NuCore members
Professor Anthony O'Neill
Siemens Professor of Microelectronics
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 7328
- Address: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
School of Engineering
Merz Court (E4.31)
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Anthony O'Neill joined Newcastle University in 1986, having previously worked at Plessey Research (Caswell) Ltd. He has been Siemens Professor of Microelectronics since 1996. In 1994 he was Visiting Scientist at MIT, Cambridge, Ma, USA. In 2002 He became Royal Society Industry Fellow at Atmel, UK. He was a Visiting Professor at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland in 2009 and at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia in 2017.
Roles and Responsibilities
* Director of Research, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
* Director of nanoLAB University Research Centre
* Leader of eFutures network for electronics research in UK universities, with ~300 members
* Principal Investigator on EPSRC Projects:
- eFutures
- eFuturesXD
- Atomic Layer Interface Engineering for Nanoelectronics (ALIEN):contacts
* Joint- Principal Investigator on the Wellcome/EPSRC project
- Controlling Abnormal Network Dynamics with Optogenetics (CANDO)
* Co-Investigator on the RCUK projects
- EPSRC: Multi-electrode electromyography: developing electrical cross-sectional imaging of skeletal muscle
- EPSRC: Underpinning Power Electronics: Devices Theme
- MRC/ESPRC: Newcastle Molecular Pathology Node (MICA)
* Member of EPSRC College
* Director of NMI, a UK trade organisation for the electronics industry with more than 200 members
BSc, PhD
C Eng, Fellow IET, Senior Member IEEE
Anthony is a member of the microsystems group and his profile can be viewed on Google Scholar
Research Interests
My research involves device fabrication in cleanrooms, specialist electrical and material characterisation, computer simulation (e.g. TCAD) and electronic systems. Current research topics are:
- Bioelectronic devices and systems
- Silicon Carbide MOSFETs
- Interface engineering and heterogenious integration
- Ferroelectric materials for nanoelectronics
- Biomedical engineering
- Interconnects and nanowires for integrated circuits
- Strained Silicon: materials, technology and characterisation
Potential PhD Research Projects
- Silicon Carbide MOSFETs
- Bioelectronic devices and systems for clinical application
- Atomic Layer Interface Engineering for Nanoelectronics
- Silicon Nanowires: Design, Fabrication and Characterisation
- Ferroelectrics for nanoelectronics
In more detail:
Atomic Layer Interface Engineering for Nanoelelctronics.
This research considers the prospect of using (i) insulators or (ii) nanoparticles to improve the electrical conductivity of metal/semiconductor contacts. A range of experimental techniques will be used to measure the change in electrical properties brought about by the thin insulator films and the film thickness will be optimised for a range of important semiconductors (with Cambridge University, Analog Devices NPL, CPI.)
Research papers: low contact resistance using interlayers; ohmic contacts with island metal films
Silicon Carbide MOSFETs
Silicon Carbide is a wide band-gap semiconductor with exceptional electrical and other material properties. While it has been studied for many years and used commercially for high performance devices, it has very poor MOS current carrying capability. Recent progress in III-V semiconductor MOS devices has suggested a new route to overcoming this challenge. The project will cover design, fabrication and characterisation aspects. It is closely linked to a major UK initiative funded by EPRSC (UPE) where Newcastle University are partners (with Cambridge, Bristol, Warwick) in the device theme.
Research paper: High mobility 4H-SiC MOSFET
Bioelectronic devices and systems for clinical applications
Cross-disciplinary research with academic and clinical staff in neuroscience. Examples include:
(i) Electroceuticals are electronic micro-systems that will replace pharmaceuticals. The benefit of this is that electroceuticals can offer closed-loop control without side-effects (whereas pharmaceuticals create many side-effects and are open-loop). Electroceuticals will target individual nerve fibres or specific brain circuits to treat an array of conditions. These treatments will modulate the neural impulses controlling the body, repair lost function and restore health. They could, for example, coax insulin from cells to treat diabetes or regulate food intake to treat obesity. PhD projects will be cross-disciplinary and look at novel electronic devices for necessary sensing, actuating, communication, combined with control electronics. Techniques to locate an assembled micro-system in the body are also sought.
(ii) Neurochips are small wearable or implantable electronic circuits for long-term monitoring and manipulation of neural activity. They have multiple applications in basic neuroscience research (e.g. to study the effects of closed-loop stimulation or investigate patterns of brain activity in waking and sleeping states and have potential for clinical translation as neural prostheses. The next step is to develop optoelectronic Neurochips capable of delivering optical stimulation to brain tissue that has been rendered light-sensitive using optogenetic methods. This PhD project will develop a Neurochip to enable scientific studies that exploit technology being developed in the £10M Wellcome-EPSRC Innovative Engineering for Health project CANDO. The project will thus comprise inter-disciplinary training in microelectronics and neurophysiology (with Imperial College, UCL, Newcastle Institute for Neuroscience and NHS Trust Hospitals).(
(iii) Needle electromyography (EMG) is an essential diagnostic test in the investigation of patients with peripheral nerve and muscle disease, such as motor neuron disease. We use microfabrication techniques to produce a novel EMG electrode, of similar diameter to a conventional needle, which will record simultaneously from 64 or 128 points along the needle. This will allow the rapid and accurate localisation of each individual muscle fibre within the muscle, in effect producing an electrical cross-sectional image of the muscle. (with Newcastle Institute for Neuroscience and NHS Trust Hospitals);
Research paper: Nature Biomedical Engineering 2022
Piezoelectric sensor/actuator for smart joint replacements
Working with colleagues in biomechanics and in the medical school, a smart implant is proposed, comprising engineered surface properties for optimal bonding to the host tissue and piezoelectric sensor/actuator to monitor stress and ultrasonic enhancement of osseointegration. The implants will meet demands in the burgeoning personalised implant market. The project involves growth, processing and charactertisation of piezoelectric electro-mechanical materials.
Silicon Nanowires: Design, Fabrication and Characterisation
Develop novel fabrication techniques to make silicon nanowires, e.g. using oxidation combined with etching, together with characterisation and modelling. Devices will be used to study extreme nanoelectronics and can be applied to medical sensors/actuators. Atomic layer deposition can be used to coat wires to further investigate properties and applications.
Research paper:
Ferroelectrics for nanoelectronics
Ferroelectrics have the potential to make a major impact on future electronic technologies and products. Examples include low power CMOS, tuneable capacitors, and novel memory elements (e.g. memristors). The project covers deposition of thin film ferroelectric films with extensive material and electrical characterisation, through to first principles modelling to understand thin film ferroelectrics and their interfaces. You will work in one or more of these areas depending on your interests (with ImperialCollege, CPI and Intel).
Research paper: first demonstration of negative capacitance
The School website has more information on research degrees and funding.
Undergraduate Teaching
Electronic Devices EEE3020, PHY3026
Postgraduate Teaching
Advanced Electronic Devices EEE8018, EEE8123
- Dong N, Johnson E, Berlinguer-Palmini R, Zhong H, Dekhoda F, Soltan A, Nikolic K, Grossman N, Gausden J, Bailey R, O'Neill A, Jackson A, Trevelyan A, Degenaar P, Sun X. Optogenetic Multiphysical Fields Coupling Model for Implantable Neuroprosthetic Probes. IEEE Access 2024, 12, 129160-129172.
- Zaaimi B, Turnbull M, Hazra A, Wang Y, Gandara C, McLeod F, McDermott EE, Escobedo-Cousin E, Idil AS, Bailey RG, Tardio S, Patel A, Ponon N, Gausden J, Walsh D, Hutchings F, Kaiser M, Cunningham MO, Clowry GJ, LeBeau FEN, Constandinou TG, Baker SN, Donaldson N, Degenaar P, O'Neill A, Trevelyan AJ, Jackson A. Closed-loop optogenetic control of the dynamics of neural activity in non-human primates. Nature Biomedical Engineering 2023, 7, 559-575.
- Zaaimi B, Turnbull M, Hazra A, Wang Y, Gandara C, McLeod F, McDermott EE, Escobedo-Cousin E, Shah Idil A, Bailey RG, Tardio S, Patel A, Ponon N, Walsh D, Hutchings F, Kaiser M, Cunningham MO, Clowry GJ, LeBeau FEN, Constandinou TG, Baker SN, Donaldson N, Degenaar P, O'Neill A, Trevelyan AJ, Jackson A. Closed-loop optogenetic control of normal and pathological network dynamics. Nature Biomedical Engineering 2023, 7, 559-575.
- Maitland S, Escobedo-Cousin E, Schofield I, O'Neill A, Baker S, Whittaker R. Electrical cross-sectional imaging of human motor units in vivo. Clinical Neurophysiology 2022, 136, 82-92.
- Zhang G, Neagu D, King PJ, Ramadan S, O'Neill A, Metcalfe IS. The effects of sulphur poisoning on the microstructure, composition andoxygen transport properties of perovskite membranes coated withnanoscale alumina layers. Journal of Membrane Science 2021, 618, 118736.
- Firfilionis D, Hutchings F, Tamadoni R, Walsh D, Turnbull M, Escobedo-Cousin E, Bailey RG, Gausden J, Patel A, Haci D, Liu Y, LeBeau FEN, Trevelyan A, Constandinou TG, O'Neill A, Kaiser M, Degenaar P, Jackson A. A Closed-Loop Optogenetic Platform. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2021, 15, 718311.
- Silveira C, Brunton E, Escobedo-Cousin E, Gupta G, Whittaker R, O'Neill A, Nazarpour K. W:Ti flexible transversal electrode array for peripheral nerve stimulation: A feasibility study. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2020, 28(10), 2136-2143.
- Luo J, Firflionis D, Turnbull M, Xu W, Walsh D, Escobedo-Cousin E, Soltan A, Ramezani R, Liu Y, Bailey R, O'Neill A, Shah Idil A, Donaldson N, Constandinou T, Jackson A, Degenaar P. The Neural Engine: A Reprogrammable Low Power Platform for Closed-loop Optogenetics. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2020, 67(11), 3004-3015.
- Choong ZJ, Huo D, Ponon N, Savidis R, Degenaar P, O'Neill A. A novel hybrid technique to fabricate silicon-based micro-implants with near defect-free quality for neuroprosthetics application. Materials Science and Engineering C 2020, 110, 110737.
- Choong ZJ, Huo D, Degenaar P, O'Neill A. Micro-machinability and edge chipping mechanism studies on diamond micro-milling of monocrystalline silicon. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 2019, 38, 93-103.
- Choong ZJ, Huo D, Degenaar P, O'Neill A. Edge chipping minimisation strategy for milling of monocrystalline silicon: A molecular dynamics study. Applied Surface Science 2019, 486, 166-178.
- Urresti J, Arith F, Olsen S, Wright N, ONeill A. Design and Analysis of High Mobility Enhancement Mode 4H-SiC MOSFETs Using a Thin SiO2 / Al2O3 Gate Stack. Transactions on Electron Devices 2019, 66(4), 1710-1716.
- Dehkhoda F, Soltan A, Ponon N, Jackson A, ONeill A, Degenaar P. Self-sensing of temperature rises on light emitting diode based optrodes. Journal of Neural Engineering 2018, 15(2), 026012.
- Dong N, Berlinguer-Palmini R, Soltan A, Ponon N, O'Neil A, Travelyan A, Maaskant P, Degenaar P, Sun X. Opto‐electro‐thermal optimization of photonic probes for optogenetic neural stimulation. Journal of Biophotonics 2018, 11(10), e201700358.
- Arith F, Urresti J, Vasilevskiy K, Olsen S, Wright N, O'Neill A. Increased Mobility in Enhancement Mode 4H-SiC MOSFET Using a Thin SiO2 / Al2O3 Gate Stack. IEEE Electron Device Letters 2018, 39(4), 564-567.
- Ganti S, King PJ, Arac E, Dawson K, Heikkila MJ, Quilter JH, Murdoch B, Cumpson PJ, O'Neill A. Voltage Controlled Hot Carrier Injection Enables Ohmic Contacts Using Au Island Metal Films on Ge. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2017, 9(33), 27357-27364.
