NuCore members
Dr Kheng-Lim Goh
Associate Professor & Reader in Mechanics of Composite Materials
- Telephone: +6597578847
- Address: 172A Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8, 05-01
SIT at NYP Building, Singapore 567739
Dr. Goh is Associate Professor & Reader in Mechanics of Composite Materials at the Newcastle University in Singapore. He is also a Fellow (FIMechE) and Chartered Engineer (CEng) of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), and Fellow (FInstP) and Chartered Physicist (CPhys) of Institute of Physics (IoP). He was appointed Global Engagement Fellow for 2020/21. He has been appointed Distinguished Visiting Professor, Kasetsart University, 2024-2025. He received the Distinguished High-end Experts of Henan Province Fellowship in 2023. This year, 2025, he received the prestigious Meijo University Fellowship to visit the university in Nagoya for 2 months.
Dr. Goh specializes in Fibre Composite Materials, investigating their mechanical, thermal, electrical, and optical properties. His expertise also includes Composite Materials Technology, with a focus on manufacturing processes and engineering applications. His research explores the use of these materials in supporting structures, repairs, energy generation, water purification, and CO₂ capture to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
Dr. Goh is the Research Group Leader for the Advanced Composite Materials Group, which collaborates with the Materials Technology Consortium. This consortium includes interdisciplinary international researchers from ASEAN countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines, as well as other Asian nations including Bangladesh, China, India, Japan, and Sri Lanka. Additionally, the group works with composite materials-related companies to advance sustainable composite materials research. Highlights of his work conducted with his collaborators are found in Asia Research News which he welcomes the reader to view, notably sustainable composite structures, energy, water, capturing CO2 and food.
His research on novel green composite materials, Sustainable Composites Materials for Prosthesis, funded by British Council, has been recognised by JEC Composites Magazine, the world leading industry’s reference magazine, as an important innovation in Composites for Sustainability in 2023. His developed composite prosthesis has been selected and show-cased at the JEC 'Trend Book' 2023 Highlights, in an online video clip at
Dr. Goh served as Director of Research at Newcastle University’s Singapore campus from 2018 to 2024, overseeing research activities linked to Singapore and leading research strategy and development in Southeast Asia. He took a strategic role in advancing research at the Singapore campus and supported the creation of new research initiatives in collaboration with other Directors.
Before joining Newcastle University, Dr. Goh worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate on a multidisciplinary project under the EU Framework V programme at Stirling and Cardiff University (2002–2005). He then became an Assistant Professor at the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (2005–2009), followed by a Senior Lecturer at the School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia (2009–2011). In mid-2011, he joined Newcastle University Singapore as the founding Director of Operations (2011–2016) for the Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering degree programme.
- PhD, University of Aberdeen (Aberdeen University Postgraduate Scholarship)
- MSc (Physics), National University of Singapore
- MSc (Medical Physics), University of Aberdeen
- BSc (Physics), National University of Singapore
- Chartered Engineer (CEng)
- Chartered Physicist (CPhys)
- Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE)
- Fellow of the Institution of Physics (FInstP)
- Full Member, EPSRC Peer Review College
- Distinguished Visiting Professor, Kasetsart University, 2024-2025
- The Distinguished High-end Experts of Henan Province Fellowship 2023
- Global Engagement Fellow, Newcastle University, 2020-2021
- External Reviewer & Examiner and Honorary Member, OREL Academy, Sri Lanka, 2023-present
- Chair, Research & Innovation Committee, Newcastle University in Singapore , 2019-2024
- Chair, Sub-working group (Research),UK-Singapore Universities Alliance for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (UKSAEI), 2021-2023
- Chair, Panel for Domestic Inquiry-Disciplinary Process, NUMed (Sep 2021)
- Member, Singapore (NUiS) Task & Finish Group: Chair by PVC Prof. Richard Davies, with Deputy VC Prof. Brian Walker leading the Research Workstream (2021-2022)
- Member, SAgE Sabbaticals Working Group; Chaired by Dr. Paul Bushby (2022-3)
- University representative, Steering Committee, UK-Singapore Universities Alliance for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (UKSAEI), 2021-present
- Senior Tutor (acting), Newcastle University in Singapore 2020-2021
- Chair, Working group, NewRIIS Lab facilities, Newcastle University in Singapore, 2019-2020
- Chair, Working group, Research equipment budget, Newcastle University in Singapore, 2019-present
- Member, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDI), Newcastle University in Singapore, 2019-present
- Member, Faculty Research & Innovation Committee (FRIC), Newcastle University 2019-present
- Chair, Working group for Employee Survey 2017, Newcastle University in Singapore (2017)
- Chair, Industry Advisory Board, MDME, Newcastle University in Singapore (2011-2016)
- Member/coordinator, School of Mechanical & Systems Engineering Research Committee, Newcastle University (2011-2016)
- Member, Engineering Faculty Board, Monash University Sunway Campus (2010-2011)
- Coordinator, Mechanical Engineering, School Research Committee, Monash University Sunway Campus (2009-2011)
- Coordinator, Campus Academic Staff Development Committee (ASDC), Monash University Sunway Campus (2010-2011)
- Member, Working/Task group, Monash Research Excellence Award Committee (for ASDC), Monash University Sunway Campus (2010-2011)
- Convenor, Campus Academic Promotion Committee, Monash University Sunway Campus (2009-2011)
- Convenor, Post-graduate Career Development (Teaching Assistantship), School of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering, NTU (2007-2008)
- Convenor, Technical Executive Team, Bioengineering Division, School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (2006-2007)
- Chair, Technical Executive recruitment committee, Nanyang Technological University (2006-2007)
- Chair, BioE Committee for Lab Health & Safety, Nanyang Technological University (2006-2007)
- Member, Promotion Panel for Technical Executives, Nanyang Technological University (2006-2007)
- Editor, School of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering Magazine, Nanyang Technological University (2006-2008)
- Hall fellow, Nanyang Technological University Hall 8, Block 42 (2006-2008)
- Member, CPhys Panel, Professional Standards Office-Institute of Physics UK (2004-2007)
- 2024: NUSS The Education Awards-Finalist
- 2022: NUSSU The Education Awards-Finalist
- 2021: NSCC High-Performance Computing Innovation Challenge for the Environment-Finalist
- 2021: The Institute of Engineers Singapore Award in Research & Development
- 2011: Monash PVC Award - Research
- 2010: Monash PVC Award - Research
- 2008: Nanyang Award 2007 for "Excellence in Teaching"
- 2004-2005: CRUCIBLE Award and National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts UK (NESTA) Crucible Alumni
- 2001 -2002: Scottish Network International Fellow
- 2000: Andrew Carnegie travel grant, Institute of Materials UK
- 2000: The Principal's small grants funds, Aberdeen University UK
- 1997-2001: Aberdeen University Post-graduate Scholarship
- Director of Operations (MDME programme), from 2011-2016
- Senior Lecturer, Monash University, Malaysia Campus
- Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Post-doctoral Research Associate, Cardiff University, UK
- Post-doctoral Research Associate, Stirling University, UK
- Research Assistant, Aberdeen University, UK
- Professional Officer, National University of Singapore
- Distinguished Visiting Professor, Kasetsart University, 2024-2025
- The Distinguished High-end Experts of Henan Province Fellowship 2023
- Global Engagement Fellowship, 2020-2021
- NESTA Crucible Fellowship, 2004-5
- At Advanced Composite Materials Group at the Newcastle Research & Innovation Institute (NewRIIS), we conduct research to characterise the materials properties (metals, plastics, ceramics, biological) to enable the material to be safely deployed in engineering systems. We also conduct research on optimising the performance of the materials over its operating life.
- On-going research projects: (1) composite laminates for aerospace engineering (Materials Repair Technology Lab); (2) nanocomposite membrane for water filtration (see Youtube video); (3) nanocomposite biomaterials for biomedical engineering; (4) recycling polymer composites for energy generation devices and packaging; (5) cost-effective methods for manufacturing composites and structural health monitoring; (6) marine plastics and pollution
- Dr. Goh's work has been published in international journal papers (> 120 papers to-date), > 100 conference proceedings and book chapters.
