NuCore members
Professor John Allen
Professor of Biosensors: Vascular Optics and Microvascular Sensing
- Personal Website:
- Address: Translational and Clinical Research Institute
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
Visiting Professor to Newcastle University - Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Faculty of Medical Sciences
Microvascular sensing specialist.
Track Record and Roles
* Visiting Professor to Newcastle University Medical School and collaborate with academic staff on a number of research projects as well as undertake PGR project supervisions to doctoral level. Honorary Fellow: Faculty of Medical Sciences Graduate School.
* Responsible for securing and managing grant funded research projects - vascular optics focus, collaborations to date totals ~£3.3M. Chief Investigator for one project (NIHR funded £1.3M), overseeing the development of a new vascular optics i.e. PPG pulse diagnostics device for PAD detection in primary care for GPs - leading a multi-disciplinary team from 4 partner organisations (aka the NOTEPAD project). Applying for further significant grant funding related to a number of projects on vascular optics, accessible diagnostics, immersive technology, and novel wearable sensing for cardiovascular assessment.
* In 2023 - successful completion as DoS / PI for Newcastle NIHR BRC funded PhD student Sadaf Iqbal - AI and PPG for the diagnosis of systemic sclerosis (SSc) (~£87k).
* Founder / former lead (2001-2020) of the Microvascular Measurement Service & Research facility based at the Freeman Hospital in the Northern Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering (NMPCE) department - primarily for Raynaud's patient / microvascular assessments. Substantive post now with the Coventry Research Centre for Intelligent Healthcare (CIH) - Professor of Biosensors and Bioinstrumentation (focus is microvascular sensing). Have set up a new physiological measurement and vascular optics clinical measurement research facility at the Coventry Technology Park (e.g. for collaborations with UHCW NHS Trust and Warwick) to go hand-in-hand with our biomedicl optics and nanosensor development facilities and wider collaborations.
PhD Medical Physics, Newcastle University, 2002.
MSc Bioengineering, Strathclyde University, 1989.
BEng (2:1) Control Engineering, Sheffield University, 1985.
UK Parliamentary and Scientific Committee (Individual Member, 2021-2026).
Member of Executive Editorial Board, Physiological Measurement, Institute of Physics Publishing.
Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), registered Clinical Scientist (registration number: CS00033).
Chartered Scientist (CSci), Science Council.
Chartered Engineer (CEng), Engineering Council.
Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM).
Member, IEEE. Biomedical Engineering Society.
Royal Photographic Society (Fellow and Accredited Senior Imaging Scientist, ASIS).
British Microcirculation and Vascular Biology Society (BMVBS).
Honours and Awards
2020-2023 (e.g. 2021 Stanford lists for World's top 2% of most cited scientists)in specific categories (Biomedical Engineering // Cardiovascular System and Hematology).
Winner of Kurt Ammer Prize for Best Poster Presentation. XV Congress of the Association of Thermology (September 2021). "Explorations in skin temperature and objective skin colour measurements in Raynaud's phenomenon: a pilot study."
Recognition from IPEM and IoP (Physiological Measurement) for obtaining greater than a 1000 citations for a research article that I had written (largest by far for the leading international medical physics journal), July 2019. Citations ~3000 (Q4 2024).
Fully funded / invited academic visit to present work and meet with clinical engineering colleagues and discuss collaborative opportunities. China (Beijing and Shenzhen), May 2017.
IET Innovations Awards 2017. Finalist in 2 categories for the new PAD assessment vascular optics device: Healthcare Technology and Emerging Technology Design. Both Highly Commended - International awards ceremony, London November 2017. Lead for project.
Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society - Accredited Senior Imaging Scientist (ASIS FRPS), from 2014.
The honour to be invited to join the PM at a Reception in Lancaster House in London (2007) - in recognition of those "Delivering excellence in Public Services".
Submitted, on behalf of Cardiovascular Physics and Engineering Research Group, the winning entries for the 2006 NHS Health and Social Care Award for Innovative Technology and the 2007 IPEM Manufacturers' Award.
Awarded Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) Travel Bursary to visit Porto European Thermology conference, September 2012. Also, awarded a bursary to visit hospitals and universities in Cuba, November 2006 (Visiting Professorship: Biofisica Medica, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba 2006/2007).
Translational and Clinical Research Institute (TCRI). Vascular Biology and Medicine theme
Please also see: Research Centre for Intelligent Healthcare (Coventry) and: ORCID
My Esteem Indicators
Guest Editor. Advances in Basic and Applied Research in Photoplethysmography. Frontiers in Physiology special issue, 2022/23.
Honoured to be in the 2020-2023 e.g. 2021 Stanford lists for World's top 2% of most cited scientists.
Invited podcast for Physics World (IOP Publishing) - talking about career in photoplethysmography (PPG) R&D (released 13/1/22).
Visiting Professor to Newcastle University (2021+).
Have published 100+ peer reviewed articles and made more than 100 formal scientific presentations to medical and scientific colleagues, and to industrial partners.
Co-editor (Kyriacou and Allen, 2021) of a first ever comprehensive book on photoplethysmography. "Photoplethysmography: Technology, Signal Analysis and Applications." Elsevier. Published Nov 2021 (Link to book), book said by Elsevier Senior Acquisitions Editor, Electronic Engineering, Computer Vision and Medical Imaging to be their most successful title of the titles published in 2021 and 2020.
Co-organised, chaired and presented a mini-symposium on photoplethysmography at the IEEE EMBC'19 Biomedical Engineering meeting in Berlin this summer - presenting work on a PPG based vascular assessment device development and related technologies.
Editorial Board, Physiological Measurement. Institute of Physics Publishing.
Editorial Board, Sensors. Frontiers in Physiology. Frontiers in Signal Processing.
External PhD Examiner: Eindhoven University, City - The University of London, Dundee University, Loughborough University, Nottingham University, and University of South Wales.
Photoplethysmography = keeping one's finger on that pulse. See the score in context of wider impact on (>2500 citations by Q2 2023).
Main Collaborative Funding and Projects
Allen J, Collaborator. 2023-2026. Euramet project (PTB-led consortium) on PPG and AI metrology. QUMPHY. ~1.3M Euros.
