NuCore members
Professor James Shaw
Professor of Regenerative Medicine for Diabetes and Honorary Consultant Physician
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 7793
- Personal Website:
- Address: Translational and Clinical Research Institute
Newcastle University
4th Floor William Leech Building
Framlington Place
Newcastle upon Tyne
Following PhD completion as an MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow with Kevin Docherty exploring gene and cell replacement therapy for diabetes, a Glaxo-Smith-Kline Senior Fellowship enabled me to move to Newcastle and join the world-acclaimed diabetes team there.
In addition to setting up a translational research laboratory I developed a regional complex Type 1 diabetes service focused on specialist hypoglycaemia management incorporating pump therapy and continuous glucose monitoring. I established a supra-regional islet transplant service truly integrated with the solid organ pancreas transplant programme.
I am Chief Investigator for the multicentre Diabetes UK-funded HypoCOMPaSS RCT comparing optimised insulin analogue with pump therapy and conventional with continuous glucose monitoring in Type 1 diabetes complicated by impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia. I led the successful United Kingdom Islet Transplant Consortium bid for dedicated NHS funding of this intervention as an established clinical procedure in 2008. This underpinned a further multicentre Diabetes UK grant to prospectively evaluate biomedical / psychosocial outcomes in all UK islet recipients; and enabled participation in the only international RCT in islet transplantation, evaluating the potential of a novel anti-inflammatory agent to maximise engrafted islet mass post-transplantation. I am clinical lead for a burgeoning exercise in Type 1 diabetes research programme in collaboration with Dr Dan West.
My laboratory group is exploring mechanisms underlying loss of beta-cell mass and function in diabetes in addition to further innovations in islet transplantation. As Director of the Transplant Regenerative Medicine Laboratories, I established the Newcastle Islet Isolation and Innovation Hub providing research tissue processing and human islet isolation. Potentially reversible beta-cell dedifferentiation as a common mechanism underlying beta-cell dysfunction in Type 1, Type 2 and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes in addition to post-transplantation is becoming a major focus, facilitated by recent funding from the CF Trust enabling me to establish two international collaborative Strategic Research Centre consortia.
I am Newcastle lead for an MRC-funded initiative to extend the Quality and Safety in Organ Donation Biobank led by Prof Rutger Ploeg in Oxford, to include pancreas, islets hearts and lungs. Through the Newcastle MRC Molecular Pathology Node, this will provide a unique platform for molecular phenotyping across a range of organs linked to clinical data and a circulating biomarker proteomic core.
I am co-Director of the Newcastle University Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells and Transplantation Theme. I am also Newcastle University Chief Investigator for the Northern Alliance Advanced Therapies Treatment Centre, one of three Innovate UK-funded centres with the goal of accelerating trials and clinical adoption of cell and gene therapies.
I previously co-edited the international textbook ‘Islet transplantation and beta-cell replacement therapy’ with James Shapiro and am editor for the Type 1 diabetes section of the Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes.
Research Interests
Major interests in the development of gene therapy and beta cell replacement for diabetes including stem cell approaches; pancreatic/islet transplantation; and pump therapy by continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion.
Esteem Indicators
HEFCE-funded clinician scientist who has played an integral role in fostering the multidisciplinary networks underpinning translation of cell therapy in Newcastle. Led the bid for NHS funding of an integrated clinical islet transplant programme in the UK as chair of the UK Islet Transplant Consortium. This has underpinned a national experimental medicine biomedical and psychosocial outcomes study in islet patients (including capacity for assessment of inflammatory and immune response) on which he is Chief Investigator. Forged industrial links through Regener8 (leading national RM network) funding, facilitating development of technology and sustainable business models for external quality control testing predictive of in vivo outcomes. This has enabled collaboration with University of Arizona, Athersys and Giner Inc.
Collaboration with Athersys and Pfizer funded by the Technology Strategy Board enabled initial establishment of a translational research programme (including optimized in vivo models and exploration of the regulatory landscape) towards co-transplantation of Multistem as an adjuvant therapy to islet transplantation to attenuate early inflammatory response, prevent graft rejection and maximise long-term function.
National Chief Investigator for the first UK RCT in islet transplant recipients – evaluating the novel anti-inflammatory drug reparixin, administered at the time of islet infusion.
Newcastle Principal Investigator for MRC / BBSRC / EPSRC UK Regenerative Medicine Platform Immunology Hub coordinated by Prof Fiona Watt, King’s College London.
Long-standing strong collaboration with King’s College London Diabetes Research Groups most recently evidenced by joint JDRF funding with Tim Tree evaluating recurrent auto- and allo-immunit following islet transplantation.
Has previously established surface marker and functional assays of endothelial progenitor cells in patients with type 1 diabetes and those with thyroid disease.
Clinically qualified and active diabetologist specialising in Type 1 diabetes complicated by recurrent severe hypoglycaemia. Clinical lead for Newcastle insulin pump service with over 250 new pump starts. Chief Investigator for hypoCOMPaSS a multicentre RCT comparing insulin pump and conventional insulin injection therapy with and without continuous subcutaneous glucose monitoring in those with impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia at highest risk of recurrent severe hypoglycaemia.
25.09.22-31.12.27 National Institutes of Health (Shaw Newcastle CI). Utilizing an RCT Approach to Compare the Efficacy and Sustainability of Technological and Psycho-Educational Interventions to Improve Impaired Awareness of Hypoglycemia in Type 1 Diabetes.
01.03.23-28.02-25 European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (£99,980) Arden C, Miwa S, Shaw JAM. Elucidating the mechanisms underlying glucose-regulated autophagy in pancreatic β-cells
01.07.2022- 30.06.2025 Medical Research Council (£999,800) (Shaw Newcastle CI). Unravelling the tissue-specific geography of protein aggregation in human disease
01.08.21-31.07.2022 Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation (£20,000) Taylor G, West D, Shaw JAM, Ross M, McDonald T. REBEL – CV study: Does residual β-Cell function and exercise offer synergistic protection against hyperglycaemia induced circulating vasoprotective dysfunction in type 1 diabetes?
01.08.2021-31-07.2022 Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation (£19,989) Boldison J, Shaw JAM. Single cell isolations from pancreatic tissue for high-dimensional immune profiling.
