NuCore members
Professor Jeffrey Neasham
Professor of Acoustic Signal Processing
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 8850
- Address: E2.11
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
School of Engineering
Merz Court
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Roles and Responsibilities
Head of the Intelligent Sensing and Communication Research Group. Manager and active researcher on projects in underwater acoustics, wireless sensor networks, biomedical instrumentation and non-destructive testing. Supervisor of Postgraduate Students and Undergraduate/MSc project work and teaching on undergraduate and postgraduate taught modules. I am also actively involved in student recruitment and outreach activities with industry, schools and the community.
Jeff is the head of the Intelligent Sensing and Communications research group and his profile can be viewed on Google Scholar.
Research Interests
Digital signal processing, digital communications, biomedical instrumentation, underwater acoustics, ultrasound, analog and digital circuit design, embedded software. Member of the Intelligent Sensing and Communications research group.
Current Work
Recent projects:
NetTag+ - Preventing, avoiding and mitigating environmental impacts of fishing gears and associated marine litter, EU Horizon Europe (
MONUSEN - Montenegrin Centre for Underwater Sensor Networks, EU Horizon Europe (
SAFE-UComm - Cybersecurity for Safe Underwater acoustic Communication
COUSIN - Cooperative Underwater Surveillance Networks, EPSRC
NetTag - Tagging fishing gears and best-practices on board to prevent marine litter derived from fisheries (EU).
Global listening Network for Turbidity Currents and Submarine Geohazards, NERC.
Enabling Low Cost AUV Technology, Innovate UK
Novel low-cost methods for marine mammal and environmental monitoring, NERC.
Full-Duplex For Underwater Acoustic Communications, EPSRC.
USMART - Smart dust for large scale underwater wireless sensing, EPSRC (
CADDY - Cognitive Autonomous Diver assistance vehicle, EU FP7 (
NEWTON - Novel Sensing Network for Intelligent Monitoring, EPSRC (
Development of low cost medical ultrasound scanners (EPSRC KTA funding, CORDAID),
Development of smart orthotic devices with electronic sensing, KTP
Wireless environmental sensor networks (EPSRC MESSAGE project)
Development of high data rate through metal communication and power delivery systems.
Development of low cost acoustic communication and positioning system for divers and underwater vehicles, Knowledge Transfer Partnership with System Technologies, Cumbria.
Development of Optical Fire Detection System, Industry Funded project with Photon Fire Ltd.
Development of digital control algorithms for MEMS Gyroscopes, Collaborative Project with School of Mechanical Engineering.
Development of position and pressure instrumentation for endoscopy, sponsored by Prof Duncan Bell's Endoscopy Research Fund.
Development of instrumentation for assessment of Parkinson's Disease.
Development of underwater EM communication links, funded by Wireless Fibre Systems Ltd.
Recent Awards:-
£254,039 - NetTag+ - Preventing, avoiding and mitigating environmental impacts of fishing gears and marine litter, EU Horizon Europe
£317,420 - MONUSEN - Montenegrin Centre for Underwater Sensor Networks, EU Horizon Europe
£47,716 - SAFE-UComm - Cybersecurity for Safe Underwater acoustic Communication, NATO SPS
£452,856 - COUSIN - Cooperative Underwater Surveillance Networks, EPSRC
£54,859 - NetTag - Tagging fishing gears and best-practices on board to prevent marine litter derived from fisheries (EU)
£335,836 - Global listening Network for Turbidity Currents and Submarine Geohazards, NERC.
£60,000 - Enabling Low Cost AUV Technology, Innovate UK
£353,486 - Novel low-cost methods for marine mammal and environmental monitoring, NERC.
£371,562 - Full-Duplex For Underwater Acoustic Communications, EPSRC.
£1,284,429 - USMART - Smart dust for large scale underwater wireless sensing, EPSRC
£299,504 - Accurate blood pressure measurement, EPSRC.
£315,000 - CADDY - Cognitive autonomous dive buddy, EU FP7
£134,000 - Development of smart orthotic devices with electronic sensing, KTP with Peacocks
£462,657 - NEWTON - Novel Sensing Network for Intelligent Monitoring, EPSRC
£45,000 - EPSRC KTA "Development of low cost ultrasound scanner"
£126,000 - "Acoustic and vibration sensor systems for wind turbine condition monitoring", KTP with CMR
£241,943 - Robust Intelligent Lamp Post Sensor Networks, EPSRC
£90,000 - "Development of ultra-low cost ultrasound scanner" - NStar Proof of Concept fund.
£143,145 - EPSRC Grant “A Stable Parametrically Amplified Gyroscope”
£101,544 - "Development of low-cost acoustic communication and positioning system", Knowledge Transfer Partnership, DTI/System Technologies.