Allen J, DoS and PI for 1 British Council MRes studentship (Women into Science). 2024-25. Raynaud's and Scleroderma R&D.
Allen J, DoS and PI for 3 fully funded PhD studentship projects between Research Centre for Intelligent Healthcare (Coventry) and A* Singapore / ETH Zurich. 2023 to 2026-7. PPG R&D.
Allen J, Clinical Advisor. 2020-2023. NIHR i4i PDA project (Manchester University led) on Capillaroscopy and AI device.
Allen J, DoS and PI for Newcastle BRC funded PhD studentship on PPG-AI SSc detection. 2018-2023. ~£87k.
Allen J, Chief Investigator (CI). 2014-18. NIHR i4i Cardiovascular Challenge Award. II-C1-0412-20003. Innovative photoplethysmography technology for rapid non-invasive assessment of peripheral arterial disease in primary care. Device development project, Newcastle Hospitals and partners. Grant total ~£1.3M. "NOTEPAD".
Allen J, Co-Investigator (Co-I). 2014-17. NIHR i4i Product Development Award (PDA). II-LA-0813-20007. An innovative system for the early identification, monitoring, evaluation and diagnosis of diabetic foot ulcers. Device development project led by National Physical Laboratory (NPL), CI Professor Graham Machin. Grant total ~£1.2M. "DFUPS / DFIRST".
Allen J, Co-Investigator (Co-I). 2014-16. Arthritis Research UK Award. Validation of laser Doppler imaging and thermography in patients with Raynaud’s phenomenon secondary to systemic sclerosis. Multi-centre clinical evaluation led by Manchester University, Dr Andrea Murray. Grant total ~£200k. "VALIDS".
Allen J, Collaborator to supply specialist venous and cardiovascular physiology measurements and analysis. 2018-2020. Venous physiology and optical muscle perfusion: BRC funded: TArgeting the SKeletal Muscle pump to Aid Standing in Elders with postuRal hypotension. PI Dr James Frith, Newcastle University. "TASKMASTER".
Postgraduate Teaching and Project Supervision: MRes and to doctoral level (MD and PhD).
Formerly for >10 years: Vascular Science: CVR8023 - Year 3, Microcirculation specialism.
- Frith J, Robinson L, Gibbon JR, Allen J. The effect of lower limb strengthening exercise on orthostatic blood pressure and the skeletal muscle pump in older people with orthostatic hypotension. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging 2024, 44(3), 205-210.
- Bul K, Holliday N, Bhuivan MRA, Clark CT, Allen J, Wark PA. Usability and Preliminary Efficacy of an Artificial Intelligence–Driven Platform Supporting Dietary Management in Diabetes: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Human Factors 2023, 10, e43959.
- Charlton PH, Allen J, Bailon R, Baker S, Behar JA, Chen F, Clifford GD, Clifton DA, Davies HJ, Ding C, Ding X, Dunn J, Elgendi M, Ferdoushi M, Franklin D, Gil E, Hassan MF, Hernesniemi J, Hu X, Ji N, Khan Y, Kontaxis S, Korhonen I, Kyriacou PA, Laguna P, Lazaro J, Lee C, Levy J, Li Y, Liu C, Liu J, Lu L, Mandic DP, Marozas V, MejiaMejia E, Mukkamala R, Nitzan M, Pereira T, Poon CCY, RamellaRoman JC, Saarinen H, Shandhi MMH, Shin H, Stansby G, Tamura T, Vehkaoja A, Wang WK, Zhang YT, Zhao N, Zheng D, Zhu T. The 2023 wearable photoplethysmography roadmap. Physiological Measurement 2023, 44(11), 111001.
- Stansby G, Sims AJ, Wilson L, Beale TAW, Wightman J, Guri I, Wilkes S, Haining S, Allen J. Prospective Assessment of the Diagnostic Accuracy of Multi-site Photoplethysmography Pulse Measurements for Diagnosis of Peripheral Artery Disease in Primary Care. Angiology 2023, 74(9), 859-867.
- Iqbal S, Agarwal S, Purcell I, Murray A, Bacardit J, Allen J. Deep learning identification of coronary artery disease from bilateral finger photoplethysmography sensing: A proof-of-concept study. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 2023, 86, 104993.
- Iqbal S, Bacardit J, Griffiths B, Allen J. Deep learning classification of systemic sclerosis from multi-site photoplethysmography signals. Frontiers in Physiology: Computational Physiology and Medicine Special Issue on PPG 2023, 14, 1242807.
- Iqbal S, Bacardit J, Griffiths B, Allen J. Deep learning classification of systemic sclerosis from multi-site photoplethysmography signals. Frontiers in Physiology 2023, 14, 1242807.
- Huthart S, Oates CP, Allen J, Fiaschi K, Andrew AJ, Stansby G. Validation of a standardised duplex ultrasound classification system for the reporting and grading of peripheral arterial disease. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2022, 64(2-3), 210-216.
- Sinaki F, Ward R, Abbott D, Allen J, Fletcher R, Menon C, Elgendi M. Ethnic disparities in publicly-available pulse oximetry databases. Communications Medicine 2022, 2, 59.
- Allen J. The power of light in medicine - challenges and opportunities in vascular optics. Science in Parliament 2021, 77(1), 14-16.
- Boylan LM, Nesbitt C, Wilson L, Allen J, Sims A, Guri I, Mawson P, Oates CP, Stansby G. Reliability of the Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire for Identifying Symptomatic PAD in General Practice. Angiology 2021, 72(5), 474-479.
- Liu H, Allen J, Khalid SG, Chen F, Zheng D. Filtering-induced time shifts in photoplethysmography pulse features measured at different body sites: the importance of filter definition and standardization. Physiological Measurement 2021, 42(7), 074001.
- Allen J, Haipeng L, Iqbal S, Zheng D, Stansby G. Deep learning based photoplethysmography classification for peripheral arterial disease detection: a proof of concept study. Physiological Measurement 2021, 42(5), 054002.
- Stansby G, Sims A, Wilson L, Beale T, Wilkes S, Vale L, Oates C, Allen J. Prospective assessment of the diagnostic performance of multi-site photoplethysmography pulse technology for PAD detection in primary care. TBC 2020. In Preparation.