01.01.2021-31.12.2024 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Shaw JAM Newcastle lead PI. Comparing the effectiveness of two approaches to preventing severe hypoglycemia
01.01.2021-31.12.2024 Medical Research Council £1.9M (Shaw JAM Newcastle lead PI) Long-term health after Severe Acute Malnutrition in children and adults: the role of the Pancreas – SAMPA
01.09.2020-29.02.2024 Cystic Fibrosis Trust (£750,000) Shaw JAM (Chief Investigator) Mechanisms and measures of the pathways through which cystic fibrosis exocrine pancreatic disease leads to beta-cell dysfunction and diabetes (Strategic Research Centre)
31.03.2019-30.11.2021 Medical Research Council (£850,000) Ho LP, Shaw JAM, Ali N, Fisher A. UKRMP /Immunology: Defining the role of tissue-resident immune cells in alveolar epithelial cell regeneration
01.03.18-28.02.22 Innovate UK (£8.5M) Watson N, Turner M, Shaw J, Dickinson A. Northern Alliance Advanced Therapies Treatment Centre
01.10.17-30.06.21 Medical Research Council (£1.7M) Ploeg R, Shaw JAM, White MG, Scott WE, Tiniakos D. Quality and Safety in Organ Donation Tissue Bank- Expansion to include Pancreas/Islets, Heart and Lungs
01.10.08-30.04.21 Diabetes UK Project Grant (£1,401,716) Prevention of recurrent severe hypoglycaemia: a definitive RCT comparing optimised MDI and CSII with or without adjunctive real-time continuous glucose monitoring
29.05.2017- Imcyse SA (X) A Phase 1, placebo controlled, double-blind, dose escalation clinical trial to evaluate the safety and immune responses of IMCYSE's IMCY-0098 in patients with recent onset type 1 diabetes (EudraCT number: 2016-003514-27)
01.07.16-30.06.19 Cystic Fibrosis Trust (£750,000) Shaw JAM (Chief Investigator) Cystic fibrosis related diabetes Strategic Research Centre
01.07.07-31.12.20 Diabetes UK project grant (£430,255) Establishment of optimised biomedical and psychosocial measures to determine overall outcomes in islet transplant recipients
01.04.15-31.09.15 MRC Confidence in Concept (£29,126) White MG Shaw JAM. Utilising a novel model of human beta-cell dedifferentiation for screening potential disease-modifying functional impact of candidate therapeutic agents for type 2 diabetes
01.10.15-02.09.2019 Diabetes UK (£92,460) Shaw JAM, White M. Defining the role of dedifferentiation as a primary mechanism of beta-cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes
01.01.15- 31.03.2019 Diabetes UK (£360,436) Shaw JAM, Marshall H, Porat Y. Development of a novel donor human islet / recipient endothelial progenitor cell chimeric tissue transplant for type 1 diabetes
01.04.14-31.03.17 UK Regenerative Medicine Platform (£4.5M) – led Watt F, King’s College London. Overcoming immunological barriers to regenerative medicine
01.10.13-30.09.16 Diabetes UK (£93,626) Shaw JAM, Marshall H. Targeting islet inflammation ex vivo and following transplantation
01.03.13-28.02.16 Dompe (£130,000) (Shaw JAM – UK Chief Investigator) Target the early inflammatory response to islet transplantation: reparixin vs placebo RCT
01.02.13-31.01.15 Diabetes UK (£137,991) Arden C, Lovat P, Shaw JAM. Unveiling the mechanisms by which glucagon-like peptide-1 protects pancreatic beta-cells
01.11.11-31.10.12 Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation (£150,000). Enhanced conversion of expanded criteria donor pancreases into successful clinical islet transplants
01.09.11-31.08.14 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation ($589,778) Tree T, Peakman M, Shaw J. Latrogenic immunisation reveals the properties of destructive T-cells
01.07.10-31.03.11 Technology Strategy Board grant (Newcastle funding £217,090). Prepare for an Evaluation of a Diabetes Interventional Cell Therapy (PrEDICT)
01.02.10-31.01.11 RegeNer8 Translational Regenerative Medicine Award (£299,968) A sustainable quality-assured system for assessment of pancreatic islets for product release and transport to geographically distant clinical transplant centres -31.12.10 Newcastle Healthcare Charity (Collin M, Hambleton S, Dickinson AM, van Laar J, Shaw JAM) Implementation of mesenchymal stromal cell therapy in Newcastle
01.10.09-30.09.12 Diabetes UK PhD Studentship. Isolation, characterisation and beta-cell differentiation potential of pluripotent stem cells derived from adult human pancreas
01.06.09 Diabetes UK Equipment grant (Arden C; Shaw J; Aldibbiat A £45,000) Live-cell imaging of protein interactions and lineage tracing of human pancreatic cells
01.05.09-30.04.12 (Leech N, Shaw J, Walker M) Tolerx Defend1 RCT: anti-CD3 in newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetes
01.10.08-31.07.12 Diabetes UK (£1,401,716) Prevention of recurrent severe hypoglycaemia: a definitive RCT comparing optimised MDI and CSII with or without adjunctive real-time continuous glucose monitoring
01.04.08-31.03.11 Diabetes UK project grant (Walker M, Chinnery P, Shaw J £155,359) Does decreased mitochondrial DNA copy number with ageing impair pancreatic beta-cell function?
01.03.08 Medtronic (Shaw local PI) Evaluation of first clinically available pump with ‘closed loop’ capability
01.01.08-31.12.13 Diabetes UK (Agius L, Arden C, Shaw J £29,239) Equipment for insulin determination by HTRF
01.12.07-31.05.08 North East Stem Cell Institute (£8,000) Phenotypic characterisation of stem cell derived beta-cells prior to clinical translation
01.10.07-30.09.12 Sanofi-Aventis (Shaw local PI £15,000) Cardiovascular Risk Evaluation in people with type 2 Diabetes on Insulin Therapy. Long-term international non- interventional study in people with Type 2 diabetes treated with insulin.
01.07.07-31.01.12 Diabetes UK project grant (£430,255) Establishment of optimised biomedical and psychosocial measures to determine overall outcomes in islet transplant recipients
01.01.07 -30.06.07 Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation project grant (£29,940) Enhancement of â-cell mass and function in human islets by physiological factors upregulated in pregnancy
01.01.07-31.12.07 Diabetes Foundation project grant (Amiel SA; Shaw JAM £160,000) A proposal to validate and establish remote islet isolation for the treatment of Type 1 diabetes in the UK
1.8.00-31.7.06 Glaxo-Wellcome Senior Fellowship: (£350,000) Transplantation and gene therapy for diabetes
01.06.05-31.05.06 Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Charity research grant (£38,423) Remote islet transplantation: a feasibility study
01.04.05 One North East stem cell equipment grant (£27,000)
01.01.05-31.12.06 - Principal investigator initiated (supported by Novo Nordisk £25,000) Blood glucose awareness training in Type 1 diabetes
01.10.04-30.09.05 Diabetes UK Project Grant (Agius L; Shaw J £45,056) Cellular analysis of glucokinase MODY mutants in pancreatic beta-cells and hepatocytes
1.6.02-30.9.04 Project grant supported by Aventis / MiniMed (£160,000) Can hypoglycaemia awareness be restored in individuals with established Type 1 diabetes mellitus and severe hypoglycaemia by detection and targeted prevention of hypoglycaemia employing an optimised subcutaneous insulin regime employing insulin Glargine
1.11.01-31.10.02 Freeman Hospital Trustees Grant (£37567) Development of glucose-responsive insulin secretion in transfected human myoblasts
1.11.01 Joint Research Equipment Initiative (MRC) grant (Agius L / Shaw JAM £27329)
- Taylor GS, Smith K, Scragg J, McDonald TJ, Shaw JA, West DJ, Roberts LD. The metabolome as a diagnostic for maximal aerobic capacity during exercise in type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia 2024, 67, 413–1428.
- Evans A, Mawson P, Thomas H, Keen K, Watson CJ, McAuley DF, MacGowan GA, Sheerin NS, Fisher A, Shaw J, Yates H, Fallow A, Kounali D, Banks J, Stevens M, Paul R, Hodge R, Lawson E, Harvey D, Dark J. SIGNET: protocol for a multicentre, single-blind prospective, group sequential, randomised controlled trial to evaluate the benefits of a single dose of simvastatin given to potential organ donors declared dead by neurological criteria on outcomes in organ recipients. BMJ Open 2024, 14(9), e086352.
- Ralston JD, Anderson M, Ng J, Bashir A, Ehrlich K, Burns-Hunt D, Cotton M, Hansell L, Hsu C, Hunt H, Karter AJ, Levy SM, Ludman E, Madziwa L, Omura EM, Rogers K, Sevey B, Shaw JAM, Shortreed SM, Singh U, Speight J, Sweeny A, Tschernisch K, Sergei Tschernisch S, Yarborough L. Preventing severe hypoglycemia in adults with type 2 diabetes (PHT2): Design, delivery and evaluation framework for a randomized controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2024, 139, 107456.
- Nielsen BU, Mathiesen IHM, Krogh-Madsen R, Katzenstein TL, Pressler T, Shaw JAM, Rickels MR, Almdal TP, Faurholt-Jepsen D, Stefanovski D. Insulin sensitivity, disposition index and insulin clearance in cystic fibrosis: a cross-sectional study. Diabetologia 2024, 67, 2188-2198.
