NuCore members
Professor Katarina Novakovic
Professor of Polymer Engineering
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 3683
- Address: School of Engineering
Merz Court
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Areas of expertise:
· Oscillatory chemical reactions – non aqueous oscillatory reactions employing range of substrates and catalysts from small molecules to polymeric materials; experimental and modelling studies;
o oscillatory carbonylation processes, Bruk Temkin – Gorodsky Novakovic (BT-GN) reactions
o oscillatory carbonylation processes employing polymeric substrates and polymeric catalysts;
o biocompatible pulsatile/oscillatory hydrogels fit for periodic drug dosing
· Intelligent hydrogels and engineered polymeric materials for medical applications
o Smart hydrogels
o Biocompatible hydrogels and hydrogel based composites in drug delivery systems
o Biocompatible hydrogel composites for tissue engineering
o Injectable/implantable hydrogels fit for non-invasive monitoring in vivo
· Sustainable use of polymer based materials:
o Thermoplastic, thermosets and elastomers in circular economy
· Reaction engineering
o Reaction system characterisation - experimental and modelling studies
o High throughput technologies – process development employing robotic platform for parallel experimentation
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Key research awards:
2021-2023 EPSRC Adventurous Manufacturing
2016-2019 EPSRC Healthcare Technologies Impact Fellowship
2012-2014 EPSRC Developing Leaders Fellowship
2009-2014 EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellowship
Novakovic group is contributing to the area of nonlinear dynamics in chemical systems, and in particular oscillatory carbonylation reactions named after the core contributors Bruk Temkin – Gorodsky Novakovic (BT-GN) reactions. Oscillatory chemical reactions (OCRs) are processes in which the concentration of one or more components is changing periodically, e.g. pH is periodically increasing and deceasing. Notoriously complex, OCRs connect chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics and engineering in an exciting way that only nature can do. This area is linked with the origin of life; rhythms in our body; Turing’s morphogenesis; animal coat patterns (e.g. zebras); quorum sensing in bacteria; hexagonal rock formations; chemical computers; and more. Widely found in nature, only a handful of OCRs are achieved in the laboratory. Novakovic group leads research on oscillatory carbonylation processes, the only example of OCRs forming more complex products from simple starting materials under lab conditions. Key findings include the discovery of the first polymeric substrate yielding oscillatory pH reactions under lab conditions; linking smart polymers with BT-GN reactions; and first biocompatible pulsatile/oscillatory hydrogel fit for periodic drug dosing, which opened previously unimaginable avenues in mechanoresponsive tissue engineering and chronopharmacotherapy.
Novakovic group also works on intelligent hydrogels and engineered polymeric materials for medical applications. Group is advancing injectable/implantable hydrogels where we formulated materials fit for non-invasive monitoring of biodegradation and material migration in vivo; drug delivery systems and novel pharmaceutical formulations where we seek to provide individualised patient tailored solutions; and hydrogel based composite materials for tissue engineering application including bioglass-hydrogel composites.
Another important stream of our research is the sustainable use of plastic where we actively seek sustainable solution for preventing and managing plastic waste.
CME2027 Process Development Science and Analysis;
CME3036 Process and Product Engineering;
CME3039 Plant Design (Design Project);
CME8120 Advanced Design;
CME8117 MEng Research Project.
- Smith E, Lau WM, Abdelghany TM, Vokajlovic D, Novakovic K, Ng KW. Vac-and-fill: A micromoulding technique for fabricating microneedle arrays with vacuum-activated, hands-free mould-filling. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2024, 650, 123706.
- Vukajlovic D, Timmons R, Macesic S, Sanderson J, Xie F, Abdelghany TM, Smith E, Lau WM, Ng KW, Novakovic K. Mathematical modelling of genipin-bovine serum albumin interaction using fluorescence intensity measurements. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2024, 276(Part 1), 133850.
- Macesic S, Novakovic K. Diffusion-driven instabilities in the BT-GN oscillatory carbonylation reaction network. Chaos 2024, 34(7), 073152.
- Salthouse D, Goulding PD, Reay SL, Jackson EL, Xu C, Ahmed R, Mearns-Spragg A, Novakovic K, Hilkens CMU, Ferreira AM. Amine-reactive crosslinking enhances type 0 collagen hydrogel properties for regenerative medicine. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2024, 12, epub ahead of print.