£24,000 - "Development of Optical Fire Detection System", ERDF/Photon Fire Ltd.
£27,400 - "Development of Underwater Electromagnetic Modems", Wireless Fibre Systems Ltd/Scottish Executive.
Postgraduate Supervision
Tom Corner - Optimisation of Receiver Architectures for Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Modulation
Techniques in Underwater Acoustic Channels
George Masters - Very high data rate underwater acoustic communication
PhDs awarded:-
Ayusha Abbas - Low cost freehand ultrasound scanning based on Ego-motion Estimation
Lindsay Smith - Investigation of acoustic emission methods for subsea umbilical monitoring
Gavin Lowes - Low Energy, Multimodal Sensing for Wireless Underwater Monitoring Networks
Ben Sherlock - Environmentally friendly underwater acoustic communication
Neal Wood – Electronics for hostile environments
Hengda Ding - Underwater communications using T-transform based OFDM
Geraint Goodfellow - Development of acoustic controlled autonomous underwater vehicle
Ibrahim El-Lehaby - Design and implementation of DSP based magnetic control system for capsule endoscopeAmmar Abdelkareem - Doppler correction for underwater acoustic OFDM systems
David Graham - High data rate through metal communication
Chintan Shah - Iterative receiver structures for underwater acoustic communication
Raghav Menon - Novel Processing for broadband Interferometric Sonar
Gihad Elamary - High Bandwidth Transcutaneous Data Telemetry
Mou Tang - Position Tracking for Surgical Applications Using Passive RFID Technology
Deli Geng - "High Refresh Rate Three Dimensional Positioning System using Frequency Multiplexed Electromagnetic Fields"
Su Yu - "Quantitative Assessment for Parkinson’s Disease and Analysis on Applications Applying 3D Electromagnetic Motion System"
Industrial Relevance
Work on underwater acoustic and positioning has led to a range of innovative products which are now marketed by Tritech International Ltd ( , Blueprint Subsea ( and Succorfish ( This technology has been licensed to these companies and generates royalty income for the University. This work was the subject of a 4* rated impact case study in REF 2014 and REF2021.
Work on wireless environmental sensor networks has led to a spin-off company named Envirowatch Ltd who sell the technology under licence.
Undergraduate Teaching
ENG1004 - Electronics and Sensors
EEE3030 - Signal Processing and Machine Learning
Postgraduate Teaching
MAR8091 - Fundamentals of subsea, offshore and pipeline engineering
I also supervise projects on the MSc programme in Communications and Signal Processing.
- Lowes GJ, Neasham J. PADAL-Passive Acoustic Detection and Localisation: Low energy underwater wireless vessel tracking network. Computer Networks 2024, 241, 110216.
- Abbas A, Neasham J, Naqvi SM. Image Formation Algorithms for Low-Cost Freehand Ultrasound Scanner Based on Ego-Motion Estimation and Unsupervised Clustering. Electronics 2023, 12(17), 3634.
- Sherlock B, Morozs N, Neasham J, Mitchell P. Ultra-Low-Cost and Ultra-Low-Power, Miniature Acoustic Modems Using Multipath Tolerant Spread-Spectrum Techniques. Electronics 2022, 11(9), 1446.
- Lowes GJ, Neasham J, Burnett R, Sherlock B, Tsimenidis C. Passive Acoustic Detection of Vessel Activity by Low-Energy Wireless Sensors. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2022, 10(2), 248.
- Morozs N, Sherlock B, Henson BT, Neasham JA, Mitchell PD, Zakharov Y. Data Gathering in UWA Sensor Networks: Practical Considerations and Lessons from Sea Trials. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2022, 10(9), 1268.
- Xu Z, Haroutunian M, Murphy AJ, Neasham J, Norman RA. An Integrated Visual Odometry System With Stereo Camera for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. IEEE Access 2022, 10, 71329-71343.
- Xu Z, Haroutunian M, Murphy AJ, Neasham J, Norman R. An Underwater Visual Navigation Method Based on Multiple ArUco Markers. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE) 2021, 9(12), 1432.
- Xu Z, Haroutunian M, Murphy AJ, Neasham J, Norman RA. An Integrated Visual Odometry System for Underwater Vehicles. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 2021, 46(3), 848-863.
- Jaafar B, Luo JW, Firfilionis D, Soltan A, Neasham J, Degenaar P. Ultrasound intra body multi node communication system for bioelectronic medicine. Sensors 2020, 20(1), 31.