- Westholm E, Karagiannopoulos A, Kattner N, Al-Selwi Y, Merces G, Shaw JAM, Wendt A, Eliasson L. IGFBP7 is upregulated in islets from T2D donors and reduces insulin secretion. iScience 2024, 27(9), 110767.
- Soholm U, Holmes-Truscott E, Broadley M, Amiel SA, Hendrieckx C, Choudhary P, Pouwer F, Shaw JAM, Speight J. Hypoglycaemia symptom frequency, severity, burden, and utility among adults with type 1 diabetes and impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia: Baseline and 24-week findings from the HypoCOMPaSS study. Diabetic Medicine 2024, 41(1), e15231.
- Halliday JA, Holmes-Truscott E, Thuraisingam S, Soholm U, Chatterton ML, Russell-Green S, O E, Andrikopoulos S, Black T, Davidson S, Noonan G, Scibilia R, Hagger V, Hendrieckx C, Mihalopoulos C, Shaw JAM, Versace VL, Zoungas S, Skinner TC, Speight J, Robinson A, Prasertsung C, Baptista S. Hypoglycaemia Prevention, Awareness of Symptoms, and Treatment (HypoPAST): protocol for a 24-week hybrid type 1 randomised controlled trial of a fully online psycho-educational programme for adults with type 1 diabetes. Trials 2024, 25, 725.
- Arshad MF, Walkinshaw E, Solomon AL, Bernjak A, Rombach I, Little SA, Shaw JAM, Heller SR, Iqbal A. Diabetic autonomic neuropathy does not impede improvement in hypoglycaemia awareness in adults: Sub-study results from the HypoCOMPaSS trial. Diabetic Medicine 2024, 41(9), e15340.
- Lin YK, Ye W, Hepworth E, Agni A, Matus AM, Flatt AJ, Shaw JAM, Rickels MR, Amiel SA, Speight J. Characterising impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia and associated risks through HypoA-Q: findings from a T1D Exchange cohort. Diabetologia 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Stocker R, Gupta A, Taylor GS, Shaw JA, West DJ. Adapting to compromised routines: Parental perspectives on physical activity and health for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in the UK during COVID-19 lockdown. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 2024, 77, e242-e250.
- Bashir A, Flatt AJ, Richell G, Shaw JAM. A single-site feasibility randomised controlled trial comparing ‘my hypo compass’ short pyscho-educational intervention with standard care alone in individuals with type 1 diabetes and impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia. Diabetic Medicine 2024, 41(9), e15389.
- Bond Z, Malik S, Bashir A, Stocker R, Buckingham J, Speight J, Shaw JAM. Validation of Igls Criteria for Islet Transplant Functional Status Using Person-Reported Outcome Measures in a Cross-Sectional Study. Transplant International 2023, 36, 11659.
- Piemonti L, Scholz H, de Jongh D, Kerr-Conte J, van Apeldoorn A, Shaw JAM, Engelse MA, Bunnik E, Muhlemann M, Pal-Kutas K, Scott WE, Magalon J, Kugelmeier P, Berishvili E. The Relevance of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products in the Field of Transplantation and the Need for Academic Research Access: Overcoming Bottlenecks and Claiming a New Time. Transplant International 2023, 36, 11633.
- Nielsen BU, Mathiesen IHM, Moller R, Krogh-Madsen R, Katzenstein TL, Pressler T, Shaw JAM, Ritz C, Rickels MR, Stefanovski D, Almdal TP, Faurholt-Jepsen D. Characterization of impaired beta and alpha cell function in response to an oral glucose challenge in cystic fibrosis: a cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Endocrinology 2023, 14, 1249876.
- Sepulveda E, Jacob P, Poinhos R, Carvalho D, Vicente SG, Smith EL, Shaw JAM, Speight J, Choudhary P, de Zoysa N, Amiel SA. Changes in attitudes to awareness of hypoglycaemia during a hypoglycaemia awareness restoration programme are associated with avoidance of further severe hypoglycaemia episodes within 24 months: the A2A in HypoCOMPaSS study. Diabetologia 2023, 66, 631-641.
- Shapey IM, Summers A, O'Sullivan J, Fullwood C, Hanley NA, Casey J, Forbes S, Rosenthal M, Johnson PRV, Choudhary P, Bushnell J, Shaw JAM, Neiman D, Shemer R, Glaser B, Dor Y, Augustine T, Rutter MK, van Dellen D. Beta-cell death and dysfunction drives hyperglycaemia in organ donors. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 2023, 25(12), 3529-3537.
- Taylor GS, Shaw A, Scragg JH, Smith K, Campbell MD, Macdonald TJ, Shaw JAM, Ross MD, West DJ. Type 1 diabetes patients with different residual beta-cell function but similar age, HBA1c, and cardiorespiratory fitness have differing exercise-induced angiogenic cell mobilisation. Frontiers in Endocrinology: Clinical Diabetes 2022, 13, 797438.
- Cornell D, Miwa S, Georgiou M, Anderson SJ, Honkanen-Scott M, Shaw JAM, Arden C. Pseudoislet aggregation of pancreatic β-cells improves glucose stimulated insulin secretion by altering glucose metabolism and increasing ATP production. Cells 2022, 11(15), 2330.
- Yu X, Arden C, Berlinguer-Palmini R, Chen C, Bradshaw C, Smith AL, Whitehall J, White M, Anderson S, Kattner N, Shaw J, Turnbull D, Greaves LC, Walker M. Mitochondrial complex I subunit deficiency promotes pancreatic α-cell proliferation. Molecular Metabolism 2022, 60, 101489.
- Ahmed S, PrayGod G, R Lee N, Kelly P, Trilok-Kumar G, Chisenga M, Kweka B, Faurholt-Jepsen D, Krogh-Madsen R, AM Shaw J, M Paglinawan-Modoc D, Solon J, Frahm Olsen M, Stefanovski D, Cox S, Nitsch D, Keogh R, Filteau S. Long-term health after Severe Acute Malnutrition in children and adults- the role of the Pancreas (SAMPA): Protocol. F1000Research 2022, 11, 777.
- Zummo FP, Krishnanda SI, Georgiou M, O'Harte FPM, Parthsarathy V, Cullen KS, Honkanen-Scott M, Shaw JAM, Lovat PE, Arden C. Exendin-4 stimulates autophagy in pancreatic β-cells via the RAPGEF/EPAC-Ca2+-PPP3/calcineurin-TFEB axis. Autophagy 2022, 18(4), 799-815.
- Dyson NJ, Kattner N, Honkanen-Scott M, Hunter B, Doyle JA, White K, Davey TS, Ploeg RJ, Bury YA, Tiniakos DG, Shaw JAM, Scott WE. Development and Application of a Semi quantitative Scoring Method for Ultrastructural Assessment of Acute Stress in Pancreatic Islets. Transplantation Direct 2022, 8(1), e1271.
- Taylor GS, Shaw AC, Smith K, Wason J, McDonald TJ, Oram RA, Stevenson E, Shaw JAM, West DJ. Capturing the real-world benefit of residual β-cell function during clinically important time-periods in established Type 1 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine 2022, 39(5), e14814.
- Piemonti L, Andres A, Casey J, de Koning E, Engelse M, Hilbrands R, Johnson P, Keymeulen B, Kerr-Conte J, Korsgren O, Lehmann R, Lundgren T, Maffi P, Pattou F, Saudek F, Shaw J, Scholz H, White S, Berney T. US food and drug administration (FDA) panel endorses islet cell treatment for type 1 diabetes: A pyrrhic victory?. Transplant International 2021, 34(7), 1182-1186.
