EL, Macdonald SE, Chaudhry AS, Sparagano OAE, Banerjee PS, Kundu K, Tomley FM, Blake DP. An optimised protocol for molecular identification of Eimeria from chickens. Veterinary Parasitology 2014, 199(1-2), 24-31.
- Shakir HA, Qazi JI, Chaudhry AS. Monitoring the impact of urban effluents on mineral contents of water and sediments of four sites of the river Ravi, Lahore. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2013, 185(12), 9705-9715.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Metal Uptake and Histological Changes in Gills and Liver of Oreochromis mossambicus Inhabiting Indus River. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 2013, 45(1), 9-18.
- Shakir A, Chaudhry AS, Qazi JI. Impact of anthropogenic activities on physico-chemical parameters of water and mineral uptake in Catla catla from river Ravi, Pakistan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2013, 185(3), 2833-2842.
- Ramdani D, Chaudhry AS, Seal CJ. Chemical Composition, Plant Secondary Metabolites, and Minerals of Green and Black Teas and the Effect of Different Tea-to-Water Ratios during Their Extraction on the Composition of Their Spent Leaves as Potential Additives for Ruminants. Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2013, 61(20), 4961-4967.
- Mahboob S, Farooq M, Mahmood S, Nasir N, Sultana S, Chaudhry AS, Al-Akel AS, Al-Balawi HFA, Al-Misned F, Al-Ghanim KA. Phylogenetic Relationship of Cultured and Wild Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala Based on Muscles Proteins Profile in Different Weight Groups: A New Tool in Phylogenetic Analysis. International Journal of Food Properties 2012, 15(5), 949-960.
- Chaudhry AS, Khan MMH. Impacts of different spices on in vitro rumen dry matter disappearance, fermentation and methane of wheat or ryegrass hay based substrates. Livestock Science 2012, 146(1), 84-90.
- Shakir A, Chaudhry AS, Qazi JI. Impact of anthropogenic activities on physico-chemical parameters of water and mineral uptake in Catla catla from river Ravi, Pakistan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2012, 185(3), 2833-2842.
- Chaudhry AS, Mohamed RAI. Fresh or frozen rumen contents from slaughtered cattle to estimate in vitro degradation of two contrasting feeds. Czech Journal of Animal Science 2012, 57(6), 265-273.
- Chaudhry AS, Mohamed RAI. Using fistulated sheep to compare in sacco and in vitro rumen degradation of selected feeds. Animal Production Science 2011, 51(11), 1015-1024.
- Vakily H, Khadem AA, Rezaeian M, Afzalzadeh A, Chaudhry AS. The impact of a bacterial inoculants on chemical composition, aerobic stability and in sacco degradability of corn silage and the subsequent performance of dairy cows. International Journal of Veterinary Research 2011, 5(1), 21-29.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry A. Retracted article: Effects of Cadmium Chloride and Sodium Selenite Alone or in Combination on the Liver of Male Sprague–Dawley Rats Assessed by Different Assays. Biological Trace Element Research 2011, 143(2), 1077-1090.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Histopathological and metal profiles of gills and liver of Oreochromis mossambicus as an indicator of freshwater pollution. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries 2011, 15(3), 131-137.
- Chaudhry AS, Jabeen F. Examining the mineral profile in different tissues of Cyprinus carpio from upstream and downstream locations of the Indus river. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries 2011, 15(3), 123-129.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Effects of Sodium Selenite in Cadmium Chloride induced Hepatoxicity in Male Sprague-Dawley Rats. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 2011, 43(5), 957-965.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Chemical compositions and fatty acid profiles of three freshwater fish species. Food Chemistry 2011, 125(3), 991-996.
- Chaudhry AS, Jabeen F. Assessing metal, protein, and DNA profiles in Labeo rohita from the Indus River in Mianwali, Pakistan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2011, 174(1-4), 665-679.
- Khan MMH, Chaudhry AS. A comparative study of low and high quality forages for chemical composition and in vitro degradability. Pakistan Journal of Animal and Plant Science 2011, 21(4), 715-723.
- Anjum MS, Chaudhry AS. Using Enzymes and Organic Acids in Broiler Diets. Journal of Poultry Science 2010, 47(2), 97-105.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Environmental impacts of anthropogenic activities on the mineral uptake in Oreochromis mossambicus from Indus River in Pakistan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2010, 166(1-4), 641-651.
- Khan MMH, Chaudhry AS. Chemical Composition of Selected Forages and Spices and the Effect of These Spices on in vitro Rumen Degradability of Some Forages. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2010, 23(7), 889-900.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Monitoring trace metals in different tissues of Cyprinus carpio from the Indus River in Pakistan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2009, 170(1-4), 645-656.
- Mahboob S, Hussain B, Iqbal Z, Chaudhry AS. Estimation of volatile constituents in the fish flesh from wild and farmed Cirrhina mrigala and Cyprinus carpio. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica 2009, 33(3), 484-491.
- Simmons NL, Chaudhry AS, Graham C, Scriven ES, Thistlethwaite A, Smith CP, Stewart GS. Dietary regulation of ruminal bovine UT-B urea transporter expression and localization. Journal of Animal Science 2009, 87(10), 3288-3299.
- Mahboob S, Ghazala M, Sultana S, Asi MR, Nadeem S, Chaudhry AS. Determination of organochlorine and nitrogen containing pesticide residues in water, sediments, and fish samples by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. Agricultural Science and Technology 2009, 10(5), 9-12.
