NuCore members
Dr Philip Manning
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 8520
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- Address: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies
Translational & Clinical Research Institute
Level 1, William Leech Building
Medical School
Newcastle University
My research is based on the development and application of novel sensor technologies to address unmet clinical need. I have significant involvement in projects that integrate optical and amperometric sensor technologies with cell and tissue-based models of disease processes. The objective of this work is to gain a greater understanding of the pathophysiology associated with disease pathways and subsequently devise effective intervention strategies.
Research areas include:
a) The development of novel optically-based sensor technology to enhance intraoperative surgical precision during cancer surgery.
b) The targeted use of Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles (CPN) as a site selective tumour therapy.
c) The development of new drug screening platforms using hepatocytes derived from pancreatic progenitor cells.
This work is undertaken in partnership with academic and clinical colleagues and it is focus on translational impact. Industrial partnerships such as Stream Bio – (Sedgefield, UK), Sagitto – (Hamilton, New Zealand) and Cassinian Software – (Arizona, USA) continue to support the development of this research and will be vital in the eventual commercialisation of this technology.
I am a member of the Newcastle Molecular Pathology Node management board. A key tenet of the Node is to drive advances in molecular pathology by closely collaborating with partners in academia, the NHS and industry.
I lead the Node’s Biomedical Engineering strand. Work is focussed on combining innovative sensor developments with advances in molecular photonics to enable the real-time, intraoperative detection of tumour margins during cancer surgery. This work aims to improve surgical accuracy and maximise the chances of a successful outcome for the patient without the need for adjuvant therapies.
I work within the Stratified Medicine, Biomarkers and Therapeutics strand of the Institute of Cellular Medicine. I am also a member of the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies (DTT) research group.
Selected Research Funding
- EPSRC/MRC: ‘Molecular Pathology Node’. Funding Awarded £3.4M – (Co Investigator) 2015-2019
- EPSRC Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration (IRC): ‘Early-Warning Sensing Systems for Infectious Diseases.’ Funding awarded £11.1M - (Co-Investigator) 2013-2018
- European Commission (Framework 7): ‘ICT-Enabled, Cellular Artificial Liver System Incorporating Personalised Patient Management and Support’ Funding Awarded €10.9 Million - (Co-Investigator) 2011-2015
- EPSRC Nano Grand Challenge in Healthcare: ‘Detecting infectious organisms: A concerted approach using genomics, molecular engineering and nano-enabled bio-MEMS technologies (AptaMEMS-ID)’ Funding Awarded £1.82 Million – (Co-Investigator) 2009-2012
- European Commission (Framework 7): ‘Coeliac Disease Management, Monitoring and Diagnosis using Biosensors and an Integrated Chip System (CD-MEDICS). Funding awarded €10Million over 48 months – (Co-Investigator) 2008-2012
My teaching commitments relate to the Medical Biotechnology module of the Biomedical Sciences degree programme. Lecture material covers fundamental concepts associated with the design and development of biosensors. There is also a strong translational focus with particular emphasis on the development of sensor technology to address currently unmet clinical need.
- Tomas C, Brown A, Strassheim V, Elson J, Newton J, Manning P. Cellular bioenergetics is impaired in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. PLoS ONE 2017, 12(10), e0186802.
- Rutherford G, Manning P, Newton JL. Understanding Muscle Dysfunction in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Journal of Aging Research 2016, 2016, 2497348.
- Anderson A, Bowman A, Boulton SJ, Manning P, Birch-Machin MA. A role for human mitochondrial complex II in the production of reactive oxygen species in human skin. Redox Biology 2014, 2, 1016-1022.
- Boulton SJ, Keane PC, Morris CM, McNeil CJ, Manning P. Real-time monitoring of superoxide generation and cytotoxicity in neuroblastoma mitochondria induced by 1-trichloromethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carboline. Redox Report 2012, 17(3), 108-114.
- Boulton S, Anderson A, Swalwell H, Henderson JR, Manning P, Birch-Machin MA. Implications of using the fluorescent probes, dihydrorhodamine 123 and 2 ',7 '-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate, for the detection of UVA-induced reactive oxygen species. Free Radical Research 2011, 45(2), 115-122.
- Manning P, McNeil CJ. Electrochemical and optical sensing of reactive oxygen species: pathway to an integrated intracellular and extracellular measurement platform. Biochemical Society Transactions 2011, 39, 1288-1292.
- Henderson JR, Fulton DA, McNeil CJ, Manning P. The development and in vitro characterisation of an intracellular nanosensor responsive to reactive oxygen species. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2009, 24(12), 3608-3614.
- Henderson JR, Swalwell H, Boulton S, Manning P, McNeil CJ, Birch-Machin MA. Direct, real-time monitoring of superoxide generation in isolated mitochondria. Free Radical Research 2009, 43(9), 796-802.
- Anderson AM, Aitken G, Oyewole A, Swalwell H, Henderson J, Manning P, Birch-Machin MA. To determine the relative roles of the different mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes in the production of oxidative stress in human skin. British Journal of Dermatology 2009, 160(4), 924 P29.