- Ramadan S, Kwa K, King P, O'Neill A. Reliable Fabrication of Sub-10 nm Silicon Nanowires by Optical Lithography. Nanotechnology 2016, 27(42), 425302.
- Sohal HS, Clowry GJ, Jackson A, O'Neill A, Baker SN. Mechanical Flexibility Reduces the Foreign Body Response to Long-Term Implanted Microelectrodes in Rabbit Cortex. PLoS One 2016, 11(10), e0165606.
- Choong Z, Huo D, Degenaar P, O'Neill A. Effect of crystallographic orientation and employment of different cutting tools on micro-end-milling of monocrystalline silicon. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineering. Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 2016, 230(9), 1756-1764.
- Sohal HS, Vassilevski K, Jackson A, Baker SN, ONeill A. Design and Microfabrication Considerations for Reliable Flexible Intracortical Implants. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 2016, 2(3).
- Wells GH, Hunt MRC, Hopf T, Vassilevski K, Escobedo-Cousin E, Horsfall AB, Goss JP, O'Neill A. Facile technique for the removal of metal contamination from graphene. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 2015, 33(5), 051802.
- Hopf T, Vassilevski K, Escobedo-Cousin E, King P, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Horsfall AB, Goss J, Wells G, Hunt M. Electrical Characterization of Epitaxial Graphene Field-Effect Transistors with High-k Al2O3 Gate Dielectric Fabricated on SiC Substrates. Materials Science Forum 2015, 821-823, 937-940.
- Ponon NK, Appleby DJR, Arac E, King PJ, Ganti S, Kwa KSK, O'Neill A. Effect of deposition conditions and post deposition anneal on reactively sputtered titanium nitride thin films. Thin Solid Films 2015, 578, 31-37.
- O'Neill AG. (Invited) Negative Capacitance Using Ferroelectrics for Future Steep-Slope MOSFETS. ECS Transactions 2015, 69(10), 171-177.
- Sohal HS, Jackson A, Jackson R, Clowry GJ, Vassilevski K, O'Neill A, Baker SN. The sinusoidal probe: a new approach to improve electrode longevity . Frontiers in Neuroengineering 2014, 7, 10.
- Escobedo-Cousin E, Vassilevski K, Hopf T, Wright N, O'Neill AG, Horsfall AB, Goss JP. Solid Phase Growth of Graphene on Silicon Carbide by Nickel Silicidation: Graphene Formation Mechanisms. Materials Science Forum 2014, 778-780, 1162-1165.
- King PJ, Arac E, Ganti S, Kwa KSK, Ponon N, O'Neill AG. Improving metal/semiconductor conductivity using AlOx interlayers on n-type and p-type Si. Applied Physics Letters 2014, 105(5), 052101.
- Appleby DJR, Ponon NK, Kwa KSK, Ganti S, Hannemann U, Petrov PK, Alford NM, O'Neill AG. Ferroelectric properties in thin film barium titanate grown using pulsed laser deposition. Journal of Applied Physics 2014, 116, 124105.
- Appleby DJR, Ponon NK, Kwa KSK, Zou B, Petrov PK, Wang T, Alford NM, O'Neill A. Experimental Observation of Negative Capacitance in Ferroelectrics at Room Temperature. Nano Letters 2014, 14(7), 3864-3868.
- Hopf T, Vassilevski KV, Escobedo-Cousin E, King PJ, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Horsfall AB, Goss JP, Wells GH, Hunt MRC. Dirac point and transconductance of top-gated graphene field-effect transistors operating at elevated temperature. Journal of Applied Physics 2014, 116(15), 154504.
- Wells GH, Hopf T, Vassilevski KV, Escobedo-Cousin E, Wright NG, Horsfall AB, Goss JP, O'Neill AG, Hunt MRC. Determination of the adhesion energy of graphene on SiC(0001) via measurement of pleat defects. Applied Physics Letters 2014, 105(19), 193109.
- Al-Hamadany R, Goss JP, Briddon PR, Mojarad SA, Al-Hadidi M, O'Neill AG, Rayson MJ. Oxygen vacancy migration in compressively strained SrTiO3. Journal of Applied Physics 2013, 113(2), 024108.
- Escobedo-Cousin E, Vassilevski K, Hopf T, Wright N, O'Neill A, Horsfall A, Goss J, Cumpson P. Optimising the Growth of Few-Layer Graphene on Silicone Carbide by Nickel Silicidation. Materials Science Forum 2013, 740-742, 121-124.
- Escobedo-Cousin E, Vassilevski K, Hopf T, Wright N, O'Neill A, Horsfall A, Goss J, Cumpson PJ. Local solid phase growth of few-layer graphene on silicon carbide from nickel silicide supersaturated with carbon. Journal of Applied Physics 2013, 113(11), 114309.
- AL-Hamadany R, Goss JP, Briddon PR, Mojarad SA, O'Neill AG, Rayson MJ. Impact of tensile strain on the oxygen vacancy migration in SrTiO3: Density functional theory calculations. Journal of Applied Physics 2013, 113(22), 224108-1-224108-8.
- Za'bah NF, Kwa KSK, Bowen L, Mendis B, O'Neill A. Top-down fabrication of single crystal silicon nanowire using optical lithography. Journal of Applied Physics 2012, 112(2), 024309.
- Mojarad SA, Goss JP, Kwa KSK, Zhou ZY, Al-Hamadany RAS, Appleby DJR, Ponon NK, O'Neill A. Leakage current asymmetry and resistive switching behavior of SrTiO3. Applied Physics Letters 2012, 101(17), 173507.
- Mojarad SA, Goss JP, Kwa KSK, Petrov PK, Zou B, Alford N, O'Neill A. Anomalous resistive switching phenomenon. Journal of Applied Physics 2012, 112(12), 124516.
- Mojarad SA, Kwa KSK, Goss JP, Zhou Z, Ponon NK, Appleby DJR, Al Hamadany RAS, O'Neill A. A comprehensive study on the leakage current mechanisms of Pt/SrTiO3/Pt capacitor. Journal of Applied Physics 2012, 111(1), 014503.
- Fjer M, Persson S, Escobedo-Cousin E, O'Neill AG. Low Frequency Noise in Strained Si Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2011, 58(12), 4196-4203.
- Childs P, Ong S, Herbert D, O'Neill A. X-ray propagation in multiwall carbon nanotubes. International Journal of Modern Physics A 2010, 25(1), 208-216.
- Alatise OM, Kwa KSK, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. The impact of self-heating and SiGe strain-relaxed buffer thickness on the analog performance of strained Si nMOSFETs. Solid-State Electronics 2010, 54(3), 327-335.
- Persson S, Fjer M, Escobedo-Cousin E, Olsen SH, Malm G, Wang YB, Hellstrom PE, Ostling M, O'Neill AG. Strained-Silicon Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2010, 57(6), 1243-1252.
- Alatise OM, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Linearity and mobility degradation in strained Si MOSFETs with thin gate dielectrics. Solid State Electronics 2010, 54(6), 628-634.
- Wilson C, Volders H, Croes K, Pantouvaki M, Beyer G, Horsfall A, O'Neill A, Tokei Z. In situ X-ray diffraction study of self-forming barriers from a Cu-Mn alloy in 100 nm Cu/low-k damascene interconnects using synchrotron radiation. Microelectronic Engineering 2010, 87(3), 398-401.
- Alatise OM, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Majhi P. Improved self-gain in deep submicrometer strained silicon-germanium pMOSFETs with HfSiOx/TiSiN gate stacks. Microelectronic Engineering 2010, 87(11), 2196-2199.
- Agaiby RMB, Olsen SH, Eneman G, Simoen E, Augendre E, O'Neill AG. Direct measurement of MOSFET channel strain by means of backside etching and Raman spectroscopy on long-channel devices. IEEE Electron Device Letters 2010, 31(5), 419-421.
- Wilson CJ, Croes K, Tokei Z, Beyer GP, Gallacher BJ, Bull SJ, Horsfall AB, O'Neill AG. Analysis and characterization of a mechanical sensor to monitor stress in interconnect features. Thin Solid Films 2010, 519(1), 443-449.
- Wilson CJ, Croes K, Zhao C, Metzger TH, Zhao L, Beyer GP, Horsfall AB, O'Neill AG, Tokei Z. Synchrotron measurement of the effect of linewidth scaling on stress in advanced Cu/Low-k interconnects. Journal of Applied Physics 2009, 106(5), 053524.
- Wilson CJ, Zhao C, Zhao L, Metzger TH, Tokei Z, Croes K, Pantouvaki M, Beyer GP, Horsfall AB, O'Neill AG. Study of the effect of dielectric porosity on the stress in advanced Cu/low-k interconnects using x-ray diffraction. Applied Physics Letters 2009, 94(18), 181914.
- Olsen SH, Yan L, Agaiby R, Escobedo-Cousin E, O'Neill AG, Hellström PE, Ostling M, Lyutovich K, Kasper E, Claeys C, Parker EHC. Strained Si/SiGe MOS technology: Improving gate dielectric integrity. Microelectronic Engineering 2009, 86(3), 218-223.
- Nikitina I, Vassilevski K, Horsfall A, Wright N, O'Neill AG, Ray SK, Zekentes K, Johnson CM. Phase composition and electrical characteristics of nickel silicide Schottky contacts formed on 4H-SiC. Semiconductor Science and Technology 2009, 24(5), 055006.
- Alatise OM, Olsen SH, Cowern NEB, O'Neill AG, Majhi P. Performance Enhancements in Scaled Strained-SiGe pMOSFETs With HfSiOx/TiSiN Gate Stacks. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2009, 56(10), 2277-2284.
- Alatise OM, Kwa KSK, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Improved Analog Performance in Strained-Si MOSFETs Using the Thickness of the Silicon-Germanium Strain-Relaxed Buffer as a Design Parameter. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2009, 56(12), 3041-3048.
- Escobedo-Cousin E, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Coulson H. Defect identification in strained Si/SiGe heterolayers for device applications. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2009, 42(17), 175306.
- Wilson CJ, Croes K, Tokei Z, Vereecke B, Beyer GP, O'Neill AG, Horsfall AB. Application of a Nano-Mechanical Sensor to Monitor Stress in Copper Damascene Interconnects. Applied Physics Express 2009, 2(9), 096503.
- Wilson CJ, Croes K, Van Cauwenberghe M, Tokei Z, Beyer GP, Horsfall AB, O'Neill AG. A NEMS-based sensor to monitor stress in deep sub-micron Cu/Low-k interconnects. Semiconductor Science and Technology 2009, 24(11), 115018.
- Yan L, Simoen E, Olsen SH, Akheyar A, Claeys C, O'Neill AG. 1/f noise study on strained Si0.8Ge0.2 p-channel MOSFETs with high-k/poly Si gate stack. Solid-State Electronics 2009, 53(11), 1177-1182.
- Tsang YL, O'Neill AG, Gallacher BJ, Olsen SH. Using piezoresistance model with C-R conversion for modeling of strain-induced mobility. IEEE Electron Device Letters 2008, 29(9), 1062-1064.
- O'Neill AG, Agaiby R, Olsen S, Yang Y, Hellstrom P-E, Ostling M, Oehme M, Lyutovich K, Kasper E, Eneman G, Verheyen P, Loo R, Claeys C, Fiegna C, Sangiorgi E. Reduced self-heating by strained silicon substrate engineering. Applied Surface Science 2008, 254(19), 6182-6185.
- Olsen S, Dobrosz P, Agaiby R, Tsang Y, Alatise O, Bull S, O'Neill A, Moselund K, Ionescu A, Majhi P, Buca D, Mantl S, Coulson H. Nanoscale strain characterisation for ultimate CMOS and beyond. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 2008, 11(5), 271-278.
- Agaiby RMB, Olsen SH, Dobrosz P, Coulson H, Bull SJ, O'Neill AG. Nanometer strain profiling through Si/SiGe quantum layers. Journal of Applied Physics 2008, 104(1), 013507.
- Agaiby R, O'Neill AG, Olsen SH, Eneman G, Verheyen P, Loo R, Claeys C. Insight into the aggravated lifetime reliability in advanced MOSFETs with strained-Si channels on SiGe strain-relaxed buffers due to self-heating. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2008, 55(6), 1568-1573.
