NuCore members
Dr Christopher Price
Professor of Stroke and Applied Health Research
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0)191 208 6779
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
Stroke Research Group
Henry Wellcome Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle Upon Tyne
As a clinical researcher, I work with national and international academic and industry collaborators to evaluate and implement interventions which improve patient access to emergency stroke treatments. These include novel point of care diagnostics, enhanced clinical assessment processes and evidence-based reconfiguration of clinical services.
I am chief investigator for single and multi-site phase II and III clinical trials, including multi-region ambulance trials funded by the National Institute for Health Research, Medical Research Council and Innovate UK to examine the clinical and cost-effectiveness of new paramedic assessment processes and portable diagnostics for suspected stroke.
For implementation, I contribute towards national and European clinical guidelines and consensus statements for emergency stroke treatments and service configurations. I developed and direct a clinical training module to improve stroke identification and reduce treatment delays which has been attended by more than 2000 NHS personnel.
In 2017 I was awarded The Stroke Association HRH Princess Margaret Senior Reader Fellowship in recognition of my ambition to improve emergency access to time-critical treatments for patients with suspected stroke.
My interest in the application of new technology to enhance patient outcomes goes beyond the acute phase of stroke treatment, including wristband accelerometry to encourage upper limb activity and collect recovery biomarker data. I have also been lead investigator for health services research awards to observe and predict the impact of clinical service reconfigurations for both stroke and mixed patient populations seeking emergency medical assistance.
Hear about our work with the Stroke Association in Karen's Story and how we're helping to stop lives being shattered by Stroke A pinprick to change a life.
Read more about our NIHR Paramedic Acute Stroke Treatment Assessment Trial here: PASTA. and see the results here: PASTA JAMA Neurology
Find out more about my publications at Google Scholar.
Areas of expertise
- Clinical trials of non-pharmaceutical technologies in stroke care (emergency assessment and rehabilitation)
- Translational studies of diagnostics
- Evaluation of service provision models
Roles and Responsibilities
- The Stroke Association HRH Princess Margaret Senior Clinical Reader
- Honorary Consultant Stroke Physician, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Member of the National Stroke Clinical Guidelines Group (pre-hospital care and prevention)
- UK representative on the European Pre-hospital Guidelines Task Force
- UK Stroke Forum Scientific Committee member
- Steering committee member of the UK Network exploring Ethics of Ambulance Trials
- UK Lead Investigator for phase III CONVINCE trial
- Trial steering committee for phase III ATTEST-2 trial
- Trial steering committee for phase III ICONS-2 trial
- MB ChB (hons) 1992 (Birmingham)
- MD 2003 (Newcastle)
- FRCP 2006 (London)
- MClinEd 2006 (Newcastle)
Previous Positions
- 2010-2017: Stroke Lead for the North East & North Cumbria NIHR Clinical Research Network
- 2013-2016: Stroke Association HRH Princess Margaret Research Development Fellow
- 2011-2015: Workforce Lead Stroke Medicine Specialist Advisory Committee (RCP)
- 2009-2012: Chair of the British Association Stroke Physicians Training Committee
Google Scholar: Click here.
ORCID: Click here
Electrical Bioimpedance Cerebral Spectroscopy detection of large vessel occlusion amongst patients with symptoms of acute stroke.
Price CI, Graziadio S, Shaw L, White P, Rodgers H, Mitra D, Dixit A.
MRC Confidence in Concept (Newcastle University) in partnership with Cerebrotech Inc.
October 2017 – December 2018: £25,305
Purines for Rapid Identification of Stroke Mimics (PRISM)
Price CI, Dale NE, Ford GA, Graziadio S, Imray C, Lendrum D, McMeekin P, Philips N, Roffe C, Shaw L, Smith C.
Innovate UK SBRI Phase 2: Stratified medicine: connecting the UK infrastructure
April 2017 – March 2020: £711,974
The Stroke Association HRH Princess Margaret Senior Reader Fellowship
Price CI. The Stroke Association
April 2017 – March 2021: £202,953
Point of Care Stroke In Vivo Diagnostic for Paramedic Use
Mascarenhas E, Dale N, Price C, McMeekin P.