- Sierra-Romero A, Novakovic K, Geoghegan M. A reversible water-based electrostatic adhesive. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2024, 63(2), e202310750.
- Novakovic K, Thumbarathy D, Peeters M, Geoghegan M, Go Jefferies J, Hicks C, Manika D, Dai S. Zero-waste circular economy of plastic packaging: The bottlenecks and a way forward. Sustainable Materials and Technologies 2023, 38, e00735.
- Salthouse D, Novakovic K, Hilkens CM, Ferreira AM. Interplay between biomaterials and the immune system: Challenges and opportunities in regenerative medicine. Acta Biomaterialia 2023, 155, 1-18.
- Reay SL, Jackson EL, Salthouse D, Ferreira AM, Hilkens CMU, Novakovic K. Effective Endotoxin Removal from Chitosan That Preserves Chemical Structure and Improves Compatibility with Immune Cells. Polymers 2023, 15(7), 1592.
- Prabhu A, Crapnell R, Eersels K, van Grinsven B, Kunhiraman A, Singla P, McClements J, Banks C, Novakovic K, Peeters M. Reviewing the use of chitosan and polydopamine for electrochemical sensing. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 2022, 32, 100885.
- Noguchi H, Kaur S, Krettli L, Singla P, McClements J, Snyder H, Crapnell R, Banks C, Novakovic K, Kaur I, Gruber J, Dawson J, Peeters M. Rapid electrochemical detection of levodopa using polyaniline-modified screen-printed electrodes for the improved management of Parkinson’s disease. Physics in Medicine 2022, 14, 100052.
- Cupic Z, Macesic S, Anic S, Kolar-Anic Lj, Ivanovic-Sasic A, Novakovic K. Oscillatory carbonylation of poly(ethylene glycol)methyl ether acetylene. Improved model of reaction mechanism. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 2022, 135, 3-14.
- Reay SL, Jackson EL, Ferreira-Duarte AM, Hilkens CMU, Novakovic K. In vitro evaluation of the biodegradability of chitosan–genipin hydrogels. Materials Advances 2022, 3(21), 7946-7959.
- Vukajlovic D, Novakovic K, Bretcanu O. Self-crystallisation, an unexpected property of 45S5 Bioglass®. Chemical Communications 2021, 57(99), 13558-13561.
- McClements J, Seumo P, Vilalela Strapazon A, Canfarotta F, Thomson A, Czulak J, Johnson R, Novakovic K, Losada-Perez P, Zaman A, Spyridopoulos I, Crapnell R, Banks C, Peeters M. Immobilization of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Nanoparticles onto Surfaces using Different Strategies: Evaluating the Influence of the Functionalised Interface on the Performance of a Thermal Assay for the Detection of Cardiac Biomarker Troponin I. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2021, 13(24), 27868-27879.
- Vo NTN, Huang L, Lemos H, Mellor AL, Novakovic K. Genipin‐crosslinked chitosan hydrogels: Preliminary evaluation of the in vitro biocompatibility and biodegradation. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2021, 138(34), 50848.
- Vicevic M, Novakovic K, Boodhoo K. Free-Radical Polymerization of Styrene: Kinetic Study in a Spinning Disc Reactor (SDR). Frontiers in Chemical Engineering 2021, 3, 661498.
- Vukajlovic Dj, Bretcanu O, Novakovic K. Fabrication and characterisation of two types of bone composites made of chitosan-genipin hydrogel and Bioglass 45S5. Open Ceramics 2021, 8, 100174.
- Hudson A, Jamieson O, Crapnell R, Rurack K, Soares T, Mecozzi F, Laude A, Gruber J, Novakovic K, Peeters M. Dual detection of nafcillin using a molecularly imprinted polymer-based platform coupled to thermal and fluorescence read-out. Materials Advances 2021, 2(15), 5105-5115.
- Jamieson O, Mecozzi F, Crapnell R, Battell W, Hudson A, Novakovic K, Sachdeva A, Canfarotta F, Herdes C, Banks C, Snyder H, Peeters M. Approaches to the Rational Design of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Developed for the Selective Extraction or Detection of Antibiotics in Environmental and Food Samples. Physica Status Solidi A 2021, 218(13), 2100021.