- Taylor GS, Shaw A, Smith K, Capper TE, Scragg JH, Cronin M, Bashir A, Flatt A, Campbell MD, Stevenson EJ, Shaw JA, Ross M, West DJ. Type 1 diabetes patients increase CXCR4+ and CXCR7+ haematopoietic and endothelial progenitor cells with exercise, but the response is attenuated. Scientific Reports 2021, 11(1), 14502.
- Forbes S, Flatt AJ, Bennett D, Crookston R, Pimkova M, Birtles L, Pernet A, Wood RC, Burling K, Barker P, Counter C, Lumb A, Choudhary P, Rutter MK, Rosenthal M, Sutherland A, Casey J, Johnson P, Shaw JAM. The impact of islet mass, number of transplants, and time between transplants on graft function in a national islet transplant program. American Journal of Transplantation 2021, 10(16), 3653.
- Al-Mrabeh A, Hollingsworth KG, Shaw JAM, McConnachie A, Sattar N, Lean MEJ, Taylor R. Remission of type 2 diabetes over 2 years restores normal pancreas morphology: post-hoc study. 2021. In Preparation.
- Stocker R, Shaw JA, Taylor GS, Witham MD, West DJ. EXercise to Prevent frailty and Loss Of independence in insulin treated older people with DiabetEs (EXPLODE): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial (RCT). BMJ Open 2021, 11, e048932.
- Izsak V, Soos A, Szakacs Z, Hegyi P, Varannai O, Martonosi AR, Juhasz FM, Foldi M, Kozma A, Vajda Z, Shaw JAM, Parniczky A. Evaluation of currently available screening methods for cystic fibrosis-related diabetes. Pancreatology 2021, 21(1), S53.
- Sabbah S, Liew A, Brooks AM, Kundu R, Reading JL, Flatt A, Counter C, Choudhary P, Forbes S, Rosenthal MJ, Rutter MK, Cairns S, Johnson P, Casey J, Peakman M, Shaw J, Tree TIM. Autoreactive T cell profiles are altered following allogeneic islet transplantation with alemtuzumab induction and re-emerging phenotype is associated with graft function. American Journal of Transplantation 2021, 21(3), 1027-1038.
- Nielsen BU, Faurholt-Jepsen D, Oturai PS, Qvist T, Krogh-Madsen R, Katzenstein TL, Shaw J, Ritz C, Pressler T, Almdal TP, Mathiesen IHM. Associations between glucose tolerance, insulin secretion, muscle and fat mass in cystic fibrosis. Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology Diabetes 2021, 14, 1-7.
- Counter C, Sinha S, Muthusamy A, Drage M, Callaghan C, Elker D, Harper S, Sutherland A, Van Dellen D, Johnson P, Manas D, Shaw J, Wilson C, Forsythe J, Hughes S, Casey J, White S. 105.2: Pancreas and Islet Transplantation in the UK During the COVID-19 Era. Transplantation 2021, 105(12S1), S2-S2.
- Maffi P, Lundgren T, Tufveson G, Rafael E, Shaw JAM, Liew A, Saudek F, Witkowski P, Golab K, Bertuzzi F, Gustafsson B, Daffonchio L, Ruffini PA, Piemonti L, Nano R, Mercalli A, Lampasona V, Magistretti P, Sordi V, Antonio S, Antonioli B, Galuzzi M, Tosca MC, De Carlis L, Colussi G, Korsgren O, Pollard H. Targeting CXCR1/2 does not improve insulin secretion after pancreatic islet transplantation: A phase 3, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2020, 43(4), 710-718.
- Armour SL, Anderson SJ, Richardson SJ, Ding Y, Carey C, Lyon J, Maheshwari RR, Al-Jahdami N, Krasnogor N, Morgan NG, MacDonald P, Shaw JAM, White MG. Reduced expression of the co-regulator TLE1 in type 2 diabetes is associated with increased islet α-cell number. Endocrinology 2020, 161(4), bqaa011.
- Taylor GS, Smith K, Capper TE, Scragg JH, Bashir A, Flatt A, Stevenson EJ, McDonald TJ, Oram RA, Shaw JA, West DJ. Postexercise Glycemic Control in Type 1 Diabetes Is Associated With Residual β-Cell Function. Diabetes Care 2020, 43(10), 2362-2370.
- White MG, Maheshwari RR, Anderson SJ, Berlinguer-Palmini R, Jones C, Richardson SJ, Rotti PG, Armour SL, Ding Y, Krasnogor N, Engelhardt JF, Gray MA, Morgan NG, Shaw JAM. In situ analysis reveals that CFTR is expressed in only a small minority of β-cells in normal adult human pancreas. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2020, 105(5), 1366-1374.
- DeBuitleir C, OConnor E, Satti MM, Shaw JAM, Liew A. Efficacy and safety of a sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitor versus placebo as an add-on therapy for people with type 2 diabetes inadequately treated with metformin and a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Diabetic Medicine 2020, 38(2), e14409.
- Shapey IM, Summers A, Yiannoullou P, Khambalia H, Fullwood C, Hanley NA, Casey J, Forbes S, Rosenthal M, Johnson PRV, Choudhary P, Bushnell J, Shaw JAM, Augustine T, Rutter MK, van Dellen D. Donor insulin use predicts beta-cell function after islet transplantation. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 2020, 22(10), 1874-1879.
- Kattner N, Dyson N, Bury Y, Tiniakos D, White K, Davey T, Eliasson L, Tindale L, Wagner B, Honkanen-Scott MM, Doyle J, Ploeg RJ, Shaw JAM, Scott III WE. Development and validation of a quantitative electron microscopy score to assess acute cellular stress in the human exocrine pancreas. Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research 2020, 7(2), 173-187.
- Taylor GS, Moser O, Smith K, Shaw A, Tang JCY, Fraser WD, Eckstein ML, Aziz F, Stevenson EJ, Shaw JA, West DJ. Bone turnover and metabolite responses to exercise in people with and without long-duration type 1 diabetes: a case-control study. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 2020, 8(2), e001779.
- Al-Mrabeh A, Hollingsworth KG, Shaw JAM, McConnachie A, Sattar N, Lean MEJ, Taylor R. 2-year remission of type 2 diabetes and pancreas morphology: a post-hoc analysis of the DiRECT open-label, cluster-randomised trial. The Lancet: Diabetes & Endocrinology 2020, 8(12), 939-948.
- Al-Mrabeh A, Hollingsworth KG, Shaw JAM, McConnachie A, Sattar N, Lean MEJ, Taylor R. 2-year remission of type 2 diabetes and pancreas morphology: a post-hoc analysis of the DiRECT open-label, cluster-randomised trial. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 2020, 8(12), 939-948.
- Khan D, Kelsey R, Maheshwari RR, Stone VM, Hasib A, Manderson Koivula FN, Watson A, Harkin S, Irwin N, Shaw JA, McClenaghan NH, Venglovecz V, Ebert A, Flodstrom-Tullberg M, White MG, Kelly C. Short-term CFTR inhibition reduces islet area in C57BL/6 mice. Scientific Reports 2019, 9(1), 11244.
- Speight J, Holmes-Truscott E, Little SA, Leelarathna L, Walkinshaw E, Tan HK, Bowes A, Kerr D, Flanagan D, Heller SR, Evans ML, Shaw JAM. Satisfaction with the Use of Different Technologies for Insulin Delivery and Glucose Monitoring Among Adults with Long-Standing Type 1 Diabetes and Problematic Hypoglycemia: 2-Year Follow-Up in the HypoCOMPaSS Randomized Clinical Trial. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 2019, 21(11), 619-626.
- Flatt AJS, Little SA, Speight J, Leelarathna L, Walkinshaw E, Tan HK, Bowes A, Lubina-Solomon A, Holmes-Truscott E, Chadwick TJ, Wood R, McDonald TJ, Kerr D, Flanagan D, Brooks A, Heller SR, Evans ML, Shaw JAM. Predictors of Recurrent Severe Hypoglycemia in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes and Impaired Awareness of Hypoglycemia During the HypoCOMPaSS Study. Diabetes Care 2019, 42(10), 1-9.