- Tang Q, Chen Z, Allen J, Alian A, Menin Carlo, Ward Rabab, Elgendi M. PPG Synth: An innovative toolbox for synthesizing regular and irregular photoplethysmography waveforms. Frontiers in Medicine 2020, 7, 597774.
- Kyle D, Stansby G, Libby G, Macdonald A, Allen J. Optimising multi-site photoplethysmography (MPPG) device protocol for rapid lower limb vascular assessment in a primary care setting. TBC 2020. In Preparation.
- Welykholowa K, Hosanee M, Chan G, Cooper R, Kyriacou PA, Zheng D, Allen J, Abbott D, Menon C, Lovell NH, Howard N, Chan WS, Lim K, Fletcher R, Ward R, M Elgendi. Multi-modal photoplethysmography-based approaches for improved detection of hypertension. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2020, 9(4), 1203.
- Hosanee M, Chan G, Welykholowa K, Cooper R, Kyriacou PA, Zheng D, Allen J, Abbott D, Menon C, Lovell N, Howard N, Chan W-S, Lim K, Fletcher R, Ward R, Elgendi M. Cuffless Single-Site Photoplethysmography for Blood Pressure Monitoring. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2020, 9(3), 723.
- Bird K, Chan G, Lu H, Greef H, Allen J, Abbott D, Menon C, Lovell NH, Howard N, Chan W-S, Fletcher RR, Alian A, Ward R, Elgendi M. Assessment of hypertension using clinical electrocardiogram features: A first-ever review. Frontiers in Medicine 2020, 7, 583331.
- Allen J, O'Sullivan J, Stansby G, Murray A. Age related changes in pulse risetime measured by photoplethysmography. Physiological Measurement 2020, 41(7), 074001.
- Huthart S, Elgendi M, Zheng D, Stansby G, Allen J. Advancing PPG signal quality and know-how through knowledge translation - from experts to student and researcher. Frontiers in Digital Health 2020, 2, 619692.
- Kyle D, Boylan L, Wilson L, Haining S, Oates C, Sims A, Guri I, Allen J, Wilkes S, Stansby G. Accuracy of Peripheral Arterial Disease Registers in UK General Practice: Case-Control Study. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health 2020, 11, 1-6.
- Oluboyede Y, Ternent L, Vale L, Allen J. Using a Discrete-Choice Experiment to Estimate the Preferences of Clinical Practitioners for a Novel Non-invasive Device for Diagnosis of Peripheral Arterial Disease in Primary Care. PharmacoEconomics - Open 2019, 3, 571–581.
- Agarwal R, Chaudhry B, Jansen K, O'Sullivan J, Hudson J, Allen J, Coats L. Tissue oxygen saturation assessment of microvascular perfusion in adults with Fontan palliation and comparator groups using vascular optical spectrophotometry – A pilot study. Physiological Measurement 2019, 40(6), 06NT01.
- Moloney E, O'Connor J, Craig D, Robalino S, Chrysos A, Javanbakht M, Sims A, Stansby G, Wilkes S, McGonnell G, Allen J. Systematic Review of Economic Models Used to Compare Techniques for Detecting Peripheral Arterial Disease. PharmacoEconomics - Open 2019, 3(1), 21-30.
- Allen J, Hedley S. Simple photoplethysmography pulse encoding technique for communicating the detection of peripheral arterial disease – a proof of concept study. Physiological Measurement 2019, 40(8), 08NT01.
- Allen J. Quantifying the delays between multi-site photoplethysmography pulse and ECG R-R interval changes under slow paced breathing. Frontiers in Physiology 2019, 10, 1190.
- Lecouturier J, Scott J, Rousseau N, Stansby G, Sims A, Allen J. Peripheral arterial disease diagnosis and management in primary care: a qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice Open 2019.
- Scott J, Rousseau N, Lecouterier J, Stansby G, Sims A, Wilson L, Allen J. Nurses’ and patients’ experiences and preferences of the ankle-brachial pressure index and multi-site photoplethysmography for the diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease: A qualitative study. PLoS ONE 2019, 14(11), e0224546.
- Maniatopoulos G, Haining S, Allen J, Wilkes S. Negotiating commissioning pathways for the successful implementation of innovative health technology in primary care. BMC Health Services Research 2019, 19, 648.
- Chan G, Cooper R, Hosanee M, Welykholowa K, Kyriacou P, Zheng D, Allen J, Abbott D, Lovell N, Elgendi M. Multi-Site Photoplethysmography Technology for Blood Pressure Assessment: Challenges and Recommendations. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2019, 8(11), 1827.
- Petrova NL, Donaldson NK, Tang W, MacDonald A, Allen J, Lomas C, Leech N, Ainarkar S, Bevans J, Plassmann P, Kluwe B, Ring F, Whittam A, Rogers L, McMillan J, Simpson R, Donaldson ANA, Machin G, Edmonds ME. Infrared thermography and ulcer prevention in the high‐risk diabetic foot: data from a single‐blind multicentre controlled clinical trial. Diabetic Medicine 2019, 37(1), 95-104.
- Macdonald A, Petrova N, Ainarkar S, Allen J, Lomas C, Tang W, Plassmann P, Whittam A, Bevans J, Ring F, Kluwe B, Simpson R, Rogers L, Machin G, Edmonds M. Between visit variability of thermal imaging of feet in people attending podiatric clinics with diabetic neuropathy at high risk of developing foot ulcers. Physiological Measurement 2019, 40(8), 084004.
- Petrova NL, Whittam A, MacDonald A, Ainarkar S, Donaldson AN, Bevans J, Allen J, Plassmann P, Kluwe B, Ring F, Rogers L, Simpson R, Machin G, Edmonds ME. Reliability of a novel thermal imaging system for temperature assessment of healthy feet. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2018, 11, 22.
- Waugh W, Allen J, Wightman J, Sims AJ, Beale TAW. Novel Signal Noise Reduction Method through Cluster Analysis, Applied to Photoplethysmography. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2018, 6812404.