- Yan L, Olsen SH, Escobedo-Cousin E, O'Neill AG. Improved gate oxide integrity of strained Si n-channel metal oxide silicon field effect transistors using thin virtual substrates. Journal of Applied Physics 2008, 103(9), 094508.
- Ong SY, Childs PA, Herbert DC, O'Neill AG. Bragg scattering of x-rays in multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Applied Physics 2008, 104(8), 083103.
- Fiegna C, Yang Y, Sangiorgi E, O'Neill AG. Analysis of self-heating effects in ultrathin-body SOI MOSFETs by device simulation. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2008, 55(1), 233-244.
- Gallacher B, O'Neill A, Bull S, Wilson C, Horsfall A. Analysis of a passive sensor for predicting process-induced stress in advanced integrated circuit interconnect. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability 2008, 8(1), 174-181.
- Escobedo-Cousin E, Olsen SH, Dobrosz P, Bull SJ, O'Neill AG, Coulson H, Claeys C, Loo R, Delhougne R, Caymax M. Thermal stability of supercritical thickness-strained Si layers on thin strain-relaxed buffers. Journal of Applied Physics 2007, 102(12), -.
- Agaiby R, Yang Y, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Eneman G, Verheyen P, Loo R, Claeys C. Quantifying self-heating effects with scaling in globally strained Si MOSFETs. Solid-State Electronics 2007, 51(11-12), 1473-1478.
- Agaiby R, Yang Y, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Eneman G, Verheyen P, Loo R, Claeys C. Quantifying self-heating effects in strained Si MOSFETs with scaling. Solid-State Electronics 2007, 51(11-12), 1473-1478.
- Tsang YL, Chattopadhyay S, Uppal S, Escobedo-Cousin E, Ramakrishnan HK, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Modeling of the threshold voltage in strained Si/Si1-x Gex/S1-yGey(x ≥ y) CMOS architectures. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2007, 54(11), 3040-3048.
- Wilson CJ, Horsfall AB, O'Neill AG, Wright NG, Bull SJ, Terry JG, Stevenson JTM, Walton AJ. Direct measurement of electromigration-induced stress in interconnect structures. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability 2007, 7(2), 356-362.
- Wang K, Horsfall A, Cuthbertson A, Bull S, O'Neill A. Comparative study of novel barrier layers in ULSI copper interconnects. Microelectronic Engineering 2007, 84(11), 2486-2490.
- De Michielis M, Esseni D, Tsang YL, Palestri P, Selmi L, O'Neill AG, Chattopadhyay S. A semianalytical description of the hole band structure in inversion layers for the physically based modeling of pMOS transistors. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2007, 54(9), 2164-2173.
- Nikitina IP, Vassilevski KV, Horsfall AB, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Johnson CM, Yamamoto T, Malhan RK. Structural pattern formation in titanium-nickel contacts on silicon carbide following high-temperature annealing. Semiconductor Science and Technology 2006, 21(7), 898-905.
- Varzgar JB, Kanoun M, Uppal S, Chattopadhyay S, Tsang YL, Escobedo-Cousin E, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Hellstrom PE, Edholm J, Ostling M, Lyutovich K, Oehme M, Kasper E. Reliability study of ultra-thin gate oxides on strained-Si/SiGe MOS structures. Material Science and Engineering B 2006, 135(3), 203-206.
- Varzgar JB, Kanoun M, Uppal S, Chattopadhyay S, Tsang YL, Escobedo-Cousins E, Olsen SH, O'Neill A, Hellstrom P-E, Edholm J, Ostling M, Lyutovich K, Oehme M, Kasper E. Reliability study of ultra-thin gate oxides on strained-Si/SiGe MOS structures. Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology 2006, 135(3), 203-206.
- Saha AR, Dimitriu CB, Horsfall AB, Chattopadhyay S, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Bose C, Maiti CK. Quantum-mechanical modeling of current-voltage characteristics of Ti-silicided Schottky diodes. Journal of Applied Physics 2006, 99(11), 113707.
- Jankovic ND, Pesic TV, O'Neill A. Modelling of strained-Si/SiGe NMOS transistors including DC self-heating. Solid-State Electronics 2006, 50(3), 496-499.
- Dalapati GK, Chattopadhyay S, Kwa KSK, Olsen SH, Tsang YL, Agaiby R, O'Neill AG, Dobrosz P, Bull SJ. Impact of strained-Si thickness and Ge out-diffusion on gate oxide quality for strained-Si surface channel n-MOSFETs. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2006, 53(5), 1142-1152.
- Uppal S, Kanoun M, Varzgar JB, Chattopadhyay S, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Impact of Ge content on the gate oxide reliability of strained-Si/SiGe MOS devices. Material Science and Engineering B 2006, 135(3), 207-209.
- Uppal S, Kanoun M, Varzgar JB, Chattopadhyay S, Olsen S, O'Neill A. Impact of Ge content on the gate oxide reliability of strained-Si/SiGe MOS devices. Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology 2006, 135(3), 207-209.
- Yan L, Olsen SH, Kanoun M, Agaiby R, O'Neill AG. Gate leakage mechanisms in strained Si devices. Journal of Applied Physics 2006, 100(10), 104507.
- Dalapati GK, Chattopadhyay S, Driscoll LS, O'Neill AG, Kwa KSK, Olsen SH. Extraction of strained-Si metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor parameters using small signal channel conductance method. Journal of Applied Physics 2006, 99(3), 034501.
- Dalapati GK, Chattopadhyay S, Driscoll LS, O'Neill AG, Kwa KSK, Olsen SH. Extraction and modelling of strained-Si MOSFET parameters using small signal channel conductance method. Journal of Applied Physics 2006, 99(3), 024501.
- Olsen SH, Escobedo-Cousin E, Varzgar JB, Agaiby R, Seger J, Dobrosz P, Chattopadhyay S, Bull SJ, O'Neill AG, Hellstrom P-E, Edholm J, Ostling M, Lyutovich KL, Oehme M, Kasper E. Control of self-heating in thin virtual substrate strained Si MOSFETs. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2006, 53(9), 2296-2305.
- Dobrosz P, Bull SJ, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. The use of Raman spectroscopy to identify strain and strain relaxation in strained Si/SiGe structures. Surface and Coatings Technology 2005, 200(5-6), 1755-1760.
- Terry JG, Smith S, Walton AJ, Gundlach AM, Stevenson JTM, Horsfall AB, Wang K, Dos Santos JMM, Soare SM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Bull SJ. Test chip for the development and evaluation of sensors for measuring stress in metal interconnects. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2005, 18(2), 255-260.
- Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Dobrosz P, Bull SJ, Driscoll LS, Chattopadhyay S, Kwa KSK. Study of strain relaxation in Si/SiGe metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors. Journal of Applied Physics 2005, 97(11), 1-9.
- Blasciuc-Dimitriu C, Horsfall AB, Wright NG, Johnson CM, Vassilevski KV, O'Neill AG. Quantum modelling of I-V characteristics for 4H-SiC Schottky barrier diodes. Semiconductor Science and Technology 2005, 20(1), 10-15.
- Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Quantitative analysis of gate-oxide interface roughening in SiGe/Si virtual substrate-based transistor device structures. Thin Solid Films 2005, 474(1-2), 154-158.
- Vassilevski KV, Wright NG, Nikitina IP, Horsfall AB, O'Neill AG, Uren MJ, Hilton KP, Masterton AG, Hydes AJ, Johnson CM. Protection of selectively implanted and patterned silicon carbide surfaces with graphite capping layer during post-implantation annealing. Semiconductor Science and Technology 2005, 20(3), 271-278.
- Chen CC, Horsfall AB, Wright NG, O'Neill AG. Optimisation of Heterostructure Bipolar Transistors in SiC. Materials Science Forum 2005, 483-485, 913-916.
- Bhatnagar P, Horsfall AB, Wright NG, Johnson CM, Vassilevski KV, O'Neill AG. Optimisation of a 4H-SiC enhancement mode power JFET for high temperature operation. Solid-State Electronics 2005, 49(3), 453-458.
- Soare S, Bull SJ, Oila A, O'Neill AG, Wright NG, Horsfall A, Dos Santos JMM. Obtaining mechanical parameters for metallisation stress sensor design using nanoindentation. Zeitschrift für Metallkunde 2005, 96(11), 1262-1266.
- Soare S, Bull SJ, Oila A, O'Neill AG, Wright NG, Horsfall A, Dos Santos JMM. Obtaining mechanical parameters for metallisation stress sensor design using nanoindentation. International Journal of Materials Research 2005, 96(11), 1262-1266.
- Nikitina IP, Vassilevski KV, Wright NG, Horsfall AB, O'Neill AG, Johnson CM. Formation and role of graphite and nickel silicide in nickel based ohmic contacts to n -type silicon carbide. Journal of Applied Physics 2005, 97(8), 1-7.
- dos Santos JMM, Wang K, Horsfall AB, Pina JCP, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Soare SM, Bull SJ, Terry JG, Walton AJ, Gundlach AM, Stevenson JTM. Calibration of MEMS-based test structures for predicting thermomechanical stress in integrated circuit interconnect structures. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability 2005, 5(4), 713-719.
- Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Bull SJ, Chattopadhyay S, Kwa KSK, Driscoll LS, Waite AM, Tang YT, Evans AGR. Thermal oxidation of strained Si/SiGe: impact of surface morphology and effect on MOS devices. Materials Science and Engineering B 2004, 109(1-3), 78-84.
- Dobrosz P, Bull SJ, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Technique for measuring the residual strain in strained Si/SiGe MOSFET structures using Raman spectroscopy. International Journal of Materials Research 2004, 95(5), 340-344.
- Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Chattopadhyay S, Driscoll LS, Kwa KSK, Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Paul DJ. Study of single- and dual-channel designs for high-performance strained-Si-SiGe n-MOSFETs. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2004, 51(8), 1245-1253.
- Olsen SH, Kwa KSK, Chattopadhyay S, Driscoll LS, O'Neill AG. Strained Si/SiGe n-channel MISFETs. IEE Proceedings: Circuits, Devices and Systems 2004, 151(5), 431-437.
- Jankovic ND, O'Neill A. Performance evaluation of SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors on virtual substrates. Solid-State Electronics 2004, 48(2), 277-284.
- Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Driscoll LS, Chattopadhyay S, Kwa KSK, Waite AM, Tang YT, Evans AGR, Zhang J. Optimization of alloy composition for high-performance strained-Si-SiGe N-channel MOSFETs. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2004, 51(7), 1156-1163.
- Soare S, Bull SJ, O'Neill AG, Wright N, Horsfall AB, dos Santos JMM. Nanoindentation assessment of aluminium metallisation; the effect of creep and pile-up. Surface and Coatings Technology 2004, 177-178, 497-503.
- Dobrosz P, Bull SJ, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Measurement of the residual strain in strained Si/SiGe using Raman spectroscopy. Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde 2004, 95(5), 340-344.
- Dobrosz P, Bull SJ, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Measurement of the Residual Macro and Microstrain in Strained Si/SiGe using Raman Spectroscopy Z Metal. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings: High-Mobility Group-IV Materials and Devices 2004, 809, 340-344.
- Dobrosz P, Bull SJ, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Measurement of the residual macro and microstrain in strained Si/SiGe using Raman spectroscopy. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings: High-Mobility Group-IV Materials and Devices 2004, 809, 109-114.
- Driscoll L, Olsen S, Chattopadhyay S, O'Neill A, Kwa K, Dobrosz P, Bull S. Impact of Ge diffusion and wafer cross hatching on strained Si MOSFET electrical parameters. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings: High-Mobility Group-IV Materials and Devices 2004, 809, 225-230.
- Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Chattopadhyay S, Kwa KSK, Driscoll LS, Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Robbins DJ, Zhang J. Evaluation of strained Si/SiGe material for high performance CMOS. Journal of Applied Physics 2004, 95(10), 5931-5933.
- Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Chattopadhyay S, Kwa KSK, Driscoll LS, Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Robbins DJ, Zhang J. Evaluation of strained Si/SiGe material for high performance CMOS. Semiconductor Science and Technology 2004, 19(6), 707-714.
- Olsen SH, Kwa KSK, Driscoll LS, Chattopadhyay S, O'Neill AG. Design, fabrication and characterisation of strained Si/SiGe MOS transistors. IEE Proceedings: Circuits, Devices and Systems 2004, 151(5), 431-437.
- Horsfall AB, Wang K, Dos-Santos JMM, Soare SM, Bull SJ, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Terry JG, Walton AJ, Gundlach AM, Stevenson JTM. Dependence of process parameters on stress generation in aluminum thin films. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability 2004, 4(3), 482-486.
- Jankovic ND, O'Neill A. 2D device-level simulation study of strained-Si pnp heterojunction bipolar transistors on virtual substrates. Solid-State Electronics 2004, 48(2), 225-230.
- Childs PA, O'Neill A. Propagation of x-rays in carbon nanotubes. Physica E 2003, 19(1-2), 153-156.
- Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Fobelets K, Kemhadjian HA. Impact of virtual substrate quality on performance enhancements in strained Si/SiGe heterojunction n-channel MOSFETs. Solid State Electronics 2003, 47(8), 1289-1295.
- Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Fobelets K, Kemhadjian HA. Impact of virtual substrate quality on performance enhancements in strained Si/SiGe heterojunction n-channel MOSFETs. Solid-State Electronics 2003, 47(8), 1289-1295.
- Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Chattopadhyay S, Kwa KSK, Driscoll LS, Zhang J, Robbins DJ, Higgs V. Impact of virtual substrate growth on high performance strained Si/SiGe double quantum well metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors. Journal of Applied Physics 2003, 94(10), 6855-6863.
- Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Driscoll LS, Kwa KSK, Chattopadhyay S, Waite AM, Tang YT, Evans AGR, Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Paul DJ, Robbins DJ. High-performance nMOSFETs using a novel strained Si/SiGe CMOS architecture. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2003, 50(9), 1961-1969.
- Jankovic ND, O'Neill A. Enhanced performance virtual substrate heterojunction bipolar transistor using strained-Si/SiGe emitter. Semiconductor Science and Technology 2003, 18(9), 901-906.
- Horsfall AB, Dos Santos JMM, Soare SM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Bull SJ, Walton AJ, Gundlach AM, Stevenson JTM. Direct measurement of residual stress in sub-micron interconnects. Semiconductor Science and Technology 2003, 18(11), 992-996.
- Chattopadhyay S, Kwa KSK, Olsen SH, Driscoll LS, O'Neill AG. C-V characterization of strained Si/SiGe multiple heterojunction capacitors as a tool for heterojunction MOSFET channel design. Semiconductor Science and Technology 2003, 18(8), 738-744.
- Blasciuc-Dimitriu C, Horsfall AB, Vasilevskiy KV, Johnson CM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG. Characterisation of the High Temperature Performance of 4H-SiC Schottky Barrier Diodes. Materials Science Forum 2003, 433-436, 823-826.
- Chattopadhyay S, Kwa KSK, Olsen SH, Driscoll LS, ONeill AG. Capacitance - Voltage Characterization of Strained Si/SiGe Multiple Heterojunction Capacitors as a Tool for Heterojunction Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor Channel Design. Semiconductor Science and Technology 2003, 18(8), 738-744.
- Kwa KSK, Chattopadhyay S, Jankovic ND, Olsen SH, Driscoll LS, O'Neill AG. A model for capacitance reconstruction from measured lossy MOS capacitance-voltage characteristics. Semiconductor Science and Technology 2003, 18(2), 82-87.
- Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Woods NJ, Zhang J, Fobelets K, Kemhadjian HA. Strained Si/SiGe n-channel MOSFETs: Impact of cross-hatching on device performance. Semiconductor Science and Technology 2002, 17(7), 655-661.
- Phelps GJ, Wright NG, Chester EG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG. Step bunching fabrication constraints in silicon carbide. Semiconductor Science and Technology 2002, 17(5), L17-L21.
- Phelps GJ, Wright NG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG, Ortolland SA. Enhanced nitrogen diffusion in 4H-SiC. Applied Physics Letters 2002, 80(2), 228-230.
- Phelps GJ, Wright NG, Chester EG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG, Ortolland S, Horsfall A, Vassilevski K, Gwilliam RM, Coleman PG, Burrows CP. Enhanced nitrogen diffusion in 4H-SiC. Applied Physics Letters 2002, 80(2), 228-230.
- Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Bull SJ, Woods NJ, Zhang J. Effect of metal-oxide-semiconductor processing on the surface rouhness of strained Si/SiGe material. Journal of Applied Physics 2002, 92(3), 1298-.
- Badcock SG, O'Neill AG, Chester EG. Device and Circuit Performance of SiGe/Si MOSFETs. Solid-State Electronics 2002, 46(11), 1925-1932.
- Badcock SG, O'Neill AG, Chester EG. Device and circuit performance of SiGe/Si MOSFETs. Solid-State Electronics 2002, 46(11), 1925-1932.
- Vassilevski KV, Horsfall AB, Johnson CM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG. 4H-SiC Schottky diodes with high on/off current ratio. Materials Science Forum 2002, 389-393(2), 1145-1148.
- Vassilevski KV, Horsfall AB, Johnson CM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG. 4H-SiC rectifiers with dual metal planar Schottky contacts. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 2002, 49(5), 947-949.
- Johnson CM, Wright NG, Uren MJ, Hilton KP, Rahimo M, Hinchley DA, Knights AP, Morrison DJ, Horsfall AB, Ortolland S, O'Neill AG. Recent progress and current issues in SiC semiconductor devices for power applications. IEE Proceedings: Circuits, Devices and Systems 2001, 148(2), 101-108.
- Adachi K, Johnson CM, Ortolland S, Wright NG, O'Neill AG. TCAD evaluation of double implanted 4H-SiC power bipolar transistors. Materials Science Forum 2000, 338-342, 1419-1422.
- Morrison DJ, Pidduck AJ, Moore V, Wilding PJ, Hilton KP, Uren MJ, Johnson CM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG. Surface preparation for Schottky metal - 4H-SiC contacts formed on plasma-etched SiC. Semiconductor Science and Technology 2000, 15(12), 1107-1114.
- Badcock S, O'Neill A. Material requirements and design considerations for Si/SiGe heterojunction CMOS. Superlattices and Microstructures 2000, 28(5-6), 363-368.
- Knights AP, Lourenco MA, Homewood KP, Morrison DJ, Wright NG, Ortolland S, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG, Coleman PG, Hilton KP, Uren MJ. Low temperature annealing of 4H-SiC Schottky diode edge terminations 4 formed by 30 keV Ar+ implantation. Journal of Applied Physics 2000, 87(8), 3973-3977.
- Wright NG, Johnson CM, ONeill AG, Horsfall AB, Ortoll S, Adachi K, Knights AP, Coleman PG. Implanted bipolar technology in 4H-SiC. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 2000, 622, T1.7.1-T1.7.6.
- Hossin M, Johnson CM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG. Evaluation of GaAs Schottky gate bipolar transistor (SGBT) by electrothermal simulation. Solid-State Electronics 2000, 44(1), 85-94.
- Morrison DJ, Wright NG, Horsfall AB, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG, Knights AP, Hilton KP, Uren MJ. Effect of post-implantation anneal on the electrical characteristics of Ni 4H-SiC Schottky barrier diodes terminated using self-aligned argon ion implantation. Solid-State Electronics 2000, 44(11), 1879-1885.
- Knights AP, Morrison DJ, Wright NG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG, Ortolland S, Homewood KP, Lourenco MA, Gwilliam RM, Coleman PG. The effect of annealing on argon implanted edge terminations for 4H-SiC Schottky diodes. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings 1999, 572, 129-134.
- Adachi K, Johnson CM, Ortolland S, Wright NG, O'Neill AG. TCAD evaluation of double implanted 4H-SiC power bipolar transistors. Materials Science Forum: Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 1999 1999, 338-342, 1419-1422.
- O'Neill AG, Routley P, Gurry PK, Clifton PA, Kemhadjian H, Fernandez J, Cullis AG, Benedetti A. SiGe virtual substrate N-channel heterojunction MOSFETs. Semiconductor Science and Technology 1999, 14(9), 784-789.
- Low KS, O'Neill A. Reliability studies of Cu using wafer level joule heated electromigration test. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings 1999, 564, 365-370.
- Ortolland S, Johnson CM, Wright NG, Morrison DJ, O'Neill AG. Optimisation of a power 4H-SiC SIT device for RF heating applications. Materials Science and Engineering B 1999, 61-62, 411-414.
- Low KS, Poetzlberger H, O'Neill A. Electromigration testing of via terminated test structures. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings 1999, 563, 133-138.
- Wright NG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG. Cell geometry optimisation of 4H-SiC UMOSFETs by electrothernal simulation. Solid-State Electronics 1999, 43(3), 515-520.
- Wright NG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG. Cell geometry optimisation of 4H-SiC power UMOSFETs by electrothermal simulation. Solid-State Electronics 1999, 43(3), 515-520.
- Morrison DJ, Hilton KP, Uren MJ, Wright NG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG. Anomalous forward I-V characteristics of Ti/Au SiC Schottky barrier diodes. Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology 1999, 61-62(0), 345-348.
- Wright NG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG. Sulphur based surface passivation for high voltage GaAS Schottky diodes. Solid-State Electronics 1998, 42(3), 437-440.
- O'Neill AG, Ghiti A. The effects of grain boundary diffusion anisotropy on via electromigration failure. Journal of Applied Physics, 81, No 7, 3064-3068 1997.
- O'Neill AG, Antoniadis DA. Investigation of Si/SiGe-based FET geometries for high frequency performance by computer simulation. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 44, No 1, 80-88 1997.
- O'Neill AG, Antoniadis DA. Deep submicron CMOS based on silicon germanium technology. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 43, No 6, 911-918 1996.
Book Chapter
- Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Zhang J. Measurements of gate-oxide interface roughness in strained-Si virtual substrate SiGe/Si MOSFET device structures. In: Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2003. Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press, 2018, pp.389-392.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Idil AS, Bailey R, Escobedo-Cousin E, Gausden J, O'Neill A, Donaldson N. Voiding in Parylene-C Encapsulation of Surface Mount LEDs for an Optogenetic Epilepsy Neuroprosthesis. In: 24th European Microelectronics & Packaging Conference (EMPC23). 2023, Hinxton (near Cambridge), UK: International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS).
- Arith F, Urresti J, Vasilevskiy K, Olsen S, Wright N, O'Neill A. High mobility 4H-SiC MOSFET using a thin SiO2/Al2O3 gate stack. In: 48th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC). 2018, Dresden, Germany: IEEE.
- Orneill A, Arith F, Urresti J, Vasilevskiy K, Wright N, Olsen S. High Mobility 4H-SiC MOSFET. In: 2018 14th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT). 2018, Qingdao, China: IEEE.
- Choong ZJ, Huo D, Degenaar P, O'Neill A. Micro-machining of monocrystalline silicon with improved edge quality. In: 17th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, EUSPEN 2017. 2017, Hannover, Germany: euspen.
- Dehkhoda F, Soltan A, Ponon N, O'Neill A, Degenaar P. LED-Based Temperature Sensor. In: 13th IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS 2017). 2017, Torino, Italy: IEEE.
- Roy SK, Ibanez JU, O'Neill AG, Wright NG, Horsfall AB. Characterisation of 4H-SiC MOS capacitor with a protective coating for harsh environments applications. In: 2016 European Conference on Silicon Carbide & Related Materials (ECSCRM). 2017, Halkidiki, Greece: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Choong ZJ, Huo D, Degenaar P, O'Neill A. Micro-Machinability Studies of Single Crystal Silicon Using Diamond End-Mill. In: ASME 2016 11th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. 2016, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Choong ZJ, Huo D, Degenaar P, O'neill A. Investigation of edge-chipping reduction on silicon micro-milling. In: 16th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN 2016). 2016, Nottingham, UK: EUSPEN.