- Kelly AC, Smith KE, Purvis WG, Min CG, Weber CS, Cooksey AM, Hasilo C, Paraskevas S, Suszynski TM, Weegman BP, Anderson MJ, Camacho LE, Harland RC, Loudovaris T, Jandova J, Molano DS, Price ND, Georgiev IG, Scott WE, Manas DMD, Shaw JAM, O'Gorman D, Kin T, McCarthy FM, Szot GL, Posselt AM, Stock PG, Karatzas T, Shapiro AMJ, Lynch RM, Limesand SW, Papas KK. Oxygen Perfusion (Persufflation) of Human Pancreata Enhances Insulin Secretion and Attenuates Islet Proinflammatory Signaling. Transplantation 2019, 103(1), 160-167.
- Speight J, Holmes-Truscott E, Harsimran S, Little SA, Shaw JAM. Development and psychometric validation of the novel Glucose Monitoring Experiences Questionnaire (GME-Q) among adults with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 2019, 21(12), 691-701.
- Little SA, Speight J, Leelarathna L, Walkinshaw E, Tan HK, Bowes A, Lubina-Solomon A, Chadwick TJ, Stocken DD, Brennand C, Marshall SM, Wood R, Kerr D, Flanagan D, Heller SR, Evans ML, Shaw JAM. Sustained reduction in severe hypoglycemia in adults with type 1 diabetes complicated by impaired awareness of hypoglycemia: 2-year follow-up in the HypoCOMPaSS randomized clinical trial. Diabetes Care 2018, 41(8), 1600-1607.
- Anderson SJ, White MG, Armour SL, Maheshwari R, Tiniakos D, Muller YD, Berishvili E, Berney T, Shaw JAM. Loss of end-differentiated β-cell phenotype following pancreatic islet transplantation. American Journal of Transplantation 2018, 18(3), 750-755.
- Niessen SJM, Hazuchova K, Powney SL, Guitian J, Niessen APM, Pion PD, Shaw JA, Church DB. The big pet diabetes survey: Perceived frequency and triggers for euthanasia. Veterinary Sciences 2017, 4(2), 27.
- Stewart CJ, Nelson A, Campbell MD, Walker M, Stevenson EJ, Shaw JA, Cummings SP, West DJ. Gut microbiota of Type 1 diabetes patients with good glycaemic control and high physical fitness is similar to people without diabetes: an observational study. Diabetic Medicine 2017, 34(1), 127-134.
- Zummo FP, Cullen KS, Honkanen-Scott M, Shaw JAM, Lovat PE, Arden C. Glucagon-like peptide-1 protects pancreatic beta-cells from death by increasing autophagic flux and restoring lysosomal function. Diabetes 2017, 66(5), 1272-1285.
- Carter V, Howell WM, Shaw JAM. Donor-Specific Antibodies - The Devil Is in the Detail. American Journal of Transplantation 2017, 17(7), 1959-1959.
- White MG, Shaw JAM, Taylor R. Type 2 Diabetes: The Pathologic Basis of Reversible β-Cell Dysfunction. Diabetes Care 2016, 39(11), 2080-2088.
- Liew A, Bhattacharya V, Shaw J, Stansby G. Gene therapy for peripheral arterial disease (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016, (1), CD012058.
- Speight J, Barendse SM, Singh H, Little SA, Inkster B, Frier BM, Heller SR, Rutter MK, Shaw JAM. Characterizing problematic hypoglycaemia: iterative design and preliminary psychometric validation of the Hypoglycaemia Awareness Questionnaire (HypoA-Q). Diabetic Medicine 2016, 33(3), 376-385.
- Campbell MD, Walker M, King D, Gonzalez JT, Allerton D, Stevenson EJ, Shaw JA, West DJ. Carbohydrate counting at meal time followed by a small secondary postprandial bolus injection at 3 hours prevents late hyperglycemia, without hypoglycemia, after a high-carbohydrate high-fat meal in Type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2016, 39(9), e141-e142.
- Hudson A, Bradbury L, Johnson R, Fuggle SV, Shaw JAM, Casey JJ, Friend PJ, Watson CJE. The UK Pancreas Allocation Scheme for Whole Organ and Islet Transplantation. American Journal Of Transplantation 2015, 15(9), 2443-2455.
- West DJ, Campbell MD, Gonzalez JT, Walker M, Stevenson EJ, Ahmed FW, Wijaya S, Shaw JA, Weaver JU. The inflammation, vascular repair and injury responses to exercise in fit males with and without Type 1 diabetes: an observational study. Cardiovascular Diabetology 2015, 14, 71.
- Campbell MD, Walker M, Bracken RM, Turner D, Stevenson EJ, Gonzalez JT, Shaw JA, West DJ. Insulin therapy and dietary adjustments to normalise glycaemia and prevent nocturnal hypoglycaemia after evening exercise in Type 1 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care 2015, 3, e000085.
- Brooks AM, Oram R, Home P, Steen N, Shaw JAM. Demonstration of an Intrinsic Relationship Between Endogenous C-Peptide Concentration and Determinants of Glycemic Control in Type 1 Diabetes Following Islet Transplantation. Diabetes Care 2015, 38(1), 105-112.
- Campbell MD, Gonzalez JT, Rumbold PL, Walker M, Shaw JA, Stevenson EJ, West DJ. Comparison of appetite responses to high- and low-glycemic index postexercise meals under matched insulinemia and fiber in type 1 diabetes. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2015, 101(3), 478-486.
- Liew A, Bhattacharya V, Shaw J, Stansby G. Cell Therapy for Critical Limb Ischemia: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Angiology 2015, 1-12.
- Brooks AM, Carter V, Liew A, Marshall H, Aldibbiat A, Sheerin NS, Manas DM, White SA, Shaw JA. De Novo Donor-Specific HLA Antibodies Are Associated With Rapid Loss of Graft Function Following Islet Transplantation in Type 1 Diabetes. American Journal of Transplantation 2015.
- Little SA, Leelarathna L, Walkinshaw E, Kai Tan H, Chapple O, Lubina-Solomon A, Chadwick TJ, Barendse S, Stocken DD, Brennand C, Marshall SM, Wood R, Speight J, Kerr D, Flanagan D, Heller SR, Evans ML, Shaw JAM. Recovery of Hypoglycemia Awareness in Long-Standing Type 1 diabetes: A Multicenter 2x2 Factorial Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Insulin Pump with Multiple Daily Injections and Continuous with Conventional Glucose Self-Monitoring (HypoCOMPaSS). Diabetes Care 2014, 37(8), 2114-2122.
- Reddy MS, Carter N, Cunningham A, Shaw J, Talbot D. Portal Venous Oxygen Persufflation of the Donation after Cardiac Death pancreas in a rat model is superior to static cold storage and hypothermic machine perfusion. Transplant International 2014, 27(6), 634-639.
- Oram RA, Brooks AM, Forbes S, Eckoldt S, Smith RM, Choudhary P, Rosenthal MJ, Johnson P, Rutter MK, Burling KA, McDonald TJ, Shaw JAM, Hattersley AT. Home Urine C-Peptide Creatinine Ratio Can Be Used to Monitor Islet Transplant Function. Diabetes Care 2014, 37(6), 1737-1740.
- Campbell MD, Walker M, Trenell MI, Stevenson EJ, Turner D, Bracken RM, Shaw JA, West DJ. A Low-Glycemic Index Meal and Bedtime Snack Prevents Postprandial Hyperglycemia and Associated Rises in Inflammatory Markers, Providing Protection From Early but Not Late Nocturnal Hypoglycemia Following Evening Exercise in Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2014, 37(7), 1845-1853.