- Chaudhry AS. Slaughtered cattle as source of rumen fluid to evaluate supplements for in vitro degradation of grass nuts and barley Straw. The Open Veterinary Science Journal 2008, 2, 16-22.
- Anjum MS, Chaudhry AS. Preventing summer heat stress. World Poultry 2008, 24(7), 24-27.
- Yousaf M, Chaudhry AS. History, changing scenarios and future strategies to induce moulting in laying hens. World's Poultry Science Journal 2008, 64(1), 65-75.
- Chaudhry AS. Forage based animal production systems and sustainability: an invited paper. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 2008, 37, 78-84.
- Chaudhry AS. Forage based animal production systems and sustainability: an invited paper. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 2008, 37, 78-84.
- Chaudhry AS. Changing scenarios of dairy production. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2008, 45(2), 307-314.
- Yousaf M, Chaudhry AS. Winter is a challenging task for poultry farmers. World Poultry 2007, 23(1), 36-37.
- Yousaf M, Naseem MZ, Ahmad T, Nadeem MA, Chaudhry AS. Influence of various rapeseed meal levels on the production characteristics of broilers. British Poultry Abstracts 2007, 3(1), 51-52.
- Chaudhry AS. Enzymic and in sacco methods to estimate rumen degradation of food protein in cattle. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2007, 87(14), 2617-2624.
- Chaudhry AS. Fungal colonisation of alkali treated wheat straw in the rumen of sheep. Reproduction, Nutrition, Development 2006, 46(supplement 1), S89-S90.
- Rezaeian M, Beakes GW, Chaudhry AS. Effect of feeding chopped and pelleted lucerne on rumen fungal mass, fermentation profiles and in sacco degradation of barley straw in sheep. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2006, 128(3-4), 292-306.
- Rezaeian M, Beakes GW, Chaudhry AS. Relative fibrolytic activities of anaerobic rumen fungi on untreated and sodium hydroxide treated barley straw in in vitro culture. Anaerobe 2005, 11(3), 163-175.
- Chaudhry AS. Comparing two commercial enzymes to estimate in vitro proteolysis of purified or semi-purified proteins. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 2005, 89(11-12), 403-412.
- Chaudhry AS, Cowan RT, Granzin BC, Klieve AV. The nutritive value of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) when treated with CaO, NaOH or a microbial inoculant and offered to dairy heifers as big-bale silage. Animal Science 2001, 73(2), 329-340.
- Chaudhry AS, Cowan RT, Granzin BC, Klieve AV. The Nutritive value of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) treated with CaO, NaOH and a microbial inoculant and fed as a big bale silage to dairy heifers. Animal Science 2001, 73(2), 329-340.
- Chaudhry AS, Webster AJF. Nutrient composition and the use of solubility to estimate rumen degradability of food proteins in cattle. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2001, 81(11), 1077-1086.
- Chaudhry AS, Webster AJF. Electrophoresis to determine the molecular weight distribution in soluble proteins from various foods and their rumen-resistant residues in cattle. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2001, 81(11), 1087-1093.
- Chaudhry AS. Rumen degradation in sacco in sheep of wheat straw treated with calcium oxide, sodium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide plus hydrogen peroxide. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2000, 83(3-4), 313-323.
- Chaudhry AS. Microscopic studies of structure and ruminal fungal colonization in sheep of wheat straw treated with different alkalis. Anaerobe 2000, 6(3), 155-161.
- Takahashi J, Chaudhry AS, Beneke RG, Young BA. An open circuit hood system for gaseous exchange measurements in small ruminants. Small Ruminant Research 1999, 32(1), 31-36.
- Granzin, B.C., Dryden, G.M. and CHAUDHRY, A.S. The use of various combinations of urea and water treatment to improve the nutrient content and in sacco disappearance of Rhodes grass hay (Chloris gayana cv Callide). Animal Production in Australia 1998, 22, 385.
- Granzin, B.C., Dryden, G.M. and CHAUDHRY, A.S. The effects of alkalis and oxidants on the nutritive value and in sacco disappearance of Rhodes grass hay (Chloris gayana cv Callide). Animal Production in Australia 1998, 22, 386.
- CHAUDHRY, A.S. Nutrient digestion and rumen fermentation in sheep of wheat straw treated with calcium oxide, sodium hydroxide and alkaline hydrogen peroxide. Animal Feed Science and Technology 1998, 74(4), 315-328.
- Suhubdy, Young, B.A., CHAUDHRY, A.S. and Goodwin, P.J. Intake by sheep of sugarcane bagasse supplemented with different amounts of cottonseed meal. Animal Production in Australia 1998, 22, 343.
- Suhubdy, Young, B.A., CHAUDHRY, A.S. and Goodwin, P.J. Intake by sheep of sugarcane bagasse supplemented with cottonseed meal and sucrose or a protected fat. Animal Production in Australia 1998, 22, 344.
- CHAUDHRY, A.S. In vitro and in sacco digestibility of wheat straw treated with calcium oxide and sodium hydroxide alone or with hydrogen peroxide. Animal Feed Science and Technology 1998, 74(4), 301-313.
- CHAUDHRY, A.S. Estimation of in vitro digestibility of barley straw by using homogenized rumen fluid and artificial saliva mixed with nitrogen and energy sources. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science 1998, 11(1), 13-16.