- Dr. Goh's projects have been supported by grants - where he holds Principal Investigator responsibility, notably the British Council Research Environment Links (REL), QR SPF (Singapore work package PI), EPSRC 'Partnering for GCRF' (Singapore work package PI), WDA Singapore (sponsorship by Singapore government to enable an employee, Ms Rachel WANG, from Sensorcraft Technology to study for the MPhil with NU), UK Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) Tactical Funds.
- Dr. Goh also collaborates with SIT colleagues and Xylem ( on a SGD$2.5 million research grant for Climate Change-related research on Singapore Coastal Protection.
- Author of the authoritative book on Discontinuous fibre reinforced composites: fundamental of stress transfer and fracture (Springer). Edited a book on Interfaces in fibre and particle reinforced composite materials (Elsevier).
- Editor board member for the Scientific Data, Advances in Polymer Technology and Journal of Mechanical Sciences as well as other editorial boards of international journals.
- Invited as Plenary and Keynote speakers to present my insights and findings in the mechanics of composite materials at several international conferences, in areas from biocomposites to engineering composites. More importantly, he was invited to be the Plenary speaker for the Heidemann lecture at IULTCS 2019, Dresden, an international conference attended by members of the union of Leather Technologists and Chemists societies.
- An active reviewer for EPSRC, MRC and other UK research councils.
- Enquiries from potential (academic or industrial) collaborators are welcome.
- If you are interested in joining the Advanced Composite Materials Group, doing a research degree, i.e. MPhil or PhD degree, at the research group, or discuss with Dr. Goh about opportunities for collaboration, please feel free to contact him at
* DISTINGUISHED Visiting Researchers
- Dr Roy Sunanda (Associate Prof, Alliance University, & Inha University Fellow) Visiting Fellow, May 2022-24, Jun 2024-6
- Dr Wei Liang LAI, (Republic Polytechnic) Associate Researcher Jan 2022-4, Jun 2024-6
- Dr Ronnie Teo, Associate Researcher, Sep 2022-4, Oct 2024-6
- Dr Yuen Ling Ng, Visiting Fellow, Oct 2024-2028
** Previous Visiting Researchers
- Dr King Jye Wong (Associate Prof, Curtin University) Visiting Lecturer/Researcher, Mar-2022-Mar-2023
- Mr Zhao Changfang Lacky, (PhD candidate, Nanjing University of Science & Technology) Visiting Scholar, Mar 2022-Jan 2023
- Prof David Hukins, (Emeritus, Uni of Birmingham) Newcastle University Visiting Professor to Singapore, 2015
- Dr Margam Chandrasekaran, (Director, Wise Consultancy Pte Ltd) Visiting Researcher, 2020-2021(#)
- Associate Prof Pooria Pasbakhsh, (Monash University), Visiting Researcher, 2018-2019
- Associate Prof (Reader) Craig Boote, (Cardiff University), Visiting Researcher, 2018-2019($)
- Associate Prof Steven Tay (Singapore Institute of Technology), Visiting Researcher, 2020
- Associate Prof Eugene Wong Director of Engineering Programmes at Singapore Institute of Technology, Visiting Lecturer, 2022
(#) Completed a study on
(i) 'Assessment of Alveolar Bone Deformity Following Alveolar Bone Resorption Using Cone-beam Computed Tomography – A Retrospective Study'. It was published in Journal of Advanced Clinical & Research Insights (2022), 9, 1–5 (Authors: Rajanikanth B Rajaram, Kavitha Prasad, Margam Chandrasekaran, Ranganath K, Rayasa Ramachandra Rao, Vineeth Kumar K)
(ii) 'Post-process optimization of 3D printed poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) dental implant scaffold for enhanced structure and mechanical properties: effects of sonication duration' Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine (2021) 32 (8), 91 (Authors: R Virinthorn, M Chandrasekaran, K Wang, KL Goh)
($) Completed a study on 'Age-dependent mechanical properties of tail tendons in wild-type and mimecan gene-knockout mice – A preliminary study'. It was published in Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol 139, March 2023, 105672 (Authors: C. Boote, Q. M, K.L. Goh)
** Previous Research Assistants/Research Fellows
- Dr Roy Sunanda (RF/Research Consultant, IIT Roorkee), QR SPF Jan-Mar 2021
- Dr Wei Liang LAI (RA), QR SPF Jan-Mar 2021; Internaional Seed Grant Apr-Jul 2021
- Mr Peng Shu NG (RA), Global Engagement funds, Jul-Aug 2021. Congratulations to Peng Shu, who has graduated with Honours with Highest Distinction (1st class) 2021!!!
- Ms Nurin Adilah Binte Yorse, Global Partnership funds, Apr-Jul 2022; Research Assistant, Sep-Dec 2022
- Mr Andrew Tan (RA), Global Partnership funds, Apr-Jul 2022
- Shreya Sharma (Virtual Intern Jan-Dec 2021, Graduate in B.E., Biological Sciences and Engineering, Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Delhi, India); Now at Imperial College
PhD/MPhil students
- Chris ONG (PhD candidate, Sep 2019-now; Sup: A/P KL Goh, Asst/P XW Li) NB: Chris's project is in the area of 3D printing of sustainable composites.
- Boon Tick LOH (PhD, Sep 2019-now; Supe: Asst/P JJ Chong, A/P KL Goh) NB: Tick Boon's project is in the area of monitoring of vibration and evaluation of the mechanical integrity of concrete/composite bridges, using a novel imaging method Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and compression testing. Through Dr. Goh's initiatives, the supervisory panel expanded to include two external supervisors/collaborators from National University of Singapore: A/P Siang Huat Goh (his long-term collaborator, ex-colleague) and Dr Kong Kian Hau.
* NU Graduates
- Shahrain MAHMOOD (MPhil, completed in 2017) (")
- Nami OBUKO (MPhil, completed in 2018) (~)
- Rachel WANG (MPhil, completed in 2019/2020)
- James Hood (PhD, completed in 2019/2020)
- Hee Juon PANG (MPhil; completed in 2020)
- Wei Liang LAI (PhD, completed 2021)
- Yi ZHANG (PhD, completed 2022) (::)
- Muhammad Ali Al-Siddiq Rahman (MPhil candidate, completed 2023)
- Evelyn YEO (MPhil candidate, completed 2023)
** Achievements in my group
- (") Best paper, by Shahrain Mahmood (MPhil candidate), 14th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing
- (~) Best oral presenter, by Nami Obuko (MPhil candidate), 6th MTERMS & 2nd Malaysian Stem Cell Meeting
- (::) Best Poster Award by Zhang Yi, ‘Pellet fluidization using a 3D-printed micro-fluidized bed’, 17th Annual bioProcessUK Conference, Online event, 1-2 Dec 2020,
Notable achievements since 2015:
- Invited speaker, International Symposium on Nanoengineered Composites, Technical University of Denmark/Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, 15-17 July 2015, Riso Campus, Roskilde, Denmark
- Keynote speaker, Composite Materials & Manufacturing Symposium (CMMS), 14-15 Nov 2016, UTM Kuala Lumpur
- Invited speaker, JEC Asia, International Composites Event 15-17 Nov 2016
- Invited speaker, JEC Bangkok, Composites Asia, 4-5 July 2017, Bangkok
- Keynote speaker, 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Engineering Materials (ICAMEM 2018), 17-18 May 2018, Bangkok, Thailand
- Keynote speaker, 8th International Polymer Conference of Thailand (PCT-8), 14-15 Jun 2018, Bangkok, Thailand
- Keynote speaker, 2nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Polymer Science and Engineering (CMPSE 2018), 21-22 Sep, Osaka, Japan
- Keynote speaker, Symposium on Damage Mechanisms in Materials and Structure (SDMMS 2018), 5-6 Dec, Putrajaya, Malaysia
- Speaker for Heidemann lecture, XXXV 2019 IULTCS Congress, 25-28 Jun, Dresden, Germany
- Plenary speaker 8th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials, Tokyo Denki University, September 6-8, 2019, Tokyo (
- Plenary speaker 16th Impact Dynamics Forum, Organized by Joint International Research Lab of Impact Dynamics and its Engineering Applications, NPU, Oct 14, 2019, Xi’an, China