- Leelarathna L, Little SA, Walkinshaw E, Tan HK, Lubina-Solomon A, Kumareswaran K, Lane AP, Chadwick T, Marshall SM, Speight J, Flanagan D, Heller SR, Shaw JA, Evans ML. Restoration of self-awareness of hypoglycemia in adults with long-standing Type 1 diabetes: hyperinsulinemic-hypoglycemic clamp substudy results from the HypoCOMPaSS trial. Diabetes Care 2013, n/a, n/a.
- Papas KK, Karatzas T, Berney T, Minor T, Pappas P, Pattou F, Shaw J, Toso C, Schuurman HJ. International workshop: islet transplantation without borders enabling islet transplantation in Greece with international collaboration and innovative technology. Clinical Transplantation 2013, 27(2), E116-E125.
- White MG, Marshall HL, Rigby R, Huang GC, Amer A, Booth T, White S, Shaw JAM. Expression of Mesenchymal and α-Cell Phenotypic Markers in Islet β-Cells in Recently Diagnosed Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2013, 36(11), 3818-3820.
- Brooks AM, Walker N, Aldibbiat A, Hughes S, Jones G, de Havilland J, Choudhary P, Huang GC, Parrott N, McGowan NWA, Casey J, Mumford L, Barker P, Burling K, Hovorka R, Walker M, Smith RM, Forbes S, Rutter MK, Amiel S, Rosenthal MJ, Johnson P, Shaw JAM. Attainment of Metabolic Goals in the Integrated UK Islet Transplant Program With Locally Isolated and Transported Preparations. American Journal of Transplantation 2013, 13(12), 3236-3243.
- Fairhall EA, Wallace K, White SA, Huang GC, Shaw JA, Wright SC, Charlton KA, Burt AD, Wright MC. Adult human exocrine pancreas differentiation to hepatocytes – potential source of a human hepatocyte progenitor for use in toxicology research. Toxicology Research 2013, 2(1), 80-87.
- Aldibbiat A, Huang GC, Zhao M, Holliman GN, Ferguson L, Hughes S, Brigham K, Wardle J, Williams R, Dickinson A, White SA, Johnson PRV, Manas D, Amiel SA, Shaw JAM. Validation of Islet Transport From a Geographically Distant Isolation Center Enabling Equitable Access and National Health Service Funding of a Clinical Islet Transplant Program for England. Cell Transplantation 2012, 21(1), 382-382.
- Barlow AD, Xie J, Moore CE, Campbell SC, Shaw JA, Nicholson ML, Herbert TP. Rapamycin toxicity in MIN6 cells and rat and human islets is mediated by the inhibition of mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2). Diabetologia 2012, 55(5), 1355-1365.
- Niessen SJM, Fernandez-Fuente M, Mahmoud A, Campbell SC, Aldibbiat A, Huggins C, Brown AE, Holder A, Piercy RJ, Catchpole B, Shaw JAM, Church DB. Novel diabetes mellitus treatment: mature canine insulin production by canine striated muscle through gene therapy. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 2012, 43(1), 16-25.
- Niessen SJM, Powney S, Guitian J, Niessen APM, Pion PD, Shaw JAM, Church DB. Evaluation of a Quality-of-Life Tool for Dogs with Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 2012, 26(4), 953-961.
- Thomas MP, Wilson CH, Nayar M, Manas DM, Walker M, Shaw J, White SA. Endoscopic Botulinum Toxin Injection for the Treatment of Diabetic Gastropathy in Pancreas and Islet-cell Transplant Patients. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation 2012, 10(2), 168-171.
- Little S, Chadwick T, Choudhary P, Brennand C, Stickland J, Barendse S, Olateju T, Leelarathna L, Walkinshaw E, Tan HK, Marshall SM, Thomas RM, Heller S, Evans M, Kerr D, Flanagan D, Speight J, Shaw JAM. Comparison of Optimised MDI versus Pumps with or without Sensors in Severe Hypoglycaemia (the Hypo COMPaSS trial). BMC Endocrine Disorders 2012, 12(1), 33.
- White MG, Al-Turaifi HR, Holliman GN, Aldibbiat A, Mahmoud A, Shaw JAM. Pluripotency-associated stem cell marker expression in proliferative cell cultures derived from adult human pancreas. Journal of Endocrinology 2011, 211(2), 169-176.
- Choudhary P, Shin J, Wang YY, Evans ML, Hammond PJ, Kerr D, Shaw JAM, Pickup JC, Amiel SA. Insulin Pump Therapy With Automated Insulin Suspension in Response to Hypoglycemia: Reduction in nocturnal hypoglycemia in those at greatest risk. Diabetes Care 2011, 34(9), 2023-2025.
- Little S, Shaw J, Home P. Hypoglycemic rates with basal insulin analogs. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 2011, 13(Suppl. 1), S53-S64.
- Cumbers A, MacKinnon D, Shaw J. Labour, organisational rescaling and the politics of production: union renewal in the privatised rail industry. Work, Employment & Society 2010, 24(1), 127-144.
- Shakoor SKA, Aldibbiat A, Ingoe LE, Campbell SC, Sibal L, Shaw J, Home PD, Razvi S, Weaver JU. Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Subclinical Hypothyroidism: The Effect of Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2010, 95(1), 319-322.
- MacKinnon D, Shaw J, Docherty I. Devolution as Process: Institutional Structures, State Personnel and Transport Policy in the United Kingdom. Space and Polity 2010, 14(3), 271-287.
- Mahmoud A, Niessen S, Aldibbiat A, Al-Turaifi H, Huggins C , Shaw JAM. Muscle-targeted gene transfer enables continuous secretion of GLP-1 and exendin-4 in mice. Human Gene Therapy 2009, 20(11), 1542.
- Reddy MS, Kibondo A, Aldibbiat A, Stamp S, Shenton B, Shaw JAM, Carter N, Cunningham A, Talbot D. Improved Preservation of Non Heart-Beating- Donor Pancreases Prior to Islet Isolation Using Portal Venous Oxygen Persufflation. American Journal of Transplantation 2009, 9, 405.
- Sibal L, Aldibbiat A, Agarwal SC, Mitchell G, Oates C, Razvi S, Weaver JU, Shaw JA, Home PD. Circulating endothelial progenitor cells, endothelial function, carotid intima-media thickness and circulating markers of endothelial dysfunction in people with type 1 diabetes without macrovascular disease or microalbuminuria. Diabetologia 2009, 52(8), 1464-1473.
- Sibal L, Jones A, Aldibbiat A, Mitchell G, Oates C, Weaver J, Shaw JAM, Home PD. The influence of the presence of retinopathy on the circulating endothelial progenitor cell counts, endothelial function and carotid intima-media thickness in type I diabetes. Diabetologia 2008, 51(Supplement 1), S552 no. 1372.
- Campbell SC, Aldibbiat A, Marriott CE, Landy C, Ali T, Ferris WF, Butler CS, Shaw JA, Macfarlane WM. Selenium stimulates pancreatic beta-cell gene expression and enhances islet function. FEBS Letters 2008, 582(15), 2333-2337.
- Niessen SJM, Mahmoud A, Aldibbiat A, Huggins C, Church DB, Shaw JAM. Muscle-targeted gene therapy for the treatment of diabetes mellitus: Investigating the role of the immune system when employing mutant (pro)insulin. Diabetologia 2008, 51(Supplement 1), S243 no. 600.
- Aldibbiat A, Marriott CE, Scougall KT, Campbell SC, Huang GC, Macfarlane WM, Shaw JAM. Inability to process and store proinsulin in transdifferentiated pancreatic acinar cells lacking the regulated secretory pathway. Journal of Endocrinology 2008, 196(1), 33-43.
- Aldibbiat A, Holliman GN, Al-Turaifi H, Campbell SC, Huang G, Shaw J. Generation of insulin-synthesising pseudo-islets from adult stem cell cultures derived from the human pancreas. Diabetologia 2008, 51(Supplement 1), S183 no. 439.