- CHAUDHRY, A.S. , Takahashi, J. and Young, B.A. Dietary modification of methane emission in sheep. Animal Production in Australia 1998, 22 , 381.
- CHAUDHRY, A.S. Chemical and biological procedures to upgrade cereal straws for ruminants. Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews, series B 1998, 5, 319-331.
- CHAUDHRY, A.S. Washing and filtration of wheat straw treated with sodium hydroxide alone or with hydrogen peroxide to modify cell wall composition and in vitro digestibility. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 1997, 37, 617-621.
- Takahashi, J., CHAUDHRY, A.S., Beneke, R.G., Suhubdy., & Young, B.A. Modification of methane emission in sheep by cysteine and a microbial preparation. Science of the Total Environment 1997, 204(2), 117-123.
- Granzin, B.C., Dryden, G.M. and CHAUDHRY, A.S. The effects of alkalis and oxidants on the nutritive value and in sacco disappearance of Rhodes grass hay (Chloris gayana cv Callide). Animal Production in Australia 1996, 22, 386.
- CHAUDHRY, A.S. and Miller, E.L. The effect of sodium hydroxide and alkaline hydrogen peroxide on chemical composition of wheat straw and voluntary intake, growth and digesta kinetics in store lambs. Animal Feed Science and Technology 1996, 60, 69-86.
- Suhubdy, Young, B.A., CHAUDHRY, A.S. and Goodwin, P.J. Intake by sheep of sugarcane bagasse supplemented with cottonseed meal and sucrose or a protected fat. Animal Production in Australia 1996, 22, 344.
- CHAUDHRY, A.S. and Miller, E.L. In vitro digestibility of barley and wheat straws treated with hydrogen peroxide, sodium hydroxide and sodium peroxide under various conditions. Animal Feed Science and Technology 1994, 50, 1-15.
- CHAUDHRY, A.S. and Miller, E.L. Effect of hydrogen peroxide-dependent enzyme systems on the in vitro digestibility of barley straw. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 1994, 64, 371-378.
- CHAUDHRY, A.S. and Webster, A.J.F. The true digestibility and biological value for rats of undegraded dietary nitrogen in feeds for ruminants. Animal Feed Science and Technology 1993, 42(3-4), 209-221.
Authored Books
- CHAUDHRY, A.S. Potential of enzymes or a centrifuged rumen fluid to estimate proteolysis of feeds. 1998.
- CHAUDHRY, A.S. Estimation of in vitro degradation of dietary proteins in ruminants by using enzymes. 1998.
Book Chapters
- Chaudhry A. Testing a moist co-products for dairy cows consuming a silage based diet. In: European Association of Animal Sciences, ed. Book of Abstracts of the 66th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. The Netherland: Wageningen, 2015, pp.264.
- Chaudhry AS, Virk MR. Tree and shrub leaves as potential additives for nutrient efficient ruminant diets. In: EAAP, ed. Book of Abstracts of the 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. Copenhagen, Denmark: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2014, pp.96.
- Chaudhry AS, Mustafa MI. Impact of changing amount and frequency of concentrate feeding on growth and carcass of weaned lambs. In: Book of Abstracts, 64th EAAP Annual Meeting of the European Association of Animal Production. 26-30 August, Nantes, France: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2013, pp.381.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Carp Habitat. In: Sanders, J.D., Paterson, S.B, ed. Carp Habitat, Management and Diseases. Lancaster: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2011, pp.147-161 (Chapter 5).
- Yousaf M, Chaudhry AS. Non feed removal strategies to induce moulting in laying hens: II. Influence on hen performance during 10 weeks post-moult. In: Hocking, P, ed. Biology of Breeding Poultry. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing, 2009, pp.453.
- Yousaf M, Chaudhry AS. Non feed removal strategies to induce moulting in laying hens: I. Influence on hen performance during 6 weeks of moulting. In: Hocking, P, ed. Biology of Breeding Poultry. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing, 2009, pp.452.
- Chaudhry AS. Nutrient digestion and faecal excretion of three coarsely mixed diets in ponies. In: Alliston, J., Chadd, S., Ede, A., Hemmings, A., Hyslop, J., Longland, A., Moreton, H., Moore-Colyer, M, ed. Emerging Equine Sience. Nottingham ,UK: British Society of Animal Science, 2004, pp.219-221.
- Chaudhry AS, Taylor W, Harland JI, Rowlinson P. Effect of replacing rolled wheat with a moist co-product on the yield and composition of milk from Holstein Friesian dairy cows fed a grass silage based diet. In: Wathes, C.M., Frost, A.R., Gordon, F. and Wood, J.D), ed. Integrated management systems for livestock. United Kingdom: British Society of Animal Science, 2001, pp.159-163.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Ogbonna A, Mabelebele M, Chaudhry AS, Asher A. THE EFFECT OF DIETARY AND LIGHTING SOURCES OF VITAMIN D3 ON FLOCK UNIFORMITY, FEATHER SCORE AND GASTROINTESTINAL ORGAN WEIGHTS. In: 26th World Poultry Congress. 2022, Paris, France: French Branch of the World’s Poultry Science Association.
