NuCore members
Professor Peter Thelwall
Professor of Magnetic Resonance Physics; Director, Centre for In Vivo Imaging
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 1156
- Personal Website:
- Address: Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre
Translational and Clinical Research Institute
Newcastle University
Campus for Ageing & Vitality
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am Director of the Centre for In Vivo Imaging, which represents Newcastle University's in vivo imaging portfolio.
My interdisciplianry research team is focused on the development of innovative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy methods to characterise the structure, function and physiology of human tissues and organs through non-invasive and repeatable scans. Our projects span the intersection of magnetic resonance physics, bioscience and clinical research, and aim to develop reliable and valuable quantitative measurements for implementation in clinical research and development into robust tools used in clinical practice.
I lead projects on the development and application of new lung ventilation imaging methods that can quantify lung function and detect changes due to lung disease and the impacts of therapies. We have expertise in developing multinuclear MRI for multisite clinical research studies. We have developed novel 19F-, 13C-, 23Na- and 7Li-MRI methodologies that span preclinical, first in man and patient studies. Our research is driven by clinical need and relies on interdisciplinary team science to link technological expertise with key biological questions relevant to human health and the diagnosis and treatment of disease processes.
- BSc (Hons) - University of Nottingham - 1995
- PhD - University of Cambridge - 1999
Positions Held
- 2020 - present: Professor of Magnetic Resonance Physics, Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle University
- 2009 - 2020: Reader in Magnetic Resonance Physics, Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle University
- 2006 - 2009: Lecturer in Magnetic Resonance Physics, Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle University
- 2000 - 2006: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Neuroscience, University of Florida
Google Scholar:
Advanced MRI methodologies for better measurement of structure, function and metabolism in health disease
We develop non-invasive and radiation-free methods to assess the structure, function and metabolic processes in human health and disease. We use a wide range of conventional MRI scan methods to make quantitative measurements of anatomy, microstructure and tissue physiology, and have expertise in developing multinuclear MR methods for clinical research that can bring novel measurements to the study of disease processes and the effects of therapies.
Imaging lung ventilation properties by 19F-MRI of inhaled tracer gases
We are developing new methods to image lung ventilation properties, using 19F-MRI of MR-visible gases that can safely be inhaled. Our methods provide quantitative measures of regional lung function, and have potential to scale to use in clinical practice. The lung function measurement in current clinical use have limited or no information on how lung function varies across the lungs, and so early detection of disease processes or progression of disease can be difficult to detect. By producing 3D images of ventilation properties over the entire lung we can detect subtle, regional changes that are a precursor to more serious lung disease, or make earlier detection of improvements in lung function in response to therapy.
Our studies of patients with asthma and COPD have demonstrated the potential and capabilities of our methods, and current studies are testing the ability to make early and accurate detection of tissue rejection processes in lung transplant recipients, and adapt lung cancer radiotherapy planning to minimise side-effects on remaining lung after radiotherapy treatment.
our interdisciplinary research team brings together physicists, bioscientists, clinical scientists and clinicians to demonstrate the clinical utilities of these new lung imaging methods, and we work with healthcare and industrial partners to advance our technologies into use in routine clinical practice.
Improving understanding of lithium treatments for bipolar disorder
We are developing advanced scan methods to image the distribution of lithium in patients who take lithium carbonate as treatment for bipolar disorder. Our 7Li-MRI scans allow MR imaging of this pharmaceutical agent in its target organ, allowing direct but non-invasive measurement of how the concentration of lithium varies across the brain and over time. We have established a network of European sites with 7Li-MRI scan capabilities within the R-LiNK initiative, which aims to improve outcomes for patients with bipolar disorders and improve understanding of which factors determine whether a patient will respond well to lithium treatment.