SBRI Innovate UK Stratified Medicine: connecting the UK infrastructure
Awarded to Sarissa Biomedical Ltd
01/01/2016 – 31/12/2016: £149,500
Stroke Association Postgraduate Fellowship
PhD student Graham McClelland “Development of a stroke mimic probability score”
Price C, Rodgers H.
01/09/2015 – 30/08/2018: £105,000
Rapid Intervention with Glyceryl trinitrate in Hypertensive stroke Trial-2 (RIGHT-2): Assessment of safety and efficacy of transdermal glyceryl trinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, and of the feasibility of a multicentre ambulance-based stroke trial.
Bath P, Siriwardena N, England T, Potter J, Montgomery A, Wardlaw JM, Sprigg N, Robinson T, Roffe C, Jarvis M, Price C.
The British Heart Foundation. Nottingham University.
April 2015 – March 2018: £1,370,708
Promoting Effective And Rapid Stroke Care
Ford G, Price C, White P, McMeekin P, Vale L, Exley C, Flynn D, Snooks H, Russell I, Tyrrell P, Fell P, Dodd P.
NIHR Programme Grant for Applied Research RP-PG-1211-20012. Newcastle Hospitals.
May 2014 – April 2019: £1,958,330
A new approach to hosting pre-hospital clinical trials.
Price C, Byers S. (North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust)
Academic Health Science Network North East & North Cumbria. North East Ambulance.
April 2014 – March 2015: £72,000;
The Stroke Association Princess Margaret Research Development Fellowship
Price CI, Rodgers H.
The Stroke Association
August 2013 – July 2016 £152,808
Pre-hospital identification of stroke patients suitable for thrombolysis.
Price CI, Ford GA, White P.
Teaching & Research Fellowship (Northumbria Healthcare/Newcastle University)
Apr 2013 – March 2015: £70,000
Understanding clinicians’ decisions to offer intravenous thrombolytic treatment to patients with acute ischaemic stroke: a discrete choice experiment
Thomson RG, Lancsar E, Ternent L, Flynn D, Rodgers H, Price C, Ford GA.
National Institute for Health Research, Health Services and Delivery Research Programme, (Project:12/5001/45)
April 2013- March 2015: £241,345
NIHR Hyperacute Stroke Research Centre
Price C, Dixit A, Williams P on behalf of the North East Stroke Research Network
April 2010 – March 2013: £390,000
ASTUTE: Acute Stroke Telemedicine: Utility, Training and Evaluation
Watkins CL, Ford GA, Emsley H, Price C, O'Donnell M, May C, Lightbody E.
NIHR Research For Patient Benefit. University of Central Lancashire.
April 2010 - August 2013: £249,992
Stroke TIA Assessment Training (STAT) Programme for North East England
Price CI
North of England Cardiovascular Network, Stroke Improvement Programme.
November 2008 – March 2011: £190,679
Development and evaluation of hyperacute services for patients with acute stroke
Ford G, Rodgers H, Thomson R, Donaldson C, Price C, Murtagh M, White M, Gray J.
NIHR Programme Grant for Applied Research
Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals, Northumbria Healthcare, North East Ambulance Service and Newcastle University.
August 2007 – July 2012: £1,773,616
Improving Cardiac Arrest Recognition and Effectiveness (ICARE).
Watkins C, Leathley M, Jones S, Gibson J, Sutton C, Price C, Siriwardena N, Roberts D, Quinn T, Dewitt D, Mackway-Jones K.
Department of Health Policy Research Programme. UCLAN
January 2015 – May 2016: £604,680
Development of a validated model to predict how the centralisation of emergency medical services will affect the health of older patients.
Price C, McMeekin P, Bhattarai N.
The Dunhill Medical Trust. Northumbria Healthcare.
May 2015 – April 2017: £ 92,341
Using economic evaluation and preference elicitation methods to inform decisions about how best to reorganise services: A case study of the redesign of emergency medical services.
Vale L, McMeekin P, Price C.