- Chaudhry AS. Novel probiotics as oral supplements for sustainable dairy cow performance. In: 73rd Annual Meeting of the Federation of Animal Science. 2022, Porto, Portugal: Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
- Ogbonna AC, Mabelebelem M, Asher L, Chaudhry AS. GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND GAIT SCORE OF BROILER CHICKENS TREATED WITH DIETARY AND LIGHTING SOURCES OF VITAMIN D3 ID 113. In: 26th World Poultry Congress. 2022, Paris, France: French Branch of the World’s Poultry Science Association.
- Jabeen F, Iftikhar M, Chaudhry AS. Nickle nanoparticles induced testicular toxicity in male Aprague Dawley rats assessed by histopathology. In: Animal Science Fit for the Future: Proceedings of the BSAS 75th Annual Conference. 2019, Edinburgh International Conference Centre: Cambridge University Press.
- Aiyelari TA, Chaudhry AS, Chaudhry AB. Dietary utilization of soybean meal and rapeseed meal for Zebrafish (Danio rerio). In: Animal Science Fit for the Future: Proceedings of the BSAS 75th Annual Conference. 2019, Edinburgh International Convention Centre: Cambridge University Press.
- Barber C, Boland TM, Chaudhry AS, Chikunya S, Dorigo M, Flockhar JF, Houdijk JGM, Kelly AK, Kenny DA, King H, Mansbridge SC, Mayes RW, Nash DM, Nevel M, Rooke JA, Wall E, Waters SM, Wolf BT, Wonfer RE, Wood SJ, (eds.). Animal Science Fit for the Future. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Sciences 75th Annual Conference. 2019, Edinburgh International Conference Centre: Cambridge University Press.
- Jabeen F, Noureen A, Chaudhry AS. Nephrotoxic effects of copper oxide nanoparticles in Cyprinus carpio assessed by histological profiles. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science: Innovation to Compete in the Global Livestock Industry. 2018, Dublin, Republic of Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Bolaji OJ, Chaudhry AS, Dolfing J. Effect of anaerobic fungal treatment on the chemical composition of selected matured forages for their use in ruminant diet. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science: Innovation to Compete in the Global Livestock Industry. 2018, Dublin, Republic of Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Ramdani D, Chaudhry AS, Seal CJ. Alkaloid and polyphenol analysis by HPLC in green and black tea powders and their potential use as additives in ruminant diets. In: The 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Powder Technology Indonesia (ICePTi) 2017. 2018, Jatinangor, Indonesia: AIP Publishing Ltd.
- Ramdani D, Chaudhry AS, Seal CJ. Alkaloid and polyphenol analysis by HPLC in green and black tea powders and their potential use as additives in ruminant diets. In: The 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Powder Technology Indonesia (ICePTi) 2017. 2018, Jatinangor, Indonesia: American Institute of Physics Inc.
- Chaudhry AS. Using specialized supplements to maximise forage utilisation and performance in ruminants. In: 68th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 2017, Tallinn, Estonia: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- Jabeen F, Noureen A, Chaudhry AS. Nanoparticles induced oxidative stress and histological changes in gills of Cyprinus carpio exposed to water borne engineered Cu nanoparticles. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science Conference: Advances in Animal Biosciences, The Future of Animal Science. 2017, Chester University, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Bolaji OJ, Chaudhry AS, Dolfing J. Fungal treatment effect on the chemical composition of matured forages for their use in ruminant diet. In: 68th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 2017, Tallinn, Estonia: Wageningen Publishers.
- Ramdani D, Chaudhry AS, Hernaman I, Seal CJ. Comparing Tea Leaf Products and Other Forages for In-vitro Degradability, Fermentation, and Methane for Their Potential Use as Natural Additives for Ruminants. In: 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security: A Comprehensive Approach (ICSAFS). 2017, Jatinangor, Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia: KnE Life Sciences.
- Chaudhry AS. Alternatives to antibiotics as feed additives. In: 37th Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International). 2017, GC University Faisalabad: Zoological Society of Pakistan.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Investigating health risks of different pesticide residues in Channa marulius, water and sediments from the River Indus. In: Advances in Animal Biosciences:Animal Sciences for a Sustainable Future. 2016, Chester University, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Bolaji OJ, Chaudhry AS, Dolfing J. In vitro degradability of selected Nigerian forages for their use in ruminant diets. In: 67th EAAP Conference. 2016, Belfast, UK: Wageningen Publishers.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Heavy metal uptake and DNA integrity in Cyprinus carpio as biomarkers of freshwater pollution. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science. 2016, Chester: Cambridge University Press.
- Rano NB, Chaudhry AS, Edwards SE. Effects of different levels of wDDGS and enzyme inclusion on fatty acid concentrations of broiler breast meat. In: 67th EAAP Annual Meeting. 2016, Belfast, UK: Wageningen Publishers.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS, Raza H. Metal uptake and liver antioxidants as potential biomarkers of oxidative stress in Cyprinus carpio inhabiting river Indus. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science in association with AVTRW, CFER and EBLEX. 2015, Chester University: Cambridge University Press, UK.
- Bolaji OJ, Chaudhry AS, Dolfing J. Chemical evaluation of selected Nigerian forages for their use in ruminant diets. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science in association with AVTRW, CFER and EBLEX. 2015, Chester University: Cambridge University Press.
- Ramdani D, Chaudhry AS, Seal CJ. Potential use of tea leaves to reduce ammonia and methane production. In: Advances in Animal Biosciences: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary eaching and Research Work. 2014, Nottingham University, UK: British Society of Animal Science.