Characterising the altered physiological processes of rare diseases
We design and apply bespoke measurements of tissue metabolic processes to better understand the pathophysiology of rare diseases, combining patient cohorts from rare disease registries with MRI scan methods tailored to functional changes involved in disease progression. We have performed natural history studies to characterise the progression of a range of muscular dystrophies, designed novel 23Na-MRI scan methods to characterise changes in muscle function in muscular dystrophy, and employed 31P- and 13C-MR scans to quantify change in tissue energetics and energy storage in mitochondrial and metabolic disease. These studies require an interplay of custom MR scanner hardware, advanced MR scan acquisition methods, strong engagement with rare disease patient cohorts, custom data analyses, and effective interdisciplinary teamwork to link the development and application of advanced imaging biomarkers with key clinical needs in the development of better understanding and treatment of rare diseases.
PhD supervision
My research team includes research students enrolled in the Faculty of Medical Science PhD programme
Masters-level teaching
I contribute to the NHS Modernising Scientific Careers Clinical Sciences MSc programmes :
- Module lead for "MPY8011: Imaging with non-ionising radiation 1" - Medical Physics MSc programme
- Module lead for "MPY8012: Imaging with non-ionising radiation 2" - Medical Physics MSc programme
- Lecturer for "MPY8001: Introduction to Medical Physics" - Medical Physics MSc programme
- Lecturer for "MPY8011: Imaging with non-ionising radiation 1" - Medical Physics MSc programme
- Lecturer for "MPY8012: Imaging with non-ionising radiation 2" - Medical Physics MSc programme
- Lecturer for "CRV8011: Respiratory and Sleep Science 1" - Respiratory and Sleep Science MSc programme
Undergraduate research teaching
I host research projects placements for Newcastle University Biomedical Sciences BSc students. Students join my team at the Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre for a 10 week full time MRI research project, with the aim of achieving valuable advancement in translational MR research with co-authorship in resultant publications.
Tutor to undergraduate students
I am personal tutor for the Biomedical Sciences BSc programme, providing pastoral support to undergraduate students.
- Little B, Flowers C, Blamire AM, Thelwall PE, Taylor JP, Gallagher P, Cousins DA, Wang Y. Multivariate brain-cognition associations in euthymic bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders 2024, 26(6), 604-616.
- Neal MA, Strawbridge R, Wing VC, Cousins DA, Thelwall PE. Human brain 7Li-MRI following low-dose lithium dietary supplementation in healthy participants. Journal of Affective Disorders 2024, 360, 139-145.
- Allison JR, Chary K, Ottley C, Vuong QC, German MJ, Durham J, Thelwall P. The effect of magnetic resonance imaging on mercury release from dental amalgam at 3T and 7T. Journal of Dentistry 2022, 127, 104322.
- Cooke F, Neal M, Wood MJ, de Vries IJM, Anderson AE, Diboll J, Pratt AG, Stanway J, Nicorescu I, Moyse N, Hiles D, Caulfield D, Dickinson AM, Blamire AM, Thelwall P, Isaacs JD, Hilkens CM. Fluorine labelling of therapeutic human tolerogenic dendritic cells for 19F-magnetic resonance imaging. Frontiers in Immunology 2022, 13(2022), 988667.
- Pippard BJ, Neal MA, Maunder AM, Hollingsworth KG, Biancardi A, Lawson RA, Fisher H, Matthews JNS, Simpson AJ, Wild JM, Thelwall PE. Reproducibility of 19F-MR ventilation imaging in healthy volunteers. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2021, 85(6), 3343-3352.
- Maunder A, Chan H-F, Hughes PJC, Collier G, Norquay G, Rodgers O, Thelwall P, Robb F, Rao M, Wild JM. MR properties of 19F C3F8 gas in the lungs of healthy volunteers: T2∗ and apparent diffusion coefficient at 1.5T and T2∗ at 3T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2021, 85(3), 1561-1570.
- Flouri D, Lesnic D, Chrysochou C, Parikh J, Thelwall P, Sheerin N, Kalra PA, Buckley DL, Sourbron SP. Motion correction of free-breathing magnetic resonance renography using model-driven registration. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 2021, 34, 805-822.
- Ramsbottom SA, Thelwall PE, Wood KM, Clowry GJ, Devlin LA, Silbermann F, Spiewak HL, Shril S, Molinari E, Hildebrandt F, Gunay-Aygun M, Saunier S, Cordell HJ, Sayer JA, Miles CG. Mouse genetics reveals Barttin as a genetic modifier of Joubert syndrome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2020, 117(2), 1113-1118.