- Keynote speaker 2nd International Conference on novel functional materials, November 7-8, 2019, Shanghai (
- Keynote speaker, International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Design 2019, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar (SSN) College of Engineering ICMechD2019, 18-19 April 2019, Chennai , India
- Keynote speaker, Targeting durability: repairing damaged composite materials, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering & Applied Composite Materials
- Including Invited speaker (=2): Composite Technology Seminar & Expert Forum (GMI Aero, France); 9th Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE)
- Keynote speaker, Repairing Advanced Composite Materials in Aerospace Structures, International Conference on Automation Technology & Mechanical Engineering, China
- Keynote speaker, Uncomplicated repair of damaged fibre-reinforced composites, 7th Asia Conference on Mechanical Engineering & Aerospace Engineering (MEAE2021)
- Keynote speaker, Uncomplicated repair of damaged fibre-reinforced composites, International Conference on Manufacturing and Industrial Technologies (ICMIT2021)
- Keynote speaker, Fibre composite materials and structures, International Conference on Product Design, Development, and Deployment (PD3), India
- Keynote speaker, Towards precision repair of damaged fibre-reinforced polymer composites, 24th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology, Singapore
- Faculti Interview, On: The rise of short fibre reinforced plastics,
- Including Invited speaker (=4): IMechE forum; Forum of Dept. of Polymer & Process Engineering, IIT Roorkee; 3rd International Conference on Materials Research & Innovation, Bangkok; JEC Korea, 5th Nov 2021
- Keynote speaker, 9th International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering (CMAME 2022), Hanoi, Vietnam, December 16-18, 2022
- Invited Lecture Speaker, The future of composites: post-COP26, challenges and prospects, Technical Seminar by Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM) UTM, Johor Bahru, 16 February 2022
- Invited Lecture Speaker, Net Zero challenges: Recent Developments in Green Materials and Materials Technology and Implications for Future Industrial Transformation, Conference of Mechanical, Industrial, and Education Engineering 2022, Mechanical Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Malang, East Java, Indonesia, 20th-21st October 2022,
- Keynote speaker, Advancement in Sustainable Composites, Composite Science and Technology International Conference (COMSAT), UTM, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 22-23 Aug 2022
- Keynote speaker, Towards a net zero carbon economy: challenges and prospects for developing new materials and manufacturing, Kancheepuram, TN, India, 5th International conference on Advanced Materials & Modern Manufacturing (ICAMMM 2022), 25th to 27th' March 2022
- Invited Speaker, MATERIALS FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING: Post-COP26, 8th International Conference on Education and Training Technologies (ICETT 2022), Macau, April 16-18, 2022
- Invited Lecture Speaker, Net Zero challenges: Recent Developments in Green Materials and Materials Technology and Implications for Future Industrial Transformation, 4th International Conference on Materials Research and innovation (ICMARI), Bangkok, 2022, 14-16 Dec
- Invited Lecture Speaker, Emerging technologies in Green biocomposites for orthoses and external prostheses, XXII International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Bologna, Italy, 19th-21st September 2022
- Invited Lecture Speaker, Reinforced plastic materials: Present and Future Challenges, Organised by Engineering Education Technical Division (E2TD), IEM in collaboration with Engineers Australia Malaysia Chapter, (EAMC), BEM APPROVED CPD HOURS: 2.0 REF. NO.: IEM22/HQ/006/T (w), Malaysia, 28 February 2022
- Keynote Speaker, Materials Design & Sustainability, 7th International Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical & Automotive Engineering (ICMAA), Nanjing, China, 2023
- Keynote Speaker, Repair of Composite Structures: Prospects & Challenges, 6th Int'l Conference on Mechanical, Electric and Industrial Engineering, (MEIE), Sanya, China, 2023
- Keynote Speaker, How Polymer Could Contribute to A Low-Carbon Society, International Polymer Conference of Thailand 2023 (PCT-13), Bangkok, Thailand, Jun 2023
- Keynote Speaker, This is water: polymer technology for UNSDG 6. 5th International Conference on Materials Research and Innovation, Bangkok, Thailand; NB: Dec 2023
- Including Invited speaker (=5): 6th International Conference on Wood and Biofibre Malaysia; Forum of the Department of Environmental Technology, Meijo University, Japan; Forum of the Department of Materials Science, Kasetsart University, Thailand; Forum of the 'High-end Experts of Henan Province' programme, Zhengzhou University, China; 9th Asia Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering
- Invited speaker: International Conference on Sustainable Materials for Engineering Applications, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, 1-3 Feb;
- Invited speaker: (Industry-sponsored guest lecturer) 12th Starch Value Chain ASIA, Vientiane, Laos, 27-29 Feb;
- Invited speaker (sponsored), DTU (Denmark) International Symposium on Current challenges of wind energy development: Materials science and structural aspects, Athens/Greece, May 13-15
- 2019-now Mechanical Sciences
- 2023-now Scientific Data
- 2023-now Advances in Polymer Technology
- Heart Research UK,
- Future Composite Manufacturing Hub
- PUB CFRP Grant, External Collaborator, 2023-5
- UK Dept Sci Innovation Technology Grant, Co-I, 2022-3
- British Council Research Environment Links (REL) Grant, Co-I/PI, 2022-3
- PUB (Insect at Reservoir) Grant, Co-I, 2021-2023
- UKRI QR-SPF, PI, 2021
- EPSRC ("Partnering for GCRF"), PI, 2017-8
- WDA, PI, 2017
- MOE TIF (Thermal Defects in CFRP), External Collaborator, 2018-2020
- MOE TIF (Composite Repair), External Collaborator, 2015-2017
- University Education Development Fund: Responsive Project Application, Co-I, 2019
- International Partnership Funding (2021), Co-I,
- Global Partnership Funds, PI, 2021,
- Global Engagement Fellowships, PI, 2021
- Newcastle University Visiting Professor Grant (for Prof David Hukins), PI, 2015
- MME1221 Statics and Dynamics
- MME1262 Materials for Sustainable Design & Manufacturing (Revamped from MME1141, 2141)
- MME2261 Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes (Revamped from MME2142)
- MME3001 Integrated Work Study Programme
- MME2211 Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation
- MME3191 Capstone Project
- MME1121 Engineering Statics (2017-2022)
- MME1112 Engineering Maths 2 (2017-2019)
- MME1141 Materials in Engineering (2020-2022)
- MME1171 Thermofluids (2019-2022)
- MME2121 Engineering Dynamics (2017-2022)
- MME2141 Materials and Manufacturing (2017-2022)
- MME3111 Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation (2017-2023)
POSTGRADUATE (2019-2022)
- NUS8202 Materials for Sustainability
- NUS8206 Energy storage
- NUS8205 Energy management
- NUS8208 Mechanical Integrity
- NUS8209 Masters Degree Project
- Sustainable biopolymer composites: biocompatibility, self-healing, modeling, repair, and recyclability, by Deepak Verma, Mohit Sharma, Kheng Lim Goh, Siddharth Jain, Himani Sharma, Elsevier, 2021; See Module Outline Form, MME1261
- Interfaces in Particle and Fibre Reinforced Composites, Kheng-Lim Goh, Sabu Thomas, Rangika Thilan De Silva, Aswathi M.K. Woodhead Publishing 2019; See Module Outline Form, MME1261
- Discontinuous-Fibre Reinforced Composites: Fundamentals of Stress Transfer and Fracture Mechanic, Kheng-Lim Goh, Springer 2017; See Module Outline Form, MME1261
- Mr. Vishnu Shankar RAMAR, AEM Pte Ltd
- Dr Xu Wen NG, Innoventures Inc.
