NuCore members
Professor Rishad Shafik
Professor of Microelectronic Systems
- Personal Website:
- Address: Room 4.070, Stephenson Blg
School of Engineering
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Rishad Shafik is a Professor in Microelectronic Systems within the Microsystems Research Group and the Director of the new Microsystems AI (MAI) Lab. He received PhD and MSc (with distinction) degrees from the University of Southampton in 2010 and 2005, and BSc in Electronic Engineering degree (with distinction) from the IUT, Bangladesh in 2001. He is an editor of the Springer USA published book - "Energy-efficient Fault-Tolerant Systems" and author/co-author of more than 200 research articles published in leading conferences and journals. Seven of the articles he co-authored were nominated for best paper awards, four of which won the best paper/poster awards. He is also a visiting researcher at CAIR, a Member of IET and a Senior Member of IEEE. He recently co-founded Literal Labs.
2010: PhD in Electronic Engineering, University of Southampton, UK.
2005: MSc in Wireless Communication Systems, University of Southampton, UK.
2001: BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, IUT, Bangladesh.
2024-to-date: Professor of Microelectronic Systems, Newcastle University, UK.
2023-to-date: Co-founder and CSO, Literal Labs, UK.
2022-to-2024: Reader, Newcastle University, UK.
2020-2022: Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University, UK.
2015-2020: Lecturer, Newcastle University, UK and PRiME visiting research fellow (, University of Southampton, UK.
2013-2015: Senior Research Fellow, University of Southampton, UK [EPSRC PRiME project:].
2007-2014: Part-time Lecturer, University of Southampton, UK.
2011-2013: Research Fellow, University of Bristol, UK [ERC DeSyRe project:].
2010-2011: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, University of Southampton, UK.
2006-2010: Postgraduate Researcher, University of Southampton, UK.
2002-2006: Lecturer/Assistant Professor, IUT, Bangladesh.
Associate Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK.
Senior Member of IEEE
Member of IET and ACM
Research Interests
Professor Shafik is generally interested in hardware/software co-design applied in energy-efficient and reliable machine learning systems. His recent research interests include the following areas:
A. New AI Hardware Architectures: Hardware systems, architectures and programming models of logic driven AI development inspired by Learning Automata (Tsetlin Machine).
B. Energy-efficient and Reliable Design and Automation: using hardware/software co-design and co-optimisation; machine learning and low-level design automation principles - design energy-efficient and reliable systems.
C. Approximate Computing: using variable exponent arithmetic and adaptive programming models in emerging signal processing systems as well as neural network architectures.
Details of his research can be found here and the list of his publications (Google Scholar) can be found here.
Research Grants
2024 - WP Leader and CoI: KNOT: Resource-aware Knowledge Transfer Methods for Machine Learning Hardware in At-the-Edge Applications, £911k EPSRC Standard Mode Grant.
2024 - Newcastle PI: MARGE- Mignon Automated Hardware Generation for Embedded Machine Learning Applications, £511k Innovate UK LaunchPad Grant, with Mignon and PragmatIC.
2024 - Pillar 5 Lead: AI for productive research and Innovation in eLectronics (APRIL) hub (PI: Themis Prodromakis, Edniburgh), £12m FEC EPSRC Hub.
2023 - Newcastle PI (WP Leader): SecureIoTM: Ultra-low-energy IoT Intrusion Detection Systems using Logic-based Tsetlin Machines, funded by the Research Council of Norway (PI: Ole-Christoffer Granmo and Per-Arne Anderson), £1.13m.
2023 - Co-I and WP Leader: ESTEEM Exploiting the dynamics of self-timed machine learning hardware, EPSRC Standard Mode Grant, £837k.
2023 - Newcastle PI: Mignon Ultra-Low-Power Edge AI Semiconductor Chip, Innovate UK Grant (£150k total with Mignon; £50k for Newcastle).
2023 - Newcastle PI: SONNETS: Scalability Oriented Novel Network of Event Triggered Systems, EPSRC Programme Grant, £6.5m.
2023 - Co-I: Graph-2-Wave: from graphical modelling to wave-matter-based computing: Leverhulme Research Grant, £331k.
2023 - Co-I: MyoSock - Measuring muscle health in healthy ageing: EPSRC grant, £100k.
2023 - PI: Stephenson AI Lab Digital Core Capability: Equipment grant, £170k.
2022 - Co-PI: CaReLearner: Causal Reasoning with Logical Interpretable Learning, NRC Grant, led by Professor Ole-Christoffer Granmo CAIR (Uni. Agder, Norway), £1.05m.
2022 - PI: Tooling Support for Interpretable AI Systems, EPSRC Strategic Impact, £40k.
2022 - PI: Wearable Low-Power AI Application Design, Northern Accelerator, £50k.
2021 - PI: Whisperable v2.0, EPSRC IAA, £60k.
2021 - PI: 4-year iCASE PhD Studentship Award co-funded by EPSRC and Industry, ~£120k.
2020 - Co-PI: ISCF Healthy Ageing Catalyst Awards, led by Dr Annette Pantall, Faculty of Medical Sciences, £50k.
2020 - Co-PI: AIEverywhere, NRC Grant, led by Professor Ole-Christoffer Granmo CAIR (Uni. Agder, Norway), 4.5 million NOK (£1.22m).