- Vo NTN, Huang L, De Paula Lemos H, Mellor A, Novakovic K. Poly(ethylene glycol)‐interpenetrated genipin‐crosslinked chitosan hydrogels: Structure, pH responsiveness, gelation kinetics, and rheology. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2020, 137(41), 49259.
- Jamieson O, Soares T, de Faria B, Hudson A, Mecozzi F, Rowley-Neale S, Banks C, Gruber J, Novakovic K, Peeters M, Crapnell R. Screen Printed Electrode Based Detection Systems for the Antibiotic Amoxicillin in Aqueous Samples Utilising Molecularly Imprinted Polymers as Synthetic Receptors. Chemosensors 2019, 8(1), 5.
- Macesic S, Cupic Z, Novakovic K, Parker J, Anic S, Kolar-Anic L. Oscillatory Carbonylation of Poly(Ethylene Glycol)Methyl Ether Acetylene. Modelling of Reaction Mechanism and Stoichiometric Network Stability Analysis. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 2019, 81(1), 5-34.
- Vukajlovic Dj, Parker J, Bretcanu O, Novakovic K. Chitosan based polymer/bioglass composites for tissue engineering applications. Materials Science and Engineering: C 2019, 96, 955-967.
- Isakova A, Parker J, Nwosu CJ, Howse JR, Novakovic K. Broadening the scope of Pd-catalysed oscillatory carbonylation reactions: solvent, substrate, catalyst. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 2019, 127(1), 161-174.
- Parker J, Novakovic K. The effect of using a methanol–water solvent mixture on pH oscillations in the palladium-catalyzed phenylacetylene oxidative carbonylation reaction . Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 2018, 123(1), 113–124.
- Cupic Z, Macesic S, Novakovic K, Anic S, Kolar-Anic L. Stoichiometric network analysis of a reaction system with conservation constraints. Chaos 2018, 28, 083114.
- Isakova A, Novakovic K. Pulsatile release from a flat self-oscillating chitosan macrogel. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2018, 6(30), 5003-5010.
- Chung KY, Birch MA, Novakovic K. Genipin-crosslinked Chitosan Hydrogels as Scaffolds for Mammalian Cell Growth. International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology 2018, 6(1), 37-44.
- Isakova A, Murdoch B, Novakovic K. From small molecules to polymeric catalysts in the oscillatory carbonylation reaction: multiple effects of adding HI. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2018, 20(14), 9281-9288.
- Isakova A, Parkes GE, Murdoch BJ, Topham PD, Novakovic K. Combining polymer-bound catalyst with polymeric substrate for reproducible pH oscillations in palladium-catalysed oxidative carbonylation of alkynes. European Polymer Journal 2018, 109, 537-543.
- Parker J, Novakovic K. The effect of temperature on selectivity in the oscillatory mode of the phenylacetylene oxidative carbonylation reaction. ChemPhysChem 2017, 18(15), 1981-1986.
- Isakova A, Novakovic K. Oscillatory Chemical Reactions In The Quest For Rhythmic Motion of Smart Materials. European Polymer Journal 2017, 95, 430-439.
- Marin D, Fairlie M, Bunton P, Nwosu CN, Parker J, Franklin F, Novakovic K. Design and validation study of a laboratory scale chemical reactor for non-invasive imaging of macro objects in situ. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, 327, 889-897.
- Matcham S, Novakovic K. Fluorescence imaging in genipin crosslinked chitosan–poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) hydrogels. Polymers 2016, 8(11), 385.
- Parker J, Novakovic K. Autonomous reorganisation of the oscillatory phase in the PdI2 catalysed phenylacetylene carbonylation reaction. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 2016, 1-13.
- Nwosu CJ, Hurst GA, Novakovic K. Genipin Cross-Linked Chitosan-Polyvinylpyrrolidone Hydrogels: Influence of Composition and Postsynthesis Treatment on pH Responsive Behaviour. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2015, 2015, 621289.
- Donlon L, Novakovic K. Oscillatory carbonylation using alkyne-functionalised poly(ethylene glycol). Chemical Communications 2014, 50(98), 15506-15508.