- Allen J, Di Maria C, Urwin SG, Murray A, Ottewell L, Griffiths B. Novel optical assessments of tissue composition and viability using fluorescence spectroscopy and tissue oxygenation spectrophotometry in patients with systemic sclerosis - a pilot study. Physiological Measurement 2018, 39(3), 03NT02.
- Dinsdale G, Roberts C, Moore T, Manning J, Berks M, Allen J, Anderson ME, Cutolo M, Hesselstrand R, Howell K, Pizzorni C, Sulli A, Wildt M, Taylor C, Murray A, Herrick AL. Nailfold capillaroscopy - how many fingers should be examined to detect abnormality?. Rheumatology 2018, 58(2), 284-288.
- Sharkey EJ, Di Maria C, Klinge A, Murray A, Zheng D, O'Sullivan J, Allen J. Innovative multi-site photoplethysmography measurement and analysis demonstrating increased arterial stiffness in paediatric heart transplant recipients. Physiological Measurement 2018, 39, 074007.
- Bentham M, Stansby G, Allen J. Innovative multi-site photoplethysmography analysis for quantifying pulse amplitude and timing variability characteristics in peripheral arterial disease. Diseases: Special Issue on Non-invasive Diagnostics for Cardiovascular Disease 2018, 6(3), 81.
- Wilkinson JD, Leggett SA, Marjanovic EJ, Moore TL, Allen J, Anderson ME, Britton J, Buch MH, Del-Galdo F, Denton CP, Dinsdale G, Griffiths B, Hall F, Howell K, MacDonald A, McHugh NJ, Manning JB, Pauling JD, Roberts C, Shipley JA, Herrick AL, Murray AK. A Multicenter Study of the Validity and Reliability of Responses to Hand Cold Challenge as Measured by Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging and Thermography. Arthritis and Rheumatology 2018, 70(6), 903-911.
- Segers P, O'Rourke MF, Parker K, Westerhof N, Hughes A, Aguado-Sierra J, Aizawa K, Alastruey J, Allen J, Avolio A, Chen C-H, Cheng H-M, Faita F, Fraser A, Gavish B, Greenwald S, Hametner B, Holewijn S, Di Lascio N, Izzo JL, Khir AW, Negoita M, Obeid H, Mynard J, Reesink KD, Rivolo S, Schultz MG, Sharman J, Spronck B, Su J, Thom S, Vennin S, Verdonck P, Westerhof BE. Towards a consensus on the understanding and analysis of the pulse waveform: Results from the 2016 Workshop on Arterial Hemodynamics: Past, present and future. Artery Research 2017, 18, 75-80.
- Macdonald A, Petrova N, Ainarkar S, Allen J, Plassmann P, Whittam A, Bevans J, Ring F, Kluwe B, Simpson R, Rogers L, Machin G, Edmonds M. Thermal symmetry of healthy feet: a precursor to a thermal study of diabetic feet prior to skin breakdown. Physiological Measurement 2017, 38(1), 33-44.
- Urwin SG, Griffiths B, Allen J. Quantification of differences between nailfold capillaroscopy images with a scleroderma pattern and normal pattern using measures of geometric and algorithmic complexity. Physiological Measurement 2017, 38(2), N32-N41.
- Dinsdale G, Moore T, O'Leary N, Tresadern P, Berks M, Roberts C, Manning J, Allen J, Anderson M, Cutolo M, Hesselstrand R, Howell K, Pizzorni C, Smith V, Sulli A, Wildt M, Taylor C, Murray A, Herrick AL. Intra-and inter-observer reliability of nailfold videocapillaroscopy - A possible outcome measure for systemic sclerosis-related microangiopathy. Microvascular Research 2017, 112, 1-6.
- Barakat T, Singh A, Stansby G, Allen J. Confirmed utility of tissue oxygen saturation assessments for predicting healing capability in below knee amputation. World Journal of Research and Review 2017, 5(5), 24-27.
- Machin G, Whittam A, Ainarkar S, Allen J, Bevans J, Edmonds M, Kluwe B, Macdonald A, Petrova N, Plassmann P, Ring F, Rogers L, Simpson R. A medical thermal imaging device for the prevention of diabetic foot ulceration. Physiological Measurement 2017, 38(3), 420-430.
- Mizeva I, Di Maria C, Frick P, Podtaev S, Allen J. Quantifying the correlation between photoplethysmography and laser Doppler flowmetry microvascular low-frequency oscillations. Journal of Biomedical Optics 2015, 20(3).
- Wilkes S, Stansby G, Sims A, Haining S, Allen J. Peripheral Arterial Disease: diagnostic challenges and how photoplethysmography may help. British Journal of General Practice 2015, 65, 323-324.
- Benson E, Allen J. Illuminating light in medical diagnostics and treatment. Science in Parliament 2015, 72(2), 40-41.
- Allen J, Young AL, Griffiths B. Subject Preparation and Thermal Acclimatization Prior to Mild Cold Challenge Testing Using Dynamic Thermal Imaging. Pan American Journal of Medical Thermology 2014, 1(1), 51-54.
- Green R, Endersby S, Allen J, Adams J. Role of medical thermography in treatment of Frey's syndrome with botulinum toxin A. British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2014, 52(1), 90-92.
- Di Maria C, Allen J, Dickinson J, Neoh C, Perros P. Novel Thermal Imaging Analysis Technique for Detecting Inflammation in Thyroid Eye Disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2014, 99(12), 4600-4606.
- McKay N, Griffiths B, Di Maria C, Hedley S, Murray A, Allen J. Novel photoplethysmography cardiovascular assessments in patients with Raynaud's phenomenon and systemic sclerosis: a pilot study. Rheumatology 2014, 53(10), 1855-1863.
- Abel G, Allen J, Drinnan M. A pilot study of new spectrophotometry device to measure tissue oxygen saturation. Physiological Measurement 2014, 35(9), 1769-1780.
- Anderson K, Di Maria C, Allen J. Novel assessment of microvascular changes in idiopathic restless legs syndrome (Willis-Ekbom disease). Journal of Sleep Research 2013, 22(3), 315-321.