- Mr Lee Chon Kiat, Continental
- Dr Eddie Tan, Makino Pte Ltd
- Dr HP Kong, SeikoWall Pte Ltd
- Undergraduate seminar, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 8 Apr 2015
- Undergraduate and postgraduate seminar, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 28 Apr 2023
- Undergraduate seminar, IIT Roorkee, India, 22 Mar 2021
- Undergraduate and postgraduate seminar, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 16 Feb 2022
- Undergraduate and postgraduate seminar, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 18 Aug 2022
- Postgraduate seminars, Zhengzhou University, China, 26-28 Jun, 1-2 Jul 2023
- The Institution of Engineers and Engineers Australia, Malaysia, Enabling research in civil, mechanical, materials and biomedical engineering 21 Sep 2011
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Singapore, The past, present and future of Reinforced Plastics, 22 July 2021
- Faculty Interview, The rise of short fibre reinforced plastics, 2021 Link:
- The Institution of Engineers and Engineers Australia, Malaysia, Reinforced plastic material: past, present and future challenges, 28 Feb 2022
- Regina Cheah, SembWaste Pte Ltd, on Plastic Recycling (available on request) 21 Nov 2021 (For MME2141)
- SLINTEC, Clean Drinking Water for North Central Region of Sri Lanka, Youtube
- SLINTEC, A Water Filter that Fits any Bottle, Youtube
- A Green Manufacturing Approach for making Lower Limb Prosthetic Sockets for Local Communities in North Malaysia Peninsula,
On Figshare: The Lower Limb Prosthetic Socket: A Chronological Account
On Figshare: Lower Limb Prosthetic Socket Project-Video
- Chen J, Liu T, Zhang Y, Zheng L, Goh K-L, Zivkovic V, Zheng M. Ultrasound-assisted enzymatic synthesis of cinnamyl acetate by immobilized lipase on ordered mesoporous silicon with CFD simulation and molecular docking analysis. Food Chemistry 2025, 464, 141843.
- Song S, Zhang Y, Liu T, Goh K-L, Zhang Y, Zheng M. Enzymatic synthesis and antioxidation characterization of various acylated chlorogenic acids via regioselective and recyclable immobilized lipases. Food Bioscience 2025, 63, 105678.
- Mukherjee A, Ghosh BD, Roy S, Goh KL. Ultra strong flexible Ba0.7Sr0.3Zr0.02Ti0.98O3/MWCNT/PVDF Nanocomposites: Pioneering material with remarkable energy storage for Self-Powered devices. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 488, 151014.
- Li Y, Zhang Y, Liu R, Liu Z, Goh K-L, Zivkovic V, Zheng M. Solvent-free synthesis of diacylglycerols via enzymatic glycerolysis between edible oils and glycerol catalyzed by self-made immobilized lipase PS@LXTE-1000. Oil Crop Science 2024, 9(4), 225-233.
- Smaisim GF, Bidgoli MO, Goh KL. Review of thermoelastic, thermal properties and creep analysis of functionally graded cylindrical shell. Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2024, 22(3), 429-440.
- Bian Y, Zhang Y, Wang T, Yang C, Feng Z, Goh K-L, Zhou Y, Zheng M. Insights into the enzymatic synthesis of alcoholic flavor esters with molecular docking analysis. LWT 2024, 200, 116206.
- Sharma S, Lai WL, Roy S, Maji PK, Ramakrishna S, Goh KL. Gate-to-grave assessment of plastic from recycling to manufacturing of TENG: a comparison between India and Singapore. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2024, 31, 42698–42718.
- Mansingh BB, Binoj JS, Hassan SA, Wong WLE, Suryanto H, Liu S, Goh KL. Feasibility study on thermo-mechanical performance of 3D printed and annealed coir fiber powder/polylactic acid eco-friendly biocomposites. Polymer Composites 2024, 45(7), 6512-6524.
- Roy S, Pham HD, Latif M, Kim JW, Park G, Kim J, Ghosh BD, Goh KL. Facile sustainable upcycling of fly ash into multifunctional durable superhydrophobic coatings. Progress in Organic Coatings 2024, 197, 108770.
- Roy S, Dasgupta Ghosh B, Mishra S, Goh KL, Kim J. Customized Extrusion Nozzle Assisted Robust Nylon 6/MWCNT Nanocomposite Based Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Advanced Smart Wearables. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 493, 152598.
- Zhang Y, Goh K-L, Zivkovic V, Ng YL, Chow Y. Bioproduction of high-value raspberry ketone by submerged fermentation of Nidula niveo-tomentosa. Process Biochemistry 2024, 144, 168-178.
- Tundiew N, Kunklang P, Suethao S, Wong-Ekkabut J, Mahujchariyawong J, Goh KL, Smitthipong W. A comparative study of surfactant-treated natural latex foam morphology, thermodynamic relationships and energy absorption: Talalay vs. dunlop processing. Industrial Crops and Products 2024, 216, 118631.
- Gupta D, Chaudhary AK, Singh VK, Verma D, Goh KL, Sharma M. Thermo-mechanical analysis of bhimal fiber (Grewia optiva)-CaCO3/flyash/TiO2 reinforced epoxy bio-composites. Industrial Crops and Products 2023, 204(Part B), 117341.
- Verma D, Okhawilai M, Goh KL, Sharma M. Thermomechanical Analyses of Alkali-Treated Coconut Husk-Bagasse Fiber-Calcium Carbonate Hybrid Composites. Sustainability 2023, 15(2), 1686.
- Kanakannavar S, Pitchaimani J, Goh K-L. Tensile Behaviour of Double-Edge Notched Flax Braided Yarn Woven Fabric Reinforced PLA Composite. Fibers and Polymers 2023, 24, 3713-3722.
- Klinthoopthamrong N, Thanawan S, Schrodj G, Mougin K, Goh K-L, Amornsakchai T. Synergistic Toughening of Epoxy Composite with Cellulose Nanofiber and Continuous Pineapple Leaf Fiber as Sustainable Reinforcements. Nanomaterials 2023, 13(11), 1703.
- Roy S, Ghoah BD, Goh KL, Ahn HJ, Chang YW. Super expanded freestanding 3D graphene foam as a versatile platform for CO2 capture and hydrogenation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 466, 142336.
- Zhu H, Chen J, Zhang Y, Goh K-L, Wan C, Zheng D, Zheng M. Preparation and investigation of novel endopeptidase-exopeptidase co-immobilized nanoflowers with improved cascade hydrolysis. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2023, 246, 125622.
- Roy S, Dasgupta Ghosh B, Goh KL, Kim J, Ahn HJ, Chang Y-W. Pores on Pores: A novel approach to fabricate super adsorbents from used face masks for large CO2 capture and dye removal. Carbon 2023, 206, 422-433.
- Peng Shu Ng, Morales Maqueda MA, Goh KL. Modelling the transportation of marine plastics over the ocean surface by Cellular Automata. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2023, 191, 114950.
- Zhao C, Zhong J, Goh KL, Liu X. Mechanics of carbon fiber reinforced plastics negative Poisson's ratio structures. Materials Today: Proceedings 2023, epub ahead of print.
- Ganapathy V, Muthukumaran G, Sudhagar PE, Rashedi A, Norrahim MNF, Ilyas RA, Goh KL, Jawaid M, Naveen J. Mechanical properties of cellulose based multi scale composites: a review. Polymer Composites 2023, 44(2), 734-756.
- Lai WL, Saeedipour H, Wong WLE, Goh KL. In situ resin-injection approach for repairing barely visible impact damaged carbon-fiber reinforced epoxy laminates: Optimizing the repair parameters using Taguchi method. Polymer Composites 2023, 44(6), 3372-3386.
- Wong KJ, Chong WWF, Goh KL. Fibre bridging mechanism in moisture-induced mode I deamination in carbon/epoxy composites: finite element analysis and experimental investigation. Polymer Composites 2023, 44(2), 1392-1407.
- Abdul Hanan U, Abu Hassan S, Uzir Wahit M, Binoj JS, Mansingh BB, Goh KL. Experimentation, optimization, and predictive analysis of compressive behavior of montmorillonite nano-clay/unsaturated polyester composites. Polymer Composites 2023, 44(1), 241-251.
- Zhao C, Goh KL, Lee HP, Yin C, Zhang K, Zhong J. Experimental study and finite element analysis on energy absorption of carbon fiber reinforced composite auxetic structures filled with aluminum foam. Composite Structures 2023, 303, 116319.
- Lai WL, Sachdeva N, Tan YV, Pasbakhsh P, Saeedipour H, Goh KL. Experimental assessment on the mechanical, physical, thermal, and chemical properties of halloysite and carbon nanoparticles reinforced epoxy resins for repair applications. Polymers for Advanced Technologies 2023, 34(10), 3260-3275.
- Chen J, Zhang Y, Zhong H, Zhu H, Wang H, Goh K-L, Zhang J, Zheng M. Efficient and sustainable preparation of cinnamic acid flavor esters by immobilized lipase microarray. LWT 2023, 173, 114322.