2020 - PI: ROMA: Runtime Optimization of Multi-Application Workloads for Energy Efficiency, Industrial Grant, £195k.
2020 - PI: Whisperable, EPSRC IAA, £70k.
2020 - Co-I: Zero-Power Smart Water Meter, Pitch-In Project led by Dr Domenico Balsamo, £65k.
2019 - PI: iCure NXNW Project on "AI Hardware @TheEdge" (£35k).
2019 - PI: Nokia Bell Labs Distinguished Academic Partnership Project on "Energy-Autonomous Pervasive AI Hardware" (£44k).
2019 - Co-I and Steering Member: EPSRC eFutures (total £250k).
2019 - Co-PI: IAA Event-driven AI Hardware Design (total £80k).
2019 - PI: IAA Runtime Performance, Energy and Reliability Models for Many-Core Systems (total £55k).
2019 - PI: Lloyds Register Foundation ICON funding, matched by School of Engineering, Newcastle University, UK (total £100k).
2019 - PI and Co-PI: 2x EPSRC DTP Projects on Power-infused Hardware Design and Hardware/Software Co-Sandboxing (total £160k).
2018 - Co-PI: eFutures Sandpit funding (w/ Dr S. Khursheed, Liverpool and D. Rossi, Herfordshire) for nine months (total £9k).
2017 - PI: Royal Society International Exchange Award (w/ Prof Nooshabadi from MichiganTech) for two years (total £11k).
2016 - PI: Competitive Faculty Doctoral Training Award (topped up by School funding) for PhD students (total £120k).
2013- Named Researcher Co-I: Power-efficient and Reliable Many-Core Systems, EPSRC Programme Grant (total £5.6m).
Major Awards/Fellowships
2022 - Best paper (First Runner Up) award at ISTM’22 for “An Alternate Feedback Mechanism for Tsetlin Machines on Parallel Architectures”
2020 - Best paper award at BCS SGAI’20 for “A Novel Multi-Step Finite-State Automaton for Arbitrarily Deterministic Tsetlin Machine Learning”
2020 - Best poster award at ICECS'20, "From Arithmetic to Logic Based AI: a Comparative Analysis of Neural Networks and Tsetlin Machine"
2015 - Best paper nomination at DATE’15 for “Multinomial logistic regression-based workload noise classification and adaptive frequency scaling for energy minimization of embedded systems”
2014 - Outstanding Staff Achievement Award, University of Southampton
2011 - Outstanding Staff Achievement Award, University of Southampton
2006-2010 EPSRC Doctoral Training Fellowship for PhD at University of Southampton (UK)
2006-2009 Mountbatten Scholarship for PhD at University of Southampton (UK)
2004-2005 Commonwealth Fellowship for M.Sc. at University of Southampton (UK)
2004 - Monbukagakusho Scholarship at Hiroshima University [did not continue due to personal reasons]
2004 - Japan Development Scholarship at Waseda University [did not avail due to personal reasons]
2004 - IPRS fellowship, Sydney University, Australia (did not avail due to personal reasons)
1997-2000 - OIC Merit Scholarship for BSc Engg at IUT, Bangladesh.
Professional Services
2023 General Chair, IEEE Computer Society International Symposium on the Tsetlin Machine (ISTM).
2022 External Examiner, Information Engineering, Imperial College London.
2022 TPC, IEEE/ACM Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE).
2022 TPC, IEEE/ACM Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK).
2022 General Chair, IEEE Computer Society International Symposium on the Tsetlin Machine (ISTM).
2022 Track Chair, IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI).
2021 Track Chair, IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI).
2021 TPC Member and Session Chair, Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2021.
2020 Track Chair, IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI).
2020 General Chair, UK Circuits and Systems (UKCAS), 2020.
2019 TPC Member and Session Co-Chair, Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2019.
2019 TPC Member, Design for Fault Tolerant Systems, IEEE DFT, 2019.
2018 Proceedings Editor, Design for Fault Tolerant Systems, IEEE DFT, 2018.
2018 Publication Chair, Design for Fault Tolerant Systems, IEEE DFT, 2018.
2017 General Chair, Design for Fault Tolerant Systems, IEEE DFT, 2017.
2016 Associate College Member, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
2016 EPSRC College Member, UK.
2016 Publicity Chair, European Workshop on Microelectronic Education, 2016.
2014-15 TPC Member, IEEE/ACM Asian Test Symposium (ATS).
2014- Panel Chair, DATE W3: Workshop of 3D Integration and Design.
2014- TPC Member, IEEE/ACM European Test Symposium (ETS).
2012 Publication Chair and TPC Member, International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED).
2012- TPC Member, International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration and Design (VLSI), India.
2012- Track Chair, International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC’12) and International Conference Eco-friendly Computing and Communication Systems (ICECCS’12).
2012 Guest Editor, Special Section from ISED in IET Proceedings on Computers and Digital Techniques.
2011 International Advisory Committee Member and TPC Member, International Conference on Computer Applications (ICCA), 2012.
2010-11 TPC Member, ACS/IEEE Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2011.