- Neal MA, Pippard BJ, Simpson AJ, Thelwall PE. Dynamic susceptibility contrast 19F-MRI of inhaled perfluoropropane: a novel approach to combined pulmonary ventilation and perfusion imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2020, 83(2), 452-461.
- Necus J, Sinha N, Smith FE, Thelwall PE, Flowers CJ, Taylor PN, Blamire AM, Cousins DA, Wang Y. White matter microstructural properties in bipolar disorder in relationship to the spatial distribution of lithium in the brain. Journal of Affective Disorders 2019, 253, 224-231.
- Necus J, Smith FE, Thelwall PE, Flowers CJ, Sinha N, Taylor PN, Blamire AM, Wang Y, Cousins DA. Quantification of brain proton longitudinal relaxation (T1) in lithium‐treated and lithium‐naïve patients with bipolar disorder in comparison to healthy controls. Bipolar Disorders 2019, 23(1), 41-48.
- Scott J, Hidalgo-Mazzei D, Strawbridge R, Young A, Resche-Rigon M, Etain B, Andreassen OA, Bauer M, Bennabi D, Blamire AM, Boumezbeur F, Brambilla P, Cattane N, Chupin M, Coello K, Cointepas Y, Colom F, Cousins DA, Dubertret C, Duchesnay E, Ferro A, Garcia-Estela A, Goikolea J, Grigis A, Haffen E, Høegh MC, Jakobsen P, Kalman JL, Kessing L, Klohn-Saghatolislam F, Lagerberg TV, Landén M, Lewitzka U, Lutticke A, Mazer N, Mazzelli M, Mora C, Mullet T, Mur-Mila E, Oedegaard KJ, Oltedal L, Pålsson E, Papadopoulos Orfanos D, Papiol S, Perez-Sola V, Reif A, Ritter P, Rossi R, Schulze T, Senner F, Smith FE, Squarcina L, Steen NE, Thelwall PE, Varo C, Vieta E, Vinberg M, Wessa M, Westlye LT, Bellivier F. Prospective cohort study of early biosignatures of response to lithium in bipolar-I-disorders: overview of the H2020-funded R-LiNK initiative. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2019, 7, 20.
- Neal MA, Pippard BJ, Simpson AJ, Thelwall PE. Optimized and accelerated 19F‐MRI of inhaled perfluoropropane to assess regional pulmonary ventilation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2019, 82(4), 1301-1311.
- Smith FE, Thelwall PE, Necus J, Flowers CJ, Blamire AM, Cousins DA. 3D 7Li magnetic resonance imaging of brain lithium distribution in bipolar disorder. Molecular Psychiatry 2018, 23(11), 2184-2191.
- Fuchs C, Gonzalez J, Beelen M, Cermak N, Smith F, Thelwall PE, Taylor R, Trenell M, Stevenson E, van Loon L. Sucrose ingestion after exhaustive exercise accelerates liver, but not muscle glycogen repletion when compared to glucose ingestion in trained athletes. Journal of Applied Physiology 2016, 120(11), 1328-1334.
- Gonzalez JT, Fuchs CJ, Smith FE, Thelwall PE, Taylor R, Stevenson EJ, Trenell MI, Cermak NM, van Loon LJC. Ingestion of glucose or sucrose prevents liver but not muscle glycogen depletion during prolonged endurance-type exercise in trained cyclists. American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism 2015, 309(12), E1032-E1039.
- Macauley M, Hollingsworth KG, Smith FE, Thelwall PE, Al-Mrabeh A, Schweizer A, Foley JE, Taylor R. Effect of Vildagliptin on Hepatic Steatosis. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2015, 100(4), 1578-1585.
- Macauley M, Smith FE, Thelwall PE, Hollingsworth KG, Taylor R. Diurnal variation in skeletal muscle and liver glycogen in humans with normal health and Type 2 diabetes. Clinical Science 2015, 128(10), 707-713.