- Namphonsane A, Amornsakchai T, Chia CH, Goh KL, Thanawan S, Wongsagonsup R, Smith SM. Development of Biodegradable Rigid Foams from Pineapple Field Waste. Polymers 2023, 15(13), 2895.
- Zhang Y, Peterson EC, Ng YL, Goh K-L, Zivkovic V, Chow Y. Comparison of Raspberry Ketone Production via Submerged Fermentation in Different Bioreactors. Fermentation 2023, 9(6), 546.
- Amornsakchai T, Duangsuwan S, Mougin K, Goh KL. Comparative study of flax and pineapple leaf fiber reinforced poly(butylene succinate): effect of fibre content on mechanical properties. Polymers 2023, 15, 3691.
- Mansingh BB, Binoj JS, Tan ZQ, Wong WLE, Amornsakchai T, Hassan SA, Goh KL. Characterization and Performance of Additive Manufactured Novel bio-waste Polylactic acid eco-friendly Composites. Journal of Polymers and the Environment 2023, 31, 2306-2320.
- Boote C, Ma Q, Goh KL. Age-dependent mechanical properties of tail tendons in wild-type and mimecan gene-knockout mice – A preliminary study. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2023, 139, 105672.
- Manda MS, Mat Rejab MR, Hassan SA, Wahit MU, Binoj JS, Mansingh BB, Amirnuddin SS, Alamry A, Goh KL, Nurhadiyanto D. Tin slag polymer concrete strengthening by basalt and aramid fibre reinforced polymer confinement. Journal of Polymer Materials 2022, 39(3-4), 241-253.
- Roy S, Das T, Goh KL, Verma C, Maji PK, Sharma K, Chang Y-W. Synergistic effects of fresh garlic juice in cellulose based antimicrobial food packaging film. Materials Letters 2022, 324, 132538.
- Lai WL, Sharma S, Roy S, Maji PK, Sharma B, Ramakrishna S, Goh KL. Roadmap to sustainable plastic waste management: a focus study on recycling PET for triboelectric nano generator production in Singapore and India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2022, 29, 51234–51268.
- Zhao C, Lee HP, Goh KL, Zhong J, Zhang K, Zhang Z, Ren J, Le G. Preparation process and compression mechanics of carbon fibre reinforced plastics negative Poisson's ratio structure (CFRP+NPRS). Composite Structures 2022, 292, 115667.
- Roy S, Ghosh BD, Goh KL, Muthoka RM, Kim J. Modulation of interfacial interactions toward strong and tough cellulose nanofiber-based transparent thin films with antifogging feature. Carbohydrate Polymers 2022, 278, 118974.
- Zhao C, Ren R, Zhong J, Goh KL, Zhang K, Zhang Z, le G. Intralaminar crack propagation of glass fibre reinforced composite laminate. Structures 2022, 41, 787-803.
- Verma D, Goh KL, Vimal V. Interfacial Studies of Natural Fiber-Reinforced Particulate Thermoplastic Composites and Their Mechanical Properties. Journal of Natural Fibres 2022, 19(6), 2299-2326.
- Sajin JB, Christu Paul R, Binoj JS, Brailson Mansingh B, Gerald Arul Selvan M, Goh KL, Rimal Isaac RS, Senthil Saravanan MS. Impact of fiber length on mechanical, morphological and thermal analysis of chemical treated jute fiber polymer composites for sustainable applications. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2022, 5, 100241.
- Zhang T, Zhang Y, Deng C, Zhong H, Gu T, Goh K-L, Han Z, Zheng M, Zhou Y. Green and efficient synthesis of highly liposoluble and antioxidant L-ascorbyl esters by immobilized lipases. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022, 379(2), 134772.
- Roy S, Das T, Dasgupta Ghosh B, Goh KL, Sharma K, Chang Y-W. From Hazardous Waste to Green Applications: Selective Surface Functionalization of Waste Cigarette Filters for High-Performance Robust Triboelectric Nanogenerators and CO2 Adsorbents. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2022, 14(28), 31973-31985.
- Hassan SA, Binoj JS, Goh KL, Mansingh BB, Varaprasad KC, Yahya MY, Che Othman FE, Ahmed U, Nurhadiyanto D, Mujiyono, Wulandari AP. Effect of fiber stacking sequence and orientation on quasi- static indentation properties of sustainable hybrid carbon/ramie fiber epoxy composites. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2022, 5, 100284.
- Listrat A, Goh KL, Jousse C, Tounayre J, Wang H, Lee K, Bechet D. Dataset on transcriptome signature of skeletal muscle of young, adult and aged mice. Data in Brief 2022, 43, 108321.
- Mansingh BB, Binoj JS, Tan ZQ, Eugene WWL, Amornsakchai T, Hassan SA, Goh KL. Comprehensive characterization of raw and treated pineapple leaf fiber/polylactic acid green composites manufactured by 3D printing technique. Polymer Composites 2022, 43(9), 6051-6061.
- Mansingh BB, Binoj JS, Anbazhagan VN, Abu Hassan S, Goh KL, Siengchin S, Sanjay MR, Mustapha Jaafar M, Liu Y. Characterization of Cocos nucifera L. peduncle fiber reinforced polymer composites for lightweight sustainable applications. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2022, 139(22), 52245.
- Loh TB, Wu Y, Goh SH, Kong KH, Goh KL, Chong JJ. An Integrated Approach for the Determination of Young’s Modulus of a Cantilever Beam Using Finite Element Analysis and the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Technique. Electronics 2022, 11(18), 2826.
- Roy S, Goh KL, Verma C, Ghosh BD, Sharma K, Maji PK. A Facile Method for Processing Durable and Sustainable Superhydrophobic Chitosan-Based Coatings Derived from Waste Crab Shell. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2022, 10(14), 4694–4704.
- Yang Y, Jiang X, Goh K, Wang K. The separation of oily water using low-cost natural materials: Review and development. Chemosphere 2021, 285, 131398.
- Roy S, Maji PK, Goh KL. Sustainable design of flexible 3D aerogel from waste PET bottle for wastewater treatment to energy harvesting device. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 413, 127409.
- Virinthorn R, Chandrasekaran M, Wang K, Goh KL. Post-process optimisation of 3D printed poly (lacti-co-glycolic acid) dental implant scaffold for enhanced structure and mechanical properties: effects of sanitation duration and power. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 2021, 32, 91.
- Constable M, Northeast R, Lawless B, Burton H, Gramigna V, Goh KL, Buchan K, Espino D. Mechanical testing of glutaraldehyde cross-linked mitral valves. Part two: elastic and viscoelastic properties of chordae tendineae. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2021, 235(3), 291-299.
- Northeast R, Constable M, Burton H, Lawless B, Gramigna V, Goh KL, Buchan K, Espino D. Mechanical testing of glutaraldehyde cross-linked mitral valves. Part one: In vitro mechanical behaviour. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2021, 235(3), 281-290.
- He Z, Goh KL, Feng X, Wang K. Measuring the permeabilities of binary gas mixtures with a novel time-lag technique. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 2021, 99(12), 2713-2722.
- Zhang Y, Ng YL, Goh KL, Chow Y, Wang S, Zivkovic V. Fluidization of fungal pellets in a 3D-printed micro-fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Science 2021, 236, 116466.
- Lai WL, Saeedipour H, Goh KL. Experimental assessment of drilling-induced damage in impacted composite laminates for resin-injection repair: influence of open/blind hole-hole interaction and orientation. Composite Structures 2021, 271, 114153.
- Goh KL, Liew SC. Dual-energy x-ray approach for object/energy-specific attenuation coefficient correction in single-photon emission computed tomography: effects of contrast agent. Journal of Medical Imaging 2021, 8(5), 052106.
- Zhang Y, Goh K-L, Ng Y-L, Chow Y, Zivkovic V. Design and investigation of a 3D-printed micro-fluidized bed. ChemEngineering 2021, 5(3), 62.
- Lai WL, Saeedipour H, Goh KL. Dataset on open/blind hole-hole interaction in barely visible impact damaged composite laminates. Data in Brief 2021, 34, 106607.
- Mohonee VK, Goh KL, Mishnaevsky JL, Pasbakhsh P. Capsule based self-healing composites: new insights on mechanical behaviour based on finite element analysis. Computational Materials Science 2021, 192, 110203.