2009- TPC Member and expert reviewer of DAC, DATE, CODES ISSS and ISVLSI2008- Expert reviewer of IEEE TC, TII, TCAS, TBIOCAS, JESTEC, TCAD, TM, TR, ESL and ACM TECS, TODAES and IET CDT2009- John Wiley and Sons Book Proposal Reviewer2007- TPC Member, IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS’07)
2008- TPC Member and Reviewer, European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2008), Switzerland.
2007-08 Secretary, IEEE Student Branch, University of Southampton, UK.
Invited Talks and Presentations
Shafik, R. (2022) Special Session Talk on "Challenges and Opportunities in HW AI Design using the Tsetlin Machine", International Symposium on the Testlin Machine (ISTM), 2022.
Shafik, R. (2021) Keynote on "Challenges and Opportunities in Logic based AI Systems Design", 10th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2021.
Shafik, R. (2021) Keynote on "Pervasive AI Systems Design", ICCTSAI Qatar, 2021.
Shafik, R. (2020) Research Overview of Microsystems Group, Arm Cambridge, 2020.
Shafik, R. (2019) Research Overview of Microsystems Group, Nokia Bell Labs Cambridge, 2019.
Shafik, R. (2018) The Age of Real-Power Computing, Royal Society Interchange, MichiganTech, 2018.
Shafik, R. (2017) Real-Power Computing, ARM Research Summit, Cambridge, 2017.
Shafik, R. (2017) Adaptive Approximate Computing, UK Design Forum, Manchester, 2017.
Shafik, R. A. (2016) Approximate Computing for Big Data Applications, ARM Technical Summit, September, 2016.
Shafik, R. A. (2016) Adaptive Approximate Computing for Big Data Applications, Edinburgh University, UK.
Shafik, R. A. (2016) To be significant or not to be significant, Ulster University, UK.
Shafik, R. A. (2016) Adapt or Perish: Significance-driven Adaptive Approximate Computing, UKDF, Manchester, UK.
Shafik, R. A. (2015) Challenges and Opportunities in Many-Core Runtime Management, VDAT Conference (VLSI-VDAT), India.
Shafik, R. A. (2014) Distributed Runtime Management for Many-Core Systems, CASA workshop (ESWEEK), India.
Shafik, R. A. (2014) Reinforcement Learning-based Runtime Management for Many-Core Systems, National Microelectronics Institute, UK.
Shafik, R. A. (2013) Runtime Management of Energy-efficient and Reliable Many-Core Systems, EACO workshop Uni. of Bristol, UK
Shafik, R. A. (2011) Research Trends in Low Power and Reliable Design of Embedded Computing Systems, IUT, Bangladesh.
Shafik, R. A. (2006) OFDM-MIMO: Next Generation Frontier Technologies and Research Trends in Wireless Communications, BRAC University, Bangladesh.
Shafik, R. A. (2006) Next Generation Communication Techniques, IEEESB Seminar, Islamic University of Technology (IUT-OIC), Bangladesh.
Shafik, R. A. (2006) Simulations and Analyses of Personal Multimedia Systems, University of Southampton, United Kingdom.
More information
Further information can be found on
Semester 2 (Stage 3): EEE3027 - Integrated Circuits and Embedded Systems
In this Stage 3 BEng/MEng course, I teach the use of hardware/software co-design and the principles of concurrency in embedded systems. The module is co-taught by Dr Fei Xia and Professor Alex Yakovlev.
EEE8161: Machine Learning for Engineering Applications
In this MSc course (led by Dr Kabita Adhikari), I introduced theory and practice of several well known machine learning principles, such as decision trees, random forests, k-nearest neighbour classifiers, support vector machines and neural networks. I also introduce Tsetlin Machine as an emerging machine learning principle applied in energy-efficient and discernible systems.
- Maheshwari S, Rahman T, Shafik R, Yakovlev A, Rafiev A, Jiao L, Granmo O. REDRESS: Generating Compressed Models for Edge Inference Using Tsetlin Machines. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2023, 45(9), 11152-11168.
- Tunheim SA, Jiao L, Shafik R, Yakovlev A, Granmo O-C. Convolutional Tsetlin Machine-based Training and Inference Accelerator for 2-D Pattern Classification. Microprocessors and Microsystems 2023, 103, 104949.
- Yu S, Xia F, Shafik R, Balsamo D, Yakovlev A. Approximate digital-in analog-out multiplier with asymmetric nonvolatility and low energy consumption. Integration 2023, 93, 102045.
- Mileiko S, Cetinkaya O, Mackie D, Shafik R, Balsamo D. A TEG-based Non-intrusive Ultrasonic System for Autonomous Water Flow Rate Measurement. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 2023, 8(3), 363-374.
- Abeyrathna KD, Granmo O-C, Shafik R, Jiao L, Wheeldon A, Yakovlev A, Lei J, Goodwin M. A multi-step finite-state automaton for arbitrarily deterministic Tsetlin Machine learning. Expert Systems 2023, 40(4), e12836.
- Rahman T, Shafik R, Granmo O-C, Yakovlev A. Resilient Biomedical Systems Design Under Noise Using Logic-Based Machine Learning. Frontiers in Control Engineering 2022, 2, 778118.
- Yu S, Bunnam T, Triamlumlerd S, Pracha M, Xia F, Shafik R, Yakovlev A. Energy-efficient neural network design using memristive MAC unit. Frontiers in Electronics 2022, 3, 877629.