- Mahmoud A, Aldibbiat A, Niessen SJM, Campbell SC, Holliman GN, Joshi S, Scougall KT, Shaw JAM. Expression, storage and rapid regulated secretion of active glucagon like peptide-1 following muscle-targeted gene transfer. Diabetologia 2008, 51(s1), S363 no. 906.
- AlTuraifi HRH, Aldibbiat AIM, Holliman GN, Campbell SC, Shaw JAM, Huang GGC, Amiel SGC. Expression of pluripotent stem cell markers within intact adult human pancreas and proliferative adherent cell cultures derived from digested pancreas. Diabetologia 2008, 51(s1), S182 no. 437.
- Arden C, Hampson L, Huang G, Shaw J, Aldibbiat A, Holliman G, Manas D, Khan S, Lange A, Agius L. A role for PFK-2/FBPase-2, as distinct from fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, in regulation of insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells. Biochemical Journal 2008, 411(1), 41-51.
- Ratanamart J, Huggins CG, Kirby JA, Shaw J. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of intrinsic immunogenicity of reporter and insulin gene therapy plasmids. Journal of Gene Medicine 2007, 9(8), 703-714.
- Arden C, Trainer A, De La Iglesia N, Scougall KT, Gloyn AL, Lange AJ, Shaw J, Matschinsky FM, Agius L. Cell biology assessment of glucokinase mutations V62M and G72R in pancreatic β-cells: Evidence for cellular instability of catalytic activity. Diabetes 2007, 56(7), 1773-1782.
- Thomas RM, Aldibbiat A, Griffin W, Cox MAA, Leech NJ, Shaw JAM. A randomized pilot study in type 1 diabetes complicated by severe hypoglycaemia, comparing rigorous hypoglycaemia avoidance with insulin analogue therapy, CSII or education alone. Diabetic Medicine 2007, 24(7), 778-783.
- Arutchelvam V, Heslop E, Welsh P, Griffins W, Weatherburn S, Aldibbiat A, Leech N, Shaw JAM. [abstract] Safety and efficacy of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy in relation to pre-intervention HbA1c. Diabetic Medicine 2006, 23(s2), 86 abstract no. P222.
- Sibal L, Aldibbiat A, Harvey IJ, Shenton BK, Holliman GN, Shaw JAM, Home PD. [abstract] Identification and quantification of circulating endothelial progenitor cells in individuals with Type 1 diabetes and non-diabetic controls. Diabetic Medicine 2006, 23(s2), 49 abstract no. P74.
- Arden C, Scougall KT, Shaw JAM, Agius L. [abstract] Generation of MIN6 stable cell lines expressing GFP-tagged glucokinase for cellular analysis of glucokinase mutants. Diabetic Medicine 2006, 23(s2), 9 abstract no. A30.
- Aldibbiat A, Huang GC, Zhao M, Reddy MS, Holliman GH, Dunn J, Dickinson AM, Manas DM, Amiel SA, Shaw JAM. [abstract] Confirmation of maintained sterility, viability and function in clinical-grade human islets following transport from an approved geographically-distance isolation facility. Diabetic Medicine 2006, 23(s2), 23 abstract no. A86.
- Wilson MO, Scougall KT, Ratanamart J, McIntyre EA, Shaw JAM. Tetracycline-regulated secretion of human (pro)insulin following plasmid-mediated transfection of human muscle. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 2005, 34(2), 391-403.
- Aldibbiat A, Scougall KT, Campbell SC, Macfarlane WM, Shaw JAM. Proinsulin overexpression as a tool for characterization of β-cell phenotype in transdifferentiation studies. Diabetes 2005, (under review).
- Scougall KT, Shaw JAM. Tetracycline-regulated secretion of human insulin in transfected primary myoblasts. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2003, 304(1), 167-175.
- Scougall KT, Maltin CA, Shaw JAM. Tetracycline-regulated secretion of human insulin in a transfected non-endocrine cell line. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 2003, 30(3), 331-346.
- Wilson MO, McIntyre EA, Scougall KT, Shearing PA, Walker M, Yeaman SJ, Shaw JAM. Tetracycline-regulated (pro)insulin secretion and processing to mature insulin following plasmid-mediated transfection of human muscle. Diabetic Medicine 2003, 20(s2), 9.
- Shaw JAM, Delday MI, Hart AW, Docherty HM, Maltin CA, Docherty K. Secretion of bioactive human insulin following plasm id-mediated gene transfer to non-neuroendocrine cell lines, primary cultures and rat skeletal muscle in vivo. European Journal of Endocrinology 2002, 172(3), 653-672.
- Unwin N, Shaw J, Zimmet P, Alberti KGMM. Impaired glucose tolerance and impaired fasting glycaemia: the current status on definition and intervention. Diabetic Medicine 2002, 19(9), 708-723.
- Shaw JAM. Development of alternatives to insulin injection by genetic engineering. Diabetes Voice 2002, 47, 30-34.
- Shaw JAM, Pearson DWM, Krukowski ZH, Fisher PM, Bevan JS. Cushing's syndrome during pregnancy: Curative Adrenalectomy at 31 Weeks Gestation. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2002, 105(2), 189-191.
- Zimmet P, Alberti KGMM, Shaw J. Global and societal implications of the diabetes epidemic. Nature 2001, 414(6865), 782-787.
- Scougall KT, Shaw JAM. Tetracycline-responsive secretion of human proinsulin in transfected fibroblasts. Diabetic Medicine 2000, 17(3) Suppl 1, 4.
- Scougall KT, Maltin CA, Shaw JAM. Tetracycline-regulated secretion of human pro/insulin in transfected primary rat myoblasts. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2000, 50((Suppl 1)), S180.
- Abraham P, Sati H, Kumar N, Shaw JAM, Middleton M, Culligan D, Watson H, Murray A, Bevan JS. Hyperprolactinaemia is uncommon in patients with Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Journal of Endocrinology 2000, 164 Suppl, P35.
- Shaw JAM, Delday MI, Hart A, Docherty HM, Maltin CA, Docherty K. Towards off the shelf gene therapy for diabetes: insulin expression in rats following intramuscular DNA injection. Diabetic Medicine 1999, 16(5, s1), 28.
- Shaw JAM and Docherty KD. Gene Therapy for NIDDM - will it have a role?. Towards Prediction and Prevention of NIDDM 1999.
- Shaw JAM, Delday MI, Scougall KT, Hart A, Maltin CA, Docherty K. Constitutive secretion of human insulin in growing and mature rats following intramuscular injection of naked plasmid DNA. Journal of Endocrinology 1999, 163 Suppl, OC28.
Book Chapters
- Shaw JAM, Docherty K. Genetic engineering in the treatment of diabetes. In: Wass, J.A.H., Shalet, S.M, ed. Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002, pp.1866-1872.
- Shaw JAM, Docherty K. Gene therapy for type II diabetes: will it have a role?. In: Hitman, G.A, ed. Type II Diabetes: Prediction and Prevention. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 1999, pp.367-381.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Owen R, Kurian TA, Carr HJ, Counter C, Thompson EJ, Shaw J, Wilson CH, White SA. P.137: Multi-centre UK Analysis After SPK in Recipients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. In: 18th World Congress of the International Pancreas and Islet Transplantation Association (IPITA 2021). 2021, Virtual: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Dyson N, Kattner N, Carey S, Honkanen-Scott M, Hunter B, Davey T, Shaw JA, Scott WE. P.112: Ultrastructural Assessment of the Associations of Obesity and Established Diabetes in Human Pancreata. In: 18th World Congress of the International Pancreas and Islet Transplantation Association (IPITA 2021). 2021, Virtual: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Al-Jahdhami NA, Anderson SJ, Aldibbiat A, Shaw JA. Improved Beta-Cell Differentiation and Function in Isolated Islets Established in Dynamic Culture to Reduce Hypoxia. In: 78th American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions. 2018, Orlando, FL: American Diabetes Association.