- Mohammed IK, Sharif BS, Neasham JA. Design and implementation of positioning and control systems for capsule endoscopes. IET Science, Measurement & Technology 2020, 14(7), 745-754.
- Marouf SS, Bell MC, Goodman PS, Neasham J, Neasham J, Namdeo AK. Comprehensive study of the response of inexpensive low energy wireless sensors for traffic noise monitoring. Applied Acoustics 2020, 169, 107451.
- Xu Z, Haroutunian M, Murphy AJ, Neasham J, Norman R. A Comparison of Functional Control Strategies for Underwater Vehicles: Theories, Simulations and Experiments. Ocean Engineering 2020, 215, 107822.
- Li P, Lang Z-Q, Zhao L, Tian G, Neasham JA, Zhang J, Graham DJ. System identification-based frequency domain feature extraction for defect detection and characterization. NDT and E International 2018, 98, 70-79.
- Sherlock B, Neasham JA, Tsimenidis CC. Spread-Spectrum Techniques for Bio-Friendly Underwater Acoustic Communications. IEEE Access 2018, 6, 4506-4520.
- Li Q, Ben Y, Naqvi SM, Neasham J, Chambers J. Robust Student’s t-Based Cooperative Navigation for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement 2018, 67(8), 1762-1777.
- Marouf S, Bell M, Goodman P, Namdeo A, Neasham J. Pervasive wireless sensors: A new monitoring tool for road traffic noise evaluation. Applied Acoustics 2018, 135, 48-59.
- van den Heuvel T, Graham DJ, Smith KJ, de Korte CL, Neasham JA. Development of a Low-Cost Medical Ultrasound Scanner Using a Monostatic Synthetic Aperture. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical circuits and Systems 2017, 11(4), 849-857.
- Al-Qaisi A, Alhasanat AI, Mesleh A, Sharif BS, Tsimenidis CC, Neasham JA. Quantized lower bounds on grid-based localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks. Annals of Telecommunications 2016, 71(5-6), 239-249.
- Alhasanat A, Sharif B, Tsimenidis C, Neasham J. Efficient RSS-based collaborative localisation in wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Sensor Networks 2016, 22(1), 27-36.
- Smith KJ, Graham DJ, Neasham JA. Design and optimisation of a voice coil motor (VCM) with a rotary actuator for an ultrasound scanner. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2015, 62(11), 7073-7078.
- Bouzid OM, Tian GY, Neasham J, Sharif B. Investigation of sampling frequency requirements for acoustic source localisation using wireless sensor networks. Applied Acoustics 2012, 74(2), 269-274.
- Shah CP, Tsimenidis CC, Sharif BS, Neasham JA. Low Complexity Iterative Receiver Structure for Time Varying Frequency Selective Shallow Underwater Acoustic Channels using BICM-ID: Design and Experimental Results. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 2011, 36(3), 406-421.
- Graham D, Neasham J, Sharif BS. Investigation of Methods for Data Communication and Power Delivery Through Metals. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2011, 58(10), 4972-4980.
- Shah CP, Tsimenidis CC, Sharif BS, Neasham JA. Low complexity iterative receiver design for shallow water acoustic channels. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2010, 590458.
- North RJ, Cohen J, Wilkins S, Richards M, Hoose N, Polak JW, Bell MC, Blythe P, Sharif B, Neasham J, Suresh V, Galatioto F, Hill G. Field deployments of the MESSAGE System for environmental monitoring. Traffic Engineering & Control 2009, 50(11), 484-488.
- Harish KM, Gallacher BJ, Burdess JS, Neasham JA. Experimental investigation of parametric and externally forced motion in resonant MEMS sensors. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2009, 19(1), 015021.
- Harish KM, Gallacher BJ, Burdess JS, Neasham JA. Simple parametric resonance in an electrostatically actuated microelectromechanical gyroscope: Theory and experiment. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 2008, 222(1), 43-52.
- Khan MK, Carrasco RA, Wassell IJ, Neasham JA. Performance comparison of low density parity check codes using square root Kalman equalisation and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing techniques for broadband fixed wireless access systems. IET Communications 2008, 2(2), 272-283.
- Van Walree PA, Neasham JA, Schrijver MC. Coherent acoustic communication in a tidal estuary with busy shipping traffic. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2007, 122(6), 3495-3506.
- Sharif BS, Neasham J, Hinton OR, Adams AE, Davies J. Adaptive Doppler compensation for coherent acoustic communication. IEE Proceedings: Radar, Sonar and Navigation 2000, 147(5), 239-246.
- Sharif BS, Neasham J, Hinton OR, Adams AE. A computationally efficient Doppler compensation system for underwater acoustic communications. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 2000, 25(1), 52-61.