- Joseph RP, Zhang Chunwei, Wang BL, Samali B, Goh KL, Purbolaksono J. Analyzing size effects in a cracked orthotropic layer under antiplane shear loading. Archive of Applied Mechanics 2021, 91, 1097-1112.
- Naveen J, Jawaid M, Goh KL, Reddy DM, Muthukumar C, Loganathan TM, Reshwanth KNGL. Advancement in Graphene-Based Materials and Their Nacre Inspired Composites for Armour Applications—A Review. Nanomaterials 2021, 11(5), 1239.
- Lai WL, Saeedipour H, Goh KL. Mechanical properties of low-velocity impact damaged carbon fibre reinforced polymer laminates: effects of drilling holes for resin-injection repair. Composite Structures 2020, 235, 111806.
- Govindasamy K, Dahlan Nuraina, Pushpamalar J, Kheng LG, Siang-Piao C, Pasbakhsh P. Electrospun chitosan/polyethylene-oxide (PEO)/halloysites (HAL) membranes for bone regeneration applications. Applied Clay Science 2020, 190, 105601.
- Annamalai VE, Vijayan S, Saeedipour H, Goh KL. The rise of short fibre reinforced plastics. Reinforced Plastics 2019, 64(2), 97-102.
- Song XH, Goh KL, Wang K. The equilibrium and fixed-bed study of malachite green adsorption on chitosan hydrogels. Water Science & Technology 2019, 79(8), 1571-1579.
- Lai WL, Saeedipour H, Goh KL. Dataset on mechanical properties of damaged fibre composite laminates with drilled vent-holes for resin-injection repair procedure. Data in Brief 2019, 24, 103912.
- Okubo N, Qureshi AJ, Dalgarno K, Goh KL, Derebail S. Cost-effective microvalve-assisted bioprinter for tissue engineering. Bioprinting 2019, 13, e00043.
- Rahman MAASB, Lai WL, Saeedipour H, Goh KL. Cost-effective and efficient resin-injection device for repairing damaged composites. Reinforced Plastics 2019, 63, 156-160.
- Goh KL. A Fresh Look at Designing Open-cage Nanostructures. Current Nanomaterials 2019, 3(3), 190-191.
- Goh KL, Makaremi M, Pasbakhsh P, DeSilva R, Zivkovic V. Direct measurement of the elasticity and fracture properties of electrospun polyacrylonitrile/halloysite fibrous mesh in water. Polymer Testing 2018, 72, 11-23.
- Goh KL, Makaremi M, Pasbakhsh P, De Silva R, Zivkovic V. Dataset on structure and mechanical properties of electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibrous mesh reinforced by halloysite nanotubes. Data in Brief 2018, 21, 2170-2178.
- Goh KL, Holmes DF, Lu YH, Kadler KE, Purslow PP. Age-related dataset on the mechanical properties and collagen fibril structure of tendons from a murine model. Scientific Data 2018, 5, 180140.
- Mahmood S, Qureshi AJ, Goh KL, Talamona D. Tensile strength of partially filled FFF printed parts: meta modelling. Rapid Prototyping Journal 2017, 23(3), 524-533.
- Mahmood S, Qureshi AJ, Talamona D, Goh KL. Tensile strength of partially filled FFF printed parts: experimental results. Rapid Prototyping Journal 2017, 23(1), 122-128.
- Saeedipour H, Liang LW, Eugene WWL, Lim GK, Gibson G. Smart restoration of internal defects in damaged composite aerostructures. JEC Composites Magazine 2017, 54(113), 70-73.
- Thomas S, Woh YK, Wang R, Goh KL. Probing the hydrophilicity of coir fibres: analysis of the mechanical properties of single coir fibres. Procedia Engineering 2017, 200, 206-212.
- De Silva RT, Mantilaka MMMGPG, Goh KL, Ratnayake SP, Amaratunga GAJ, De Silva KMN. Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles Reinforced Electrospun Alginate-Based Nanofibrous Scaffolds with Improved Physical Properties. International Journal of Biomaterials 2017, 2017, 1391298.
- Wilkinson SJ, Naylor A, Goh KL. Digital image analysis protocol for determining the radiocarpal joint space in the rheumatoid arthritic wrist. Computers in Biology and Medicine 2017, 89, 127-134.
- Goh KL, Chen YS, Chua RJJ, Fong TC, Woh YK, Tan EZE, Wang R. Development of a novel mechanical tester for microfracture analysis. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 2017, 470-476.
- Lai WL, Cheah AYH, Ruiz RCO, Lo NGW, Kuah KQJ, Saeedipour H, Goh KL. A simple portable low-pressure healant-injection device for repairing damaged composite laminates. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 2017, 45(4), 360-375.
- Wang K, Pasbakhsh P, DeSilva RT, Goh KL. A Comparative Analysis of the Reinforcing Efficiency of Silsesquioxane Nanoparticles versus Apatite Nanoparticles in Chitosan Biocomposite Fibres. Journal of Composites Science 2017, 1, 9.
- Wong WLE, Joyce TJ, Goh KL. Resolving the viscoelasticity and anisotropy dependence of the mechanical properties of skin from a porcine model. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 2016, 15(2), 433-446.
- De Silva RT, Soheilmoghaddam M, Goh KL, Wahit MU, Bee SA, Chai SP, Pasbakhsh P. Influence of the processing methods on the properties of poly(lactic acid)/halloysite nanocomposites. Polymer Composites 2016, 37(3), 861-869.
- Makaremi M, Lim CX, Pasbakhsh P, Lee SM, Goh KL, Chang HK, Chan ES. Electrospun functionalized polyacrylonitrile-chitosan Bi-layer membranes for water filtration applications. RSC Advances 2016, 6(59), 53882-53893.
- Mohonee VK, Goh KL. Effects of fibre-fibre interaction on stress uptake in discontinuous fibre reinforced composites. Composites Part B: Engineering 2016, 86, 221-228.
- Lim BY, Lau MWS, Wan S, Leong J, Lim A, Huo D, Goh KL. Development of a two-stage Lau-Wan Wankel pump/mixer. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 2016, 44(2), 97-112.
- Lau MWS, Wan S, Goh KL, Leong J, Lim A. Design module for the industry design and development of a novel gearless Wankel-like mixer–pump: The Lau–Wan mixer. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 2016, 44(3), 220-232.
- Wang K, Loo LS, Goh KL. A facile method for processing lignin reinforced chitosan biopolymer microfibres: optimising the fibre mechanical properties through lignin type and concentration. Materials Research Express 2016, 3(3), 035301.
- Wang K, Liao K, Goh KL. How Sensitive Is the Elasticity of Hydroxyapatite-Nanoparticle-Reinforced Chitosan Composite to Changes in Particle Concentration and Crystallization Temperature?. Journal of Functional Biomaterials 2015, 6(4), 986-998.
- Lai WL, Goh KL. Consequences of Ultra-Violet Irradiation on the Mechanical Properties of Spider Silk. Journal of Functional Biomaterials 2015, 6(3), 901-916.
- DeSilva RT, Pasbakhsh P, Goh KL, Chai SP, Chen J. Synthesis and characterisation of poly (lactic acid)/halloysite bionanocomposite films. Journal of Composite Materials 2014, 48(30), 3705-3717.
- Govindasamy K, Fernandopulle C, Pasbakhsh P, Goh KL. Synthesis and characterisation of electrospun chitosan membranes reinforced by halloysite nanotubes. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 2014, 14, 1450058.
- De Silva R, Pasbakhsh P, Qureshi AJ, Gibson AG, Goh KL. Stress transfer and fracture in nanostructured particulate-reinforced chitosan biopolymer composites: influence of interfacial shear stress and particle slenderness. Composite Interfaces 2014, 21(9), 807-818.
- Goh KL, Listrat A, Bechet D. Hierarchical Mechanics of Connective Tissues: Integrating Insights from Nano to Macroscopic Studies. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 2014, 10(10), 2464-2507.
- Wang H, Listrat A, Meunier B, Gueugneau M, Coudy-Gandilhon C, Combaret L, Taillandier D, Polge C, Attaix D, Lethias C, Lee K, Goh KL, Béchet D. Apoptosis in capillary endothelial cells in ageing skeletal muscle. Aging Cell 2014, 13(2), 254-262.