The Health Foundation PhD Award for Improvement Science.
March 2014 – February 2017: £138,280
Examination of emergency medical services modelling methods and patient outcome measures.
Price CI, McMeekin P
NIHR Flexibility and Sustainability Funding, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. September 2012 – August 2013: £50,492
Evaluation of a clinical simulation programme to improve patient safety
Price CI, Piper M.
North East Strategic Health Authority Workforce Development and Innovation Fund
April 2009 – March 2011: £149,826
Study in Novel Neuro-muscular Imaging Biomarkers for Motor Outcome in Stroke
Mitra D, Blamire A, Price C, Rodgers H.
NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre BRC Project Funding
July 2018 – June 2021; £119,649
Development and clinical trial feasibility evaluation of auditory rhythmical cueing to improve gait and physical activity in community dwelling stroke survivors.
Moore SA, Rochester L, Price C, Rodgers H, Shaw L, Godfrey A, Lord S, Lambert A.
The Stroke Association.
01/08/2016 – 31/07/2019: £207,511
Development and feasibility of a clinically integrated behaviour modification toolkit to promote personalised physical activity routines following recent stroke.
NIHR ICA Clinical Lectureship 2016 awarded to Sarah Moore.
Moore SA, Price CI, Rodgers H, Rochester L, Flynn D, Trennell M.
01/04/2016 – 31/03/2020: £221,515
Low Dose Colchicine for Stroke Prevention (CONVINCE)
Kelly P, Price CI. The Irish Stroke Research Network (UK Chief Investigator and TSC)
Irish Health Research Board, Dublin.
01/04/2016 – 01/04/2020: £329,757
NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship
PhD student Eugene Tsang “Identification and Care of Patients at Risk of Post-Stroke Dementia”
Tsang E, Robinson L, Price C, Stephan B, Exley C.
01/09/2015 – 30/08/2018: £241,600
Protocol development and clinical trial feasibility evaluation of a wrist-worn
accelerometer to monitor, prompt and report impaired upper limb activity during
self-supervised rehabilitation after stroke.
Price C, Balaam M, Brittain K, Brkic L, Ploetz T. Rodgers H, Shaw L, van Wijck F.
The Stroke Association. Newcastle University.
January 2015 – December 2017: £209,994
Assessment of stroke rehabilitation with a wearable sensing platform and computational analysis methods.
Ploetz T, Price C, Brittain K.
SAgE Doctoral Training Awards Scheme, Newcastle University
May 2014 – April 2018: £80,000
Development, implementation and evaluation of a standardised nurse-led protocol to recognise and address the risk of poor oral fluid intake amongst older inpatients with complex needs following unscheduled hospital admission.
Price C, Laverty A, Riddell V, Brown M.
The Health Foundation. Northumbria Healthcare.
April 2014 – March 2015: £73,896
RATULS: Robot Assisted Training for the Upper Limb after Stroke
Rodgers H, Aird L, Darawil K, Dawson J, Eyre J, Finch T, Ford G, Hogg S, Howel D, Hughes N, Krebs H, Price C, Rochester L, Shaw L, Turner D, Ternent L, Vale L.
January 2014 - July 2018 £3,094,000
A trial to evaluate an extended rehabilitation service for stroke patients
Rodgers H, Drummond A, Ford G, Forster A, Howel D, Laverty A, McKevitt C, McMeekin P, Price C, Shaw L, Cant R
October 2012 – September 2017: £1,646,334
Limbs Alive - Monitoring of upper limb rehabilitation and recovery after stroke
Eyre J, Ford G, Rodgers H, Price C, Rochester L, Watson P, McGough S, Li F, Neill S, Troughton, Gaukroger N
Department of Health/Wellcome Trust Health Innovation Challenge Fund
December 2011 – January 2014: £1,618,833
Development and feasibility evaluation of a repetitive functional task practice (RFTP) programme for upper limb recovery early after stroke
Rodgers H, Price C, Shaw L, van Wijck F, Watkins C, Forster A, Langhorne P.