- Gudur VY, Maheshwari S, Acharyya A, Shafik R. An FPGA Based Energy-Efficient Read Mapper With Parallel Filtering and In-Situ Verification. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 2022, 19(5), 2697-2711.
- Lei J, Rahman T, Shafik R, Wheeldon A, Yakovlev A, Granmo O-C, Kawsar F, Mathur A. Low-Power Audio Keyword Spotting Using Tsetlin Machines. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications 2021, 11(2), 18.
- Maheshwari S, Gudur VY, Shafik R, Wilson I, Yakovlev A, Acharyya A. CORAL: Verification-aware OpenCL based Read Mapper for Heterogeneous Systems. IEEE/ACM Transactions On Computational Biology And Bioinformatics 2021, 18(4), 1426-1438.
- Al-hayanni MAN, Rafiev A, Xia F, Shafik R, Romanovsky A, Yakovlev A. PARMA: Parallelization-Aware Run-time Management for Energy-Efficient Many-Core Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computers 2020, 69(10), 1507-1518.
- Mileiko S, Bunnam T, Xia F, Shafik R, Yakovlev A, Das S. Neural network design for energy-autonomous artificial intelligence applications using temporal encoding. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 2020, 378(2164), 20190166.
- Aalsaud A, Xia F, Rafiev A, Shafik R, Romanovsky A, Yakovlev A. Low-complexity run-time management of concurrent workloads for energy-efficient multi-core systems. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications 2020, 10(3), 25.
- Wheeldon A, Shafik R, Rahman T, Lei J, Yakovlev A, Granmo OC. Learning Automata based Energy-efficient AI Hardware Design for IoT Applications. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 2020, 378(2182), 20190593.
- Shafik R, Yakovlev A. Harmonizing energy-autonomous computing and intelligence: an editorial introduction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 2020, 378(2164), 20190594.
- Al-Hayanni MAN, Xia F, Rafiev R, Romanovsky A, Shafik R, Yakovlev A. Amdahl’s law in the context of heterogeneous many-core systems – a survey. IET Computers & Digital Techniques 2020, 14(4), 133-148.
- Rafiev A, Al-Hayanni MAN, Xia F, Shafik R, Romanovsky A, Yakovlev A. Speedup and Power Scaling Models for Heterogeneous Many-Core Systems. IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems 2018, 4(3), 436-449.
- Qiqieh I, Shafik R, Tarawneh G, Sokolov D, Das S, Yakovlev A. Significance-Driven Logic Compression for Energy-Efficient Multiplier Design. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 2018, 8(3), 417-430.
- Shafik R, Yakovlev A, Das S. Real-Power Computing. IEEE Transactions on Computers 2018, 67(10), 1445-1461.
- Xia F, Rafiev A, Aalsaud A, Al-Hayanni M, Davis J, Levine J, Mokhov A, Romanovsky A, Shafik R, Yakovlev A, Yang S. Voltage, Throughput, Power, Reliability and Multicore Scaling. IEEE Computer Magazine 2017, 50(8), 34-45.
- Li G, Mathew J, Shafik RA, Pradhan DK. Multinomial based memristor modelling methodology for simulations and analysis. International Journal of Electronics Letters 2015, 3, 1-12.
- Gang L, Mathew J, Shafik RA, Pradhan DK, Ottavi M, Pontarelli S. Lifetime Reliability Analysis of Complementary Resistive Switches under Threshold and Doping Interface Speed Variations. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 2015, 14(1), 130-139.
- Shafik RA, Yang S, Das A, Merrett GV, Al-Hashimi BM. Learning transfer-based adaptive energy minimization in embedded systems. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 2015, 35(6), 877-890.
- Shafik RA, Mathew J, Pradhan DK. A Low-Cost Unified Design Methodology for Secure Test and Intellectual Property Core Protection. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 2015, 64(4), 1243-1253.
- Yang Y, Mathew J, Shafik RA, Pradhan DK. Verilog-A based effective complementary resistive switch model for simulations and analysis. IEEE Embedded Systems Letters 2013, 6(1), 12-15.
- Sourdis I, Strydis C, Armato A, Bouganis CS, Falsafi B, Gaydadjiev G, Isaza S, Malek A, Mariani R, Pnevmatikatos DN, Pradhan DK, Rauwerda G, Seepers R, Shafik RA, Sunesen K, Theodoropoulos D, Tzilis S, Vavouras M. DeSyRe: on-Demand System Reliability. Microprocessors and Microsystems (MICPRO) 2013, 37(2013), 981-1001.
- Shafik RA, Al-Hashimi BM, Reeve JS. System-level design optimization of reliable and low power multiprocessor system-on-chip. Microelectronics Reliability 2012, 52(8), 1735-1748.
- Narayanan VK, Mathew J, Shafik RA, Pradhan DK. Fault tolerant high performance Galios field arithmetic processor. Springer Lectures Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2012, 305(2012), 269-281.
- Shafik RA, Al-Hashimi BM. Reliability Analysis of On-Chip Communication Architectures: An MPEG-2 Video Decoder Case Study. Embedded Hardware Design (MICPRO) 2011, 35(2), 285-296.