- Allen J, Di Maria C, Mizeva I, Podtaev S. Finger microvascular responses to deep inspiratory gasp assessed and quantified using wavelet analysis. Physiological Measurement 2013, 34(7), 769-779.
- Richards RE, Allen J, Burnett S, Howell KJ, Smith RE. Evaluation of three thermal imaging cameras for skin temperature measurement using a blackbody reference source and a spatial resolution test object. Thermology International 2013, 23(1), 17-23.
- Oates CP, Allen J, Stansby G. Beyond the ankle brachial pressure index for the diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease – time for a new look at photoplethysmography?. Angiology 2013, 64(7), 492-493.
- Agarwal SC, Allen J, Murray A, Purcell IF. Laser Doppler assessment of dermal circulatory changes in people with coronary artery disease. Microvascular Research 2012, 84(1), 55-59.
- Allen J, Murray A, Di Maria C, Newton JL. Chronic fatigue syndrome and impaired peripheral pulse characteristics on orthostasis-a new potential diagnostic biomarker. Physiological Measurement 2012, 33(2), 231-241.
- Simon AP, Fernando-Britto Rodriguez CMJE, Allen J. New conceptual and mathematical forms for the contour of volume wave of arterial pulse. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomedicas 2011, 30(4), 487-500.
- Agarwal SC, Allen J, Murray A, Purcell IF. Comparative reproducibility of dermal microvascular blood flow changes in response to acetylcholine iontophoresis, hyperthermia and reactive hyperaemia. Physiological Measurement 2010, 31(1), 1-11.
- Stevens S, Allen J, Murray A, Jones D, Newton J. Microvascular optical assessment confirms the presence of peripheral autonomic dysfunction in primary biliary cirrhosis. Liver International 2009, 29(10), 1467-1472.
- Klinge A, Allen J, Murray A, O-Sullivan J. Increased pulse wave velocity and blood pressure in children who have undergone cardiac transplantation. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2009, 28(1), 21-25.
- Zheng D, Allen J, Murray A. Determination of aortic valve opening time and left ventricular peak filling rate from the peripheral pulse amplitude in patients with ectopic beats. Physiological Measurement 2008, 29(12), 1411-1419.
- Allen J, Overbeck K, Nath AF, Murray A, Stansby G. A prospective comparison of bilateral photoplethysmography versus the ankle-brachial pressure index for detecting and quantifying lower limb peripheral arterial disease. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2008, 47(4), 794-802.
- Allen J. Photoplethysmography and its application in clinical physiological measurement. Physiological Measurement 2007, 28(3), R1-R39.
- Zheng D, Allen J, Murray A. Non-invasive in vivo assessment of changes in peripheral arterial properties with estimation of arterial volume compliance. Physiological Measurement 2007, 28(10), 1317-1327.
- Allen J, Oates CP, Chishti AD, Ahmed HAM, Talbot D, Murray A. Thermography and colour duplex ultrasound assessments of arterio-venous fistula function in renal patients. Physiological Measurement 2006, 27(1), 51-60.
- Newton JL, Allen J, Kerr S, Jones DEJ. Reduced heart rate variability and baroreflex sensitivity in primary biliary cirrhosis. Liver International 2006, 26(2), 197-202.
- Allen JM, Overbeck K, Stansby GP, Murray A. Photoplethysmography assessments in cardiovascular disease. Measurement and Control 2006, 39(3), 80-83.
- Zheng D, Allen J, Murray A. Beat-to-beat changes in arterial compliance. Proceedings of World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006.
- Allen J, Oates CP, Lees TA, Murray A. Photoplethysmography detection of lower limb peripheral arterial occlusive disease: a comparison of pulse timing, amplitude and shape characteristics. Physiological Measurement 2005, 26(5), 811-821.
- McLaren A, Kerr S, Allan L, Steen IN, Ballard C, Allen J, Murray A, Kenny RA. Autonomic function is impaired in elderly stroke survivors. Stroke 2005, 36(5), 1026-1030.
- Allan LM, Kerr SRJ, Ballard CG, Allen J, Murray A, McLaren AT, Kenny RA. Autonomic function assessed by heart rate variability is normal in Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2005, 19(2-3), 140-144.
- Allen J, Gehrke T, O'Sullivan JJ, King ST, Murray A. Characterization of the Korotkoff sounds using joint time-frequency analysis. Physiological Measurement 2004, 25(1), 107-117.
- Langley P, Allen J, Bowers E, Drinnan M, Garcia E, King ST, Olbrich T, Sims AJ, Smith FE, Wild J, Zheng D, Murray A. Analysis of RR Interval and Fibrillation Frequency and Amplitude for Predicting Spontaneous Termination of Atrial Fibrillation. Computers in Cardiology 2004, 31, 637-640.
- McLaren AT, Allen J, Murray A, Ballard CG, Kenny RA. Cardiovascular effects of donepezil in patients with dementia. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2003, 15(4), 183-188.
- Allen J, Murray A. Age-related changes in the characteristics of the photoplethysmographic pulse shape at various body sites. Physiological Measurement 2003, 24(2), 297-307.
- O'Sullivan J, Allen J, Murray A. The forgotten Korotkoff phases: How often are phases II and III present, and how do they relate to the other Korotkoff phases?. American Journal of Hypertension 2002, 15(3), 264-268.
- Allen J, Frame JR, Murray A. Microvascular blood flow and skin temperature changes in the fingers following a deep inspiratory gasp. Physiological Measurement 2002, 23(2), 365-373.
- Allen J, Murray A. Age-related changes in peripheral pulse timing characteristics at the ears, fingers and toes. Journal of Human Hypertension 2002, 16(10), 711-717.
- Drinnan MJ, Allen J, Murray A. Relation between heart rate and pulse transit time during paced respiration. Physiological Measurement 2001, 22(3), 425-432.
- O'Sullivan J, Allen J, Murray A. A clinical study of the Korotkoff phases of blood pressure in children. Journal of Human Hypertension 2001, 15(3), 197-201.
- Allen J, Murray A. Variability of photoplethysmography peripheral pulse measurements at the ears, thumbs and toes. IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology 2000, 147(6), 403-407.