Book Chapter
- Bouzid OM, Tian GY, Cumanan K, Neasham J. Wireless AE event and environmental monitoring for wind turbine blades at low sampling rates. In: Advances in Acoustic Emission Technology. Springer, 2015, pp.533-546.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Abbas A, Neasham J, Naqvi SM. MEMS Gyroscope and the Ego-motion Estimation Information Fusion for the Low-Cost Freehand Ultrasound Scanner. In: IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2023). 2023, Istanbul, Turkiye: IEEE.
- Lowes GJ, Neasham J, Sherlock B, Burnett R. Low-Power, Low-Cost LoRaWAN Gateway Buoy for use with Wireless Underwater Sensor Networks. In: OCEANS 2023-Limerick. 2023, Limerick, Ireland: IEEE.
- Murray A, Zheng D, Liu C, Graham D, Neasham J, Cossor A, Griffiths C. Variability in Blood Pressure Measurements from Recorded Auscultation Sounds. In: 2019 Computing in Cardiology (CinC). 2020, Singapore: IEEE.
- Chawla A, Neasham J, Tsimenidis C. Multi-User Broadcast Acoustic Positioning System. In: Oceans 2019. 2019, Marseille, France: IEEE.
- Lowes GJ, Neasham JA, Burnett R, Tsimenidis CC. Low Energy, Passive Acoustic Sensing for Wireless Underwater Monitoring Networks. In: Oceans 2019 MTS/IEEE Seattle. 2019, Seattle, WA, USA: IEEE.
- Jebur BA, Healy CT, Tsimenidis CC, Neasham J, Chambers J. In-Band Full-Duplex Interference for Underwater Acoustics Communication Systems. In: OCEANS 2019 - Marseille. 2019, Marseille, France: IEEE.
- Abbas A, Neasham J, Naqvi SM. Ego-motion Estimation for Low-cost Freehand Ultrasound Scanner. In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 2019, Brighton, UK: IEEE.
- Jaafar B, Neasham J, Chester G, Degenaar P. Ultrasonic wireless powering link of visual cortical prosthesis implant. In: IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS 2017). 2018, Turin, Italy: IEEE.
- Morozs N, Mitchell PD, Zakharov Y, Sherlock B, Neasham JA, Tsimenidis CC, Mourya R, Petillot YR, Gibney T, Dragone M, Sayed ME, McConnell AC, Aracri S, Stokes AA. Robust TDA-MAC for practical underwater sensor network deployment: Lessons from usmart sea trials. In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems. 2018, Shenzen, China: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Adejo A, Boussakta S, Neasham J. Interference modelling for soft frequency reuse in irregular heterogeneous cellular networks. In: 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN). 2017, Milan, Italy: IEEE Computer Society.
- Sherlock B, Neasham JA, Tsimenidis CC. Implementation of a spread-spectrum acoustic modem on an android mobile device. In: OCEANS 2017 - Aberdeen. 2017, Aberdeen, UK: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Miskovic N, Pascoal A, Bibuli M, Caccia M, Neasham JA, Birk A, Egi M, Grammer K, Marroni A, Vasilijevic A, Nad D, Vukic Z. CADDY project, year 3: The final validation trials. In: IEEE OCEANS 2017. 2017, Aberdeen, Scotland: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Miskovic N, Pascoal A, Bibuli M, Caccia M, Neasham JA, Birk A, Egi M, Grammer K, Marroni A, Vasilijevic A, Vukic Z. CADDY Project, Year 2: The First Validation Trials. In: 10th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems CAMS 2016. 2016, Trondheim, Norway: Elsevier B.V.
- Sherlock B, Tsimenidis CC, Neasham JA. Signal and Receiver Design for Low-Power Acoustic Communications Using M-ary Orthogonal Code Keying. In: OCEANS 2015 - Genova. 2015, Genova: IEEE.
- Ding HD, Neasham JA, Boussakta S, Tsimenidis CC. Performance Evaluation of T-transform based OFDM in Underwater Acoustic Communications. In: OCEANS 2015 - Genova. 2015, Genoa, Italy: IEEE.
- Ding J, Neasham JA, Boussakta SW, Tsimenidis CC. Performance evaluation of T-transform based OFDM in underwater acoustic communications. In: OCEANS 2015-Genova. 2015, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
- Goodfellow GM, Neasham JA, Rendulic I, Nađ D, Mišković N. DiverNet - a Network of Inertial Sensors for Real Time Diver Visualization. In: 2015 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS). 2015, Zadar, Croatia: IEEE.
- Ahmed AH, Tsimenidis CC, Neasham J, Sharif BS. DFE for frequency selective PNC channels using AF. In: Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on. 2015, Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE): IEEE.