- Shi Y, Huo D, Zhao Y, Al-Shibaany ZYA, Hedley J. Investigation of micro milling of lithium niobate for biosensor applications. In: 15th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, EUSPEN 2015. 2015, Leuven, Belgium: euspen.
- O'Neill A, Appleby D, Ponon N, Kwa K. Towards steep slope MOSFETs using ferroelectric negative capacitance. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT). 2014, Guilin, China: IEEE.
- Escobedo-Cousin E, Vassilevski K, Hopf T, Wright N, O'Neill A, Horsfall A, Goss J. Solid phase growth of graphene on silicon carbide by nickel silicidation: graphene formation mechanisms. In: International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2013. 2014, Miyazaki, Japan: Scientific.Net.
- Hopf T, Vassilevski K, Escobedo-Cousin E, Wright N, O'Neill A, Horsfall A, Goss J, Barlow A, Wells G, Hunt M. Optimizing the vacuum growth of epitaxial graphene on 6H-SiC. In: 15th International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM 2013). 2014, Miyazaki, Japan: Scientific.Net / Trans Tech Publications Inc.
- Ponon NK, Appleby DJR, Arac E, Kwa KSK, Goss JP, Hannemann U, Petrov PK, Alford NM, O'Neill A. Impact of Crystalline Orientation on the Switching Field in Barium Titanate Using Piezoresponse Force Spectroscopy. In: MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit. 2014, Boston, MA, USA: Cambridge University Press.
- King PJ, Arac E, Ganti S, Ramadan S, Kwa KSK, Barlow AJ, Cumpson PJ, Robertson J, O'Neill AG. Fermi Level De-pinning In Metal-Semiconductor Contacts Via Nanometre-scale ALD Dielectric Films. In: 12th International Baltic ALD 2014. 2014, Helsinki, Finland.
- Za'bah NF, Kwa KSK, O'Neill A. Electrical characterisation of highly doped triangular silicon nanowires. In: 5th International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ICME 2014). 2014, Bandung, Indonesia: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Za'Bah NF, Kwa KSK, O'Neill A. The study on the aspect ratio of Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) measurements for triangular silicon nanowire. In: RSM 2013: 2013 IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nano Electronics. 2013, Langkawi, Malaysia: IEEE.
- O'Neill A. Strained Silicon Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors. In: SIGE, GE, AND RELATED COMPOUNDS 5: MATERIALS, PROCESSING, AND DEVICES. 2012, 65 S MAIN ST, PENNINGTON, NJ 08534-2839 USA: ELECTROCHEMICAL SOC INC.
- Escobedo-Cousin E, Vassilevski K, Nikitina I, Wright N, O'Neill A, Horsfall A, Goss J. Local Solid Phase Epitaxy of Few-Layer Graphene on Silicon Carbide. In: 14th International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM). 2012, Cleveland, Ohio, USA: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Ponon N, Appleby D, Mojarad SA, Kwa K, O'Neill A. Ferroelectrics for nanoelectronics. In: Intel ERIC. 2012, Dublin, Ireland.
- Halak B, Yakovlev A, O'Niell A. Is a single cell sensor possible?. In: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina: IEEE.
- Wilson CJ, Volders H, Croes K, Pantouvaki M, Beyer GP, Horsfall AB, O'Neill AG, Tokei Z. In situ X-ray diffraction study of self-forming barriers from a Cu-Mn alloy in 100 nm Cu/Iow-k damascene interconnects using synchrotron radiation. In: Microelectronic Engineering: 18th European Workshop on Materials for Advanced Metallization. 2010, Grenoble, France: Elsevier BV.
- Sohal H, Jackson A, Jackson R, Vasilevskiy K, Clowry GJ, O'Neill A, Baker SN. A novel flexible sinusoidal electrode to enhance longevity of chronic neuronal recordings. In: 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. 2010, San Diego, California, USA: Society for Neuroscience.
- Wilson C, Zhaoa C, Zhaoc L, Tökei Z, Croesa K, Pantouvakia M, Beyera G, Horsfall AB, O'Neill A. Synchrotron measurement of the effect of dielectric porosity and air gaps on the stress in advanced Cu/low-k interconnects. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC). 2009, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan: IEEE.
- Vassilevski K, Nikitina I, Horsfall A, Wright N, O'Neill AG, Gwilliam R, Johnson CM. Silicon Carbide Static Induction Transistor with Implanted Buried Gate. In: 7th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM 2008). 2009, Barcelona, Spain: Materials Science Forum: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- De Michielis L, Moselund K, Bouvet D, Dobrosz P, Olsen S, O'Neill A, Lattanzio L, Najmzadeh M, Selmi L, Ionescu A. Optimization of the channel lateral strain profile for improved performance of multi-gate MOSFETs. In: International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications, Proceedings. 2009, Hsinchu, Taiwan: IEEE.
- Wilson CJ, Croes K, Tokei Z, Beyer GP, Horsfall AB, O'Neill AG. Demonstration of a Sub-micron Damascene Cu/Low-k Mechanical Sensor to Monitor Stress in BEOL Metallization. In: IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS 2009). 2009, Oxnard, CA, USA: IEEE.
- Alatise O, Kwa K, Olsen S, O'Neill A. A design methodology for maximizing the voltage gain of strained Si MOSFETs using the thickness of the silicon-germanium strain relaxed buffer as a design parameter. In: International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium (ISDRS). 2009, College Park, Maryland, USA.
- Houlton A, Horrocks BR, Wright NG, Olsen S, O'Neill A. Top down and Bottom-up Routes to Nanoscale Electronic Components. In: Intel European Research and Innovation Conference. 2008, Leixlip, Ireland: Intel Europe.
- Olsen SH, Tarawneh ZAl, Varzgar J, Escobedo-Cousin E, Agaiby RMB, Dobrosz P, O'Neill AG, Hellström P-E, Östling M, Parker E, Loo R, Claeys C. Strain engineering for high mobility channels. In: 7th International Semiconductor Technology Conference. 2008, Shanghai, China: The Electrochemical Society.
- O'Neill AG, Tsang YL, Gallacher BJ, Olsen SH. Piezomobility description of strain-induced mobility. In: 9th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated-Circuit Technology (ICSICT). 2008, Beijing, China: IEEE.
- Nikitina I, Vassilevski K, Horsfall A, Wright N, O'Neill AG, Ray SK, Johnson CM. Phase Inhomogeneity and Electrical Characteristics of Nickel Silicide Schottky Contacts Formed on 4H-SiC. In: 7th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM 2008). 2008, Barcelona, Spain: Materials Science Forum: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Dobrosz P, Olsen SH, Bull SJ, Tsang YL, Agaiby RMB, O'Neill AG, Buca D, Mantl S, Ghyselen B. Nanoscale strain characterisation in patterned SSOI structures. In: E-MRS 2008 Spring Conference. 2008, Strasbourg, France.
- Olsen SH, Dobrosz P, Agaiby RMB, Tsang YL, Alatise O, Bull SJ, O'Neill AG, Moselund KE, Ionescu AM, Majhi P, Buca D, Mantl S, Coulson H. Nanoscale strain characterisation for ultimate CMOS and beyond. In: E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting. 2008, Strasbourg: Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing: Pergamon.
- Agaiby RMB, Olsen SH, Dobrosz P, Coulson H, Bull SJ, O'Neill AG. Nanometer Scale Strain Profiling Through Si-SiGe Heterolayers. In: 50th Electronic Materials Conference (EMC 2008). 2008, Santa Barbara, USA: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS).
- Najmzadeh M, Moselund K, Ionescu A, Dobrosz P, Olsen S, O'Neill AG. Investigation of Strain Profile Optimization in gate-all-around suspended silicon nanowire FET. In: 38th European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC 2008). 2008, Edinburgh, UK.
- Wang K, Wilson CJ, Cuthbertson A, Herberholz R, Coulson HP, O'Neill AG, Horsfall AB. Influence of barriers on the reliability of dual damascene copper contacts. In: IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings. 2008, Phoenix, AZ: IEEE.
- Alatise OM, Kwa KSK, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Improved Analog Performance of Strained Si n-MOSFETs on Thin SiGe Strained Relaxed Buffers. In: ESSDERC 2008: Proceedings of the 38th European Solid State Device Research Conference. 2008, Edinburgh, UK: IEEE.
- Persson S, Fjer M, Escobedo-Cousin E, Malm G, Wang YB, Hellstrom PE, Ostling M, Parker EHC, Nash LJ, Majhi P, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Fabrication and characterisation of strained Si heterojunction bipolar transistors on virtual substrates. In: IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM). 2008, San Francisco, CA: IEEE.
- Childs PA, Ong SY, Herbert DC, Milne WI, Teo KBK, Shang NG, Gangloff A L, Smith D, O'Neill AG. X-ray propagation in carbon nanotubes. In: International conference on charged and neutral particles channeling phenomena II : "Channeling 2006". 2007, Rome, Italy: SPIE.
- Escobedo-Cousin E, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Alatise OM, Agaiby RMB, Dobrosz P, Braithwaite G, Cuthbertson A, Grasby T, Parker EHC. Strained Si/strained SiGe/relaxed SiGe structures: identifying roughness due to compressed SiGe and its impact on high mobility MOSFETs. In: Materials REsearch Society Conference (MRS). 2007, San Francisco, USA.
- Olsen SH, Yana L, Agaiby R, Escobedo-Cousin E, O'Neill AG, Hellstrom PE, Ostling M, Lyutovich K, Kasper E, Claeys C, Parker EHC. Strained Si/SiGe MOS technology: Improving gate dielectric integrity. In: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Advanced Gate Stack Technology (ISAGST 2007). 2007, Dallas, Texas: Microelectronic Engineering: Elsevier.
- Olsen SH, Yan L, Agaiby R, Escobedo-Cousin E, O'Neill AG. Strained Si/SiGe MOS technology: improving gate dielectric integrity. In: International Symposium on Advanced Gate Stack Technology (ISAGST). 2007, Dallas, USA.
- Olsen SH, et al. Strained SI/SiGe MOS Technology. In: International Symposium on Advanced Gate Stack Technology (ISAGST). 2007, Dallas, USA (invited).
- O'Neill A, Olsen S, Yang Y, Agaiby R, Hellstrom PE, Ostling M, Oehme M, Lyutovich K, Kasper E, Eneman G, Verheyen P, Loo R, Claeys C, Fiegna C, Sangiorgi E. Reduced Self-Heating by Strained Silicon Substrate Engineering. In: Proceedings ISCSI-V. 2007, Tokyo, Japan.
- O'Neill AG, Olsen SH, Yang Y, Agaiby R, Hellstrom P-E, Ostling M, Lyutovich K, Kasper E, Eneman G, Verheyen P, Loo R, Claeys C, Fiegna C, Sangiorgi E. Reduced self-heating by strained Si substrate engineering. In: International Symposium on Control of Semiconductor Interfaces (ISCSI-V). 2007, Tokyo, Japan.
- O'Neill AG, Olsen SH, Yang Y, Agaiby R, Hellstrom P-E, Ostling M, Lyutovich K, Kasper E, Eneman G, Verheyen P, Loo R, Claeys C, Fiegna C, Sangiorgi E. Reduced self-heating by strained Si substrate engineering. In: 3rd International Workshop on New Group IV Semiconductor Nanoelectronics. 2007, Sendai, Japan.
- Olsen SH. Nanoscale characterisation and modelling. In: International Nanotechnology Conference (INC3). 2007, Brussels, Belgium.
- Vassilevski K, Nikitina I, Horsfall A, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Hilton KP, Munday AG, Hydes AJ, Uren MJ, Johnson CM. High voltage silicon carbide schottky diodes with single zone junction termination extension. In: 6th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM 2006). 2007, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Materials Science Forum: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- O'Neill AG, Olsen SH, Tsang YL, Dobrosz P. Evolution of strain engineering for Si technology. In: INFOS. 2007, Athens, Greece.
- Moselund KE, Dobrosz P, Olsen S, Pott V, De Michielis L, Tsamados D, Bouvet D, O'Neill A, Ionescu AM. Bended gate-all-around nanowire MOSFET: A device with enhanced carrier mobility due to oxidation-induced tensile stress. In: International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM). 2007, Washington, DC: IEEE.