- Allen J, Murray A. Similarity in bilateral photoplethysmographic peripheral pulse wave characteristics at the ears, thumbs and toes. Physiological Measurement 2000, 21(3), 369-377.
- Allen J, Murray A. Modelling the relationship between peripheral blood pressure and blood volume pulses using linear and neural network system identification techniques. Physiological Measurement 1999, 20(3), 287-301.
- Allen J, Oates CP, Henderson J, Jago J, Whittingham TA, Chamberlain J, Jones NAG, Murray A. Comparison of lower limb arterial assessments using color-duplex ultrasound and ankle/brachial pressure index measurements. Angiology 1996, 47, 225-232.
- Allen J, Murray A. Assessing ECG signal quality on a coronary care unit. Physiological Measurement 1996, 17(4), 249-258.
- Allen J, Murray A. Prospective assessment of an artificial neural network for the detection of peripheral vascular disease from lower limb pulse waveforms. Physiological Measurement 1995, 16, 29-38.
- Murray A, Allen J, Allen V, Clayton RH, McLaughlin NB, Relf GT. Simplified body-surface electrocardiographic maps with depolarization magnitude and direction. Physiological Measurement 1994, 15(3), 235-242.
Book Chapters
- Mejia-Mejia E, Allen J, Budidha K, El-Hajj C, Kyriacou PA, Charlton PH. Photoplethysmography signal processing and synthesis. In: Kyriacou PA and Allen J, ed. Photoplethysmography: Technology, Signal Analysis and Applications. Elsevier, 2021.
- Allen J. Photoplethysmography for the assessment of peripheral vascular disease. In: Kyriacou PA and Allen J, ed. Photoplethysmography: Technology, Signal Analysis and Applications. Elsevier, 2021.
- Allen J, Chen F. Low frequency variability in photoplethysmography and autonomic function assessment. In: Kyriacou PA and Allen J, ed. Photoplethysmography: Technology, Signal Analysis and Applications. Elsevier, 2021.
- Macdonald A, Petrova N, Ainarkar S, Allen J, Plassmann P, Whittam A, Bevans J, Ring F, Kluwe B, Simpson R, Rogers L, Machin G, Edmonds M. Reproducibility of Thermal Images: Some Healthy Examples. In: Eddie NY; EtehadTavakol M, ed. Application of Infrared to Biomedical Sciences. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2017, pp.265-276.
- Di Maria C, Hainsworth PJ, Allen J. Intraoperative Thermal and Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging Assessment of Bowel Perfusion in Two Cases of Colorectal Resection Surgery. In: Eddie YK Ng and Mahnaz Etehadtavakol, ed. Application of Infrared to Biomedical Sciences. Singapore: Springer, 2017, pp.437-449.
- Kyle D, Allen J, Overbeck K, Stansby G. Exploratory Thermal Imaging Assessments of the Feet in Patients with Lower Limb Peripheral Arterial Disease. In: Eddie YK Ng and Mahnaz EtehadTavakol, ed. Application of Infrared to Biomedical Sciences. Springer Nature Singapore, 2017, pp.249-263.
- Allen J. Development of a Clinical Microvascular Imaging and Vascular Optics Facility: The Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK) Experience. In: Vardasca R; Gabriel Mendes J, ed. Innovative Research in Thermal Imaging for Biology and Medicine. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 2017, pp.1-33.
- Allen J, Gorman G. Thermographic assessment of the presence of fatty tumours in myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibres. In: Francis Ring, Anna Jung, Janusz Zuber, ed. Infrared Imaging: A Casebook in Clinical Medicine. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015.
- Allen J, Robertshaw D, Leech N. Thermal imaging potential for assessing diabetic Charcot foot syndrome. In: Francis Ring, Anna Jung, Janusz Zuber, ed. Infrared Imaging: A Casebook in Clinical Medicine. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015.
- Allen J, Oates C, Talbot D. Thermal imaging and its potential for artery-venous fistula function assessment. In: Francis Ring, Anna Jung, Janusz Zuber, ed. Infrared Imaging: A Casebook in Clinical Medicine. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015.
- Allen J, Burnett S, Di Maria C, Forrest I, Griffiths B. Imaging assessments of patients with suspected systemic sclerosis and associated inflammatory lung disease. In: Francis Ring, Anna Jung, Janusz Zuber, ed. Infrared Imaging: A Casebook in Clinical Medicine. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015.
- Di Maria C, Perros P, Dickinson J, Allen J. Exploratory thermal and laser speckle contrast imaging measurements of eye inflammation in a case of thyroid eye disease. In: Francis Ring, Anna Jung, Janusz Zuber, ed. Infrared Imaging: A Casebook in Clinical Medicine. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015.
- Allen J. Capillaroscopy in healthy subjects of different ages. In: Cutolo, M, ed. Atlas of Capillaroscopy in Rheumatic Diseases. London: Elsevier, 2010, pp.chapter 7.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Allen J, Stansby G, Lecouturier J, Wilkes S, Vale L, McCormack A, Sims A. Successful development of a multi-site photoplethysmography device for fast peripheral arterial disease diagnosis in primary care. In: 40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC '18). 2018, Honolulu, HI: IEEE.
- Petrova NL, MacDonald A, Ainarkar S, Plassmann P, Ring F, Simpson R, Bevans J, Allen J, Machin G, Edmonds ME. Infrared thermometry reveals no differences of the skin temperatures at the plantar, dorsal, medial and lateral sites between the right foot and left foot in healthy volunteers. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2016. 2016, Glasgow, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Dinsdale G, Moore T, Manning J, Murray A, Berks M, Tresadern P, Taylor C, O'Leary N, Roberts C, Allen J, Anderson M, Cutolo M, Hesselstrand R, Howell K, Pyrkotsch P, Ravera F, Smith V, Sulli A, Wildt M, Herrick A. Reliability and Validity of Mean Vessel Width in Capillaroscopy for Evaluating Systemic Sclerosis-Related Microangiopathy. In: Rheumatology 2015. 2015, Manchester, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Dinsdalel G, Moore T, Manning J, Murray A, Berks M, Tresadern P, Taylor C, O'Leary N, Roberts C, Allen J, Anderson M, Cutolo M, Hesselstrand R, Howell K, Pyrkotsch P, Ravera F, Smith V, Sulli A, Wildt M, Herrick A. Reliability of Nailfold Capillary Density Measurement As a Possible Outcome Measure for Systemic Sclerosis-Related Microangiopathy. In: 2014 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting. 2014, Boston, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Di Maria C, Sharkey E, Klinge A, Zheng D, Murray A, O'Sullivan J, Allen J. A pilot study of photoplethysmographic peripheral pulse transit times in paediatric heart transplant recipients and healthy children. In: Computing in Cardiology. 2013, Zaragoza, Spain.