- Rano NB, Chaudhry AS, Edwards SA. Nutrient digestibility of diets based on wheat distillers dried grains with solubles supplemented with enzymes by broiler chickens. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work). 2014, Nottingham University, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Shakir HA, Qazi JI, Chaudhry AS. Fatty acid profiles of freshwater Catla catla fish harvested from upstream and downstream locations of river Ravi, Pakistan. In: BSAS Annual Conference 2014 - Science into Practice: planning for intensification. 2014, Nottingham, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Effect of sodium selenite on cadmium chloride induced renal toxicity in male Sprague-Dawley rats. In: 65th Annual Meeting of the EAAP. 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Comparing chemical and amino acid profiles of four commercial freshwater fish species. In: Advances in Animal Biosciences: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work. 2014, Cambridge Journals.
- Ramdani D, Chaudhry AS, Seal CJ. Tea leaves improve in vitro digestibility but reduce rumen ammonia from rice-straw based diets. In: 64th EAAP Annual Meeting of the European Association of Animal Production. 2013, Nantes, France: Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherland. In Preparation.
- Shahzad F, Chaudhry AS, Abdullah M, Bhatti JA, Jabbar MA, Javed K, Rehman A. Novel Methods to Improve the Nutritive Value of Low Quality Roughages for Nili Ravi Buffalo Calves. In: The 10th World Buffalo Congress and The 7th Asian Buffalo Congress. 2013, Phuket, Thailand: Thai Buffalo Association Research Centre for Bioscience in Animal Production.
- Shahzad F, Chaudhry AS, Abdullah M, Bhatti JA, Jabbar MA, Javed K, Rehman A. Novel methods to improve the nutritive value of low quality roughages for Nili Ravi buffalo calves. In: Buffalo Bulletin. 2013.
- Rano NB, Chaudhry AS. Feeding distiller's grains diets with an enzyme on muscle chemical composition of broiler chicken. In: 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal ScienceEAAP Annual Meeting. 2013, Nantes, France: Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
- Shirif A, Chaudhry AS, Ben-Hage K. Upgrading the in vitro dry matter degradability of wheat straw internodes by using soaking, temperature and time treatments. In: British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work. 2012, Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Ramdani D, Seal CJ, Chaudhry AS. Simultaneous HPLC analysis of alkaloid and phenolic compounds in green and black tea (Camellia sinesis var. Assamica). In: British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work. 2012, Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Moftah AA, Chaudhry AS, Blake DP, Sparagano OAE. Prevelance of coccidiosis in broiler chicken farms in Sirte, Libya. In: Spring meeting of the British Society for Parasitology. 2012, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
- Shakir HA, Qazi JA, Chaudhry AS. Impact of anthropogenic activities and heavy metals on mineral uptake in muscles of Catla catla from river Ravi Pakistan. In: 32nd Pakistan Congress of Zoology. 2012, GC University, Lahore, Pakistan.
- Khan MMH, Chaudhry AS. Fatty acid composition of some different forages. In: British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work. 2012, University of Nottingham: Cambridge University Press.
- Rano NB, Chaudhry AS, Edwards SA. Effects of feeding distiller’s dried grains with solubles in broiler diets on performance and digestibility. In: British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work. 2012, University of Nottingham: Cambridge University Press.
- Shakir HA, Qazi JA, Chaudhry AS. Effects of anthropogenic activities on some biochemical parameters of Catla catla, from the river Ravi, Pakistan. In: British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work. 2012, University of Nottingham Jubilee Campus: Cambridge University Press.
- Shirif A, Chaudhry AS, Younger A. Effect of Soaked and urea treated wheat straw based diets on live weight of wether sheep. In: British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work. 2012, University of Nottingham Jubilee Campus: Cambridge University Press.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Effect of selenium in cadmium induced renal toxicity in male Sprague-Dawley rats. In: British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work. 2012, Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Jabeen F, Shaukat R, Chaudhry AS. Effect of industrial pollution on heavy metals, total oxidants and antioxidants of Labeo rohita domiciled in the River Cenab. In: British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work. 2012, University of Nottingham: Cambridge University Press.
- Rano NB, Chaudhry AS, Edwards SA. Effect of feeding distiller’s dried grains with solubles on carcass characteristics and digestive organs. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work. 2012, Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Ramdani D, Seal CJ, Chaudhry AS. Effect of different tea-to-water ratios on proximate, fibre and secondary metabolite compositions of spent tea leaves as a potential ruminant feed additive. In: British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work. 2012, Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Mustafa MI, Chaudhry AS, Shakir A. Effect of different levels and frequency of concentrate feeding on growth performance and carcass characteristics of Texel cross lambs. In: British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work. 2012, Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Shirif A, Chaudhry AS, Ben-Hage K. The effect of soaking and urea treatments on the nutrient composition of wheat straw. In: British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work Conference. 2011, Nottingham University, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Chaudhry AS, Jabeen F. Physical qualities, proximate chemical composition and fatty acid profiles of three freshwater fish species harvested from upstream and downstream locations. In: British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work Conference. 2011, Nottingham University, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Histopathological and Metal Profiles of Gills and Liver of Oreochromis mossambicus Sampled from the Indus River. In: 31st Congress of Zoology. 2011, Azad Jammun & Kashmir University, Pakistan: Zoology Society of Pakistan.