- Donlon L, Parker J, Novakovic K. Oscillatory carbonylation of phenylacetylene in the absence of externally supplied oxidant. Journal of Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 2014, 112(1), 1-13.
- Parker J, Novakovic K. Influence of water and the reactant addition sequence on palladium(II) iodide-catalyzed phenylacetylene carbonylation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2013, 52(7), 2520-2527.
- Glassey J, Novakovic K, Parr M. Enquiry based learning in chemical engineering curriculum supported by computer aided delivery. Education for Chemical Engineers 2013, 8(3), e87-e93.
- Hurst GA, Novakovic K. A facile in situ morphological characterization of smart genipin-crosslinked chitosan–poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) hydrogels. Journal of Materials Research 2013, 1-8.
- Novakovic K, Parr M, Glassey J. Computer aided delivery of case-based learning activities in EBL within chemical engineering curriculum. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 2012, 30, 1412-1416.
- Novakovic K, Parker J. Catalyst initiation in the oscillatory carbonylation reaction. International Journal of Chemical Engineering 2011, 2011, 518592.
- Gorodsky SN, Novakovic K. Self-oscillations of Unsaturated Compounds’ Concentrations in the Oxidative Carbonylation Processes 1. Processes of Acetylene and Phenylacetylene Oxidative Carbonylation (paper is published in Russian: Концентрационные автоколебания в процессах окислительного карбонилирования непредельных соединений. 1. Процессы окислительного карбонилирования ацетилена и фенилацетилена). Vestnik MITHT 2011, 6(4), 3-19.
- Gorodsky SN, Novakovic K. Some Features of Concentration Oscillations in Phenylacetylene Oxidative Carbonylation Reaction (in Russian: Некоторые особенности концентрационных колебаний в реакции окислительного карбонилирования фенилацетилена). Vestnik MITHT 2010, 5(5), 47-51.
- Novakovic K, Mukherjee A, Willis M, Wright A, Scott S. The influence of reaction temperature on the oscillatory behaviour in the palladium-catalysed phenylacetylene oxidative carbonylation reaction. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2009, 11(40), 9044-9049.
- Novakovic K, Willis MJ, Wright AR. Utilising high throughput technologies for the determination of the reaction network of the ʟ-proline catalysed aldol reaction. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 2008, 10(2), 155-163.
- Novakovic K, Willis M, Wright A. Utilising high throughput technologies for the determination of the reaction network of the l-proline catalysed aldol reaction. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 2008, 10(2), 155-163.
- Novakovic K, Grosjean C, Scott SK, Whiting A, Willis MJ, Wright AR. The influence of oscillations on product selectivity during the palladium-catalysed phenylacetylene oxidative carbonylation reaction. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2008, 10(5), 749-753.
- Grosjean C, Novakovic K, Scott SK, Whiting A, Willis MJ, Wright AR. Product identification and distribution from the oscillatory versus non-oscillatory palladium(II) iodide-catalysed oxidative carbonylation of phenylacetylene. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 2008, 284(1-2), 33-39.
- Vicevic M, Novakovic K, Boodhoo KVK, Morris AJ. Kinetics of styrene free radical polymerisation in the spinning disc reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal 2008, 135(1-2), 78-82.
- Novakovic K, Grosjean C, Scott SK, Whiting A, Willis MJ, Wright AR. Achieving pH and Qr oscillations in a palladium-catalysed phenylacetylene oxidative carbonylation reaction using an automated reactor system. Chemical Physics Letters 2007, 435(1-3), 142-147.
- Novakovic K, Katsikas L, Popovic IG. The thermal degradation of poly(iso-butyl methacrylate) and poly(sec-butyl methacrylate). Journal of Serbian Chemical Society 2000, 65(12), 867-875.
Book Chapter
- Novakovic K, Matcham S, Scott A. Intelligent Hydrogels as Drug Delivery Systems. In: Vijay Kumar Thakur and Manju Kumari Thakur, ed. Hydrogels Recent Advances. Singapore: Springer, 2018, pp.1-28.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Sanderson J, Novakovic K, Xie F. Soft Coiling Polymer Actuators. In: UK Society for Biomaterials Conference. 2024, Liverpool, UK: UK Society for Biomaterials.