Stroke Association
April 2011 – March 2014: £157,925
Needs Survey - Information Mapping Exercise
French B, Burton B, Dey P, Langhorne P, Leathley M, Marsden J, McAdam J, Price CI, Radford K, Rodgers H, Sackley C, Sharma A, Sutton C, Walker M, Watkins C.
The Stroke Association. University of Central Lancashire.
April 2008 – October 2008: £22,861
Evaluation of a multidisciplinary training programme for implementation of the new National Stroke Strategy
Price CI, Laverty A, Rana B, Russell S.
NHS North East Workforce Development Fund.
Jan 2008 – October 2010: £364,861
A systematic review of repetitive task training with modelling of resource use, costs and effectiveness
Watkins CL, French B, Price CI, Forster A, Walker A, Sutton CJ, Leathley JM.
NIHR HTA Programme.
University of Central Lancashire.
November 2005 – Jan 2007: £69,361
What is the clinical effect and cost effectiveness of treating upper limb spasticity due to stroke with botulinum toxin?
Rodgers H, Price CI, Van Wijck F, Johnson GR, Shackley P, Barnes MP, Steen IN, Gray C, Ford GA, Cassidy T, Field, Gani A, Graham L.
NIHR HTA Programme
Feb 2005 – Feb 2009: £862,373
Does surface neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) to the upper limb following acute stroke improve outcome?
Rodgers H, Price CI, Pandyan AD.
Teaching & Research Fellowship (Northumbria Healthcare/Newcastle University)
Oct 2001 – Dec 2003: £70,000
Biomechanical analysis of the reflex response in the measurement of spasticity
Johnson GR, Pandyan AD, Price CI, Barnes MP.
Action Research
CREST, Newcastle University
Apr 2001 – March 2004: £85,701
Does an early intensive interdisciplinary upper limb therapy programme following acute stroke improve outcome?
Rodgers H, Curless RH, Campbell MD, Stoddart GD, Price CI, McNamee P.
Northern and Yorkshire Regional R&D Directorate Combined Therapy Grant
Jan 1999 – Dec 2002: £149,926
Clinical and biomechanical predictors of upper limb recovery after stroke (MD)
Price CI, Curless RH, Rodgers H.
Teaching & Research Fellowship (Northumbria Healthcare/Newcastle University)
Apr 1997 – Sept 1999: £55,000
- Moore SA, Avery L, Price CI, Flynn D. A feasibility, acceptability and fidelity study of a multifaceted behaviour change intervention targeting free-living physical activity and sedentary behaviour in community dwelling adult stroke survivors. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2020, 6, 58.
- Lumley HA, Flynn D, Shaw L, McClelland G, Ford GA, White P, Price C. A Scoping Review of Pre-hospital Technology to Assist Ambulance Personnel with Patient Diagnosis or Stratification during the Emergency Assessment of Suspected Stroke. BMC Emergency Medicine 2020, 20, 30.
- Shaw L, Bhattarai N, Cant R, Drummond A, Ford GA, Forster A, Francis R, Hills K, Howel D, Lavery AM, McKevitt C, Price C, Stamp E, Stevens E, Vale L, Rodgers H. An extended stroke rehabilitation service for people who have had a stroke: the EXTRAS RCT. Health Technology Assessment 2020, 24(24).
- Shaw L, Bhattarai N, Cant R, Drummond A, Ford GA, Forster A, Francis R, Hills K, Howel D, Laverty AM, McKevitt C, McMeekin P, Price C, Stamp E, Stevens E, Vale L, Rodgers H. An extended stroke rehabilitation service for people who have had a stroke: the EXTRAS RCT. Health Technology Assessment 2020, 24(24), 1-202.
- Tang EYH, Price CI, Robinson L, Exley C. Assessing the Predictive Validity of Simple Dementia Risk Models in Harmonised Stroke Cohorts. Stroke 2020, 51(7), 2095–2102.
- Price CI, Shaw L, Dixit A, Graziadio S, Lendrem C, Mitra D, Rodgers H, Sutcliffe L, White P. Asymmetrical Bioimpedance in the Anterior Circulation for Urgent Stratification of suspected Stroke (ABACUS Stroke): study protocol for a diagnostic accuracy study. Diagnostic and Prognostic Research 2020, 4, 2.