- Goh KL, Chen SY, Liao K. A thermomechanical framework for reconciling the effects of ultraviolet radiation exposure time and wavelength on connective tissue elasticity. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 2014, 13(5), 1025-1040.
- De Silva RT, Pasbakhsh P, Goh KL, Mishnaevsky L. 3-D computational model of poly (lactic acid)/halloysite nanocomposites: Predicting elastic properties and stress analysis. Polymer 2014, 55(24), 6418-6425.
- De Silva RT, Pasbakhsh P, Goh KL, Chai SP, Ismail H. Physico-chemical characterisation of chitosan/halloysite composite membranes. Polymer Testing 2013, 32(2), 265-271.
- Tam XK, Pasbakhsh P, Guo NQ, Ismail N, Goh KL. Finite element modeling of copper wire bonding on a stacked-die in semiconductor Devices. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering 2013, 5(6), 924-927.
- Alhelmy-Seri-Buana MS, Pasbaskhsh P, Goh KL, Bateni F, Mas-Haris MRH. Elasticity, microstructure and thermal stability of foliage and fruit fibres from four tropical crops. Fibers and Polymers 2013, 14(4), 623-629.
- Cheong VS, Poh CL, Yew KSA, Lie DTT, Seah K, Goh KL. Magnetic resonance imaging of the human anterior cruciate ligament: Three-dimensional computer reconstruction and structural analysis. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 2012, 2(4), 378-385.
- Dastgir N, Pasbakhsh P, Guo NQ, Ismail N, Goh KL. Finite element analysis of copper wire bonding in integrated circuit devices. Advanced Materials Research 2012, 566, 293-299.
- Goh KL, Holmes DF, Lu Y-H, Purslow PP, Kadler KE, Bechet D, Wess TJ. Bimodal collagen fibril diameter distributions direct age-related variations in tendon resilience and resistance to rupture. Journal of Applied Physiology 2012, 113(6), 878-888.
- Wang H, Meunier B, Goh KL, Bechet D, Listrat A, Lee K. Age-Related Feature Extraction on Mouse Skeletal Muscle: Data Mining Approach. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 2012, 2(4), 386-392.
- Chew SL, Wang K, Chai SP, Goh KL. Elasticity, thermal stability and bioactivity of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes reinforced chitosan-based microfibres. Journal of Materials Science – Materials in Medicine 2011, 22(6), 1365-1374.
- Lim BH, Ooi LH, Chou SM, Goh KL. Biomechanical properties of extensor tendon repaired using the six-strand single-loop suture technique: a comparative analysis with three other techniques. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 2011, 11(4), 845.
- Ng XW, Hukins DWL, Goh KL. Influence of fibre taper on the work of fibre pull-out in short fibre composite fracture. Journal of Materials Science 2010, 45(4), 1086-1090.
- Goh KL, Meakin JR, Hukins DWL. Influence of fibre taper on the interfacial shear stress in fibre-reinforced composites during elastic stress transfer. Composite Interfaces 2010, 17(1), 74-80.
- Goh KL, Yang C, Chou SM, Listrat A, Bechet D, Wess TJ. Effects of low storage temperature on the elasticity of micro-tendons from a small murine model. Animal 2010, 4(9), 1613-1617.
- Huq AMA, Bhuiyani BH, Liao K, Goh KL. Defect-defect interaction in single-walled carbon nanotubes under torsional loading. International Journal of Modern Physics B 2010, 24(10), 1215.
Authored Book
- Goh KL. Discontinuous-fibre reinforced composites :Fundamentals of Stress Transfer and Fracture Mechanics. London: Springer, 2016.
Book Chapters
- Verma D, Okhawilai M, Goh KL, Sharma M, Pasbakhsh P, Ramakrishna S. Introduction to bioresorbable polymers: Types and biomedical applications. In: Verma D; Okhawilai M; Goh KL; Sharma M; Pasbakhsh P; Ramakrishna S, ed. Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites. Oxford: Woodhead Publishing, 2024, pp.3-22.
- Mohonee VK, Goh KL, Mishnaevsky L, Auckloo SAB, Pasbakhsh P. Mechanical properties and modeling of polyurea capsule-based self-healing composites. In: Pasbakhsh P; Palaniandy K; Mohotti D; Auckloo SAB, ed. Polyurea: Synthesis, Properties, Composites, Production, and Applications. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2023, pp.203-219.
- Goh KL, Topcu M, Madabhushi GSP, Staat M. Collagen fibril reinforcement in connective tissue extracellular matrices. In: Fatima Raquel Azevedo Maia; J. Miguel Oliveira; Rui L. Reis, ed. Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix: Biologically-Derived Materials. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2023.
- Lim ZYD, Lai WL, Saeedipour H, Goh KL. Resin-injection repair of damaged composites in aero structures: finite element modelling of the effects of vent holes in carbon fibre-reinforced composite laminates. In: Mazlan, Norkhairunnisa; Sapuan, S. M.; Ilyas, R. A, ed. Advanced Composites in Aerospace Engineering Applications. Springer, Cham, 2022, pp.149–162.
- Hossain N, De Silva R, Goh KL, Pasbakhsh P. Unidirectionally aligned and randomly oriented Electrospin nano fibrous polyacrylonitrile membranes. In: Dong Y; Baji A; Ramakrishna S, ed. Electrospun Polymers and Composites; Ultrafine Materials, High Performance Fibres and Wearables. Oxford: Woodhead Publishing, 2021, pp.361-381.
- Juon PH, Saeedipour H, Goh KL. Thermal damage in carbon-fibre-reinforced polymer composites: a critical review. In: Low, It-Meng; Dong, Yu, ed. Composite Materials: Manufacturing, Properties and Applications. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, pp.285-305.
- Goh KL. Current understandings of interfacial stress transfer mechanisms in connective tissue. In: Kheng Lim Goh, Aswathi M.K., Rangika Thilan De Silva and Sabu Thomas, ed. Interfaces in Particle and Fibre Reinforced Composites. Elsevier Ltd, 2020, pp.529-549.
- Goh KL, Morsi Y. The Other Connective Tissue: Echinoderm Ligaments and Membranes as Decellularized Bioscaffold for Tissue Engineering. In: Choi,AH;Ben-Nissan,B, ed. Marine-Derived Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering Applications. Springer, 2019.
- Verma D, Goh KL. Natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites: Application in marine environments. In: Verma,D;Fortunati,E;Jain,S:Zhang,X, ed. Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy. Woodhead Publishing, 2019.
- Soo DJW, Osni MHB, Pasbakhsh P, De Silva RT, Cumpson P, Goh KL. Micromechanical Characterization of Poly (Lactic Acid)/Halloysite Bionanocomposite Membrane. In: Swain,SK;Jawaid,M, ed. Nanostructured Polymer Composites for Biomedical Applications. Elsevier, 2019.
- Verma D, Goh KL. Functionalized Graphene-Based Nanocomposites for Energy Applications. In: Jawaid,M;Qaiss,AK;Bouhfid,R, ed. Functionalized Graphene Nanocomposites and their Derivatives: Synthesis, Processing and Applications. Elsevier, 2019.
- Ng MH, Verma D, Thomas S, Goh KL. Characteristics of the Johorean Elaeis Guineensis oil palm kernel shells: elasticity, thermal stability, biochemical composition. In: Verma,D;Fortunati,E;Jain,S;Zhang,X, ed. Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy. Woodhead Publishing, 2019.
- Tan ZE, Liew CK, Yee FC, Talamona D, Goh KL. Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Fibres and Biopolymer Composites: Possible Effects of Moisture on the Elasticity, Fracture Properties and Reliability. In: Jawaid, M; Sapuan, SM; Alothman, OY, ed. Green Composites: Manufacturing and Properties. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp.271-291.
- Fong TC, Saba N, Liew CK, DeSilva R, Hoque ME, Goh KL. Yarn Flax Fibres for Polymer-Coated Sutures and Hand Layup Polymer Composite Laminates. In: Mohd Sapuan Salit, Mohammad Jawaid, Nukman Bin Yusoff, M. Enamul Hoque, ed. Manufacturing of Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites. Springer, 2015, pp.155-175.
- Goh KL, DeSilva R, Pasbakhsh P. Mechanics of Halloysite Nanotubes. In: Pasbaksh, P; Churchman, G, ed. Research Progress in Natural Mineral Nanotubes. Abingdon: CRC Press, 2015, pp.261-281.