- Novakovic K, Lau WM, Abdelghany T, Wooi KN. Microneedle Technology for Ultra-long and Tuneable Release of Actives. In: UK Society for Biomaterials Conference. 2024, Liverpool, UK.
- Pan M, Bretcanu O, Xie F, Deehan D, Novakovic K. Chitosan-genipin-based Hydrogels: Investigating the Effects of the Addition of Apatite Wollastonite and the Ionic Conditions. In: UK Society for Biomaterials Conference. 2024, Liverpool, UK.
- Novakovic K, Hutchinson E, Lau WM, Abdelghany T, Wooi KN. Chitosan hydrogel based microneedle technology for prolonged release of actives. In: 17th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry 2024. 2024, Belgrade, Serbia: The Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia.
- Pan M, Bretcanu O, Xie F, Deehan D, Novakovic K. Chitosan- apatite wollastonite composites for bone tissue engineering. In: 12th World Biomaterials Congress. 2024, Exco, Daegu, Korea.
- Pan M, Bretcanu O, Xie F, Deehan D, Novakovic K. The Role of Apatite Wollastonite and Ionic Strength in Chitosan Hydrogel Formation. In: 6th EPNOE Junior Scientist Meeting 2024. 2024, Vienna, Austria.
- Leach J, Novakovic K. Development of a Smart Hydrogel Oscillator. In: ACS Meeting Spring 2024. 2024, New Orleans, USA: ACS.
- Novakovic K. From food waste to high value transformative healthcare solutions. In: 24th Annual Conference on Material Science (YUCOMAT 2023). 2023, Herceg Novi, Montenegro: Materials Research Society of Serbia.
- Reay S, Jackson E, Salthouse D, Ferreira AM, Hilkens C, Novakovic K. Effective Endotoxin Removal from Chitosan that Preserves Chemical Structure and Improves Compatibility with Immune Cells. In: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Americas Europe Chapter Conference (TERMIS-EU 2023). 2023, Manchester, UK: TERMIS-EU.
- Novakovic K, Leach J, Reay S, Jackson E, Ferreira-Duarte A, Hilkens C. Towards biocompatible pulsatile materials. In: Gordon Research Conference on Oscillations and Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems : Nonequilibrium to Induce and Maintain Spatio-Temporal Patterns. 2022, Stonehill College, MA, United States.
- Macesic S, Novakovic K. Simulation of the swelling of pH responsive anionic hydrogel. In: Physical Chemistry 2022 16th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry. 2022, Belgrade, Serbia: The Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia.
- Novakovic K. Dynamic materials for optimisation of therapies. In: Physical Chemistry 2022 16th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry. 2022, Belgrade, Serbia: The Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia.
- Cupic Z, Kolar-Anic Lj, Anic S, Macesic S, Novakovic K. Oscillatory carbonylation of poly(ethylene glycol)methyl ether acetylene. Improved model of reaction mechanism. In: 2nd International Conference on Reaction Kinetics, Mechanism and Catalysis, RKMC 2021. 2021, Budapest, Hungary: Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest.
- Moses N, Zivkovic V, Franklin F, Novakovic K. Numerical Modelling and Simulation of Volume Variation of pH Sensitive Anionic Hydrogels. In: Chemical Engineering Day UK 2021. 2021, University of Bradford.
- Novakovic K. Smart hydrogels for personalised hands free drug delivery. In: UK-Poland Conference on Bioinspired Materials. 2020, Online conference.
- Moses NO, Franklin F, Zivkovic V, Novakovic K. Multiphysics Simulation of the Swelling Kinetics of pH-Responsive Anionic Hydrogels. In: COMSOL Conference 2020 Europe. 2020.
- Vo N, Huang L, De Paula Lemos H, Mellor A, Novakovic K. Smart chitosan-based hydrogels for targeted drug delivery applications. In: Chem Eng Day UK 2019. 2019, Edinburgh, UK.
- Vukajlovic Dj, Parker J, Bretcanu O, Novakovic K. Comparison between chitosan coated Bioglass 45S5 and apatite-wollastonite scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. In: You-CGMed-Workshop for Young Researchers in Ceramics and Glasses for Medical Applications. 2019, Madrid, Spain.