- McCue P, Del Din S, Hunter H, Lord S, Price CIM, Shaw L, Rodgers H, Rochester L, Moore SA. Auditory rhythmical cueing to improve gait and physical activity in community dwelling stroke survivors (ACTIVATE): study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2020, 6(1), 68.
- Katsanos AH, Palaiodimou L, Price C, Giannopoulos S, Lemmens R, Kosmidou M, Georgakis MK, Weimar C, Kelly PJ, Tsivgoulis G. Colchicine for Stroke Prevention in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta‐analysis. European Journal of Neurology 2020, 27(6), 1035-1038.
- Price CI, Shaw L, Islam S, Javanbakht M, Watkins A, McMeekin P, Snooks S, Flynn D, Francis R, Lakey R, Sutcliffe L, McClelland G, Lally J, Exley C, Rodgers H, Russell I, Vale L, Ford GA. Effect of an Enhanced Paramedic Acute Stroke Treatment Assessment (PASTA) on Thrombolysis Delivery During Emergency Stroke Care: A Cluster Randomised Clinical Trial. JAMA Neurology 2020, 77(7), 840-848.
- Price CI, McCarthy S, Bate A, McMeekin P. Impact of emergency care centralisation on mortality and efficiency: a retrospective service evaluation. Emergency Medicine Journal 2020, 37(4), 180-186.
- Tang EY, Price CI, Stephan B, Robinson L, Exley C. Impact of Memory Problems Post-stroke on Patients and Their Family Carers: A Qualitative Study. Frontiers in Medicine 2020, 7, 267.
- Lally J, Vaittinen A, McClelland G, Price C, Shaw L, Ford GA, Flynn D, Exley C. Paramedic experiences of using an enhanced stroke assessment during cluster randomised controlled trial; a qualitatve thematic analysis. Emergency Medicine Journal 2020, 37(8), 480-485.
- McClelland G, Flynn D, Rodgers H, Price CI. Positive predictive value of stroke identification by ambulance clinicians in North East England: a service evaluation. Emergency Medicine Journal 2020, 37(8), 474-479.
- Shaw L, Cant R, Drummond A, Ford GA, Forster A, Francis R, Hills K, Howel D, Laverty A, McKevitt C, McMeekin P, Price C, Stamp E, Stevens E, Vale L, Rodgers H. Evaluation of an extended stroke rehabilitation service (EXTRAS): a multicentre randomized controlled trial. In: The Society for Research in Rehabilitation Winter 2019 Meeting. 2019, Nottingham: Sage Publications Ltd.
- Rodgers H, Howel D, Bhattarai N, Cant R, Drummond A, Ford GA, Forster A, Francis R, Hills K, Laverty A-M, McKevitt C, McMeekin P, Price CIM, Stamp E, Stevens E, Vale L, Shaw L. Evaluation of an Extended Stroke Rehabilitation Service (EXTRAS): A Randomized Controlled Trial and Economic Analysis. Stroke 2019, 50(12), 3561-3568.
- Price CI, Shaw L, Dodd P, Exley C, Flynn D, Francis R, Islam S, Javanbakht M, Lakey R, Lally J, McClelland G, McMeekin P, Rodgers H, Snooks H, Sutcliffe L, Tyrell P, Vale L, Watkins A, Ford GA. Paramedic Acute Stroke Treatment Assessment (PASTA): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2019, 20, 121.
- Tang EYH, Price C, Stephan BCM, Robinson L, Exley C. Post-stroke memory deficits and barriers to seeking help: views of patients and carers. Family Practice 2019, 36(4), 506-510.
- Bhattarai N, McMeekin P, Price CI, Vale L. Preferences for centralised emergency medical services: Discrete choice experiment. BMJ Open 2019, 9(11), e030966.