- Macauley M, Percival K, Thelwall PE, Hollingsworth KG, Taylor R. Altered Volume, Morphology and Composition of the Pancreas in Type 2 Diabetes. PLOS One 2015, 10(5), e0126825.
- Skamarauskas JT, Oakley F, Smith FE, Bawn C, Dunn M, Vidler DS, Clemence M, Blain PG, Taylor R, Gamcsik MP, Thelwall PE. Non-invasive in vivo magnetic resonance measures of glutathione synthesis in human and rat liver as an oxidative stress biomarker. Hepatology 2014, 59(6), 2321-2330.
- Hynes AM, Giles RH, Srivastava S, Eley L, Whitehead J, Danilenko M, Raman S, Slaats GG, Colville JG, Ajzenberg H, Kroes HY, Thelwall PE, Simmons NL, Miles CG, Sayer JA. Murine Joubert syndrome reveals Hedgehog signaling defects as a potential therapeutic target for nephronophthisis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2014, 111(27), 9893-9898.
- Hodson K, Man CD, Smith FE, Thelwall PE, Cobelli C, Robson SC, Taylor R. Mechanism of Insulin Resistance in Normal Pregnancy. HORMONE AND METABOLIC RESEARCH 2013, 45(8), 567-571.
- Detko E, O'Hara JP, Thelwall PE, Smith FE, Jakovljevic DG, King RFGJ, Trenell MI. Liver and muscle glycogen repletion using C-13 magnetic resonance spectroscopy following ingestion of maltodextrin, galactose, protein and amino acids. British Journal of Nutrition 2013, 110(5), 848-855.
- Detko E, OHara JP, Thelwall PE, Smith FE, Jakovljevic DG, King RF, Trenell MI. Liver and muscle glycogen repletion using 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy following ingestion of maltodextrin, galactose, protein and amino acids. British Journal of Nutrition 2013, 110(5), 848-855.
- Thelwall PE, Smith FE, Leavitt MC, Canty D, Hu W, Hollingsworth KG, Thoma C, Trenell MI, Taylor R, Rutkowski JV, Blamire AM, Quinn AG. Hepatic Cholesteryl Ester Accumulation in Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency: Non-Invasive Identification and Treatment Monitoring by Magnetic Resonance. Journal of Hepatology 2013, 59(3), 543-549.
- Thelwall PE, Simpson NE, Rabbani ZN, Clark MD, Pourdeyhimi R, Macdonald JM, Blackband SJ, Gamcsik MP. In vivo MR studies of glycine and glutathione metabolism in a rat mammary tumor. NMR in Biomedicine 2012, 25(2), 271-278.
- Smith FE, Cousins DA, Thelwall P, Ferrier IN, Blamire AM. Quantitative lithium magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the normal human brain on a 3 T clinical scanner. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2011, 66(4), 945-949.
- Gamcsik M, Clark MD, Ludeman SM, Springer JB, D'Alessandro MA, Simpson NE, Pourdeyhimi R, Johnson CB, Teeter SD, Blackband SJ, Thelwall PE. Non-invasive Monitoring of L-2-Oxothiazolidine-4-Carboxylate Metabolism in the Rat Brain by In vivo C-13 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Neurochemical Research 2011, 36(3), 443-451.
- Thelwall PE, Taylor R, Marshall SM. Non-invasive Investigation of Kidney Disease in Type 1 Diabetes by Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Diabetologia 2011, 54(9), 2421-2429.
- Lim EL, Hollingsworth KG, Smith F, Thelwall P, Taylor R. Inhibition of lipolysis in type 2 diabetes normalizes glucose disposal without change in muscle glycogen synthesis rates. Clinical Science 2011, 121(4), 169-177.
- Lim EL, Hollingsworth KG, Smith FE, Thelwall PE, Taylor R. Effects of raising muscle glycogen synthesis rate on skeletal muscle ATP turnover rate in type 2 diabetes. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism 2011, 301(6), E1155.
- Lim EL, Hollingsworth KG, Thelwall PE, Taylor R. Measuring the acute effect of insulin infusion on ATP turnover rate in human skeletal muscle using phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance saturation transfer spectroscopy. NMR in Biomedicine 2010, 23(8), 952-957.