- Wang K, Cuthbertson A, Horsfall AB, Yeoh JC, Herberholz R, O'Neill AG, Colledge S, Coulson HP, Watson D, Braithwaite G. Application of CVD-W Diffusion Barrier Layers to Dual Damascene Copper Contacts. In: VLSI Multilevel Interconnection Conference. 2007, Fremont, California.
- O'Neill AG, Olsen SH, Yang Y, Agaiby R, Hellstron PE, Ostling M, Oehme M, Lyutovich K, Kasper E, Eneman G, Verheyen P, Loo R, Claeys C, Fiegna C, Sangiorgi E. [invited] Engineering Self-Heating by Strained Silicon Technology. In: Sendai Workshop. 2007, Japan.
- Olsen SH, Bull SJ, Dobrosz P, Escobedo-Cousin E, Agaiby R, O'Neill AG, Coulson H, Claeys C, Loo R, Delhougne R, Caymax M. Thermal stability of thin virtual substrates for high performance devices. In: Transistor Scaling- Methods, Materials and Modeling. 2006, San Francisco, USA: Materials Research Society.
- Dalapati GK, Kwa KSK, Olsen SH, Chattopadhyay S, O'Neill AG, Driscoll LS, Tsang YL, Agaiby R, Escobedo-Cousin E. Thermal oxidation of strained-Si: impact of strained-Si thickness and Ge on Si/SiO2 interface. In: International Conference on Electronic and Photonic Material, Devices and Systems (EPMDS). 2006, Calcutta, India.
- Olsen SH, Dobrosz P, Bull S, O'Neill A. The relationship between strain generation and relaxation, composition and electrical performance in strained Si/SiGe MOS technology. In: 33rd International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2006). 2006, San Diego, USA.
- Escobedo-Cousin E, Olsen SH, Bull SJ, O'Neill AG, Coulson H, Claeys C, Loo R, Delhougne R, Caymax M. Study of surface roughness and dislocation generation in strained Si layers grown on thin strain-relaxed buffers for high performance MOSFETs. In: Third International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting, ISTDM 2006 - Conference Digest. 2006, Princeton, USA: IEEE Press.
- Escobedo-Cousin E, Olsen SH, Bull SJ, O'Neill AG, Coulson H, Claeys C, Loo R, Delhougne R, Caymax M. Structuralstability of strained Si layers on thin strain-relaxed buffers for high performance MOSFETs. In: 3rd International Silicon-Germanium Device and Technology Meeting (ISTDM 2006). 2006, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.
- O'Neill AG, Olsen SH, Escobedo-Cousin E, Varzgar JB, Agaiby R, Chattopadhyay S, Dobrosz P, Bull S, Hellstrom P-E, Ostling M, Lyutovich K, Kasper E. Strained silicon technology. In: ICSICT-2006: 2006 8th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, Proceedings. 2006, Shanghai, China: IEEE Press.
- O'Neill AG. Strained Si: Materials, Devices and Processing. In: IEEE Lecture. 2006, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India: IEEE.
- O'Neill AG, Olsen SH, Chattopadhyay S. Strained Si/SiGe MOS technology. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic and Photonic Material, Devices and Systems (EPMDS). 2006, Calcutta, India.
- O'Neill AG, Olsen SH, Escobedo-Cousin E, Varzgar JB, Agaiby R, Chattopadhyay S, Dobrosz P, Bull SJ, Hellstrom P-E, Ostling M, Lyutovich K, Kasper E. Strained Si technology. In: Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology Conference (ICSICT). 2006, Shanghai, China.
- O'Neill AG, Olsen SH, Escobedo-Cousin E, Varzgar JB, Agaiby R, Seger J, Dobrosz P, Chattopadhyay S, Bull SJ, Hellstrom P-E, Edholm J, Ostling M, Lyutovich K, Oehme M, Kasper E. Strained Si MOSFETs using thin virtual substrates. In: Symposium on Diagnostics & Yield: Advanced Silicon Devices and Technologies for the ULSI Era. 2006, Warsaw, Poland.
- Olsen SH, Dobrosz P, Escobedo-Cousin E, Agaiby RMB, Agaiby R, Bull SJ, O'Neill AG. Strain characterisation in advanced Si devices. In: European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC) Workshop. 2006, Montreux, Switzerland.
- Agaiby R, O'Neill AG, Olsen SH, Eneman G, Verheyen P, Loo R, Claeys C. Quantifying Self-Heating Effects in Strained Si MOSFETs with Scaling. In: Proceeding of the 36th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC). 2006, Montreux, France: IEEE.
- Agaiby R, O'Neill AG, Olsen SH, Eneman G, Verheyen P, Loo R, Claeys C. Quantifying self-heating effects in strained Si MOSFETs with scaling. In: European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC). 2006, Montreux, Switzerland.
- Agaiby R, O'Neill A, Olsen S, Eneman G, Verheyen P, Loo R, Claeys C. Quantifying self-heating effects in strained Si MOSFETs with scaling. In: ESSDERC 2006: Proceedings of the 36th European Solid-State Device Research Conference. 2006, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA: IEEE.
- Dalapati GK, Kwa KSK, Olsen SH, Chattopadhyay S, O'Neill AG, Tsang YL, Agaiby R. Impact of strained Si thickness and Ge our diffusion on strained-Si/SiO2 interface quality for surface channel strained Si n-MOSFET devices. In: International Conference on Electronic and Photonic Materials, Devices and Systems (EPMDS). 2006, India.
- Vassilevski K, Nikitina I, Bhatnagar P, Horsfall A, Wright N, O'Neill AG, Uren M, Hilton K, Munday A, Hydes A, Johnson CM. High temperature operation of silicon carbide Schottky diodes with recoverable avalanche breakdown. In: Materials Science Forum. 2006, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Uppal S, Kanoun M, Chattopadhyay S, Agaiby R, Olsen SH, Bull SJ, O'Neill A. Ge out-diffusion and its effect on electrical properties in s-Si/SiGe devices. In: Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings: MRS Spring Meeting. 2006, San Francisco, California, USA: Materials Research Society.
- Uppal S, Kanoun M, Chattopadhyay S, Agaiby R, Olsen SH, Bull SJ, O'Neill AG. Ge out-diffusion and its effect on electrical properties in s-Si/SiGe devices. In: Doping Engineering for Device Fabrication. 2006, San Francisco, USA: Materials Research Society.
- Uppal S, Varzgar JB, Kanoun M, Chattopadhyay S, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Gate Oxide Reliability on strained Si/SiGe MOS: Effect of Ge content variation. In: Materials Science and Engineering B: Advanced Functional Solid-state Materials. E-MRS Conference. 2006, Nice, France: Elsevier SA.
- Uppal S, Varzgar J, Chattopadhyay S, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Gate oxide reliability of strained Si/SiGe MOS: effect of Ge content variation. In: Proceedings of the European Materials Research Society Conference (E-MRS). 2006, Nice, France.
- Varzgar JB, Chattopadhyay S, Uppal S, Chandra P, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Gate oxide reliability of strained Si NMOS devices employing a thin SiGe strain-relaxed buffer. In: European Materials Research Society Conference (E-MRS). 2006, Nice, France.
- Varzgar JB, Kanoun M, Uppal S, Chattopadhyay S, Chandra P, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Hellstron P-E, Edholm J, Ostling M, Lyutovich K, Oehme M, Kasper E. Gate Oxide Reliability of Strained Si NMOS Devices Employing a Thin SiFe Strain Relaxed Buffer. In: Materials Science and Engineering B: Advanced Functional Solid-state Materials. E-MRS Conference. 2006, Nice, France: Elsevier SA.
- O'Neill AG, Olsen SH, Tsang YL, Dobrosz P. Evolution of strain engineering for Si technology. In: Insulating Films on Semiconductors (INFOS). 2006, Athens, Greece.
- Wilson CJ, Horsfall AB, O'Neill AG, Wright NG, Wang K, Bull SJ, Terry JG, Stevenson JTM, Walton AJ. Direct measurement of electromigration induced stress in interconnect structures. In: IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings. 2006, San Jose, CA: IEEE.
- O'Neill AG. Device-related characterisation techniques for Si/SiGe heterosructures. In: NanoSea: International Conference on Nanostructures SElf-Assembly. 2006, Aix-en-Provence, France.
- O'Neill AG, Olsen SH, Escobedo-Cousin E, Agaiby R, Bull SJ, Coulson H, Claeys C, Loo R, Delougne R, Caymax M, Verheyen P, Eneman G. Device related characterisation techniques for Si/SiGe heterostructures. In: International Conference on NANO-Structures Self-Assembling (NANOSea). 2006, Aix-en-Provence, France.
- Vassilevski KV, Nikitina IP, Wright NG, Horsfall AB, O'Neill AG, Johnson CM. Device processing and characterisation of high temperature silicon carbide Schottky diodes. In: 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies/9th International Conference on Advanced Materials. 2006, Singapore: Microelectronic Engineering, Elsevier BV.
- Chattopadhyay S, Varzgar JB, Seger J, Tsang YL, Kwa KSK, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Capacitance-voltage (C-V) technique for the characterisation of strained Si/Si1-xGex hetero-structure MOS devices. In: International Conference on Electronic and Photonic Material, Devices and Systems (EPMDS 2006). 2006, Calcutta, India.
- Chattopadhyay S, Varzgar JB, Seger J, Tsang YL, Kwa KSK, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Capacitance-voltage (C-V) technique for the characterisation of stained Si/Si1-xGex hetero-structure MOS devices. In: EMPDS (Electronic and Photonic Materials, Devices and Systems). 2006, India.
- Philip M, O'Neill A. Calibration of 4H-SiC TCAD models and material parameters. In: Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, Proceedings, COMMAD. 2006, Perth, Western Australia: IEEE.
- Bhatnagar P, Horsfall AB, Wright NG, Johnson CM, Vassilevski KV, O'Neill AG. Analytical modelling of I-V characteristics for 4H-SiC enhancement mode VJFET. In: International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM 2005). 2006, Pittsburgh, PA: Materials Science Forum: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Tsang YL, Chattopadhyay S, Kwa KSK, Dalapati GK, Agaiby R, O'Neill AG, Olsen SH. Analytical model for threshold voltage of p-MOSFET in strained-Si/SiGe dual channel architecture. In: International Conference on Electronic and Photonic Materials, Devices and Systems (EPMDS-2006). 2006, Calcutta, India.
- Yan L, Olsen SH, Kanoun M, AlAraimi M, Agaiby R, Dalapati GK, ONeill AG. Analysis of Gate Leakage in Strained Si MOSFETs. In: SiGe and Ge: Materials, Processing, and Devices - 210th Electrochemical Society Meeting. 2006, Cancun, Mexico: The Electrochemical Society.
- Yan L, Olsen SH, Kanoun M, Al-Araimi M, Agaiby R, Dalapati GK, O'Neill AG. Analysis of gate leakage in strained Si MOSFETs. In: 210th Electrochemical Society Meeting. 2006, Cancun, Mexico: ECS Transactions, Electrochemical Society, Inc.
- Yan L, Olsen S, Kanoun M, Al-Araimi M, Agaiby R, Dalapati G, O'Neill A. Analysis of gate leakage characteristics in strained Si MOSFETs. In: 210th ECS Meeting. 2006, Cancun, Mexico: The Electrochemical Society.
- Hellstrom P-E, Edholm J, Ostling M, Olsen S, O'Neill A, Lyutovich K, Oehme M, Kasper E. Strained-Si NMOSFETs on thin 200 nm virtual substrates. In: International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium. 2005, Washinton DC, USA: IEEE.
- Olsen S, Temple M, Chattopadhyay S, O'Neill A, Paul DJ, Kwa K, Drsicoll AWL, Tang AEY, Zhang J. Strained Si/SiGe CMOS: high performance without re-tooling. In: Fourth International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSi4). 2005, Awaji Island, Japan.