- Bath PM, Woodhouse LJ, Krishnan K, Appleton JP, Anderson CS, Berge E, Cala L, Dixon M, England TJ, Godolphin PJ, Hepburn T, Mair G, Montgomery AA, Phillips SJ, Potter J, Price CI, Randall M, Robinson TG, Roffe C, Rothwell PM, Sandset EC, Sanossian N, Saver JL, Siriwardena AN, Venables G, Wardlaw JM, Sprigg N. Prehospital Transdermal Glyceryl Trinitrate for Ultra-Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Data From the RIGHT-2 Trial. Stroke 2019, 50(11), 3064-3071.
- Bath PB, Scutt P, Anderson CS, Ankolekar S, Appleton JP, Berge E, Cala L, Dixon M, England TJ, Godolphin PJ, Havard D, Haywood L, Hepburn T, Krishnan K, Mair G, Montgomery AA, Muir K, Phillips SJ, Pocock S, Potter J, Price CI, Randall M, Robinson TG, Roffe C, Rothwell PM, Sandset EC, Sanossian N, Saver JL, Shone A, Siriwardena N, Wardlaw JM, Woodhouse LJ, Venables G, Sprigg N. Prehospital transdermal glyceryl trinitrate in patients with ultra-acute presumed stroke (RIGHT-2): an ambulance-based, randomised, sham-controlled, blinded, phase 3 trial. Lancet 2019, 393(10175), 1009-1020.
- Rodgers H, Bosomworth H, Krebs HI, van Wijck F, Howel D, Wilson N, Aird L, Alvarado N, Andole S, Cohen DL, Dawson J, Fernandez-Garcia C, Finch T, Ford GA, Francis R, Hogg S, Hughes N, Price CI, Ternent L, Turner DL, Vale L, Wilkes S, Shaw L. Robot Assisted Training for the Upper Limb after Stroke (RATULS): a multi-centre randomised controlled trial comparing robot-assisted training; an enhanced upper limb therapy programme; and usual care. Lancet 2019, 394(10192), 51-62.
- Martin AJ, Dale N, Imray CE, Roffe C, Smith CJ, Tian F, Price CI. The association between early neurological deterioration and whole blood purine concentration during acute stroke. Biomarker Research 2019, 7(7).
- McClelland G, Rodgers H, Flynn D, Price CI. The frequency, characteristics and aetiology of stroke mimic presentations: a narrative review. European Journal of Emergency Medicine 2019, 26(1), 2-8.
- Tang E, Exley C, Price C, Stephan B, Robinson L. The views of public and clinician stakeholders on risk assessment tools for post-stroke dementia: A qualitative study. BMJ Open 2019, 9(3), e025586.
- Da-Silva RH, Moore SA, Rodgers H, Shaw L, Sutcliffe L, van Wijck F, Price CI. Wristband Accelerometers to motiVate arm Exercises after Stroke (WAVES): a pilot randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation 2019, 33(8), 1391-1403.
- DeBrún A, Flynn D, Ternent L, Price CI, Rodgers H, Ford GA, Rudd M, Lancsar E, Simpson S, Teah J, Thomson RG. A novel design process for selection of attributes for inclusion in discrete choice experiments: case study exploring variation in clinical decision-making about thrombolysis in the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke. BMC Health Services Research 2018, 18, 483.
- Lumley H, Flynn D, Ford GA, Inskip A, McClelland G, Shaw L, White PM, Price CIM. A Review of Technology to Assist with Patient Stratification during the Emergency Assessment of Suspected Stroke. PROSPERO 2018 2018, CRD42018087611.
- Martin AJ, Price CI. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Molecular Biomarkers Associated with Early Neurological Deterioration Following Acute Stroke. Cerebrovascular Diseases 2018, 46(5-6), 230–241.
- Kelly PJ, Murphy S, Coveney S, Purroy P, Lemmens R, Tsivgoulis G, Price C. Anti-inflammatory approaches to ischaemic stroke prevention. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 2018, 89(2), 211-218.