- Vukajlovic Dj, Parker J, Bretcanu O, Novakovic K. Bioglass scaffolds coated with chitosan-based hydrogels for tissue engineering applications. In: Chemical Engineering Day UK 2019. 2019, Edinburgh, UK: IChemE.
- Stanojevic A, Vukajlovic Dj, Parker J, Novakovic K. Synthesis and characterization of genipin-crosslinked chitosan hydrogels. In: Seventeenth Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering. 2018, Belgrade, Serbia: Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA;
- Macesic S, Cupic Z, Novakovic K, Anic S, Kolar-Anic Lj. Stoichiometric network analysis of the model of oscillatory carbonylation of PEGA in open reactor. In: 14th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry. 2018, Belgrade, Serbia: Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia.
- Cupic Z, Kolar-Anic Lj, Macesic S, Novakovic K. Stability of Stoichiometric Networks with Conservation Constraints. The Case of Catalytic Carbonylation Model. In: SEECCM 2017 - Fourth South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics. 2018, Kragujevac, Serbia: Serbian Society for Computtaional Mechanics.
- Vo N, Huang L, De Paula Lemos H, Mellor A, Novakovic K. Smart chitosan-based hydrogels for targeted drug delivery application. In: 4th International Conference on Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials (ISBPPB 2018). 2018, Krakow, Poland: International Society for Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials.
- Isakova A, Novakovic K. Pulsatile release from self-oscillating chitosan macrogels. In: World Polymer Congres (MACRO2018). 2018, Cairns, Australia.
- Novakovic K, Nwosu JC, Isakova A. Polymeric substrates and polymeric catalysts in oscillatory carbonylation reactions. In: Gordon Research Conference: Oscillations and Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems. 2018, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
- Novakovic K, Nwosu CJ, Isakova A. Oscillatory Chemical Reactions in the World of Polymers. In: World Polymer Congress (MACRO18). 2018, Cairns, Australia.
- Vukajlovic D, Bretcanu O, Parker J, Novakovic K. Fluorescence, mechanical and swelling properties of chitosan-genipin and chitosan-genipin-PVP hydrogels. In: 4th International Conference on Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials (ISBPPB 2018). 2018, Krakow, Poland: International Society for Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials.
- Novakovic K, Isakova A. Expanding the horizons of Pd-catalysed oscillatory carbonylation reactions: solvent, substrate, catalyst. In: 14th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry. 2018, Belgrade, Serbia: Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia.
- Parker J, Novakovic K. The effect of temperature on selectivity and the dynamics of product formation during the oscillatory mode of the phenylacetylene oxidative carbonylation reaction. In: XXXVII Dynamics Days Europe International Conference. 2017, Szeged, Hungary.
- Chung KY, Birch MA, Novakovic K. Genipin-crosslinked Chitosan Hydrogels as Scaffolds for Mammalian Cell Growth. In: The IRES - 287th International Conferences on Metallurgy Technology and Materials (ICMTM). 2017, Manila, Philippines.
- Novakovic K, Parker J, Nwosu CJ. From phenyl acetylene to mono- and di-alkyne-terminated poly(ethylene glycol) as substrates in oscillatory carbonylation reactions. In: XXXVII Dynamics Days Europe International Conference. 2017, Szeged, Hungary.
- Novakovic K. “Smart” Rhythmic Biomaterials for Drug Delivery in Chronopharmacotherapy. In: 7th Annual International Symposium of Drug Delivery Systems. 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Nwosu CJ, Doherty S, Knight J, Novakovic K. Oscillatory carbonylation reaction employing mono- and di-alkyne-terminated poly(ethylene glycol). In: Gordon Research Conference: Oscillations & Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems. 2016, Stoweflake Conference Center, Stowe, VT: Gordon Research Conferences.
- Novakovic K, Nwosu JC, Parker J. From small to large molecule substrates in oscillatory carbonylation. In: Physical Chemistry 2016, 13th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry. 2016, Belgrade, Serbia: Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia.
- Novakovic K. Oscillatory Chemical Reactions as Drivers for Stimuli Responsive Hydrogels. In: International Symposium on Stimuli-Responsive Materials. 2015.
