NuCore members
Dr Matthew Dyson
Newcastle University Research Fellow
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 20 86682
- Address: E2.01C
School of Engineering
Merz Court
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a Newcastle University Research Fellow (NURF) and I lead the upper-limb prosthetics research which goes in in the Intelligent Sensing Lab in the School of Engineering. My research focusses on biofeedback training of muscle activity for rehabilitation purposes and to enable functional control of devices. The projects I supervise in the team are detailed on the lab web page. My ORCID profile is here and my Google Scholar is here.
Areas of Expertise
Motor learning, machine learning, biomedical signal processing, prosthetics, prototyping, networking.
2020 £760K Invention for innovation (NIHR, Co-I Newcastle lead).
2019 £30K Personal Impact Award (Newcastle University, PI)
2018 & 2019 £87K Starworks D4D Child Prosthetics (NIHR, PI)
2017 & 2018 £30K Impact Acceleration Fund for Prosthetics Research (Newcastle University, Co-I)
- Newcastle University Research Fellow, School of Engineering, Newcastle University (2018 - 2021)
- Research Associate, Intelligent Sensing, School of Engineering, Newcastle University (2015 - 2018)
- Laboratory Manager, Adaptive Brain Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge (2014 - 2015)
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives, l’Université d’Aix-Marseille (2011 - 2014)
- PhD Computer Science, University of Essex
- MSc Intelligent Systems, Sunderland University
- Bsc Artificial Intelligence & Psychology, University of Edinburgh
- Olsen J, Day S, Dupan S, Nazarpour K, Dyson M. 3D-Printing and upper-limb prosthetic sockets: promises and pitfalls. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2021, 29, 527-535.
- Dyson M, Olsen J, Dupan S. A Network-Enabled Myoelectric Platform for Prototyping Research Outside of the Lab. In: 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). 2021, Mexico: IEEE.
- Wu H, Dyson M, Nazarpour K. Arduino-based myoelectric control: Towards longitudinal study of prosthesis use. Sensors 2021, 21(3), 1-13.
- Jones H, Dupan S, Dyson M, Krasoulis A, Kenney LPJ, Donovan-Hall M, Memarzadeh K, Day S, Coutinho M, Nazarpour K. Co-creation and User Perspectives for Upper Limb Prosthetics. Frontiers in Neurorobotics 2021, 15, 689717.
- Garske CA, Dyson M, Dupan S, Nazarpour K. Perception of game-based rehabilitation in upper limb prosthetic training: Survey of users and researchers. JMIR Serious Games 2021, 9(1), e23710.
- Vasilchenko A, Venn-Wycherley M, Dyson M, Russo Abegão F. Engaging Science and Engineering Students in Computing Education through Learner-Created Videos and Physical Computing Tools. In: 4th Conference in Computing Education Practice CEP 2020. 2020, Durham, UK: ACM.
- Dyson M, Dupan S, Jones H, Nazarpour K. Learning, generalisation, scalability of abstract myoelectric control. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2020, 28(7), 1539-1547.
- Dyson M, Nazarpour K. Abstract myoelectric control in amputees. In: Trent International Prosthetics Symposium (TIPS). 2019, Manchester, UK: ISPO.
- Dyson M, Nazarpour K. Home-based myoelectric training using biofeedback gaming. In: Trent International Prosthetics Symposium (TIPS). 2019, Manchester, UK: ISPO.
- Dupan S, Pitou S, Dyson M, Howard M, Nazarpour K. Long term use of embroidered EMG electrodes. In: Trent International Prosthetics Symposium (TIPS). 2019, Manchester, UK: ISPO.
- Krasoulis A, Dyson M, Dupan S, Nazarpour K. Motor learning for control of prosthetic limbs. In: 9th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering. 2019, San Francisco, USA: IEEE.
- Russo Abegão F, Venn-Wycherley M, Vasilchenko A, Dyson M, O'Malley C, Law R, Adamson H, Joyce S, Norman R, Goss J, Devlin M. Teaching Students How to Code Using Physical Computing Tools. In: ChemEngDay 2019. 2019, Edinburgh, UK.
- Dyson M, Nazarpour K. Abstract Decoding Using Bayesian Muscle Activation Estimators. In: 40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 2018, Honolulu, HI: IEEE.
- Dyson M, Nazarpour K. Data Driven Spatial Filtering Can Enhance Abstract Myoelectric Control in Amputees. In: 40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 2018, Honolulu, HI: IEEE.
- Dyson M, Nazarpour K. Low cost at home myoelectric training using biofeedback and off-the-shelf hardware. In: ISPO Annual Scientific Meeting. 2018, Southampton, UK: ISPO.
- Dyson M, Barnes J, Nazarpour K. Myoelectric control with abstract decoders. Journal of Neural Engineering 2018, 15(5), 056003.
- Dyson M, Barnes J, Nazarpour K. Abstract Myoelectric Control with EMG Drive Estimated using Linear, Kurtosis and Bayesian Filtering. In: 8th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER). 2017, Shanghai, China: IEEE.
- Dyson M, Barnes J, Nazarpour K. Linear, Kurtosis and Bayesian Filtering of EMG Drive for Abstract Myoelectric Control. In: Myoelectric Controls Symposium. 2017, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
- Dyson M, Nazarpour K. Pre-Clinical Application of Muscle Synergies for Abstract Myoelectric Control. In: Myoelectric Controls Symposium. 2017, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
- Barnes J, Dyson M, Nazarpour K. Comparison of Hand and Forearm Muscle Pairs in Controlling of a Novel Myoelectric Interface. In: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2016). 2016, Budapest: IEEE.
- Dyson M, Nazarpour K. Pre-Clinical Application of Abstract Muscle Synergies for Myoelectric Control. In: ISPO Trent International Prosthetic Symposium (TIPS). 2016, Glasgow: International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics.
- Dyson M, Thomas E, Casini L, Burle B. Online extraction and single trial analysis of regions contributing to erroneous feedback detection. Neuroimage 2015, 121, 146-158.
- Dyson M, Thomas EM, Casini L, Mattout J, Burle B. Training free error potential detection. In: 6th International Workshop on Brain-Computer Interfaces. 2014, Graz, Austria.
- Thomas E, Dyson M, Clerc M. An analysis of performance evaluation for motor-imagery based BCI. Journal of Neural Engineering 2013, 10(3), 1-15.