- Goh KL, De Silva R, Pasbakhsh P. Mechanics of halloysite nanotubes. In: Pooria Pasbakhsh and G. Jock Churchman, ed. Natural Mineral Nanotubes Properties and Applications. Apple Academic Press, 2015, pp.261-280.
- Govindasamy K, Pasbakhsh P, Goh KL. Current research on chitosan-halloysite composites. In: Pasbakhsh, P; Churchman, G. Jock, ed. Natural Mineral Nanotubes: Properties and Applications. Apple Academic Press, 2015.
- DeSilva R, Pasbakhsh P, Goh KL. Biopolymer nanocomposites: Polylactic Acid/Halloysite Nanotube Composites. In: Pasbaksh, P; Churchman, GJ, ed. Natural Mineral Nanatubes: Properties and Applications. Apple Academic Press, 2015.
- Goh KL, Tan LP. Micromechanical Fibre-Recruitment Model of Liquid Crystalline Polymer Reinforcing Polycarbonate Composites. In: Tamin, MN, ed. Damage and fracture of composite materials and structures. Heidelberg, Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp.85-106.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Wong EWL, Goh KL, Lau MWS, Chong JJ, Choong ZJ. Digitalisation of Logbooks for Capstone Project. In: Applied Learning Conference. 2022, Singapore.
- Loh TB, Wu Y, Goh SH, Kong KH, Goh KL, Chong JJ. Determination of Static Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete in Compression using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Method. In: 16th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics. 2022, St Anne's College, University of Oxford, UK: British Society for Strain Measurement.
- Loh TB, Chua MSR, Goh SH, Kong KH, Goh KL, Chong JJ. Determination of Static and Dynamic Young’s Modulus of A Cantilever Beam using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Method. In: 24th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT 2021). 2021, Singapore: IEEE.
- Zhang Y, Ling Ng Y, Goh KL, Wang S, Zivkovic V. Experimental Study of a 3D-Printed 3-Phase Miniaturized Fluidized Bed for Bioprocessing Screening. In: Fluidization XVI. 2019, Guilin, China: AIChE.
- Goh KL. As tough as leather: Macro to nano scale perspectives of collagen stability. In: International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies Congress (IULTCS) 2019. 2019, Dresden, Germany, VGCT.
- Wan S, Lau MWS, Goh KL. Gearless Wankel-like pump/mixer: Design challenges and prospects. In: 3rd International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET 2017). 2018, Johor Bahru, Malaysia: IEEE.
- Wan S, Lau MSW, Leong J, An N, Goh KL. Mixing Simulations of a Wankel Pump as a Micromixer. In: ASME 2016 5th International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer. 2016, Singapore: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Mahmood S, Talamona D, Goh KL, Qureshi AJ. Fast Deviation Simulation for 'Fused Deposition Modeling' process. In: 14th Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing (CIRP CAT 2016). 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden: Elsevier Science BV.
- De Silva RT, Pasbakhsh P, Goh KL. Prediction of elastic properties of polylactide/halloysite composites. In: 8th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics (ACAM 2014). 2014, Melbourne, Australia: Engineers Australia.
Digital or Visual Media
- Abdul Aziz NS, Mat F, Yosre NA, Lai WL, Mohd Jamir MR, Abdul Majid MS, Goh KL, Joyce T. Green and low-cost lower limb prosthetic socket. London: Figshare, 2023. Photo format.
Edited Books
- Verma D, Okhawilai M, Goh KL, Ramakrishna S, Pasbakhsh P, Sharma M, ed. Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites : Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development. Oxford: Woodhead Publishing, 2024.
- Hoque ME, Goh KL, Sagadevan S, ed. Advanced Bioceramics: Properties, Processing, and Applications. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2023.
- Verma D, Sharma M, Goh KL, Sharma SJH, ed. Sustainable Biopolymer Composites. Woodhead Publishing, 2021. In Press.
- Goh KL, ed. Structural and Smart Materials IV. Baech, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2021.
- Zheng L, Sun C, Goh KL, ed. Proceedings of MEACM 2020: Mechanical Engineering and Applied Composite Materials. Cham: Springer, 2021.
- Goh KL, Aswathi MK, De Silva RT, Thomas S, ed. Interfaces in fibre and particle reinforced composites. Elsevier, 2020.
- Goh KL, Aswathi MK, De Silva RT, Thomas S, ed. Interfaces in Particle and Fibre Reinforced Composites: Current Perspectives on Polymer, Ceramic, Metal and Extracellular Matrices. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, 2019.
- Zheng L, Sun C, Goh K-L. Preface. Mechanisms and Machine Science 2021, 99, v-v.
- Roy S, Ghosh BD, Goh KL, Muthoka RM, Kim J. Corrigendum; “Modulation of interfacial interactions toward strong and tough cellulose nanofiber-based transparent thin films with antifogging feature” (Carbohydrate Polymers (2022) 278, (118974), (S0144861721013618), (10.1016/j.carbpol.2021.118974)). Carbohydrate Polymers 2022, 281, 119094.
- De Silva R, Pasbakhsh P, Goh KL, Zivkovic V, Siriwardane IW, Perera P, Kumaraswamy V, Mantilaka P, Hettiarachchi A, Rangajeewa G, Kumara BS, Pahalagedara L, Chandrakumara D. A portable water filtration device. Sri Lanka, 21609, 2023.
- Goh KL. Outcome and Conclusions from the 2024 Southeast Asia Agri-Food Roundtable. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2024.
- Goh KL, Amornsakchai T. Outcome and Conclusions from the 2024 JEC Forum Southeast Asia, Bangkok. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2024.
- Goh KL. UK-SG Green Economy Discussion Document 2023: Feedback. Newcastle University in Singapore, 2023.
- Goh KL. Ten stories that matter to the UN SDGs. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2023. Newcastle University and the SDGs.
- Goh K. Strengthening Resilience for Research and Innovation at NUiS: 2023-2026. Singapore: Newcastle University, 2023.
- Goh KL, Taylor J, Perrin C. Research and innovation workshop on strategies for UK-Singapore collaboration: post-symposium report. UKSAEI, 2023.
- Goh KL, Sharma A. Insights on the Singapore electromobility symposium: quantitative analysis. Newcastle University: Newcastle University, 2023. Version 5.
- Goh KL, Cheong VS, Tan KCK, Sharma A. Ethical, Legal and Social Issues Arising from Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use in Human Biomedical Research. Singapore: Newcastle University in Singapore, 2023. REACH Bytes E-Newsletter.
- Goh KL. Singapore Electromobility. Singapore, 2022.
- Goh KL. SG-UK Green Economy Feedback 2022. Newcastle University in Singapore, 2022.
- Goh KL. Net Zero Farming in Singapore and UK: workshop report. Newcastle University, 2022.
- Herron C, Goh KL, Blythe P. Delivering Electromobility: A shared challenge. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2022.
- Lai WL, Goh KL. Clean energy device: Life-cycle analysis of the TriboElectric NanoGenerator: working paper. 2022.
- Goh KL. REVIEW OF NRF CREATE & OPPORTUNITIES FOR NUCORES: A SUMMARY. Newcastle University in Singapore, 2022.
- Goh KL. RIE 2025: Prospects and challenges for NUiS. Newcastle University in Singapore, 2021.
- Goh KL. NUiS Research, Innovation and Internationalization strategy: a proposal. Singapore: Newcastle University in Singapore, 2020.
- Zhang Y, Goh KL, Ng YL, Chow Y, Wang S, Zivkovic V. Process intensification in micro-fluidized bed systems: A review. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification 2021, 164, 108397.
- Verma D, Goh KL. Effect of mercerization/alkali surface treatment of natural fibres and their utilization in polymer composites: Mechanical and morphological studies. Journal of Composites Science 2021, 5(7), 175.
- Goh KL, Holmes DF. Collagenous Extracellular Matrix Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering: Lessons from the Common Sea Urchin Tissue. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2017, 18(5), 901.
Working Paper
- Goh KL, Abdul Aziz NS, Mat F, Lai WL, Mohd Jamir MR, Abdul Majid MS, Joyce T. Green Composite Materials For Prosthesis: Can Prothesis Go Carbon Neutral. 2023.