- Dos Santos JMM, Pina JCP, Batista AC, Horsfall AB, Wang K, Wright NG, Soare SM, Bull SJ, O'Neill AG, Terry JG, Walton AJ, Gundlach AM, Stevenson JTM. Sensitivity of a rotating beam sensor for stress evaluation in aluminium thin films. In: Materials Science Forum. 2005, Xi'an, China: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Saha AR, Dimitriu CB, Horsfall AB, Chattopadhyay S, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Maiti CK. Prediction of barrier inhomogeneities and carrier transport in Ni-silicided Schottky diode. In: 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2005). 2005, Singapore: Applied Surface Science: Elsevier.
- Chen CC, Horsfall AB, Wright NG, O'Neill AG. Optimisation of heterostructure bipolar transistors in SiC. In: Silicon Carbide and Related Materials: 5th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials. 2005, Bologna, Italy: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Bull SJ, Dobrosz P, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. On the relationship between electrical performance and Raman spectroscopic results for strained Si/SiGe devices. In: International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI4). 2005, Awaji Island, Japan.
- Bull SJ, et al. On the relationship between electrical performance and Raman spectroscopic results for strained Si/SiGe. In: Fourth International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSi4). 2005, Awahi Island, Japan.
- Dhar RS, Dalapati GK, Chattopadhyay S, Kwa KSK, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Modelling of self-heating in strained Si n-channel MOSFETs on SiGe virtual substrates. In: Proceedings of the Materials Research Society Conference (MRS). 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Olsen SH, Dobrosz P, Escobedo-Cousin E, Bull SJ, O'Neill AG. Mobility-limiting mechanisms in single and dual channel strained Si/SiGe MOSFETs. In: EMRS 2005, Symposium D: Materials Science and Device Issues for Future Technologies. 2005, Strasbourg, France: Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology: Elsevier.
- Olsen SH, Driscoll L, Kwa K, Chattopadhyay S, O'Neill AG. High performance strained Si.SiGe n-channel MOSFETs: impact of alloy composition and layer architecture. In: International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM). 2005, Tokyo, Japan.
- Kwa KSK, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Chattopadhyay S, Dalapati G, Driscoll LS. Fowler-Nordheim tunnelling in strained Si/SiGe MOS devices: impact of cross-hatching and nanoscale roughness. In: Proceedings of the Electronic Materials Conference. 2005, Santa Barbara, USA.
- Bhatnagar P, Horsfall AB, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Vassilevski KV, Johnson CM. Effective edge termination design in SiCVJFET. In: Silicon Carbide and Related Materials: 5th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials. 2005, Bologna, Italy: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Olsen SH, Temple M, O'Neill AG, Paul DJ, Chattopadhyay S, Kwa KSK, Driscoll LS. Doubling speed using strained Si/SiGe CMOS technology. In: Fourth International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI-4). 2005, Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan: Thin Solid Films: Elsevier.
- Ramakrishnan HK, Chattopadhyay S, Yakovlev A, Dlay S, O'Neill AG. Design ofsrained silicon inverters for fture VLSI applications. In: 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT). 2005, Singapore.
- Agaiby R, O'Neill AG, Olsen SH. Design considerations for strained Si/SiGe deep submicron dual-channel CMOS using high thermal budgets. In: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Annual Conference. 2005, Lancaster, UK.
- Bull SJ, Dobrosz P, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Assessment of strained silicon/SiGe with different architectures by Raman spectroscopy. In: Proceedings of Electronic Materials Conference. 2005, Santa Barbara, USA.
- Bull SJ, et al. Assessment of stained silicon/SiGe with different architectures by Raman spectroscopy. In: EMC. 2005, Santa Barbara, USA.
- O'Neill AG, Olsen SH, Hellstroem P-E, Ostling M, Lyutovich K, Kasper E. Advancing strained silicon. In: European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC) Workshop. 2005, Grenoble, France.
- Chang ACK, Norris DJ, Ross IM, Cullis AG, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. A study of SiGe/Si n-MOSFET processed and unprocessed channel layers using FIB and TEM methods. In: Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials (MSM). 2005, Oxford, UK: Springer.
- Terry JG, Smith S, Walton AJ, Gundlach AM, Stevenson JTM, Horsfall AB, Wang K, Dos Santos JMM, Soare SM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Bull SJ. Test chip for the development and evaluation of test structures for measuring stress in metal interconnect. In: IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures. 2004, Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, Japan: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
- Gaspari V, Fobelets K, Olsen SH, Velazquez-Perez JE, O'Neill AG, Zhang J. Temperature sensitivity of DC operation of sub-micron strained-Si MOSFETs. In: Proceedings of the Electronics Materials Conference. 2004, Notre Dame, Maryland, USA.
- Dobrosz P, Bull SJ, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Technique for measuring the residual strain in strained Si/SiGe MOSFET structures using Raman spectroscopy. In: 4th European Symposium on NanoMechanical Testing. 2004, Huckelhoven, Germany: Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde.
- Paul DJ, Temple M, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Tang YT, Waite AM, Cerrina C, Evans AGR, Li X, Zhang J, Norris DJ, Cullis AG. Strained-Si n-MOS surface-channel and buried Si0.7Ge 0.3 compressively-strained p-MOS fabricated in a 0.25 μm heterostructure CMOS process. In: Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing: 2nd International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting (ISTDM 2004). 2004, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany: Pergamon.
- Gaspari V, Fobelets K, Olsen S, Velazquez-Perez JE, O'Neill AG, Zhang J. Si-Based Heterojunctions and Strained Si: Growth, Characterization and Applications. In: Electronic Materials Conference. 2004, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. In Press.
- Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Zhang J. Measurements of gate-oxide interface roughness in strained-Si virtual substrate SiGe/Si MOSFET device structures. In: Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials Conference. 2004, University of Cambridge, UK: Institute of Physics Publishing.
- Dobrosz P, Bull SJ, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Measurement of the residual macro and microstrain in strained Si/SiGe using Raman spectroscopy. In: Symposium on High Mobility Group IV Materials and Devices held at the 2004 MRS Spring Meeting. 2004, San Francisco, CA: Materials Research Society.
- Dobrosz P, Bull SJ, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Measurement of the residual macro and microstrain in strained Si/SiGe using Raman spectroscopy. In: High-Mobility Group IV Materials and Devices. 2004, San Francisco, California, USA: Materials Research Society.
- Lafford TA, Olsen SH, Tanner BK, O'Neill AG. Measurement of Relaxation in Strained Silicon by Grazing Incidence In-plane X-ray Diffraction. 2004, Prague, Czech.
- Lafford TA, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Tanner BK. Measurement of relaxation in strained silicon by grazing incidence in-plane x-ray diffraction. In: High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and Imaging (XTOP). 2004, Prague, Czechoslovakia.
- Driscoll LS, Olsen S, Chattopadhyay S, O'Neill AG, Kwa K. Impact of Ge diffusion and wafer cross hatching on strained Si MOSFET electrical parameters. In: International Conference on Materials Research Symposium (MRS). 2004, San Francisco, California, USA.
- Driscoll L, Olsen S, Chattopadhyay S, O'Neill A, Kwa K, Dobrosz P, Bull SJ. Impact of Ge diffusion and wafer cross hatching on strained Si MOSFET electrical parameters. In: Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 2004, San Francisco, CA: Symposium on High-Mobility Group-IV Materials and Devices.
- Driscoll L, Olsen S, Chattopadhyay S, O'Neill A, Kwa K, Dobrosz P, Bull S. Impact of Ge diffusion and wafer cross hatching on strained Si MOSFET electrical parameters. In: High-Mobility Group IV Materials and Devices. 2004, San Francisco, California, USA: Materials Research Society.
- dos Santos JMM, Wang K, Soare SM, Bull SJ, Horsfall AB, Wright NG. Hinge sensitivity in a micro-rotating structure for predicting induced thermo mechanical stress in integrated circuit metal interconnects. In: Thin Films: Stresses and Mechanical Properties X. 2004, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Materials Research Society.
- B-Dimitriu C, Horsfall AB, Wright NG, Johnson CM, Vassilevski KV, O'Neill AG. First principles derivation of carrier transport across metal - SiC barriers. In: Materials Science Forum: 10th International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM). 2004, Lyon, France: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Soare S, Bull SJ, Oila A, O'Neill AG, Wright N, Horsfall A, dos Santos J. Determination of mechanical parameters for rotating MEMS structures as a function of deposition method. In: Thin Films: Stresses and Mechanical Properties X. 2004, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Materials Research Society.
- Soare S, Bull SJ, Oila A, O'Neill A, Wright N, Horsfall A, dos Santos J. Determination of mechanical parameters for rotating MEMS structures as a function of deposition method. In: MRS Fall Meeting 2003. 2004, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Dos Santos JMM, Horsfall AB, Pina JCP, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Wang K, Soare SM, Bull SJ, Terry JG, Walton AJ, Gundlach AM, Stevenson JTM. Calibration and optimization of interconnect based MEMS test structures for predicting thermo-mechanical stress in metallization. In: 42nd Annual IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium. 2004, Phoenix, Arizona, USA: IEEE.
- Inkson BJ, Olsen S, Norris DJ, O'Neill AG, Mobus G. 3D determination of a MOSFET gate morphology by FIB tomography. In: Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials Conference. 2004, Cambridge University, UK: Institute of Physics.
- Temple MP, Paul DJ, Tang YT, Waite AM, Evans AGR, O'Neill AG, Zhang J, Grasby T, Parker EHC. The relative performance enhancement of strained-Si and buried channel p-MOS as a function of lithographic and effective gate lengths. In: 2003 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium. 2003, Washington, DC: IEEE.
- dos Santos JMM, Horsfall AB, Soare SM, Oila A, Bull SJ, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Walton AJ, Gundlach AM, Stevenson JTM. Residual Stress Sensor for the Microelectronics Industry. In: Eurosensors XVII: the 17th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers. 2003, Guimaraes, Portugal: Elsevier.
- Childs PA, O'Neill AG. Propagation of X-rays in carbon nanotubes. In: Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Fourth International Symposium on Nanostructures and Mesoscopic Systems. 2003, Tempe, Arizona, USA: Elsevier BV.
- O'Neill AG, Childs PA. Propagation of x-rays in carbon nanotubes. In: 4th International Symposium on Nanostructures and Mesoscopic Systems (NanoMES 2003). 2003, Tempe, Arizona, USA: Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Elsevier.
- Jankovic ND, O'Neill AG. Performance evaluation of SiGe HBTs on virtual substrates. In: Third International Conference on SiGe(C) Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI3). 2003, Santa Fe, NM, USA.
- Kwa K, Chattopadhyay S, Olsen S, Driscoll L, O'Neill AG. Optimisation of Channel Thickness in Strained Si/SiGe MOSFETs. In: Proc ESSDERC. 2003, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Kwa KSK, Chattopadhyay S, Olsen SH, Driscoll LS, O'Neill AG. Optimisation of channel thickness in strained Si/SiGe MOSFETs. In: 33rd European Solid-State Device Research. 2003, Estoril, Portugal: IEEE.
- Kwa KSK, Chattopadhyay S, Olsen SH, Driscoll LS, O'Neill AG. Optimisation of channel thickness in strained Si/SiGe MOSFETs. In: 33rd European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC). 2003, Estoril, Portugal: IEEE.
- Horsfall AB, Johnson CM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG. Optimisation of a 4H-SiC Enhancement Mode Power JFET. In: 4th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM 2002). 2003, Linkoping, Sweden: Trans Tech Publications.
- Horsfall AB, Johnson CM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG. Optimisation of a 4H-SiC enhancement mode power JFET. In: Materials Science Forum: 4th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials. 2003, Linkoping, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Chattopadhay S, Driscoll LS, Kwa KSK, Paul DJ, Zhang J. N-MOSFET performance in single and dual channel strained Si/SiGe CMOS architectures. In: 2003 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium (IEEE Cat. No.03EX741). IEEE. 2003. 2003, Washington, DC: IEEE.
- Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Zhang J. Measurements of gate-oxide interface roughness in strained-Si virtual substrate SiGe/Si MOSFET device structures. In: Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials: Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials. 2003, Cambridge, UK: Institute of Physics Publishing.