- Ye J, Bulwer C, Amin R, Dayan CM, Marshall H, Shaw JA, Williams AJK, Gillespie KM. Methylation specific cell free DNA to monitor islet autoimmunity in Type 1 diabetes. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference. 2016, Glasgow: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Ye J, Bulwer C, Amin R, Dayan CM, Marshall H, Shaw JA, Williams AJK, Gillespie KM. Methylation specific cell free DNA to monitor islet autoimmunity in Type 1 diabetes. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2016. 2016, Glasgow, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Armour SL, Shaw JA, White MG. Limitation of glucotoxicity-induced beta-cell dedifferentiation and alpha-cell transition following Nkx6.1 overexpression. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference. 2016, Glasgow: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Anderson SJ, Marshall H, Shaw JAM. Hypoxia-induced beta cell dedifferentiation: the missing link in islet transplant dysfunction?. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2016. 2016, Glasgow, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Zummo FP, Cullen KS, Lovat PE, Shaw JA, Arden C. Glucagon-like peptide-1 requires EPAC activity to restore autophagy and protect pancreatic beta cells from cell death. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2016. 2016, Glasgow: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Logue JA, Scott WE, Honkanen-Scott M, De Haviland J, Abou-Saleh A, Gabre H, Manas DM, Shaw JAM, Dickinson A, Dennison AR, Charnley RM, White SA. Expanding the indications for pancreas resection and autologous islet cell transplantation (IAT) in both adults and children. In: Society of Academic and Research Surgery 2016 Annual Meeting. 2016, London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Anderson SJ, Armour SL, White MG, Berishvili E, Berney T, Shaw JAM. Evidence for Beta Cell Dedifferentiation as a Cause for Sustained Graft Dysfunction Following Peri Engraftment Hypoxia in Clinical Islet Transplantation. In: American Diabetes Association 76th Scientific Sessions. 2016, New Orleans: American Diabetes Association.
- Logue JA, Scott WE, Honkanen-Scott M, De Haviland J, Abou-Saleh A, Manas DM, Shaw JAM, Dickinson A, Gabre H, Dennison AR, Charnley RM, White SA. Diversifying the Indications for Pancreas Resection and Autologous Islet Cell Transplantation (IAT) in both Adults and Children. In: Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, 19th Annual Scientific Meeting. 2016, Leeds: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- Campbell MD, Walker M, King D, Allerton D, Shaw JA, Luzio S, Dunseath G, Bracken RM, Stevenson EJ, West DJ. Administering a small rapid-acting insulin bolus 3 h after eating a mixed macronutrient meal improves postprandial glucose control, without hypoglycaemia, in people with Type 1 diabetes. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2016. 2016, Glasgow, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Popov AA, Montalbano G, Scott WE, Chen J, Shaw JAM, Dalgarno K, Ferreira-Duarte AM. 3D manufactured islet micro-tissues for the treatment of type-1 diabetes. In: TERMIS-EU 2016 Conference. 2016, Uppsala, Sweden: eCM.
- Armour SL, Anderson SJ, Shaw JAM, White MG. A Novel Role for Tle3 in Maintaining Beta Cell Identity. In: 76th Scientific Sessions. 2016, New Orleans: American Diabetes Association.
- Scott W, De Havilland J, Honkanen-Scott MM, Logue J, Abou-Saleh A, Charnley RM, Manas DM, Shaw JAM, White SA. Successful autologous islet transplantation post-frey's procedure using a side-vented 'therapeutic infusion needle' for improved enzyme delivery. In: IPITA-IXA-CTS Joint Congress. 2015, Melbourne, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Stevenson EJ, Campbell MD, Gonzalez JT, Walker M, Shaw JA, West DJ. Subjective and hormonal appetite responses to high and low glycaemic index post-exercise meals, under matched insulinaemia and fibre in Type 1 diabetes. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference. 2015, London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- White MG, Armour SL, Shaw JA. Limiting human beta cell de-differentiation by small molecule inhibitors of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) pathway. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference. 2015, London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- West DJ, Stevenson EJ, Campbell MD, Walker M, Shaw JA, Ahmed FW, Wijaya S, Weaver J. Inflammation and the acute endothelial progenitor cell response to submaximal running exercise in males with and without Type 1 diabetes. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2015. 2015, London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Tan HK, Little SA, Leelarathna L, Walkinshaw E, Lubina-Solomon A, Kerr D, Heller SR, Evans ML, Shaw JA, Flanagan D, Speight J. Hypoglycaemia avoidance training improves glucose variability in Type 1 diabetes (HypoCOMPaSS Study). In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2015. 2015, London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Zummo FP, Cullen KS, Lovat PE, Shaw JA, Arden C. Glucagon-like peptide 1 protects pancreatic beta cells from programmed cell death: a role for autophagy. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference. 2015, London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Scott W, Honkanen-Scott MM, De Havilland J, Logue J, Abou-Saleh A, Gabra H, Charnley R, Shaw JAM, White SA. Expanding the indications for paediatric and adult autologous islet transplantation. In: IPITA-IXA-CTS 2015 Joint Congress. 2015, Melbourne, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Anderson SJ, White MG, Marshall HL, Shaw JA. Contaminating exocrine tissue as a source of MCP-1 in islet transplantation. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference. 2015, London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Walkinshaw E, Little SA, Bernjak A, Lubina-Solomon A, Chow E, Shaw JA, Heller SR. Cardiac autonomic regulation during experimental hypoglycaemia in Type 1 diabetes with impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia (IAH). In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference. 2015, London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Walkinshaw E, Little SA, Bernjak A, Lubina-Solomon A, Chow E, Shaw JAM, Heller SR. Cardiac autonomic regulation during experimental hypoglycaemia in type 1 diabetes with impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia. In: 51st EASD Annual Meeting. 2015, Stockholm, Sweden: Springer.
- Speight J, Singh H, Little SA, Flanagan D, Kerr D, Evans ML, Heller SR, Shaw JA. Associations with hyperglycaemia avoidance among adults with long-standing Type 1 diabetes and impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia: baseline characteristics from the HypoCOMPaSS Study. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2015. 2015, London, UK: WILEY-BLACKWELL.
- Armour SL, Shaw JA, White MG. An in vitro model of beta cell de-differentiation and potential alpha cell reprogramming. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference. 2015, London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Zummo FP, Cullen KS, Lovat PE, Shaw JA, Arden C. An emerging role for autophagy in the regulation of beta cell survival by glucagon-like peptide-1. In: 51st EASD Annual Meeting. 2015, Stockholm, Sweden: Springer.
- Campbell MD, Walker M, Trenell MI, Stevenson EJ, Shaw JA, Bracken RM, Turner D, Gray BJ, West DJ. A novel strategy that prevents early- and late-onset nocturnal hypoglycaemia following evening exercise in Type 1 diabetes. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference. 2015, London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Campbell MD, Walker M, Trenell MI, Stevenson EJ, Shaw JA, Luzio S, Dunseath GJ, West DJ. A combined basal-bolus insulin dose reduction strategy for preventing exercise-induced hypoglycaemia does not cause hormonal, metabolic or inflammatory disturbances in Type 1 diabetes. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference. 2015, London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- White MG, Shaw JAM. Involvement of Notch signaling in Human Beta-Cell Dedifferentiation. In: American Diabetes Association 74th Scientific Sessions. 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA: Diabetes.
- Harrison M, Marriott C, Shaw J. Examining Glycaemic Control and Variability Utilising the Medtronic Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (CGMS) In Pre And Post CSII Therapy. In: 7th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes. 2014, Vienna, Austria: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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