- Shafik RA, Al-Hashimi BM, Kundu S, Ejlali A. Soft error-aware voltage scaling technique for power minimization in application-specific MPSoC. ASP Journal of Low Power Electronics (JOLPE) 2009, 5(2), 145-156.
- Islam AHMR, Shafik RA, Song JB. ACPR Performance of OFDM Systems. Journal of Kyung-Hee Devan Design Centre 2006, 14(1), 61-65.
- Shafik RA, Islam AHMR. Comparative Study of Weiner-Hopf and LMS algorithm for Adaptive Noise Cancellation of Speech. IEB Journal of Electrical Engineering 2004, 31(1&2), 50-54.
- Shafik RA, Yousaf-Zai FQ. A Novel Approach to Noisy Speech recognition using DTW algorithm with Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients. Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET-IUT) 2004, 5(2), 21-29.
Authored Book
- Shafik RA. Investigation into low power and reliable system-on-chip design [PhD thesis]. Southampton: University of Southampton, 2010.
Book Chapters
- Shafik RA, Das AK, Yang S, Merrett GV, Al-Hashimi BM. Design considerations for reliable embedded systems. In: Swingler, J, ed. Reliability Characterisation of Electrical and Electronic Systems. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, 2015, pp.169–194.
- Shafik RA, Al-Hashimi BM, Chakrabarty K. System-level Design Methodology. In: Mathew, J; Shafik, RA; Pradhan, DK, ed. Energy-Efficient Fault-Tolerant Systems. Philadelphia, US: Springer USA, 2013, pp.169-210.
- Mathew J, Jabir AS, Shafik RA, Pradhan DK. Power efficient fault tolerant finite field multiplier. In: Jimson, M; Shafik, RA; Pradhan, DK, ed. Energy Efficient Fault Tolerant Systems. Springer, USA, 2013, pp.269-306.
- Shafik RA, Mathew J, Pradhan DK. Introduction to energy efficient fault tolerant systems. In: Jimson, M; Shafik, RA; Pradhan, DK, ed. Energy-Efficient Fault Tolerant-Systems. Philadelphia, USA: Springer, USA, 2013, pp.1-10.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Mileiko S, Ritom F, Shafik R, Yakovlev A, Balsamo D. Run-time Energy and Time Management for Intermittent LoRaWAN Communications. In: IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS 2024). 2024, Naples, Italy: IEEE.
- Mileiko S, Cetinkaya O, Shafik R, Balsamo D. Stateful Energy Management for Multi-Source Energy Harvesting Transient Computing Systems. In: 2023 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE). 2023, Antwerp, Belgium: IEEE.
- Rafiev A, Morris J, Xia F, Shafik R, Yakovlev A, Granmo O-C, Brown AD. Visualization of Machine Learning Dynamics in Tsetlin Machines. In: International Symposium on the Tsetlin Machine (ISTM). 2022, Grimstad, Norway: IEEE.
- Jenkus D, Xia F, Shafik R, Yakovlev A. Runtime Energy Minimization of Distributed Many-Core Systems using Transfer Learning. In: Proc. of Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). 2022. In Preparation.
- Bakar A, Rahman T, Montanari A, Lei J, Shafik R, Kawsar F. Logic-based Intelligence for Batteryless Sensors. In: 23rd International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile). 2022. In Preparation.
- Gudur VY, Maheshwari S, Bhardwaj S, Acharyya A, Shafik R. Hardware-Algorithm Codesign for Fast and Energy Efficient Approximate String Matching on FPGA for Computational Biology. In: The Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), Glasgow, UK. 2022. In Preparation.
- Shmarov I, Docampo P, Billam T, Shafik R, Yakovlev A. Fuzlearn: A Fuzzy Clusterization based Machine Learning using Learning Automata. In: International Symposium on the Tsetlin Machine (ISTM 2022). 2022, Grimstad, Norway: IEEE.
- Rahman S, Wheeldon A, Shafik R, Yakovlev A, Lei J, Granmo O-C, Das S. Data Booleanization for Energy Efficient On-Chip Learning using Logic Driven AI. In: International Symposium on the Tsetlin Machine (ISTM). 2022, Grimstad, Norway. In Preparation.
- Mao G, Yakovlev A, Xia F, Lan T, Yu S, Shafik R. Automated Synthesis of Asynchronous Tsetlin Machines on FPGA. In: 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2022). 2022, Glasgow, UK: IEEE.
- Mao G, Yakovlev A, Xia F, Shafik R, Yu S. Automated Mapping of Asynchronous Circuits on FPGA Under Timing Constraints. In: IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI). 2022, Aliathon Resort, Pafos, Cyprus: IEEE.
- Lan T, Xia F, Mao G, Yu S, Shafik R, Yakovlev A. An editable asynchronous control logic for successive approximation register ADCs. In: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). 2022. In Preparation.
- Rahman S, Maheshwari S, Shafik R, Yakovlev A, Das S. An Automated Optimal Clause Search Paradigm for Tsetlin Machines. In: International Symposium on the Tsetlin Machine (ISTM). 2022, Grimstad, Norway. In Preparation.
- Lan T, Mao G, Xia F, Yu S, Shafik R, Yakovlev A. An Asynchronous Tsetlin Automaton Architecture with Integrated Non-volatile Memory. In: International Symposium on the Tsetlin Machine (ISTM 2022). 2022, Grimstad, Norway: IEEE.