- Khan MMH, Chaudhry AS. Effect of spice supplementation on in vitro degradability, gas and methane production from two forages. In: British Society of Animal Science and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work Conference. 2011, Nottingham University, UK: Cambridge University Press, UK.
- Chaudhry AS, Jabeen F. Using metal, protein and DNA profiles of Labeo rohita as indicators of freshwater pollution. In: Book of Abstracts of the 61st Annual meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP 2010). 2010, Heraklion, Greece: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- Khan MMH, Chaudhry AS. Using high quality forages to improve in vitro degradability and fermentation of low quality forages. In: Advances in Animal Biosciences: British Society of Animal Science. 2010, Queen's University, Belfast: Cambridge University Press.
- LimaNeto HR, Chaudhry AS, Khan MMH, Rocha GS. The potential effects of saponins on ruminal fermentation. In: Advances in Animal Biosciences: British Society of Animal Science Conference. 2010, Queen's University, Belfast: British Society of Animal Science, Cambridge University.
- Shirif AFM, Chaudhry AS, Younger A. The effect of soaking and urea treatments on the voluntary intake of wheat straw by sheep. In: Advances in Animal Biosciences:British Society of Animal Science Conference. 2010, Queen's University, Belfast: British Society of Animal Science, Cambridge University Press.
- Chaudhry AS, Virk MR, Khan MMH. Nutritional and methanogenic values of some tropical plants for ruminants. In: Book of Abstracts of the 61st Annual meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP 2010). 2010, Herklion, Greece: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- Virk MR, Chaudhry AS. Nutrient composition and in vitro degradability of some tropical shrubs from Pakistan. In: Advances in Animal Biosciences: British Society of Animal Science Conference. 2010, Queen's University, Belfast: British Society of Animal Science, Cambridge University Press.
- Chaudhry AS, Virk MR, Cheema UB. In situ dry matter digestion of different fodder tree leaves in Pakistan. In: Advances in Animal Biosciences:British Society of Animal Science Conference. 2010, Queen's University, Belfast: Cambridge University Press.
- Khan MMH, Chaudhry AS. Effect of spice supplementation on in vitro degradability, total gas, methane and selected bacteria for rice straw as a substrate. In: Book of Abstracts of the 61st Annual meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP 2010). 2010, Heraklion, Greece: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Effect of sodium selenite on male Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to sublethal dose of cadmium chloride. In: Advances in Animal Biosciences: British Society of Animal Science. 2010, Queen's University, Belfast: Cambridge University Press.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Cyprinus carpio as a biomarker to monitor mineral pollution in the Indus River in the Mianwali District of Pakistan. In: Proceedings of the 30th Pakistan Congress of Zoology. 2010, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan: Pakistan Congress of Zoology.
- LimaNeto HR, Chaudhry AS, Khan MMH. Chemical composition of different fractions of Solanum lycocarpum St Hill. In: Advances in Animal Biosciences: British Society of Animal Science Conference. 2010, Queen's University, Belfast: Cambridge University Press.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Analysis of trace elements in fish from the Indus River, Pakistan for environmental monitoring and food safety assessment by ICP-OES. In: Proceedings of the 30th Pakistan Congress of Zoology. 2010, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
- Lima-Neto HR, Chaudhry AS. Solanum lycocarpum St Hil. as animal feed additive. In: Northeast Postgraduate Conference 2009. 2009, Newcastle unpon Tyne, England: University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
- LimaNeto H, Chaudhry AS, Khan MMH. In vitro fermentation profiles of Solanum lycocarpum St hil. Volatile fatty acid response. In: 60th Annual meeting of the EAAP. 2009, Barcelona, Spain: European Association of Animal Production.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Heavy metal uptake, bioaccumulation and histopathological responses in gills of freshwater fish from the Indus River, Pakistan. In: British Society of Animal Science Annual Conference: Advances in Animal Biosciences. 2009, Southport: British Society of Animal Science.
- Anjum MS, Chaudhry AS, Virk MR. Growth performance of broilers consuming wheat- or barley-based diets with or without enzymes. In: British Society of Animal Science: Advances in Animal Bioscience. 2009, Southport: British Society of Animal Science.
- Khan MMH, Chaudhry AS. Effect of using different rumen fluid to buffer ratios on the in vitro degradability and fermentation profiles of forages. In: 60th Annual meeting of the EAAP. 2009, Barcelona, Spain: European Association of Animal Production.
- Khan MMH, Chaudhry AS. Effect of spice supplementation on rumen ammonia concentration in vitro. In: Advances in Animal Biosciences: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science. 2009, Scarborough, UK: British Society of Animal Science.
- Khan MMH, Chaudhry AS. Effect of spice supplementation on in vitro methane production using ground wheat as a substrate. In: British Society of Animal Science Annual Conference: Advances in Animal Biosciences. 2009, Southport: British Society of Animal Science.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Cyprinus carpio as a biomarker to monitor metal pollution in the Indus River, Pakistan. In: British Society of Animal Science Annual Conference: Advances in Animal Biosciences. 2009, Southport: British Society of Animal Science.
- Chaudhry AS. Changing diets to modify methane emssion from sheep. In: 60th Annual meeting of the EAAP. 2009, Barcelona, Spain: European Association of Animal Production.