- Chung KY, Birch M, Tham M, Novakovic K. Intelligent Chitosan-polyvinylpyrrolidone Hydrogels for Mechanoresponsive Cell Proliferation and Differentiation. In: ICMAT2015 & IUMRS-ICA2015. 2015, Singapore: Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S).
- Parker J, Novakovic K. From small molecule to macromolecule oscillatory chemical reactions. In: ChemEngDayUK2015. 2015, Sheffield: University of Sheffield.
- Nwosu CJ, Novakovic K. Building Blocks for the Development of Self-Oscillatory Materials. In: ChemEngDayUK2015. 2015, Sheffield: University of Sheffield.
- Nwosu CJ, Hurst GA, Novakovic K. Understanding and enhancing stability of pH responsive genipin crosslinked chitosan-poly (vinyl pyrrolidone) hydrogels. In: Functional Polymeric Materials. 2014, Mexico.
- Donlon L, Parker J, Novakovic K. Oscillatory carbonylation using functional polymers. In: Functional Polymeric Materials. 2014, Mexico: Fusion Conferences.
- Hurst G, Novakovic K. Smart hydrogels for biomedical use with oscillatory reactions. In: RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Group - 7th Annual Meeting. 2013, Sheffield, UK.
- Hurst GA, Parker J, Donlon L, Novakovic K. Smart genipin-crosslinked chitosan-poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) as a self-oscillatory hydrogel. In: 7th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2013). 2013, Singapore: Materials Research Society - Singapore.
- Parker J, Novakovic K. Oscillations in the concentration of phenylacetylene and its carbonylation products. In: Gordon Research Conference on Oscillations and Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems. 2012, Colby College, Waterville, Maine, USA.
- Hurst G, Novakovic K. Genipin-crosslinked chitosan-poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) hydrogel for coupling with pH oscillators. In: Gordon Research Conference on Oscillations and Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems. 2012, Colby College, Waterville, Maine, USA.
- Hurst G, Novakovic K. Engineering Smart Hydrogels For Combination With Oscillatory Reactions. In: Chemistry Postgraduate Committee Conference (PGCC). 2012, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Novakovic K, Parr M, Glassey J. Computer aided delivery of case-based learning activities in EBL within chemical engineering curriculum. In: 22 EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING. 2012, SARA BURGERHARTSTRAAT 25, PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV.
- Hurst G, Novakovic K. Characterisation of the structural properties of genipin crosslinked chitosan-poly(vinyl pryrrolidone) smart hydrogels. In: Polymeric and Self-Assembled Hydrogels Meeting. 2012, London, UK.
- Novakovic K. Modeling studies of the oscillatory phenylacetylene carbonylation reaction. In: Engineering of Chemical Complexity. 2011, Berlin, Germany.
- Parker J, Novakovic K. The influence of reaction temperature on the dynamics of product formation during the oscillatory mode of the phenylacetylene oxidative carbonylation reaction. In: 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA) and the 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-7). 2010, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Novakovic K, Parker J. Palladium(II) iodide in the oscillatory phenylacetylene carbonylation reaction. In: 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA) and the 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-7). 2010, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Novakovic K, Parker J. Oscillatory phenylacetylene carbonylation reaction. In: Gordon Research Conference on Oscillations and Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems. 2010, Il Chiocco Resort, Barga, Italy.
- Novakovic K, Mukherjee A, Willis MJ, Wright AR, Scott SK. Using perturbation experiments to study the dynamic behaviour of the palladium-catalysed phenylacetylene oxidative carbonylation. In: Gordon Research Conference on Oscillations and Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems. 2008, Colby College, Waterville.
- Todd H, Novakovic K, Willis MJ, Wright AR. Towards predicting catalyst performance in reactive distillation systems. In: AIChE Annual Meeting. 2008, Philadelphia, USA.
- Worth R, Novakovic K, Willis MJ, Wright AR. Are high throughput technologies useable for engineering scalability?. In: AIChE Annual Meeting. 2008, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Novakovic K, Willis MJ, Wright AR. Effect of gas-liquid mass transfer rates on the palladium catalysed phenylacetylene oxidative carbonylation reaction. In: AIChE Annual Meeting. 2008, Philadelphia, USA.