- Morris J, Rafiev A, Xia F, Shafik R, Yakovlev A, Brown A. An Alternate Feedback Mechanism for Tsetlin Machines on Parallel Architectures. In: International Symposium on the Tsetlin Machine. 2022, Grimstad, Norway.
- Tunheim SA, Jiao L, Shafik R, Yakovlev A, Granmo O-C. A Convolutional Tsetlin Machine-based Field Programmable Gate Array Accelerator for Image Classification. In: International Symposium on the Tsetlin Machine (ISTM). 2022, Grimstad, Norway. In Preparation.
- Wheeldon A, Yakovlev A, Shafik R. Self-timed Reinforcement Learning using Tsetlin Machine. In: 27th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC 2021). 2021, Beijing, China: IEEE.
- Haddadi I, Qiqieh I, Shafik R, Xia F, Al-Hayanni M, Yakovlev A. Run-time Configurable Approximate Multiplier using Significance-Driven Logic Compression. In: IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2021). 2021, Virtual: IEEE.
- Jenkus D, Xia F, Shafik R, Yakovlev A. QoS-Aware Power Minimization of Distributed Many-Core Servers using Transfer Q-Learning. In: Design, Automation and Test in Europe, Friday Workshop on System-level Design Methods for Deep Learning on Heterogeneous Architectures (SLOHA). 2021.
- Maheshwari S, Shafik R, Wilson I, Yakovlev A, Gudur VY, Acharyya A. PLEDGER: Embedded Whole Genome Read Mapping using Algorithm-HW Co-design and Memory-aware Implementation. In: Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2021). 2021, Grenoble, France: IEEE.
- Yu S, Shafik R, Bunnam T, Chen K, Yakovlev A. Optimized Multi-Memristor Model based Low Energy and Resilient Current-Mode Multiplier Design. In: Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2021). 2021, Grenoble, France: IEEE.
- Wheeldon A, Yakovlev A, Shafik R, Morris J. Low-Latency Asynchronous Logic Design for Inference at the Edge. In: Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2021). 2021, Grenoble, France: IEEE.
- Lei J, Wheeldon A, Shafik R, Yakovlev A, Granmo O-C. From arithmetic to logic based AI: A comparative analysis of neural networks and tsetlin machine. In: ICECS 2020 - 27th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Proceedings. 2020, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Shafik R, Wheeldon A, Yakovlev A. Explainability and Dependability Analysis of Learning Automata based AI Hardware. In: 26th IEEE International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS). 2020, Napoli, Italy: IEEE.
- Mileiko S, Shafik R, Yakovlev A, Edwards J. A Pulse Width Modulation based Power-elastic and Robust Mixed-signal Perceptron Design. In: 2019 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2019). 2019, Florence, Italy: IEEE/ACM.
- Shafik R, Yu Q, Khursheed S, Miele A. Welcome message. In: 2017 IEEE Int. Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems, DFT 2017. 2018, Cambridge, UK: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Aalsaud A, Rafiev A, Xia F, Shafik R, Yakovlev A. Model-free Runtime Management for Concurrent Workloads on Many-Core Heterogeneous Systems. In: 28th International Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS 2018). 2018, Platja d'Aro, Spain: IEEE.
- Aalsaud A, Alrudainy H, Shafik R, Xia F, Yakovlev A. MEMS-Based Runtime Idle Energy Minimization for Bursty Workloads in Heterogeneous Many-Core Systems. In: 28th International Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS 2018). 2018, Platja d'Aro, Spain: IEEE.
- Alrudainy H, Shafik R, Mokhov A, Yakovlev A. Lifetime Reliability Characterization of N/MEMS Used in Power Gating of Digital Integrated Circuits. In: IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT). 2018, Cambridge, UK: IEEE.
- Al-Hayanni M, Shafik R, Rafiev A, Xia F, Yakovlev A. Speedup and Parallelization Models for Energy-Efficient Many-Core Systems Using Performance Counters. In: 2017 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation. 2017, Genoa, Italy: IEEE.
- Burke D, Jenkus D, Qiqieh I, Shafik R, Das S, Yakovlev A. Significance-driven adaptive approximate computing for energy-efficient image processing applications: special session paper. In: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis Companion (CODES 2017). 2017, Seoul, Republic of Korea: ACM.
- Burke D, Jenkus D, Qiqieh I, Das S, Shafik R, Yakovlev A. Significance-Driven Adaptive Approximate Computing for Energy-Efficient Image Processing Applications. In: CODES '17 12th IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis Companion. 2017, Seoul, Korea.
- Burke D, Jenkus D, Qiqieh I, Das S, Shafik R, Yakovlev A. Significance-Driven Adaptive Approximate Computing for Energy-Efficient Image Processing Applications. In: 12th International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis: Special Session. 2017, Seoul, Republic of Korea: ACM.
- Qiqieh I, Shafik R, Tarawneh G, Sokolov D, Yakovlev A. Energy-Efficient Approximate Wallace Tree Multiplier using Significance-Driven Logic Compression. In: IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS). 2017, Lorient, France: IEEE.