- Neasham JA, Goodfellow G, Sharphouse R. Development of the "Seatrac" miniature acoustic modem and USBL positioning units for subsea robotics and diver applications. In: OCEANS 2015 - Genova. 2015, Genova: IEEE.
- Miskovic N, Pascoal A, Bibuli M, Caccia M, Neasham JA, Birk A, Egi M, Grammer K, Marroni A, Vasilijevic A, Vukic Z. CADDY Project, Year 1: Overview of Technological Developments and Cooperative Behaviours. In: IFAC. Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles - 4th NGCUV 2015. 2015, Girona, Spain: Elsevier.
- Graham DJ, Neasham JA, Tian GY. Passive wireless sensing devices for structural health monitoring. In: 52nd Annual Conference of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing 2013, NDT 2013. 2013, Telford, UK: British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing.
- Dimitrov KE, Neasham JA, Sharif BS, Tsimenidis CC, Goodfellow GM. Low-Power Environmentally Friendly Underwater Acoustic Communication Using Pseudo-Noise Spreading Sequences. In: Oceans. 2012, Yeosu, South Korea: IEEE.
- Goodfellow GM, Neasham JA, Tsimenidis CC, Sharif BS. High Data Rate Acoustic Link for Micro-ROVs, Employing BICM-ID. In: Oceans. 2012, Yeosu, South Korea: IEEE.
- Mohammed IK, Sharif BS, Neasham JA, Giaouris D. Novel MIMO 4-DOF Position Control for Capsule Endoscope. In: International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: IEEE.
- Abdelkareem AE, Sharif BS, Tsimenidis CC, Neasham JA, Hinton OR. Low-Complexity Doppler Compensation for OFDM-based Underwater Acoustic Communication Systems. In: IEEE Oceans Spain. 2011, Santander, Spain: IEEE.
- Goodfellow GM, Neasham JA, Tsimenidis CC, Hinton OR, Sharif BS. Investigation of a Full Duplex Acoustic Link for a Tetherless Micro-ROV. In: IEEE Oceans Spain. 2011, Santander, Spain: IEEE.
- Abdelkareem AE, Sharif BS, Tsimenidis CC, Neasham JA. Adaptive Doppler-shift compensation for OFDM underwater acoustic communications system. In: 4th International Conference and Exhibition Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results. 2011, Kos, Greece.
- Shah C, Tsimenidis C, Sharif B, Neasham J. EXIT chart analysis of BICM-ID based receiver for shallow underwater acoustic communications. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS). 2010, York, UK: IEEE.
- Shah CP, Tsimenidis CC, Sharif BS, Neasham JA, Hinton OR. Adaptive iterative receiver design for shallow water acoustic communications. In: The 10th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA). 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Tang M, Chester G, Neasham JA. An RFID Transponder Location System. In: Biodevices: International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices. 2008, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal: Springer.
- Blythe PT, Sharif B, Watson P, Bell MC, Edwards S, Neasham J, Suresh V, Wagner J, Bryan H. An environmental sensor system for pervasively monitoring road networks. In: IET - Road Transport Information and Control. 2008, Manchester: IEEE.
- Neasham JA, Menon R, Hinton OR. Broadband, ultra-sparse array processing for low complexity multibeam sonar imaging. In: OCEANS 2007 - Europe. 2007, Vancouver, Canada: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
- Neasham J, Hinton O. Underwater Acoustic Communications - how far have we progressed and what challenges remain?. In: Invited Keynote paper, Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics. 2004, Delft, Netherlands.
- Morns IP, Hinton OR, Adams AE, Sharif BS. Protocols for sub-sea communication networks. In: Oceans Conference Record (IEEE). 2001.
- Sharif BS, Neasham J, Hinton OR, Adams AE. Closed loop Doppler tracking and compensation for non-stationary underwater platforms. In: Oceans 2000 MTS/IEEE Conference and Exhibition. Conference Proceedings. 2000, Providence, RI, USA: Institution of Electronic and Electrical Engineers.
- Sharif Bayan S, Neasham Jeff, Hinton Oliver R, Adams Alan E. Doppler compensation for underwater acoustic communications. In: OCEANS '99 MTS/IEEE. Riding the Crest into the 21st Century. 1999, Seattle, WA , USA: IEEE.
- Neasham JA, Thompson D, Tweedy AD, Lawlor MA, Hinton OR, Adams AE, Sharif BS. Combined equalisation and beamforming to achieve 20kbits/s acoustic telemetry for ROVs. In: Proceedings of IEEE Oceans 96. 1996, Fort Lauderdale, USA.