- Kobayashi A, Czlonkowska A, Ford GA, Fonseca AC, Luijckx GJ, Korv J, de la Ossa NP, Price C, Russell D, Tsiskaridze A, Messmer-Wullen M, De Keyser J. European Academy of Neurology and European Stroke Organization consensus statement and practical guidance for pre-hospital management of stroke. European Journal of Neurology 2018, 25(3), 425-433.
- DeBrún A, Flynn D, Ternent L, Price CI, Rodgers H, Ford GA, Rudd M, Lancsar E, Simpson S, Teah J, Thomson RG. Factors that influence clinicians’ decisions to offer intravenous alteplase for borderline patients with acute ischaemic stroke: results of a discrete choice experiment. International Journal of Stroke 2018, 13(1), 74-82.
- Moore SA, Hrisos N, Flynn D, Errington L, Price C, Avery L. How should long-term free-living physical activity be targeted after stroke? A systematic review and narrative synthesis. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2018, 15, 100.
- Tang E, Amiesimaka O, Harrison SL, Green E, Price C, Robinson L, Siervo M, Stephan B. Longitudinal Effect of Stroke on Cognition: A Systematic Review. Journal of the American Heart Association 2018, 7(2), e006443.
- Da Silva RH, Moore SA, Van Wijck F, Shaw L, Rodgers H, Jackson D, Balaam M, Sutcliffe L, Brkic L, Ploetz T, Price CI. Proceedings of SRR: Wristband accelerometers to motivate arm exercise after stroke (WAVES): A pilot randomized controlled trial. In: The Society of Research in Rehabilitation 40th Anniversary and Winter Meeting. 2018, Bristol, UK: SAGE Publications Ltd.
- Da-Silva R, van Wijck F, Shaw L, Rodgers H, Balaam M, Brkic L, Ploetz T, Jackson D, Ladha K, Price CI. Prompting arm activity after stroke: a clinical proof of concept study of wrist-worn accelerometers with a vibrating alert function. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering 2018, 5, 1-8.
- Da-Silva RH, Moore SA, Price CI. Self-directed therapy programmes for arm rehabilitation after stroke: a systematic review. Clinical Rehabilitation 2018, 32(8), 1022-1036.
- Elameer M, Flynn D, Price CI, Rodgers H. The impact of acute stroke service centralisation: a time series evaluation. Future Healthcare Journal 2018, 5(3), 181-187.
- Jones SP, Miller C, Gibson JME, Cook J, Price C, Watkins CL. The impact of education and training interventions for nurses and other health care staff involved in the delivery of stroke care: An integrative review. Nurse Education Today 2018, 61, 249-257.
- Da Silva R, Rodgers H, Shaw L, van Wijck F, Moore SA, Jackson D, Francis R, Sutcliffe L, Balaam M, Ploetz T, Brkic L, Price CI. Wristband accelerometers to motivate arm exercise after stroke (WAVES): Activity data from a pilot randomised controlled trial. In: 12th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018, Paris: Elsevier Masson SAS.
- Oates L, Riddell V, Plank J, Price CI. A protocol for assessing the risk of dehydration in older people. Nursing Times 2017, 113(1), 37-40.
- Flynn D, Francis R, Robalino S, Lally J, Snooks H, Rodgers H, McClelland G, Ford GA, Price C. A review of enhanced paramedic roles during and after hospital handover of stroke, myocardial infarction and trauma patients. BMC Emergency Medicine 2017, 17, 5.
- McClelland G, Rodgers H, Flynn D, Price C. A survey of UK paramedics’ views about their stroke training, current practice and the identification of stroke mimics. British Paramedic Journal 2017, 2(1), 4-15.
- Da-Silva RH, Moore SA, Price CIM. A systematic review of self-directed therapy programmes for upper limb rehabilitation after stroke. In: UK Stroke Forum. 2017, Liverpool: SAGE. In Preparation.
- Oates L, Price CI. Clinical assessments and care interventions to promote oral hydration amongst older patients: a narrative systematic review. BMC Nursing 2017, 16(4).
- McMeekin P, White P, James MA, Price CI, Flynn D, Ford GA. Estimating the number of UK stroke patients eligible for endovascular thrombectomy. European Stroke Journal 2017, 2(4), 319-326.