- Qiqieh I, Shafik R, Tarawneh G, Sokolov D, Yakovlev A. Energy-Efficient Approximate Multiplier Design using Bit Significance-Driven Logic Compression. In: 2017 Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland: IEEE.
- Travers M, Shafik RA, Xia F. Power-Normalized Performance Optimization of Concurrent Many-Core Applications. In: 16th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD). 2016, Torun, Poland: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Aalsaud A, Shafik R, Rafiev A, Xia F, Yang S, Yakovlev A. Power-Aware Performance Adaptation of Concurrent Applications in Heterogeneous Many-Core Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED 16). 2016, San Franciso Airport, CA, USA: ACM.
- Al-Hayanni M, Rafiev A, Shafik RA, Xia F. Power and Energy Normalized Speedup Models for Heterogeneous Many Core Computing. In: International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD). 2016, Toruń, Poland: IEEE.
- Panwar M, Acharyya A, Shafik R, Biswas D. K-Nearest Neighbor Based Methodology for Accurate Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus. In: Sixth International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED). 2016, Patna, India: IEEE.
- Martinez D, Shafik R, Acharyya A, Merrett G. Design and Implementation of an Adaptive Learning System: An MSc Project Experience. In: 11th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education (EWME 2016). 2016, Southampton, UK: IEEE.
- Burke D, Shafik RA, Yakovlev A. Challenges and opportunities in research and education of heterogeneous many-core applications. In: 2016 11th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, EWME 2016. 2016, Southampton, UK: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Das AK, Shafik RA, Merrett GV, Al-Hashimi BM, Kumar A, Veeravalli B. Workload uncertainty characterization and adaptive frequency scaling for energy minimization of embedded systems. In: Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). 2015, Grenoble, France: ACM.
- Shafik RA, Das AK, Yang S, Merrett GV, Al-Hashimi BM. Thermal-aware Adaptive Energy Minimization of OpenMP Parallel Applications. In: Workshop on Designing with Uncertainty – Opportunities & Challenges in Conjunction with Design and Test in Europe (DATE) Conference. 2015, Grenoble, France.
- Yang S, Shafik RA, Flynn D, Khursheed S, Merrett GV, Al-Hashimi BM. Application-Specific Memory Protection Policies for Energy-efficient Reliable Design. In: 26th IEEE Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP), in conjunction with Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK). 2015, Amsterdam, NL: IEEE.
- Shafik RA, Das AK, Yang S, Merrett GV, Al-Hashimi BM. Adaptive Energy Minimization of OpenMP Parallel Applications on Many-Core Systems. In: PARMA-DITAM2015: 6th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures in Conjunction with 10th HiPEAC conference. 2015, Amsterdam, NL: ACM.
- Yang S, Shafik RA, Merrett GV, Stott E, Levine J, Davis J, Al-Hashimi BM. Adaptive energy minimization of embedded heterogeneous system using regression-based learning. In: 25th International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS2015). 2015, Salvador, Brazil: IEEE.
- Das AK, Shafik RA, Merrett GV, Al-Hashimi BM, Kumar A, Veeravalli B. Reinforcement learning-based inter- and intra-application thermal optimization for lifetime improvement of multicore systems. In: Design Automation Conference (DAC). 2014, San Francisco, US: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
- Sourdis I, Strydis C, Armato A, Bouganis CS, Falsafi B, Gaydadjiev G, Isaza S, Malek A, Mariani R, Pnevmatikatos DN, Pradhan DK, Rauwerda G, Seepers R, Shafik RA, Sunesen K, Theodoropoulos D, Tzilis S, Vavouras M. DeSyRe: on-demand adaptive and reconfigurable fault-tolerant SoCs. In: International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC). 2014, Vilamoura, Portugal: Springer International Publishing.
- Sun L, Mathew J, Shafik RA, Pradhan DK, Li Z. A low power and robust carbon nanotube 6T SRAM design with metallic tolerance. In: Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). 2014, Dresden, Germany: IEEE.
- Sourdis I, Shafik RA, Strydis C, Pnevmatikatos D, Theodoropoulos D, Pradhan DK, Rauwerda G. Towards on-demand system reliability: software implemented fault tolerance and testing. In: European Test Symposium (ETS). 2013, Avignon, France.
- Shafik RA, Rauwerda G, Potman J, Sunesen K, Pradhan DK, Mathew J, Sourdis I. Software modification aided transient error tolerance for embedded systems. In: 16th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD/SEAA). 2013, Santander, Spain.
- Sun L, Mathew J, Shafik RA, Pradhan DK. Low power and robust binary tree SRAM design for embedded systems. In: IEEE International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED). 2013, Singapore, SG.
- Badan MI, Bhattacharjee S, Shafik RA, Mathew J, Pradhan DK. Lifetime reliability aware checkpointing mechanism: modelling and analysis. In: IEEE International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED). 2013, Singapore.
- Agarwal A, Singh A, Acharyya A, Shafik RA, Ahamed SR. Energy efficient and high-speed robust channel identification methodology to solve permutation indeterminacy in ICA for artifacts removal from ECG in remote healthcare. In: IEEE International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED). 2013, Singapore.