- Di Maria C, Sharkey E, Klinge A, Zheng D, Murray A, O'Sullivan J, Allen J. Feasibility of monitoring vascular ageing by multi-site photoplethysmography. In: 39th Computing in Cardiology Conference. 2012, Krakow, Poland: IEEE.
- Langley P, Di Marco LY, King S, Duncan D, Di Maria C, Duan W, Bojarnejad M, Zheng D, Allen J, Murray A. An algorithm for assessment of quality of ECGs acquired via mobile telephones. In: Computing in Cardiology. 2011, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China: CinC.
- Langley P, King S, Zheng D, Bowers E, Wang K, Allen J, Murray A. Predicting acute hypotensive episodes from mean arterial pressure. In: 36th Annual Computers in Cardiology Conference (CINC). 2009, Park City, Utah, USA: IEEE.
- Zarychta P, Sinith FE, King ST, Haigh AJ, Klinge A, Zheng D, Stevens S, Allen J, Okelarin A, Langley P, Murray A. Body Surface Potential Mapping for Detection of Myocardial Infarct Sites. In: 34th Annual Conference on Computers in Cardiology. 2007, Durham, NC: IEEE.
- Agarwal S, Allen J, Murray A, Purcell I. Impaired systemic microvascular endothelial function with coronary artery disease can be detected nowinvasively using novel laser doppler techniques. In: Heart: Annual Scientific Conference of the British Society Promoting Cardiovascular Health. 2006, Glasgow, UK: BMJ Group.
- Zheng D, Allen J, Murray A. Development of a method for determining arterial pulse propagation times and influence of arterial compliance. In: 33rd Conference on Computers in Cardiology. 2006, Valencia, Spain: IEEE.
- Allen JM, Kokkinos EM, Murray A, Diffey BL, Mokhtary SL, Meggitt SJ, Harrison DK, Walker K, Isaacs JD, Pathare S, Griffiths B. Assessment of skin fluorescence characteristics in systemic sclerosis. In: BSR Annual Meeting/BHPR Spring Meeting. 2006, Glasgow, UK: Rheumatology: S. Karger AG.
- Langley P, Allen J, Bowers EJ, Drinnan MJ, Haigh AJ, King ST, Olbrich T, Smith FE, Zheng D, Murray A. The ebb and flow of heart rate variability: Simulation of 24 hour heart rate time series using time series data from naturally occurring phenomena. In: Computers in Cardiology. 2005, Lyon, France: IEEE Computer Society.
- Smith FE, Haigh A, Wild J, Bowers EJ, King ST, Allen J, Zheng D, Langley P, Murray A. Study of the causes of blood pressure variability during manual sphygmomanometer measurement. In: IFMBE Proceedings NBC: 13th Nordic Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics. 2005, Umeå, Sweden: International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering.
- Allen J, Walker K, Griffiths B, Murray A. Skin temperature and objective colour measurements in patients with Raynaud’s phenomenon secondary to connective tissue disease. In: 8th Congress of the Polish Association of Thermology. 2005, Zakopane, Poland.
- Allen J, Oates CP, Chishti A, Schaefer G, Zhu SY, Ahmed I, Talbot D, Murray A. Renal fistula assessment using automated thermal imaging. In: IFMBE Proceedings: 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC). 2005, Prague, Czech Republic: IFMBE.
- Zheng D, Allen J, Murray A. Effect of external cuff pressure on arterial compliance. In: Computers in Cardiology. 2005, Lyon, France: IEEE.
- Allen J, Schaefer CP, Oates A, Chishti I, Ahmed D, Talbot D, Murray A. Automated infrared image processing for the assessment of arterio-venous fistula function in renal patients. In: 18th Thermological Symposium of the Austrian Society of Thermology and the Ludwig Boltzmann Research Institute for Physical Diagnostics. 2005, Vienna, Austria.
- Allen J, Oates CP, Chishti A, Ahmed I, Talbot D, Murray A. Combined thermal imaging and colour duplex ultrasound assessments of renal fistula patients. In: 2004 UK Symposium on Medical Infrared Thermography. 2004, NPL, Teddington. UK.
- Kumar N, Allen J, Murray A, Griffiths B. A pilot study assessing the response of single dose sildenafil citrate (Viagra) in the treatment of Raynaud’s phenomenon in patients with systemic sclerosis. In: British Society for Rheumatology Annual Meeting. 2004, Edinburgh, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Allen J, Gehrke T, King ST, O'Sullivan J, Murray A. Time and frequency analysis of the Korotkoff sounds. In: Clinical Autonomic Research: 3rd International Workshop on Non-Invasive Haemodynamic, Autonomic and Vascular Monitoring. 2003, Graz, Austria: Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag.
- Allan LM, McLaren AT, Allen J, Ballard CG, McKeith IG, Murray A, Kenny RA. Heart rate variability is reduced in dementia with Lewy bodies but not Alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia. In: First Congress of the International Society for Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders (VAS-COG). 2003, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Allen J, Murray A. Dynamic characteristics of the peripheral pulse: an investigation into the differences between right and left body sites. In: Assessment of the Active Cardiovascular System. 2003, York, UK.
- Langley P, Bowers EJ, Brown N, Wild J, Drinnan MJ, Allen J, Sims AJ, Murray A. An algorithm to distinguish ischemic and non-ischaemic ST changes in the Holter ECG. In: Computers in Cardiology Meeting. 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece: IEEE.