- Thomson RG, De Brún A, Flynn D, Ternent L, Price CI, Rodgers H, Ford GA, Rudd M, Lancsar E, Simpson S, Teah J. Factors that influence variation in clinical decision-making about thrombolysis in the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke: results of a discrete choice experiment. Health Services and Delivery Research 2017, 5, 1-116.
- Tang EYH, Price C, Stephan BCM, Robinson L, Exley C. Gaps in care for patients with memory deficits after stroke: Views of healthcare providers. BMC Health Services Research 2017, 17, 634.
- Bagot KL, Cadilhac DA, Bladin CF, Watkins CL, Vu M, Donnan GA, Dewey HM, Emsley HCA, Davies DP, Day E, Ford GA, Price CI, May CR, McLoughlin ASR, Gibson JME, Lightbody CE. Integrating acute stroke telemedicine consultations into specialists' usual practice: A qualitative analysis comparing the experience of Australia and the United Kingdom. BMC Health Services Research 2017, 17, 751.
- Shiue I, McMeekin P, Price C. Retrospective observational study of emergency admission, readmission and the 'weekend effect'. BMJ Open 2017, 7(3), e012493.
- Rodgers H, Shaw L, Bosomworth H, Aird L, Alvarado N, Andole S, Cohen DL, Dawson J, Eyre J, Finch T, Ford GA, Hislop J, Hogg S, Howel D, Hughes N, Krebs HI, Price C, Rochester L, Stamp E, Ternent L, Turner D, Vale L, Warburton E, van Wijck F, Wilkes S. Robot Assisted Training for the Upper Limb after Stroke (RATULS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2017, 18(1), 340.
- Rodgers H, Price C. Stroke unit care, inpatient rehabilitation and early supported discharge. Clinical Medicine, Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London 2017, 17(2), 173-177.
- Rudd M, Buck D, Ford GA, Price CI. A systematic review of stroke recognition instruments in hospital and pre-hospital settings. Emergency Medicine Journal 2016, 33(11), 818-822.
- Rudd MP, Martin AJ, Harrison A, Price CI. Agreement between ambulance and hospital records for information promoting urgent stroke treatment decisions. European Journal of Emergency Medicine 2016, 23(1), 24-27.
- Lawrence J, Byers S, McClelland G, Price CI. Development of research governance awareness to support pre-hospital studies. Journal of Paramedic Practice 2016, 8(3), 144-148.
- Bhattarai N, McMeekin P, Price C, Vale L. Economic evaluations on centralisation of specialised healthcare services: a systematic review of methods. BMJ Open 2016, 6(5), e011214.
- Brkic L, Shaw L, vanWijck F, Francis R, Price C, Forster A, Langhorne P, Watkins C, Rodgers H. Repetitive arm functional tasks after stroke (RAFTAS): a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2016, 2, 50.
- Lally J, McClelland G, Exley C, Ford G, Price C. Stakeholder Engagement In The Design Of A Novel Pre-hospital Acute Stroke Assessment. Emergency Medicine 2016, 33(9), e9-e10.
- Da Silva RH, Moore S, Jamieson D, Balaam M, Brittain K, Brkic L, Ploetz T, Rodgers H, Shaw L, van Wijck F, Price C. Wrist worn accelerometers with vibrating-alert to prompt exercises after stroke (WAVES). In: 2nd European Stroke Organisation Conference 2016. 2016, Barcelona, Spain: Sage Journals.
- Moore SA, Da Silva R, Balaam M, Brkic L, Jackson D, Jamieson D, Ploetz T, Rodgers H, Shaw L, van Wijck F, Price C. Wristband Accelerometers to motiVate arm Exercise after Stroke (WAVES): study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. Trials 2016, 17, 508.
- Holden A, McNaney R, Balaam M, Thompson R, Hammerla N, Ploetz T, Jackson D, Price C, Brkic L, Olivier P. CueS: Cueing for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Stroke. In: 2015 British HCI Conference. 2015, Lincoln, UK: Association for Computing Machinery.
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