- Sabbavarapu S, Reddy BK, Prabhat R, Gupta K, Acharyya A, Shafik RA, Mathew J. A novel physical synthesis methodology in the VLSI design automation by introducing dynamic library concept. In: IEEE International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED). 2013, Singapore, Singapore: IEEE.
- Reddy BK, Sabbavarapu S, Gupta K, Prabhat R, Acharyya A, Shafik RA, Mathew J. A novel and unified digital IC design and automation methodology with reduced NRE cost and time-to-market. In: IEEE International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED). 2013, Singapore, Singapore: IEEE.
- Huang X, Mathew J, Shafik RA, Bhattacharjee S, Pradhan DK. A fast and effective DFT for test and diagnosis of power switches in SoCs. In: Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). 2013, Grenoble, France.
- Yeolekar P, Shafik RA, Mathew J, Pradhan DK, Mohanty SP. STEP: a unified design methodology for secure test and IP core protection. In: Great Lake Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI). 2012, Salt Lake City, US: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Shafik RA, Al-Hashimi BM, Mathew J, Pradhan DK, Mohanty SP. RAEF: a power normalized system-level reliability analysis and estimation framework. In: IEEE International Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI). 2012, Amherst, US.
- Galadanci J, Shafik RA, Mathew J, Acharyya A, Pradhan DK. A closed-loop control strategy for glucose control in artificial pancreas systems. In: International Symposium on Electronic Systems Design (ISED). 2012, Kolkata, India.
- Shafik RA, Al-Hashimi BM, Chakrabarty K. Soft Error-Aware Design Optimization of Low Power and Time-Constrained Embedded Systems. In: Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). 2010, Dresden, Germany.
- Shafik RA, Al-Hashimi BM. Comparative Reliability Analysis between AMBA and Network-on-Chip: An MPEG-2 Case Study. In: 22nd International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC). 2009, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
- Shafik RA, Rosinger P, Al-Hashimi BM. SystemC-based Minimum Intrusive Fault Injection Technique with Improved Fault Representation. In: International On-line Test Symposium (IOLTS). 2008, Rhodes, Greece: IEEE Computer Society.
- Shafik RA, Rosinger P, Al-Hashimi BM. SystemC-based Fault Injection Technique with Improved Fault Representation. In: European Test Symposium (ETS). 2008, Lago Maggiore, Italy.
- Mamun MS, Hussain J, Haque MH, Shafik RA. Space Time Block Coded Multi-user CDMA Systems over Rayleigh Fading Channel. In: Annual IEEE Student Paper Conference (AISPC). 2008, Aalborg, Denmark.
- Shafik RA, Rosinger P, Al-Hashimi BM. MPEG-based Performance Comparison between Network-on-Chip and AMBA MPSoC. In: IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS). 2008.
- Imtiaz N, Azim A, Shafik RA, Muhammad M. A Novel Approach of Implementing an FFT Algorithm on OFDM System. In: IEEE ComSoC Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing. 2007, China.
- Islam AHMR, Shafik RA, Rahman MS, Song JB. On The Non-linear Distortion Effects in an OFDM-RoF Link. In: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET). 2006.
- Shafik RA, Rahman MS, Adnan NA, Islam MS. On the Lempel-Ziv-Welch Coded Speech Transmission and Markov Chain Detection. In: IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET). 2006.
- Shafik RA, Rahman MS, Islam AHMR. On the Extended Relationships Among EVM, BER and SNR as Performance Metrics. In: 4th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE). 2006.
- Shafik RA, Rahman MS, Islam AHMR, Ashraf NS. On the error vector magnitude as a performance metric and comparative analysis. In: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET). 2006.
- Islam AHMR, Shafik RA, Hassan MI, Song JB. Next Generation Rural Wireless Connectivity Model For Developing Countries. In: 12th IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC). 2006, Busan, Korea.
- Islam AHMR, Shafik RA, Hassan MI, Song JB. Next Generation Converged Connectivity Model for Rural Business Opportunities in Developing Countries. In: 2nd IEEE ComSoc Joint International Conference on Optical Internet and Next-generation Network (COIN-NGNCON). 2006, Jeju Island, Korea: IEEE.
- Islam AHMR, Shafik RA, Ali S. Comparative Performance of Non-linear Distortion Effects in OFDM-RoF Link. In: IEEE-TENCON. 2006, Hong Kong.
- Shafik RA, Weiss S, Rogers ETA. A DSP-Based Approach to Congestion Control for Multihop Ad Hoc WLANs with BoD Access. In: 2nd IEE/EURASIP Conference on DSP Enabled Radio. 2005, Southampton University: IET.
Edited Book
- Mathew J, Shafik RA, Pradhan DK, ed. Energy-Efficient Fault-Tolerant Systems. New York, US: Springer, USA, 2013.
- Al-Hayanni M, Rafiev A, Shafik RA, Xia F, Yakovlev A. Extended Power and Energy Normalized Performance Models for Many-Core Systems. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Newcastle University, 2016. ASYNC Technical Report Series NCL-EEE-MICRO-TR-2016-198 198.
- Shafik RA. Personal multimedia communications: simulations and analyses. Southampton University, 2005. Technical Report.
- Shafik RA. Congestion Control of Ad Hoc Wireless LANs: A Control-theoretic paradigm to digital filter based solution. University of Southampton, 2005. MSc Disseration.