- Lima-Neto HR, Chaudhry AS, Khan MMH, Virk MR. In vitro degradability of different fractions of Solanum lycocarpum St Hil. In: British Society of Animal Science Annual Conference: Advances in Animal Biosciences. 2009, Southport, UK: British Society of Animal Science.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Using Fish as a Biomarker to Monitor Pollution in Indus River in the Mianwali District of Pakistan. In: Proceesdings of the Annual Scientific Meeting of Freshwater Biological Association. 2008, Fish Mongers Place, London: Freshwater Biology Association.
- Shirif AFM, Chaudhry AS, Younger A. Upgrading the in vitro degradability of wheat straw by using soaking treatments. In: British Society of Animal Science Conference. 2008, Scarborough, North Yorkshire: British Society of Animal Science.
- Sultana S, Chaudhry AS. Rapeseed meal as an alternative protein source for culturing common carp (Cyprinus carpio). In: British Society of Animal Science Conference. 2008, Scarborough, UK.
- Khadem AA, Rezaeian M, Vakily H, Afzalzadeh A, Chaudhry AS, Honarzad H. Nutritional evaluation of low dry matter maize forage ensiled with or without a bacterial inoculant:1. Effect on fermentation paramters and dry matter degradability. In: British Society of Animal Science Conference. 2008, Scarborough, North Yorkshire: British Society of Animal Science.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Heavy metal bioaccumulation and histopathological alterations in gills of Oreochromis mossambicus from Indus River of Mianwali, Pakistan. In: FBA conference in Aquatic Biology: The Inaugural Freshwater Biology summit on Multiple stressors in Freshwater Ecosystems. 2008, Windemere, Cumbria: Freshwater Biology Association.
- Chaudhry AS, Sultana S, Jabeen F. Effect of water pollution on the electrophoretic patterns of gills and muscles of Cyprinus carpio inhabiting Indus River in Mianwali, Pakistan. In: The Inaugural Freshwater Biology Summit: Multiple Stressors in Freshwater Ecosystems. 2008, Windermere, Cumbria, UK: Freshwater Biological Association.
- Khan MMH, Chaudhry AS. Effect of spice supplementation on in vitro forage degradability. In: British Society of Animal Science Conference. 2008, Scarborough: Cambridge University Press.
- Sultana S, Chaudhry AS. Effect of rapeseed meal substitution on the water quality of fish tanks containing common carp (Cyprinus carpio). In: British Society of Animal Science Conference. 2008, Scarborough, North Yorkshire: British Society of Animal Science.
- Jabeen F, Sultana S, Chaudhry AS. Biomarker and Bioaccumulation responses in Cyprinus carpio inhabiting Indus River in Mianwali, Pakistan. In: 9th Biennial Conference of Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2008, Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan: Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
- Yousaf M, Chaudhry AS. Non food removal strategies to induce moulting in laying hens: 2. Influence on the hen performance during 7 weeks of post-moulting. In: 29th Poultry Science Symposium Biology of Breeding Poultry. 2007, Surgeons Hall, Edinburgh.
- Yousaf M, Chaudhry AS. Non food removal strategies to induce moulting in laying hens: 1. Influence on the hen performance during 6 weeks of moulting. In: 29th Poultry Science Symposium Biology of Breeding Poultry. 2007, Surgeons Hall, Edinburgh.
- Rezaeian M, Honarzad J, Chaudhry AS. Effect of a bacterial inoculant on chemical composition and fermentation parameters of corn silage ensiled in laboratory silo. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science. 2007, Southport, UK: British Society of Animal Science.
- Chaudhry AS. Suppplementary feeding of breeding ewes consuming grass based diets. In: 57th Annual meeting of the EAAP. 2006, Antalya, Turkey: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- Rezaeian M, Chaudhry AS, Honarzad J. Nutrient composition and in vitro organic matter degradability of desert plants from Iran. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science. 2006, York: British Society of Animal Science.
- Chaudhry AS. In vitro degradation of forages by using rumen fluid from slaughtered cattle. In: 57 Annual meeting of the EAAP. 2006, Antalya, Turkey: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- Chaudhry AS. Estimation of nutrient digestion and faecal excretion of mixed diets in ponies. In: Proceedings of 57th Annual meeting of the EAAP. 2006, Antalya, Turkey: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- Chaudhry AS. In vitro enzymatic proteolysis of different protein sources. In: 56th Annual meeting of the European Association of Animal Production. 2005, Uppsala, Sweden: Wageningen Academic.
- Chaudhry AS. In vitro enzymatic proteolysis of different protein sources. In: 56th Annual meeting of the EAAP. 2005, Uppsala, Sweden: Wageningen Academic.
- Rezaaian M, Chaudhry AS. Chemical composition and in vitro organic matter degradability of various Iranian forages. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science. 2005, York, UK.
- Chaudhry AS, Lister CJ, Rowlinson P. Effect of CRYSTALYX on the performance of breeding ewes during late pregnancy and post-lambing. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science. 2004, York, UK: British Society of Animal Science.
- Mohamed R, Chaudhry AS, Rowlinson P. Comparison of in sacco and in vitro methods to estimate rumen degradability of various feeds. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science. 2004, York, UK: British Society of Animal Science.
- Mohamed R, Chaudhry AS, Rowlinson P. The use of fresh or thawed rumen fluid containing glycerol or particle associated microbes to estimate in vitro degradation of feeds. In: British Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting. 2003, York, UK: British Society of Animal Science.