- Novakovic K, Willis MJ, Wright AR. Towards the elucidation of a chemical reaction network for the palladium-catalysed phenylacetylene oxidative carbonylation reaction. In: European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE6). 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Novakovic K, Willis MJ, Wright AR. Reaction network determination using calibration free analytical data. In: European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE6). 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Burnham SC, Novakovic K, Willis MJ, Wright AR. Identifying Chemical Reaction Network Models. In: European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE6). 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Worth R, Novakovic K, Willis MJ, Wright AR. Engineering Scalability-Extending High Throughput Technologies to Chemical Process Development. In: National Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (Nascre-2) 2007. 2007, Houston, Texas.
- Burnham SC, Novakovic K, Searson DP, Willis MJ, Wright AR. Deduction of reaction mechanism using data from a robotic workstation. In: National Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (Nascre-2). 2007, Houston, Texas.
- Vicevic M, Novakovic K, Boodhoo KVK, Morris AJ. Kinetics of Styrene Free Radical Polymerisation in the Spinning Disc Reactor. In: Process Intensification and Innovation Process (PI)2 Conference II Cleaner, Sustainable, Efficient Technologies for the Future. 2006, Christchurch, New Zealand.
- Vicevic M, Novakovic K, Boodhoo KVK, Morris AJ. Kinetics of methyl methacrylate free radical polymerisation in the spinning disc reactor. In: 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA). 2006, Prague, Czech Republic: CSCHI.
- Novakovic K, Willis MJ, Wright AR. High throughput technologies and reaction network determination. In: Molecular Engineering Industrial Advisory Board. 2006, Gateshead, UK.
- Novakovic K, Grosjean C, Schutz T, Willis MJ, Wright A, Whiting A. Enhancing process development using high throughput technologies a case study using an L-proline catalysed aldol reaction. In: 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA). 2006, Prague, Czech Republic: CSCHI.
- Novakovic K, Morris J, Martin E. Mathematical analysis of the formation of molecule sizes on a spinning disc reactor. In: 8th Pacific Polymer Conference. 2004, Bangkok, Thailand: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
- Novakovic K, Martin EB, Morris AJ. Modelling of the Free Radical Polymerization of Styrene with Benzoyl Peroxide as Initiator. In: European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering-13: 36th European Symposium of the Working Party on Computer Aided Process Engineering. 2003, Lappeenranta, Finland: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering: Elsevier BV.
- Novakovic K, Martin EB, Morris AJ. Modelling of the free radical polymerization of styrene with benzoyl peroxide as initiator. In: 13th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE). 2003, Lappeenranta, Finland: Elsevier BV.
- Novakovic K, Martin EB, Morris AJ. Modelling of Kinetics of Free Radical Polymerisation on Spinning Disc Reactor. In: Polymer Reaction Engineering: Modelling, Optimisation and Control. 2003, Lyon, France.
- Novakovic K, Boodhoo KVK, Martin EB, Morris AJ. Data Analysis and Modelling of Spinning Disc Polymerisation from Minimal Data. In: First International Symposium on Process Intensification and Miniaturisation. 2003, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Online Publications
- Novakovic K, Willis MJ, Wright AR, Grace J. Utilising high throughput technologies for the determination of the reaction mechanism of the L-proline catalysed aldol reaction. Chemspeed publications, 2009. Available at:
- Novakovic K, Willis MJ, Wright AR, Grace J. Utilising high throughput technologies for determination of the reaction mechanism of the L-proline catalysed aldol reaction. Chemspeed publications, 2009. Available at:
- Worth R, Novakovic K, Willis MJ, Wright AR, Grace J. The Importance of Mass Transfer in Gas-Liquid Reactions. Chemspeed publications, 2009. Available at:
- Novakovic K, Isakova A. Oscillatory gels. USA, 17253577, 2022.
- Sierra-Romero A, Novakovic K, Geoghegan M. Adhesive Interfaces toward a Zero-Waste Industry. Langmuir 2022, 38(50), 15476-15493.
- Novakovic K, Bruk L, Temkin O. History, versatility and future prospects of oscillatory carbonylation reactions of alkynes. RSC Advances 2021, 11(39), 24336-24344.