- Shepherd TM, Flint JJ, Thelwall PE, Stanisz GJ, Mareci TH, Yachnis AT, Blackband SJ. Postmortem interval alters the water relaxation and diffusion properties of rat nervous tissue - Implications for MRI studies of human autopsy samples. NeuroImage 2009, 44(3), 820-826.
- Hollingsworth KG, Jones DE, Aribisala BS, Thelwall PE, Taylor R, Newton JL, Blamire AM. Globus pallidus magnetisation transfer ratio, T1 and T2 in primary biliary cirrhosis: relationship with disease stage and age. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2009, 29(4), 780-784.
- Stevenson EJ, Thelwall PE, Thomas K, Smith F, Brand-Miller JC, Trenell MI. Dietary glycemic index influences lipid oxidation but not muscle or liver glycogen oxidation during exercise. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism 2009, 296(5), E1140-1147.
- Shepherd TM, Thelwall PE, Stanisz GJ, Blackband SJ. Aldehyde fixative solutions alter the water relaxation and diffusion properties of nervous tissue. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2009, 62(1), 26-34.
- Garrood P, Hollingsworth K, Thelwall P, Birchall D, Eagle M, Bushby K, Straub V. MRI in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Quantification of fat infiltration and gadolinium uptake using whole-muscle regions of interest. Neuromuscular Disorders 2007, 17(9-10), 816-817.
- Thelwall PE. Detection of 17O-tagged phosphate by 31P MRS: A method with potential for in vivo studies of phosphorus metabolism. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2007, 57(6), 1168-1172.
- Ozarslan E, Basser PJ, Shepherd TM, Thelwall PE, Vemuri BC, Blackband SJ. Observation of anomalous diffusion in excised tissue by characterizing the diffusion-time dependence of the MR signal. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 2006, 183(2), 315-323.
- Thelwall PE, Shepherd TM, Stanisz GJ, Blackband SJ. Effects of temperature and aldehyde fixation on tissue water diffusion properties, studied in an erythrocyte ghost tissue model. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2006, 56(2), 282-289.
- Thelwall PE, Yemin AY, Gillian TL, Simpson NE, Kasibhatla MS, Rabbani ZN, MacDonald JM, Blackband SJ, Gamcsik MP. Noninvasive In vivo Detection of Glutathione Metabolism in Tumors. Cancer Research 2005, 65(22), 10149-10153.
- Shepherd TM, Wirth ED, Thelwall PE, Chen HX, Roper SN, Blackband SJ. Water Diffusion Measurements in Perfused Human Hippocampal Slices Undergoing Tonicity Changes. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2003, 49(5), 856-863.
- Shepherd TM, Thelwall PE, Blackband SJ, Pike BR, Hayes RL, Wirth ED III. Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging study of a rat hippocampal slice model for acute brain injury. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 2003, 23(12), 1461-1470.
- Thelwall PE, Grant SC, Stanisz GJ, Blackband SJ. Human Erythrocyte Ghosts: Exploring the Origins of Multiexponential Water Diffusion in a Model Biological Tissue With Magnetic Resonance. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2002, 48(4), 649-657.
- Beck B, Plant DH, Grant SC, Thelwall PE, Silver X, Mareci TH, Benveniste H, Smith M, Collins C, Crozier S, Blackband SJ. Progress in high field MRI at the University of Florida. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 2001, 13(3), 152-157.
- Thelwall PE, Neves AA, Brindle KM. Measurement of bioreactor perfusion using dynamic contrast agent-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2001, 75(6), 682-690.
- Thelwall PE, Brindle KM. Analysis of CHO-K1 cell growth in a fixed bed bioreactor using magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging. Cytotechnology 1999, 30(1/3), 121-132.
- Beauregard DA, Thelwall PE, Chaplin DJ, Hill SA, Adams GE, Brindle KM. Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy of combretastatin A4 prodrug-induced disruption of tumour perfusion and energetic status. British Journal of Cancer 1998, 77(11), 1761-7.