- Olsen SHJ, O'Neill AG, Chattopadhyay S, Kwa KSK, Driscoll LS, Bull SJ, Waite AM, Tang YT, Evans AGR, Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Zhang J. Impact of Virtual Substrate Ge Composition on Strained Si MOSFET Performance. In: Electronic Materials Conference. 2003, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Chattopadhyay S, Kwa KSK, Driscoll LS, Bull SJ, Waite AM, Tang YT, Evans AGR, Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Zhang J. Impact of virtual substrate Ge composition on strained Si MOSFET performance. In: Electronic Materials Conference (EMC). 2003, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- Olsen S, Chattopadhyay S, Kwa K, Driscol L, O'Neill A. Impact of Material Quality on High Performance Strained Si/SiGe heterostructure MOSFETs. In: Si Manoelectronics Workshop. 2003, Kyoto, Japan.
- Dos Santos JMM, Wang K, Soare SM, Bull SJ, Horsfall AB, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Terry JG, Walton AJ, Gundlach AM, Stevenson JTM. Hinge sensitivity in a micro-rotating structure for predicting induced thermo mechanical stress in integrated circuit metal interconnects. In: Symposium on Thin Films - Stresses and Mechanical Properties X held at the 2003 MRS Fall Meeting. 2003, Boston, MA: Materials Research Society.
- Dos Santos JMM, Wang K, Soare SM, Horsfall AB, Bull SJ, Wright NG, Oila A, O'Neill AG, Terry JG, Walton AJ, Gundlacj AM, Stevenson JTM. Hinge optimisation in a micro-rotating structure for stress gauging in integrated circuit interconnects. In: Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 2003, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Olsen SH, Driscoll LS, Kwa KSK, Chattopadhyay S, O'Neill AG, Waite AM, Tang YT, Evans AGR, Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Paul DJ, Robbins DJ. High performance strained Si/SiGe nMOSFETs using a novel CMOS architecture. In: International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI3). 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
- Olsen SH, Driscoll LS, Kwa KSK, Chattopadhyay S, O'Neill AG. High performance strained Si/SiGe n-channel MOSFETs: impact of alloy composition and layer architecture. In: International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM). 2003, Tokyo, Japan.
- Olsen S, Driscoll L, Kwa K, Chattopadhyay S, O'Neill A, Waite A, Tang Y, Evans A, Norris D, Cullis A, Paul D, Robbins D. High performance strained Si.SiGe NMOSFETs using a novel CMOS architecture. In: Third International Conference on SiGe(C) Epitaxy and Heterostructures. 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
- Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Olsen S, O'Neill AG, Waite A, Evans A, Zhang J. Gate-oxide interface roughness analyses for oxidation on strained and unstrained vicinal Si surfaces by transmission electron microscopy. In: Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials Conference. 2003, Cambridge, UK: Taylor & Francis.
- Driscoll LS, O'Neill AG, Olsen SH, Chattopadhyay S, Kwa KSK. Dual quantum well strained silicon/silicon-germanium n-channel heterojunction metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors for CMOS logic. In: Proc. PREP. 2003, Exeter, UK.
- Horsfall AB, Dos Santos JMM, Soare SM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Bull SJ, Walton AJ, Gundlach AM, Stevenson JTM. Direct measurement of residual stress in integrated circuit interconnect features. In: 14th European Symposium on Raliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis. 2003, Bordeaux, France: Microelectronics Reliability, Pergamon.
- Soare S, Bull SJ, Oila A, O'Neill AG, Wright N, Horsfall A, Dos Santos J. Determination of mechanical parameters for rotating MEMS structures as a function of deposition method. In: Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings: Thin Films - Stresses and Mechanical Properties X. 2003, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Materials Research Society.
- Soare S, Bull SJ, Oila A, O'Neill A, Wright N, Horsfal A, dos Santos J. Determination of mechanical parameters for rotating MEMS as a function of deposition method. In: Thin Films: Stresses and Mechanical Properties X. 2003, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Materials Research Society Symposium.
- Soare S, Bull SJ, Oila A, O'Neill A, Wright N, Horsfall A, dos Santos J. Determination of mechanical parameters for rotatin MEMS as function of deposition method. In: Proceedings of the Materials Research Society. 2003, Boston, USA: Materials Research Society.
- O'Neill AG, Olsen SH. Design, Fabrication and Characterisation of Strained Si/SiGe MOSFETs. In: Workshop on Si/SiGe FET Technology. 2003, Ulm, Germany.
- Soare S, Bull SJ, Horsfall A, dos Santos J, O'Neill AG, Wright NG. Assessment of aluminium thin films by nanindentation. In: Surface Engineering: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications. 2003, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Materials Research Society.
- Horsfall AB, dos Santos JMM, Soare SM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Bull SJ, Walton AJ, Gundlach AM, Stevenson JTM. A novel sensor for the direct measurement of process induced residual stress in interconnects. In: 33rd European Solid-State Device Research. 2003, Estoril, Portugal: IEEE.
- Inkson BJ, Olsen S, Norris DJ, O'Neill AG, Mobus G. 3D determination of a MOSFET gate morphology by FIB tomography. In: Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials. 2003, Cambridge: IOP Publishing.
- Horsfall AB, Vassilevski KV, Johnson CM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Gwilliam RM. Optimisation of implanted guard-ring terminations in 4H-SiC Schottky diodes. In: International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials. 2002, Tsukuba, Japan: Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech Publications.
- Horsfall AB, Vassilevski KV, Johnson CM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG, Gwilliam RM. Optimisation of implanted guard-ring terminations in 4H-SiC Schottky diodes. In: International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials. 2002, Tsukuba, Japan: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Horsfall AB, Johnson CM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG. Optimisation of a 4H-SiC enhancement mode power JFET. In: Silicon Carbide and Related Materials: 4th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM). 2002, Linkoping, Sweden: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Measurement of the nanoscale roughness of advanced MOSFET layer structures. In: Fall MRS. 2002, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Norris DJ, Cullis AG, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Measurement of the nanoscale roughness of advanced MOSFET layer structures. In: Materials Research Society Conference (MRS). 2002, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Phelps GJ, Wright NG, Chester EG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG, Ortolland S, Horsfall AB, Vassilevski K, Gwilliam RM. Enhanced dopant diffusion effects in 4H silicon carbide. In: International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials. 2002, Tsukuba, Japan: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Blasciuc-Dimitriu C, Horsfall AB, Vassilevski KV, Johnson CM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG. Characterisation of the high temperature performance of 4H-SiC Schottky barrier diodes. In: Silicon Carbide and Related Materials: 4th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM). 2002, Linkoping, Sweden: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Soare SM, Bull SJ, Horefall A, Dos Santos J, O'Neill AG, Wright NG. Assessment of aluminium metallisation by nanoindentation. In: Materials Research Society Symposium: Surface Engineering Sythesis, Characterization and Applications. 2002, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Materials Research Society.
- Vassilevski KV, Horsfall AB, Johnson CM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG. 4H-SiC Schottky diodes with high on/off current ratio. In: International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials. 2002, Tsukuba, Japan: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Michelakis K, Despotopoulos S, Badcock SG, Papavassiliou C, O'Neill AG, Toumazou C. SiGe HMOSFET differential pair. In: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2001, Sydney, NSW, Australia: IEEE.
- Wright NG, Johnson CM, ONeill AG, Horsfall A, Ortolland S, Adachi K, Phelps GJ, Knights AP, Coleman PG, Burrows CP. Physical characterization of residual implant damage in 4H-SiC double implanted bipolar technology. In: Silicon Carbide - Materials, Processing and Devices. Symposium (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 2001, Boston USA: Materials Research Society.
- Kwa KS, ONeill AG. Diffusion of Boron in Stained Si-SiGe. In: PREP Conference. 2001, Keele.
- Vassilevski KV, Horsfall AB, Johnson CM, Wright NG, O'Neill AG. 4H-SiC Schottky diodes with high on-off current ratio. In: International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials. 2001.
- Coleman AP, Wright NG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG, Horsfall A, Ortolland S, Adachi K, Phelps GJ, Knights PG, Burrows CP. Physical characterization of residual implant damage in 4H-SiC double implanted bipolar technology. In: Silicon Carbide - Materials, Processing and Devices: Symposium. 2000, Boston, MA, USA: Materials Research Society.
- Wright NG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG, Horsfall A, Ortolland S, Adachi K, Phelps GJ, Knights AP, Coleman PG, Burrows CP. Physical characterization of residual implant damage in 4H-SiC double implanted bipolar technology. In: Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings 2000. 2000, Boston USA: Cambridge University Press.
- Phelps GJ, Wright NG, Chester EG, ONeill AG, Johnson CM, Silicon Carbide, Prep2000. Iso-planar Structures and Circuits. In: Prep 2000. 2000, Newcastle UK: IOP Publishing UK.
- Pamler W, Low KS, Gabric Z, Schwerd M, Schrenk M, Barth HJ, Korner H, O'Neill A. Integration and characterization studies of silicon nitride capping layers on copper. In: INTERCONNECT AND CONTACT METALLIZATION FOR ULSI. 2000, 65 S MAIN ST, PENNINGTON, NJ 08534-2839 USA: ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY INC.
- Wright NG, Johnson CM, ONeill AG, Horsfall A, Ortolland S, Adachi K, Knights AP, Coleman PG. Implanted bipolar technology in 4H-SiC. In: Wide-Bandgap Electronic Devices. Symposium (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings). 2000, Strasbourg: Materials Research Society.
- Wright NG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG, Horsfall A, Ortolland S, Adachi K, Knights AP, Coleman PG. Implanted bipolar technology in 4H-SiC. In: 2000 MRS Spring Meeting Proceedings: Wide-Bandgap Electronic Devices. Symposium. 2000, San Francisco, CA, USA: Materials Research Society.
- Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Analysis of strained Si/SiGe MOSFETs. In: Proc. PREP. 2000, Nottingham, UK.
- Wright NG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG. Oxidation modelling for SiC. In: Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings of Spring Meeting. 1999, San Francisco, CA: Materials Research Society.
- Wright NG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG. Oxidation modelling for SiC. In: Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors for High-Power, High-Frequency, and High-Temperature Applications. 1999, San Francisco, California, USA: Materials Research Society.
- Ortolland S, Johnson CM, Wright NG, Morrison DJ, O'Neill AG. Optimisation of a power 4H-SiC SIT device for RF heating applications. In: 2nd European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM). 1999, Montpellier, France: Elsevier SA.
- Wright NG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG. Mechanistic model for oxidation of SiC. In: 2nd European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM 98). 1999, Montpellier, France: Elsevier.
- Low KS, Glasow AV, Poetzlberger H, O'Neill A. Evaluation of current ramp test for in-line electromigration test. In: Materials Reliability in Microelectronics IX Symposium. 1999, San Francisco, CA: Materials Research Society.
- Wright NG, Knights AP, O'Neill AG, Johnson CM. Evaluation of 4H-SiC varactor diodes for microwave applications. In: 7th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications: Edmo. 1999, London: IEEE.
- Morrison DJ, Hilton KP, Uren MJ, Wright NG, Johnson CM, O'Neill AG. Anomalous forward I-V characteristics of Ti/Au SiC Schottky barrier diodes. In: 2nd European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM). 1999, Montpellier, France: Elsevier SA.
- Low KS, Bull SJ, O'Neill AG. Simple computer modeling of the grain microstructure of Al-4wt%Cu interconnection lines. In: Polycrystalline Thin Films - Structure, Texture, Properties and Applications III. 1997, San Francisco, CA: Materials Research Society.
- Gaspari V, Fobelets K, Ding PW, Velazquez-Perez JW, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG, Zhang J. Temperature dependence of submicrometer strained-Si surface channel n-type MOSFETs in DT mode. IEEE Electron Device Letters 2004, 25(5), 334-336.
- Chattopadhyay S, Driscoll LD, Kwa KSK, Olsen SH, O'Neill AG. Strained Si MOSFETs on relaxed SiGe platforms: Performance and challenges. Solid-State Electronics 2004, 48(8), 1407-1416.