NuCore members
Dr Roman Bauer
EPSRC Fellow
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 191 208 6242
- Address: School of Computing,
Newcastle University,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
Roman Bauer is an EPSRC Research Fellow, with a research focus on biological dynamics. He devises and analyses computational and statistical models of how tissue evolves (e.d. during development, degeneration or other types of processing, e.g. cryopreservation), in order to better understand the system dynamics. These models incorporate the interaction between cellular processes and physical laws of the extracellular environment. Since such a detailed approach can be very demanding from a computational point of view, his research also involves modern computing approaches and IT-related collaboration.
Roman received his Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Computational Science and Engineering from ETH Zuerich, Switzerland. Afterwards, he did his doctoral studies with Prof. Rodney Douglas at the Institute for Neuroinformatics (INI) at ETH and University Zuerich, working on simulations of cortical development. He joined Prof. Marcus Kaiser's lab in September 2013 and afterwards started his MRC fellowship project in September 2016 as an independent PI. In June 2018 he took up an EPSRC UKRI Innovation Fellowship at the School of Computing and a joint affiliation with the Institute of Genetic Medicine, both at Newcastle University.
Google Scholar: Click here.
Area of expertise: Computational biology
- Zubler F, Hauri A, Pfister S, Bauer R, Anderson JC, Whatley AM, Douglas RJ. Simulating Cortical Development as a Self Constructing Process: A Novel Multi-Scale Approach Combining Molecular and Physical Aspects. PLoS Computational Biology 2013, 9(8), e1003173.
- Bauer R, Zubler F, Hauri A, Muir DR, Douglas RJ. Developmental Origin of Patchy Axonal Connectivity in the Neocortex: A Computational Model. Cerebral Cortex 2014, 24(2), 487-500.
- Bauer R, Kaiser M, Stoll E. A computational model incorporating neural stem cell dynamics reproduces glioma incidence across the lifespan in the human population. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(11), e111219.
- Bauer R, Zubler F, Pfister S, Hauri A, Pfeiffer M, Muir D, Douglas RJ. Developmental self-construction and –configuration of functional neocortical neuronal networks. PLoS Computational Biology 2014, 10(12), e1003994.
- Breitwieser L, Bauer R, DiMeglio A, Johard L, Kaiser M, Manca M, Mazzara M, Rademakers F, Talanov M. The BioDynaMo Project: creating a platform for large-scale reproducible biological simulations. In: 4th Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences. 2016, Manchester, UK: CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Gonzalez-de-Aledo P, Vladimirov A, Manca M, Baugh J, Asai R, Kaiser M, Bauer R. An optimization approach for agent-based computational models of biological development. Advances in Engineering Software 2018, 121, 262-275.
- Bauer R, Kaier M, Cardarelli R, Aielli G. Considerations on Brain-Machine Interfaces from a Neuroscience and Physics Perspective. In: Marco Manca, ed. Handbook of Complexity in Medicine. Berlin: Springer, 2025. In Press.
- Bauer R, Kaiser M. Nonlinear growth: An origin of hub organization in complex networks. Royal Society Open Science 2017.
- Bauer R, Kaiser M. Organisational Principles of Connectomes: Changes during Evolution and Development. In: Shuichi S; Yasunori M; Tadashi N, ed. Brain Evolution by Design: From Neural Origin to Cognitive Architecture. Tokyo, Japan: Springer Japan, 2017, pp.387-401.
- Bauer R, Breitwieser L, DiMeglio A, Johard L, Kaiser M, Manca M, Rademakers F, Talanov M, Tchitchigin A. The BioDynaMo Project: Experience Report. In: Jordi Vallverdú (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), Manuel Mazzara (Innopolis University, Russia), Max Talanov (Kazan Federal University, Russia), Salvatore Distefano (University of Messina, Italy & Kazan Federal University, Russia) and Robert Lowe (University of Gothenburg, Sweden & University of Skövde, Sweden), ed. Advanced Research on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures. IGI Global, 2017, pp.117-125.
- Breitwieser L, Bauer R, Di Meglio A, Johard L, Kaiser M, Manca M, Mazzara M, Rademakers F, Talanov M. The BioDynaMo project: Creating a platform for large-scale reproducible biological simulations. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2016, Manchester, UK: CEUR-WS.
- Bauer R, Clowry G, Kaiser M. Creative destruction: a basic computational model of cortical layer formation. Cerebral Cortex 2017. Submitted.
- Sakhaee E, Mahdiani M, Shojaei M, Hassanian-Moghaddam H, Bauer R, Zamani N, Pakdaman H, Gharagozli K. Prognostic Accuracy of qEEG in Opioid Overdose. Intensive Care Medicine 2018. In Preparation.
- Dorgau B, Felemban N, Sharpe A, Bauer R, Hallam D, Steel DH, Lindsay S, Mellough C, Lako M. Laminin γ3 plays an important role in retinal lamination, photoreceptor organisation and ganglion cell differentiation. Cell Death and Disease 2018, 9(6), 615.
- Felemban M, Dorgau B, Hunt NC, Hallam D, Zerti D, Bauer R, Ding Y, Collin J, Steel DH, Krasnogor N, Al-Aama J, Lindsay S, Mellough C, Lako M. Extracellular matrix components expression in human pluripotent stem cell-derived retinal organoids recapitulates retinogenesis in vivo and reveals an important role for IMPG1 and CD44 in the development of photoreceptors and interphotoreceptor matrix. Acta Biomaterialia 2018, 74, 207-221.
- Mellough CB, Bauer R, Collin J, Dorgau B, Zert D, Dolan D, Jones C, Izuogu OG, Yu M, Hallam D, Steyn J, White K, Steel DH, Santibanez-Koref M, Elliott DJ, Jackson M, Lindsay S, Magaraja-Grellscheid S, Lako M. An integrated transcriptional analysis of the developing human retina. Development 2019, 146(2), dev169474.
- Collin J, Zerti D, Queen R, SantoFerreira T, Bauer R, Coxhead J, Hussain R, Steel D, Mellough C, Ader M, Sernagor E, Armstrong L, Lako M. CRX Expression in Pluripotent Stem Cell‐Derived Photoreceptors Marks a Transplantable Subpopulation of Early Cones. Stem Cells (Durham) 2019, 37(5), 609-622.
- Peraza LR, Diaz-Parra A, Kennion O, Moratal D, Taylor JP, Kaiser M, Bauer R. Structural connectivity centrality changes mark the path toward Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis Assessment & Disease Monitoring 2019, 11, 98-107.