- Langley P, Bowers EJ, Wild J, Drinnan MJ, Allen J, Sims AJ, Brown N, Murray A. An algorithm to distinguish ischaemic and non-ischaemic ST changes in the Holter ECG. In: 30th Annual Meeting on Computers in Cardiology. 2003, Thessaloniki Chalkidiki, Greece: IEEE.
- Allen J, Murray A. Age-related changes in multi-site photoplethysmographic peripheral pulse shape characteristics at various body sites. In: Clinical Autonomic Research: Third International workshop on The Human Circulation: Non-invasive Haemodynamic, Autonomic and Vascular Monitoring. 2003, Graz, Austria: Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag.
- Bowers EJ, Langley P, Drinnan MJ, Allen J, Smith FE, Murray A. Simulation of cardiac interval time series. In: Computers in Cardiology. 2002, Memphis, Tennesee, USA: IEEE.
- Allen J, Murray A. Photoplethysmography - a tool for assessing the microcirculation. In: Thermology International: Physiological Measurement of Raynaud's Phenomenon and Peripheral Microvascular Disorders. 2002, Royal Free Hospital, London: UHLEN Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H.
- Smith FE, Bowers EJ, Langley P, Allen J, Murray A. Heart rate variability characteristics required for simulation of interval sequences. In: Computers in Cardiology 2002. 2002, Memphis, Tennesee, USA: IEEE.
- Murray A, Langley P, Smith FE, Bowers E, Allen J, Olbrich T, King S, Griffiths CJ, Sims AJ. Contributions of cardiovascular physics and engineering to the solution of clinical problems. In: International Congress in Biological and Medical Engineering: The Bio-Era: New Frontiers, New Challenges. 2002, Singapore.
- Allen J, Murray A. Multi-site photoplethysmographic peripheral pulse measurement and shape analysis. In: 3rd European Meeting on Pulse Wave Analysis and Large Artery Function. 2001, London: Nature Publishing Group.
- Langley P, di Bernardo D, Allen J, Bowers E, Smith F, Vecchietti S, Murray A. Can paroxysmal atrial fibrillation be predicted?. In: Computers in Cardiology. 2001, Rotterdam: Institution of Electronic and Electrical Engineers.
- Allen J, Murray A. Age-related changes in multi-site photoplethysmographic peripheral pulse timing characteristics. In: 2nd International workshop on non-invasive haemodynamic, autonomic and vascular monitoring. 2001, Graz, Austria.
- Drinnan MJ, Allen J, Langley P, Murray A. Detection of sleep apnoea from frequency analysis of heart rate variability. In: Computers in Cardiology 2000. 2000, Cambridge, MA, USA: Institution of Electronic and Electrical Engineers.
- Allen J, Murray A. Comparison of regional variability in multi-site photoplethysmographic pulse wave characteristics. In: Advances in Medical Signal and Information Processing, 2000. 1st International Conference. 2000, Bristol, UK: Institution of Electrical Engineers.
- Allen J, Montague C, Murray A. Skin temperature and photoplethysmography recovery characteristics during mild cold challenge testing in normal subjects. In: Journal of Vascular Research. 1999, S. Karger AG.
- Allen J, Murray A. Multi-site photoplethysmographic peripheral pulse measurement and correlation analysis. In: 2nd European Meeting on Pulse Wave Analysis. Royal Society of Medicine. Abstract published in J Human Hypertension 2000; 14:279. 1999, London, England.
Digital or Visual Media
- Allen J. The science and scientists of Don't Look Up, low cost optical technique is improving healthcare. Institute of Physics Publishing (IOPP). Physics World podcast, 2022.
Edited Book
- Kyriacou PA, Allen J, ed. Photoplethysmography: Technology, Signal Analysis and Applications. Elsevier, 2021.
- Machin G, Allen J, Howell K, Simpson R. Focus collection on thermal imaging in medicine. Physiological Measurement 2019, 40(10), 100301.
- Dinsdale G, Peytrignet S, Moore T, Berks M, Roberts C, Manning J, Allen J, Anderson M, Cutolo M, Hesselstrand R, Howell K, Pizzorni C, Smith V, Sulli A, Wildt M, Taylor C, Murray A, Herrick A. The assessment of nailfold capillaries: comparison of dermoscopy and nailfold videocapillaroscopy. Rheumatology 2018, 57(6), 1115-1116.
- Kumar N, Griffiths B, Allen J. Thermographic and symptomatic effect of a single dose of sildenafil citrate on Raynaud's phenomenon in patients with systemic sclerosis: A potential treatment. Journal of Rheumatology 2006, 33(9), 1918-1919.
Online Publication
- Allen J. Novel pulse device for diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease (NOTEPAD). London: BioMed Central Limited, 2022. Available at:
- Allen J, Beale TAW, Wightman JP. Sensor Housing and Associated Disposable Element. US 2019/0254602 A1, 22/08/2019.
- Allen J, Beale T. Device for use in the assessment of Peripheral Arterial Disease. WO2017182830 A1, 26/10/2017.
- Allen J. [PhD Thesis] The measurement and analysis of multi-site photoplethysmographic pulse waveforms in health and arterial disease. Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2002.
- Charlton PH, Paliakaite B, Pilt K, Bachler M, Zanelli S, Kulin D, Allen J, Hallab M, Bianchini E, Mayer CC, Terentes-Printzios D, Dittrich V, Hametner B, Veerasingam D, Zikic D, Marozas V. Assessing hemodynamics from the photoplethysmogram to gain insights into vascular age: a review from VascAgeNet. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2022, 322(4), H493-H522.
- Allen J, Zheng D, Kyriacou PA, Elgendi M. Photoplethysmography (PPG): state-of-the-art methods and applications. Physiological Measurement 2021, 42(10), 100301.
- Liu H, Allen J, Zheng D, Chen F. Recent development of respiratory rate measurement technologies. Physiological Measurement 2019, 40(7), 07TR01.
- Veerasamy M, Bagnall A, Neely D, Allen J, Sinclair H, Kunadian V. Endothelial Dysfunction and Coronary Artery Disease: A State of the Art Review. Cardiology in Review 2015, 23(3), 119-129.
- Allen J, Howell K. Microvascular imaging: techniques and opportunities for clinical physiological measurements. Physiological Measurement 2014, 35(7), R91.