- Chaudhry AS, Lister CJ, Rowlinson P. Effect of CRYSTALYX on the performance of breeding ewes during first three months of pregnancy while grazing grass outdoors. In: British Society of Animal Science. 2003, York, UK.
- Edwards AR, Younger A, Chaudhry AS. The role of farmyard manure in the maintenance of botanical diversity in traditionally managed hay meadows: the effects of rumen digestion on seed viability. In: Conservation Pays. 2002, Lancaster University: British Grassland Society.
- Chaudhry AS, Rowlinson P, Lister CJ. Impact of feed supplements on in vitro degradability of barley straw and grass nuts. In: Bitish Society of Animal Scence. 2002.
- Mohamed R, Chaudhry AS, Rowlinson P. Fresh or frozen rumen contents as sources of inoculum to estimate in vitro degradation of ruminant feeds. In: Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science. 2002.
- Chaudhry AS, Taylor W, Rowlinson P. Effect of replacing rolled wheat with a moistco-product on the yield and composition of milk from Holstein Friesian dairy cows fed a grass silage based diet. In: BSAS Annual Conference. 2001, Cambridge, UK.
- Chaudhry AS, Taylor W, Harland JI, Rowlinson P. A new source of magnesium and phosphorus for dairy heifers fed a grass silage based diet. In: British Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting 2001. 2001, York, UK: British Society of Animal Science.
Edited Books
- Boland T, Chaudhry AS, Chikunya S, Flockhart J, Gibbons J, Houdijk JGM, Kelly A, Kenny DA, Mansbridge SC, Mayes RW, Nash DM, Rooke JA, Rose MT, Steele MA, Waters SM, Wolf BT, Wonfor R, Wood S, ed. Advances in Animal Biosciences, The Future of Animal Science. Chester, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
- Chaudhry AS, Chikunya S, Flockhart J, Gibbons J, Houdijk JGM, Kelly A, Kenny DA, Mansbridge SC, Mayes RW, Nash DM, Richardson RI, Rooke JA, Rose MT, Steele MA, Wolf BT, Wood S, ed. Advances in Animal Biosciences: Animal Science for a Sustainable Future. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
- Athanasiadou S, Chaudhry AS, Chikunya S, Denwood M, Flockhart J, Flynn R, Gibbons J, Houdijk JGM, Kenny DA, Mather A, Mayes RW, McNeily D, Nash DM, Richardson RI, Rooke JA, Rose M, Steele MA, Rymer C, Wall E, Wolf BT, Wylie ARG, ed. Advances in Animal BioSciences: Science with Impact. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- Athanasiadou S, Chaudhry AS, Chikunya S, Denwood M, Eckersall DP, Flockhart J, Gibbons J, Houdijk JGM, Kenny DA, King T, Mather A, Mayes RW, McNeily D, Nash DM, Richardson RI, Rooke JA, Rose M, Steele MA, Waters S, Wolf BT, Wylie ARG, ed. Advances in Animal Biosciences. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
- Athanasiadou S, Chaudhry AS, Denwood M, Flockhart J, Kenny DA, King T, Mather A, Mayes RW, Nash DM, Richardson RI, Rooke JA, Rose MT, Rymer C, Sinclare K, Steele MA, Waters S, Wolf BT, Wylie ARG, ed. Advances in Animal Biosciences:Healthy Food from Healthy Animals. Cambridge University Press, UK, 2013.
- Barratt D, Chaudhry AS, Cobb M, Flockhart J, French A, Kenny DA, King T, Mayes RW, Nash DM, Pollott G, Richardson RI, Rooke JA, Rose M, Rymer C, Sinclair K, Steele MA, Wall E, Wolf BT, Wylie A, ed. Advances in Animal Biosciences:Healthy Food from Healthy Animals. Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Sciences and the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work. Nottingham: Cambridge University Press, UK, 2012.
- Jabeen F, Chaudhry AS. Retraction Note: Effects of Cadmium Chloride and Sodium Selenite Alone or in Combination on the Liver of Male Sprague–Dawley Rats Assessed by Different Assays (Biological Trace Element Research, (2011), 143, 2, (1077-1090), 10.1007/s12011-010-8946-0). Biological Trace Element Research 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Shakeel M, Jabeen F, Iqbal R, Chaudhry AS, Zafar S, Ali M, Khan MS, Khalid A, Shabbir S, Asghar MS. Retraction note: Assessment of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles (TiO2-NPs) Induced Hepatotoxicity and Ameliorative Effects of Cinnamomum cassia in Sprague-Dawley Rats (Biological Trace Element Research, (2018), 182, 1, (57-69), 10.1007/s12011-017-1074-3). Biological Trace Element Research 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Shakeel M, Jabeen F, Shabbir S, Asghar MS, Khan MS, Chaudhry AS. Toxicity of Nano-Titanium Dioxide (TiO2-NP) Through Various Routes of Exposure: a Review. Biological Trace Element Researcb 2016, 172(1), 1-36.
- Sundu B, Hatta U, Chaudhry AS. Potential use of beta-mannan from copra meal as a feed additive for broilers. World's Poultry Science Journal 2012, 68(4), 707-715.
- Mohamed R, Chaudhry AS. Methods to study degradation of ruminant feeds. Nutrition Research Reviews 2008, 21(1), 68-81.