- Birch-Machin M, Henderson J, Oyewole A, Anderson A, Boulton SJ, Manning P, Birket M, McNeil C, Swalwell H. The use of nanosensors and mitochondrial DNA to investigate oxidative stress and aging in human skin. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2009, 129, S36-S36.
- McNeil CJ, Manning P. Sensor-based measurements of the role and interactions of free radicals in cellular systems. Reviews in Molecular Biotechnology 2002, 82(4), 443-455.
- Cookson MR, Menzies FM, Manning P, Eggett CJ, Figlewicz DA, McNeil CJ, Shaw PJ. Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) mutations associated with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) affect cellular free radical release in the presence of oxidative stress. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Disorders 2002, 3(2), 75-85.
- Williams RE, Cookson MR, Fray AE, Manning PM, Menzies FM, Figlewicz DA, Shaw PJ. Cultured glial cells are resistant to the effects of motor neurone disease-associated SOD1 mutations. Neuroscience Letters 2001, 302(2-3), 146-150.
- Manning P, Cookson MR, McNeil CJ, Figlewicz D, Shaw PJ. Superoxide-induced nitric oxide release from cultured glial cells. Brain Research 2001, 911(2), 203-210.
- Manning P, Cookson MR, Eggett CJ, Hunter AJ, Reed SJ, Shaw PJ, McNeil CJ. Real-time bioelectrochemical investigation of brain injury and neurodegeneration. 2000.
- Manning P, Cookson MR, Eggett CJ, Tolias CM, Read SJ, Hunter AJ, Tsatmali M, Thody AJ, Hillhouse EW, Shaw PJ, Mcneil CJ. Real-time measurement of free radical production using specific electrochemical sensors: New insight into the consequences of O2/- and NO flux. Analusis 2000, 28(6), 493-505.
- Eggett CJ, Crosier S, Manning P, Cookson MR, Menzies FM, McNeil CJ, Shaw PJ. Development and characterisation of a glutamate-sensitive motor neurone cell line. Journal of Neurochemistry 2000, 74(5), 1895-1902.
- Tsatmali M, Graham A, Szatkowski D, Ancans J, Manning P, McNeil CJ, Graham AM, Thody AJ. α-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone modulates nitric oxide production in melanocytes. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2000, 114(3), 520-526.
- Tsatmali M, Manning P, McNeil CJ, Thody AJ. alpha-MSH inhibits lipopolysaccharide induced nitric oxide production in B16 mouse melanoma cells. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1999, 885(1), 474-476.
- Read SJ, Manning P, McNeil CJ, Hunter AJ, Parsons AA. Effects of sumatriptan on nitric oxide and superoxide balance during glyceryl trinitrate infusion in the rat. Implications for antimigraine mechanisms. Brain Research 1999, 847(1), 1-8.
- P. Manning, C.J. McNeil, J.M. Cooper, and E.W. Hillhouse. Direct, real-time sensing of free radical production by activated human glioblastoma cells. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 1998, 24, 1304-1309.
- K. Tammeveski, T.T. Tenno, A.A. Mashirin, E.W. Hillhouse, P. Manning, and C.J. McNeil. O2¯ electrode based on the covalent immobilisation of covalently immobilised cytochrome c: Modelling studies. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 1998, 25, 973-978.
- P. Valverde, P. Manning, C.J. McNeil, and A.J. Thody. Activation of tyrosinase reduces the cytotoxic effects of the O2¯ anion in B16 mouse melanoma cells. Pigment Cell Research 1996, 9, 77-84.
- H.K. Datta, H. Rathod, P. Manning, and C.J. McNeil. Parathyroid hormone induces O2¯ anion burst in the osteoclast: evidence for the direct instantaneous activation of the osteoclast by the hormone. Journal of Endocrinology 1996, 149, 269-275.
- P. Valverde, P. Manning, C. Todd, C.J. McNeil and AJ Thody. Tyrosinase may protect human melanocytes from the cytotoxic effects of the O2¯ anion. Experimental Dermatology 1996, 5, 247-253.
- H.K. Datta, P. Manning, H. Rathod, and C.J. McNeil. Effect of calcitonin, elevated calcium and extracellular matrices on superoxide anion production by rat osteoclasts. Experimental Physiology 1995, 80, 713-719.
- P. Manning, D. Athey and C.J. McNeil. Homogeneous amperometric immunoassay for digoxin. Analytical Letters 1994, 27, 2443-2453.
- Dixon RV, Skaria E, Lau WM, Manning P, Birch-Machin MA, Moghimi SM, Ng KW. Microneedle-based devices for point-of-care infectious disease diagnostics. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 2021, 11(8), 2344-2361.
- Jorat ME, Goddard MA, Manning P, Kwan Lau H, Ngeow S, Sohi SP, Manning DAC. Passive CO2 removal in urban soils: Evidence from brownfield sites. Science of The Total Environment 2019, 703, 135573.